! (c) British Crown Copyright 2008, the Met Office. ! All rights reserved. ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted ! provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ! provided with the distribution. ! * Neither the name of the Met Office nor the names of its contributors may be used ! to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written ! permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ! FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR ! CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ! DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ! DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER ! IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT ! OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. MODULE MOD_COSP_TYPES USE MOD_COSP_CONSTANTS USE MOD_COSP_UTILS use radar_simulator_types, only: class_param, nd, mt_nd, dmax, dmin IMPLICIT NONE !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !----------------------- DERIVED TYPES ---------------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! Configuration choices (simulators, variables) TYPE COSP_CONFIG logical :: Lradar_sim,Llidar_sim,Lisccp_sim,Lmodis_sim,Lmisr_sim,Lrttov_sim,Lstats,Lwrite_output, & Lalbisccp,Latb532,Lboxptopisccp,Lboxtauisccp,LcfadDbze94, & LcfadLidarsr532,Lclcalipso2,Lclcalipso,Lclhcalipso,Lclisccp,Lcllcalipso, & Lclmcalipso,Lcltcalipso,Lcltlidarradar,Lpctisccp,Ldbze94,Ltauisccp,Lcltisccp, & Ltoffset,LparasolRefl,LclMISR,Lmeantbisccp,Lmeantbclrisccp, & Lclcalipsoliq,Lclcalipsoice,Lclcalipsoun, & Lclcalipsotmp,Lclcalipsotmpliq,Lclcalipsotmpice,Lclcalipsotmpun, & Lcltcalipsoliq,Lcltcalipsoice,Lcltcalipsoun, & Lclhcalipsoliq,Lclhcalipsoice,Lclhcalipsoun, & Lclmcalipsoliq,Lclmcalipsoice,Lclmcalipsoun, & Lcllcalipsoliq,Lcllcalipsoice,Lcllcalipsoun, & Lfracout,LlidarBetaMol532,Ltbrttov, & Lcltmodis,Lclwmodis,Lclimodis,Lclhmodis,Lclmmodis,Lcllmodis,Ltautmodis,Ltauwmodis,Ltauimodis,Ltautlogmodis, & Ltauwlogmodis,Ltauilogmodis,Lreffclwmodis,Lreffclimodis,Lpctmodis,Llwpmodis, & Liwpmodis,Lclmodis character(len=32) :: out_list(N_OUT_LIST) END TYPE COSP_CONFIG ! Outputs from RTTOV TYPE COSP_RTTOV ! Dimensions integer :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints integer :: Nchan ! Number of channels ! Brightness temperatures (Npoints,Nchan) real,pointer :: tbs(:,:) END TYPE COSP_RTTOV ! Outputs from MISR simulator TYPE COSP_MISR ! Dimensions integer :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints integer :: Ntau ! Number of tau intervals integer :: Nlevels ! Number of cth levels ! --- (npoints,ntau,nlevels) ! the fraction of the model grid box covered by each of the MISR cloud types real,pointer :: fq_MISR(:,:,:) ! --- (npoints) real,pointer :: MISR_meanztop(:), MISR_cldarea(:) ! --- (npoints,nlevels) real,pointer :: MISR_dist_model_layertops(:,:) END TYPE COSP_MISR ! Outputs from ISCCP simulator TYPE COSP_ISCCP ! Dimensions integer :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints integer :: Ncolumns ! Number of columns integer :: Nlevels ! Number of levels ! --- (npoints,tau=7,pressure=7) ! the fraction of the model grid box covered by each of the 49 ISCCP D level cloud types real,pointer :: fq_isccp(:,:,:) ! --- (npoints) --- ! The fraction of model grid box columns with cloud somewhere in them. ! This should equal the sum over all entries of fq_isccp real,pointer :: totalcldarea(:) ! mean all-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature real,pointer :: meantb(:) ! mean clear-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature real,pointer :: meantbclr(:) ! The following three means are averages over the cloudy areas only. If no ! clouds are in grid box all three quantities should equal zero. ! mean cloud top pressure (mb) - linear averaging in cloud top pressure. real,pointer :: meanptop(:) ! mean optical thickness linear averaging in albedo performed. real,pointer :: meantaucld(:) ! mean cloud albedo. linear averaging in albedo performed real,pointer :: meanalbedocld(:) !--- (npoints,ncol) --- ! optical thickness in each column real,pointer :: boxtau(:,:) ! cloud top pressure (mb) in each column real,pointer :: boxptop(:,:) END TYPE COSP_ISCCP ! Summary statistics from radar TYPE COSP_VGRID logical :: use_vgrid ! Logical flag that indicates change of grid logical :: csat_vgrid ! Flag for Cloudsat grid integer :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points integer :: Ncolumns ! Number of subgrid columns integer :: Nlevels ! Number of model levels integer :: Nlvgrid ! Number of levels of new grid ! Array with dimensions (Nlvgrid) real, dimension(:), pointer :: z,zl,zu ! Height and lower and upper boundaries of new levels ! Array with dimensions (Nlevels) real, dimension(:), pointer :: mz,mzl,mzu ! Height and lower and upper boundaries of model levels END TYPE COSP_VGRID ! Output data from lidar code TYPE COSP_SGLIDAR ! Dimensions integer :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints integer :: Ncolumns ! Number of columns integer :: Nlevels ! Number of levels integer :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors integer :: Nrefl ! Number of parasol reflectances ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Nlevels) real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: beta_mol ! Molecular backscatter real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: temp_tot ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: betaperp_tot ! Total backscattered signal real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: beta_tot ! Total backscattered signal real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: tau_tot ! Optical thickness integrated from top to level z ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nrefl) real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: refl ! parasol reflectances END TYPE COSP_SGLIDAR ! Output data from radar code TYPE COSP_SGRADAR ! Dimensions integer :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints integer :: Ncolumns ! Number of columns integer :: Nlevels ! Number of levels integer :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors ! output vertical levels: spaceborne radar -> from TOA to SURFACE ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Nlevels) real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: att_gas ! 2-way attenuation by gases [dBZ] ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: Ze_tot ! Effective reflectivity factor [dBZ] END TYPE COSP_SGRADAR ! Summary statistics from radar TYPE COSP_RADARSTATS integer :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points integer :: Ncolumns ! Number of subgrid columns integer :: Nlevels ! Number of model levels integer :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors ! Array with dimensions (Npoints,dBZe_bins,Nlevels) real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: cfad_ze ! Ze CFAD ! Array with dimensions (Npoints) real,dimension(:),pointer :: radar_lidar_tcc ! Radar&lidar total cloud amount, grid-box scale ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Nlevels) real, dimension(:,:),pointer :: lidar_only_freq_cloud END TYPE COSP_RADARSTATS ! Summary statistics from lidar TYPE COSP_LIDARSTATS integer :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points integer :: Ncolumns ! Number of subgrid columns integer :: Nlevels ! Number of model levels integer :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors integer :: Nrefl ! Number of parasol reflectances ! Arrays with dimensions (SR_BINS) real, dimension(:),pointer :: srbval ! SR bins in cfad_sr ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,SR_BINS,Nlevels) real, dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: cfad_sr ! CFAD of scattering ratio ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Nlevels) real, dimension(:,:),pointer :: lidarcld ! 