! radiation_aerosol_optics.F90 - Computing aerosol optical properties ! ! (C) Copyright 2015- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! ! Modifications ! 2018-04-15 R. Hogan Add "direct" option ! 2020-11-14 R. Hogan Add setup_general_aerosol_optics for ecCKD compatibility ! 2022-03-27 R. Hogan Add setup_general_aerosol_optics_legacy to use RRTM aerosol files with ecCKD module radiation_aerosol_optics implicit none public contains ! Provides the elemental function "delta_eddington_extensive" #include "radiation_delta_eddington.h" !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Load aerosol scattering data; this subroutine delegates to one ! in radiation_aerosol_optics_data.F90 subroutine setup_aerosol_optics(config) use parkind1, only : jprb use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_aerosol_optics_data, only : aerosol_optics_type use radiation_io, only : nulerr, radiation_abort use setup_aerosol_optics_lmdz_m, only: setup_aerosol_optics_lmdz type(config_type), intent(inout) :: config real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:setup_aerosol_optics',0,hook_handle) if (config%n_aerosol_types > 0) then ! Load data from file and prepare to map config%n_aerosol_types ! aerosol types if (config%use_general_aerosol_optics) then ! Read file containing high spectral resolution optical ! properties and average to the spectral intervals of the ! current gas-optics scheme ! call setup_general_aerosol_optics(config) call setup_general_aerosol_optics_lmdz(config,trim(config%aerosol_optics_file_name)) else ! Read file containing optical properties already in the bands ! of the gas-optics scheme ! call config%aerosol_optics%setup(trim(config%aerosol_optics_file_name), & ! & iverbose=config%iverbosesetup) call setup_aerosol_optics_lmdz(config%aerosol_optics, & trim(config%aerosol_optics_file_name)) end if call config%aerosol_optics%initialize_types(config%n_aerosol_types) ! Check agreement in number of bands if (config%n_bands_lw /= config%aerosol_optics%n_bands_lw) then write(nulerr,'(a,i0,a,i0,a)') '*** Error: number of longwave bands (', & & config%n_bands_lw, ') does not match aerosol optics look-up table (', & & config%aerosol_optics%n_bands_lw, ')' call radiation_abort() end if if (config%n_bands_sw /= config%aerosol_optics%n_bands_sw) then write(nulerr,'(a)') '*** Error: number of shortwave bands does not match aerosol optics look-up table' call radiation_abort() end if ! Map aerosol types to those loaded from the data file call config%aerosol_optics%set_types(config%i_aerosol_type_map(1:config%n_aerosol_types)) end if if (config%iverbosesetup >= 1) then call config%aerosol_optics%print_description(config%i_aerosol_type_map(1:config%n_aerosol_types)) end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:setup_aerosol_optics',1,hook_handle) end subroutine setup_aerosol_optics !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read file containing high spectral resolution optical properties ! and average to the spectral intervals of the current gas-optics ! scheme subroutine setup_general_aerosol_optics(config) use parkind1, only : jprb use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use easy_netcdf, only : netcdf_file use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_aerosol_optics_data, only : aerosol_optics_type use radiation_spectral_definition, only : SolarReferenceTemperature, & & TerrestrialReferenceTemperature use radiation_io, only : nulout type(config_type), intent(inout), target :: config ! The NetCDF file containing the aerosol optics data type(netcdf_file) :: file ! Wavenumber points in NetCDF file real(jprb), allocatable :: wavenumber(:) ! cm-1 ! Hydrophilic aerosol properties real(jprb), allocatable :: mass_ext_philic(:,:,:) ! Mass-ext coefficient (m2 kg-1) real(jprb), allocatable :: ssa_philic(:,:,:) ! Single-scattering albedo real(jprb), allocatable :: g_philic(:,:,:) ! Asymmetry factor real(jprb), allocatable :: lidar_ratio_philic(:,:,:) ! Lidar ratio (sr) ! Hydrophobic aerosol properties real(jprb), allocatable :: mass_ext_phobic(:,:) ! Mass-ext coefficient (m2 kg-1) real(jprb), allocatable :: ssa_phobic(:,:) ! Single-scattering albedo real(jprb), allocatable :: g_phobic(:,:) ! Asymmetry factor real(jprb), allocatable :: lidar_ratio_phobic(:,:) ! Lidar ratio (sr) ! Mapping matrix between optical properties at the wavenumbers in ! the file, and spectral intervals used by the gas-optics scheme real(jprb), allocatable :: mapping(:,:) ! Pointer to the aerosol optics coefficients for brevity of access type(aerosol_optics_type), pointer :: ao ! Target monochromatic wavenumber for interpolation (cm-1) real(jprb) :: wavenumber_target ! Number of spectral points describing aerosol properties in the ! shortwave and longwave integer :: nspecsw, nspeclw ! Number of monochromatic wavelengths required integer :: nmono integer :: n_type_philic, n_type_phobic, nrh, nwn integer :: jtype, jwl, iwn ! Weight of first point in interpolation real(jprb) :: weight1 real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:setup_general_aerosol_optics',0,hook_handle) ao => config%aerosol_optics call file%open(trim(config%aerosol_optics_file_name), iverbose=config%iverbosesetup) if (.not. file%exists('wavenumber')) then ! Assume we have an old-style aerosol optics file with optical ! properties provided per pre-defined band call file%close() if (config%iverbosesetup >= 2) then write(nulout,'(a)') 'Legacy aerosol optics file: mapping between bands' end if call setup_general_aerosol_optics_legacy(config, trim(config%aerosol_optics_file_name)) return end if if (file%exists('mass_ext_hydrophilic')) then ao%use_hydrophilic = .true. else ao%use_hydrophilic = .false. end if call file%get('wavenumber', wavenumber) nwn = size(wavenumber) ! Read the raw scattering data call file%get('mass_ext_hydrophobic', mass_ext_phobic) call file%get('ssa_hydrophobic', ssa_phobic) call file%get('asymmetry_hydrophobic', g_phobic) call file%get('lidar_ratio_hydrophobic', lidar_ratio_phobic) call file%get_global_attribute('description_hydrophobic', & & ao%description_phobic_str) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then call file%get('mass_ext_hydrophilic', mass_ext_philic) call file%get('ssa_hydrophilic', ssa_philic) call file%get('asymmetry_hydrophilic', g_philic) call file%get('lidar_ratio_hydrophilic', lidar_ratio_philic) call file%get('relative_humidity1', ao%rh_lower) call file%get_global_attribute('description_hydrophilic', & & ao%description_philic_str) end if ! Close aerosol scattering file call file%close() n_type_phobic = size(mass_ext_phobic, 2) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then n_type_philic = size(mass_ext_philic, 3) nrh = size(ao%rh_lower) else n_type_philic = 0 nrh = 0 end if if (config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_sw_g_point) then nspecsw = config%gas_optics_sw%spectral_def%ng else nspecsw = config%gas_optics_sw%spectral_def%nband end if if (config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_lw_g_point) then nspeclw = config%gas_optics_lw%spectral_def%ng else nspeclw = config%gas_optics_lw%spectral_def%nband end if if (allocated(ao%wavelength_mono)) then ! Monochromatic wavelengths also required nmono = size(ao%wavelength_mono) else nmono = 0 end if call ao%allocate(n_type_phobic, n_type_philic, nrh, nspeclw, nspecsw, nmono) if (config%do_sw) then call config%gas_optics_sw%spectral_def%calc_mapping(SolarReferenceTemperature, & & wavenumber, mapping, use_bands=(.not. config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_sw_g_point)) ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic) ao%ssa_sw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic*ssa_phobic) & & / ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic ao%g_sw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic*ssa_phobic*g_phobic) & & / (ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic*ao%ssa_sw_phobic) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then do jtype = 1,n_type_philic ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype)) ao%ssa_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ssa_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) ao%g_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ssa_philic(:,:,jtype)*g_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / (ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)*ao%ssa_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)) end do end if end if if (config%do_lw) then call config%gas_optics_lw%spectral_def%calc_mapping(TerrestrialReferenceTemperature, & & wavenumber, mapping, use_bands=(.not. config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_lw_g_point)) ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic) ao%ssa_lw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic*ssa_phobic) & & / ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic ao%g_lw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic*ssa_phobic*g_phobic) & & / (ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic*ao%ssa_lw_phobic) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then do jtype = 1,n_type_philic ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype)) ao%ssa_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ssa_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) ao%g_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ssa_philic(:,:,jtype)*g_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / (ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)*ao%ssa_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)) end do end if end if if (allocated(ao%wavelength_mono)) then ! Monochromatic wavelengths also required do jwl = 1,nmono ! Wavelength (m) to wavenumber (cm-1) wavenumber_target = 0.01_jprb / ao%wavelength_mono(jwl) ! Find index to first interpolation point, and its weight if (wavenumber_target <= wavenumber(1)) then weight1 = 1.0_jprb iwn = 1 else if (wavenumber_target >= wavenumber(nwn)) then iwn = nwn-1 weight1 = 0.0_jprb else iwn = 1 do while (wavenumber(iwn+1) < wavenumber_target .and. iwn < nwn-1) iwn = iwn + 1 end do weight1 = (wavenumber(iwn+1)-wavenumber_target) & & / (wavenumber(iwn+1)-wavenumber(iwn)) end if ! Linear interpolation ao%mass_ext_mono_phobic(jwl,:) = weight1 * mass_ext_phobic(iwn,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* mass_ext_phobic(iwn+1,:) ao%ssa_mono_phobic(jwl,:) = weight1 * ssa_phobic(iwn,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* ssa_phobic(iwn+1,:) ao%g_mono_phobic(jwl,:) = weight1 * g_phobic(iwn,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* g_phobic(iwn+1,:) ao%lidar_ratio_mono_phobic(jwl,:) = weight1 * lidar_ratio_phobic(iwn,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* lidar_ratio_phobic(iwn+1,:) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then ao%mass_ext_mono_philic(jwl,:,:) = weight1 * mass_ext_philic(iwn,:,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* mass_ext_philic(iwn+1,:,:) ao%ssa_mono_philic(jwl,:,:) = weight1 * ssa_philic(iwn,:,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* ssa_philic(iwn+1,:,:) ao%g_mono_philic(jwl,:,:) = weight1 * g_philic(iwn,:,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* g_philic(iwn+1,:,:) ao%lidar_ratio_mono_philic(jwl,:,:) = weight1 * lidar_ratio_philic(iwn,:,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* lidar_ratio_philic(iwn+1,:,:) end if end do end if ! Deallocate memory local to this routine deallocate(mass_ext_phobic) deallocate(ssa_phobic) deallocate(g_phobic) deallocate(lidar_ratio_phobic) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then deallocate(mass_ext_philic) deallocate(ssa_philic) deallocate(g_philic) deallocate(lidar_ratio_philic) end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:setup_general_aerosol_optics',1,hook_handle) end subroutine setup_general_aerosol_optics !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read LMDZ file containing high spectral resolution optical properties ! and average to the spectral intervals of the current gas-optics ! scheme subroutine setup_general_aerosol_optics_lmdz(config,file_name) use parkind1, only : jprb use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook ! use easy_netcdf, only : netcdf_file use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_aerosol_optics_data, only : aerosol_optics_type use radiation_spectral_definition, only : SolarReferenceTemperature, & & TerrestrialReferenceTemperature use radiation_io, only : nulout use netcdf95, only: nf95_open, nf95_inq_grp_full_ncid, nf95_close, & nf95_inq_dimid, nf95_inq_varid, nf95_inquire_dimension, & nf95_get_var, nf95_gw_var use netcdf, only: nf90_nowrite type(config_type), intent(inout), target :: config ! ! The NetCDF file containing the aerosol optics data ! type(netcdf_file) :: file character(len=*), intent(in):: file_name ! NetCDF file containing the aerosol optics data ! Wavenumber points in NetCDF file real(jprb), allocatable :: wavenumber(:) ! cm-1 ! Hydrophilic aerosol properties real(jprb), allocatable :: mass_ext_philic(:,:,:) ! Mass-ext coefficient (m2 kg-1) real(jprb), allocatable :: ssa_philic(:,:,:) ! Single-scattering