! $Header$ SUBROUTINE diagphy(airephy, tit, iprt, tops, topl, sols, soll, sens, evap, & rain_fall, snow_fall, ts, d_etp_tot, d_qt_tot, d_ec_tot, fs_bound, & fq_bound) ! ====================================================================== ! Purpose: ! Compute the thermal flux and the watter mass flux at the atmosphere ! boundaries. Print them and also the atmospheric enthalpy change and ! the atmospheric mass change. ! Arguments: ! airephy-------input-R- grid area ! tit---------input-A15- Comment to be added in PRINT (CHARACTER*15) ! iprt--------input-I- PRINT level ( <=0 : no PRINT) ! tops(klon)--input-R- SW rad. at TOA (W/m2), positive up. ! topl(klon)--input-R- LW rad. at TOA (W/m2), positive down ! sols(klon)--input-R- Net SW flux above surface (W/m2), positive up ! (i.e. -1 * flux absorbed by the surface) ! soll(klon)--input-R- Net LW flux above surface (W/m2), positive up ! (i.e. flux emited - flux absorbed by the surface) ! sens(klon)--input-R- Sensible Flux at surface (W/m2), positive down ! evap(klon)--input-R- Evaporation + sublimation watter vapour mass flux ! (kg/m2/s), positive up ! rain_fall(klon) ! --input-R- Liquid watter mass flux (kg/m2/s), positive down ! snow_fall(klon) ! --input-R- Solid watter mass flux (kg/m2/s), positive down ! ts(klon)----input-R- Surface temperature (K) ! d_etp_tot---input-R- Heat flux equivalent to atmospheric enthalpy ! change (W/m2) ! d_qt_tot----input-R- Mass flux equivalent to atmospheric watter mass ! change (kg/m2/s) ! d_ec_tot----input-R- Flux equivalent to atmospheric cinetic energy ! change (W/m2) ! fs_bound---output-R- Thermal flux at the atmosphere boundaries (W/m2) ! fq_bound---output-R- Watter mass flux at the atmosphere boundaries ! (kg/m2/s) ! J.L. Dufresne, July 2002 ! Version prise sur ! ~rlmd833/LMDZOR_201102/modipsl/modeles/LMDZ.3.3/libf/phylmd ! le 25 Novembre 2002. ! ====================================================================== USE dimphy IMPLICIT NONE include "YOMCST.h" include "YOETHF.h" ! Input variables REAL airephy(klon) CHARACTER *15 tit INTEGER iprt REAL tops(klon), topl(klon), sols(klon), soll(klon) REAL sens(klon), evap(klon), rain_fall(klon), snow_fall(klon) REAL ts(klon) REAL d_etp_tot, d_qt_tot, d_ec_tot ! Output variables REAL fs_bound, fq_bound ! Local variables REAL stops, stopl, ssols, ssoll REAL ssens, sfront, slat REAL airetot, zcpvap, zcwat, zcice REAL rain_fall_tot, snow_fall_tot, evap_tot INTEGER i INTEGER pas SAVE pas DATA pas/0/ !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(pas) pas = pas + 1 stops = 0. stopl = 0. ssols = 0. ssoll = 0. ssens = 0. sfront = 0. evap_tot = 0. rain_fall_tot = 0. snow_fall_tot = 0. airetot = 0. ! Pour les chaleur specifiques de la vapeur d'eau, de l'eau et de ! la glace, on travaille par difference a la chaleur specifique de l' ! air sec. En effet, comme on travaille a niveau de pression donne, ! toute variation de la masse d'un constituant est totalement ! compense par une variation de masse d'air. zcpvap = rcpv - rcpd zcwat = rcw - rcpd zcice = rcs - rcpd DO i = 1, klon stops = stops + tops(i)*airephy(i) stopl = stopl + topl(i)*airephy(i) ssols = ssols + sols(i)*airephy(i) ssoll = ssoll + soll(i)*airephy(i) ssens = ssens + sens(i)*airephy(i) sfront = sfront + (evap(i)*zcpvap-rain_fall(i)*zcwat-snow_fall(i)*zcice)* & ts(i)*airephy(i) evap_tot = evap_tot + evap(i)*airephy(i) rain_fall_tot = rain_fall_tot + rain_fall(i)*airephy(i) snow_fall_tot = snow_fall_tot + snow_fall(i)*airephy(i) airetot = airetot + airephy(i) END DO stops = stops/airetot stopl = stopl/airetot ssols = ssols/airetot ssoll = ssoll/airetot ssens = ssens/airetot sfront = sfront/airetot evap_tot = evap_tot/airetot rain_fall_tot = rain_fall_tot/airetot snow_fall_tot = snow_fall_tot/airetot slat = rlvtt*rain_fall_tot + rlstt*snow_fall_tot ! Heat flux at atm. boundaries fs_bound = stops - stopl - (ssols+ssoll) + ssens + sfront + slat ! Watter flux at atm. boundaries fq_bound = evap_tot - rain_fall_tot - snow_fall_tot IF (iprt>=1) WRITE (6, 6666) tit, pas, fs_bound, d_etp_tot, fq_bound, & d_qt_tot IF (iprt>=1) WRITE (6, 6668) tit, pas, d_etp_tot + d_ec_tot - fs_bound, & d_qt_tot - fq_bound IF (iprt>=2) WRITE (6, 6667) tit, pas, stops, stopl, ssols, ssoll, ssens, & slat, evap_tot, rain_fall_tot + snow_fall_tot RETURN 6666 FORMAT ('Phys. Flux Budget ', A15, 1I6, 2F8.2, 2(1PE13.5)) 6667 FORMAT ('Phys. Boundary Flux ', A15, 1I6, 6F8.2, 2(1PE13.5)) 6668 FORMAT ('Phys. Total Budget ', A15, 1I6, F8.2, 2(1PE13.5)) END SUBROUTINE diagphy ! ====================================================================== SUBROUTINE diagetpq(airephy, tit, iprt, idiag, idiag2, dtime, t, q, ql, qs, & u, v, paprs, pplay, d_h_vcol, d_qt, d_qw, d_ql, d_qs, d_ec & !#ifdef ISO ! & , xt,xtl,xts,d_xtw, d_xtl, d_xts & !#endif & ) ! ====================================================================== ! Purpose: ! Calcul la difference d'enthalpie et de masse d'eau entre 2 appels, ! et calcul le flux de chaleur et le flux d'eau necessaire a ces ! changements. Ces valeurs sont moyennees sur la surface de tout ! le globe et sont exprime en W/2 et kg/s/m2 ! Outil pour diagnostiquer la conservation de l'energie ! et de la masse dans la physique. Suppose que les niveau de ! pression entre couche ne varie pas entre 2 appels. ! Plusieurs de ces diagnostics peuvent etre fait en parallele: les ! bilans sont sauvegardes dans des tableaux indices. On parlera ! "d'indice de diagnostic" ! ====================================================================== ! Arguments: ! airephy-------input-R- grid area ! tit-----imput-A15- Comment added in PRINT (CHARACTER*15) ! iprt----input-I- PRINT level ( <=1 : no PRINT) ! idiag---input-I- indice dans lequel sera range les nouveaux ! bilans d' entalpie et de masse ! idiag2--input-I-les nouveaux bilans d'entalpie et de masse ! sont compare au bilan de d'enthalpie de masse