! A.Idelkadi sept 2013 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Module pour declarer et initialiser les parametres de controle des fichiers de sorties et des champs a sortir !! La routine cosp_output_open (appelee 1 seule fois dans phy_cosp.F90) permet : !! de creer les fichiers avec leurs grilles horizontales et verticales ! ! R.Guzman jan 2019 (mise a jour pour COSPv2) ! On change le nom du module a "lmdz_cosp_output_mod" et celui de la routine a "lmdz_cosp_output_open" ! pour qu'on sache qu'il s'agit d'un module specifique a l'implementation de COSP dans LMDZ ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MODULE lmdz_cosp_output_mod USE COSP_KINDS, ONLY: wp,dp IMPLICIT NONE ! cosp_output_mod INTEGER :: i !!!!!!! Controle des fichier de sorties Cosp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOGICAL, DIMENSION(3), SAVE :: cosp_outfilekeys INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), SAVE :: cosp_nidfiles !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cosp_outfilekeys, cosp_nidfiles) INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), SAVE :: nhoricosp,nvert,nvertmcosp,nvertcol,nvertbze, & nvertsratio,nvertisccp,nvertp,nverttemp,nvertmisr, & nvertReffIce,nvertReffLiq,nverttau REAL, DIMENSION(3), SAVE :: zoutm_cosp !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nhoricosp, nvert,nvertmcosp,nvertcol,nvertsratio,nvertbze,nvertisccp,nvertp,zoutm_cosp,nverttemp,nvertmisr) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nvertReffIce,nvertReffLiq,nverttau) REAL, SAVE :: zdtimemoy_cosp !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zdtimemoy_cosp) CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(3), SAVE :: cosp_outfiletypes CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(3), SAVE :: cosp_outfilenames REAL, DIMENSION(3), SAVE :: cosp_ecritfiles !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cosp_outfiletypes, cosp_outfilenames, cosp_ecritfiles) !!!! Controle des variables a sortir dans les fichiers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TYPE ctrl_outcosp LOGICAL,DIMENSION(3) :: cles !!! Sortir ou non le champs CHARACTER(len=20) :: name CHARACTER(len=150) :: description !!! Nom CHARACTER(len=20) :: unit !!! Unite CHARACTER(len=20),DIMENSION(3) :: cosp_typeecrit !!! Operation (ave, inst, ...) END TYPE ctrl_outcosp ! CALIPSO vars (43) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cllcalipso = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cllcalipso", "CALIPSO Low-level Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clmcalipso = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clmcalipso", "CALIPSO Mid-level Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clhcalipso = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clhcalipso", "CALIPSO High-level Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cltcalipso = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cltcalipso", "CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipso = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipso", "CALIPSO Cloud Fraction (532 nm)", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cfadLidarsr532 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cfadLidarsr532", "CALIPSO Scattering Ratio CFAD (532 nm)", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_atb532 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "atb532", "CALIPSO Attenuated Total Backscatter (532 nm)","1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_lidarBetaMol532 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "lidarBetaMol532", "CALIPSO Molecular Backscatter (532 nm)","m-1 sr-1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) !! AI 11 2015 TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cllcalipsoice = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cllcalipsoice", "CALIPSO Ice-Phase Low Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cllcalipsoliq = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cllcalipsoliq", "CALIPSO Liq-Phase Low Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clmcalipsoice = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clmcalipsoice", "CALIPSO Ice-Phase Mid Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clmcalipsoliq = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clmcalipsoliq", "CALIPSO Liq-Phase Mid Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clhcalipsoice = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clhcalipsoice", "CALIPSO Ice-Phase High Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clhcalipsoliq = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clhcalipsoliq", "CALIPSO Liq-Phase High Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cltcalipsoice = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cltcalipsoice", "CALIPSO Ice-Phase Tot Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cltcalipsoliq = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cltcalipsoliq", "CALIPSO Liq-Phase Tot Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cllcalipsoun = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cllcalipsoun", "CALIPSO Undefined-Phase Low Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clmcalipsoun = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clmcalipsoun", "CALIPSO Undefined-Phase Mid Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clhcalipsoun = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clhcalipsoun", "CALIPSO Undefined-Phase High Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cltcalipsoun = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cltcalipsoun", "CALIPSO Undefined-Phase Tot Level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsoice = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsoice", "CALIPSO Ice-Phase Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsoliq = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsoliq", "CALIPSO Liq-Phase Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsoun = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsoun", "CALIPSO Undef-Phase Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsotmpice = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsotmpice", "CALIPSO