MODULE etat0phys ! !******************************************************************************* ! Purpose: Create physical initial state using atmospheric fields from a ! database of atmospheric to initialize the model. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Comments: ! ! * This module is designed to work for Earth (and with ioipsl) ! ! * etat0phys_netcdf routine can access to NetCDF data through subroutines: ! "start_init_phys" for variables contained in file "": ! 'ST' : Surface temperature ! 'CDSW' : Soil moisture ! "start_init_orog" for variables contained in file "": ! 'RELIEF' : High resolution orography ! ! * The land mask and corresponding weights can be: ! 1) computed using the ocean mask from the ocean model (to ensure ocean ! fractions are the same for atmosphere and ocean) for coupled runs. ! File name: "" ; variable name: "OceMask" ! 2) computed from topography file "" for forced runs. ! ! * Allowed values for read_climoz flag are 0, 1 and 2: ! 0: do not read an ozone climatology ! 1: read a single ozone climatology that will be used day and night ! 2: read two ozone climatologies, the average day and night climatology ! and the daylight climatology !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! * There is a big mess with the longitude size. Should it be iml or iml+1 ? ! I have chosen to use the iml+1 as an argument to this routine and we declare ! internaly smaller fields when needed. This needs to be cleared once and for ! all in LMDZ. A convention is required. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE ioipsl, ONLY: flininfo, flinopen, flinget, flinclo USE assert_eq_m, ONLY: assert_eq USE dimphy, ONLY: klon USE conf_dat_m, ONLY: conf_dat2d USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: zmea, zstd, zsig, zgam, zthe, zpic, zval, z0m, & solsw, radsol, t_ancien, wake_deltat, wake_s, rain_fall, qsol, z0h, & sollw, rugoro, q_ancien, wake_deltaq, wake_pe, snow_fall, ratqs,w01, & sig1, ftsol, clwcon, fm_therm, wake_Cstar, pctsrf, entr_therm,radpas, f0,& zmax0,fevap, rnebcon,falb_dir, wake_fip, agesno, detr_therm, pbl_tke, & phys_state_var_init, ql_ancien, qs_ancien, prlw_ancien, prsw_ancien, & prw_ancien, sollwdown USE comconst_mod, ONLY: pi, dtvr PRIVATE PUBLIC :: etat0phys_netcdf include "iniprint.h" include "dimensions.h" include "paramet.h" include "comgeom2.h" include "dimsoil.h" include "clesphys.h" REAL, SAVE :: deg2rad REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: tsol(:) INTEGER, SAVE :: iml_phys, jml_phys, llm_phys, ttm_phys, fid_phys REAL, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: lon_phys(:,:), lat_phys(:,:), levphys_ini(:) CHARACTER(LEN=256), PARAMETER :: oroparam="" CHARACTER(LEN=256), PARAMETER :: orofname="", orogvar="RELIEF" CHARACTER(LEN=256), PARAMETER :: phyfname="", psrfvar="SP" CHARACTER(LEN=256), PARAMETER :: qsolvar="CDSW", tsrfvar="ST" CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE etat0phys_netcdf(masque, phis) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Creates initial states !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: 1) This routine is designed to work for Earth ! 2) If masque(:,:)/=-99999., masque and phis are already known. ! Otherwise: compute it. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE control_mod USE fonte_neige_mod USE pbl_surface_mod USE regr_horiz_time_climoz_m, ONLY: regr_horiz_time_climoz USE indice_sol_mod USE conf_phys_m, ONLY: conf_phys USE init_ssrf_m, ONLY: start_init_subsurf !use ioipsl_getincom IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: masque(:,:) !--- Land mask dim(iip1,jjp1) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: phis (:,:) !