C Routine to read the emissions of the different species C subroutine read_newemissions(julien, jH_emi ,edgar, flag_dms, I debutphy, I pdtphys,lafinphy, nbjour, pctsrf, I t_seri, xlat, xlon, I pmflxr, pmflxs, prfl, psfl, O u10m_ec, v10m_ec, dust_ec, O lmt_sea_salt, lmt_so2ff_l, O lmt_so2ff_h, lmt_so2nff, lmt_so2ba, O lmt_so2bb_l, lmt_so2bb_h, O lmt_so2volc_cont, lmt_altvolc_cont, O lmt_so2volc_expl, lmt_altvolc_expl, O lmt_dmsbio, lmt_h2sbio, lmt_dmsconc, O lmt_bcff, lmt_bcnff, lmt_bcbb_l, O lmt_bcbb_h, lmt_bcba, lmt_omff, O lmt_omnff, lmt_ombb_l, lmt_ombb_h, O lmt_omnat, lmt_omba) USE dimphy USE indice_sol_mod USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_para IMPLICIT NONE #include "dimensions.h" c INCLUDE 'dimphy.h' INCLUDE 'paramet.h' INCLUDE 'chem.h' c INCLUDE 'indicesol.h' logical debutphy, lafinphy, edgar INTEGER test_vent, test_day, step_vent, flag_dms, nbjour INTEGER julien, i, iday SAVE step_vent, test_vent, test_day, iday !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(step_vent, test_vent, test_day, iday) REAL pct_ocean(klon), pctsrf(klon,nbsrf) REAL pdtphys ! pas d'integration pour la physique (seconde) REAL t_seri(klon,klev) ! temperature REAL xlat(klon) ! latitudes pour chaque point REAL xlon(klon) ! longitudes pour chaque point c c Emissions: c --------- c c---------------------------- SEA SALT & DUST emissions ------------------------ REAL lmt_sea_salt(klon,ss_bins) !Sea salt 0.03-8.0 um !NOT SAVED OK REAL clyfac, avgdryrate, drying c je REAL u10m_ec1(klon), v10m_ec1(klon), dust_ec1(klon) c je REAL u10m_ec2(klon), v10m_ec2(klon), dust_ec2(klon) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: u10m_ec1(:), v10m_ec1(:), dust_ec1(:) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: u10m_ec2(:), v10m_ec2(:), dust_ec2(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(u10m_ec1, v10m_ec1, dust_ec1) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(u10m_ec2, v10m_ec2, dust_ec2) REAL u10m_nc(iip1,jjp1), v10m_nc(iip1,jjp1) REAL u10m_ec(klon), v10m_ec(klon), dust_ec(klon) c REAL cly(klon), wth(klon), zprecipinsoil(klon) REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: cly(:), wth(:), zprecipinsoil(:) REAL :: cly_glo(klon_glo), wth_glo(klon_glo) REAL :: zprecipinsoil_glo(klon_glo) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cly,wth,zprecipinsoil) c je SAVE u10m_ec2, v10m_ec2, dust_ec2 c je SAVE u10m_ec1, v10m_ec1, dust_ec1 ! Added on titane c je SAVE cly, wth, zprecipinsoil ! Added on titane ! SAVE cly, wth, zprecipinsoil, u10m_ec2, v10m_ec2, dust_ec2 c------------------------- BLACK CARBON emissions ---------------------- REAL lmt_bcff(klon) ! emissions de BC fossil fuels REAL lmt_bcnff(klon) ! emissions de BC non-fossil fuels REAL lmt_bcbb_l(klon) ! emissions de BC biomass basses REAL lmt_bcbb_h(klon) ! emissions de BC biomass hautes REAL lmt_bcba(klon) ! emissions de BC bateau c------------------------ ORGANIC MATTER emissions --------------------- REAL lmt_omff(klon) ! emissions de OM fossil fuels REAL lmt_omnff(klon) ! emissions de OM non-fossil fuels REAL lmt_ombb_l(klon) ! emissions de OM biomass basses REAL lmt_ombb_h(klon) ! emissions