MODULE YOERRTA14 USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM ,JPRB IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC SAVE ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !* ** *YOERRTA14* - RRTM COEFFICIENTS FOR INTERVAL 14 ! BAND 14: 2250-2380 cm-1 (low - CO2; high - CO2) ! ABozzo 201306 updated to rrtmg v4.85 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER(KIND=JPIM), PARAMETER :: NG14 = 2 REAL(KIND=JPRB) , DIMENSION(NG14) :: FRACREFA REAL(KIND=JPRB) , DIMENSION(NG14) :: FRACREFB REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: KA(5,13,NG14) ,ABSA(65,NG14) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: KB(5,13:59,NG14),ABSB(235,NG14) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SELFREF(10,NG14) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: FORREF(4,NG14) EQUIVALENCE (KA(1,1,1),ABSA(1,1)), (KB(1,13,1),ABSB(1,1)) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! * E.C.M.W.F. PHYSICS PACKAGE * ! J.-J. MORCRETTE E.C.M.W.F. 98/01/15 ! NAME TYPE PURPOSE ! ---- : ---- : --------------------------------------------------- ! ABSA : REAL absorption coefficient of major absorber for M reference tropospheric ! pressures and N reference tropospheric temperatures ! ABSB : REAL absorption coefficient of secondary absorber for M reference stratospheric ! pressures and N reference stratospheric temperatures ! FRACREFA: REAL distance from r and T reference tabulated points (troposphere) ! FRACREFB: REAL distance from r and T reference tabulated points (stratosphere) ! KA : REAL absorption coefficient of major absorber (equiv. to ABSA) ! KB : REAL absorption coefficient of secondary absorber (equiv. to ABSB) ! SELFREF : REAL self broadening coefficient for water vapour ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- END MODULE YOERRTA14