! radiation_gas_constants.F90 - Molar mases and ID codes of the various gases ! ! (C) Copyright 2014- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! License: see the COPYING file for details ! module radiation_gas_constants use parkind1, only : jprb implicit none public ! Gas codes; these indices match those of RRTM-LW up to 7 integer, parameter :: IGasNotPresent = 0 integer, parameter :: IH2O = 1 integer, parameter :: ICO2 = 2 integer, parameter :: IO3 = 3 integer, parameter :: IN2O = 4 integer, parameter :: ICO = 5 integer, parameter :: ICH4 = 6 integer, parameter :: IO2 = 7 integer, parameter :: ICFC11 = 8 integer, parameter :: ICFC12 = 9 integer, parameter :: IHCFC22= 10 integer, parameter :: ICCl4 = 11 integer, parameter :: INO2 = 12 integer, parameter :: NMaxGases = 12 ! Molar masses (g mol-1) of dry air and the various gases above real(jprb), parameter :: AirMolarMass = 28.970_jprb real(jprb), parameter, dimension(0:NMaxGases) :: GasMolarMass = (/ & & 0.0_jprb, & ! Gas not present & 18.0152833_jprb, & ! H2O & 44.011_jprb, & ! CO2 & 47.9982_jprb, & ! O3 & 44.013_jprb, & ! N2O & 28.0101_jprb, & ! CO & 16.043_jprb, & ! CH4 & 31.9988_jprb, & ! O2 & 137.3686_jprb, & ! CFC11 & 120.914_jprb, & ! CFC12 & 86.469_jprb, & ! HCFC22 & 153.823_jprb, & ! CCl4 & 46.0055_jprb /) ! NO2 ! The corresponding names of the gases in upper and lower case, used ! for reading variables from the input file character*6, dimension(NMaxGases), parameter :: GasName & & = (/'H2O ','CO2 ','O3 ','N2O ','CO ','CH4 ', & & 'O2 ','CFC11 ','CFC12 ','HCFC22','CCl4 ','NO2 '/) character*6, dimension(NMaxGases), parameter :: GasLowerCaseName & & = (/'h2o ','co2 ','o3 ','n2o ','co ','ch4 ', & & 'o2 ','cfc11 ','cfc12 ','hcfc22','ccl4 ','no2 '/) end module radiation_gas_constants