Ice-Phase Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsotmpliq = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsotmpliq", "CALIPSO Liq-Phase Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsotmpun = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsotmpun", "CALIPSO Undef-Phase Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsotmp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsotmp", "CALIPSO Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clopaquecalipso = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clopaquecalipso", "CALIPSO Opaque Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clthincalipso = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clthincalipso", "CALIPSO Thin Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clzopaquecalipso = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clzopaquecalipso", "CALIPSO mean opacity altitude", "m", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsoopaque = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsoopaque", "CALIPSO Opaque profile Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsothin = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsothin", "CALIPSO Thin profile Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsozopaque = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsozopaque", "CALIPSO z_opaque Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipsoopacity = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipsoopacity", "CALIPSO opacity Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clopaquetemp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clopaquetemp", "CALIPSO Opaque Cloud Temperature", "K", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clthintemp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clthintemp", "CALIPSO Thin Cloud Temperature", "K", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clzopaquetemp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clzopaquetemp", "CALIPSO z_opaque Temperature", "K", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clopaquemeanz = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clopaquemeanz", "CALIPSO Opaque Cloud Altitude", "m", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clthinmeanz = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clthinmeanz", "CALIPSO Thin Cloud Altitude", "m", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clthinemis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clthinemis", "CALIPSO Thin Cloud Emissivity", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clopaquemeanzse = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clopaquemeanzse", "CALIPSO Opaque Cloud Altitude with respect to Surface Elevation", "m", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clthinmeanzse = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clthinmeanzse", "CALIPSO Thin Cloud Altitude with respect to Surface Elevation", "m", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clzopaquecalipsose = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clzopaquecalipsose", "CALIPSO mean opacity Altitude with respect to Surface Elevation", "m", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! GROUND LIDAR 532 nm vars (8) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cllgrLidar532 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cllgrLidar532", "GROUND LIDAR 532 nm Low-level Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clmgrLidar532 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clmgrLidar532", "GROUND LIDAR 532 nm Mid-level Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clhgrLidar532 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clhgrLidar532", "GROUND LIDAR 532 nm High-level Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cltgrLidar532 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cltgrLidar532", "GROUND LIDAR 532 nm Total Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clgrLidar532 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clgrLidar532", "GROUND LIDAR 532 nm Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cfadLidarsr532gr = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cfadLidarsr532gr", "GROUND LIDAR 532 nm Scattering Ratio CFAD", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_atb532gr = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "atb532gr", "GROUND LIDAR 532 nm Attenuated Total Backscatter (532 nm)","m-1 sr-1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_lidarBetaMol532gr = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "lidarBetaMol532gr", "GROUND LIDAR 532 nm Molecular Backscatter (532 nm)","m-1 sr-1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! ATLID vars (8) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cllatlid = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cllatlid", "ATLID Low-level Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clmatlid = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clmatlid", "ATLID Mid-level Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clhatlid = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clhatlid", "ATLID High-level Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cltatlid = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cltatlid", "ATLID Total Cloud Fraction", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clatlid = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clatlid", "ATLID Cloud Fraction (532 nm)", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cfadLidarsr355 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cfadLidarsr355", "ATLID Scattering Ratio CFAD (532 nm)", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_atb355 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "atb355", "ATLID Attenuated Total Backscatter (532 nm)","m-1 sr-1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_lidarBetaMol355 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "lidarBetaMol355", "ATLID Molecular Backscatter (532 nm)","m-1 sr-1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! PARASOL vars (2) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_parasolGrid_refl = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "parasolGrid_refl", "PARASOL Reflectance","1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_parasolPix_refl = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "parasolPix_refl", "PARASOL Subcolumn Reflectance","1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_Ncrefl = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & ! "Ncrefl", "Nb PARASOL-like mono-directional reflectance (integral)","1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! Radar CloudSat vars (13) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cfadDbze94 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cfadDbze94", "CloudSat Radar Reflectivity CFAD", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_dbze94 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "dbze94", "CloudSat Radar Reflectivity", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag0 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag0", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 0", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag1 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag1", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 1", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag2 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag2", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 2", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag3 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag3", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 3", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag4 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag4", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 4", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag5 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag5", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 5", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag6 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag6", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 6", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag7 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag7", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 7", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag8 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag8", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 8", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_ptradarflag9 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "ptradarflag9", "CloudSat Radar Precipitation frequency flag 9", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_radarpia = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "radarpia", "CloudSat Radar PIA", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! CALIPSO + CloudSat vars (4) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clcalipso2 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clcalipso2", "CALIPSO Cloud Fraction Undetected by CloudSat", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cltlidarradar = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE.,.TRUE. /), & "cltlidarradar", "CALIPSO and CloudSat Radar Total Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cloudsat_tcc = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE.,.TRUE. /), & "cloudsat_tcc", "CALIPSO and CloudSat Radar Total Cloud Fraction?", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cloudsat_tcc2 = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE.,.TRUE. /), & "cloudsat_tcc2", "CALIPSO and CloudSat Radar Total Cloud Fraction?", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! ISCCP vars (9) + sunlit (1) ! TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_sunlit = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & ! "sunlit", "1 for day points, 0 for nightime", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clisccp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clisccp", "Cloud Fraction as Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator","%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_boxtauisccp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "boxtauisccp", "Optical Depth in Each Column as Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator","1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_boxptopisccp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "boxptopisccp", "Cloud Top Pressure in Each Column as Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator","Pa", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cltisccp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cltisccp", "Total Cloud Fraction as Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_pctisccp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "pctisccp", "Mean Cloud Top Pressure as Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator", "Pa", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_tauisccp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "tauisccp", "Optical Depth as Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_albisccp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "albisccp", "Mean Cloud Albedo as Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_meantbisccp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "meantbisccp", " Mean all-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature as calculated & by the ISCCP Simulator","K", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_meantbclrisccp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "meantbclrisccp", "Mean clear-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature as calculated & by the ISCCP Simulator","K", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! MISR simulator var (3) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_misr_fq = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "misr_fq", "MISR joint-PDF of cloud top pressure and optical depth","%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_misr_meanztop = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "misr_meanztop", "MISR Mean Cloud Top Height","%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_misr_cldarea = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "misr_cldarea", "MISR cloud cover","%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! MODIS simulator vars (20) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cllmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cllmodis", "MODIS Low-level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clmmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clmmodis", "MODIS Mid-level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clhmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clhmodis", "MODIS High-level Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_cltmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "cltmodis", "MODIS Total Cloud Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_clwmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "clwmodis", "MODIS Cloud Fraction water mean", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_climodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "climodis", "MODIS Cloud Fraction ice mean", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_tautmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "tautmodis", "MODIS Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_tauwmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "tauwmodis", "MODIS Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_tauimodis= ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "tauimodis", "MODIS Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_tautlogmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "tautlogmodis", "MODIS Optical_Thickness_Total_logMean", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_tauwlogmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "tauwlogmodis", "MODIS Optical_Thickness_Water_logMean", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_tauilogmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "tauilogmodis", "MODIS Optical_Thickness_Ice_logMean", "1", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_reffclwmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "reffclwmodis", "Modis Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean", "m", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_reffclimodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "reffclimodis", "Modis Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean", "m", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_pctmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "pctmodis", "Modis Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean", "Pa", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_lwpmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "lwpmodis", "Modis Liquid_Water_Path_Mean", "kg m-2", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_iwpmodis = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "iwpmodis", "Modis Ice_Water_Path_Mean", "kg m-2", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_modis_ot_vs_ctp = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "modis_ot_vs_ctp", "MODIS joint-PDF of cloud top pressure and optical depth", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_modis_ot_vs_reffice = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "modis_ot_vs_reffice", "MODIS Joint-PDF of optical-depth and ice particle size", "%", (/ ('',i=1, 3) /)) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_modis_ot_vs_reffliq = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE.,.TRUE. /), & "modis_ot_vs_reffliq", "MODIS Joint-PDF of optical-depth and liquid particle size", "%", (/ ('',i=1, 3) /)) ! Rttovs simulator var (1) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_tbrttov = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "tbrttov", "Rttovs Cloud Area Fraction", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) ! Scops and others var (1) TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), SAVE :: o_fracout = ctrl_outcosp((/ .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE. /), & "fracout", "Subcolumn output from SCOPS", "%", (/ ('', i=1, 3) /)) LOGICAL, SAVE :: cosp_varsdefined = .FALSE. ! ug PAS THREADPRIVATE ET C'EST NORMAL REAL, SAVE :: Cosp_fill_value !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(Cosp_fill_value) CONTAINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! Ouverture des fichier et definition des axes!!!!!!!! !! histbeg, histvert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBROUTINE lmdz_cosp_output_open(Nlevlmdz, Ncolumns, presnivs, dtime, freq_cosp, & ok_mensuelCOSP, ok_journeCOSP, ok_hfCOSP, ok_all_xml, & ecrit_mth, ecrit_day, ecrit_hf, use_vgrid, Nlvgrid, vgrid_z_loc, & vgrid_mz) use mod_cosp_config, only : CLOUDSAT_DBZE_BINS, SR_BINS, CLOUDSAT_CFAD_ZE_MIN, PARASOL_NREFL, & CLOUDSAT_CFAD_ZE_WIDTH,PARASOL_SZA, & isccp_histPresCenters,tau_binCenters, LIDAR_NTEMP, & LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP,misr_histHgtCenters,numMISRHgtBins, & numMODISReffIceBins,reffICE_binCenters, & numMODISReffLiqBins, reffLIQ_binCenters, pres_binCenters, & cloudsat_binCenters, calipso_binCenters USE iophy USE ioipsl USE phys_cal_mod USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: day_ref, annee_ref, day_ini, start_time, itau_phy USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout ! ug Pour les sorties XIOS USE wxios IMPLICIT NONE !!! Variables d'entree integer :: Nlevlmdz, Ncolumns, Nlvgrid ! Number of levels real,dimension(Nlevlmdz) :: presnivs, vgrid_mz real,dimension(Nlvgrid) :: vgrid_z_loc real :: dtime, freq_cosp, ecrit_day, ecrit_hf, ecrit_mth logical :: use_vgrid logical :: ok_mensuelCOSP, ok_journeCOSP, ok_hfCOSP, ok_all_xml !!! Variables locales integer :: idayref, iff, ii real :: zjulian,zjulian_start real(wp),dimension(Ncolumns) :: column_ax CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(3) :: chfreq = (/ '1day', '1d ', '3h ' /) !!! Variables d'entree ! ug Variables utilisées pour récupérer le calendrier pour xios INTEGER :: x_an, x_mois, x_jour REAL :: x_heure INTEGER :: ini_an, ini_mois, ini_jour REAL :: ini_heure WRITE(lunout,*) 'Debut lmdz_cosp_output_mod.F90' print*,'cosp_varsdefined',cosp_varsdefined ! Initialisations (Valeurs par defaut) !! Definition valeurs axes do ii=1,Ncolumns column_ax(ii) = real(ii) enddo cosp_outfilenames(1) = 'histmthCOSP' cosp_outfilenames(2) = 'histdayCOSP' cosp_outfilenames(3) = 'histhfCOSP' cosp_outfiletypes(1) = 'ave(X)' cosp_outfiletypes(2) = 'ave(X)' cosp_outfiletypes(3) = 'ave(X)' cosp_outfilekeys(1) = ok_mensuelCOSP cosp_outfilekeys(2) = ok_journeCOSP cosp_outfilekeys(3) = ok_hfCOSP cosp_ecritfiles(1) = mth_len*86400. cosp_ecritfiles(2) = 1.