module config_ocean_skin_m implicit none logical, protected:: jcool ! cool skin calculation logical, protected:: jwarm ! warm layer calculation logical, protected:: rain_effect real, protected:: depth_1 = 20. ! Depth at which the temperature and salinity are input. Could be ! the depth of a sensor, or the depth at the middle of the first ! layer of an ocean model (half the depth of the first layer). In ! m. Setting depth_1 to any value >= depth (named constant defined ! in module `near_Surface_m`) has the same effect as setting depth_1 ! to depth. !$omp threadprivate(jcool, jwarm, rain_effect, depth_1) #ifdef IN_LMDZ integer, protected:: activate_ocean_skin = 0 ! Allowed values: 0 do not activate; 1 activate without retroaction ! on LMDZ; 2 activate with retroaction on LMDZ !$omp threadprivate(activate_ocean_skin) #endif contains subroutine config_ocean_skin #ifdef IN_LMDZ use ioipsl_getin_p_mod, only: getin_p use assert_m, only: assert #endif integer:: flag_ocean_skin = 3 !$omp threadprivate(flag_ocean_skin) namelist /config_ocean_skin_nml/ flag_ocean_skin, depth_1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef IN_LMDZ call getin_p("activate_ocean_skin", activate_ocean_skin) call assert(activate_ocean_skin >= 0 .and. activate_ocean_skin <= 2, & "config_ocean_skin bad value of activate_ocean_skin") if (activate_ocean_skin >= 1) then call getin_p("flag_ocean_skin", flag_ocean_skin) call getin_p("depth_1", depth_1) end if #else write(unit = *, nml = config_ocean_skin_nml) print *, "Enter namelist config_ocean_skin_nml." read(unit = *, nml = config_ocean_skin_nml) write(unit = *, nml = config_ocean_skin_nml) #endif select case (flag_ocean_skin) case (0) jwarm = .false. jcool = .false. rain_effect = .false. case (1) jwarm = .false. jcool = .true. rain_effect = .false. case (2) jwarm = .true. jcool = .true. rain_effect = .false. case (3) jwarm = .true. jcool = .true. rain_effect = .true. case default print *, "config_ocean_skin: bad value for flag_ocean_skin." stop 1 end select end subroutine config_ocean_skin end module config_ocean_skin_m