! ! $Id: aer_sedimnt.F90 3798 2021-01-11 22:24:08Z fhourdin $ ! SUBROUTINE AER_SEDIMNT(pdtphys, t_seri, pplay, paprs, tr_seri, dens_aer) !**** *AER_SEDIMNT* - ROUTINE FOR PARAMETRIZATION OF AEROSOL SEDIMENTATION ! Christoph Kleinschmitt ! based on the sedimentation scheme of ! Olivier Boucher & Jean-Jacques Morcrette ! (following the ice sedimentation scheme of Adrian Tompkins) !** INTERFACE. ! ---------- ! *AER_SEDIMNT* IS CALLED FROM *traccoag_mod*. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- USE phys_local_var_mod, ONLY: mdw, budg_sed_part, DENSO4, f_r_wet, vsed_aer USE dimphy, ONLY : klon,klev USE infotrac_phy USE aerophys USE YOMCST IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! transfer variables when calling this routine REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdtphys ! Pas d'integration pour la physique (seconde) REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: t_seri ! Temperature REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev),INTENT(IN) :: pplay ! pression pour le mileu de chaque couche (en Pa) REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev+1),INTENT(IN) :: paprs ! pression pour chaque inter-couche (en Pa) REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev,nbtr),INTENT(INOUT):: tr_seri ! Concentration Traceur [U/KgA] REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: dens_aer! density of aerosol particles [kg/m3 aerosol] with default H2SO4 mass ! local variables in sedimentation routine INTEGER :: JL,JK,nb REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: zvis ! dynamic viscosity of air [kg/(m*s)] REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: zlair ! mean free path of air [m] REAL :: ZRHO ! air density [kg/m^3] REAL :: ZGDP ! =g/dp=1/(rho*dz) REAL :: ZDTGDP ! =dt/(rho*dz) REAL,DIMENSION(klon,nbtr_bin) :: ZSEDFLX ! sedimentation flux of tracer [U/(m^2*s)] REAL,DIMENSION(nbtr_bin) :: ZAERONW ! tracer concentration at current time step [U/KgA] REAL,DIMENSION(klon,nbtr_bin) :: ZAERONWM1! tracer concentration at preceding time step [U/KgA] REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev,nbtr_bin) :: ZVAER ! sedimentation velocity [m/s] REAL,DIMENSION(nbtr_bin) :: ZSOLAERS ! sedimentation flux arriving from above [U/(m^2*s)] REAL,DIMENSION(nbtr_bin) :: ZSOLAERB ! sedimentation flux leaving gridbox [U/(m^2*s)] REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: m_sulf ! dynamic viscosity of air (Pruppacher and Klett, 1978) [kg/(m*s)] WHERE (t_seri.GE.273.15) zvis=(1.718 + 0.0049*(t_seri-273.15))*1.E-5 ELSEWHERE zvis=(1.718 + 0.0049*(t_seri-273.15)-1.2E-05*(t_seri-273.15)**2)*1.E-5 END WHERE ! mean free path of air (Prupp. Klett) [m] zlair(:,:) = 0.066 *(1.01325E+5/pplay(:,:))*(t_seri(:,:)/293.15)*1.E-06 !--initialisations of variables carried out from one layer to the next layer !--actually not needed if (JK>1) test is on DO JL=1,klon DO nb=1,nbtr_bin ZSEDFLX(JL,nb)=0.0 ZAERONWM1(JL,nb)=0.0 ENDDO ENDDO !--from top to bottom (!) DO JK=klev,1,-1 DO JL=1,klon DO nb=1,nbtr_bin !--initialisations ZSOLAERS(nb)=0.0 ZSOLAERB(nb)=0.0 ZGDP=RG/(paprs(JL,JK)-paprs(JL,JK+1)) ZDTGDP=pdtphys*ZGDP ! source from above IF (JK