*86400. cosp_ecritfiles(3) = 0.125*86400. ! Lecture des parametres dans output.def ou config.def CALL getin('cosp_outfilenames',cosp_outfilenames) CALL getin('cosp_outfilekeys',cosp_outfilekeys) CALL getin('cosp_ecritfiles',cosp_ecritfiles) CALL getin('cosp_outfiletypes',cosp_outfiletypes) WRITE(lunout,*)'cosp_outfilenames=',cosp_outfilenames WRITE(lunout,*)'cosp_outfilekeys=',cosp_outfilekeys WRITE(lunout,*)'cosp_ecritfiles=',cosp_ecritfiles WRITE(lunout,*)'cosp_outfiletypes=',cosp_outfiletypes idayref = day_ref CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, idayref, 0.0, zjulian) CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, day_ini, start_time, zjulian_start) IF (using_xios) THEN ! recuperer la valeur indefine Xios ! CALL xios_get_field_attr("clcalipso",default_value=Cosp_fill_value) ! Cosp_fill_value=missing_val Cosp_fill_value=0. print*,'Cosp_fill_value=',Cosp_fill_value CALL wxios_add_vaxis("height", Nlvgrid, vgrid_z_loc) print*,'wxios_add_vaxis Nlvgrid, vgrid_z_loc',Nlvgrid,vgrid_z_loc WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis height_mlev, Nlevlmdz vgrid_mz ', & Nlevlmdz,vgrid_mz CALL wxios_add_vaxis("height_mlev", Nlevlmdz, vgrid_mz) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis sza, PARASOL_NREFL ', & PARASOL_NREFL, PARASOL_SZA CALL wxios_add_vaxis("sza", PARASOL_NREFL, PARASOL_SZA) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis pressure2 ',7,pres_binCenters CALL wxios_add_vaxis("pressure2", 7, pres_binCenters) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis column ',Ncolumns,column_ax CALL wxios_add_vaxis("column", Ncolumns, column_ax) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis temp LIDAR_NTEMP, LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP ', & LIDAR_NTEMP, LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP CALL wxios_add_vaxis("temp", LIDAR_NTEMP, LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis cth16 numMISRHgtBins, misr_histHgtCenters ', & numMISRHgtBins, misr_histHgtCenters CALL wxios_add_vaxis("cth", numMISRHgtBins, misr_histHgtCenters) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis dbze CLOUDSAT_DBZE_BINS, cloudsat_binCenters ', & CLOUDSAT_DBZE_BINS, cloudsat_binCenters CALL wxios_add_vaxis("dbze", CLOUDSAT_DBZE_BINS, cloudsat_binCenters) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis scatratio SR_BINS, calipso_binCenters', & SR_BINS, calipso_binCenters CALL wxios_add_vaxis("scatratio", SR_BINS, calipso_binCenters) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis ReffIce numMODISReffIceBins, & reffICE_binCenters',numMODISReffIceBins, reffICE_binCenters CALL wxios_add_vaxis("ReffIce", numMODISReffIceBins, reffICE_binCenters) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis ReffLiq numMODISReffLiqBins, & reffLIQ_binCenters', numMODISReffLiqBins, reffLIQ_binCenters CALL wxios_add_vaxis("ReffLiq", numMODISReffLiqBins, reffLIQ_binCenters) WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_vaxis 7, tau_binCenters', & 7, tau_binCenters CALL wxios_add_vaxis("tau", 7, tau_binCenters) ENDIF zdtimemoy_cosp = freq_COSP ! Frequence ou l on moyenne DO iff=1,3 zoutm_cosp(iff) = cosp_ecritfiles(iff) ! Frequence ou l on ecrit en seconde IF (cosp_outfilekeys(iff)) THEN CALL histbeg_phy_all(cosp_outfilenames(iff),itau_phy,zjulian,& dtime,nhoricosp(iff),cosp_nidfiles(iff)) ! print*,'histbeg_phy nhoricosp(iff),cosp_nidfiles(iff)', & ! nhoricosp(iff),cosp_nidfiles(iff) IF (using_xios) THEN IF (.not. ok_all_xml) then WRITE(lunout,*) 'wxios_add_file ',cosp_outfilenames(iff) CALL wxios_add_file(cosp_outfilenames(iff),chfreq(iff),10) ENDIF ENDIF #ifndef CPP_IOIPSL_NO_OUTPUT ! Definition de l'axe vertical if (use_vgrid) then ! Axe vertical Cosp 40 niveaux (en m) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"height","height","m",Nlvgrid,vgrid_z_loc,nvert(iff)) else ! Axe vertical modele LMDZ presnivs CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"presnivs","Vertical levels","Pa",Nlevlmdz,presnivs,nvert(iff),"down") endif ! Axe vertical niveaux modele (en m) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"height_mlev","height_mlev","m",Nlevlmdz,vgrid_mz,nvertmcosp(iff)) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"sza","solar_zenith_angle","degrees",PARASOL_NREFL,PARASOL_SZA,nvertp(iff)) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"pressure2","pressure","mb",7,pres_binCenters,nvertisccp(iff),"down") CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"column","column","count",Ncolumns,column_ax,nvertcol(iff)) !DBUG CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"temp","temperature","C",LIDAR_NTEMP,LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP,nverttemp(iff)) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"cth","altitude","m",numMISRHgtBins,misr_histHgtCenters,nvertmisr(iff)) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"ReffIce","Effective_particle_size_Ice","microns",numMODISReffIceBins, reffICE_binCenters, & nvertReffIce(iff)) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"ReffLiq","Effective_particle_size_Liq","microns",numMODISReffLiqBins, reffLIQ_binCenters, & nvertReffLiq(iff)) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"dbze","equivalent_reflectivity_factor","dBZ",CLOUDSAT_DBZE_BINS,cloudsat_binCenters,nvertbze(iff)) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"scatratio","backscattering_ratio","1",SR_BINS,calipso_binCenters,nvertsratio(iff)) CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"tau","cloud optical depth","1",7,tau_binCenters,nverttau(iff)) !!! Valeur indefinie en cas IOIPSL Cosp_fill_value=0. #endif ENDIF ENDDO end SUBROUTINE lmdz_cosp_output_open END MODULE lmdz_cosp_output_mod