# This is a makefile for GNU make. # This makefile builds "libjumble.a". # 1. Source files VPATH = Numerical sources := $(sort avg_mag.f90 count_lines.f90 opt_merge.f90 point.f90 compare.f90 csvread.f90 new_unit.f90 read_column.f90 jumble.f90 averge.f90 get_divisors.f90 dtridgl.f90 quadrat.f90 spherical.f90 prep_file.f90 prt_cmp.f90) # 2. Objects and library objects := $(sources:.f90=.o) lib = libjumble.a # 3. Compiler-dependent part override FFLAGS += -I../NR_util # 4. Rules # Extend known suffixes: %.o: %.f90 $(COMPILE.f) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< .PHONY: all clean depend all: ${lib} ${lib}: ${lib}(${objects}) depend depend.mk: makedepf90 -Wmissing -Wconfused -I${VPATH} -nosrc -u nr_util ${sources} >depend.mk clean: rm -f ${lib} ${objects} # Dependencies between object files and include files: include depend.mk