! ! $Id: aeropt_5wv_rrtm.F90 2738 2017-01-02 22:24:30Z oboucher $ ! SUBROUTINE AEROPT_5WV_RRTM( & pdel, m_allaer, & RHcl, ai, flag_aerosol, & flag_bc_internal_mixture, & pplay, t_seri, & tausum, tau ) USE DIMPHY USE aero_mod USE phys_local_var_mod, only: od550aer,od865aer,ec550aer,od550lt1aer ! ! Yves Balkanski le 12 avril 2006 ! Celine Deandreis ! Anne Cozic Avril 2009 ! a partir d'une sous-routine de Johannes Quaas pour les sulfates ! Olivier Boucher mars 2014 pour adaptation RRTM ! ! Refractive indices for seasalt come from Shettle and Fenn (1979) ! ! Refractive indices from water come from Hale and Querry (1973) ! ! Refractive indices from Ammonium Sulfate Toon and Pollack (1976) ! ! Refractive indices for Dust, internal mixture of minerals coated with 1.5% hematite ! by Volume (Balkanski et al., 2006) ! ! Refractive indices for POM: Kinne (pers. Communication ! ! Refractive index for BC from Shettle and Fenn (1979) ! ! Shettle, E. P., & Fenn, R. W. (1979), Models for the aerosols of the lower atmosphere and ! the effects of humidity variations on their optical properties, U.S. Air Force Geophysics ! Laboratory Rept. AFGL-TR-79-0214, Hanscomb Air Force Base, MA. ! ! Hale, G. M. and M. R. Querry, Optical constants of water in the 200-nm to 200-m ! wavelength region, Appl. Opt., 12, 555-563, 1973. ! ! Toon, O. B. and J. B. Pollack, The optical constants of several atmospheric aerosol species: ! Ammonium sulfate, aluminum oxide, and sodium chloride, J. Geohys. Res., 81, 5733-5748, ! 1976. ! ! Balkanski, Y., M. Schulz, T. Claquin And O. Boucher, Reevaluation of mineral aerosol ! radiative forcings suggests a better agreement with satellite and AERONET data, Atmospheric ! Chemistry and Physics Discussions., 6, pp 8383-8419, 2006. ! IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "YOMCST.h" ! ! Input arguments: ! REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev), INTENT(in) :: pdel REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev,naero_tot), INTENT(in) :: m_allaer REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev), INTENT(in) :: RHcl ! humidite relative ciel clair INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: flag_aerosol LOGICAL,INTENT(in) :: flag_bc_internal_mixture REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev), INTENT(in) :: pplay REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev), INTENT(in) :: t_seri ! ! Output arguments: ! REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(out) :: ai ! POLDER aerosol index REAL, DIMENSION(klon,nwave,naero_tot), INTENT(out) :: tausum REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev,nwave,naero_tot), INTENT(out) :: tau ! ! Local ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: las = nwave_sw LOGICAL :: soluble INTEGER :: i, k, m, aerindex INTEGER :: spsol, spinsol, la INTEGER :: RH_num(klon,klev) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: la443 = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: la550 = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: la670 = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: la765 = 4 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: la865 = 5 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nbre_RH=12 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: naero_soluble=9 ! 1- BC soluble; 2- POM soluble; 3- SO4 coarse ! 