! $Id$ ! SUBROUTINE readaerosol_interp(id_aero, itap, pdtphys, r_day, first, pplay, paprs, t_seri, mass_out, pi_mass_out, load_src) ! ! This routine will return the mass concentration at actual day(mass_out) and ! the pre-industrial values(pi_mass_out) for aerosol corresponding to "id_aero". ! The mass concentrations for all aerosols are saved in this routine but each ! call to this routine only treats the aerosol "id_aero". ! ! 1) Read in data for the whole year, only at first time step ! 2) Interpolate to the actual day, only at new day ! 3) Interpolate to the model vertical grid (target grid), only at new day ! 4) Test for negative mass values USE ioipsl USE dimphy, ONLY : klev,klon USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY : mpi_rank USE readaerosol_mod USE aero_mod, ONLY : naero_spc, name_aero USE write_field_phy USE phys_cal_mod USE pres2lev_mod USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "YOMCST.h" INCLUDE "chem.h" INCLUDE "clesphys.h" ! ! Input: !**************************************************************************************** INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: id_aero! Identity number for the aerosol to treat INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itap ! Physic step count REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pdtphys! Physic day step REAL, INTENT(IN) :: r_day ! Day of integration LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: first ! First model timestep REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev), INTENT(IN) :: pplay ! pression at model mid-layers REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev+1),INTENT(IN):: paprs ! pression between model layers REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev), INTENT(IN) :: t_seri ! air temperature ! ! Output: !**************************************************************************************** REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: mass_out(klon,klev) ! Mass of aerosol (monthly mean data,from file) [ug AIBCM/m3] REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: pi_mass_out(klon,klev) ! Mass of preindustrial aerosol (monthly mean data,from file) [ug AIBCM/m3] REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: load_src(klon) ! Load of aerosol (monthly mean data,from file) [kg/m3] ! ! Local Variables: !**************************************************************************************** INTEGER :: i, k, ierr INTEGER :: iday, iyr, lmt_pas ! INTEGER :: im, day1, day2, im2 INTEGER :: im, im2 REAL :: day1, day2 INTEGER :: pi_klev_src ! Only for testing purpose INTEGER, SAVE :: klev_src ! Number of vertical levles in source field !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(klev_src) REAL :: zrho ! Air density [kg/m3] REAL :: volm ! Volyme de melange [kg/kg] REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: psurf_day, pi_psurf_day REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: pi_load_src ! Mass load at source grid REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: load_tgt, load_tgt_test REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: delp ! pressure difference in each model layer REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: pplay_src ! pression mid-layer at source levels REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tmp1, tmp2 ! Temporary variables REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), SAVE :: var_year ! VAR in right dimension for the total year REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), SAVE :: pi_var_year ! pre-industrial VAR, -"- !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(var_year,pi_var_year) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:),SAVE :: var_day ! VAR interpolated to the actual day and model grid REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:),SAVE :: pi_var_day ! pre-industrial VAR, -"- !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(var_day,pi_var_day) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), SAVE :: psurf_year, pi_psurf_year ! surface pressure for the total year !