de ! l'indice numero idiag2 ! Cas parriculier : si idiag2=0, pas de comparaison, on ! sort directement les bilans d'enthalpie et de masse ! dtime----input-R- time step (s) ! t--------input-R- temperature (K) ! q--------input-R- vapeur d'eau (kg/kg) ! ql-------input-R- liquid watter (kg/kg) ! qs-------input-R- solid watter (kg/kg) ! u--------input-R- vitesse u ! v--------input-R- vitesse v ! paprs----input-R- pression a intercouche (Pa) ! pplay----input-R- pression au milieu de couche (Pa) ! the following total value are computed by UNIT of earth surface ! d_h_vcol--output-R- Heat flux (W/m2) define as the Enthalpy ! change (J/m2) during one time step (dtime) for the whole ! atmosphere (air, watter vapour, liquid and solid) ! d_qt------output-R- total water mass flux (kg/m2/s) defined as the ! total watter (kg/m2) change during one time step (dtime), ! d_qw------output-R- same, for the watter vapour only (kg/m2/s) ! d_ql------output-R- same, for the liquid watter only (kg/m2/s) ! d_qs------output-R- same, for the solid watter only (kg/m2/s) ! d_ec------output-R- Cinetic Energy Budget (W/m2) for vertical air column ! other (COMMON...) ! RCPD, RCPV, .... ! J.L. Dufresne, July 2002 ! ====================================================================== USE dimphy !#ifdef ISO ! USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: niso,ntraciso !#endif ! isotopes inutiles ici IMPLICIT NONE include "YOMCST.h" include "YOETHF.h" ! Input variables REAL airephy(klon) CHARACTER *15 tit INTEGER iprt, idiag, idiag2 REAL dtime REAL t(klon, klev), q(klon, klev), ql(klon, klev), qs(klon, klev) REAL u(klon, klev), v(klon, klev) REAL paprs(klon, klev+1), pplay(klon, klev) ! Output variables REAL d_h_vcol, d_qt, d_qw, d_ql, d_qs, d_ec ! Local variables REAL h_vcol_tot, h_dair_tot, h_qw_tot, h_ql_tot, h_qs_tot, qw_tot, ql_tot, & qs_tot, ec_tot ! h_vcol_tot-- total enthalpy of vertical air column ! (air with watter vapour, liquid and solid) (J/m2) ! h_dair_tot-- total enthalpy of dry air (J/m2) ! h_qw_tot---- total enthalpy of watter vapour (J/m2) ! h_ql_tot---- total enthalpy of liquid watter (J/m2) ! h_qs_tot---- total enthalpy of solid watter (J/m2) ! qw_tot------ total mass of watter vapour (kg/m2) ! ql_tot------ total mass of liquid watter (kg/m2) ! qs_tot------ total mass of solid watter (kg/m2) ! ec_tot------ total cinetic energy (kg/m2) REAL zairm(klon, klev) ! layer air mass (kg/m2) REAL zqw_col(klon) REAL zql_col(klon) REAL zqs_col(klon) REAL zec_col(klon) REAL zh_dair_col(klon) REAL zh_qw_col(klon), zh_ql_col(klon), zh_qs_col(klon) !#ifdef ISO ! real xt(ntraciso,klon,klev), xtl(ntraciso,klon,klev), & ! & xts(ntraciso,klon,klev) ! real xtw_tot(ntraciso), xtl_tot(ntraciso), xts_tot(ntraciso) ! real d_xtw(ntraciso), d_xtl(ntraciso), d_xts(ntraciso) ! REAL zxtw_col(ntraciso,klon) ! REAL zxtl_col(ntraciso,klon) ! REAL zxts_col(ntraciso,klon) ! integer ixt !