3D "lidar" cloud fraction ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,LIDAR_NCAT) real, dimension(:,:),pointer :: cldlayer ! low, mid, high-level, total lidar cloud cover ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Nlevels,Nphase) real, dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: lidarcldphase ! 3D "lidar" phase cloud fraction ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,LIDAR_NCAT,Nphase) real, dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: cldlayerphase ! low, mid, high-level lidar phase cloud cover ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Ntemps,Nphase) real, dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: lidarcldtmp ! 3D "lidar" phase cloud temperature ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,PARASOL_NREFL) real, dimension(:,:),pointer :: parasolrefl ! mean parasol reflectance END TYPE COSP_LIDARSTATS ! Input data for simulator. Subgrid scale. ! Input data from SURFACE to TOA TYPE COSP_SUBGRID ! Dimensions integer :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints integer :: Ncolumns ! Number of columns integer :: Nlevels ! Number of levels integer :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: prec_frac ! Subgrid precip array. Dimensions (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: frac_out ! Subgrid cloud array. Dimensions (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) END TYPE COSP_SUBGRID ! Input data for simulator at Subgrid scale. ! Used on a reduced number of points TYPE COSP_SGHYDRO ! Dimensions integer :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints integer :: Ncolumns ! Number of columns integer :: Nlevels ! Number of levels integer :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors real,dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer :: mr_hydro ! Mixing ratio of each hydrometeor ! (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro) [kg/kg] real,dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer :: Reff ! Effective Radius of each hydrometeor ! (Reff==0 means use default size) ! (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro) [m] real,dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer :: Np ! Total # concentration each hydrometeor ! (Optional, ignored if Reff > 0). ! (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro) [#/kg] ! Np = Ntot / rho_a = [#/m^3] / [kg/m^3) ! added by Roj with Quickbeam V3 END TYPE COSP_SGHYDRO ! Input data for simulator. Gridbox scale. TYPE COSP_GRIDBOX ! Scalars and dimensions integer :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints integer :: Nlevels ! Number of levels integer :: Ncolumns ! Number of columns integer :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors integer :: Nprmts_max_hydro ! Max number of parameters for hydrometeor size distributions integer :: Naero ! Number of aerosol species integer :: Nprmts_max_aero ! Max number of parameters for aerosol size distributions integer :: Npoints_it ! Max number of gridpoints to be processed in one iteration ! Time [days] double precision :: time double precision :: time_bnds(2) ! Radar ancillary info real :: radar_freq, & ! Radar frequency [GHz] k2 ! |K|^2, -1=use frequency dependent default integer :: surface_radar, & ! surface=1, spaceborne=0 use_mie_tables, & ! use a precomputed loopup table? yes=1,no=0 use_gas_abs, & ! include gaseous absorption? yes=1,no=0 do_ray, & ! calculate/output Rayleigh refl=1, not=0 melt_lay ! melting layer model off=0, on=1 ! structures used by radar simulator that need to be set only ONCE per radar configuration (e.g. freq, pointing direction) ... added by roj Feb 2008 type(class_param) :: hp ! structure used by radar simulator to store Ze and N scaling constants and other information integer :: nsizes ! number of discrete drop sizes (um) used to represent the distribution ! Lidar integer :: lidar_ice_type !ice particle shape hypothesis in lidar calculations !(ice_type=0 for spheres, ice_type=1 for non spherical particles) ! Radar logical :: use_precipitation_fluxes ! True if precipitation fluxes are input to the algorithm logical :: use_reff ! True if Reff is to be used by radar (memory not allocated ! Geolocation (Npoints) real,dimension(:),pointer :: toffset ! Time offset of esch point from the value in time real,dimension(:),pointer :: longitude ! longitude [degrees East] real,dimension(:),pointer :: latitude ! latitude [deg North] ! Gridbox information (Npoints,Nlevels) real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: zlev ! Height of model levels [m] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: zlev_half ! Height at half model levels [m] (Bottom of model layer) real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: dlev ! Depth of model levels [m] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: p ! Pressure at full model levels [Pa] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: ph ! Pressure at half model levels [Pa] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: T ! Temperature at model levels [K] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: q ! Relative humidity to water (%) real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: sh ! Specific humidity to water [kg/kg] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: dtau_s ! mean 0.67 micron optical depth of stratiform ! clouds in each model level ! NOTE: this the cloud optical depth of only the ! cloudy part of the grid box, it is not weighted ! with the 0 cloud optical depth of the clear ! part of the grid box real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: dtau_c ! mean 0.67 micron optical depth of convective ! clouds in each model level. Same note applies as in dtau_s. real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: dem_s ! 10.5 micron longwave emissivity of stratiform ! clouds in each model level. Same note applies as in dtau_s. real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: dem_c ! 10.5 micron longwave emissivity of convective ! clouds in each model level. Same note applies as in dtau_s. real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: mr_ozone ! Ozone mass mixing ratio [kg/kg] ! Point information (Npoints) real,dimension(:),pointer :: land !Landmask [0 - Ocean, 1 - Land] real,dimension(:),pointer :: psfc !Surface pressure [Pa] real,dimension(:),pointer :: sunlit ! (npoints) 1 for day points, 0 for nightime real,dimension(:),pointer :: skt ! Skin temperature (K) real,dimension(:),pointer :: u_wind ! eastward wind [m s-1] real,dimension(:),pointer :: v_wind ! northward wind [m s-1] ! TOTAL and CONV cloud fraction for SCOPS real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: tca ! Total cloud fraction real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: cca ! Convective cloud fraction ! Precipitation fluxes on model levels real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: rain_ls ! large-scale precipitation flux of rain [kg/m2.s] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: rain_cv ! convective precipitation flux of rain [kg/m2.s] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: snow_ls ! large-scale precipitation flux of snow [kg/m2.s] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: snow_cv ! convective precipitation flux of snow [kg/m2.s] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: grpl_ls ! large-scale precipitation flux of graupel [kg/m2.s] ! Hydrometeors concentration and distribution parameters ! real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: fr_hydro ! Fraction of the gridbox occupied by each hydrometeor (Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro) real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: mr_hydro ! Mixing ratio of each hydrometeor (Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro) [kg/kg] real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: dist_prmts_hydro !Distributional parameters for hydrometeors (Nprmts_max_hydro,Nhydro) ! Effective radius [m]. (Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro) -- OPTIONAL, value of 0 mean use fixed default real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: Reff ! Total Number Concentration [#/kg]. (Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro) -- OPTIONAL, value of 0 mean use fixed default real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: Np ! added by Roj with Quickbeam V3 ! Aerosols concentration and distribution parameters real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: conc_aero ! Aerosol concentration for each species (Npoints,Nlevels,Naero) integer,dimension(:),pointer :: dist_type_aero ! Particle size distribution type for each aerosol species (Naero) real,dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer :: dist_prmts_aero ! Distributional parameters for aerosols ! (Npoints,Nlevels,Nprmts_max_aero,Naero) ! ISCCP simulator inputs integer :: isccp_top_height ! 1 = adjust top height using both a computed ! infrared brightness temperature and the visible ! optical depth to adjust cloud top pressure. Note ! that this calculation is most appropriate to compare ! to ISCCP data during sunlit hours. ! 2 = do not adjust top height, that is cloud top ! pressure is the actual cloud top pressure ! in the model ! 3 = adjust top height using only the computed ! infrared brightness temperature. Note that this ! calculation is most appropriate to compare to ISCCP ! IR only algortihm (i.e. you can compare to nighttime ! ISCCP data with this option) integer :: isccp_top_height_direction ! direction for finding atmosphere pressure level ! with interpolated temperature equal to the radiance ! determined cloud-top temperature ! 1 = find the *lowest* altitude (highest pressure) level ! with interpolated temperature equal to the radiance ! determined cloud-top temperature ! 2 = find the *highest* altitude (lowest pressure) level ! with interpolated temperature equal to the radiance ! determined cloud-top temperature ! ONLY APPLICABLE IF top_height EQUALS 1 or 3 ! 1 = default setting, and matches all versions of ! ISCCP simulator with versions numbers 3.5.1 and lower ! 2 = experimental setting integer :: isccp_overlap ! overlap type (1=max, 2=rand, 3=max/rand) real :: isccp_emsfc_lw ! 10.5 micron emissivity of surface (fraction) ! RTTOV inputs/options integer :: plat ! satellite platform integer :: sat ! satellite integer :: inst ! instrument integer :: Nchan ! Number of channels to be computed integer, dimension(:), pointer :: Ichan ! Channel numbers real, dimension(:), pointer :: Surfem ! Surface emissivity real :: ZenAng ! Satellite Zenith Angles real :: co2,ch4,n2o,co ! Mixing ratios of trace gases END TYPE COSP_GRIDBOX CONTAINS !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_RTTOV ------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_RTTOV(cfg,Npoints,Nchan,x) type(cosp_config),intent(in) :: cfg ! Configuration options integer,intent(in) :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points integer,intent(in) :: Nchan ! Number of channels type(cosp_rttov),intent(out) :: x ! Local variables integer :: i,j ! Allocate minumum storage if simulator not used if (cfg%Lrttov_sim) then i = Npoints j = Nchan else i = 1 j = 1 endif x%Npoints = i x%Nchan = j ! --- Allocate arrays --- allocate(x%tbs(i, j)) ! --- Initialise to zero --- x%tbs = 0.0 END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_RTTOV !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_RTTOV ------------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_RTTOV(x) type(cosp_rttov),intent(inout) :: x ! --- Deallocate arrays --- deallocate(x%tbs) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_RTTOV !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_MISR ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_MISR(cfg,Npoints,x) type(cosp_config),intent(in) :: cfg ! Configuration options integer,intent(in) :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints type(cosp_misr),intent(out) :: x ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k ! Allocate minumum storage if simulator not used if (cfg%Lmisr_sim) then i = Npoints j = 7 k = MISR_N_CTH else i = 1 j = 1 k = 1 endif ! Dimensions x%Npoints = i x%Ntau = j x%Nlevels = k ! allocate space for MISR simulator outputs ... allocate(x%fq_MISR(i,j,k), x%MISR_meanztop(i),x%MISR_cldarea(i), x%MISR_dist_model_layertops(i,k)) x%fq_MISR = 0.0 x%MISR_meanztop = 0.0 x%MISR_cldarea = 0.0 x%MISR_dist_model_layertops = 0.0 END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_MISR !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_MISR ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_MISR(x) type(cosp_misr),intent(inout) :: x deallocate(x%fq_MISR, x%MISR_meanztop,x%MISR_cldarea, x%MISR_dist_model_layertops) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_MISR !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_ISCCP ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_ISCCP(cfg,Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,x) type(cosp_config),intent(in) :: cfg ! Configuration options integer,intent(in) :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points integer,intent(in) :: Ncolumns ! Number of subgrid columns integer,intent(in) :: Nlevels ! Number of model levels type(cosp_isccp),intent(out) :: x ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k ! Allocate minumum storage if simulator not used if (cfg%Lisccp_sim) then i = Npoints j = Ncolumns k = Nlevels else i = 1 j = 1 k = 1 endif ! Dimensions x%Npoints = i x%Ncolumns = j x%Nlevels = k ! --- Allocate arrays --- allocate(x%fq_isccp(i,7,7), x%totalcldarea(i), & x%meanptop(i), x%meantaucld(i), & x%meantb(i), x%meantbclr(i), & x%boxtau(i,j), x%boxptop(i,j), & x%meanalbedocld(i)) ! --- Initialise to zero --- x%fq_isccp = 0.0 x%totalcldarea = 0.0 x%meanptop = 0.0 x%meantaucld = 0.0 x%meantb = 0.0 x%meantbclr = 0.0 x%boxtau = 0.0 x%boxptop = 0.0 x%meanalbedocld= 0.0 END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_ISCCP !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_ISCCP ----------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_ISCCP(x) type(cosp_isccp),intent(inout) :: x deallocate(x%fq_isccp, x%totalcldarea, & x%meanptop, x%meantaucld, x%meantb, x%meantbclr, & x%boxtau, x%boxptop, x%meanalbedocld) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_ISCCP !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_VGRID ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_VGRID(gbx,Nlvgrid,use_vgrid,cloudsat,x) type(cosp_gridbox),intent(in) :: gbx ! Gridbox information integer,intent(in) :: Nlvgrid ! Number of new levels logical,intent(in) :: use_vgrid! Logical flag that controls the output on a different grid logical,intent(in) :: cloudsat ! TRUE if a CloudSat like grid (480m) is requested type(cosp_vgrid),intent(out) :: x ! Local variables integer :: i real :: zstep x%use_vgrid = use_vgrid x%csat_vgrid = cloudsat ! Dimensions x%Npoints = gbx%Npoints x%Ncolumns = gbx%Ncolumns x%Nlevels = gbx%Nlevels ! --- Allocate arrays --- if (use_vgrid) then x%Nlvgrid = Nlvgrid else x%Nlvgrid = gbx%Nlevels endif allocate(x%z(x%Nlvgrid),x%zl(x%Nlvgrid),x%zu(x%Nlvgrid)) allocate(x%mz(x%Nlevels),x%mzl(x%Nlevels),x%mzu(x%Nlevels)) ! --- Model vertical levels --- ! Use height levels of first model gridbox x%mz = gbx%zlev(1,:) x%mzl = gbx%zlev_half(1,:) x%mzu(1:x%Nlevels-1) = gbx%zlev_half(1,2:x%Nlevels) x%mzu(x%Nlevels) = gbx%zlev(1,x%Nlevels) + (gbx%zlev(1,x%Nlevels) - x%mzl(x%Nlevels)) if (use_vgrid) then ! --- Initialise to zero --- x%z = 0.0 x%zl = 0.0 x%zu = 0.0 if (cloudsat) then ! --- CloudSat grid requested --- zstep = 480.0 else ! Other grid requested. Constant vertical spacing with top at 20 km zstep = 20000.0/x%Nlvgrid endif do i=1,x%Nlvgrid x%zl(i) = (i-1)*zstep x%zu(i) = i*zstep enddo x%z = (x%zl + x%zu)/2.0 else x%z = x%mz x%zl = x%mzl x%zu = x%mzu endif END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_VGRID !