albedo real(jprb), allocatable :: g_philic(:,:,:) ! Asymmetry factor real(jprb), allocatable :: lidar_ratio_philic(:,:,:) ! Lidar ratio (sr) ! Hydrophobic aerosol properties real(jprb), allocatable :: mass_ext_phobic(:,:) ! Mass-ext coefficient (m2 kg-1) real(jprb), allocatable :: ssa_phobic(:,:) ! Single-scattering albedo real(jprb), allocatable :: g_phobic(:,:) ! Asymmetry factor real(jprb), allocatable :: lidar_ratio_phobic(:,:) ! Lidar ratio (sr) ! Mapping matrix between optical properties at the wavenumbers in ! the file, and spectral intervals used by the gas-optics scheme real(jprb), allocatable :: mapping(:,:) ! Pointer to the aerosol optics coefficients for brevity of access type(aerosol_optics_type), pointer :: ao ! Target monochromatic wavenumber for interpolation (cm-1) real(jprb) :: wavenumber_target ! Number of spectral points describing aerosol properties in the ! shortwave and longwave integer :: nspecsw, nspeclw ! Number of monochromatic wavelengths required integer :: nmono integer :: n_type_philic, n_type_phobic, nrh, nwn integer :: jtype, jwl, iwn ! Weight of first point in interpolation real(jprb) :: weight1 real(jprb) :: hook_handle ! Local: integer ncid, grpid, dimid, varid if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:setup_general_aerosol_optics',0,hook_handle) ao => config%aerosol_optics ao%use_hydrophilic = .true. ao%use_monochromatic = .true. print*,'file_name= ',file_name call nf95_open(file_name, nf90_nowrite, ncid) call nf95_inq_grp_full_ncid(ncid, "Hydrophilic", grpid) call nf95_inq_dimid(grpid, "hur", dimid) call nf95_inquire_dimension(grpid, dimid, nclen = ao%nrh) ! allocate(ao%rh_lower(ao%nrh)) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "hur_bounds", varid) call nf95_get_var(grpid, varid, ao%rh_lower, count_nc = [1, ao%nrh]) ! Hydrophilic/LW_bands: call nf95_inq_grp_full_ncid(ncid, "Hydrophilic/LW_bands", grpid) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "asymmetry", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%g_lw_philic) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "single_scat_alb", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%ssa_lw_philic) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "mass_ext", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%mass_ext_lw_philic) ! Hydrophilic/SW_bands: call nf95_inq_grp_full_ncid(ncid, "Hydrophilic/SW_bands", grpid) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "asymmetry", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%g_sw_philic) ao%g_sw_philic = cshift(ao%g_sw_philic, 1) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "single_scat_alb", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%ssa_sw_philic) ao%g_sw_philic = cshift(ao%ssa_sw_philic, 1) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "mass_ext", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%mass_ext_sw_philic) ao%g_sw_philic = cshift(ao%mass_ext_sw_philic, 1) ! Hydrophilic/Monochromatic: call nf95_inq_grp_full_ncid(ncid, "Hydrophilic/Monochromatic", grpid) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "mass_ext", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%mass_ext_mono_philic) ! Hydrophobic/LW_bands: call nf95_inq_grp_full_ncid(ncid, "Hydrophobic/LW_bands", grpid) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "asymmetry", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%g_lw_phobic) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "single_scat_alb", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%ssa_lw_phobic) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "mass_ext", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic) ! Hydrophobic/SW_bands: call nf95_inq_grp_full_ncid(ncid, "Hydrophobic/SW_bands", grpid) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "asymmetry", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%g_sw_phobic) ao%g_sw_phobic = cshift(ao%g_sw_phobic, 1) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "single_scat_alb", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%ssa_sw_phobic) ao%g_sw_phobic = cshift(ao%ssa_sw_phobic, 1) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "mass_ext", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic) ao%g_sw_phobic = cshift(ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic, 1) ! AI ATTENTION call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "wavenumber", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, wavenumber) ! Hydrophobic/Monochromatic: call nf95_inq_grp_full_ncid(ncid, "Hydrophobic/Monochromatic", grpid) call nf95_inq_varid(grpid, "mass_ext", varid) call nf95_gw_var(grpid, varid, ao%mass_ext_mono_phobic) ! call file%get('wavenumber', wavenumber) ! nwn = size(wavenumber) ! call file%get_global_attribute('description_hydrophobic', & ! & ao%description_phobic_str) ! call file%get('relative_humidity1', ao%rh_lower) ! call file%get_global_attribute('description_hydrophilic', & ! & ao%description_philic_str) ! Close aerosol scattering file ! call file%close() call nf95_close(ncid) ! Get array sizes ! ao%n_bands_lw = size(ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic, 1) ! ao%n_bands_sw = size(ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic, 1) ! ao%n_mono_wl = size(ao%mass_ext_mono_phobic, 1) ! ao%n_type_phobic = size(ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic, 2) ! ao%n_type_philic = size(ao%mass_ext_lw_philic, 3) ! Allocate memory for mapping arrays ! ao%ntype = ao%n_type_phobic + ao%n_type_philic ! allocate(ao%iclass(ao%ntype)) ! allocate(ao%itype(ao%ntype)) ! ao%iclass = IAerosolClassUndefined ! ao%itype = 0 n_type_phobic = size(mass_ext_phobic, 2) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then n_type_philic = size(mass_ext_philic, 3) nrh = size(ao%rh_lower) else n_type_philic = 0 nrh = 0 end if if (config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_sw_g_point) then nspecsw = config%gas_optics_sw%spectral_def%ng else nspecsw = config%gas_optics_sw%spectral_def%nband end if if (config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_lw_g_point) then nspeclw = config%gas_optics_lw%spectral_def%ng else nspeclw = config%gas_optics_lw%spectral_def%nband end if if (allocated(ao%wavelength_mono)) then ! Monochromatic wavelengths also required nmono = size(ao%wavelength_mono) else nmono = 0 end if call ao%allocate(n_type_phobic, n_type_philic, nrh, nspeclw, nspecsw, nmono) if (config%do_sw) then call config%gas_optics_sw%spectral_def%calc_mapping(SolarReferenceTemperature, & & wavenumber, mapping, use_bands=(.not. config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_sw_g_point)) ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic) ao%ssa_sw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic*ssa_phobic) & & / ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic ao%g_sw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic*ssa_phobic*g_phobic) & & / (ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic*ao%ssa_sw_phobic) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then do jtype = 1,n_type_philic ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype)) ao%ssa_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ssa_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) ao%g_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ssa_philic(:,:,jtype)*g_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / (ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)*ao%ssa_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)) end do end if end if if (config%do_lw) then call config%gas_optics_lw%spectral_def%calc_mapping(TerrestrialReferenceTemperature, & & wavenumber, mapping, use_bands=(.not. config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_lw_g_point)) ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic) ao%ssa_lw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic*ssa_phobic) & & / ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic ao%g_lw_phobic = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_phobic*ssa_phobic*g_phobic) & & / (ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic*ao%ssa_lw_phobic) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then do jtype = 1,n_type_philic ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype)) ao%ssa_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ssa_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) ao%g_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, mass_ext_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ssa_philic(:,:,jtype)*g_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / (ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)*ao%ssa_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)) end do end if end if if (allocated(ao%wavelength_mono)) then ! Monochromatic wavelengths also required do jwl = 1,nmono ! Wavelength (m) to wavenumber (cm-1) wavenumber_target = 0.01_jprb / ao%wavelength_mono(jwl) ! Find index to first interpolation point, and its weight if (wavenumber_target <= wavenumber(1)) then weight1 = 1.0_jprb iwn = 1 else if (wavenumber_target >= wavenumber(nwn)) then iwn = nwn-1 weight1 = 0.0_jprb else iwn = 1 do while (wavenumber(iwn+1) < wavenumber_target .and. iwn < nwn-1) iwn = iwn + 1 end do weight1 = (wavenumber(iwn+1)-wavenumber_target) & & / (wavenumber(iwn+1)-wavenumber(iwn)) end if ! Linear interpolation ao%mass_ext_mono_phobic(jwl,:) = weight1 * mass_ext_phobic(iwn,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* mass_ext_phobic(iwn+1,:) ao%ssa_mono_phobic(jwl,:) = weight1 * ssa_phobic(iwn,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* ssa_phobic(iwn+1,:) ao%g_mono_phobic(jwl,:) = weight1 * g_phobic(iwn,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* g_phobic(iwn+1,:) ao%lidar_ratio_mono_phobic(jwl,:) = weight1 * lidar_ratio_phobic(iwn,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* lidar_ratio_phobic(iwn+1,:) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then ao%mass_ext_mono_philic(jwl,:,:) = weight1 * mass_ext_philic(iwn,:,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* mass_ext_philic(iwn+1,:,:) ao%ssa_mono_philic(jwl,:,:) = weight1 * ssa_philic(iwn,:,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* ssa_philic(iwn+1,:,:) ao%g_mono_philic(jwl,:,:) = weight1 * g_philic(iwn,:,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* g_philic(iwn+1,:,:) ao%lidar_ratio_mono_philic(jwl,:,:) = weight1 * lidar_ratio_philic(iwn,:,:) & & + (1.0_jprb - weight1)* lidar_ratio_philic(iwn+1,:,:) end if end do end if ! Deallocate memory local to this routine deallocate(mass_ext_phobic) deallocate(ssa_phobic) deallocate(g_phobic) deallocate(lidar_ratio_phobic) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then deallocate(mass_ext_philic) deallocate(ssa_philic) deallocate(g_philic) deallocate(lidar_ratio_philic) end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:setup_general_aerosol_optics',1,hook_handle) end subroutine setup_general_aerosol_optics_lmdz !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read file containing legacy-style band-wise aerosol optical ! properties and average to the spectral intervals of the current ! gas-optics scheme subroutine setup_general_aerosol_optics_legacy(config, file_name) use parkind1, only : jprb use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use easy_netcdf, only : netcdf_file use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_aerosol_optics_data, only : aerosol_optics_type use radiation_spectral_definition, only : SolarReferenceTemperature, & & TerrestrialReferenceTemperature type(config_type), intent(inout), target :: config ! The NetCDF file containing the aerosol optics data character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name ! Mapping matrix between optical properties at the wavenumbers in ! the file, and spectral intervals used by the gas-optics scheme real(jprb), allocatable :: mapping(:,:), mapping_transp(:,:) ! Pointer to the aerosol optics coefficients for brevity of access type(aerosol_optics_type), pointer :: ao ! Local copy of aerosol optical properties in the spectral ! intervals of the file, which is deallocated when it goes out of ! scope type(aerosol_optics_type) :: ao_legacy integer :: jtype real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:setup_general_aerosol_optics_legacy',0,hook_handle) ao => config%aerosol_optics ! Load file into a local structure call ao_legacy%setup(file_name, iverbose=config%iverbosesetup) ! Copy over scalars and coordinate variables call ao%allocate(ao_legacy%n_type_phobic, ao_legacy%n_type_philic, ao_legacy%nrh, & & config%n_bands_lw, config%n_bands_sw, ao_legacy%n_mono_wl) ao%description_phobic_str = ao_legacy%description_phobic_str ao%description_philic_str = ao_legacy%description_philic_str ao%rh_lower = ao_legacy%rh_lower ! use_hydrophilic = ao_legacy%use_hydrophilic ! ao%iclass = ao_legacy%iclass ! ao%itype = ao_legacy%itype ! ao%ntype = ao_legacy%ntype ! ao%n_type_phobic = ao_legacy%n_type_phobic ! ao%n_type_philic = ao_legacy%n_type_philic ! ao%n_mono_wl = ao_legacy%n_mono_wl ! ao%use_monochromatic = ao_legacy%use_monochromatic if (config%do_sw) then call