subroutine PHY_Atm_S0_RUN !------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! Mon 17-Jun-2013 MAR | ! MAR PHY_Atm_S0_RUN | ! subroutine PHY_Atm_S0_RUN performs Insolation Computation | ! | ! version 3.p.4.1 created by H. Gallee, Thu 25-Apr-2013 | ! Last Modification by H. Gallee, Mon 17-Jun-2013 | ! | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | ! REFER.: Ch. Tricot, personal communication | ! ^^^^^^^ M.F. Loutre, personal communication and thesis (1993) | ! | ! INPUT : Mon_TU, Day_TU : Month and Day of the Year | ! ^^^^^^^ HourTU, MinuTU, Sec_TU: Hour, Minute, and Second | ! lon__r(kcolp) : Latitude [radians] | ! lat__h(kcolp) : Longitude [hours] | ! | ! OUTPUT: rsunS0 : Insolation normal to Atmosphere Top (W/m2) | ! ^^^^^^^ csz0S0 : Cosinus of the Zenithal Distance | ! | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! Global Variables ! ================ use Mod_Real use Mod_PHY____dat use Mod_PHY____grd use Mod_PHY____kkl use Mod_PHY_S0_ctr use Mod_PHY_S0_dat use Mod_PHY_S0_grd use Mod_PHY_S0_kkl ! LOCAL VARIABLES ! =============== use Mod_Atm_S0_RUN IMPLICIT NONE integer :: i, j ! integer :: ikl ! integer :: nj ! integer :: lhc ! real(kind=real8) :: dlamm ! mean long. sun for ma-ja real(kind=real8) :: anm ! real(kind=real8) :: ranm ! real(kind=real8) :: ranv ! anomalie vraie [radian] real(kind=real8) :: anv ! anomalie vraie [degree] real(kind=real8) :: tls ! longitude vraie [degree] real(kind=real8) :: rlam ! longitude vraie [radian] real(kind=real8) :: sd ! sinus of solar declination angle (delta) [-] real(kind=real8) :: cd ! cosin of solar declination angle (delta) [-] real(kind=real8) :: deltar ! Solar Declination (angle sun at equator) [radian] real(kind=real8) :: delta ! Solar Declination (angle sun at equator) [degree] real(kind=real8) :: ddt ! real(kind=real8) :: arg ! real(kind=real8) :: et ! real(kind=real8) :: c1 ! real(kind=real8) :: c2 ! real(kind=real8) :: c3 ! real(kind=real8) :: s1 ! real(kind=real8) :: s2 ! real(kind=real8) :: s3 ! real(kind=real8) :: argc ! real(kind=real8) :: ahc ! real(kind=real8) :: LenDay ! Day Length [h] real(kind=real8) :: SunRis ! Time of Sun Rise [h] real(kind=real8) :: SunSet ! Time of Sun Set [h] real(kind=real8) :: timh ! real(kind=real8) :: ahor ! Time Angle [hour] real(kind=real8) :: ahorr ! Time Angle [radian] real(kind=real8) :: chor ! real(kind=real8) :: zenitr ! RUN real(kind=real8) :: omesun ! Sun Azimuth [radian] RUN real(kind=real8) :: comes ! real(kind=real8) :: somes ! real(kind=real8) :: omeswr ! real(kind=real8) :: r_azim ! azimuth , fine resolution ALL integer :: k_azim ! ALL integer :: knazim ! RUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ALLOCATION ! ========== IF (it_RUN.EQ.1 .OR. FlagDALLOC) THEN ! allocate ( cszMIN(kcolp) ) ! MIN cos(zenith.Dist), if Mountain MASK RUN allocate ( sin_sz(kcolp) ) ! sin(Sun Zenith.Dist) RUN allocate ( sin_ho(kcolp) ) ! sin(Sun Hour Angle) RUN ENDIF ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Insolation at the Top of the Atmosphere (TIME PARAMETERS) ! =============================================================== ! Solar declination : delta ! ------------------------- nj = Day_TU+njYear(Mon_TU) ! Nb of Days since