! ! $Id: surf_land_orchidee_nofrein_mod.F90 2954 2017-07-15 13:30:04Z lfalletti $ ! ! MODULE surf_land_orchidee_nofrein_mod #ifdef ORCHIDEE_NOFREIN ! ! This module controles the interface towards the model ORCHIDEE. ! ! Compatibility with ORCHIDIEE : ! This module is compiled only if cpp key ORCHIDEE_NOFREIN is defined. ! The current version can be used with ORCHIDEE/trunk from revision 3525-4465 ! (it can be used for later revisions also but it is not needed.) ! ! ! Subroutines in this module : surf_land_orchidee ! Init_orchidee_index ! Get_orchidee_communicator ! Init_neighbours USE dimphy #ifdef CPP_VEGET USE intersurf ! module d'ORCHIDEE #endif USE cpl_mod, ONLY : cpl_send_land_fields USE surface_data, ONLY : type_ocean USE geometry_mod, ONLY : dx, dy USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, mpi_root_rank=>mpi_master IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: surf_land_orchidee CONTAINS ! !**************************************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE surf_land_orchidee(itime, dtime, date0, knon, & knindex, rlon, rlat, yrmu0, pctsrf, & debut, lafin, & plev, u1_lay, v1_lay, gustiness, temp_air, spechum, epot_air, ccanopy, & tq_cdrag, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, & precip_rain, precip_snow, lwdown, swnet, swdown, & ps, q2m, t2m, & evap, fluxsens, fluxlat, & tsol_rad, tsurf_new, alb1_new, alb2_new, & emis_new, z0m_new, z0h_new, qsurf, & veget, lai, height ) USE mod_surf_para USE mod_synchro_omp USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY : carbon_cycle_cpl USE indice_sol_mod USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon, nbp_lat #ifdef CPP_VEGET USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: itau_phy #endif ! ! Cette routine sert d'interface entre le modele atmospherique et le ! modele de sol continental. Appel a sechiba ! ! L. Fairhead 02/2000 ! ! input: ! itime numero du pas de temps ! dtime pas de temps de la physique (en s) ! nisurf index de la surface a traiter (1 = sol continental) ! knon nombre de points de la surface a traiter ! knindex index des points de la surface a traiter ! rlon longitudes de la grille entiere ! rlat latitudes de la grille entiere ! pctsrf tableau des fractions de surface de chaque maille ! debut logical: 1er appel a la physique (lire les restart) ! lafin logical: dernier appel a la physique (ecrire les restart) ! (si false calcul simplifie des fluxs sur les continents) ! plev hauteur de la premiere couche (Pa) ! u1_lay vitesse u 1ere couche ! v1_lay vitesse v 1ere couche ! temp_air temperature de l'air 1ere couche ! spechum humidite specifique 1ere couche ! epot_air temp pot de l'air ! ccanopy concentration CO2 canopee, correspond au co2_send de ! carbon_cycle_mod ou valeur constant co2_ppm ! tq_cdrag cdrag ! petAcoef coeff. A de la resolution de la CL pour t ! peqAcoef coeff. A de la resolution de la CL pour q ! petBcoef coeff. B de la resolution de la CL pour t ! peqBcoef coeff. B de la resolution de la CL pour q ! precip_rain precipitation liquide ! precip_snow precipitation solide ! lwdown flux IR descendant a la surface ! swnet flux solaire net ! swdown flux solaire entrant a la surface ! ps pression au sol ! radsol rayonnement net aus sol (LW + SW) ! ! ! output: ! evap evaporation totale ! fluxsens flux de chaleur sensible ! fluxlat flux de chaleur latente ! tsol_rad ! tsurf_new temperature au sol ! alb1_new albedo in visible SW interval ! alb2_new albedo in near IR interval ! emis_new emissivite ! z0m_new surface roughness for momentum ! z0h_new surface roughness for heat ! qsurf air moisture at surface ! INCLUDE "YOMCST.h" INCLUDE "dimpft.h" INCLUDE "compbl.h" ! ! Parametres d'entree !