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------------ SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_VGRID ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_VGRID(x) type(cosp_vgrid),intent(inout) :: x deallocate(x%z, x%zl, x%zu, x%mz, x%mzl, x%mzu) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_VGRID !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SGLIDAR ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SGLIDAR(cfg,Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro,Nrefl,x) type(cosp_config),intent(in) :: cfg ! Configuration options integer,intent(in) :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points integer,intent(in) :: Ncolumns ! Number of subgrid columns integer,intent(in) :: Nlevels ! Number of model levels integer,intent(in) :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors integer,intent(in) :: Nrefl ! Number of parasol reflectances ! parasol type(cosp_sglidar),intent(out) :: x ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k,l,m ! Allocate minumum storage if simulator not used if (cfg%Llidar_sim) then i = Npoints j = Ncolumns k = Nlevels l = Nhydro m = Nrefl else i = 1 j = 1 k = 1 l = 1 m = 1 endif ! Dimensions x%Npoints = i x%Ncolumns = j x%Nlevels = k x%Nhydro = l x%Nrefl = m ! --- Allocate arrays --- allocate(x%beta_mol(i,k), x%beta_tot(i,j,k), & x%tau_tot(i,j,k),x%refl(i,j,m), & x%temp_tot(i,k),x%betaperp_tot(i,j,k)) ! --- Initialise to zero --- x%beta_mol = 0.0 x%beta_tot = 0.0 x%tau_tot = 0.0 x%refl = 0.0 ! parasol x%temp_tot = 0.0 x%betaperp_tot = 0.0 END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SGLIDAR !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------------ SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SGLIDAR ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SGLIDAR(x) type(cosp_sglidar),intent(inout) :: x deallocate(x%beta_mol, x%beta_tot, x%tau_tot, x%refl, & x%temp_tot, x%betaperp_tot) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SGLIDAR !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SGRADAR ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SGRADAR(cfg,Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro,x) type(cosp_config),intent(in) :: cfg ! Configuration options integer,intent(in) :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points integer,intent(in) :: Ncolumns ! Number of subgrid columns integer,intent(in) :: Nlevels ! Number of model levels integer,intent(in) :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors type(cosp_sgradar),intent(out) :: x ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k,l if (cfg%Lradar_sim) then i = Npoints j = Ncolumns k = Nlevels l = Nhydro else ! Allocate minumum storage if simulator not used i = 1 j = 1 k = 1 l = 1 endif ! Dimensions x%Npoints = i x%Ncolumns = j x%Nlevels = k x%Nhydro = l ! --- Allocate arrays --- allocate(x%att_gas(i,k), x%Ze_tot(i,j,k)) ! --- Initialise to zero --- x%att_gas = 0.0 x%Ze_tot = 0.0 ! The following line give a compilation error on the Met Office NEC ! call zero_real(x%Z_hydro, x%att_hydro) ! f90: error(666): cosp_types.f90, line nnn: ! Actual argument corresponding to dummy ! argument of ELEMENTAL subroutine ! "zero_real" with INTENET(OUT) attribute ! is not array. END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SGRADAR !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------------ SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SGRADAR ---------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SGRADAR(x) type(cosp_sgradar),intent(inout) :: x deallocate(x%att_gas, x%Ze_tot) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SGRADAR !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !----------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_RADARSTATS --------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_RADARSTATS(cfg,Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro,x) type(cosp_config),intent(in) :: cfg ! Configuration options integer,intent(in) :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points integer,intent(in) :: Ncolumns ! Number of subgrid columns integer,intent(in) :: Nlevels ! Number of model levels integer,intent(in) :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors type(cosp_radarstats),intent(out) :: x ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k,l ! Allocate minumum storage if simulator not used if (cfg%Lradar_sim) then i = Npoints j = Ncolumns k = Nlevels l = Nhydro else i = 1 j = 1 k = 1 l = 1 endif ! Dimensions x%Npoints = i x%Ncolumns = j x%Nlevels = k x%Nhydro = l ! --- Allocate arrays --- allocate(x%cfad_ze(i,DBZE_BINS,k),x%lidar_only_freq_cloud(i,k)) allocate(x%radar_lidar_tcc(i)) ! --- Initialise to zero --- x%cfad_ze = 0.0 x%lidar_only_freq_cloud = 0.0 x%radar_lidar_tcc = 0.0 END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_RADARSTATS !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------------ SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_RADARSTATS ------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_RADARSTATS(x) type(cosp_radarstats),intent(inout) :: x deallocate(x%cfad_ze,x%lidar_only_freq_cloud,x%radar_lidar_tcc) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_RADARSTATS !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !----------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_LIDARSTATS --------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_LIDARSTATS(cfg,Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro,Nrefl,x) type(cosp_config),intent(in) :: cfg ! Configuration options integer,intent(in) :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points integer,intent(in) :: Ncolumns ! Number of subgrid columns integer,intent(in) :: Nlevels ! Number of model levels integer,intent(in) :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors integer,intent(in) :: Nrefl ! Number of parasol reflectance type(cosp_lidarstats),intent(out) :: x ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k,l,m ! Allocate minumum storage if simulator not used if (cfg%Llidar_sim) then i = Npoints j = Ncolumns k = Nlevels l = Nhydro m = Nrefl else i = 1 j = 1 k = 1 l = 1 m = 1 endif ! Dimensions x%Npoints = i x%Ncolumns = j x%Nlevels = k x%Nhydro = l x%Nrefl = m ! --- Allocate arrays --- allocate(x%srbval(SR_BINS),x%cfad_sr(i,SR_BINS,k), & x%lidarcld(i,k), x%cldlayer(i,LIDAR_NCAT), x%parasolrefl(i,m)) allocate(x%lidarcldphase(i,k,6),x%lidarcldtmp(i,LIDAR_NTEMP,5),& x%cldlayerphase(i,LIDAR_NCAT,6)) ! --- Initialise to zero --- x%srbval = 0.0 x%cfad_sr = 0.0 x%lidarcld = 0.0 x%cldlayer = 0.0 x%parasolrefl = 0.0 x%lidarcldphase = 0.0 x%cldlayerphase = 0.0 x%lidarcldtmp = 0.0 END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_LIDARSTATS !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------------ SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_LIDARSTATS ------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_LIDARSTATS(x) type(cosp_lidarstats),intent(inout) :: x deallocate(x%srbval, x%cfad_sr, x%lidarcld, x%cldlayer, x%parasolrefl) deallocate(x%cldlayerphase, x%lidarcldtmp, x%lidarcldphase) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_LIDARSTATS !