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(psurf_year, pi_psurf_year) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), SAVE :: load_year, pi_load_year ! load in the column for the total year !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(load_year, pi_load_year) REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: pt_tmp ! Pointer allocated in readaerosol REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: pt_ap, pt_b ! Pointer for describing the vertical levels !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(pt_ap, pt_b) INTEGER, SAVE :: nbr_tsteps ! number of time steps in file read REAL, DIMENSION(14), SAVE :: month_len, month_start, month_mid !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbr_tsteps, month_len, month_start, month_mid) REAL :: jDay LOGICAL :: lnewday ! Indicates if first time step at a new day LOGICAL :: OLDNEWDAY LOGICAL,SAVE :: vert_interp ! Indicates if vertical interpolation will be done LOGICAL,SAVE :: debug=.FALSE.! Debugging in this subroutine !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(vert_interp, debug) CHARACTER(len=8) :: type CHARACTER(len=8) :: filename !**************************************************************************************** ! Initialization ! !**************************************************************************************** ! Calculation to find if it is a new day IF(mpi_rank == 0 .AND. debug )then PRINT*,'CONTROL PANEL REGARDING TIME STEPING' ENDIF ! Use phys_cal_mod iday= day_cur iyr = year_cur im = mth_cur ! iday = INT(r_day) ! iyr = iday/360 ! iday = iday-iyr*360 ! day of the actual year ! iyr = iyr + annee_ref ! year of the run ! im = iday/30 +1 ! the actual month CALL ymds2ju(iyr, im, iday, 0., jDay) ! CALL ymds2ju(iyr, im, iday-(im-1)*30, 0., jDay) IF(MOD(itap-1,NINT(86400./pdtphys)) == 0)THEN lnewday=.TRUE. ELSE lnewday=.FALSE. ENDIF IF(mpi_rank == 0 .AND. debug)then ! 0.02 is about 0.5/24, namly less than half an hour OLDNEWDAY = (r_day-REAL(iday) < 0.02) ! Once per day, update aerosol fields lmt_pas = NINT(86400./pdtphys) PRINT*,'r_day-REAL(iday) =',r_day-REAL(iday) PRINT*,'itap =',itap PRINT*,'pdtphys =',pdtphys PRINT*,'lmt_pas =',lmt_pas PRINT*,'iday =',iday PRINT*,'r_day =',r_day PRINT*,'day_cur =',day_cur PRINT*,'mth_cur =',mth_cur PRINT*,'year_cur =',year_cur PRINT*,'NINT(86400./pdtphys) =',NINT(86400./pdtphys) PRINT*,'MOD(0,1) =',MOD(0,1) PRINT*,'lnewday =',lnewday PRINT*,'OLDNEWDAY =',OLDNEWDAY ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(var_day)) THEN ALLOCATE( var_day(klon, klev, naero_spc), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'pb in allocation 1',1) ALLOCATE( pi_var_day(klon, klev, naero_spc), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'pb in allocation 2',1) ALLOCATE( psurf_year(klon, 12, naero_spc), pi_psurf_year(klon, 12, naero_spc), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'pb in allocation 3',1) ALLOCATE( load_year(klon, 12, naero_spc), pi_load_year(klon, 12, naero_spc), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'pb in allocation 4',1) lnewday=.TRUE. NULLIFY(pt_ap) NULLIFY(pt_b) END IF !**************************************************************************************** ! 1) Read in data : corresponding to the actual year and preindustrial data. ! Only for the first day of the year. ! !**************************************************************************************** IF ( (first .OR. iday==0) .AND. lnewday ) THEN NULLIFY(pt_tmp) ! Reading values corresponding to the closest year taking into count the choice of aer_type. ! For aer_type=scenario interpolation between 2 data sets is done in readaerosol. ! If aer_type=mix1, mix2 or mix3, the run type and file name depends on the aerosol. IF (aer_type=='preind' .OR. aer_type=='actuel' .OR. aer_type=='annuel' .OR. aer_type=='scenario') THEN ! Standard case filename='aerosols' type=aer_type ELSE IF (aer_type == 'mix1') THEN ! Special case using a mix of decenal sulfate file and annual aerosols(all aerosols except sulfate) IF (name_aero(id_aero) == 'SO4') THEN filename='so4.run ' type='scenario' ELSE filename='aerosols' type='annuel' END IF ELSE IF (aer_type == 'mix2') THEN ! Special case using a mix of decenal sulfate file and natrual aerosols IF (name_aero(id_aero) == 'SO4') THEN