de OM biomass hautes REAL lmt_omnat(klon) ! emissions de OM Natural REAL lmt_omba(klon) ! emissions de OM bateau c------------------------- SULFUR emissions ---------------------------- REAL lmt_so2ff_l(klon) ! emissions so2 fossil fuels (low) REAL lmt_so2ff_h(klon) ! emissions so2 fossil fuels (high) REAL lmt_so2nff(klon) ! emissions so2 non-fossil fuels REAL lmt_so2bb_l(klon) ! emissions de so2 biomass burning basse REAL lmt_so2bb_h(klon) ! emissions de so2 biomass burning hautes REAL lmt_so2ba(klon) ! emissions de so2 bateau REAL lmt_so2volc_cont(klon) ! emissions so2 volcan continuous REAL lmt_altvolc_cont(klon) ! altitude so2 volcan continuous REAL lmt_so2volc_expl(klon) ! emissions so2 volcan explosive REAL lmt_altvolc_expl(klon) ! altitude so2 volcan explosive REAL lmt_dmsconc(klon) ! concentration de dms oceanique REAL lmt_dmsbio(klon) ! emissions de dms bio REAL lmt_h2sbio(klon) ! emissions de h2s bio REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: lmt_dms(:) ! emissions de dms !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lmt_dms) c c Lessivage c --------- c REAL pmflxr(klon,klev+1), pmflxs(klon,klev+1) !--convection REAL prfl(klon,klev+1), psfl(klon,klev+1) !--large-scale ! REAL pmflxr(klon,klev), pmflxs(klon,klev) !--convection ! REAL prfl(klon,klev), psfl(klon,klev) !--large-scale c c Variable interne c ---------------- c INTEGER icount REAL tau_1, tau_2 REAL max_flux, min_flux INTRINSIC MIN, MAX c c JE: Changes due to new pdtphys in new physics. c REAL windintime ! time in hours of the wind input files resolution c REAL dayemintime ! time in hours of the other emissions input files resolution REAL jH_init ! shift in the hour (count as days) respecto to ! ! realhour = (pdtphys*i)/3600/24 -days_elapsed REAL jH_emi,jH_vent,jH_day SAVE jH_init,jH_vent,jH_day !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(jH_init,jH_vent,jH_day) REAL,PARAMETER :: vent_resol = 6. ! resolution of winds in hours REAL,PARAMETER :: day_resol = 24. ! resolution of daily emmis. in hours ! INTEGER test_day1 ! SAVE test_day1 ! REAL tau_1j,tau_2j c je c allocate if necessary c IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(u10m_ec1)) ALLOCATE(u10m_ec1(klon)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(v10m_ec1)) ALLOCATE(v10m_ec1(klon)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(dust_ec1)) ALLOCATE(dust_ec1(klon)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(u10m_ec2)) ALLOCATE(u10m_ec2(klon)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(v10m_ec2)) ALLOCATE(v10m_ec2(klon)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(dust_ec2)) ALLOCATE(dust_ec2(klon)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cly)) ALLOCATE(cly(klon)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(wth)) ALLOCATE(wth(klon)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(zprecipinsoil)) ALLOCATE(zprecipinsoil(klon)) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(lmt_dms)) ALLOCATE(lmt_dms(klon)) c end je nov2013 c C*********************************************************************** C DUST EMISSIONS C*********************************************************************** c IF (debutphy) THEN C---Fields are read only at the beginning of the period c--reading wind and dust iday=julien step_vent=1 test_vent=0 test_day=0 CALL read_vent(.true.,step_vent,nbjour,u10m_ec2,v10m_ec2) print *,'Read (debut) dust emissions: step_vent,julien,nbjour', . step_vent,julien,nbjour CALL read_dust(.true.,step_vent,nbjour,dust_ec2) C Threshold velocity map !