SUBROUTINE splint(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,y) c c Routine to compute a cubic-spline interpolated value Y given the c value of X, the arrays XA, YA and the 2nd derivative array Y2A c computed by SUBROUTINE SPLINE. See "Numerical Recipes" for details c IMPLICIT REAL (a-h,o-z) IMPLICIT INTEGER (i-n) DIMENSION xa(n),ya(n),y2a(n) kl0=1 khi=n c means of bisection 1 IF( THEN k=(khi+kl0)/2 IF(xa(k).gt.x) THEN khi=k ELSE kl0=k END IF GO TO 1 END IF c KL0 and KHI now bracket the X h=xa(khi)-xa(kl0) IF(h.eq.0.0) STOP a=(xa(khi)-x)/h c evaluation of cubic spline polynomial b=(x-xa(kl0))/h y=a*ya(kl0)+b*ya(khi)+((a**3-a)*y2a(kl0)+(b**3-b)*y2a(khi))*(h**2) ./6. c RETURN END