! $Id: $ MODULE infotrac_phy ! Infotrac for physics; for now contains the same information as infotrac for ! the dynamics (could be further cleaned) and is initialized using values ! provided by the dynamics ! nqtot : total number of tracers and higher order of moment, water vapor and liquid included INTEGER, SAVE :: nqtot !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqtot) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy(nqtot_) ! transfer information on tracers from dynamics to physics USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level, lunout IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nqtot_ CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: modname="init_infotrac_phy" nqtot=nqtot_ IF(prt_level.ge.1) THEN write(lunout,*) TRIM(modname)//": nqtot",nqtot ENDIF END SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy END MODULE infotrac_phy