config%gas_optics_sw%spectral_def%calc_mapping_from_wavenumber_bands(SolarReferenceTemperature, & & ao_legacy%wavenumber1_sw, ao_legacy%wavenumber2_sw, mapping_transp, & & use_bands=(.not. config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_sw_g_point)) if (allocated(mapping)) then deallocate(mapping) end if allocate(mapping(config%n_bands_sw,ao_legacy%n_bands_sw)) mapping = transpose(mapping_transp) ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_sw_phobic) ao%ssa_sw_phobic = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_sw_phobic*ao_legacy%ssa_sw_phobic) & & / ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic ao%g_sw_phobic = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_sw_phobic*ao_legacy%ssa_sw_phobic & & *ao_legacy%g_sw_phobic) & & / (ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic*ao%ssa_sw_phobic) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then do jtype = 1,ao%n_type_philic ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)) ao%ssa_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ao_legacy%ssa_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) ao%g_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ao_legacy%ssa_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)*ao_legacy%g_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / (ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)*ao%ssa_sw_philic(:,:,jtype)) end do end if end if if (config%do_lw) then if (allocated(mapping_transp)) then deallocate(mapping_transp) end if call config%gas_optics_lw%spectral_def%calc_mapping_from_wavenumber_bands(TerrestrialReferenceTemperature, & & ao_legacy%wavenumber1_lw, ao_legacy%wavenumber2_lw, mapping_transp, & & use_bands=(.not. config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_lw_g_point)) if (allocated(mapping)) then deallocate(mapping) end if allocate(mapping(config%n_bands_lw,ao_legacy%n_bands_lw)) mapping = transpose(mapping_transp) ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_lw_phobic) ao%ssa_lw_phobic = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_lw_phobic*ao_legacy%ssa_lw_phobic) & & / ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic ao%g_lw_phobic = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_lw_phobic*ao_legacy%ssa_lw_phobic & & *ao_legacy%g_lw_phobic) & & / (ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic*ao%ssa_lw_phobic) if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then do jtype = 1,ao%n_type_philic ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)) ao%ssa_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ao_legacy%ssa_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) ao%g_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) = matmul(mapping, ao_legacy%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype) & & *ao_legacy%ssa_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)*ao_legacy%g_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)) & & / (ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)*ao%ssa_lw_philic(:,:,jtype)) end do end if end if if (allocated(ao_legacy%wavelength_mono)) then ao%wavelength_mono = ao_legacy%wavelength_mono ao%mass_ext_mono_phobic = ao_legacy%mass_ext_mono_phobic ao%ssa_mono_phobic = ao_legacy%ssa_mono_phobic ao%g_mono_phobic = ao_legacy%g_mono_phobic ao%lidar_ratio_mono_phobic = ao_legacy%lidar_ratio_mono_phobic if (ao%use_hydrophilic) then ao%mass_ext_mono_philic = ao_legacy%mass_ext_mono_philic ao%ssa_mono_philic = ao_legacy%ssa_mono_philic ao%g_mono_philic = ao_legacy%g_mono_philic ao%lidar_ratio_mono_philic = ao_legacy%lidar_ratio_mono_philic end if end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:setup_general_aerosol_optics_legacy',1,hook_handle) end subroutine setup_general_aerosol_optics_legacy !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute aerosol optical properties and add to existing gas optical ! depth and scattering properties subroutine add_aerosol_optics(nlev,istartcol,iendcol, & & config, thermodynamics, gas, aerosol, & & od_lw, ssa_lw, g_lw, od_sw, ssa_sw, g_sw) use parkind1, only : jprb use radiation_io, only : nulout, nulerr, radiation_abort use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_thermodynamics, only : thermodynamics_type use radiation_gas, only : gas_type, IH2O, IMassMixingRatio use radiation_aerosol, only : aerosol_type use radiation_constants, only : AccelDueToGravity use radiation_aerosol_optics_data, only : aerosol_optics_type, & & IAerosolClassUndefined, IAerosolClassIgnored, & & IAerosolClassHydrophobic, IAerosolClassHydrophilic integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of model levels integer, intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol ! range of columns to process type(config_type), intent(in), target :: config type(thermodynamics_type),intent(in) :: thermodynamics type(gas_type), intent(in) :: gas type(aerosol_type), intent(in) :: aerosol ! Optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of ! the atmosphere (gases on input, gases and aerosols on output) ! for each g point. Note that longwave ssa and asymmetry and ! shortwave asymmetry are all zero for gases, so are not yet ! defined on input and are therefore intent(out). real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_lw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol), & & intent(inout) :: od_lw real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_lw_if_scattering,nlev,istartcol:iendcol), & & intent(out) :: ssa_lw, g_lw real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol), & & intent(inout) :: od_sw, ssa_sw real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol), & & intent(out) :: g_sw ! Extinction optical depth, scattering optical depth and ! asymmetry-times-scattering-optical-depth for all the aerosols at ! a point in space for each spectral band of the shortwave and ! longwave spectrum real(jprb), dimension(config%n_bands_sw) & & :: od_sw_aerosol, scat_sw_aerosol, scat_g_sw_aerosol, local_od_sw real(jprb), dimension(config%n_bands_lw) :: od_lw_aerosol, local_od_lw real(jprb), dimension(config%n_bands_lw_if_scattering) & & :: scat_lw_aerosol, scat_g_lw_aerosol real(jprb) :: h2o_mmr(istartcol:iendcol,nlev) real(jprb) :: rh ! Relative humidity with respect to liquid water ! Factor (kg m-2) to convert mixing ratio (kg kg-1) to mass in ! path (kg m-2) real(jprb) :: factor ! Temporary extinction and scattering optical depths of aerosol ! plus gas real(jprb) :: local_od, local_scat ! Loop indices for column, level, g point, band and aerosol type integer :: jcol, jlev, jg, jtype, jband ! Range of levels over which aerosols are present integer :: istartlev, iendlev ! Indices to spectral band and relative humidity look-up table integer :: iband, irh ! Short cut for ao%itype(jtype) integer :: itype ! Pointer to the aerosol optics coefficients for brevity of access type(aerosol_optics_type), pointer :: ao real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:add_aerosol_optics',0,hook_handle) if (aerosol%is_direct) then ! Aerosol optical properties have been provided in each band ! directly by the user call add_aerosol_optics_direct(nlev,istartcol,iendcol, & & config, aerosol, & & od_lw, ssa_lw, g_lw, od_sw, ssa_sw, g_sw) else ! Aerosol mixing ratios have been provided do jtype = 1,config%n_aerosol_types if (config%aerosol_optics%iclass(jtype) == IAerosolClassUndefined) then write(nulerr,'(a)') '*** Error: not all aerosol types are defined' call radiation_abort() end if end do if (config%iverbose >= 2) then write(nulout,'(a)') 'Computing aerosol absorption/scattering properties' end if ao => config%aerosol_optics istartlev = lbound(aerosol%mixing_ratio,2) iendlev = ubound(aerosol%mixing_ratio,2) if (ubound(aerosol%mixing_ratio,3) /= config%n_aerosol_types) then write(nulerr,'(a,i0,a,i0)') '*** Error: aerosol%mixing_ratio contains ', & & ubound(aerosol%mixing_ratio,3), ' aerosol types, expected ', & & config%n_aerosol_types call radiation_abort() end if ! Set variables to zero that may not have been previously g_sw(:,:,istartcol:iendcol) = 0.0_jprb if (config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering) then ssa_lw(:,:,istartcol:iendcol) = 0.0_jprb g_lw(:,:,istartcol:iendcol) = 0.0_jprb end if call gas%get(IH2O, IMassMixingRatio, h2o_mmr, istartcol=istartcol) ! Loop over position do jlev = istartlev,iendlev do jcol = istartcol,iendcol ! Compute relative humidity with respect to liquid ! saturation and the index to the relative-humidity index of ! hydrophilic-aerosol data rh = h2o_mmr(jcol,jlev) / thermodynamics%h2o_sat_liq(jcol,jlev) irh = ao%calc_rh_index(rh) factor = ( thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,jlev+1) & & -thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,jlev ) ) & & / AccelDueToGravity ! Reset temporary arrays od_sw_aerosol = 0.0_jprb scat_sw_aerosol = 0.0_jprb scat_g_sw_aerosol = 0.0_jprb od_lw_aerosol = 0.0_jprb scat_lw_aerosol = 0.0_jprb scat_g_lw_aerosol = 0.0_jprb do jtype = 1,config%n_aerosol_types itype = ao%itype(jtype) ! Add the optical depth, scattering optical depth and ! scattering optical depth-weighted asymmetry factor for ! this aerosol type to the total for all aerosols. Note ! that the following expressions are array-wise, the ! dimension being spectral band. if (ao%iclass(jtype) == IAerosolClassHydrophobic) then do jband = 1,config%n_bands_sw local_od_sw(jband) = factor * aerosol%mixing_ratio(jcol,jlev,jtype) & & * ao%mass_ext_sw_phobic(jband,itype) od_sw_aerosol(jband) = od_sw_aerosol(jband) + local_od_sw(jband) scat_sw_aerosol(jband) = scat_sw_aerosol(jband) & & + local_od_sw(jband) * ao%ssa_sw_phobic(jband,itype) scat_g_sw_aerosol(jband) = scat_g_sw_aerosol(jband) & & + local_od_sw(jband) * ao%ssa_sw_phobic(jband,itype) & & * ao%g_sw_phobic(jband,itype) end do if (config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering) then local_od_lw = factor * aerosol%mixing_ratio(jcol,jlev,jtype) & & * ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic(:,itype) od_lw_aerosol = od_lw_aerosol + local_od_lw scat_lw_aerosol = scat_lw_aerosol & & + local_od_lw * ao%ssa_lw_phobic(:,itype) scat_g_lw_aerosol = scat_g_lw_aerosol & & + local_od_lw * ao%ssa_lw_phobic(:,itype) & & * ao%g_lw_phobic(:,itype) else ! If aerosol longwave scattering is not included then we ! weight the optical depth by the single scattering ! co-albedo od_lw_aerosol = od_lw_aerosol & & + factor * aerosol%mixing_ratio(jcol,jlev,jtype) & & * ao%mass_ext_lw_phobic(:,itype) & & * (1.0_jprb - ao%ssa_lw_phobic(:,itype)) end if else if (ao%iclass(jtype) == IAerosolClassHydrophilic) then ! Hydrophilic aerosols require the look-up tables to ! be indexed with irh do jband = 1,config%n_bands_sw local_od_sw(jband) = factor * aerosol%mixing_ratio(jcol,jlev,jtype) & & * ao%mass_ext_sw_philic(jband,irh,itype) od_sw_aerosol(jband) = od_sw_aerosol(jband) + local_od_sw(jband) scat_sw_aerosol(jband) = scat_sw_aerosol(jband) & & + local_od_sw(jband) * ao%ssa_sw_philic(jband,irh,itype) scat_g_sw_aerosol(jband) = scat_g_sw_aerosol(jband) & & + local_od_sw(jband) * ao%ssa_sw_philic(jband,irh,itype) & & * ao%g_sw_philic(jband,irh,itype) end do if (config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering) then local_od_lw = factor * aerosol%mixing_ratio(jcol,jlev,jtype) & & * ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,irh,itype) od_lw_aerosol = od_lw_aerosol + local_od_lw scat_lw_aerosol = scat_lw_aerosol & & + local_od_lw * ao%ssa_lw_philic(:,irh,itype) scat_g_lw_aerosol = scat_g_lw_aerosol & & + local_od_lw * ao%ssa_lw_philic(:,irh,itype) & & * ao%g_lw_philic(:,irh,itype) else ! If aerosol longwave scattering is not included then we ! weight the optical depth by the single scattering ! co-albedo od_lw_aerosol = od_lw_aerosol & & + factor * aerosol%mixing_ratio(jcol,jlev,jtype) & & * ao%mass_ext_lw_philic(:,irh,itype) & & * (1.0_jprb - ao%ssa_lw_philic(:,irh,itype)) end if end if ! Implicitly, if ao%iclass(jtype) == IAerosolClassNone, then ! no aerosol scattering properties are added end do ! Loop over aerosol type if (.not. config%do_sw_delta_scaling_with_gases) then ! Delta-Eddington scaling on aerosol only. Note that if ! do_sw_delta_scaling_with_gases==.true. then the delta ! scaling is done to the cloud-aerosol-gas mixture inside ! the solver call delta_eddington_extensive(od_sw_aerosol, scat_sw_aerosol, & & scat_g_sw_aerosol) end if ! Combine aerosol shortwave scattering properties with gas ! properties (noting that any gas scattering will have an ! asymmetry factor of zero) do jg = 1,config%n_g_sw iband = config%i_band_from_reordered_g_sw(jg) local_od = od_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) + od_sw_aerosol(iband) if (local_od > 0.0_jprb .and. od_sw_aerosol(iband) > 0.0_jprb) then local_scat = ssa_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) * od_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) & & + scat_sw_aerosol(iband) ! Note that asymmetry_sw of gases is zero so the following ! simply weights the aerosol asymmetry by the scattering ! optical depth if (local_scat > 0.0_jprb) then g_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) = scat_g_sw_aerosol(iband) / local_scat