--- Ground geopotential dim(iip1,jjp1) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: modname="etat0phys_netcdf", fmt INTEGER :: i, j, l, ji, iml, jml LOGICAL :: read_mask REAL :: phystep, dummy REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(masque,1),SIZE(masque,2)) :: masque_tmp,phiso REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: sn, rugmer, run_off_lic_0, fder REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nbsrf) :: qsolsrf, snsrf REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nsoilmx,nbsrf) :: tsoil !--- Arguments for conf_phys LOGICAL :: ok_journe, ok_mensuel, ok_instan, ok_hf, ok_LES, callstats REAL :: solarlong0, seuil_inversion, fact_cldcon, facttemps LOGICAL :: ok_newmicro INTEGER :: iflag_radia, iflag_cldcon, iflag_ratqs REAL :: ratqsbas, ratqshaut, tau_ratqs LOGICAL :: ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_alw, ok_cdnc, aerosol_couple INTEGER :: flag_aerosol INTEGER :: flag_aerosol_strat LOGICAL :: flag_bc_internal_mixture LOGICAL :: new_aod REAL :: bl95_b0, bl95_b1 INTEGER :: read_climoz !--- Read ozone climatology REAL :: alp_offset LOGICAL :: filtre_oro=.false. deg2rad= pi/180.0 iml=assert_eq(SIZE(masque,1),SIZE(phis,1),TRIM(modname)//" iml") jml=assert_eq(SIZE(masque,2),SIZE(phis,2),TRIM(modname)//" jml") ! Physics configuration !******************************************************************************* CALL conf_phys( ok_journe, ok_mensuel, ok_instan, ok_hf, ok_LES, & callstats, & solarlong0,seuil_inversion, & fact_cldcon, facttemps,ok_newmicro,iflag_radia, & iflag_cldcon, & iflag_ratqs,ratqsbas,ratqshaut,tau_ratqs, & ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_alw, ok_cdnc, aerosol_couple, & flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, new_aod, & flag_bc_internal_mixture, bl95_b0, bl95_b1, & read_climoz, & alp_offset) CALL phys_state_var_init(read_climoz) !--- Initial atmospheric CO2 conc. from .def file co2_ppm0 = co2_ppm ! Compute ground geopotential, sub-cells quantities and possibly the mask. !******************************************************************************* read_mask=ANY(masque/=-99999.); masque_tmp=masque CALL start_init_orog(rlonv, rlatu, phis, masque_tmp) CALL getin('filtre_oro',filtre_oro) IF (filtre_oro) CALL filtreoro(size(phis,1),size(phis,2),phis,masque_tmp,rlatu) WRITE(fmt,"(i4,'i1)')")iml ; fmt='('//ADJUSTL(fmt) IF(.NOT.read_mask) THEN !--- Keep mask form orography masque=masque_tmp IF(prt_level>=1) THEN WRITE(lunout,*)'BUILT MASK :' WRITE(lunout,fmt) NINT(masque) END IF WHERE( masque(:,:)=1) CALL regr_horiz_time_climoz(read_climoz,ok_daily_climoz) ! Sub-surfaces initialization. !******************************************************************************* CALL start_init_subsurf(read_mask) ! Write physical initial state !******************************************************************************* WRITE(lunout,*)'phystep ',dtvr,iphysiq,nbapp_rad phystep = dtvr * FLOAT(iphysiq) radpas = NINT (86400./phystep/ FLOAT(nbapp_rad) ) WRITE(lunout,*)'phystep =', phystep, radpas ! Init: ftsol, snsrf, qsolsrf, tsoil, rain_fall, snow_fall, solsw, sollw, z0 !******************************************************************************* DO i=1,nbsrf; ftsol(:,i) = tsol; END DO DO i=1,nbsrf; snsrf(:,i) = sn; END DO falb_dir(:, :, is_ter) = 0.08 falb_dir(:, :, is_lic) = 0.6 falb_dir(:, :, is_oce) = 0.5 falb_dir(:, :, is_sic) = 0.6 fevap(:,:) = 0. DO i=1,nbsrf; qsolsrf(:,i)=150.; END DO DO i=1,nbsrf; DO j=1,nsoilmx; tsoil(:,j,i) = tsol; END DO; END DO rain_fall = 0. snow_fall = 0. solsw = 165. sollw = -53. !ym warning missing init for sollwdown => set to 0 sollwdown = 0. t_ancien = 273.15 q_ancien = 0. ql_ancien = 0. qs_ancien = 0. prlw_ancien = 0. prsw_ancien = 0. prw_ancien = 0. agesno = 0. z0m(:,is_oce) = rugmer(:) z0m(:,is_ter) = MAX(1.0e-05,zstd(:)*zsig(:)/2.0) z0m(:,is_lic) = MAX(1.0e-05,zstd(:)*zsig(:)/2.0) z0m(:,is_sic) = 0.001 z0h(:,:)=z0m(:,:) fder = 0.0 clwcon = 0.0 rnebcon = 0.0 ratqs = 0.0 run_off_lic_0 = 0.0 rugoro = 0.0 ! Before phyredem calling, surface modules and values to be saved in ! are initialized !