#endif REAL d_h_dair, d_h_qw, d_h_ql, d_h_qs REAL airetot, zcpvap, zcwat, zcice INTEGER i, k INTEGER ndiag ! max number of diagnostic in parallel PARAMETER (ndiag=10) INTEGER pas(ndiag) SAVE pas DATA pas/ndiag*0/ !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(pas) REAL h_vcol_pre(ndiag), h_dair_pre(ndiag), h_qw_pre(ndiag), & h_ql_pre(ndiag), h_qs_pre(ndiag), qw_pre(ndiag), ql_pre(ndiag), & qs_pre(ndiag), ec_pre(ndiag) SAVE h_vcol_pre, h_dair_pre, h_qw_pre, h_ql_pre, h_qs_pre, qw_pre, ql_pre, & qs_pre, ec_pre !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(h_vcol_pre, h_dair_pre, h_qw_pre, h_ql_pre) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(h_qs_pre, qw_pre, ql_pre, qs_pre , ec_pre) !#ifdef ISO ! REAL xtw_pre(ntraciso,ndiag), xtl_pre(ntraciso,ndiag), & ! & xts_pre(ntraciso,ndiag) ! SAVE xtw_pre, xtl_pre, xts_pre ! !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(xtw_pre, xtl_pre, xts_pre) !#endif ! ====================================================================== #ifdef ISOVERIF write(*,*) 'diagetp tmp 293' #endif DO k = 1, klev DO i = 1, klon ! layer air mass zairm(i, k) = (paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))/rg END DO END DO ! Reset variables DO i = 1, klon zqw_col(i) = 0. zql_col(i) = 0. zqs_col(i) = 0. zec_col(i) = 0. zh_dair_col(i) = 0. zh_qw_col(i) = 0. zh_ql_col(i) = 0. zh_qs_col(i) = 0. !#ifdef ISO ! do ixt=1,ntraciso ! zxtw_col(ixt,i)=0. ! zxtl_col(ixt,i)=0. ! zxts_col(ixt,i)=0. ! enddo !#endif END DO zcpvap = rcpv zcwat = rcw zcice = rcs ! Compute vertical sum for each atmospheric column ! ================================================ DO k = 1, klev DO i = 1, klon ! Watter mass zqw_col(i) = zqw_col(i) + q(i, k)*zairm(i, k) zql_col(i) = zql_col(i) + ql(i, k)*zairm(i, k) zqs_col(i) = zqs_col(i) + qs(i, k)*zairm(i, k) !#ifdef ISO ! do ixt=1,ntraciso ! zxtw_col(ixt,i) = zxtw_col(ixt,i) + xt(ixt,i,k)*zairm(i,k) ! zxtl_col(ixt,i) = zxtl_col(ixt,i) + xtl(ixt,i,k)*zairm(i,k) ! zxts_col(ixt,i) = zxts_col(ixt,i) + xts(ixt,i,k)*zairm(i,k) ! enddo !#endif ! Cinetic Energy zec_col(i) = zec_col(i) + 0.5*(u(i,k)**2+v(i,k)**2)*zairm(i, k) ! Air enthalpy zh_dair_col(i) = zh_dair_col(i) + rcpd*(1.-q(i,k)-ql(i,k)-qs(i,k))* & zairm(i, k)*t(i, k) zh_qw_col(i) = zh_qw_col(i) + zcpvap*q(i, k)*zairm(i, k)*t(i, k) zh_ql_col(i) = zh_ql_col(i) + zcwat*ql(i, k)*zairm(i, k)*t(i, k) - & rlvtt*ql(i, k)*zairm(i, k) zh_qs_col(i) = zh_qs_col(i) + zcice*qs(i, k)*zairm(i, k)*t(i, k) - & rlstt*qs(i, k)*zairm(i, k) END DO END DO ! Mean over the planete surface ! ============================= qw_tot = 0. ql_tot = 0. qs_tot = 0. ec_tot = 0. h_vcol_tot = 0. h_dair_tot = 0. h_qw_tot = 0. h_ql_tot = 0. h_qs_tot = 0. airetot = 0. !#ifdef ISO ! do ixt=1,ntraciso ! xtw_tot(ixt) = 0. ! xtl_tot(ixt) = 0. ! xts_tot(ixt) = 0 ! enddo !