MODULE LSCP_TOOLS_MOD IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE FALLICE_VELOCITY(klon,iwc,temp,rho,pres,ptconv,velo) ! Ref: ! Stubenrauch, C. J., Bonazzola, M., ! Protopapadaki, S. E., & Musat, I. (2019). ! New cloud system metrics to assess bulk ! ice cloud schemes in a GCM. Journal of ! Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, ! 3212–3234. use lscp_ini_mod, only: iflag_vice, ffallv_con, ffallv_lsc IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: iwc ! specific ice water content [kg/m3] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp ! temperature [K] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: rho ! dry air density [kg/m3] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: pres ! air pressure [Pa] LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: ptconv ! convective point [-] REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: velo ! fallspeed velocity of crystals [m/s] INTEGER i REAL logvm,iwcg,tempc,phpa,cvel,dvel,fallv_tun REAL m2ice, m2snow, vmice, vmsnow REAL aice, bice, asnow, bsnow DO i=1,klon IF (ptconv(i)) THEN fallv_tun=ffallv_con ELSE fallv_tun=ffallv_lsc ENDIF tempc=temp(i)-273.15 ! celcius temp iwcg=MAX(iwc(i)*1000.,1E-3) ! iwc in g/m3. We set a minimum value to prevent from division by 0 phpa=pres(i)/100. ! pressure in hPa IF (iflag_vice .EQ. 1) THEN ! so-called 'empirical parameterization' in Stubenrauch et al. 2019 if (tempc .GE. -60.0) then logvm= -0.0000414122*tempc*tempc*log(iwcg)-0.00538922*tempc*log(iwcg) & -0.0516344*log(iwcg)+0.00216078*tempc + 1.9714 velo(i)=exp(logvm) else velo(i)=65.0*(iwcg**0.2)*(150./phpa)**0.15 endif velo(i)=fallv_tun*velo(i)/100.0 ! from cm/s to m/s dvel=0.2 cvel=fallv_tun*65.0*(rho(i)**0.2)*(150./phpa)**0.15 ELSE IF (iflag_vice .EQ. 2) THEN ! so called PSDM empirical coherent bulk ice scheme in Stubenrauch et al. 2019 aice=0.587 bice=2.45 asnow=0.0444 bsnow=2.1 m2ice=((iwcg*0.001/aice)/(exp(13.6-bice*7.76+0.479*bice**2)* & exp((-0.0361+bice*0.0151+0.00149*bice**2)*tempc))) & **(1./(0.807+bice*0.00581+0.0457*bice**2)) vmice=100.*1042.4*exp(13.6-(bice+1)*7.76+0.479*(bice+1.)**2)*exp((-0.0361+ & (bice+1.)*0.0151+0.00149*(bice+1.)**2)*tempc) & *(m2ice**(0.807+(bice+1.)*0.00581+0.0457*(bice+1.)**2))/(iwcg*0.001/aice) vmice=vmice*((1000./phpa)**0.2) m2snow=((iwcg*0.001/asnow)/(exp(13.6-bsnow*7.76+0.479*bsnow**2)* & exp((-0.0361+bsnow*0.0151+0.00149*bsnow**2)*tempc))) & **(1./(0.807+bsnow*0.00581+0.0457*bsnow**2)) vmsnow=100.*14.3*exp(13.6-(bsnow+.416)*7.76+0.479*(bsnow+.416)**2)& *exp((-0.0361+(bsnow+.416)*0.0151+0.00149*(bsnow+.416)**2)*tempc)& *(m2snow**(0.807+(bsnow+.416)*0.00581+0.0457*(bsnow+.416)**2))/(iwcg*0.001/asnow) vmsnow=vmsnow*((1000./phpa)**0.35) velo(i)=fallv_tun*min(vmsnow,vmice)/100. ! to m/s dvel=0.2 cvel=velo(i)/((iwcg/1000.*rho(i))**dvel) ELSE ! By default, fallspeed velocity of ice crystals according to Heymsfield & Donner 1990 velo(i) = fallv_tun*3.29/2.0*((iwcg/1000.)**0.16) dvel=0.16 cvel=fallv_tun*3.29/2.0*(rho(i)**0.16) ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE FALLICE_VELOCITY !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE ICEFRAC_LSCP(klon, temp, iflag_ice_thermo, sig, icefrac, dicefracdT) !