$OMP MASTER IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN zprecipinsoil_glo(:)=0.0 OPEN(51,file='wth.dat',status='unknown',form='formatted') READ(51,'(G18.10)') (wth_glo(i),i=1,klon_glo) CLOSE(51) c Clay content OPEN(52,file='cly.dat',status='unknown',form='formatted') READ(52,'(G18.10)') (cly_glo(i),i=1,klon_glo) CLOSE(52) OPEN(53,file='precipinsoil.dat', . status='old',form='formatted',err=999) READ(53,'(G18.10)') (zprecipinsoil_glo(i),i=1,klon_glo) PRINT *,'lecture precipinsoil.dat' 999 CONTINUE CLOSE(53) ENDIF !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER call scatter(wth_glo,wth) call scatter(cly_glo,cly) call scatter(zprecipinsoil_glo,zprecipinsoil) !JE20140908<< GOTO 1000 ! DO i=1, klon ! zprecipinsoil(i)=0.0 ! ENDDO ! 1000 CLOSE(53) !JE20140908>> jH_init=jH_emi jH_vent=jH_emi jH_day=jH_emi ! test_day1=0 !JE end c ENDIF !--- debutphy print *,'READ_EMISSION: test_vent & test_day = ',test_vent, + test_day IF (test_vent.EQ.0) THEN !--on lit toutes les 6 h CALL SCOPY(klon, u10m_ec2, 1, u10m_ec1, 1) CALL SCOPY(klon, v10m_ec2, 1, v10m_ec1, 1) CALL SCOPY(klon, dust_ec2, 1, dust_ec1, 1) step_vent=step_vent+1 !PRINT *,'step_vent=', step_vent CALL read_vent(.false.,step_vent,nbjour,u10m_ec2,v10m_ec2) print *,'Reading dust emissions: step_vent, julien, nbjour ', . step_vent, julien, nbjour !print *,'test_vent, julien = ',test_vent, julien CALL read_dust(.false.,step_vent,nbjour,dust_ec2) ENDIF !--test_vent c ubicacion original c test_vent=test_vent+1 c IF (test_vent.EQ.(6*2)) test_vent=0 !on remet a zero ttes les 6 h !JE tau_2=FLOAT(test_vent)/12. !JE tau_1=1.-tau_2 tau_2=(jH_vent-jH_init)*24./(vent_resol) tau_1=1.-tau_2 ! print*,'JEdec jHv,JHi,ventres',jH_vent,jH_init,vent_resol ! print*,'JEdec tau2,tau1',tau_2,tau_1 ! print*,'JEdec step_vent',step_vent DO i=1, klon ! PRINT*,'JE tau_2,tau_2j',tau_2,tau_2j u10m_ec(i)=tau_1*u10m_ec1(i)+tau_2*u10m_ec2(i) v10m_ec(i)=tau_1*v10m_ec1(i)+tau_2*v10m_ec2(i) dust_ec(i)=tau_1*dust_ec1(i)+tau_2*dust_ec2(i) ENDDO c cJE IF (test_vent.EQ.(6*2)) THEN cJE PRINT *,'6 hrs interval reached' cJE print *,'day in read_emission, test_vent = ',julien, test_vent cJE ENDIF cJE !JE test_vent=test_vent+1 !JE IF (test_vent.EQ.(6*2)) test_vent=0 !on remet a zero ttes les 6 h c JE jH_vent=jH_vent+pdtphys/(24.*3600.) test_vent=test_vent+1 IF (jH_vent.GT.(vent_resol)/24.) THEN test_vent=0 jH_vent=jH_init ENDIF ! PRINT*,'JE test_vent,test_vent1,jH_vent ', test_vent,test_vent1 ! . ,jH_vent c endJEi c avgdryrate=300./365.