! $Id: strataer_mod.F90 4482 2023-03-29 13:14:27Z idelkadi $ MODULE strataer_mod ! This module contains information about strato microphysic model parameters IMPLICIT NONE ! flag to constraint nucleation rate in a lat/pres box LOGICAL,SAVE :: flag_nuc_rate_box ! Nucleation rate limit or not to a lat/pres !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(flag_nuc_rate_box) REAL,SAVE :: nuclat_min ! min lat to activate nuc rate REAL,SAVE :: nuclat_max ! max lat to activate nuc rate REAL,SAVE :: nucpres_min ! min pres to activate nuc rate REAL,SAVE :: nucpres_max ! max pres to activate nuc rate !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nuclat_min, nuclat_max, nucpres_min, nucpres_max) ! flag for sulfur emission scenario: (0) background aer ; (1) volcanic eruption ; (2) strato aer injections (SAI) INTEGER,SAVE :: flag_sulf_emit !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(flag_sulf_emit) ! flag for sulfur emission altitude distribution: (0) gaussian; (1) uniform INTEGER,SAVE :: flag_sulf_emit_distrib !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(flag_sulf_emit_distrib) !--flag_sulf_emit=1 -- Volcanic eruption(s) INTEGER,SAVE :: nErupt ! number of eruptions specs REAL,SAVE :: injdur ! volcanic injection duration !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nErupt, injdur) INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: year_emit_vol(:) ! year of emission date INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: mth_emit_vol(:) ! month of emission date INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: day_emit_vol(:) ! day of emission date !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(year_emit_vol, mth_emit_vol, day_emit_vol) REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: m_aer_emiss_vol(:) ! emitted sulfur mass in kgS, e.g. 7Tg(S)=14Tg(SO2) REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: altemiss_vol(:) ! emission altitude in m REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: sigma_alt_vol(:) ! standard deviation of emission altitude in m !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(m_aer_emiss_vol, altemiss_vol, sigma_alt_vol) INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: ponde_lonlat_vol(:) ! lon/lat ponderation factor REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: xlat_min_vol(:) ! min latitude of volcano in degree REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: xlat_max_vol(:) ! max latitude of volcano in degree REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: xlon_min_vol(:) ! min longitude of volcano in degree REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: xlon_max_vol(:) ! max longitude of volcano in degree !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ponde_lonlat_vol, xlat_min_vol, xlat_max_vol, xlon_min_vol, xlon_max_vol) !--flag_sulf_emit=2 --SAI REAL,SAVE :: m_aer_emiss_sai ! emitted sulfur mass in kgS, eg 1e9=1TgS, 1e10=10TgS REAL,SAVE :: altemiss_sai ! emission altitude in m REAL,SAVE :: sigma_alt_sai ! standard deviation of emission altitude in m !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(m_aer_emiss_sai, altemiss_sai, sigma_alt_sai) REAL,SAVE :: xlat_sai ! latitude of SAI in degree REAL,SAVE :: xlon_sai ! longitude of SAI in degree REAL,SAVE :: dlat, dlon ! delta latitude and d longitude of grid in degree !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(xlat_sai, xlon_sai, dlat, dlon) !--flag_sulf_emit=3 -- SAI REAL,SAVE :: xlat_max_sai ! maximum latitude of SAI in degrees REAL,SAVE :: xlat_min_sai ! minimum latitude of SAI in degrees !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(xlat_min_sai,xlat_max_sai) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE strataer_init() USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY : getin_p USE print_control_mod, ONLY : lunout USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY : is_master ! Local var INTEGER :: ieru INTEGER :: i WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER INIT WELCOME!' !Config Key = flag_sulf_emit !Config Desc = aerosol emission mode ! - 0 = background aerosol ! - 1 = volcanic eruption ! - 2 = geo-ingeneering design ! - 3 = geo-engineering between two latitudes !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = Used in physiq.F ! flag_sulf_emit = 0 ! Background (default) flag_sulf_emit_distrib = 0 ! Gaussian (default) nErupt = 0 ! eruption number injdur = 0 ! init injection duration CALL getin_p('flag_sulf_emit',flag_sulf_emit) IF (flag_sulf_emit==1) THEN ! Volcano CALL getin_p('nErupt',nErupt) CALL getin_p('injdur',injdur) CALL getin_p('flag_sulf_emit_distrib',flag_sulf_emit_distrib) year_emit_vol=0 ; mth_emit_vol=0 ; day_emit_vol=0 m_aer_emiss_vol=0. ; altemiss_vol=0. ; sigma_alt_vol=0. xlon_min_vol=0. ; xlon_max_vol=0. xlat_min_vol=0. ; xlat_max_vol=0. IF (nErupt.GT.0) THEN ALLOCATE(year_emit_vol(nErupt),mth_emit_vol(nErupt),day_emit_vol(nErupt)) ALLOCATE(m_aer_emiss_vol(nErupt),altemiss_vol(nErupt),sigma_alt_vol(nErupt)) ALLOCATE(xlat_min_vol(nErupt),xlon_min_vol(nErupt)) ALLOCATE(xlat_max_vol(nErupt),xlon_max_vol(nErupt)) ELSE WRITE(lunout,*) 'ERROR : Using flag_sulf_emit=1 (ie Volcanic eruption) but nErupt (',nErupt,') <=0 !' CALL abort_physic('strataer_mod','No eruption define in physiq_def (nErupt=0). Add one or use background condition.',1) ENDIF CALL getin_p('year_emit_vol',year_emit_vol) CALL getin_p('mth_emit_vol',mth_emit_vol) CALL getin_p('day_emit_vol',day_emit_vol) CALL getin_p('m_aer_emiss_vol',m_aer_emiss_vol) CALL getin_p('altemiss_vol',altemiss_vol) CALL getin_p('sigma_alt_vol',sigma_alt_vol) CALL getin_p('xlon_min_vol',xlon_min_vol) CALL