4- SO4 acc; 5 seasalt super-C; 6 seasalt coarse; 7 seasalt acc. ! 8- NO3 coarse; 9- NO3 accumulation INTEGER, PARAMETER :: naero_insoluble=4 ! 1- Dust; 2- BC insoluble; 3- POM insoluble; 4- NO3 insoluble REAL :: zrho REAL, PARAMETER :: RH_tab(nbre_RH)=(/0.,10.,20.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,85.,90.,95./) REAL, PARAMETER :: RH_MAX=95. REAL :: delta(klon,klev), rh(klon,klev) REAL :: tau_ae5wv_int ! Intermediate computation of epaisseur optique aerosol REAL :: od670aer(klon) ! epaisseur optique aerosol extinction 670 nm REAL :: fac INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: aerosol_name INTEGER :: nb_aer, itau LOGICAL :: ok_itau REAL :: zdh(klon,klev) REAL :: alpha_aers_5wv(nbre_RH,las,naero_soluble) ! Ext. coeff. ** m2/g REAL :: alpha_aeri_5wv(las,naero_insoluble) ! Ext. coeff. ** m2/g ! ! BC internal mixture ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nbclassbc = 5 ! Added by Rong Wang/OB for the 5 fractions ! of BC in the soluble mode: ! bc_content/0.001, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1/ ! for Maxwell-Garnet internal mixture ! Detailed theory can be found in R. Wang Estimation of global black carbon ! direct ! radiative forcing and its uncertainty constrained by observations. J. ! Geophys. Res. Atmos. Added by R. Wang and OB REAL :: alpha_MG_5wv(nbre_RH,las,nbclassbc) ! ! Proprietes optiques ! REAL :: fact_RH(nbre_RH), BC_massfra INTEGER :: n, classbc ! From here on we look at the optical parameters at 5 wavelengths 443, 550, 670, 765 and 865 nm DATA alpha_aers_5wv/ & ! bc soluble 7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,10.893,12.618,14.550,16.613, & 7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,10.351,11.879,13.642,15.510, & 7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,9.551,10.847,12.381,13.994, & 6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,8.818,9.938,11.283,12.687, & 6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,8.123,9.094,10.275,11.501, & ! pom soluble 6.676,6.676,6.676,6.676,6.710,6.934,7.141,7.569,8.034,8.529,9.456,10.511, & 5.109,5.109,5.109,5.109,5.189,5.535,5.960,6.852,8.008,9.712,12.897,19.676, & 3.718,3.718,3.718,3.718,3.779,4.042,4.364,5.052,5.956,7.314,9.896,15.688, & 2.849,2.849,2.849,2.849,2.897,3.107,3.365,3.916,4.649,5.760,7.900,12.863, & 2.229,2.229,2.229,2.229,2.268,2.437,2.645,3.095,3.692,4.608,6.391,10.633, & ! Sulfate (Accumulation) 5.751,6.215,6.690,7.024,7.599,8.195,9.156,10.355,12.660,14.823,18.908,24.508, & 4.320,4.675,5.052,5.375,5.787,6.274,7.066,8.083,10.088,12.003,15.697,21.133, & 3.079,3.351,3.639,3.886,4.205,4.584,5.206,6.019,7.648,9.234,12.391,17.220, & 2.336,2.552,2.781,2.979,3.236,3.540,4.046,4.711,6.056,7.388,10.093,14.313, & 1.777,1.949,2.134,2.292,2.503,2.751,3.166,3.712,4.828,5.949,8.264,11.922, & ! Sulfate (Coarse) 5.751,6.215,6.690,7.024,7.599,8.195,9.156,10.355,12.660,14.823,18.908,24.508, & 4.320,4.675,5.052,5.375,5.787,6.274,7.066,8.083,10.088,12.003,15.697,21.133, & 3.079,3.351,3.639,3.886,4.205,4.584,5.206,6.019,7.648,9.234,12.391,17.220, & 2.336,2.552,2.781,2.979,3.236,3.540,4.046,4.711,6.056,7.388,10.093,14.313, & 1.777,1.949,2.134,2.292,2.503,2.751,3.166,3.712,4.828,5.949,8.264,11.922, & ! seasalt seasalt Super Coarse Soluble (SS) 0.218, 0.272, 0.293, 0.316, 0.343, 0.380, 0.429, 0.501, 0.636, 0.755, 0.967, 1.495, & 0.221, 0.275, 0.297, 0.320, 