### Convection #altitude, in hPa, above LCL at which buoybase is computed, def = original: -40 dpbase=-40. #altitude, in hPa, above LCL below which Ep=0, def = original: 150, used only if flag_epKEorig=0 pbcrit=150.0 #altitude, in hPa, above LCL above which Ep=Epmax, def = original: 500, used only if flag_epKEorig=0 ptcrit=500.0 #reference fractional area of precipitating downdraughts, def = original: 0.01 sigdz=0.01 #unsaturated fraction of precipitating downdraughts, def = original: 0.15 spfac=0.15 #relaxation time of cloud base mass flux, def = original: 8000 tau=8000. #flag for wb (= vert velocity at LFC); 0->wb=wbmax, 1->wb=f(plfc) bounded, 2->wb=f(plfc) linear, def = 1 flag_wb=1 #parameter used in the computation of wb, def = 6. wbmax=6. # ok_convstop=.False. # tau_stop=15000. i# ok_intermittent=.False. #shedding coefficient (used when iflag_mix_adiab=1) coef_peel=0.25 # ### Clouds #Conversion cld water->precip: Ep=f(pressure) if 0; Ep=f(temperature) if 1, def=1 flag_epKEorig=1 #max condensed water concentration in kg/kg, def=0.0003, original: 0.0011, used only if flag_epKEorig=1 elcrit=0.0003 #temperature in degre Celsius, at which Ep=Epmax, def=-55., original: -55, used only if flag_epKEorig=1 tlcrit=-55.0