module call_atke_mod USE atke_exchange_coeff_mod, ONLY : atke_compute_km_kh implicit none contains subroutine call_atke(dtime,ngrid,nlay,cdrag_uv,cdrag_t,u_surf,v_surf,temp_surf, & wind_u,wind_v,temp,play,pinterf, & tke,Km_out,Kh_out) USE atke_turbulence_ini_mod, ONLY : iflag_num_atke, rg, rd implicit none ! Declarations: !============= REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime ! timestep (s) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngrid ! number of horizontal index (flat grid) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlay ! number of vertical index REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: cdrag_uv ! drag coefficient for wind REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: cdrag_t ! drag coefficient for temperature REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: u_surf ! x wind velocity at the surface REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: v_surf ! y wind velocity at the surface REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: temp_surf ! surface temperature REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: wind_u ! zonal velocity (m/s) REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: wind_v ! meridional velocity (m/s) REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: temp ! temperature (K) REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: play ! pressure (Pa) REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay+1), INTENT(IN) :: pinterf ! pressure at interfaces(Pa) REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay+1), INTENT(INOUT) :: tke ! turbulent kinetic energy at interface between layers REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(OUT) :: Km_out ! output: Exchange coefficient for momentum at interface between layers REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(OUT) :: Kh_out ! output: Exchange coefficient for heat flux at interface between layers REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay) :: wind_u_predict, wind_v_predict REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid) :: wind1 INTEGER i call atke_compute_km_kh(ngrid,nlay,dtime,& wind_u,wind_v,temp,play,pinterf, cdrag_uv,& tke,Km_out,Kh_out) if (iflag_num_atke .EQ. 1) then !! In this case, we make an explicit prediction of the wind shear to calculate the tke in a !! forward backward way !! pay attention that the treatment of the TKE !! has to be adapted when solving the TKE with a prognostic equation do i=1,ngrid wind1(i)=sqrt(wind_u(i,1)**2+wind_v(i,1)**2) enddo call atke_explicit_prediction(ngrid,nlay,rg,rd,dtime,pinterf,play,temp,wind1,wind_u,Km_out,u_surf,cdrag_uv,wind_u_predict) call atke_explicit_prediction(ngrid,nlay,rg,rd,dtime,pinterf,play,temp,wind1,wind_v,Km_out,v_surf,cdrag_uv,wind_v_predict) call atke_compute_km_kh(ngrid,nlay,dtime,& wind_u_predict,wind_v_predict,temp,play,pinterf,cdrag_uv, & tke,Km_out,Kh_out) end if end subroutine call_atke !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine atke_explicit_prediction(ngrid,nlay,rg,rd,dtime,pinterf,play,temp,wind1,x_in,K_in,x_surf,cdrag,x_predict) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngrid ! number of horizontal index (flat grid) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlay ! number of vertical index REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rg,rd,dtime ! gravity, R dry air and timestep REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: play ! pressure middle of layers (Pa) REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: temp ! temperature (K) REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: wind1 ! wind speed first level (m/s) REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay+1), INTENT(IN) :: pinterf ! pressure at interfaces(Pa) REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: x_in ! variable at the beginning of timestep REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay+1), INTENT(IN) :: K_in ! eddy diffusivity coef at the beginning of time step REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: x_surf ! surface variable REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: cdrag ! drag coefficient REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(OUT) :: x_predict ! variable at the end of time step after explicit prediction integer i,k real ml,F1,rho real, dimension(ngrid) :: play1,temp1 real, dimension(ngrid,nlay+1) :: K_big ! computation of K_big play1(:)=play(:,1) temp1(:)=temp(:,1) ! "big K" calculation do k=2,nlay-1 do i=1,ngrid rho=pinterf(i,k)/rd/(0.5*(temp(i,k-1)+temp(i,k))) K_big(i,k)=rg*K_in(i,k)/(play(i,k)-play(i,k+1))*(rho**2) enddo enddo ! speficic treatment for k=nlay do i=1,ngrid rho=pinterf(i,nlay)/rd/temp(i,nlay) K_big(i,nlay)=rg*K_in(i,nlay)/(2*(play(i,nlay)-pinterf(i,nlay+1)))*(rho**2) enddo ! x_predict calculation for 2<=k<=nlay-1 do k=2,nlay-1 do i=1,ngrid ml=(pinterf(i,k)-pinterf(i,k+1))/rg x_predict(i,k)=x_in(i,k)-dtime/ml*(-K_big(i,k+1)*x_in(i,k+1) & + (K_big(i,k)+K_big(i,k+1))*x_in(i,k) & - K_big(i,k)*x_in(i,k-1)) enddo enddo ! Specific treatment for k=1 do i=1,ngrid ml=(pinterf(i,1)-pinterf(i,2))/rg F1=-play1(i)/rd/temp1(i)*wind1(i)*cdrag(i)*(x_in(i,1)-x_surf(i)) ! attention convention sens du flux x_predict(i,1)=x_in(i,1)-dtime/ml*(-K_big(i,2)*(x_in(i,2) - x_in(i,1))-F1) enddo ! Specific treatment for k=nlay ! flux at the top of the atmosphere=0 do i=1,ngrid ml=0.5*(pinterf(i,nlay)-pinterf(i,nlay+1))/rg x_predict(i,nlay)=x_in(i,nlay)+dtime/ml*(K_big(i,nlay)*(x_in(i,nlay)-x_in(i,nlay-1))) enddo !K_big(:,1)=0. !do k=1,nlay ! do i=1,ngrid ! print*, 'youhou', k, x_in(i,k), x_predict(i,k), K_big(i,k) ! end do !enddo end subroutine atke_explicit_prediction end module call_atke_mod