!!!! Abderrahmane Idelkadi aout 2013 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Module pour definir (au 1er appel) et ecrire les variables dans les fichiers de sortie cosp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MODULE cosp_output_write_mod USE cosp_output_mod INTEGER, SAVE :: itau_iocosp !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(itau_iocosp) INTEGER, save :: Nlevout, Ncolout !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(Nlevout, Ncolout) ! INTERFACE histwrite_cosp ! MODULE PROCEDURE histwrite2d_cosp,histwrite3d_cosp ! END INTERFACE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE cosp_output_write(Nlevlmdz, Npoints, Ncolumns, itap, dtime, freq_COSP, & cfg, gbx, vgrid, sglidar, stlidar, isccp) USE ioipsl USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: itau_phy, start_time, day_step_phy USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout,prt_level #ifdef CPP_XIOS USE wxios, only: wxios_closedef USE xios, only: xios_update_calendar #endif !!! Variables d'entree integer :: itap, Nlevlmdz, Ncolumns, Npoints real :: freq_COSP, dtime type(cosp_config) :: cfg ! Control outputs type(cosp_gridbox) :: gbx ! Gridbox information. Input for COSP type(cosp_sglidar) :: sglidar ! Output from lidar simulator type(cosp_isccp) :: isccp ! Output from ISCCP simulator type(cosp_lidarstats) :: stlidar ! Summary statistics from lidar simulator type(cosp_vgrid) :: vgrid ! Information on vertical grid of stats !!! Variables locales integer :: icl logical :: ok_sync integer :: itau_wcosp real, dimension(Npoints,PARASOL_NREFL) :: parasolcrefl, Ncref Nlevout = vgrid%Nlvgrid Ncolout = Ncolumns ! A refaire itau_wcosp = itau_phy + itap + start_time * day_step_phy if (prt_level >= 10) then WRITE(lunout,*)'itau_wcosp, itap, start_time, day_step_phy =', & itau_wcosp, itap, start_time, day_step_phy endif ! On le donne a cosp_output_write_mod pour que les histwrite y aient acces: CALL set_itau_iocosp(itau_wcosp) if (prt_level >= 10) then WRITE(lunout,*)'itau_iocosp =',itau_iocosp endif ok_sync = .TRUE. !DO iinit=1, iinitend ! AI sept 2014 cette boucle supprimee ! On n'ecrit pas quand itap=1 (cosp) if (prt_level >= 10) then WRITE(lunout,*)'DO iinit=1, iinitend ',iinitend endif !#ifdef CPP_XIOS ! !$OMP MASTER !IF (cosp_varsdefined) THEN ! if (prt_level >= 10) then ! WRITE(lunout,*)'Apell xios_update_calendar cosp_varsdefined iinitend ', & ! cosp_varsdefined,iinitend ! endif ! CALL xios_update_calendar(itau_wcosp) !ENDIF ! !$OMP END MASTER ! !$OMP BARRIER !#endif if (cfg%Llidar_sim) then ! Pb des valeurs indefinies, on les met a 0 ! A refaire proprement do k = 1,Nlevout do ip = 1,Npoints if(stlidar%lidarcld(ip,k).eq.R_UNDEF)then stlidar%lidarcld(ip,k)=Cosp_fill_value endif enddo do ii= 1,SR_BINS do ip = 1,Npoints if(stlidar%cfad_sr(ip,ii,k).eq.R_UNDEF)then stlidar%cfad_sr(ip,ii,k)=Cosp_fill_value endif enddo enddo enddo do ip = 1,Npoints do k = 1,Nlevlmdz if(sglidar%beta_mol(ip,k).eq.R_UNDEF)then sglidar%beta_mol(ip,k)=Cosp_fill_value endif do ii= 1,Ncolumns if(sglidar%beta_tot(ip,ii,k).eq.R_UNDEF)then sglidar%beta_tot(ip,ii,k)=Cosp_fill_value endif enddo enddo !k = 1,Nlevlmdz enddo !ip = 1,Npoints do k = 1,LIDAR_NCAT do ip = 1,Npoints if(stlidar%cldlayer(ip,k).eq.R_UNDEF)then stlidar%cldlayer(ip,k)=Cosp_fill_value endif enddo enddo