filename='so4.run ' type='scenario' ELSE filename='aerosols' type='preind' END IF ELSE IF (aer_type == 'mix3') THEN ! Special case using a mix of annual sulfate file and natrual aerosols IF (name_aero(id_aero) == 'SO4') THEN filename='aerosols' type='annuel' ELSE filename='aerosols' type='preind' END IF ELSE CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'this aer_type not supported',1) END IF CALL readaerosol(name_aero(id_aero), type, filename, iyr, klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, pt_tmp, & psurf_year(:,:,id_aero), load_year(:,:,id_aero)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(var_year)) THEN ALLOCATE(var_year(klon, klev_src, 12, naero_spc), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'pb in allocation 5',1) END IF var_year(:,:,:,id_aero) = pt_tmp(:,:,:) ! Reading values corresponding to the preindustrial concentrations. type='preind' CALL readaerosol(name_aero(id_aero), type, filename, iyr, pi_klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, pt_tmp, & pi_psurf_year(:,:,id_aero), pi_load_year(:,:,id_aero)) ! klev_src must be the same in both files. ! Also supposing pt_ap and pt_b to be the same in the 2 files without testing. IF (pi_klev_src /= klev_src) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'Error! All forcing files for the same aerosol must have the same vertical dimension' WRITE(lunout,*) 'Aerosol : ', name_aero(id_aero) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp','Differnt vertical axes in aerosol forcing files',1) END IF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(pi_var_year)) THEN ALLOCATE(pi_var_year(klon, klev_src, 12, naero_spc), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'pb in allocation 6',1) END IF pi_var_year(:,:,:,id_aero) = pt_tmp(:,:,:) IF (debug) THEN CALL writefield_phy('var_year_jan',var_year(:,:,1,id_aero),klev_src) CALL writefield_phy('var_year_dec',var_year(:,:,12,id_aero),klev_src) CALL writefield_phy('psurf_src',psurf_year(:,:,id_aero),1) CALL writefield_phy('pi_psurf_src',pi_psurf_year(:,:,id_aero),1) CALL writefield_phy('load_year_src',load_year(:,:,id_aero),1) CALL writefield_phy('pi_load_year_src',pi_load_year(:,:,id_aero),1) END IF ! Pointer no more useful, deallocate. DEALLOCATE(pt_tmp) ! Test if vertical interpolation will be needed. IF (psurf_year(1,1,id_aero)==not_valid .OR. pi_psurf_year(1,1,id_aero)==not_valid ) THEN ! Pressure=not_valid indicates old file format, see module readaerosol vert_interp = .FALSE. ! If old file format, both psurf_year and pi_psurf_year must be not_valid IF ( psurf_year(1,1,id_aero) /= pi_psurf_year(1,1,id_aero) ) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'Warning! All forcing files for the same aerosol must have the same structure' CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'The aerosol files have not the same format',1) END IF IF (klev /= klev_src) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'Old format of aerosol file do not allowed vertical interpolation' CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'Old aerosol file not possible',1) END IF ELSE vert_interp = .TRUE. END IF ! Calendar initialisation ! DO i = 2, 13 month_len(i) = REAL(ioget_mon_len(year_cur, i-1)) CALL ymds2ju(year_cur, i-1, 1, 0.0, month_start(i)) ENDDO month_len(1) = REAL(ioget_mon_len(year_cur-1, 12)) CALL ymds2ju(year_cur-1, 12, 1, 0.0, month_start(1)) month_len(14) = REAL(ioget_mon_len(year_cur+1, 1)) CALL ymds2ju(year_cur+1, 1, 1, 0.0, month_start(14)) month_mid(:) = month_start (:) + month_len(:)/2. if (debug) then write(lunout,*)' month_len = ',month_len write(lunout,*)' month_mid = ',month_mid endif END IF ! IF ( (first .OR. iday==0) .AND. lnewday ) THEN !**************************************************************************************** ! - 2) Interpolate to the actual day. ! - 3) Interpolate to the model vertical grid. ! !**************************************************************************************** IF (lnewday) THEN ! only if new day !**************************************************************************************** ! 2) Interpolate to the actual day ! !