end if ssa_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) = local_scat / local_od od_sw (jg,jlev,jcol) = local_od end if end do ! Combine aerosol longwave scattering properties with gas ! properties, noting that in the longwave, gases do not ! scatter at all if (config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering) then call delta_eddington_extensive(od_lw_aerosol, scat_lw_aerosol, & & scat_g_lw_aerosol) do jg = 1,config%n_g_lw iband = config%i_band_from_reordered_g_lw(jg) local_od = od_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) + od_lw_aerosol(iband) if (local_od > 0.0_jprb .and. od_lw_aerosol(iband) > 0.0_jprb) then ! All scattering is due to aerosols, therefore the ! asymmetry factor is equal to the value for aerosols if (scat_lw_aerosol(iband) > 0.0_jprb) then g_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) = scat_g_lw_aerosol(iband) & & / scat_lw_aerosol(iband) end if ssa_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) = scat_lw_aerosol(iband) / local_od od_lw (jg,jlev,jcol) = local_od end if end do else do jg = 1,config%n_g_lw od_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) = od_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) & & + od_lw_aerosol(config%i_band_from_reordered_g_lw(jg)) end do end if end do ! Loop over column end do ! Loop over level end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:add_aerosol_optics',1,hook_handle) end subroutine add_aerosol_optics !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Add precomputed optical properties to gas optical depth and ! scattering properties subroutine add_aerosol_optics_direct(nlev,istartcol,iendcol, & & config, aerosol, & & od_lw, ssa_lw, g_lw, od_sw, ssa_sw, g_sw) use parkind1, only : jprb use radiation_io, only : nulerr, radiation_abort use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_aerosol, only : aerosol_type integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of model levels integer, intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol ! range of columns to process type(config_type), intent(in), target :: config type(aerosol_type), intent(in) :: aerosol ! Optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of ! the atmosphere (gases on input, gases and aerosols on output) ! for each g point. Note that longwave ssa and asymmetry and ! shortwave asymmetry are all zero for gases, so are not yet ! defined on input and are therefore intent(out). real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_lw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol), & & intent(inout) :: od_lw real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_lw_if_scattering,nlev,istartcol:iendcol), & & intent(out) :: ssa_lw, g_lw real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol), & & intent(inout) :: od_sw, ssa_sw real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw,nlev,istartcol:iendcol), & & intent(out) :: g_sw ! Temporary extinction and scattering optical depths of aerosol ! plus gas real(jprb) :: local_od, local_scat ! Extinction optical depth, scattering optical depth and ! asymmetry-times-scattering-optical-depth for all the aerosols at ! a point in space for each spectral band of the shortwave and ! longwave spectrum real(jprb), dimension(config%n_bands_sw,nlev) & & :: od_sw_aerosol, scat_sw_aerosol, scat_g_sw_aerosol real(jprb), dimension(config%n_bands_lw,nlev) :: od_lw_aerosol real(jprb), dimension(config%n_bands_lw_if_scattering,nlev) & & :: scat_lw_aerosol, scat_g_lw_aerosol ! Loop indices for column, level, g point and band integer :: jcol, jlev, jg, jb ! Range of levels over which aerosols are present integer :: istartlev, iendlev ! Indices to spectral band integer :: iband real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:add_aerosol_optics_direct',0,hook_handle) if (config%do_sw) then ! Check array dimensions if (ubound(aerosol%od_sw,1) /= config%n_bands_sw) then write(nulerr,'(a,i0,a,i0)') '*** Error: aerosol%od_sw contains ', & & ubound(aerosol%od_sw,1), ' band, expected ', & & config%n_bands_sw call radiation_abort() end if istartlev = lbound(aerosol%od_sw,2) iendlev = ubound(aerosol%od_sw,2) ! Set variables to zero that may not have been previously g_sw(:,:,istartcol:iendcol) = 0.0_jprb ! Loop over position do jcol = istartcol,iendcol ! Added for DWD (2020) !NEC$ forced_collapse do jlev = istartlev,iendlev do jb = 1,config%n_bands_sw od_sw_aerosol(jb,jlev) = aerosol%od_sw(jb,jlev,jcol) scat_sw_aerosol(jb,jlev) = aerosol%ssa_sw(jb,jlev,jcol) * od_sw_aerosol(jb,jlev) scat_g_sw_aerosol(jb,jlev) = aerosol%g_sw(jb,jlev,jcol) * scat_sw_aerosol(jb,jlev) if (.not. config%do_sw_delta_scaling_with_gases) then ! Delta-Eddington scaling on aerosol only. Note that if ! do_sw_delta_scaling_with_gases==.true. then the delta ! scaling is done to the cloud-aerosol-gas mixture ! inside the solver call delta_eddington_extensive(od_sw_aerosol(jb,jlev), scat_sw_aerosol(jb,jlev), & & scat_g_sw_aerosol(jb,jlev)) end if end do end do ! Combine aerosol shortwave scattering properties with gas ! properties (noting that any gas scattering will have an ! asymmetry factor of zero) do jlev = istartlev,iendlev if (od_sw_aerosol(1,jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then do jg = 1,config%n_g_sw iband = config%i_band_from_reordered_g_sw(jg) local_od = od_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) + od_sw_aerosol(iband,jlev) local_scat = ssa_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) * od_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) & & + scat_sw_aerosol(iband,jlev) ! Note that asymmetry_sw of gases is zero so the following ! simply weights the aerosol asymmetry by the scattering ! optical depth g_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) = scat_g_sw_aerosol(iband,jlev) / local_scat local_od = od_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) + od_sw_aerosol(iband,jlev) ssa_sw(jg,jlev,jcol) = local_scat / local_od od_sw (jg,jlev,jcol) = local_od end do end if end do end do end if if (config%do_lw) then if (ubound(aerosol%od_lw,1) /= config%n_bands_lw) then write(nulerr,'(a,i0,a,i0)') '*** Error: aerosol%od_lw contains ', & & ubound(aerosol%od_lw,1), ' band, expected ', & & config%n_bands_lw call radiation_abort() end if istartlev = lbound(aerosol%od_lw,2) iendlev = ubound(aerosol%od_lw,2) if (config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering) then ssa_lw(:,:,istartcol:iendcol) = 0.0_jprb g_lw(:,:,istartcol:iendcol) = 0.0_jprb ! Loop over position do jcol = istartcol,iendcol ! Added for DWD (2020) !NEC$ forced_collapse do jlev = istartlev,iendlev do jb = 1,config%n_bands_lw od_lw_aerosol(jb,jlev) = aerosol%od_lw(jb,jlev,jcol) scat_lw_aerosol(jb,jlev) = aerosol%ssa_lw(jb,jlev,jcol) * od_lw_aerosol(jb,jlev) scat_g_lw_aerosol(jb,jlev) = aerosol%g_lw(jb,jlev,jcol) * scat_lw_aerosol(jb,jlev) call delta_eddington_extensive(od_lw_aerosol(jb,jlev), scat_lw_aerosol(jb,jlev), & & scat_g_lw_aerosol(jb,jlev)) end do end do do jlev = istartlev,iendlev do jg = 1,config%n_g_lw iband = config%i_band_from_reordered_g_lw(jg) if (od_lw_aerosol(iband,jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then ! All scattering is due to aerosols, therefore the ! asymmetry factor is equal to the value for aerosols if (scat_lw_aerosol(iband,jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then g_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) = scat_g_lw_aerosol(iband,jlev) & & / scat_lw_aerosol(iband,jlev) end if local_od = od_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) + od_lw_aerosol(iband,jlev) ssa_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) = scat_lw_aerosol(iband,jlev) / local_od od_lw (jg,jlev,jcol) = local_od end if end do end do end do else ! No longwave scattering ! Loop over position do jcol = istartcol,iendcol ! Added for DWD (2020) !NEC$ forced_collapse do jlev = istartlev,iendlev ! If aerosol longwave scattering is not included then we ! weight the optical depth by the single scattering ! co-albedo do jb = 1, config%n_bands_lw od_lw_aerosol(jb,jlev) = aerosol%od_lw(jb,jlev,jcol) & & * (1.0_jprb - aerosol%ssa_lw(jb,jlev,jcol)) end do end do do jlev = istartlev,iendlev do jg = 1,config%n_g_lw od_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) = od_lw(jg,jlev,jcol) & & + od_lw_aerosol(config%i_band_from_reordered_g_lw(jg),jlev) end do end do end do end if end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:add_aerosol_optics_direct',1,hook_handle) end subroutine add_aerosol_optics_direct !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sometimes it is useful to specify aerosol in terms of its optical ! depth at a particular wavelength. This function returns the dry ! mass-extinction coefficient, i.e. the extinction cross section per ! unit mass, for aerosol of type "itype" at the specified wavelength ! (m). For hydrophilic types, the value at the first relative ! humidity bin is taken. function dry_aerosol_mass_extinction(config, itype, wavelength) use parkind1, only : jprb use radiation_io, only : nulerr, radiation_abort use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_aerosol_optics_data, only : aerosol_optics_type, & & IAerosolClassUndefined, IAerosolClassIgnored, & & IAerosolClassHydrophobic, IAerosolClassHydrophilic type(config_type), intent(in), target :: config ! Aerosol type integer, intent(in) :: itype ! Wavelength (m) real(jprb), intent(in) :: wavelength real(jprb) :: dry_aerosol_mass_extinction ! Index to the monochromatic wavelength requested integer :: imono ! Pointer to the aerosol optics coefficients for brevity of access type(aerosol_optics_type), pointer :: ao ao => config%aerosol_optics imono = minloc(abs(wavelength - ao%wavelength_mono), 1) if (abs(wavelength - ao%wavelength_mono(imono))/wavelength > 0.01_jprb) then write(nulerr,'(a,e8.4,a)') '*** Error: requested wavelength ', & & wavelength, ' not within 1% of stored wavelengths' call radiation_abort() end if if (ao%iclass(itype) == IAerosolClassHydrophobic) then dry_aerosol_mass_extinction = ao%mass_ext_mono_phobic(imono,ao%itype(itype)) else if (ao%iclass(itype) == IAerosolClassHydrophilic) then ! Take the value at the first relative-humidity bin for the ! "dry" aerosol value dry_aerosol_mass_extinction = ao%mass_ext_mono_philic(imono,1,ao%itype(itype)) else dry_aerosol_mass_extinction = 0.0_jprb end if end function dry_aerosol_mass_extinction !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute aerosol extinction coefficient at a particular wavelength ! and a single height - this is useful for visibility diagnostics subroutine aerosol_extinction(ncol,istartcol,iendcol, & & config, wavelength, mixing_ratio, relative_humidity, extinction) use parkind1, only : jprb use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use radiation_io, only : nulerr, radiation_abort use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_aerosol_optics_data, only : aerosol_optics_type, & & IAerosolClassUndefined, IAerosolClassIgnored, & & IAerosolClassHydrophobic, IAerosolClassHydrophilic integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns integer, intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol ! range of columns to process type(config_type), intent(in), target :: config real(jprb), intent(in) :: wavelength ! Requested wavelength (m) real(jprb), intent(in) :: mixing_ratio(ncol,config%n_aerosol_types) real(jprb), intent(in) :: relative_humidity(ncol) real(jprb), intent(out) :: extinction(ncol) ! Local aerosol extinction real(jprb) :: ext ! Index to the monochromatic wavelength requested integer :: imono ! Pointer to the aerosol optics coefficients for brevity of access type(aerosol_optics_type), pointer :: ao ! Loop indices for column and aerosol type integer :: jcol, jtype ! Relative humidity index integer :: irh real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:aerosol_extinction',0,hook_handle) do jtype = 1,config%n_aerosol_types if (config%aerosol_optics%iclass(jtype) == IAerosolClassUndefined) then write(nulerr,'(a)') '*** Error: not all aerosol types are defined' call radiation_abort() end if end do ao => config%aerosol_optics imono = minloc(abs(wavelength - ao%wavelength_mono), 1) if (abs(wavelength - ao%wavelength_mono(imono))/wavelength > 0.01_jprb) then write(nulerr,'(a,e8.4,a)') '*** Error: requested wavelength ', & & wavelength, ' not within 1% of stored wavelengths' call radiation_abort() end if ! Loop over position do jcol = istartcol,iendcol ext = 0.0_jprb ! Get relative-humidity index irh = ao%calc_rh_index(relative_humidity(jcol)) ! Add extinction coefficients from each aerosol type do jtype = 1,config%n_aerosol_types if (ao%iclass(jtype) == IAerosolClassHydrophobic) then ext = ext + mixing_ratio(jcol,jtype) & & * ao%mass_ext_mono_phobic(imono,ao%itype(jtype)) else if (ao%iclass(jtype) == IAerosolClassHydrophilic) then ext = ext + mixing_ratio(jcol,jtype) & & * ao%mass_ext_mono_philic(imono,irh,ao%itype(jtype)) end if end do extinction(jcol) = ext end do if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics:aerosol_extinction',1,hook_handle) end subroutine aerosol_extinction end module radiation_aerosol_optics