print*,'Appel histwrite2d_cosp' CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_cllcalipso,stlidar%cldlayer(:,1)) CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_clhcalipso,stlidar%cldlayer(:,3)) CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_clmcalipso,stlidar%cldlayer(:,2)) CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_cltcalipso,stlidar%cldlayer(:,4)) CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_clcalipso,stlidar%lidarcld,nvert) do icl=1,SR_BINS CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_cfad_lidarsr532,stlidar%cfad_sr(:,icl,:),nvert,icl) enddo CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_parasol_refl,stlidar%parasolrefl,nvertp) do k=1,PARASOL_NREFL do ip=1, Npoints if (stlidar%cldlayer(ip,4).gt.0.01) then parasolcrefl(ip,k)=(stlidar%parasolrefl(ip,k)-0.03*(1.-stlidar%cldlayer(ip,4)))/ & stlidar%cldlayer(ip,4) Ncref(ip,k) = 1. else parasolcrefl(ip,k)=0. Ncref(ip,k) = 0. endif enddo enddo CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_Ncrefl,Ncref,nvertp) CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_parasol_crefl,parasolcrefl,nvertp) do icl=1,Ncolumns CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_atb532,sglidar%beta_tot(:,icl,:),nvertmcosp,icl) enddo CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_beta_mol532,sglidar%beta_mol,nvertmcosp) endif !Lidar if (cfg%Lisccp_sim) then ! Traitement des valeurs indefinies do ip = 1,Npoints if(isccp%totalcldarea(ip).eq.-1.E+30)then isccp%totalcldarea(ip)=Cosp_fill_value endif if(isccp%meanptop(ip).eq.-1.E+30)then isccp%meanptop(ip)=Cosp_fill_value endif if(isccp%meantaucld(ip).eq.-1.E+30)then isccp%meantaucld(ip)=Cosp_fill_value endif if(isccp%meanalbedocld(ip).eq.-1.E+30)then isccp%meanalbedocld(ip)=Cosp_fill_value endif if(isccp%meantb(ip).eq.-1.E+30)then isccp%meantb(ip)=Cosp_fill_value endif if(isccp%meantbclr(ip).eq.-1.E+30)then isccp%meantbclr(ip)=Cosp_fill_value endif do k=1,7 do ii=1,7 if(isccp%fq_isccp(ip,ii,k).eq.-1.E+30)then isccp%fq_isccp(ip,ii,k)=Cosp_fill_value endif enddo enddo do ii=1,Ncolumns if(isccp%boxtau(ip,ii).eq.-1.E+30)then isccp%boxtau(ip,ii)=Cosp_fill_value endif enddo do ii=1,Ncolumns if(isccp%boxptop(ip,ii).eq.-1.E+30)then isccp%boxptop(ip,ii)=Cosp_fill_value endif enddo enddo CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_sunlit,gbx%sunlit) do icl=1,7 CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_clisccp2,isccp%fq_isccp(:,icl,:),nvertisccp,icl) enddo CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_boxtauisccp,isccp%boxtau,nvertcol) CALL histwrite3d_cosp(o_boxptopisccp,isccp%boxptop,nvertcol) CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_tclisccp,isccp%totalcldarea) CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_ctpisccp,isccp%meanptop) CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_tauisccp,isccp%meantaucld) CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_albisccp,isccp%meanalbedocld) CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_meantbisccp,isccp%meantb) CALL histwrite2d_cosp(o_meantbclrisccp,isccp%meantbclr) endif ! Isccp IF(.NOT.cosp_varsdefined) THEN !$OMP MASTER #ifndef CPP_IOIPSL_NO_OUTPUT DO iff=1,3 IF (cosp_outfilekeys(iff)) THEN CALL histend(cosp_nidfiles(iff)) ENDIF ! cosp_outfilekeys ENDDO ! iff #endif ! Fermeture dans phys_output_write !