**************************************************************************************** INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itime REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime REAL, INTENT(IN) :: date0 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: debut, lafin REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nbsrf), INTENT(IN) :: pctsrf REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rlon, rlat REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: yrmu0 ! cosine of solar zenith angle REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: plev REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: u1_lay, v1_lay, gustiness REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: temp_air, spechum REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: epot_air, ccanopy REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: tq_cdrag REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: petAcoef, peqAcoef REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: petBcoef, peqBcoef REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: precip_rain, precip_snow REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: lwdown, swnet, swdown, ps REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: q2m, t2m ! Parametres de sortie !**************************************************************************************** REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: evap, fluxsens, fluxlat, qsurf REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: tsol_rad, tsurf_new REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: alb1_new, alb2_new REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: emis_new, z0m_new, z0h_new REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nvm_lmdz), INTENT(OUT) :: veget ! dummy variables REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nvm_lmdz), INTENT(OUT) :: lai ! dummy variables REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nvm_lmdz), INTENT(OUT) :: height! dummy variables ! Local !**************************************************************************************** INTEGER :: ij, jj, igrid, ireal, index INTEGER :: error REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: swdown_vrai CHARACTER (len = 20) :: modname = 'surf_land_orchidee' CHARACTER (len = 80) :: abort_message LOGICAL,SAVE :: check = .FALSE. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(check) ! type de couplage dans sechiba ! character (len=10) :: coupling = 'implicit' ! drapeaux controlant les appels dans SECHIBA ! type(control_type), save :: control_in ! Preserved albedo REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: albedo_keep, zlev !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(albedo_keep,zlev) ! coordonnees geographiques REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: lalo !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lalo) ! pts voisins INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: neighbours !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(neighbours) ! fractions continents REAL,ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: contfrac !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(contfrac) ! resolution de la grille REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:), SAVE :: resolution !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(resolution) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:), SAVE :: lon_scat, lat_scat !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lon_scat,lat_scat) LOGICAL, SAVE :: lrestart_read = .TRUE. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lrestart_read) LOGICAL, SAVE :: lrestart_write = .FALSE. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lrestart_write) REAL, DIMENSION(knon,2) :: albedo_out ! Pb de nomenclature REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: petA_orc, peqA_orc REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: petB_orc, peqB_orc ! Pb de correspondances de grilles INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: ig, jg !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ig,jg) INTEGER :: indi, indj INTEGER, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: ktindex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ktindex) ! Essai cdrag REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: cdrag INTEGER,SAVE :: offset !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(offset) REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo) :: rlon_g,rlat_g INTEGER, SAVE :: orch_comm !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(orch_comm) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: coastalflow !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(coastalflow) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: riverflow !