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! Compute the ice fraction 1-xliq (see e.g. ! Doutriaux-Boucher & Quaas 2004, section 2.2.) ! as a function of temperature ! see also Fig 3 of Madeleine et al. 2020, JAMES !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout, prt_level USE lscp_ini_mod, ONLY: t_glace_min, t_glace_max, exposant_glace, iflag_t_glace USE lscp_ini_mod, ONLY : RTT IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon ! number of horizontal grid points REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp ! temperature REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: sig INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iflag_ice_thermo REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: icefrac REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: dicefracdT INTEGER i REAL sig0,www,tmin_tmp,liqfrac_tmp REAL Dv, denomdep,beta,qsi,dqsidt INTEGER exposant_glace_old REAL t_glace_min_old LOGICAL ice_thermo sig0=0.8 t_glace_min_old = RTT - 15.0 ice_thermo = (iflag_ice_thermo .EQ. 1).OR.(iflag_ice_thermo .GE. 3) IF (ice_thermo) THEN exposant_glace_old = 2 ELSE exposant_glace_old = 6 ENDIF ! calculation of icefrac and dicefrac/dT DO i=1,klon IF (iflag_t_glace.EQ.1) THEN ! Transition to ice close to surface for Ttref -> liquid, tempgammasat*qsat ! Etienne Vignon, March 2021 !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ use lscp_ini_mod, only: iflag_gammasat, t_glace_min, RTT IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon ! number of horizontal grid points REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp ! temperature in K REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: qtot ! total specific water in kg/kg REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: pressure ! pressure in Pa REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: gammasat ! coefficient to multiply qsat with to calculate saturation REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: dgammasatdt ! derivative of gammasat wrt temperature REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: qsi,qsl,dqsl,dqsi REAL fcirrus, fac REAL, PARAMETER :: acirrus=2.349 REAL, PARAMETER :: bcirrus=259.0 INTEGER i CALL CALC_QSAT_ECMWF(klon,temp,qtot,pressure,RTT,1,.false.,qsl,dqsl) CALL CALC_QSAT_ECMWF(klon,temp,qtot,pressure,RTT,2,.false.,qsi,dqsi) DO i=1,klon IF (temp(i) .GE. RTT) THEN ! warm clouds: condensation at saturation wrt liquid gammasat(i)=1. dgammasatdt(i)=0. ELSEIF ((temp(i) .LT. RTT) .AND. (temp(i) .GT. t_glace_min)) THEN IF (iflag_gammasat .GE. 2) THEN gammasat(i)=qsl(i)/qsi(i) dgammasatdt(i)=(dqsl(i)*qsi(i)-dqsi(i)*qsl(i))/qsi(i)/qsi(i) ELSE gammasat(i)=1. dgammasatdt(i)=0. ENDIF ELSE IF (iflag_gammasat .GE.1) THEN ! homogeneous freezing of aerosols, according to ! Koop, 2000 and Karcher 2008, QJRMS ! 'Cirrus regime' fcirrus=acirrus-temp(i)/bcirrus IF (fcirrus .LT. qsl(i)/qsi(i)) THEN gammasat(i)=qsl(i)/qsi(i) dgammasatdt(i)=(dqsl(i)*qsi(i)-dqsi(i)*qsl(i))/qsi(i)/qsi(i) ELSE gammasat(i)=fcirrus dgammasatdt(i)=-1.0/bcirrus ENDIF ELSE gammasat(i)=1. dgammasatdt(i)=0. ENDIF ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE CALC_GAMMASAT !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END MODULE LSCP_TOOLS_MOD