#endif DO i = 1, klon qw_tot = qw_tot + zqw_col(i)*airephy(i) ql_tot = ql_tot + zql_col(i)*airephy(i) qs_tot = qs_tot + zqs_col(i)*airephy(i) ec_tot = ec_tot + zec_col(i)*airephy(i) h_dair_tot = h_dair_tot + zh_dair_col(i)*airephy(i) h_qw_tot = h_qw_tot + zh_qw_col(i)*airephy(i) h_ql_tot = h_ql_tot + zh_ql_col(i)*airephy(i) h_qs_tot = h_qs_tot + zh_qs_col(i)*airephy(i) airetot = airetot + airephy(i) !#ifdef ISO ! do ixt=1,ntraciso ! xtw_tot(ixt) = xtw_tot(ixt) + zxtw_col(ixt,i)*airephy(i) ! xtl_tot(ixt) = xtl_tot(ixt) + zxtl_col(ixt,i)*airephy(i) ! xts_tot(ixt) = xts_tot(ixt) + zxts_col(ixt,i)*airephy(i) ! enddo !#endif END DO qw_tot = qw_tot/airetot ql_tot = ql_tot/airetot qs_tot = qs_tot/airetot ec_tot = ec_tot/airetot h_dair_tot = h_dair_tot/airetot h_qw_tot = h_qw_tot/airetot h_ql_tot = h_ql_tot/airetot h_qs_tot = h_qs_tot/airetot h_vcol_tot = h_dair_tot + h_qw_tot + h_ql_tot + h_qs_tot !#ifdef ISO ! do ixt=1,ntraciso ! xtw_tot(ixt) = xtw_tot(ixt)/airetot ! xtl_tot(ixt) = xtl_tot(ixt)/airetot ! xts_tot(ixt) = xts_tot(ixt)/airetot ! enddo !#endif ! Compute the change of the atmospheric state compare to the one ! stored in "idiag2", and convert it in flux. THis computation ! is performed IF idiag2 /= 0 and IF it is not the first CALL ! for "idiag" ! =================================== IF ((idiag2>0) .AND. (pas(idiag2)/=0)) THEN d_h_vcol = (h_vcol_tot-h_vcol_pre(idiag2))/dtime d_h_dair = (h_dair_tot-h_dair_pre(idiag2))/dtime d_h_qw = (h_qw_tot-h_qw_pre(idiag2))/dtime d_h_ql = (h_ql_tot-h_ql_pre(idiag2))/dtime d_h_qs = (h_qs_tot-h_qs_pre(idiag2))/dtime d_qw = (qw_tot-qw_pre(idiag2))/dtime d_ql = (ql_tot-ql_pre(idiag2))/dtime d_qs = (qs_tot-qs_pre(idiag2))/dtime d_ec = (ec_tot-ec_pre(idiag2))/dtime d_qt = d_qw + d_ql + d_qs !#ifdef ISO ! do ixt=1,ntraciso ! d_xtw(ixt) = (xtw_tot(ixt) - xtw_pre(ixt,idiag2) )/dtime ! d_xtl(ixt) = (xtl_tot(ixt) - xtl_pre(ixt,idiag2) )/dtime ! d_xts(ixt) = (xts_tot(ixt) - xts_pre(ixt,idiag2) )/dtime ! enddo !#endif ELSE d_h_vcol = 0. d_h_dair = 0. d_h_qw = 0. d_h_ql = 0. d_h_qs = 0. d_qw = 0. d_ql = 0. d_qs = 0. d_ec = 0. d_qt = 0. !#ifdef ISO ! do ixt=1,ntraciso ! d_xtw(ixt) = 0. ! d_xtl(ixt) = 0. ! d_xts(ixt) = 0. ! enddo !#endif END IF IF (iprt>=2) THEN WRITE (6, 9000) tit, pas(idiag), d_qt, d_qw, d_ql, d_qs 9000 FORMAT ('Phys. Watter Mass Budget (kg/m2/s)', A15, 1I6, 10(1PE14.6)) WRITE (6, 9001) tit, pas(idiag), d_h_vcol 9001 FORMAT ('Phys. Enthalpy Budget (W/m2) ', A15, 1I6, 10(F8.2)) WRITE (6, 9002) tit, pas(idiag), d_ec 9002 FORMAT ('Phys. Cinetic Energy Budget (W/m2) ', A15, 1I6, 10(F8.2)) END IF ! Store the new atmospheric state in "idiag" pas(idiag) = pas(idiag) + 1 h_vcol_pre(idiag) = h_vcol_tot h_dair_pre(idiag) = h_dair_tot h_qw_pre(idiag) = h_qw_tot h_ql_pre(idiag) = h_ql_tot h_qs_pre(idiag) = h_qs_tot qw_pre(idiag) = qw_tot ql_pre(idiag) = ql_tot qs_pre(idiag) = qs_tot ec_pre(idiag) = ec_tot !#ifdef ISO ! do ixt=1,ntraciso ! xtw_pre(ixt,idiag) = xtw_tot(ixt) ! xtl_pre(ixt,idiag) = xtl_tot(ixt) ! xts_pre(ixt,idiag) = xts_tot(ixt) ! enddo !#endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE diagetpq