! $Id: phyredem.F90 2255 2015-04-03 13:51:31Z fairhead $ SUBROUTINE phyredem (fichnom) USE dimphy USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE fonte_neige_mod, ONLY : fonte_neige_final USE pbl_surface_mod, ONLY : pbl_surface_final USE phys_state_var_mod USE iostart USE traclmdz_mod, ONLY : traclmdz_to_restart USE infotrac USE control_mod USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY : carbon_cycle_cpl, co2_send USE indice_sol_mod USE surface_data USE ocean_slab_mod, ONLY : tslab, seaice, tice, fsic IMPLICIT none !====================================================================== ! Auteur(s) Z.X. Li (LMD/CNRS) date: 19930818 ! Objet: Ecriture de l'etat de redemarrage pour la physique !====================================================================== include "netcdf.inc" include "dimsoil.h" include "clesphys.h" include "temps.h" include "thermcell.h" include "compbl.h" !====================================================================== CHARACTER*(*) fichnom ! les variables globales ecrites dans le fichier restart REAL tsoil(klon, nsoilmx, nbsrf) REAL qsurf(klon, nbsrf) REAL snow(klon, nbsrf) real fder(klon) REAL run_off_lic_0(klon) REAL trs(klon, nbtr) INTEGER nid, nvarid, idim1, idim2, idim3 INTEGER ierr INTEGER length PARAMETER (length=100) REAL tab_cntrl(length) INTEGER isoil, nsrf,isw CHARACTER (len=7) :: str7 CHARACTER (len=2) :: str2 INTEGER :: it, iiq !====================================================================== ! Get variables which will be written to restart file from module ! pbl_surface_mod CALL pbl_surface_final(fder, snow, qsurf, tsoil) ! Get a variable calculated in module fonte_neige_mod CALL fonte_neige_final(run_off_lic_0) !====================================================================== CALL open_restartphy(fichnom) DO ierr = 1, length tab_cntrl(ierr) = 0.0 ENDDO tab_cntrl(1) = dtime tab_cntrl(2) = radpas ! co2_ppm : current value of atmospheric CO2 tab_cntrl(3) = co2_ppm tab_cntrl(4) = solaire tab_cntrl(5) = iflag_con tab_cntrl(6) = nbapp_rad IF( cycle_diurne ) tab_cntrl( 7 ) = 1. IF( soil_model ) tab_cntrl( 8 ) = 1. IF( new_oliq ) tab_cntrl( 9 ) = 1. IF( ok_orodr ) tab_cntrl(10 ) = 1. IF( ok_orolf ) tab_cntrl(11 ) = 1. tab_cntrl(13) = day_end tab_cntrl(14) = annee_ref tab_cntrl(15) = itau_phy ! co2_ppm0 : initial value of atmospheric CO2 tab_cntrl(16) = co2_ppm0 CALL put_var("controle", "Parametres de controle", tab_cntrl) CALL put_field("longitude", & "Longitudes de la grille physique", rlon) CALL put_field("latitude", "Latitudes de la grille physique", rlat) ! PB ajout du masque terre/mer CALL put_field("masque", "masque terre mer", zmasq) ! BP ajout des fraction de chaque sous-surface ! Get last fractions from slab ocean IF (type_ocean == 'slab' .AND. version_ocean == "sicINT") THEN WHERE (1.-zmasq(:).GT.EPSFRA) pctsrf(:,is_oce)=(1.-fsic(:))*(1.-zmasq(:)) pctsrf(:,is_sic)=fsic(:)*(1.-zmasq(:)) END WHERE END IF ! 1. fraction de terre CALL put_field("FTER", "fraction de continent", pctsrf(:, is_ter)) ! 2. Fraction de glace de terre CALL put_field("FLIC", "fraction glace de terre", pctsrf(:, is_lic)) ! 3. fraction ocean CALL put_field("FOCE", "fraction ocean", pctsrf(:, is_oce)) ! 4. Fraction glace de mer CALL put_field("FSIC", "fraction glace mer", pctsrf(:, is_sic)) DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.LE.99) THEN WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL put_field("TS"//str2, "Temperature de surface No."//str2, & ftsol(:, nsrf)) ELSE PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_gcm("phyredem", "", 1) ENDIF ENDDO ! ================== Albedo ======================================= print*,'PHYREDEM NOUVEAU' DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf DO isw=1, nsw IF (isw.LE.99 .AND. nsrf.LE.99) THEN WRITE(str7, '(i2.2, "srf", i2.2)') isw, nsrf print*,'PHYREDEM ',"A_dir_SW"//str7 CALL put_field("A_dir_SW"//str7, "Albedo direct du sol bande "//str7, & falb_dir(:, isw, nsrf)) CALL put_field("A_dif_SW"//str7, "Albedo difus du sol bande "//str7, & falb_dif(:, isw, nsrf)) ELSE PRINT*, "Trop de couches" call abort_gcm("phyredem", "", 1) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! ================== Tsoil ======================================= DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf DO isoil=1, nsoilmx IF (isoil.LE.99 .AND. nsrf.LE.99) THEN WRITE(str7, '(i2.2, "srf", i2.2)') isoil, nsrf CALL put_field("Tsoil"//str7, "Temperature du sol No."//str7, & tsoil(:, isoil, nsrf)) ELSE PRINT*, "Trop de couches" call abort_gcm("phyredem", "", 1) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.LE.99) THEN WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL put_field("QS"//str2, "Humidite de surface No."