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(riverflow) INTEGER :: orch_omp_rank INTEGER :: orch_omp_size ! ! Fin definition !**************************************************************************************** IF (check) WRITE(lunout,*)'Entree ', modname IF (ifl_pbltree == 1) THEN abort_message='Pb de coherence: cette interface vers ORCHIDEE ne peut pas etre utilise avec ifl_pbltree' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) END IF ! Initialisation IF (debut) THEN ! Test of coherence between variable ok_veget and cpp key CPP_VEGET #ifndef CPP_VEGET abort_message='Pb de coherence: ok_veget = .true. mais CPP_VEGET = .false.' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) #endif CALL Init_surf_para(knon) ALLOCATE(ktindex(knon)) IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(albedo_keep)) THEN !ym ALLOCATE(albedo_keep(klon)) !ym bizarre que non alloué en knon precedement ALLOCATE(albedo_keep(knon)) ALLOCATE(zlev(knon)) ENDIF ! Pb de correspondances de grilles ALLOCATE(ig(klon)) ALLOCATE(jg(klon)) ig(1) = 1 jg(1) = 1 indi = 0 indj = 2 DO igrid = 2, klon - 1 indi = indi + 1 IF ( indi > nbp_lon) THEN indi = 1 indj = indj + 1 ENDIF ig(igrid) = indi jg(igrid) = indj ENDDO ig(klon) = 1 jg(klon) = nbp_lat IF ((.NOT. ALLOCATED(lalo))) THEN ALLOCATE(lalo(knon,2), stat = error) IF (error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation lalo' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF IF ((.NOT. ALLOCATED(lon_scat))) THEN ALLOCATE(lon_scat(nbp_lon,nbp_lat), stat = error) IF (error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation lon_scat' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF IF ((.NOT. ALLOCATED(lat_scat))) THEN ALLOCATE(lat_scat(nbp_lon,nbp_lat), stat = error) IF (error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation lat_scat' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF lon_scat = 0. lat_scat = 0. DO igrid = 1, knon index = knindex(igrid) lalo(igrid,2) = rlon(index) lalo(igrid,1) = rlat(index) ENDDO CALL Gather(rlon,rlon_g) CALL Gather(rlat,rlat_g) IF (is_mpi_root) THEN index = 1 DO jj = 2, nbp_lat-1 DO ij = 1, nbp_lon index = index + 1 lon_scat(ij,jj) = rlon_g(index) lat_scat(ij,jj) = rlat_g(index) ENDDO ENDDO lon_scat(:,1) = lon_scat(:,2) lat_scat(:,1) = rlat_g(1) lon_scat(:,nbp_lat) = lon_scat(:,2) lat_scat(:,nbp_lat) = rlat_g(klon_glo) ENDIF CALL bcast(lon_scat) CALL bcast(lat_scat) ! ! Allouer et initialiser le tableau des voisins et des fraction de continents ! IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(neighbours))) THEN ALLOCATE(neighbours(knon,8), stat = error) IF (error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation neighbours' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF neighbours = -1. IF (( .NOT. ALLOCATED(contfrac))) THEN ALLOCATE(contfrac(knon), stat = error) IF (error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation contfrac' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF DO igrid = 1, knon ireal = knindex(igrid) contfrac(igrid) = pctsrf(ireal,is_ter) ENDDO CALL Init_neighbours(knon,neighbours,knindex,pctsrf(:,is_ter)) ! ! Allocation et calcul resolutions IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(resolution))) THEN ALLOCATE(resolution(knon,2), stat = error) IF (error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation resolution' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF DO igrid = 1, knon ij = knindex(igrid) resolution(igrid,1) = dx(ij) resolution(igrid,2) = dy(ij) ENDDO ALLOCATE(coastalflow(klon), stat = error) IF (error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation coastalflow' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ALLOCATE(riverflow(klon), stat = error) IF (error /= 0) THEN abort_message='Pb allocation riverflow' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ! ! carbon_cycle_cpl not possible with this interface and version of ORHCHIDEE ! IF (carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN abort_message='carbon_cycle_cpl not yet possible with this interface of ORCHIDEE' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) END IF ENDIF ! (fin debut) ! ! Appel a la routine sols continentaux ! IF (lafin) lrestart_write = .TRUE. IF (check) WRITE(lunout,*)'lafin ',lafin,lrestart_write petA_orc(1:knon) = petBcoef(1:knon) * dtime petB_orc(1:knon) = petAcoef(1:knon) peqA_orc(1:knon) = peqBcoef(1:knon) * dtime peqB_orc(1:knon) = peqAcoef(1:knon) cdrag = 0. cdrag(1:knon) = tq_cdrag(1:knon) ! zlev(1:knon) = (100.