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SUBGRID ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SUBGRID(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,y) integer,intent(in) :: Npoints, & ! Number of gridpoints Ncolumns, & ! Number of columns Nlevels ! Number of levels type(cosp_subgrid),intent(out) :: y ! Dimensions y%Npoints = Npoints y%Ncolumns = Ncolumns y%Nlevels = Nlevels ! --- Allocate arrays --- allocate(y%frac_out(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels)) if (Ncolumns > 1) then allocate(y%prec_frac(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels)) else ! CRM mode, not needed allocate(y%prec_frac(1,1,1)) endif ! --- Initialise to zero --- y%prec_frac = 0.0 y%frac_out = 0.0 ! The following line gives a compilation error on the Met Office NEC ! call zero_real(y%mr_hydro) ! f90: error(666): cosp_types.f90, line nnn: ! Actual argument corresponding to dummy ! argument of ELEMENTAL subroutine ! "zero_real" with INTENET(OUT) attribute ! is not array. END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SUBGRID !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SUBGRID ----------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SUBGRID(y) type(cosp_subgrid),intent(inout) :: y ! --- Deallocate arrays --- deallocate(y%prec_frac, y%frac_out) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SUBGRID !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SGHYDRO ----------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SGHYDRO(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro,y) integer,intent(in) :: Npoints, & ! Number of gridpoints Ncolumns, & ! Number of columns Nhydro, & ! Number of hydrometeors Nlevels ! Number of levels type(cosp_sghydro),intent(out) :: y ! Dimensions y%Npoints = Npoints y%Ncolumns = Ncolumns y%Nlevels = Nlevels y%Nhydro = Nhydro ! --- Allocate arrays --- allocate(y%mr_hydro(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro), & y%Reff(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro), & y%Np(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nhydro)) ! added by roj with Quickbeam V3 ! --- Initialise to zero --- y%mr_hydro = 0.0 y%Reff = 0.0 y%Np = 0.0 ! added by roj with Quickbeam V3 END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_SGHYDRO !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SGHYDRO ----------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SGHYDRO(y) type(cosp_sghydro),intent(inout) :: y ! --- Deallocate arrays --- deallocate(y%mr_hydro, y%Reff, y%Np) ! added by Roj with Quickbeam V3 END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_SGHYDRO !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_GRIDBOX ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_GRIDBOX(time,time_bnds,radar_freq,surface_radar,use_mie_tables,use_gas_abs,do_ray,melt_lay,k2, & Npoints,Nlevels,Ncolumns,Nhydro,Nprmts_max_hydro,Naero,Nprmts_max_aero,Npoints_it, & lidar_ice_type,isccp_top_height,isccp_top_height_direction,isccp_overlap,isccp_emsfc_lw, & use_precipitation_fluxes,use_reff, & ! RTTOV inputs Plat,Sat,Inst,Nchan,ZenAng,Ichan,SurfEm,co2,ch4,n2o,co,& y,load_LUT) double precision,intent(in) :: time ! Time since start of run [days] double precision,intent(in) :: time_bnds(2) ! Time boundaries real,intent(in) :: radar_freq, & ! Radar frequency [GHz] k2 ! |K|^2, -1=use frequency dependent default integer,intent(in) :: & surface_radar, & ! surface=1,spaceborne=0 use_mie_tables, & ! use a precomputed lookup table? yes=1,no=0,2=use first column everywhere use_gas_abs, & ! include gaseous absorption? yes=1,no=0 do_ray, & ! calculate/output Rayleigh refl=1, not=0 melt_lay ! melting layer model off=0, on=1 integer,intent(in) :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints integer,intent(in) :: Nlevels ! Number of levels integer,intent(in) :: Ncolumns ! Number of columns integer,intent(in) :: Nhydro ! Number of hydrometeors integer,intent(in) :: Nprmts_max_hydro ! Max number of parameters for hydrometeor size distributions integer,intent(in) :: Naero ! Number of aerosol species integer,intent(in) :: Nprmts_max_aero ! Max number of parameters for aerosol size distributions integer,intent(in) :: Npoints_it ! Number of gridpoints processed in one iteration integer,intent(in) :: lidar_ice_type ! Ice particle shape in lidar calculations (0=ice-spheres ; 1=ice-non-spherical) integer,intent(in) :: isccp_top_height integer,intent(in) :: isccp_top_height_direction integer,intent(in) :: isccp_overlap real,intent(in) :: isccp_emsfc_lw logical,intent(in) :: use_precipitation_fluxes,use_reff integer,intent(in) :: Plat integer,intent(in) :: Sat integer,intent(in) :: Inst integer,intent(in) :: Nchan integer,intent(in) :: Ichan(Nchan) real,intent(in) :: SurfEm(Nchan) real,intent(in) :: ZenAng real,intent(in) :: co2,ch4,n2o,co type(cosp_gridbox),intent(out) :: y logical,intent(in),optional :: load_LUT ! local variables character*240 :: LUT_file_name logical :: local_load_LUT if (present(load_LUT)) then local_load_LUT = load_LUT else local_load_LUT = RADAR_SIM_LOAD_scale_LUTs_flag endif ! Dimensions and scalars y%radar_freq = radar_freq y%surface_radar = surface_radar y%use_mie_tables = use_mie_tables y%use_gas_abs = use_gas_abs y%do_ray = do_ray y%melt_lay = melt_lay y%k2 = k2 y%Npoints = Npoints y%Nlevels = Nlevels y%Ncolumns = Ncolumns y%Nhydro = Nhydro y%Nprmts_max_hydro = Nprmts_max_hydro y%Naero = Naero y%Nprmts_max_aero = Nprmts_max_aero y%Npoints_it = Npoints_it y%lidar_ice_type = lidar_ice_type y%isccp_top_height = isccp_top_height y%isccp_top_height_direction = isccp_top_height_direction y%isccp_overlap = isccp_overlap y%isccp_emsfc_lw = isccp_emsfc_lw y%use_precipitation_fluxes = use_precipitation_fluxes y%use_reff = use_reff y%time = time y%time_bnds = time_bnds ! RTTOV parameters y%Plat = Plat y%Sat = Sat y%Inst = Inst y%Nchan = Nchan y%ZenAng = ZenAng y%co2 = co2 y%ch4 = ch4 y%n2o = n2o y%co = co ! --- Allocate arrays --- ! Gridbox information (Npoints,Nlevels) allocate(y%zlev(Npoints,Nlevels), y%zlev_half(Npoints,Nlevels), y%dlev(Npoints,Nlevels), & y%p(Npoints,Nlevels), y%ph(Npoints,Nlevels), y%T(Npoints,Nlevels), & y%q(Npoints,Nlevels), y%sh(Npoints,Nlevels), & y%dtau_s(Npoints,Nlevels), y%dtau_c(Npoints,Nlevels), & y%dem_s(Npoints,Nlevels), y%dem_c(Npoints,Nlevels), & y%tca(Npoints,Nlevels), y%cca(Npoints,Nlevels), & y%rain_ls(Npoints,Nlevels), y%rain_cv(Npoints,Nlevels), y%grpl_ls(Npoints,Nlevels), & y%snow_ls(Npoints,Nlevels), y%snow_cv(Npoints,Nlevels),y%mr_ozone(Npoints,Nlevels)) ! Surface information and geolocation (Npoints) allocate(y%toffset(Npoints), y%longitude(Npoints),y%latitude(Npoints),y%psfc(Npoints), y%land(Npoints), & y%sunlit(Npoints),y%skt(Npoints),y%u_wind(Npoints),y%v_wind(Npoints)) ! Hydrometeors concentration and distribution parameters allocate(y%mr_hydro(Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro), & y%dist_prmts_hydro(Nprmts_max_hydro,Nhydro), & y%Reff(Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro), & y%Np(Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro)) ! added by Roj with Quickbeam V3 ! Aerosols concentration and distribution parameters allocate(y%conc_aero(Npoints,Nlevels,Naero), y%dist_type_aero(Naero), & y%dist_prmts_aero(Npoints,Nlevels,Nprmts_max_aero,Naero)) ! RTTOV channels and sfc. emissivity allocate(y%ichan(Nchan),y%surfem(Nchan)) ! RTTOV parameters y%ichan = ichan y%surfem = surfem ! --- Initialise to zero --- y%zlev = 0.0 y%zlev_half = 0.0 y%dlev = 0.0 y%p = 0.0 y%ph = 0.0 y%T = 0.0 y%q = 0.0 y%sh = 0.0 y%dtau_s = 0.0 y%dtau_c = 0.0 y%dem_s = 0.0 y%dem_c = 0.0 y%tca = 0.0 y%cca = 0.0 y%rain_ls = 0.0 y%rain_cv = 0.0 y%grpl_ls = 0.0 y%snow_ls = 0.0 y%snow_cv = 0.0 y%Reff = 0.0 y%Np = 0.0 ! added by Roj with Quickbeam V3 y%mr_ozone = 0.0 y%u_wind = 0.0 y%v_wind = 0.0 ! (Npoints) y%toffset = 0.0 y%longitude = 0.0 y%latitude = 0.0 y%psfc = 0.0 y%land = 0.0 y%sunlit = 0.0 y%skt = 0.0 ! (Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro) ! y%fr_hydro = 0.0 y%mr_hydro = 0.0 ! Others y%dist_prmts_hydro = 0.0 ! (Nprmts_max_hydro,Nhydro) y%conc_aero = 0.0 ! (Npoints,Nlevels,Naero) y%dist_type_aero = 0 ! (Naero) y%dist_prmts_aero = 0.0 ! (Npoints,Nlevels,Nprmts_max_aero,Naero) ! NOTE: This location use to contain initialization of some radar simulator variables ! this initialization (including use of the variable "dist_prmts_hydro" - now obselete) ! has been unified in the quickbeam v3 subroutine "radar_simulator_init". Roj, June 2010 ! --- Initialize the distributional parameters for hydrometeors in radar simulator write(*,*) 'RADAR_SIM microphysics scheme is set to: ', & trim(RADAR_SIM_MICROPHYSICS_SCHEME_NAME) if(y%Nhydro.ne.N_HYDRO) then write(*,*) 'Number of hydrometeor input to subroutine', & ' CONSTRUCT_COSP_GRIDBOX does not match value', & ' specified in cosp_constants.f90!' write(*,*) endif ! NOTE: SAVE_scale_LUTs_flag is hard codded as .false. here ! so that radar simulator will NOT update LUT each time it ! is called, but rather will update when "Free_COSP_GRIDBOX" is called! ! Roj, June 2010 LUT_file_name = trim(RADAR_SIM_LUT_DIRECTORY) // & trim(RADAR_SIM_MICROPHYSICS_SCHEME_NAME) call radar_simulator_init(radar_freq,k2, & use_gas_abs,do_ray,R_UNDEF, & y%Nhydro, & HCLASS_TYPE,HCLASS_PHASE, & HCLASS_DMIN,HCLASS_DMAX, & HCLASS_APM,HCLASS_BPM,HCLASS_RHO, & HCLASS_P1,HCLASS_P2,HCLASS_P3, & local_load_LUT, & .false., & LUT_file_name, & y%hp) END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_GRIDBOX !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_GRIDBOX ----------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_GRIDBOX(y,dglobal,save_LUT) use scale_LUTs_io type(cosp_gridbox),intent(inout) :: y logical,intent(in),optional :: dglobal logical,intent(in),optional :: save_LUT logical :: local_save_LUT if (present(save_LUT)) then local_save_LUT = save_LUT else local_save_LUT = RADAR_SIM_UPDATE_scale_LUTs_flag endif ! save any updates to radar simulator LUT if (local_save_LUT) call save_scale_LUTs(y%hp) deallocate(y%zlev, y%zlev_half, y%dlev, y%p, y%ph, y%T, y%q, & y%sh, y%dtau_s, y%dtau_c, y%dem_s, y%dem_c, & y%toffset, y%longitude,y%latitude,y%psfc, y%land, y%tca, y%cca, & y%mr_hydro, y%dist_prmts_hydro, & y%conc_aero, y%dist_type_aero, y%dist_prmts_aero, & y%rain_ls, y%rain_cv, y%snow_ls, y%snow_cv, y%grpl_ls, & y%sunlit, y%skt, y%Reff,y%Np, & y%ichan,y%surfem, & y%mr_ozone,y%u_wind,y%v_wind) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_GRIDBOX !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_GRIDBOX_CPHP ---------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_GRIDBOX_CPHP(x,y) type(cosp_gridbox),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_gridbox),intent(inout) :: y integer :: i,j,k,sz(3) double precision :: tny tny = tiny(tny) y%hp%p1 = x%hp%p1 y%hp%p2 = x%hp%p2 y%hp%p3 = x%hp%p3 y%hp%dmin = x%hp%dmin y%hp%dmax = x%hp%dmax y%hp%apm = x%hp%apm y%hp%bpm = x%hp%bpm y%hp%rho = x%hp%rho y%hp%dtype = x%hp%dtype y%hp%col = x%hp%col y%hp%cp = x%hp%cp y%hp%phase = x%hp%phase y%hp%fc = x%hp%fc y%hp%rho_eff = x%hp%rho_eff ! y%hp%ifc = x%hp%ifc obsolete, Roj, June 2010 ! y%hp%idd = x%hp%idd sz = shape(x%hp%Z_scale_flag) do k=1,sz(3) do j=1,sz(2) do i=1,sz(1) if (x%hp%N_scale_flag(i,k)) y%hp%N_scale_flag(i,k) = .true. if (x%hp%Z_scale_flag(i,j,k)) y%hp%Z_scale_flag(i,j,k) = .true. if (abs(x%hp%Ze_scaled(i,j,k)) > tny) y%hp%Ze_scaled(i,j,k) = x%hp%Ze_scaled(i,j,k) if (abs(x%hp%Zr_scaled(i,j,k)) > tny) y%hp%Zr_scaled(i,j,k) = x%hp%Zr_scaled(i,j,k) if (abs(x%hp%kr_scaled(i,j,k)) > tny) y%hp%kr_scaled(i,j,k) = x%hp%kr_scaled(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE COSP_GRIDBOX_CPHP !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_GRIDBOX_CPSECTION ----------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_GRIDBOX_CPSECTION(ix,iy,x,y) integer,intent(in),dimension(2) :: ix,iy type(cosp_gridbox),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_gridbox),intent(inout) :: y ! --- Copy arrays without Npoints as dimension --- y%dist_prmts_hydro = x%dist_prmts_hydro y%dist_type_aero = x%dist_type_aero ! call cosp_gridbox_cphp(x,y) ! 1D y%longitude(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%longitude(ix(1):ix(2)) y%latitude(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%latitude(ix(1):ix(2)) y%psfc(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%psfc(ix(1):ix(2)) y%land(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%land(ix(1):ix(2)) y%sunlit(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%sunlit(ix(1):ix(2)) y%skt(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%skt(ix(1):ix(2)) y%u_wind(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%u_wind(ix(1):ix(2)) y%v_wind(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%v_wind(ix(1):ix(2)) ! 2D y%zlev(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%zlev(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%zlev_half(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%zlev_half(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%dlev(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%dlev(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%p(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%p(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%ph(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%ph(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%T(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%T(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%q(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%q(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%sh(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%sh(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%dtau_s(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%dtau_s(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%dtau_c(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%dtau_c(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%dem_s(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%dem_s(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%dem_c(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%dem_c(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%tca(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%tca(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%cca(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%cca(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%rain_ls(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%rain_ls(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%rain_cv(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%rain_cv(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%grpl_ls(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%grpl_ls(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%snow_ls(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%snow_ls(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%snow_cv(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%snow_cv(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%mr_ozone(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%mr_ozone(ix(1):ix(2),:) ! 3D y%Reff(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%Reff(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%Np(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%Np(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) ! added by Roj with Quickbeam V3 y%conc_aero(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%conc_aero(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%mr_hydro(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%mr_hydro(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) ! 4D y%dist_prmts_aero(iy(1):iy(2),:,:,:) = x%dist_prmts_aero(ix(1):ix(2),:,:,:) END SUBROUTINE COSP_GRIDBOX_CPSECTION !