#ifdef CPP_XIOS !On finalise l'initialisation: !CALL wxios_closedef() !#endif !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER cosp_varsdefined = .TRUE. END IF IF(cosp_varsdefined) THEN ! On synchronise les fichiers pour IOIPSL #ifndef CPP_IOIPSL_NO_OUTPUT !$OMP MASTER DO iff=1,3 IF (ok_sync .AND. cosp_outfilekeys(iff)) THEN CALL histsync(cosp_nidfiles(iff)) ENDIF END DO !$OMP END MASTER #endif ENDIF !cosp_varsdefined END SUBROUTINE cosp_output_write ! ug Routine pour definir itau_iocosp depuis cosp_output_write_mod: SUBROUTINE set_itau_iocosp(ito) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ito itau_iocosp = ito END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE histdef2d_cosp (iff,var) USE ioipsl USE dimphy use iophy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout,prt_level #ifdef CPP_XIOS USE wxios #endif IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "clesphys.h" INTEGER :: iff TYPE(ctrl_outcosp) :: var REAL zstophym CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: typeecrit ! ug On récupère le type écrit de la structure: ! Assez moche, Ã| refaire si meilleure méthode... IF (INDEX(var%cosp_typeecrit(iff), "once") > 0) THEN typeecrit = 'once' ELSE IF(INDEX(var%cosp_typeecrit(iff), "t_min") > 0) THEN typeecrit = 't_min(X)' ELSE IF(INDEX(var%cosp_typeecrit(iff), "t_max") > 0) THEN typeecrit = 't_max(X)' ELSE IF(INDEX(var%cosp_typeecrit(iff), "inst") > 0) THEN typeecrit = 'inst(X)' ELSE typeecrit = cosp_outfiletypes(iff) ENDIF IF (typeecrit=='inst(X)'.OR.typeecrit=='once') THEN zstophym=zoutm_cosp(iff) ELSE zstophym=zdtimemoy_cosp ENDIF #ifdef CPP_XIOS IF (.not. ok_all_xml) then IF ( var%cles(iff) ) THEN if (prt_level >= 10) then WRITE(lunout,*)'Appel wxios_add_field_to_file var%name =',var%name endif CALL wxios_add_field_to_file(var%name, 2, cosp_nidfiles(iff), cosp_outfilenames(iff), & var%description, var%unit, 1, typeecrit) ENDIF ENDIF #endif #ifndef CPP_IOIPSL_NO_OUTPUT IF ( var%cles(iff) ) THEN CALL histdef (cosp_nidfiles(iff), var%name, var%description, var%unit, & nbp_lon,jj_nb,nhoricosp(iff), 1,1,1, -99, 32, & typeecrit, zstophym,zoutm_cosp(iff)) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE histdef2d_cosp SUBROUTINE histdef3d_cosp (iff,var,nvertsave,ncols) USE ioipsl USE dimphy use iophy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout,prt_level #ifdef CPP_XIOS USE wxios #endif IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "clesphys.h" INTEGER :: iff, klevs INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: ncols ! ug RUSTINE POUR LES variables 4D INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nvertsave TYPE(ctrl_outcosp) :: var REAL zstophym CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: typeecrit, nomi CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: nom character(len=2) :: str2 CHARACTER(len=20) :: nam_axvert ! Axe vertical IF (nvertsave.eq.nvertp(iff)) THEN klevs=PARASOL_NREFL nam_axvert="sza" ELSE IF (nvertsave.eq.nvertisccp(iff)) THEN klevs=7 nam_axvert="pressure2" ELSE IF (nvertsave.eq.nvertcol(iff)) THEN klevs=Ncolout nam_axvert="column" ELSE klevs=Nlevout nam_axvert="presnivs" ENDIF ! ug RUSTINE POUR LES Champs 4D IF (PRESENT(ncols)) THEN write(str2,'(i2.2)')ncols nomi=var%name nom="c"//str2//"_"//nomi ELSE nom=var%name END IF ! ug On