*plev(1:knon))/((ps(1:knon)/287.05*temp_air(1:knon))*9.80665) ! zlev(1:knon) = (100.*plev(1:knon))/((ps(1:knon)/RD*temp_air(1:knon))*RG) zlev(1:knon) = plev(1:knon)*RD*temp_air(1:knon)/((ps(1:knon)*100.0)*RG) ! PF et PASB ! where(cdrag > 0.01) ! cdrag = 0.01 ! endwhere ! write(*,*)'Cdrag = ',minval(cdrag),maxval(cdrag) IF (debut) THEN CALL Init_orchidee_index(knon,knindex,offset,ktindex) CALL Get_orchidee_communicator(orch_comm,orch_omp_size,orch_omp_rank) CALL Init_synchro_omp IF (knon > 0) THEN #ifdef CPP_VEGET CALL Init_intersurf(nbp_lon,nbp_lat,knon,ktindex,offset,orch_omp_size,orch_omp_rank,orch_comm) #endif ENDIF IF (knon > 0) THEN #ifdef CPP_VEGET CALL intersurf_initialize_gathered (itime+itau_phy-1, nbp_lon, nbp_lat, knon, ktindex, dtime, & lrestart_read, lrestart_write, lalo, contfrac, neighbours, resolution, date0, & zlev, u1_lay, v1_lay, spechum, temp_air, epot_air, & cdrag, petA_orc, peqA_orc, petB_orc, peqB_orc, & precip_rain, precip_snow, lwdown, swnet, swdown, ps, & evap, fluxsens, fluxlat, coastalflow, riverflow, & tsol_rad, tsurf_new, qsurf, albedo_out, emis_new, z0m_new, & lon_scat, lat_scat, q2m, t2m, z0h_new) #endif ENDIF CALL Synchro_omp albedo_keep(1:knon) = (albedo_out(1:knon,1)+albedo_out(1:knon,2))/2. ENDIF ! swdown_vrai(1:knon) = swnet(1:knon)/(1. - albedo_keep(1:knon)) swdown_vrai(1:knon) = swdown(1:knon) IF (knon > 0) THEN #ifdef CPP_VEGET CALL intersurf_main_gathered (itime+itau_phy, nbp_lon, nbp_lat, knon, ktindex, dtime, & lrestart_read, lrestart_write, lalo, & contfrac, neighbours, resolution, date0, & zlev, u1_lay(1:knon), v1_lay(1:knon), spechum(1:knon), temp_air(1:knon), epot_air(1:knon), ccanopy(1:knon), & cdrag(1:knon), petA_orc(1:knon), peqA_orc(1:knon), petB_orc(1:knon), peqB_orc(1:knon), & precip_rain(1:knon), precip_snow(1:knon), lwdown(1:knon), swnet(1:knon), swdown_vrai(1:knon), ps(1:knon), & evap(1:knon), fluxsens(1:knon), fluxlat(1:knon), coastalflow(1:knon), riverflow(1:knon), & tsol_rad(1:knon), tsurf_new(1:knon), qsurf(1:knon), albedo_out(1:knon,:), emis_new(1:knon), z0m_new(1:knon), & lon_scat, lat_scat, q2m, t2m, z0h_new(1:knon), coszang=yrmu0(1:knon)) #endif ENDIF CALL Synchro_omp albedo_keep(1:knon) = (albedo_out(1:knon,1)+albedo_out(1:knon,2))/2. !* Send to coupler ! IF (type_ocean=='couple') THEN CALL cpl_send_land_fields(itime, knon, knindex, & riverflow, coastalflow) ENDIF alb1_new(1:knon) = albedo_out(1:knon,1) alb2_new(1:knon) = albedo_out(1:knon,2) ! Convention orchidee: positif vers le haut fluxsens(1:knon) = -1. * fluxsens(1:knon) fluxlat(1:knon) = -1. * fluxlat(1:knon) ! evap = -1. * evap IF (debut) lrestart_read = .FALSE. IF (debut) CALL Finalize_surf_para END SUBROUTINE surf_land_orchidee ! !**************************************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE Init_orchidee_index(knon,knindex,offset,ktindex) USE mod_surf_para USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: knon INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: knindex(klon) INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: offset INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: ktindex(klon) INTEGER :: ktindex_glo(knon_glo) INTEGER :: offset_para(0:omp_size*mpi_size-1) INTEGER :: LastPoint INTEGER :: task ktindex(1:knon)=knindex(1:knon)+(klon_mpi_begin-1)+(klon_omp_begin-1)+nbp_lon-1 CALL gather_surf(ktindex(1:knon),ktindex_glo) IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN LastPoint=0 DO Task=0,mpi_size*omp_size-1 IF (knon_glo_para(Task)>0) THEN offset_para(task)= LastPoint-MOD(LastPoint,nbp_lon) LastPoint=ktindex_glo(knon_glo_end_para(task)) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF CALL bcast(offset_para) offset=offset_para(omp_size*mpi_rank+omp_rank) ktindex(1:knon)=ktindex(1:knon)-offset END SUBROUTINE Init_orchidee_index ! !