**************************************************************************************** ! Find which months and days to use for time interpolation nbr_tsteps = 12 IF (nbr_tsteps == 12) then IF (jDay < month_mid(im+1)) THEN im2=im-1 day2 = month_mid(im2+1) day1 = month_mid(im+1) IF (im2 <= 0) THEN ! the month is january, thus the month before december im2=12 END IF ELSE ! the second half of the month im2=im+1 day1 = month_mid(im+1) day2 = month_mid(im2+1) IF (im2 > 12) THEN ! the month is december, the following thus january im2=1 ENDIF END IF ELSE IF (nbr_tsteps == 14) then im = im + 1 IF (jDay < month_mid(im)) THEN ! in the first half of the month use month before and actual month im2=im-1 day2 = month_mid(im2) day1 = month_mid(im) ELSE ! the second half of the month im2=im+1 day1 = month_mid(im) day2 = month_mid(im2) END IF ELSE CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'number of months undefined',1) ENDIF if (debug) then write(lunout,*)' jDay, day1, day2, im, im2 = ', jDay, day1, day2, im, im2 endif ! Time interpolation, still on vertical source grid ALLOCATE(tmp1(klon,klev_src), tmp2(klon,klev_src),stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'pb in allocation 7',1) ALLOCATE(pplay_src(klon,klev_src), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp', 'pb in allocation 8',1) DO k=1,klev_src DO i=1,klon tmp1(i,k) = & var_year(i,k,im2,id_aero) - (jDay-day2)/(day1-day2) * & (var_year(i,k,im2,id_aero) - var_year(i,k,im,id_aero)) tmp2(i,k) = & pi_var_year(i,k,im2,id_aero) - (jDay-day2)/(day1-day2) * & (pi_var_year(i,k,im2,id_aero) - pi_var_year(i,k,im,id_aero)) END DO END DO ! Time interpolation for pressure at surface, still on vertical source grid DO i=1,klon psurf_day(i) = & psurf_year(i,im2,id_aero) - (jDay-day2)/(day1-day2) * & (psurf_year(i,im2,id_aero) - psurf_year(i,im,id_aero)) pi_psurf_day(i) = & pi_psurf_year(i,im2,id_aero) - (jDay-day2)/(day1-day2) * & (pi_psurf_year(i,im2,id_aero) - pi_psurf_year(i,im,id_aero)) END DO ! Time interpolation for the load, still on vertical source grid DO i=1,klon load_src(i) = & load_year(i,im2,id_aero) - (jDay-day2)/(day1-day2) * & (load_year(i,im2,id_aero) - load_year(i,im,id_aero)) pi_load_src(i) = & pi_load_year(i,im2,id_aero) - (jDay-day2)/(day1-day2) * & (pi_load_year(i,im2,id_aero) - pi_load_year(i,im,id_aero)) END DO !**************************************************************************************** ! 3) Interpolate to the model vertical grid (target grid) ! !**************************************************************************************** IF (vert_interp) THEN ! - Interpolate variable tmp1 (on source grid) to var_day (on target grid) !******************************************************************************** ! a) calculate pression at vertical levels for the source grid using the ! hybrid-sigma coordinates ap and b and the surface pressure, variables from file. DO k = 1, klev_src DO i = 1, klon pplay_src(i,k)= pt_ap(k) + pt_b(k)*psurf_day(i) END DO END DO IF (debug) THEN CALL writefield_phy('psurf_day_src',psurf_day(:),1) CALL writefield_phy('pplay_src',pplay_src(:,:),klev_src) CALL writefield_phy('pplay',pplay(:,:),klev) CALL writefield_phy('day_src',tmp1,klev_src) CALL writefield_phy('pi_day_src',tmp2,klev_src) END IF ! b) vertical interpolation on pressure leveles CALL pres2lev(tmp1(:,:), var_day(:,:,id_aero), klev_src, klev, pplay_src, pplay, & 1, klon, .FALSE.) IF (debug) CALL writefield_phy('day_tgt',var_day(:,:,id_aero),klev) ! c) adjust to conserve total aerosol mass load in the vertical pillar ! Calculate the load in the actual pillar and compare with the load ! read from aerosol file. ! Find the pressure difference in each model layer DO k = 1, klev DO i = 1, klon delp(i,k) = paprs(i,k) - paprs (i,k+1) END DO END DO ! Find the mass load in the actual pillar, on target grid load_tgt(:) = 0. DO k= 1, klev DO i = 1, klon zrho = pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD ! [kg/m3] volm = var_day(i,k,id_aero)*1.E-9/zrho ! [kg/kg] load_tgt(i) = load_tgt(i) + 1/RG * volm *delp(i,k) END DO END DO ! Adjust, uniform DO k = 1, klev DO i = 1, klon var_day(i,k,id_aero) = var_day(i,k,id_aero)*load_src(i)/load_tgt(i) END DO END DO IF (debug) THEN load_tgt_test(:) = 0. DO k= 1, klev DO i = 1, klon zrho = pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD ! [kg/m3] volm = var_day(i,k,id_aero)*1.E-9/zrho ! [kg/kg] load_tgt_test(i) = load_tgt_test(i) + 1/RG * volm*delp(i,k) END DO END DO CALL writefield_phy('day_tgt2',var_day(:,:,id_aero),klev) CALL writefield_phy('load_tgt',load_tgt(:),1) CALL writefield_phy('load_tgt_test',load_tgt_test(:),1) CALL writefield_phy('load_src',load_src(:),1) END IF ! - Interpolate variable tmp2 (source grid) to pi_var_day (target grid) !