******************************************************************************* dummy = 1.0 pbl_tke(:,:,:) = 1.e-8 zmax0(:) = 40. f0(:) = 1.e-5 sig1(:,:) = 0. w01(:,:) = 0. wake_deltat(:,:) = 0. wake_deltaq(:,:) = 0. wake_s(:) = 0. wake_cstar(:) = 0. wake_fip(:) = 0. wake_pe = 0. fm_therm = 0. entr_therm = 0. detr_therm = 0. CALL fonte_neige_init(run_off_lic_0) CALL pbl_surface_init( fder, snsrf, qsolsrf, tsoil ) CALL phyredem( "" ) ! WRITE(lunout,*)'CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC REACTIVER SORTIE VISU DANS ETAT0' ! WRITE(lunout,*)'entree histclo' CALL histclo() END SUBROUTINE etat0phys_netcdf ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE start_init_orog(lon_in,lat_in,phis,masque) ! !=============================================================================== ! Comment: ! This routine launch grid_noro, which computes parameters for SSO scheme as ! described in LOTT & MILLER (1997) and LOTT(1999). ! In case the file oroparam is present and the key read_orop is activated, ! grid_noro is bypassed and sub-cell parameters are read from the file. !=============================================================================== USE grid_noro_m, ONLY: grid_noro, read_noro USE logic_mod, ONLY: read_orop IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon_in(:), lat_in(:) ! dim (iml) (jml) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: phis(:,:), masque(:,:) ! dim (iml,jml) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: modname INTEGER :: fid, llm_tmp,ttm_tmp, iml,jml, iml_rel,jml_rel, itau(1) INTEGER :: ierr REAL :: lev(1), date, dt REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_rad(:), lon_ini(:), lon_rel(:,:), relief_hi(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lat_rad(:), lat_ini(:), lat_rel(:,:), tmp_var (:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zmea0(:,:), zstd0(:,:), zsig0(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zgam0(:,:), zthe0(:,:), zpic0(:,:), zval0(:,:) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- modname="start_init_orog" iml=assert_eq(SIZE(lon_in),SIZE(phis,1),SIZE(masque,1),TRIM(modname)//" iml") jml=assert_eq(SIZE(lat_in),SIZE(phis,2),SIZE(masque,2),TRIM(modname)//" jml") !--- HIGH RESOLUTION OROGRAPHY CALL flininfo(orofname, iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, fid) ALLOCATE(lat_rel(iml_rel,jml_rel),lon_rel(iml_rel,jml_rel)) CALL flinopen(orofname, .FALSE., iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, lon_rel, lat_rel,& lev, ttm_tmp, itau, date, dt, fid) ALLOCATE(relief_hi(iml_rel,jml_rel)) CALL flinget(fid, orogvar, iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, 1,1, relief_hi) CALL flinclo(fid) !--- IF ANGLES ARE IN DEGREES, THEY ARE CONVERTED INTO RADIANS ALLOCATE(lon_ini(iml_rel),lat_ini(jml_rel)) lon_ini(:)=lon_rel(:,1); IF(MAXVAL(lon_rel)>pi) lon_ini=lon_ini*deg2rad lat_ini(:)=lat_rel(1,:); IF(MAXVAL(lat_rel)>pi) lat_ini=lat_ini*deg2rad !--- FIELDS ARE PROCESSED TO BE ON STANDARD ANGULAR DOMAINS ALLOCATE(lon_rad(iml_rel),lat_rad(jml_rel)) CALL conf_dat2d(orogvar, lon_ini, lat_ini, lon_rad, lat_rad, relief_hi,.FALSE.) DEALLOCATE(lon_ini,lat_ini) !