getin_p('xlon_max_vol',xlon_max_vol) CALL getin_p('xlat_min_vol',xlat_min_vol) CALL getin_p('xlat_max_vol',xlat_max_vol) ELSEIF (flag_sulf_emit == 2) THEN ! SAI CALL getin_p('m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai) CALL getin_p('altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai) CALL getin_p('sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai) CALL getin_p('xlat_sai',xlat_sai) CALL getin_p('xlon_sai',xlon_sai) ELSEIF (flag_sulf_emit == 3) THEN ! SAI between latitudes CALL getin_p('m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai) CALL getin_p('altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai) CALL getin_p('sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai) CALL getin_p('xlon_sai',xlon_sai) CALL getin_p('xlat_max_sai',xlat_max_sai) CALL getin_p('xlat_min_sai',xlat_min_sai) ENDIF !Config Key = flag_nuc_rate_box !Config Desc = define or not a box for nucleation rate ! - F = global nucleation ! - T = 2D-box for nucleation need nuclat_min, nuclat_max, nucpres_min and ! nucpres_max ! to define its bounds. !Config Def = F !Config Help = Used in physiq.F ! flag_nuc_rate_box = .FALSE. nuclat_min=0 ; nuclat_max=0 nucpres_min=0 ; nucpres_max=0 CALL getin_p('flag_nuc_rate_box',flag_nuc_rate_box) CALL getin_p('nuclat_min',nuclat_min) CALL getin_p('nuclat_max',nuclat_max) CALL getin_p('nucpres_min',nucpres_min) CALL getin_p('nucpres_max',nucpres_max) !IF (is_master) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'flag_sulf_emit = ',flag_sulf_emit IF (flag_sulf_emit == 1) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER nErupt: ',nErupt WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER injdur: ',injdur WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : year_emit_vol',year_emit_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : mth_emit_vol',mth_emit_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : day_emit_vol',day_emit_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_aer_emiss_vol',m_aer_emiss_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : altemiss_vol',altemiss_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : sigma_alt_vol',sigma_alt_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_min_vol',xlat_min_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_max_vol',xlat_max_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlon_min_vol',xlon_min_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlon_max_vol',xlon_max_vol ELSEIF (flag_sulf_emit == 2) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_sai',xlat_sai WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlon_sai',xlon_sai ELSEIF (flag_sulf_emit == 3) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : m_aer_emiss_sai',m_aer_emiss_sai WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : altemiss_sai',altemiss_sai WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : sigma_alt_sai',sigma_alt_sai WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_min_sai',xlat_min_sai WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlat_max_sai',xlat_max_sai WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : xlon_sai',xlon_sai ENDIF WRITE(lunout,*) 'flag_sulf_emit_distrib = ',flag_sulf_emit_distrib WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : flag_nuc_rate_box = ',flag_nuc_rate_box IF (flag_nuc_rate_box) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : nuclat_min = ',nuclat_min,', nuclat_max = ',nuclat_max WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER : nucpres_min = ',nucpres_min,', nucpres_max = ',nucpres_max ENDIF !ENDIF IF (flag_sulf_emit == 1) THEN CALL strataer_ponde_init WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER INT2 END' END IF WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER END' END SUBROUTINE strataer_init ! Compute the ponderation to applicate in each grid point for all eruptions and init ! dlat & dlon variables SUBROUTINE strataer_ponde_init() USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: lon_reg, lat_reg USE dimphy, ONLY: klon USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lat, nbp_lon USE print_control_mod, ONLY : lunout INCLUDE "YOMCST.h" !--RPI ! local var REAL :: pi,lat_reg_deg,lon_reg_deg! latitude and d longitude of grid in degree INTEGER :: ieru, i, j ALLOCATE(ponde_lonlat_vol(nErupt)) !Compute lon/lat ponderation for injection dlat=180./2./FLOAT(nbp_lat) ! d latitude in degree dlon=360./2./FLOAT(nbp_lon) ! d longitude in degree WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_INIT dlat=',dlat,'dlon=',dlon WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_INIT nErupt=',nErupt WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_INIT xlat_min=',xlat_min_vol,'xlat_max=',xlat_max_vol WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_INIT xlon_min=',xlon_min_vol,'xlon_max=',xlon_max_vol DO ieru=1, nErupt ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru) = 0 DO i=1,nbp_lon lon_reg_deg = lon_reg(i)*180./RPI DO j=1,nbp_lat lat_reg_deg = lat_reg(j)*180./RPI IF ( lat_reg_deg.GE.xlat_min_vol(ieru)-dlat .AND. lat_reg_deg.LT.xlat_max_vol(ieru)+dlat .AND. & lon_reg_deg.GE.xlon_min_vol(ieru)-dlon .AND. lon_reg_deg.LT.xlon_max_vol(ieru)+dlon ) THEN ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru) = ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru) + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF(ponde_lonlat_vol(ieru) == 0) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'STRATAER_INIT ERROR: no grid point found for eruption ieru=',ieru ENDIF ENDDO !ieru WRITE(lunout,*) 'IN STRATAER_INIT ponde_lonlat: ',ponde_lonlat_vol END SUBROUTINE strataer_ponde_init END MODULE strataer_mod