! ! $Id: addfi_p.F 1987 2014-02-24 15:05:47Z adurocher $ ! SUBROUTINE addfi_p(pdt, leapf, forward, S pucov, pvcov, pteta, pq , pps , S pdufi, pdvfi, pdhfi,pdqfi, pdpfi ) USE parallel_lmdz USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot USE control_mod, ONLY : planet_type IMPLICIT NONE c c======================================================================= c c Addition of the physical tendencies c c Interface : c ----------- c c Input : c ------- c pdt time step of integration c leapf logical c forward logical c pucov(ip1jmp1,llm) first component of the covariant velocity c pvcov(ip1ip1jm,llm) second component of the covariant velocity c pteta(ip1jmp1,llm) potential temperature c pts(ip1jmp1,llm) surface temperature c pdufi(ip1jmp1,llm) | c pdvfi(ip1jm,llm) | respective c pdhfi(ip1jmp1) | tendencies c pdtsfi(ip1jmp1) | c c Output : c -------- c pucov c pvcov c ph c pts c c c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c 0. Declarations : c ------------------ c #include "dimensions.h" #include "paramet.h" #include "comconst.h" #include "comgeom.h" #include "serre.h" c c Arguments : c ----------- c REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdt ! time step for the integration (s) c REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: pvcov(ip1jm,llm) ! covariant meridional wind REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: pucov(ip1jmp1,llm) ! covariant zonal wind REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: pteta(ip1jmp1,llm) ! potential temperature REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: pq(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) ! tracers REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: pps(ip1jmp1) ! surface pressure (Pa) c respective tendencies (.../s) to add REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdvfi(ip1jm,llm) REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdufi(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdqfi(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdhfi(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdpfi(ip1jmp1) c LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: leapf,forward ! not used c c c Local variables : c ----------------- c REAL xpn(iim),xps(iim),tpn,tps INTEGER j,k,iq,ij REAL,PARAMETER :: qtestw = 1.0e-15 REAL,PARAMETER :: qtestt = 1.0e-40 REAL SSUM EXTERNAL SSUM INTEGER :: ijb,ije c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ijb=ij_begin ije=ij_end c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1,llm DO j = ijb,ije pteta(j,k)= pteta(j,k) + pdhfi(j,k) * pdt ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT if (pole_nord) then c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1, llm DO ij = 1, iim xpn(ij) = aire( ij ) * pteta( ij ,k) ENDDO tpn = SSUM(iim,xpn,1)/ apoln DO ij = 1, iip1 pteta( ij ,k) = tpn ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT endif if (pole_sud) then c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1, llm DO ij = 1, iim xps(ij) = aire(ij+ip1jm) * pteta(ij+ip1jm,k) ENDDO tps = SSUM(iim,xps,1)/ apols DO ij = 1, iip1 pteta(ij+ip1jm,k) = tps ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT endif c ijb=ij_begin ije=ij_end if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin+iip1 if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1,llm DO j = ijb,ije pucov(j,k)= pucov(j,k) + pdufi(j,k) * pdt ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1,llm DO j = ijb,ije pvcov(j,k)= pvcov(j,k) + pdvfi(j,k) * pdt ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end c$OMP MASTER DO j = ijb,ije pps(j) = pps(j) + pdpfi(j) * pdt ENDDO c$OMP END MASTER if (planet_type=="earth") then ! earth case, special treatment for first 2 tracers (water) DO iq = 1, 2 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1,llm DO j = ijb,ije pq(j,k,iq)= pq(j,k,iq) + pdqfi(j,k,iq) * pdt pq(j,k,iq)= AMAX1( pq(j,k,iq), qtestw ) ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT ENDDO DO iq = 3, nqtot c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1,llm DO j = ijb,ije pq(j,k,iq)= pq(j,k,iq) + pdqfi(j,k,iq) * pdt pq(j,k,iq)= AMAX1( pq(j,k,iq), qtestt ) ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT ENDDO else ! general case, treat all tracers equally) DO iq = 1, nqtot c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1,llm DO j = ijb,ije pq(j,k,iq)= pq(j,k,iq) + pdqfi(j,k,iq) * pdt pq(j,k,iq)= AMAX1( pq(j,k,iq), qtestt ) ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT ENDDO endif ! of if (planet_type=="earth") c$OMP MASTER if (pole_nord) then DO ij = 1, iim xpn(ij) = aire( ij ) * pps( ij ) ENDDO tpn = SSUM(iim,xpn,1)/apoln DO ij = 1, iip1 pps ( ij ) = tpn ENDDO endif if (pole_sud) then DO ij = 1, iim xps(ij) = aire(ij+ip1jm) * pps(ij+ip1jm ) ENDDO tps = SSUM(iim,xps,1)/apols DO ij = 1, iip1 pps ( ij+ip1jm ) = tps ENDDO endif c$OMP END MASTER if (pole_nord) then DO iq = 1, nqtot c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1, llm DO ij = 1, iim xpn(ij) = aire( ij ) * pq( ij ,k,iq) ENDDO tpn = SSUM(iim,xpn,1)/apoln DO ij = 1, iip1 pq ( ij ,k,iq) = tpn ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT ENDDO endif if (pole_sud) then DO iq = 1, nqtot c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO k = 1, llm DO ij = 1, iim xps(ij) = aire(ij+ip1jm) * pq(ij+ip1jm,k,iq) ENDDO tps = SSUM(iim,xps,1)/apols DO ij = 1, iip1 pq (ij+ip1jm,k,iq) = tps ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT ENDDO endif RETURN END