! ! $Id: iniphysiq_mod.F90 4482 2023-03-29 13:14:27Z idelkadi $ ! MODULE iniphysiq_mod CONTAINS SUBROUTINE iniphysiq(ii,jj,nlayer, & nbp, communicator, & punjours, pdayref,ptimestep, & rlatudyn,rlatvdyn,rlonudyn,rlonvdyn,airedyn,cudyn,cvdyn, & prad,pg,pr,pcpp,iflag_phys) USE dimphy, ONLY: init_dimphy USE inigeomphy_mod, ONLY: inigeomphy USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon,nbp_lat,nbp_lev,klon_glo ! number of atmospheric columns (on full grid) USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: klon_omp ! number of columns (on local omp grid) USE vertical_layers_mod, ONLY : init_vertical_layers USE infotrac, ONLY: nbtr, type_trac #ifdef CPP_StratAer USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas, id_OCS_strat, & id_SO2_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_BIN01_strat #endif #ifdef REPROBUS USE CHEM_REP, ONLY : Init_chem_rep_phys #ifdef CPP_PARA USE parallel_lmdz, ONLY : mpi_size, mpi_rank USE bands, ONLY : distrib_phys #endif USE mod_phys_lmdz_omp_data, ONLY: klon_omp #endif USE control_mod, ONLY: dayref,anneeref,day_step,nday,offline, iphysiq USE inifis_mod, ONLY: inifis USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: init_time USE temps_mod, ONLY: annee_ref, day_ini, day_ref, start_time, calend, year_len USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: init_infotrac_phy USE phystokenc_mod, ONLY: init_phystokenc USE phyaqua_mod, ONLY: iniaqua USE comconst_mod, ONLY: omeg, rad #ifdef INCA USE indice_sol_mod, ONLY: nbsrf, is_oce, is_sic, is_ter, is_lic #ifdef CPP_PARA USE parallel_lmdz, ONLY : mpi_size, mpi_rank USE bands, ONLY : distrib_phys #endif USE mod_phys_lmdz_omp_data, ONLY: klon_omp #endif USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY: getin_p USE slab_heat_transp_mod, ONLY: ini_slab_transp_geom IMPLICIT NONE ! ======================================================================= ! Initialisation of the physical constants and some positional and ! geometrical arrays for the physics ! ======================================================================= include "dimensions.h" include "paramet.h" include "iniprint.h" include "tracstoke.h" include "comgeom.h" REAL, INTENT (IN) :: prad ! radius of the planet (m) REAL, INTENT (IN) :: pg ! gravitational acceleration (m/s2) REAL, INTENT (IN) :: pr ! ! reduced gas constant R/mu REAL, INTENT (IN) :: pcpp ! specific heat Cp REAL, INTENT (IN) :: punjours ! length (in s) of a standard day INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: ii ! number of atmospheric columns along longitudes INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: jj ! number of atompsheric columns along latitudes INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbp ! number of physics columns for this MPI process INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: communicator ! MPI communicator REAL, INTENT (IN) :: rlatudyn(jj+1) ! latitudes of the physics grid REAL, INTENT (IN) :: rlatvdyn(jj) ! latitude boundaries of the physics grid REAL, INTENT (IN) :: rlonvdyn(ii+1) ! longitudes of the physics grid REAL, INTENT (IN) :: rlonudyn(ii+1) ! longitude boundaries of the physics grid REAL, INTENT (IN) :: airedyn(ii+1,jj+1) ! area of the dynamics grid (m2) REAL, INTENT (IN) :: cudyn((ii+1)*(jj+1)) ! cu coeff. (u_covariant = cu * u) REAL, INTENT (IN) :: cvdyn((ii+1)*jj) ! cv coeff. (v_covariant = cv * v) INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: pdayref ! reference day of for the simulation REAL, INTENT (IN) :: ptimestep !physics time step (s) INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: iflag_phys ! type of physics to be called INTEGER :: ibegin, iend, offset INTEGER :: i,j,k CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: modname = 'iniphysiq' CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: abort_message LOGICAL :: slab_hdiff INTEGER :: slab_ekman CHARACTER (LEN = 6) :: type_ocean #ifndef CPP_PARA INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mpi_rank=0 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mpi_size = 1 INTEGER :: distrib_phys(mpi_rank:mpi_rank)=(jjm-1)*iim+2 #endif ! --> initialize physics distribution, global fields and geometry ! (i.e. things in phy_common or dynphy_lonlat) CALL inigeomphy(ii,jj,nlayer, & nbp, communicator, & rlatudyn,rlatvdyn, & rlonudyn,rlonvdyn, & airedyn,cudyn,cvdyn) ! --> now initialize things specific to the phylmd physics package !!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) COPYIN(/temps/) ! Copy all threadprivate variables in temps_mod !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) COPYIN(annee_ref,day_ini,day_ref,start_time) ! Initialize physical constants in physics: CALL inifis(punjours,prad,pg,pr,pcpp) CALL init_time(annee_ref,day_ref,day_ini,start_time,nday,ptimestep) ! Initialize dimphy module (unless in 1D where it has already been done) ! IF (klon_glo>1) CALL Init_dimphy(klon_omp,nlayer) ! Copy over "offline" settings CALL init_phystokenc(offline,istphy) ! Initialization for slab heat transport type_ocean="force" CALL getin_p('type_ocean',type_ocean) slab_hdiff=.FALSE. CALL getin_p('slab_hdiff',slab_hdiff) slab_ekman=0 CALL getin_p('slab_ekman',slab_ekman) IF ((type_ocean=='slab').AND.(slab_hdiff.OR.(slab_ekman.GT.0))) THEN CALL ini_slab_transp_geom(ip1jm,ip1jmp1,unsairez,fext,unsaire,& cu,cuvsurcv,cv,cvusurcu, & aire,apoln,apols, & aireu,airev,rlatvdyn,rad,omeg) END IF ! Initialize tracer names, numbers, etc. for physics CALL init_infotrac_phy ! Initializations for Reprobus IF (type_trac == 'repr') THEN #ifdef REPROBUS call Init_chem_rep_phys(klon_omp,nlayer) call init_reprobus_para( & nbp_lon,nbp_lat,nbp_lev,klon_glo,mpi_size, & distrib_phys,communicator) #endif ENDIF !$OMP END PARALLEL IF (type_trac == 'repr') THEN #ifdef REPROBUS call init_reprobus_para( & nbp_lon,nbp_lat,nbp_lev,klon_glo,mpi_size, & distrib_phys,communicator) #endif ENDIF !!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) COPYIN(/temps/) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) ! Additional initializations for aquaplanets IF (iflag_phys>=100) THEN CALL iniaqua(klon_omp,year_len,iflag_phys) END IF IF (ANY(type_trac == ['inca','inco'])) THEN #ifdef INCA CALL init_inca_dim_reg(nbp_lon, nbp_lat - 1, & rlonudyn, rlatudyn, rlonvdyn, rlatvdyn) #endif END IF !$OMP END PARALLEL END SUBROUTINE iniphysiq END MODULE iniphysiq_mod