récupère le type écrit de la structure: ! Assez moche, Ã| refaire si meilleure méthode... IF (INDEX(var%cosp_typeecrit(iff), "once") > 0) THEN typeecrit = 'once' ELSE IF(INDEX(var%cosp_typeecrit(iff), "t_min") > 0) THEN typeecrit = 't_min(X)' ELSE IF(INDEX(var%cosp_typeecrit(iff), "t_max") > 0) THEN typeecrit = 't_max(X)' ELSE IF(INDEX(var%cosp_typeecrit(iff), "inst") > 0) THEN typeecrit = 'inst(X)' ELSE typeecrit = cosp_outfiletypes(iff) ENDIF IF (typeecrit=='inst(X)'.OR.typeecrit=='once') THEN zstophym=zoutm_cosp(iff) ELSE zstophym=zdtimemoy_cosp ENDIF #ifdef CPP_XIOS IF (.not. ok_all_xml) then IF ( var%cles(iff) ) THEN if (prt_level >= 10) then WRITE(lunout,*)'Appel wxios_add_field_to_file 3d nom variable nam_axvert = ',nom, nam_axvert endif CALL wxios_add_field_to_file(nom, 3, cosp_nidfiles(iff), cosp_outfilenames(iff), & var%description, var%unit, 1, typeecrit, nam_axvert) ENDIF ENDIF #endif #ifndef CPP_IOIPSL_NO_OUTPUT IF ( var%cles(iff) ) THEN CALL histdef (cosp_nidfiles(iff), nom, var%description, var%unit, & nbp_lon, jj_nb, nhoricosp(iff), klevs, 1, & klevs, nvertsave, 32, typeecrit, & zstophym, zoutm_cosp(iff)) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE histdef3d_cosp SUBROUTINE histwrite2d_cosp(var,field) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE ioipsl use iophy USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout,prt_level #ifdef CPP_XIOS USE xios, only: xios_send_field #endif IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'clesphys.h' TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), INTENT(IN) :: var REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: field INTEGER :: iff REAL,DIMENSION(klon_mpi) :: buffer_omp INTEGER, allocatable, DIMENSION(:) :: index2d REAL :: Field2d(nbp_lon,jj_nb) CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: nomi, nom character(len=2) :: str2 LOGICAL, SAVE :: firstx !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstx) IF (prt_level >= 9) WRITE(lunout,*)'Begin histrwrite2d ',var%name ! On regarde si on est dans la phase de définition ou d'écriture: IF(.NOT.cosp_varsdefined) THEN !$OMP MASTER !Si phase de définition.... on définit CALL conf_cospoutputs(var%name,var%cles) DO iff=1, 3 IF (cosp_outfilekeys(iff)) THEN CALL histdef2d_cosp(iff, var) ENDIF ENDDO !$OMP END MASTER ELSE !Et sinon on.... écrit IF (SIZE(field)/=klon) & CALL abort_physic('iophy::histwrite2d_cosp','Field first DIMENSION not equal to klon',1) CALL Gather_omp(field,buffer_omp) !$OMP MASTER CALL grid1Dto2D_mpi(buffer_omp,Field2d) ! La boucle sur les fichiers: firstx=.true. DO iff=1, 3 IF (var%cles(iff) .AND. cosp_outfilekeys(iff)) THEN ALLOCATE(index2d(nbp_lon*jj_nb)) #ifndef CPP_IOIPSL_NO_OUTPUT CALL histwrite(cosp_nidfiles(iff),var%name,itau_iocosp,Field2d,nbp_lon*jj_nb,index2d) #endif deallocate(index2d) #ifdef CPP_XIOS IF (.not. ok_all_xml) then if (firstx) then if (prt_level >= 10) then WRITE(lunout,*)'xios_send_field variable ',var%name endif CALL xios_send_field(var%name, Field2d) firstx=.false. endif ENDIF #endif ENDIF ENDDO #ifdef CPP_XIOS IF (ok_all_xml) THEN if (prt_level >= 10) then WRITE(lunout,*)'xios_send_field variable ',var%name endif CALL xios_send_field(var%name, Field2d) ENDIF #endif !