0.348, 0.383, 0.432, 0.509, 0.640, 0.759, 0.972, 1.510, & 0.224, 0.279, 0.301, 0.324, 0.352, 0.388, 0.438, 0.514, 0.647, 0.768, 0.985, 1.514, & 0.227, 0.282, 0.303, 0.327, 0.356, 0.392, 0.441, 0.518, 0.652, 0.770, 0.987, 1.529, & 0.230, 0.285, 0.306, 0.330, 0.359, 0.396, 0.446, 0.522, 0.656, 0.777, 0.993, 1.539, & ! seasalt seasalt Coarse Soluble (CS) 0.578, 0.706, 0.756, 0.809, 0.876, 0.964, 1.081, 1.256, 1.577, 1.858, 2.366, 3.613, & 0.598, 0.725, 0.779, 0.833, 0.898, 0.990, 1.109, 1.290, 1.609, 1.889, 2.398, 3.682, & 0.619, 0.750, 0.802, 0.857, 0.927, 1.022, 1.141, 1.328, 1.648, 1.939, 2.455, 3.729, & 0.633, 0.767, 0.820, 0.879, 0.948, 1.044, 1.167, 1.353, 1.683, 1.969, 2.491, 3.785, & 0.648, 0.785, 0.838, 0.896, 0.967, 1.066, 1.192, 1.381, 1.714, 2.006, 2.531, 3.836, & ! seasalt seasalt Accumulation Soluble (AS) 4.432, 5.899, 6.505, 7.166, 7.964, 7.962, 9.232,11.257,14.979,18.337,24.223,37.811, & 3.298, 4.569, 5.110, 5.709, 6.446, 6.268, 7.396, 9.246,12.787,16.113,22.197,37.136, & 2.340, 3.358, 3.803, 4.303, 4.928, 4.696, 5.629, 7.198,10.308,13.342,19.120,34.296, & 1.789, 2.626, 2.999, 3.422, 3.955, 3.730, 4.519, 5.864, 8.593,11.319,16.653,31.331, & 1.359, 2.037, 2.343, 2.693, 3.139, 2.940, 3.596, 4.729, 7.076, 9.469,14.266,28.043, & ! NO3 coarse (CS) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & ! NO3 accumulation (AS) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 / DATA alpha_aeri_5wv/ & ! dust insoluble 0.759, 0.770, 0.775, 0.775, 0.772, & !!jb bc insoluble 11.536,10.033, 8.422, 7.234, 6.270, & ! pom insoluble 5.042, 3.101, 1.890, 1.294, 0.934, & ! NO3 insoluble 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 / ! internal mixture DATA alpha_MG_5wv/ & ! bc content = 0.001 7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,10.893,12.618,14.550,16.613, & 7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,10.351,11.879,13.642,15.510, & 7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,9.551,10.847,12.381,13.994, & 6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,8.818,9.938,11.283,12.687, & 6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,8.123,9.094,10.275,11.501, & ! bc content = 0.01 7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,10.893,12.618,14.550,16.613, & 7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,10.351,11.879,13.642,15.510, & 7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,9.551,10.847,12.381,13.994, & 6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,8.818,9.938,11.283,12.687, & 6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,8.123,9.094,10.275,11.501, & ! bc content = 0.02 7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,10.893,12.618,14.550,16.613, & 7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,10.351,11.879,13.642,15.510, & 7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,9.551,10.847,12.381,13.994, & 6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,8.818,9.938,11.283,12.687, & 6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,8.123,9.094,10.275,11.501, & ! bc content = 0.05 7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,10.893,12.618,14.550,16.613, & 7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,10.351,11.879,13.642,15.510, & 7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,9.551,10.847,12.381,13.994, & 6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,8.818,9.938,11.283,12.687, & 