******************************************************************************** ! a) calculate pression at vertical levels at source grid DO k = 1, klev_src DO i = 1, klon pplay_src(i,k)= pt_ap(k) + pt_b(k)*pi_psurf_day(i) END DO END DO IF (debug) THEN CALL writefield_phy('pi_psurf_day_src',pi_psurf_day(:),1) CALL writefield_phy('pi_pplay_src',pplay_src(:,:),klev_src) END IF ! b) vertical interpolation on pressure leveles CALL pres2lev(tmp2(:,:), pi_var_day(:,:,id_aero), klev_src, klev, pplay_src, pplay, & 1, klon, .FALSE.) IF (debug) CALL writefield_phy('pi_day_tgt',pi_var_day(:,:,id_aero),klev) ! c) adjust to conserve total aerosol mass load in the vertical pillar ! Calculate the load in the actual pillar and compare with the load ! read from aerosol file. ! Find the load in the actual pillar, on target grid load_tgt(:) = 0. DO k = 1, klev DO i = 1, klon zrho = pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD ! [kg/m3] volm = pi_var_day(i,k,id_aero)*1.E-9/zrho ! [kg/kg] load_tgt(i) = load_tgt(i) + 1/RG * volm * delp(i,k) END DO END DO DO k = 1, klev DO i = 1, klon pi_var_day(i,k,id_aero) = pi_var_day(i,k,id_aero)*pi_load_src(i)/load_tgt(i) END DO END DO IF (debug) THEN load_tgt_test(:) = 0. DO k = 1, klev DO i = 1, klon zrho = pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD ! [kg/m3] volm = pi_var_day(i,k,id_aero)*1.E-9/zrho ! [kg/kg] load_tgt_test(i) = load_tgt_test(i) + 1/RG * volm * delp(i,k) END DO END DO CALL writefield_phy('pi_day_tgt2',pi_var_day(:,:,id_aero),klev) CALL writefield_phy('pi_load_tgt',load_tgt(:),1) CALL writefield_phy('pi_load_tgt_test',load_tgt_test(:),1) CALL writefield_phy('pi_load_src',pi_load_src(:),1) END IF ELSE ! No vertical interpolation done var_day(:,:,id_aero) = tmp1(:,:) pi_var_day(:,:,id_aero) = tmp2(:,:) END IF ! vert_interp ! Deallocation DEALLOCATE(tmp1, tmp2, pplay_src, stat=ierr) !**************************************************************************************** ! 4) Test for negative mass values ! !**************************************************************************************** IF (MINVAL(var_day(:,:,id_aero)) < 0.) THEN DO k=1,klev DO i=1,klon ! Test for var_day IF (var_day(i,k,id_aero) < 0.) THEN IF (jDay-day2 < 0.) WRITE(lunout,*) 'jDay-day2=',jDay-day2 IF (var_year(i,k,im2,id_aero) - var_year(i,k,im,id_aero) < 0.) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) trim(name_aero(id_aero)),'(i,k,im2)-', & trim(name_aero(id_aero)),'(i,k,im)=', & var_year(i,k,im2,id_aero) - var_year(i,k,im,id_aero) END IF WRITE(lunout,*) 'stop for aerosol : ',name_aero(id_aero) WRITE(lunout,*) 'day1, day2, jDay = ', day1, day2, jDay CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp','Error in interpolation 1',1) END IF END DO END DO END IF IF (MINVAL(pi_var_day(:,:,id_aero)) < 0. ) THEN DO k=1, klev DO i=1,klon ! Test for pi_var_day IF (pi_var_day(i,k,id_aero) < 0.) THEN IF (jDay-day2 < 0.) WRITE(lunout,*) 'jDay-day2=',jDay-day2 IF (pi_var_year(i,k,im2,id_aero) - pi_var_year(i,k,im,id_aero) < 0.) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) trim(name_aero(id_aero)),'(i,k,im2)-', & trim(name_aero(id_aero)),'(i,k,im)=', & pi_var_year(i,k,im2,id_aero) - pi_var_year(i,k,im,id_aero) END IF WRITE(lunout,*) 'stop for aerosol : ',name_aero(id_aero) CALL abort_physic('readaerosol_interp','Error in interpolation 2',1) END IF END DO END DO END IF END IF ! lnewday !**************************************************************************************** ! Copy output from saved variables ! !**************************************************************************************** mass_out(:,:) = var_day(:,:,id_aero) pi_mass_out(:,:) = pi_var_day(:,:,id_aero) END SUBROUTINE readaerosol_interp