--- COMPUTING THE REQUIRED FIELDS USING ROUTINE grid_noro WRITE(lunout,*) WRITE(lunout,*)'*** Compute parameters needed for gravity wave drag code ***' !--- ALLOCATIONS OF SUB-CELL SCALES QUANTITIES ALLOCATE(zmea0(iml,jml),zstd0(iml,jml)) !--- Mean orography and std deviation ALLOCATE(zsig0(iml,jml),zgam0(iml,jml)) !--- Slope and nisotropy zsig0(:,:)=0 !ym uninitialized variable zgam0(:,:)=0 !ym uninitialized variable ALLOCATE(zthe0(iml,jml)) !--- Highest slope orientation zthe0(:,:)=0 !ym uninitialized variable ALLOCATE(zpic0(iml,jml),zval0(iml,jml)) !--- Peaks and valley heights !--- READ SUB-CELL SCALES PARAMETERS FROM A FILE (AT RIGHT RESOLUTION) OPEN(UNIT=66,FILE=oroparam,STATUS='OLD',IOSTAT=ierr) IF(ierr==0.AND.read_orop) THEN CLOSE(UNIT=66) CALL read_noro(lon_in,lat_in,oroparam, & phis,zmea0,zstd0,zsig0,zgam0,zthe0,zpic0,zval0,masque) ELSE !--- CALL OROGRAPHY MODULE TO COMPUTE FIELDS CALL grid_noro(lon_rad,lat_rad,relief_hi,lon_in,lat_in, & phis,zmea0,zstd0,zsig0,zgam0,zthe0,zpic0,zval0,masque) END IF phis = phis * 9.81 phis(iml,:) = phis(1,:) DEALLOCATE(relief_hi,lon_rad,lat_rad) !--- PUT QUANTITIES TO PHYSICAL GRID CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iml,jml,klon,zmea0,zmea); DEALLOCATE(zmea0) CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iml,jml,klon,zstd0,zstd); DEALLOCATE(zstd0) CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iml,jml,klon,zsig0,zsig); DEALLOCATE(zsig0) CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iml,jml,klon,zgam0,zgam); DEALLOCATE(zgam0) CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iml,jml,klon,zthe0,zthe); DEALLOCATE(zthe0) CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iml,jml,klon,zpic0,zpic); DEALLOCATE(zpic0) CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iml,jml,klon,zval0,zval); DEALLOCATE(zval0) END SUBROUTINE start_init_orog ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE start_init_phys(lon_in,lat_in,phis) ! !=============================================================================== ! Purpose: Compute tsol and qsol, knowing phis. !=============================================================================== IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon_in(:), lat_in(:) ! dim (iml) (jml2) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: phis(:,:) ! dim (iml,jml) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: modname REAL :: date, dt INTEGER :: iml, jml, jml2, itau(1) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_rad(:), lon_ini(:), var_ana(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lat_rad(:), lat_ini(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ts(:,:), qs(:,:) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- modname="start_init_phys" iml=assert_eq(SIZE(lon_in),SIZE(phis,1),TRIM(modname)//" iml") jml=SIZE(phis,2); jml2=SIZE(lat_in) WRITE(lunout,*)'Opening the surface analysis' CALL flininfo(phyfname, iml_phys, jml_phys, llm_phys, ttm_phys, fid_phys) WRITE(lunout,*) 'Values read: ', iml_phys, jml_phys, llm_phys, ttm_phys ALLOCATE(lat_phys(iml_phys,jml_phys),lon_phys(iml_phys,jml_phys)) ALLOCATE(levphys_ini(llm_phys)) CALL flinopen(phyfname, .FALSE., iml_phys, jml_phys, llm_phys, & lon_phys,lat_phys,levphys_ini,ttm_phys,itau,date,dt,fid_phys) !--- IF ANGLES ARE IN DEGREES, THEY ARE CONVERTED INTO RADIANS ALLOCATE(lon_ini(iml_phys),lat_ini(jml_phys)) lon_ini(:)=lon_phys(:,1); IF(MAXVAL(lon_phys)>pi) lon_ini=lon_ini*deg2rad lat_ini(:)=lat_phys(1,:); IF(MAXVAL(lat_phys)>pi) lat_ini=lat_ini*deg2rad ALLOCATE(var_ana(iml_phys,jml_phys),lon_rad(iml_phys),lat_rad(jml_phys)) CALL get_var_phys(tsrfvar,ts) !--- SURFACE TEMPERATURE CALL get_var_phys(qsolvar,qs) !