************************* *************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE Get_orchidee_communicator(orch_comm,orch_omp_size,orch_omp_rank) USE mod_surf_para #ifdef CPP_MPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' #endif INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: orch_comm INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: orch_omp_size INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: orch_omp_rank INTEGER :: color INTEGER :: i,ierr ! ! End definition !**************************************************************************************** IF (is_omp_root) THEN IF (knon_mpi==0) THEN color = 0 ELSE color = 1 ENDIF #ifdef CPP_MPI CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT(COMM_LMDZ_PHY,color,mpi_rank,orch_comm,ierr) #endif ENDIF CALL bcast_omp(orch_comm) IF (knon_mpi /= 0) THEN orch_omp_size=0 DO i=0,omp_size-1 IF (knon_omp_para(i) /=0) THEN orch_omp_size=orch_omp_size+1 IF (i==omp_rank) orch_omp_rank=orch_omp_size-1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF END SUBROUTINE Get_orchidee_communicator ! !**************************************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE Init_neighbours(knon,neighbours,knindex,pctsrf) USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_surf_para USE indice_sol_mod #ifdef CPP_MPI INCLUDE 'mpif.h' #endif ! Input arguments !**************************************************************************************** INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knon INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: pctsrf ! Output arguments !**************************************************************************************** INTEGER, DIMENSION(knon,8), INTENT(OUT) :: neighbours ! Local variables !**************************************************************************************** INTEGER :: i, igrid, jj, ij, iglob INTEGER :: ierr, ireal, index INTEGER, DIMENSION(8,3) :: off_ini INTEGER, DIMENSION(8) :: offset INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbp_lon,nbp_lat) :: correspond INTEGER, DIMENSION(knon_glo) :: ktindex_glo INTEGER, DIMENSION(knon_glo,8) :: neighbours_glo REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo) :: pctsrf_glo INTEGER :: ktindex(klon) ! ! End definition !**************************************************************************************** ktindex(1:knon)=knindex(1:knon)+(klon_mpi_begin-1)+(klon_omp_begin-1)+nbp_lon-1 CALL gather_surf(ktindex(1:knon),ktindex_glo) CALL gather(pctsrf,pctsrf_glo) IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN neighbours_glo(:,:)=-1 ! Initialisation des offset ! ! offset bord ouest off_ini(1,1) = - nbp_lon ; off_ini(2,1) = - nbp_lon + 1 ; off_ini(3,1) = 1 off_ini(4,1) = nbp_lon + 1 ; off_ini(5,1) = nbp_lon ; off_ini(6,1) = 2 * nbp_lon - 1 off_ini(7,1) = nbp_lon -1 ; off_ini(8,1) = - 1 ! offset point normal off_ini(1,2) = - nbp_lon ; off_ini(2,2) = - nbp_lon + 1 ; off_ini(3,2) = 1 off_ini(4,2) = nbp_lon + 1 ; off_ini(5,2) = nbp_lon ; off_ini(6,2) = nbp_lon - 1 off_ini(7,2) = -1 ; off_ini(8,2) = - nbp_lon - 1 ! offset bord est off_ini(1,3) = - nbp_lon ; off_ini(2,3) = - 2 * nbp_lon + 1 ; off_ini(3,3) = - nbp_lon + 1 off_ini(4,3) = 1 ; off_ini(5,3) = nbp_lon ; off_ini(6,3) = nbp_lon - 1 off_ini(7,3) = -1 ; off_ini(8,3) = - nbp_lon - 1 ! ! ! Attention aux poles ! DO igrid = 1, knon_glo index = ktindex_glo(igrid) jj = INT((index - 1)/nbp_lon) + 1 ij = index - (jj - 1) * nbp_lon correspond(ij,jj) = igrid ENDDO !sonia : Les mailles des voisines doivent etre toutes egales (pour couplage orchidee) IF (knon_glo == 1) THEN igrid = 1 DO i = 1,8 neighbours_glo(igrid, i) = igrid ENDDO ELSE print*,'sonia : knon_glo,ij,jj', knon_glo, ij,jj DO igrid = 1, knon_glo iglob = ktindex_glo(igrid) IF (MOD(iglob, nbp_lon) == 1) THEN offset = off_ini(:,1) ELSE IF(MOD(iglob, nbp_lon) == 0) THEN offset = off_ini(:,3) ELSE offset = off_ini(:,2) ENDIF DO i = 1, 8 index = iglob + offset(i) ireal = (MIN(MAX(1, index - nbp_lon + 1), klon_glo)) IF (pctsrf_glo(ireal) > EPSFRA) THEN jj = INT((index - 1)/nbp_lon) + 1 ij = index - (jj - 1) * nbp_lon neighbours_glo(igrid, i) = correspond(ij, jj) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF !fin knon_glo == 1 ENDIF DO i = 1, 8 CALL scatter_surf(neighbours_glo(:,i),neighbours(1:knon,i)) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE Init_neighbours ! !**************************************************************************************** ! #endif END MODULE surf_land_orchidee_nofrein_mod