//str2, & qsurf(:, nsrf)) ELSE PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_gcm("phyredem", "", 1) ENDIF END DO CALL put_field("QSOL", "Eau dans le sol (mm)", qsol) DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.LE.99) THEN WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL put_field("EVAP"//str2, "Evaporation de surface No."//str2 & , fevap(:, nsrf)) ELSE PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_gcm("phyredem", "", 1) ENDIF ENDDO DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.LE.99) THEN WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL put_field("SNOW"//str2, "Neige de surface No."//str2, & snow(:, nsrf)) ELSE PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_gcm("phyredem", "", 1) ENDIF ENDDO CALL put_field("RADS", "Rayonnement net a la surface", radsol) CALL put_field("solsw", "Rayonnement solaire a la surface", solsw) CALL put_field("sollw", "Rayonnement IF a la surface", sollw) CALL put_field("sollwdown", "Rayonnement down IF a la surface", sollw) CALL put_field("fder", "Derive de flux", fder) CALL put_field("rain_f", "precipitation liquide", rain_fall) CALL put_field("snow_f", "precipitation solide", snow_fall) DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.LE.99) THEN WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL put_field("Z0m"//str2, "rugosite de surface No."//str2, & z0m(:, nsrf)) CALL put_field("Z0h"//str2, "rugosite de surface No."//str2, & z0h(:, nsrf)) ELSE PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_gcm("phyredem", "", 1) ENDIF ENDDO DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.LE.99) THEN WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL put_field("AGESNO"//str2, & "Age de la neige surface No."//str2, & agesno(:, nsrf)) ELSE PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_gcm("phyredem", "", 1) ENDIF ENDDO CALL put_field("ZMEA", "ZMEA", zmea) CALL put_field("ZSTD", "ZSTD", zstd) CALL put_field("ZSIG", "ZSIG", zsig) CALL put_field("ZGAM", "ZGAM", zgam) CALL put_field("ZTHE", "ZTHE", zthe) CALL put_field("ZPIC", "ZPIC", zpic) CALL put_field("ZVAL", "ZVAL", zval) CALL put_field("RUGSREL", "RUGSREL", rugoro) CALL put_field("TANCIEN", "TANCIEN", t_ancien) CALL put_field("QANCIEN", "QANCIEN", q_ancien) CALL put_field("UANCIEN", "", u_ancien) CALL put_field("VANCIEN", "", v_ancien) CALL put_field("CLWCON", "Eau liquide convective", clwcon) CALL put_field("RNEBCON", "Nebulosite convective", rnebcon) CALL put_field("RATQS", "Ratqs", ratqs) ! run_off_lic_0 CALL put_field("RUNOFFLIC0", "Runofflic0", run_off_lic_0) ! DEB TKE PBL ! IF (iflag_pbl>1) then DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf IF (nsrf.LE.99) THEN WRITE(str2, '(i2.2)') nsrf CALL put_field("TKE"//str2, "Energ. Cineti. Turb."//str2, & pbl_tke(:, 1:klev+1, nsrf)) CALL put_field("DELTATKE"//str2, "Del TKE wk/env."//str2, & wake_delta_pbl_tke(:, 1:klev+1, nsrf)) ELSE PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" call abort_gcm("phyredem", "", 1) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! FIN TKE PBL ! !IM ajout zmax0, f0, sig1, w01 !IM wake_deltat, wake_deltaq, wake_s, wake_cstar, wake_pe, wake_fip CALL put_field("ZMAX0", "ZMAX0", zmax0) CALL put_field("F0", "F0", f0) CALL put_field("sig1", "sig1 Emanuel", sig1) CALL put_field("w01", "w01 Emanuel", w01) ! wake_deltat CALL put_field("WAKE_DELTAT", "WAKE_DELTAT", wake_deltat) CALL put_field("WAKE_DELTAQ", "WAKE_DELTAQ", wake_deltaq) CALL put_field("WAKE_S", "WAKE_S", wake_s) CALL put_field("WAKE_CSTAR", "WAKE_CSTAR", wake_cstar) CALL put_field("WAKE_PE", "WAKE_PE", wake_pe) CALL put_field("WAKE_FIP", "WAKE_FIP", wake_fip) ! thermiques CALL put_field("FM_THERM", "FM_THERM", fm_therm) CALL put_field("ENTR_THERM", "ENTR_THERM", entr_therm) CALL put_field("DETR_THERM", "DETR_THERM", detr_therm) CALL put_field("ALE_BL", "ALE_BL", Ale_bl) CALL put_field("ALE_BL_TRIG", "ALE_BL_TRIG", Ale_bl_trig) CALL put_field("ALP_BL", "ALP_BL", Alp_bl) ! trs from traclmdz_mod IF (type_trac == 'lmdz') THEN CALL traclmdz_to_restart(trs) DO it=1, nbtr iiq=niadv(it+2) CALL put_field("trs_"//tname(iiq), "", trs(:, it)) END DO IF (carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(co2_send)) THEN ! This is the case of create_etat0_limit, ce0l ALLOCATE(co2_send(klon)) co2_send(:) = co2_ppm0 END IF CALL put_field("co2_send", "co2_ppm for coupling", co2_send) END IF END IF ! Restart variables for Slab ocean IF (type_ocean == 'slab') THEN CALL put_field("tslab", "Slab ocean temperature", tslab) IF (version_ocean == 'sicINT') THEN CALL put_field("seaice", "Slab seaice (kg/m2)", seaice) CALL put_field("slab_tice", "Slab sea ice temperature", tice) END IF END IF if (ok_gwd_rando) then call put_field("du_gwd_rando", & "tendency on zonal wind due to gravity waves", & du_gwd_rando) call put_field("dv_gwd_rando", & "tendency on meriodional wind due to gravity waves", & dv_gwd_rando) end if CALL close_restartphy !$OMP BARRIER END SUBROUTINE phyredem