--- SOIL MOISTURE CALL flinclo(fid_phys) DEALLOCATE(var_ana,lon_rad,lat_rad,lon_ini,lat_ini) !--- TSOL AND QSOL ON PHYSICAL GRID ALLOCATE(tsol(klon)) CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iml,jml,klon,ts,tsol) CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iml,jml,klon,qs,qsol) DEALLOCATE(ts,qs) CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE get_var_phys(title,field) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: title REAL, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: field(:,:) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: INTEGER :: tllm !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT CASE(title) CASE(psrfvar); tllm=0 CASE(tsrfvar,qsolvar); tllm=llm_phys END SELECT IF(ALLOCATED(field)) RETURN ALLOCATE(field(iml,jml)); field(:,:)=0. CALL flinget(fid_phys,title,iml_phys,jml_phys,tllm,ttm_phys,1,1,var_ana) CALL conf_dat2d(title, lon_ini, lat_ini, lon_rad, lat_rad, var_ana, .TRUE.) CALL interp_startvar(title, .TRUE., lon_rad, lat_rad, var_ana, & lon_in, lat_in, field) END SUBROUTINE get_var_phys ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! END SUBROUTINE start_init_phys ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE interp_startvar(nam,ibeg,lon,lat,vari,lon2,lat2,varo) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE inter_barxy_m, ONLY: inter_barxy IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: nam LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ibeg REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon(:), lat(:) ! dim (ii) (jj) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: vari(:,:) ! dim (ii,jj) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon2(:), lat2(:) ! dim (i1) (j2) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: varo(:,:) ! dim (i1) (j1) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: modname INTEGER :: ii, jj, i1, j1, j2 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vtmp(:,:) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- modname="interp_startvar" ii=assert_eq(SIZE(lon), SIZE(vari,1),TRIM(modname)//" ii") jj=assert_eq(SIZE(lat), SIZE(vari,2),TRIM(modname)//" jj") i1=assert_eq(SIZE(lon2),SIZE(varo,1),TRIM(modname)//" i1") j1=SIZE(varo,2); j2=SIZE(lat2) ALLOCATE(vtmp(i1-1,j1)) IF(ibeg.AND.prt_level>1) THEN WRITE(lunout,*)"--------------------------------------------------------" WRITE(lunout,*)"$$$ Interpolation barycentrique pour "//TRIM(nam)//" $$$" WRITE(lunout,*)"--------------------------------------------------------" END IF CALL inter_barxy(lon, lat(:jj-1), vari, lon2(:i1-1), lat2, vtmp) CALL gr_int_dyn(vtmp, varo, i1-1, j1) END SUBROUTINE interp_startvar ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !******************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE filtreoro(imp1,jmp1,phis,masque,rlatu) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER imp1,jmp1 REAL, DIMENSION(imp1,jmp1) :: phis,masque REAL, DIMENSION(jmp1) :: rlatu REAL, DIMENSION(imp1) :: wwf REAL, DIMENSION(imp1,jmp1) :: phiso INTEGER :: ifiltre,ifi,ii,i,j REAL :: coslat0,ssz coslat0=0.5 phiso=phis do j=2,jmp1-1 print*,'avant if ',cos(rlatu(j)),coslat0 if (cos(rlatu(j))0.9) then ssz=phis(i,j) do ifi=1,ifiltre+1 ii=i+ifi if (ii>imp1-1) ii=ii-imp1+1 ssz=ssz+wwf(ifi)*phis(ii,j) ii=i-ifi if (ii<1) ii=ii+imp1-1 ssz=ssz+wwf(ifi)*phis(ii,j) enddo phis(i,j)=ssz*cos(rlatu(j))/coslat0 endif enddo print*,'j=',j,coslat0/cos(rlatu(j)), (1.+2.*sum(wwf))*cos(rlatu(j))/coslat0 endif enddo call dump2d(imp1,jmp1,phis,'phis ') call dump2d(imp1,jmp1,masque,'masque ') call dump2d(imp1,jmp1,phis-phiso,'dphis ') END SUBROUTINE filtreoro END MODULE etat0phys