*pdtphys/86400. c DO i=1, klon c IF (cly(i).LT.9990..AND.wth(i).LT.9990.) THEN zprecipinsoil(i)=zprecipinsoil(i) + . (pmflxr(i,1)+pmflxs(i,1)+prfl(i,1)+psfl(i,1))*pdtphys c clyfac=MIN(16., cly(i)*0.4+8.) ![mm] max amount of water hold in top soil drying=avgdryrate*exp(0.03905491* . exp(0.17446*(t_seri(i,1)-273.15))) ! [mm] zprecipinsoil(i)=min(max(0.,zprecipinsoil(i)-drying),clyfac) ! [mm] ENDIF ! zprecipinsoil(i)=0.0 ! Temporarely introduced to reproduce obelix result ENDDO ! print *,'cly = ',sum(cly),maxval(cly),minval(cly) ! print *,'wth = ',sum(wth),maxval(wth),minval(wth) ! print *,'t_seri = ',sum(t_seri),maxval(t_seri),minval(t_seri) ! print *,'precipinsoil = ',sum(zprecipinsoil),maxval(zprecipinsoil) ! . ,minval(zprecipinsoil) icount=0 DO i=1, klon IF (cly(i).GE.9990..OR.wth(i).GE.9990..OR. . t_seri(i,1).LE.273.15.OR.zprecipinsoil(i).GT.1.e-8) THEN dust_ec(i)=0.0 ! commented out for test dustemtest ! print *,'Dust emissions surpressed at grid = ',i ! icount=icount+1 ENDIF ENDDO c print *,'Total N of grids with surpressed emission = ',icount print *,'dust_ec = ',SUM(dust_ec),MINVAL(dust_ec), . MAXVAL(dust_ec) cnhl Transitory scaling of desert dust emissions cnhl DO i=1, klon cnhl dust_ec(i)=dust_ec(i)/2. cnhl ENDDO C-saving precipitation field to be read in next simulation IF (lafinphy) THEN c CALL gather(zprecipinsoil,zprecipinsoil_glo) !$OMP MASTER IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN OPEN(53,file='newprecipinsoil.dat', . status='unknown',form='formatted') WRITE(53,'(G18.10)') (zprecipinsoil_glo(i),i=1,klon_glo) CLOSE(53) ENDIF !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER c ENDIF c C*********************************************************************** C SEA SALT EMISSIONS C*********************************************************************** c DO i=1,klon pct_ocean(i)=pctsrf(i,is_oce) ENDDO print *,'IS_OCE = ',is_oce CALL seasalt(v10m_ec, u10m_ec, pct_ocean, lmt_sea_salt) !mgSeaSalt/cm2/s ! print *,'SUM, MAX & MIN Sea Salt = ',SUM(lmt_sea_salt), ! . MAXVAL(lmt_sea_salt),MINVAL(lmt_sea_salt) c C*********************************************************************** C SULFUR & CARBON EMISSIONS C*********************************************************************** c IF (test_day.EQ.0) THEN print *,'Computing SULFATE emissions for day : ',iday,julien, . step_vent CALL condsurfs_new(iday, edgar, flag_dms, O lmt_so2ff_l, lmt_so2ff_h, lmt_so2nff, O lmt_so2bb_l, lmt_so2bb_h, lmt_so2ba, O lmt_so2volc_cont, lmt_altvolc_cont, O lmt_so2volc_expl, lmt_altvolc_expl, O lmt_dmsbio, lmt_h2sbio, lmt_dms,lmt_dmsconc) print *,'Computing CARBON emissions for day : ',iday,julien, . step_vent CALL condsurfc_new(iday, O lmt_bcff,lmt_bcnff,lmt_bcbb_l,lmt_bcbb_h, O lmt_bcba,lmt_omff,lmt_omnff,lmt_ombb_l, O lmt_ombb_h, lmt_omnat, lmt_omba) print *,'IDAY = ',iday iday=iday+1 print *,'BCBB_L emissions :',SUM(lmt_bcbb_l), MAXVAL(lmt_bcbb_l) . ,MINVAL(lmt_bcbb_l) print *,'BCBB_H emissions :',SUM(lmt_bcbb_h), MAXVAL(lmt_bcbb_h) . ,MINVAL(lmt_bcbb_h) ENDIF !JE test_day=test_day+1 !JE IF (test_day.EQ.(24*2.)) THEN !JE test_day=0 !on remet a zero ttes les 24 h !JE print *,'LAST TIME STEP OF DAY ',julien !JE ENDIF jH_day=jH_day+pdtphys/(24.*3600.) test_day=test_day+1 IF (jH_day.GT.(day_resol)/24.) THEN print *,'LAST TIME STEP OF DAY ',julien test_day=0 jH_day=jH_init ENDIF ! PRINT*,'test_day,test_day1',test_day,test_day1 END