Begin of Year [day] dlamm = xlam + (nj-80) * step ! mean long. sun for ma-ja anm = dlamm - xl ranm = anm * Dg2Rad ranv = ranm +(2.0*ecc-xe3/4.0)*sin(ranm) &! anomalie vraie [radian] & +5.0/4.0*ecc*ecc *sin(2.0*ranm) &! & +13.0/12.0 *xe3 *sin(3.0*ranm) ! anv = ranv / Dg2Rad ! anomalie vraie [degree] tls = anv + xl ! longitude vraie [degree] rlam = tls * Dg2Rad ! longitude vraie [radian] sd = so * sin(rlam) ! sinus of solar declination angle (delta) [-] cd = sqrt(un_1 - sd * sd) ! cosin of solar declination angle (delta) [-] ! sinus delta = sin(obl)*sin(lambda) ! with lambda = real longitude !(Phd.thesis Marie-France Loutre, ASTR-UCL, Belgium, 1993) deltar = atan( sd / cd) ! delta = deltar/Dg2Rad ! Solar Declination (degrees, angle sun at equator) ! Eccentricity Effect ! ------------------- dST_UA =(1.0-ecc*ecc)/(1.0+ecc*cos(ranv)) ddt = 1.0/dST_UA ! 1 / normalized earth's sun distance ! Insolation normal to the atmosphere (W/m2) ! ------------------------------------------ rsunS0 = ddt *ddt *1368. ! Time Equation (Should maybe be modified in case other than present ! ------------- conditions are used, minor impact) arg = om*nj c1 = cos( arg) c2 = cos(2.d0*arg) c3 = cos(3.d0*arg) s1 = sin( arg) s2 = sin(2.d0*arg) s3 = sin(3.d0*arg) et=0.0072d0*c1 -0.0528d0*c2 -0.0012d0*c3 &! difference between true solar and mean solar hour angles & -0.1229d0*s1 -0.1565d0*s2 -0.0041d0*s3 ! (connected to the earth orbital rotation speed) ! Insolation at the Top of the Troposphere (Auxiliary Variables) ! ============================================================== ! Day Length, Time Sunrise and Sunset at Sounding Grid Point (i_x0,j_y0) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (LDayS0) THEN i = i_x0 j = j_y0 argc = -tan(lat__r(ikl0))*tan(deltar) if (abs(argc).gt. 1.d0) then ahc = 0.d0 if (argc .gt. 1.d0) then lhc = -1 LenDay = 0.d0 ! Polar Night else lhc = 1 LenDay = 24.d0 ! Midnight Sun end if SunRis = 0.d0 SunSet = 0.d0 else ahc = acos(argc) lhc = 0 if( ahc = -ahc ahc = ahc * 12.d0 / piNmbr LenDay = ahc * 2.d0 SunRis = 12.d0 - ahc - et SunSet = SunRis + LenDay end if END IF ! Time Angle ! ---------- timh = HourTU + MinuTU / 60.d0 ! time [hour] DO ikl=1,kcolp ahor = timh + lon__h(ikl) - 12.d0 - et ! time angle [hour] ahorr = ahor * piNmbr / 12.d0 ! time angle [radian] chor = cos(ahorr) ! Solar Zenithal Distance zenitr (radians) and ! Insolation (W/m2) at the Atmosphere Top === ! ======================================= csz0S0(ikl) = sinLat(ikl) *sd & & + cosLat(ikl) *cd *chor ! Martin modif to avoid cos(sza)=0 for LMDZ: ! csz0SV(ikl) = max(1E-6,csz0S0(ikl)) csz0S0(ikl) = max(csz0S0(ikl) ,zer0) csz_S0(ikl) = csz0S0(ikl) ! Martin control ! PRINT*,'csz0S0(',ikl,')=',csz0S0(ikl) ! Martin control ENDDO ! Sun Azimuth ! ============= IF (FaceS0) THEN DO ikl = 1,kcolp ! Slope Impact ! ------------ zenitr = acos(csz0S0(ikl)) ! Solar Zenithal Distance [radians] sin_sz(ikl) = sin(zenitr) sin_ho(ikl) = sin(ahorr) sin_sz(ikl) = max(eps6 ,sin_sz(ikl)) comes =(sd-sinLat(ikl) *csz0S0(ikl)) &! Cosine of Sun Azimuth & /( cosLat(ikl) *sin_sz(ikl)) ! somes =(cd*sin_ho(ikl)) /sin_sz(ikl) ! Sine of Sun Azimuth IF (abs(comes).gt.zer0) THEN omesun = atan(somes/comes) IF (comes .lt.zer0) & & omesun = omesun + piNmbr IF ( piNmbr) & & omesun = -2.0d0 * piNmbr + omesun IF ( -piNmbr) & & omesun = 2.0d0 * piNmbr + omesun ELSE IF (somes .gt.zer0) THEN omesun = 0.5d0 * piNmbr ELSE omesun = 1.5d0 * piNmbr END IF END IF IF (ikl.eq.ikl0) & & omeswr = omesun / Dg2Rad omesun = -2.0d0 * piNmbr + omesun + DirAxX * Dg2Rad ! Sun Azimuth (in MAR Reference Frame) ! (positive counterclockwise) ! Minimum Zenithal Distance ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cszMIN(ikl) = 0.0d00 IF (MMskS0) THEN r_azim = omesun / d_azim k_azim = int(r_azim) ! Mountain S0 MASKING ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF(k_azim.le. 0) THEN r_azim = r_azim + n_azim k_azim = k_azim + n_azim END IF knazim = k_azim + 1 IF( knazim = knazim - n_azim cszMIN(ikl) = cszkS0(ikl,k_azim)+(r_azim - k_azim) & & *(cszkS0(ikl,knazim)-cszkS0(ikl,k_azim)) END IF ! (MMskS0) ! Cosine of Solar Normal Angle ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ csz_S0(ikl) = slopS0(ikl) *csz0S0(ikl) & & + sin_sz(ikl) * slopS0(ikl)*sqrt(un_1 -slopS0(ikl)) & & * cos(omesun-omenS0(ikl)) csz_S0(ikl) = max(zer0 ,csz_S0(ikl)) IF (csz0S0(ikl).le.cszMIN(ikl)) & & csz_S0(ikl) = 0.0d00 END DO END IF ! (FaceS0) ! Output Insolation Characteristics ! ================================= IF (MinuTU .eq. 0 .and. Sec_TU .eq. 0) THEN ahor = timh + lon__h(ikl0) - 12.d0 - et zenitr= acos(csz0S0(ikl0)) / Dg2Rad ! #AZ anormr= acos(csz_S0(ikl0)) / Dg2Rad ! #AZ omenwr= DirAxX - omenS0(ikl0) / Dg2Rad ! #AZ if ( 0.) omenwr = omenwr + 360.d0 ! #AZ if ( omenwr = omenwr - 360.d0 ! #AZ omeswr = 360.d0 - omeswr ! #AZ if ( 0.) omeswr = omeswr + 360.d0 ! #AZ if ( omeswr = omeswr - 360.d0 write(4,1) lat__r(ikl0)/Dg2Rad,lon__h(ikl0) & & ,Day_TU,Mon_TU,HourTU,MinuTU,Sec_TU 1 format(/,' lat.=',f6.1,3x,'long.=',f7.1,4x,'date :',i3,'-',i2, & & ' / ',i2,' h.UT',i3,' min.',i3,' sec.') write(4,2) i_x0,j_y0,lat__r(ikl0)/Dg2Rad,lon__h(ikl0) 2 format(' Sounding at (',i3,i3,') / (',f6.2,'dg,',f6.2,'ho)') write(4,3) rsunS0*csz_S0(ikl0) ,ahor,zenitr & ! #AZ& ,omeswr,omenwr , anormr & & ,delta 3 format(' Insolation [W/m2] = ',f7.2,' Hor.Angle = ',f7.2, & & ' Zenith.Angle = ',f7.2 & ! #AZ& ,/,' ', 7x ,' Sol.Azim. = ',f7.2 & ! #AZ& ,/,' ', 7x ,' Nrm.Azim. = ',f7.2 & ! #AZ& ,' Normal Angle = ',f7.2 & & ,/,' Solar Declination = ',f7.2) IF (LDayS0) THEN if (lhc.eq.-1) & & write(4,4) SunRis,LenDay,SunSet 4 format(' Sun Rise Time [h] = ',f7.2,' Day Leng. = ',f7.2, & & ' Sun Set Time = ',f7.2,' -- POLAR NIGHT --') if (lhc.eq. 0) & & write(4,5) SunRis,LenDay,SunSet 5 format(' Sun Rise Time [h] = ',f7.2,' Day Leng. = ',f7.2, & & ' Sun Set Time = ',f7.2,' -- SOLAR TIME --') if (lhc.eq. 1) & & write(4,6) SunRis,LenDay,SunSet 6 format(' Sun Rise Time [h] = ',f7.2,' Day Leng. = ',f7.2, & & ' Sun Set Time = ',f7.2,' -- MIDNIGHT SUN --') END IF ! (LDayS0) END IF ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! DE-ALLOCATION ! ============= IF (FlagDALLOC) THEN ! deallocate ( cszMIN ) ! Sum of cos(zenith.Dist) on Azimut Intervals RUN deallocate ( sin_sz ) ! sin(Sun zenith.Dist) RUN deallocate ( sin_ho ) ! sin(Sun Hour Angle) RUN ENDIF ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! return end subroutine PHY_Atm_S0_RUN