6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,8.123,9.094,10.275,11.501, & ! bc content = 0.10 7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,10.893,12.618,14.550,16.613, & 7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,10.351,11.879,13.642,15.510, & 7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,9.551,10.847,12.381,13.994, & 6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,8.818,9.938,11.283,12.687, & 6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,8.123,9.094,10.275,11.501 / ! ! Initialisations ai(:) = 0. tausum(:,:,:) = 0. tau(:,:,:,:)=0. DO k=1, klev DO i=1, klon zrho=pplay(i,k)/t_seri(i,k)/RD ! kg/m3 zdh(i,k)=pdel(i,k)/(RG*zrho) ! m ENDDO ENDDO IF (flag_aerosol .EQ. 1) THEN nb_aer = 2 ALLOCATE (aerosol_name(nb_aer)) aerosol_name(1) = id_ASSO4M_phy aerosol_name(2) = id_CSSO4M_phy ELSEIF (flag_aerosol .EQ. 2) THEN nb_aer = 2 ALLOCATE (aerosol_name(nb_aer)) aerosol_name(1) = id_ASBCM_phy aerosol_name(2) = id_AIBCM_phy ELSEIF (flag_aerosol .EQ. 3) THEN nb_aer = 2 ALLOCATE (aerosol_name(nb_aer)) aerosol_name(1) = id_ASPOMM_phy aerosol_name(2) = id_AIPOMM_phy ELSEIF (flag_aerosol .EQ. 4) THEN nb_aer = 3 ALLOCATE (aerosol_name(nb_aer)) aerosol_name(1) = id_CSSSM_phy aerosol_name(2) = id_SSSSM_phy aerosol_name(3) = id_ASSSM_phy ELSEIF (flag_aerosol .EQ. 5) THEN nb_aer = 1 ALLOCATE (aerosol_name(nb_aer)) aerosol_name(1) = id_CIDUSTM_phy ELSEIF (flag_aerosol .EQ. 6) THEN nb_aer = 13 ALLOCATE (aerosol_name(nb_aer)) aerosol_name(1) = id_ASSO4M_phy aerosol_name(2) = id_ASBCM_phy aerosol_name(3) = id_AIBCM_phy aerosol_name(4) = id_ASPOMM_phy aerosol_name(5) = id_AIPOMM_phy aerosol_name(6) = id_CSSSM_phy aerosol_name(7) = id_SSSSM_phy aerosol_name(8) = id_ASSSM_phy aerosol_name(9) = id_CIDUSTM_phy aerosol_name(10)= id_CSSO4M_phy aerosol_name(11)= id_CSNO3M_phy aerosol_name(12)= id_ASNO3M_phy aerosol_name(13)= id_CINO3M_phy ENDIF ! ! Loop over modes, use of precalculated nmd and corresponding sigma ! loop over wavelengths ! for each mass species in mode ! interpolate from Sext to retrieve Sext_at_gridpoint_per_species ! compute optical_thickness_at_gridpoint_per_species ! ! Calculations that need to be done since we are not in the subroutines INCA ! DO n=1,nbre_RH-1 fact_RH(n)=1./(RH_tab(n+1)-RH_tab(n)) ENDDO DO k=1, klev DO i=1, klon rh(i,k)=MIN(RHcl(i,k)*100.,RH_MAX) RH_num(i,k) = INT( rh(i,k)/10. + 1.) IF (rh(i,k).GT.85.) RH_num(i,k)=10 IF (rh(i,k).GT.90.) RH_num(i,k)=11 delta(i,k)=(rh(i,k)-RH_tab(RH_num(i,k)))*fact_RH(RH_num(i,k)) ENDDO ENDDO DO m=1,nb_aer ! tau is only computed for each mass fac=1.0 IF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_ASBCM_phy) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=1 ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_ASPOMM_phy) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=2 ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_ASSO4M_phy) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=3 fac=1.375 ! (NH4)2-SO4/SO4 132/96 mass conversion factor for AOD ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_CSSO4M_phy) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=4 fac=1.375 ! (NH4)2-SO4/SO4 132/96 mass conversion factor for AOD ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_SSSSM_phy) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=5 ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_CSSSM_phy) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=6 ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_ASSSM_phy) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=7 ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_CSNO3M_phy) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=8 fac=1.2903 ! NO3NH4/NO3 / mass conversion factor for AOD ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_ASNO3M_phy) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=9 fac=1.2903 ! NO3NH4/NO3 / mass conversion factor for AOD ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_CIDUSTM_phy) THEN soluble=.FALSE. spinsol=1 ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_AIBCM_phy) THEN soluble=.FALSE. spinsol=2 ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_AIPOMM_phy) THEN soluble=.FALSE. spinsol=3 ELSEIF (aerosol_name(m).EQ.id_CINO3M_phy) THEN soluble=.FALSE. spinsol=4 fac=1.2903 ! NO3NH4/NO3 / mass conversion factor for AOD ELSE CYCLE ENDIF aerindex=aerosol_name(m) DO la=1,las !--only 550, 670 and 865 nm are used IF (la.NE.la550.AND.la.NE.la670.AND.la.NE.la865) CYCLE IF (soluble) THEN ! For soluble aerosol !--treat special case of soluble BC internal mixture IF (spsol.EQ.1 .AND. flag_bc_internal_mixture) THEN DO k=1, klev DO i=1, klon BC_massfra = m_allaer(i,k,id_ASBCM_phy)/(m_allaer(i,k,id_ASBCM_phy)+m_allaer(i,k,id_ASSO4M_phy)) IF (BC_massfra.GE.0.10) THEN classbc = 5 ELSEIF (BC_massfra.GE.0.05) THEN classbc = 4 ELSEIF (BC_massfra.GE.0.02) THEN classbc = 3 ELSEIF (BC_massfra.GE.0.01) THEN classbc = 2 ELSE classbc = 1 ENDIF tau_ae5wv_int = alpha_MG_5wv(RH_num(i,k),la,classbc)+DELTA(i,k)* & (alpha_MG_5wv(RH_num(i,k)+1,la,classbc) - & alpha_MG_5wv(RH_num(i,k),la,classbc)) tau(i,k,la,aerindex) = m_allaer(i,k,aerindex)/1.e6*zdh(i,k)*tau_ae5wv_int*fac tausum(i,la,aerindex)=tausum(i,la,aerindex)+tau(i,k,la,aerindex) ENDDO ENDDO !--other cases of soluble aerosols ELSE DO k=1, klev DO i=1, klon tau_ae5wv_int = alpha_aers_5wv(RH_num(i,k),la,spsol)+DELTA(i,k)* & (alpha_aers_5wv(RH_num(i,k)+1,la,spsol) - & alpha_aers_5wv(RH_num(i,k),la,spsol)) tau(i,k,la,aerindex) = m_allaer(i,k,aerindex)/1.e6*zdh(i,k)*tau_ae5wv_int*fac tausum(i,la,aerindex)=tausum(i,la,aerindex)+tau(i,k,la,aerindex) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! cases of insoluble aerosol ELSE DO k=1, klev DO i=1, klon tau_ae5wv_int = alpha_aeri_5wv(la,spinsol) tau(i,k,la,aerindex) = m_allaer(i,k,aerindex)/1.e6*zdh(i,k)*tau_ae5wv_int*fac tausum(i,la,aerindex)= tausum(i,la,aerindex)+tau(i,k,la,aerindex) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ! Boucle sur les longueurs d'onde ENDDO ! Boucle sur les masses de traceurs !--AOD calculations for diagnostics od550aer(:)=SUM(tausum(:,la550,:),dim=2) od670aer(:)=SUM(tausum(:,la670,:),dim=2) od865aer(:)=SUM(tausum(:,la865,:),dim=2) !--extinction coefficient for diagnostic ec550aer(:,:)=SUM(tau(:,:,la550,:),dim=3)/zdh(:,:) !--aerosol index ai(:)=-LOG(MAX(od670aer(:),1.e-8)/MAX(od865aer(:),1.e-8))/LOG(670./865.) od550lt1aer(:)=tausum(:,la550,id_ASSO4M_phy)+tausum(:,la550,id_ASBCM_phy) +tausum(:,la550,id_AIBCM_phy)+ & tausum(:,la550,id_ASPOMM_phy)+tausum(:,la550,id_AIPOMM_phy)+tausum(:,la550,id_ASSSM_phy)+ & 0.03*tausum(:,la550,id_CSSSM_phy)+0.4*tausum(:,la550,id_CIDUSTM_phy) DEALLOCATE(aerosol_name) END SUBROUTINE AEROPT_5WV_RRTM