$OMP END MASTER ENDIF ! vars_defined IF (prt_level >= 9) WRITE(lunout,*)'End histrwrite2d_cosp ',var%name END SUBROUTINE histwrite2d_cosp ! ug NOUVELLE VERSION DES WRITE AVEC LA BOUCLE DO RENTREE ! AI sept 2013 SUBROUTINE histwrite3d_cosp(var, field, nverts, ncols) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE ioipsl use iophy USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout,prt_level #ifdef CPP_XIOS USE xios, only: xios_send_field #endif IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'clesphys.h' TYPE(ctrl_outcosp), INTENT(IN) :: var REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: field ! --> field(klon,:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: ncols ! ug RUSTINE POUR LES Champs 4D..... INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: nverts INTEGER :: iff, k REAL,DIMENSION(klon_mpi,SIZE(field,2)) :: buffer_omp REAL :: Field3d(nbp_lon,jj_nb,SIZE(field,2)) INTEGER :: ip, n, nlev INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: index3d CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: nomi, nom character(len=2) :: str2 LOGICAL, SAVE :: firstx !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstx) IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'Begin histrwrite3d ',var%name ! ug RUSTINE POUR LES STD LEVS..... IF (PRESENT(ncols)) THEN write(str2,'(i2.2)')ncols nomi=var%name nom="c"//str2//"_"//nomi ELSE nom=var%name END IF ! On regarde si on est dans la phase de définition ou d'écriture: IF(.NOT.cosp_varsdefined) THEN !Si phase de définition.... on définit !$OMP MASTER CALL conf_cospoutputs(var%name,var%cles) DO iff=1, 3 IF (cosp_outfilekeys(iff)) THEN CALL histdef3d_cosp(iff, var, nverts(iff), ncols) ENDIF ENDDO !$OMP END MASTER ELSE !Et sinon on.... écrit IF (SIZE(field,1)/=klon) & CALL abort_physic('iophy::histwrite3d','Field first DIMENSION not equal to klon',1) nlev=SIZE(field,2) CALL Gather_omp(field,buffer_omp) !$OMP MASTER CALL grid1Dto2D_mpi(buffer_omp,field3d) ! BOUCLE SUR LES FICHIERS firstx=.true. DO iff=1, 3 IF (var%cles(iff) .AND. cosp_outfilekeys(iff)) THEN ALLOCATE(index3d(nbp_lon*jj_nb*nlev)) #ifndef CPP_IOIPSL_NO_OUTPUT CALL histwrite(cosp_nidfiles(iff),nom,itau_iocosp,Field3d,nbp_lon*jj_nb*nlev,index3d) #endif #ifdef CPP_XIOS IF (.not. ok_all_xml) then IF (firstx) THEN CALL xios_send_field(nom, Field3d(:,:,1:nlev)) IF (prt_level >= 9) WRITE(lunout,*)'xios_send_field ',var%name firstx=.FALSE. ENDIF ENDIF #endif deallocate(index3d) ENDIF ENDDO #ifdef CPP_XIOS IF (ok_all_xml) THEN CALL xios_send_field(nom, Field3d(:,:,1:nlev)) IF (prt_level >= 9) WRITE(lunout,*)'xios_send_field ',var%name ENDIF #endif !$OMP END MASTER ENDIF ! vars_defined IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'End histrwrite3d_cosp ',nom END SUBROUTINE histwrite3d_cosp SUBROUTINE conf_cospoutputs(nam_var,cles_var) !!! Lecture des noms et cles de sortie des variables dans config.def ! en utilisant les routines getin de IOIPSL use ioipsl USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout,prt_level IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: nam_var, nnam_var LOGICAL, DIMENSION(3) :: cles_var ! Lecture dans config.def ou output.def de cles_var et name_var CALL getin('cles_'//nam_var,cles_var) CALL getin('name_'//nam_var,nam_var) IF(prt_level>10) WRITE(lunout,*)'nam_var cles_var ',nam_var,cles_var(:) END SUBROUTINE conf_cospoutputs END MODULE cosp_output_write_mod