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_SUBGRID_CPSECTION ----------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_SUBGRID_CPSECTION(ix,iy,x,y) integer,intent(in),dimension(2) :: ix,iy type(cosp_subgrid),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_subgrid),intent(inout) :: y y%prec_frac(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%prec_frac(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%frac_out(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%frac_out(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) END SUBROUTINE COSP_SUBGRID_CPSECTION !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_SGRADAR_CPSECTION ----------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_SGRADAR_CPSECTION(ix,iy,x,y) integer,intent(in),dimension(2) :: ix,iy type(cosp_sgradar),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_sgradar),intent(inout) :: y y%att_gas(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%att_gas(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%Ze_tot(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%Ze_tot(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) END SUBROUTINE COSP_SGRADAR_CPSECTION !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_SGLIDAR_CPSECTION ----------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_SGLIDAR_CPSECTION(ix,iy,x,y) integer,intent(in),dimension(2) :: ix,iy type(cosp_sglidar),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_sglidar),intent(inout) :: y y%temp_tot(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%temp_tot(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%betaperp_tot(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%betaperp_tot(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%beta_mol(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%beta_mol(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%beta_tot(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%beta_tot(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%tau_tot(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%tau_tot(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%refl(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%refl(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) END SUBROUTINE COSP_SGLIDAR_CPSECTION !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_ISCCP_CPSECTION ----------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_ISCCP_CPSECTION(ix,iy,x,y) integer,intent(in),dimension(2) :: ix,iy type(cosp_isccp),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_isccp),intent(inout) :: y y%fq_isccp(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%fq_isccp(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%totalcldarea(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%totalcldarea(ix(1):ix(2)) y%meantb(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%meantb(ix(1):ix(2)) y%meantbclr(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%meantbclr(ix(1):ix(2)) y%meanptop(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%meanptop(ix(1):ix(2)) y%meantaucld(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%meantaucld(ix(1):ix(2)) y%meanalbedocld(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%meanalbedocld(ix(1):ix(2)) y%boxtau(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%boxtau(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%boxptop(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%boxptop(ix(1):ix(2),:) END SUBROUTINE COSP_ISCCP_CPSECTION !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_MISR_CPSECTION ----------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_MISR_CPSECTION(ix,iy,x,y) integer,intent(in),dimension(2) :: ix,iy type(cosp_misr),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_misr),intent(inout) :: y y%fq_MISR(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%fq_MISR(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%MISR_meanztop(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%MISR_meanztop(ix(1):ix(2)) y%MISR_cldarea(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%MISR_cldarea(ix(1):ix(2)) y%MISR_dist_model_layertops(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%MISR_dist_model_layertops(ix(1):ix(2),:) END SUBROUTINE COSP_MISR_CPSECTION !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_RTTOV_CPSECTION ------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_RTTOV_CPSECTION(ix,iy,x,y) integer,intent(in),dimension(2) :: ix,iy type(cosp_rttov),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_rttov),intent(inout) :: y y%tbs(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%tbs(ix(1):ix(2),:) END SUBROUTINE COSP_RTTOV_CPSECTION !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_RADARSTATS_CPSECTION -------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_RADARSTATS_CPSECTION(ix,iy,x,y) integer,intent(in),dimension(2) :: ix,iy type(cosp_radarstats),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_radarstats),intent(inout) :: y y%cfad_ze(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%cfad_ze(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%radar_lidar_tcc(iy(1):iy(2)) = x%radar_lidar_tcc(ix(1):ix(2)) y%lidar_only_freq_cloud(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%lidar_only_freq_cloud(ix(1):ix(2),:) END SUBROUTINE COSP_RADARSTATS_CPSECTION !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_LIDARSTATS_CPSECTION -------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_LIDARSTATS_CPSECTION(ix,iy,x,y) integer,intent(in),dimension(2) :: ix,iy type(cosp_lidarstats),intent(in) :: x type(cosp_lidarstats),intent(inout) :: y y%srbval = x%srbval y%cfad_sr(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%cfad_sr(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%lidarcld(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%lidarcld(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%cldlayer(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%cldlayer(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%parasolrefl(iy(1):iy(2),:) = x%parasolrefl(ix(1):ix(2),:) y%lidarcldphase(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%lidarcldphase(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%cldlayerphase(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%cldlayerphase(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) y%lidarcldtmp(iy(1):iy(2),:,:) = x%lidarcldtmp(ix(1):ix(2),:,:) END SUBROUTINE COSP_LIDARSTATS_CPSECTION !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- PRINT SUBROUTINES -------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_GRIDBOX_PRINT(x) type(cosp_gridbox),intent(in) :: x print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_GRIDBOX ------' ! Scalars and dimensions print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Nlevels print *, x%Ncolumns print *, x%Nhydro print *, x%Nprmts_max_hydro print *, x%Naero print *, x%Nprmts_max_aero print *, x%Npoints_it ! Time [days] print *, x%time ! Radar ancillary info print *, x%radar_freq, & x%k2 print *, x%surface_radar, & x%use_mie_tables, & x%use_gas_abs, & x%do_ray, & x%melt_lay ! print *, 'shape(x%): ',shape(x%) ! type(class_param) :: hp ! structure used by radar simulator to store Ze and N scaling constants and other information ! type(mie):: mt ! structure used by radar simulator to store mie LUT information print *, x%nsizes ! Lidar print *, x%lidar_ice_type ! Radar print *, x%use_precipitation_fluxes print *, x%use_reff ! Geolocation (Npoints) print *, 'shape(x%longitude): ',shape(x%longitude) print *, 'shape(x%latitude): ',shape(x%latitude) ! Gridbox information (Npoints,Nlevels) print *, 'shape(x%zlev): ',shape(x%zlev) print *, 'shape(x%zlev_half): ',shape(x%zlev_half) print *, 'shape(x%dlev): ',shape(x%dlev) print *, 'shape(x%p): ',shape(x%p) print *, 'shape(x%ph): ',shape(x%ph) print *, 'shape(x%T): ',shape(x%T) print *, 'shape(x%q): ',shape(x%q) print *, 'shape(x%sh): ',shape(x%sh) print *, 'shape(x%dtau_s): ',shape(x%dtau_s) print *, 'shape(x%dtau_c): ',shape(x%dtau_c) print *, 'shape(x%dem_s): ',shape(x%dem_s) print *, 'shape(x%dem_c): ',shape(x%dem_c) print *, 'shape(x%mr_ozone): ',shape(x%mr_ozone) ! Point information (Npoints) print *, 'shape(x%land): ',shape(x%land) print *, 'shape(x%psfc): ',shape(x%psfc) print *, 'shape(x%sunlit): ',shape(x%sunlit) print *, 'shape(x%skt): ',shape(x%skt) print *, 'shape(x%u_wind): ',shape(x%u_wind) print *, 'shape(x%v_wind): ',shape(x%v_wind) ! TOTAL and CONV cloud fraction for SCOPS print *, 'shape(x%tca): ',shape(x%tca) print *, 'shape(x%cca): ',shape(x%cca) ! Precipitation fluxes on model levels print *, 'shape(x%rain_ls): ',shape(x%rain_ls) print *, 'shape(x%rain_cv): ',shape(x%rain_cv) print *, 'shape(x%snow_ls): ',shape(x%snow_ls) print *, 'shape(x%snow_cv): ',shape(x%snow_cv) print *, 'shape(x%grpl_ls): ',shape(x%grpl_ls) ! Hydrometeors concentration and distribution parameters print *, 'shape(x%mr_hydro): ',shape(x%mr_hydro) print *, 'shape(x%dist_prmts_hydro): ',shape(x%dist_prmts_hydro) ! Effective radius [m]. (Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro) print *, 'shape(x%Reff): ',shape(x%Reff) print *, 'shape(x%Np): ',shape(x%Np) ! added by roj with Quickbeam V3 ! Aerosols concentration and distribution parameters print *, 'shape(x%conc_aero): ',shape(x%conc_aero) print *, 'shape(x%dist_type_aero): ',shape(x%dist_type_aero) print *, 'shape(x%dist_prmts_aero): ',shape(x%dist_prmts_aero) ! ISCCP simulator inputs print *, x%isccp_top_height print *, x%isccp_top_height_direction print *, x%isccp_overlap print *, x%isccp_emsfc_lw ! RTTOV inputs/options print *, x%plat print *, x%sat print *, x%inst print *, x%Nchan print *, 'shape(x%Ichan): ',x%Ichan print *, 'shape(x%Surfem): ',x%Surfem print *, x%ZenAng print *, x%co2,x%ch4,x%n2o,x%co END SUBROUTINE COSP_GRIDBOX_PRINT SUBROUTINE COSP_MISR_PRINT(x) type(cosp_misr),intent(in) :: x print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_MISR ------' ! Dimensions print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Ntau print *, x%Nlevels ! --- (npoints,ntau,nlevels) ! the fraction of the model grid box covered by each of the MISR cloud types print *, 'shape(x%fq_MISR): ',shape(x%fq_MISR) ! --- (npoints) print *, 'shape(x%MISR_meanztop): ',shape(x%MISR_meanztop) print *, 'shape(x%MISR_cldarea): ',shape(x%MISR_cldarea) ! --- (npoints,nlevels) print *, 'shape(x%MISR_dist_model_layertops): ',shape(x%MISR_dist_model_layertops) END SUBROUTINE COSP_MISR_PRINT SUBROUTINE COSP_ISCCP_PRINT(x) type(cosp_isccp),intent(in) :: x print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Ncolumns print *, x%Nlevels print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_ISCCP ------' print *, 'shape(x%fq_isccp): ',shape(x%fq_isccp) print *, 'shape(x%totalcldarea): ',shape(x%totalcldarea) print *, 'shape(x%meantb): ',shape(x%meantb) print *, 'shape(x%meantbclr): ',shape(x%meantbclr) print *, 'shape(x%meanptop): ',shape(x%meanptop) print *, 'shape(x%meantaucld): ',shape(x%meantaucld) print *, 'shape(x%meanalbedocld): ',shape(x%meanalbedocld) print *, 'shape(x%boxtau): ',shape(x%boxtau) print *, 'shape(x%boxptop): ',shape(x%boxptop) END SUBROUTINE COSP_ISCCP_PRINT SUBROUTINE COSP_VGRID_PRINT(x) type(cosp_vgrid),intent(in) :: x print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_VGRID ------' print *, x%use_vgrid print *, x%csat_vgrid print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Ncolumns print *, x%Nlevels print *, x%Nlvgrid ! Array with dimensions (Nlvgrid) print *, 'shape(x%z): ',shape(x%z) print *, 'shape(x%zl): ',shape(x%zl) print *, 'shape(x%zu): ',shape(x%zu) ! Array with dimensions (Nlevels) print *, 'shape(x%mz): ',shape(x%mz) print *, 'shape(x%mzl): ',shape(x%mzl) print *, 'shape(x%mzu): ',shape(x%mzu) END SUBROUTINE COSP_VGRID_PRINT SUBROUTINE COSP_SGLIDAR_PRINT(x) type(cosp_sglidar),intent(in) :: x print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_SGLIDAR ------' ! Dimensions print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Ncolumns print *, x%Nlevels print *, x%Nhydro print *, x%Nrefl ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Nlevels) print *, 'shape(x%beta_mol): ',shape(x%beta_mol) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) print *, 'shape(x%beta_tot): ',shape(x%beta_tot) print *, 'shape(x%tau_tot): ',shape(x%tau_tot) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nrefl) print *, 'shape(x%refl): ',shape(x%refl) END SUBROUTINE COSP_SGLIDAR_PRINT SUBROUTINE COSP_SGRADAR_PRINT(x) type(cosp_sgradar),intent(in) :: x print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_SGRADAR ------' print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Ncolumns print *, x%Nlevels print *, x%Nhydro ! output vertical levels: spaceborne radar -> from TOA to SURFACE ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Nlevels) print *, 'shape(x%att_gas): ', shape(x%att_gas) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) print *, 'shape(x%Ze_tot): ', shape(x%Ze_tot) END SUBROUTINE COSP_SGRADAR_PRINT SUBROUTINE COSP_RADARSTATS_PRINT(x) type(cosp_radarstats),intent(in) :: x print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_SGRADAR ------' print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Ncolumns print *, x%Nlevels print *, x%Nhydro print *, 'shape(x%cfad_ze): ',shape(x%cfad_ze) print *, 'shape(x%radar_lidar_tcc): ',shape(x%radar_lidar_tcc) print *, 'shape(x%lidar_only_freq_cloud): ',shape(x%lidar_only_freq_cloud) END SUBROUTINE COSP_RADARSTATS_PRINT SUBROUTINE COSP_LIDARSTATS_PRINT(x) type(cosp_lidarstats),intent(in) :: x print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_SGLIDAR ------' print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Ncolumns print *, x%Nlevels print *, x%Nhydro print *, x%Nrefl ! Arrays with dimensions (SR_BINS) print *, 'shape(x%srbval): ',shape(x%srbval) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,SR_BINS,Nlevels) print *, 'shape(x%cfad_sr): ',shape(x%cfad_sr) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Nlevels) print *, 'shape(x%lidarcld): ',shape(x%lidarcld) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,LIDAR_NCAT) print *, 'shape(x%cldlayer): ',shape(x%cldlayer) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,PARASOL_NREFL) print *, 'shape(x%parasolrefl): ',shape(x%parasolrefl) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Nlevels,Nphase) print *, 'shape(x%lidarcldphase): ',shape(x%lidarcldphase) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,LIDAR_NCAT,Nphase) print *, 'shape(x%cldlayerphase): ',shape(x%cldlayerphase) ! Arrays with dimensions (Npoints,Ntemps,Nphase) print *, 'shape(x%lidarcldphase): ',shape(x%lidarcldtmp) END SUBROUTINE COSP_LIDARSTATS_PRINT SUBROUTINE COSP_SUBGRID_PRINT(x) type(cosp_subgrid),intent(in) :: x print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_SUBGRID ------' print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Ncolumns print *, x%Nlevels print *, x%Nhydro print *, 'shape(x%prec_frac): ',shape(x%prec_frac) print *, 'shape(x%frac_out): ',shape(x%frac_out) END SUBROUTINE COSP_SUBGRID_PRINT SUBROUTINE COSP_SGHYDRO_PRINT(x) type(cosp_sghydro),intent(in) :: x print *, '%%%%----- Information on COSP_SGHYDRO ------' print *, x%Npoints print *, x%Ncolumns print *, x%Nlevels print *, x%Nhydro print *, 'shape(x%mr_hydro): ',shape(x%mr_hydro) print *, 'shape(x%Reff): ',shape(x%Reff) print *, 'shape(x%Np): ',shape(x%Np) ! added by roj with Quickbeam V3 END SUBROUTINE COSP_SGHYDRO_PRINT END MODULE MOD_COSP_TYPES