module lscp_ini_mod implicit none ! PARAMETERS for lscp: !-------------------- REAL, SAVE :: seuil_neb=0.001 ! cloud fraction threshold: a cloud really exists when exceeded !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(seuil_neb) INTEGER, SAVE :: ninter=5 ! number of iterations to calculate autoconversion to precipitation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ninter) INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_evap_prec=1 ! precipitation evaporation flag. 0: nothing, 1: "old way", ! 2: Max cloud fraction above to calculate the max of reevaporation ! 4: LTP'method i.e. evaporation in the clear-sky fraction of the mesh only !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_evap_prec) REAL t_coup ! temperature threshold which determines the phase PARAMETER (t_coup=234.0) ! for which the saturation vapor pressure is calculated REAL DDT0 ! iteration parameter PARAMETER (DDT0=.01) REAL ztfondue ! parameter to calculate melting fraction of precipitation PARAMETER (ztfondue=278.15) REAL, SAVE :: rain_int_min=0.001 ! Minimum local rain intensity [mm/s] before the decrease in associated precipitation fraction !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rain_int_min) REAL, SAVE :: a_tr_sca(4) ! Variables for tracers temporary: alpha parameter for scavenging, 4 possible scavenging processes !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(a_tr_sca) INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_mpc_bl=0 ! flag to activate boundary layer mixed phase cloud param !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_mpc_bl) LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_radocond_snow=.false. ! take into account the mass of ice precip in the cloud ice content seen by radiation !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_radocond_snow) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE lscp_ini(dtime,ok_ice_sursat) USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY : getin_p USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level, lunout USE ice_sursat_mod, ONLY: ice_sursat_init REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ok_ice_sursat CALL getin_p('ninter',ninter) CALL getin_p('iflag_evap_prec',iflag_evap_prec) CALL getin_p('seuil_neb',seuil_neb) CALL getin_p('rain_int_min',rain_int_min) CALL getin_p('iflag_mpc_bl',iflag_mpc_bl) CALL getin_p('ok_radocond_snow',ok_radocond_snow) WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp, ninter:', ninter WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp, iflag_evap_prec:', iflag_evap_prec WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp, seuil_neb:', seuil_neb WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp, rain_int_min:', rain_int_min WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp, iflag_mpc_bl:', iflag_mpc_bl WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp, ok_radocond_snow:', ok_radocond_snow ! check for precipitation sub-time steps IF (ABS(dtime/REAL(ninter)-360.0).GT.0.001) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp: it is not expected, see Z.X.Li', dtime WRITE(lunout,*) 'I would prefer a 6 min sub-timestep' ENDIF !AA Temporary initialisation a_tr_sca(1) = -0.5 a_tr_sca(2) = -0.5 a_tr_sca(3) = -0.5 a_tr_sca(4) = -0.5 IF (ok_ice_sursat) CALL ice_sursat_init() end subroutine lscp_ini end module lscp_ini_mod