! $Id: readaerosol.F90 1403 2010-07-01 09:02:53Z crio $ ! MODULE readaerosol_mod REAL, SAVE :: not_valid=-333. CONTAINS SUBROUTINE readaerosol(name_aero, type, iyr_in, klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, pt_out, psurf, load) !**************************************************************************************** ! This routine will read the aersosol from file. ! ! Read a year data with get_aero_fromfile depending on aer_type : ! - actuel : read year 1980 ! - preind : read natural data ! - scenario : read one or two years and do eventually linare time interpolation ! ! Return pointer, pt_out, to the year read or result from interpolation !**************************************************************************************** USE dimphy IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "iniprint.h" ! Input arguments CHARACTER(len=7), INTENT(IN) :: name_aero CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN) :: type ! correspond to aer_type in clesphys.h INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iyr_in ! Output INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: klev_src REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: pt_ap ! Pointer for describing the vertical levels REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: pt_b ! Pointer for describing the vertical levels REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: pt_out ! The massvar distributions, DIMENSION(klon, klev_src, 12) REAL, DIMENSION(klon,12), INTENT(OUT) :: psurf ! Surface pression for 12 months REAL, DIMENSION(klon,12), INTENT(OUT) :: load ! Aerosol mass load in each column for 12 months ! Local variables CHARACTER(len=4) :: cyear REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: pt_2 REAL, DIMENSION(klon,12) :: psurf2, load2 REAL :: p0 ! Reference pressure INTEGER :: iyr1, iyr2, klev_src2 INTEGER :: it, k, i LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: lonlyone=.FALSE. !**************************************************************************************** ! Read data depending on aer_type ! !**************************************************************************************** IF (type == 'actuel') THEN ! Read and return data for year 1980 !**************************************************************************************** cyear='1980' ! get_aero_fromfile returns pt_out allocated and initialized with data for 12 month ! pt_out has dimensions (klon, klev_src, 12) CALL get_aero_fromfile(name_aero, cyear, klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, p0, pt_out, psurf, load) ELSE IF (type == 'preind') THEN ! Read and return data from file with suffix .nat !**************************************************************************************** cyear='.nat' ! get_aero_fromfile returns pt_out allocated and initialized with data for 12 month ! pt_out has dimensions (klon, klev_src, 12) CALL get_aero_fromfile(name_aero, cyear, klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, p0, pt_out, psurf, load) ELSE IF (type == 'annuel') THEN ! Read and return data from scenario annual files !**************************************************************************************** WRITE(cyear,'(I4)') iyr_in WRITE(lunout,*) 'get_aero 3 iyr_in=', iyr_in,' ',cyear ! get_aero_fromfile returns pt_out allocated and initialized with data for nbr_tsteps month ! pt_out has dimensions (klon, klev_src, 12) CALL get_aero_fromfile(name_aero, cyear, klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, p0, pt_out, psurf, load) ELSE IF (type == 'scenario') THEN ! Read data depending on actual year and interpolate if necessary !**************************************************************************************** IF (iyr_in .LT. 1850) THEN cyear='.nat' WRITE(lunout,*) 'get_aero 1 iyr_in=', iyr_in,' ',cyear ! get_aero_fromfile returns pt_out allocated and initialized with data for 12 month ! pt_out has dimensions (klon, klev_src, 12) CALL get_aero_fromfile(name_aero, cyear, klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, p0, pt_out, psurf, load) ELSE IF (iyr_in .GE. 2100) THEN cyear='2100' WRITE(lunout,*) 'get_aero 2 iyr_in=', iyr_in,' ',cyear ! get_aero_fromfile returns pt_out allocated and initialized with data for 12 month ! pt_out has dimensions (klon, klev_src, 12) CALL get_aero_fromfile(name_aero, cyear, klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, p0, pt_out, psurf, load) ELSE ! Read data from 2 decades and interpolate to actual year ! a) from actual 10-yr-period IF (iyr_in.LT.1900) THEN iyr1 = 1850 iyr2 = 1900 ELSE IF (iyr_in.GE.1900.AND.iyr_in.LT.1920) THEN iyr1 = 1900 iyr2 = 1920 ELSE iyr1 = INT(iyr_in/10)*10 iyr2 = INT(1+iyr_in/10)*10 ENDIF WRITE(cyear,'(I4)') iyr1 WRITE(lunout,*) 'get_aero 3 iyr_in=', iyr_in,' ',cyear ! get_aero_fromfile returns pt_out allocated and initialized with data for 12 month ! pt_out has dimensions (klon, klev_src, 12) CALL get_aero_fromfile(name_aero, cyear, klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, p0, pt_out, psurf, load) ! If to read two decades: IF (.NOT.lonlyone) THEN ! b) from the next following one WRITE(cyear,'(I4)') iyr2 WRITE(lunout,*) 'get_aero 4 iyr_in=', iyr_in,' ',cyear NULLIFY(pt_2) ! get_aero_fromfile returns pt_2 allocated and initialized with data for 12 month ! pt_2 has dimensions (klon, klev_src, 12) CALL get_aero_fromfile(name_aero, cyear, klev_src2, pt_ap, pt_b, p0, pt_2, psurf2, load2) ! Test for same number of vertical levels IF (klev_src /= klev_src2) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'Two aerosols files with different number of vertical levels is not allowded' CALL abort_gcm('readaersosol','Error in number of vertical levels',1) END IF ! Linare interpolate to the actual year: DO it=1,12 DO k=1,klev_src DO i = 1, klon pt_out(i,k,it) = & pt_out(i,k,it) - REAL(iyr_in-iyr1)/REAL(iyr2-iyr1) * & (pt_out(i,k,it) - pt_2(i,k,it)) END DO END DO DO i = 1, klon psurf(i,it) = & psurf(i,it) - REAL(iyr_in-iyr1)/REAL(iyr2-iyr1) * & (psurf(i,it) - psurf2(i,it)) load(i,it) = & load(i,it) - REAL(iyr_in-iyr1)/REAL(iyr2-iyr1) * & (load(i,it) - load2(i,it)) END DO END DO ! Deallocate pt_2 no more needed DEALLOCATE(pt_2) END IF ! lonlyone END IF ! iyr_in .LT. 1850 ELSE WRITE(lunout,*)'This option is not implemented : aer_type = ', type CALL abort_gcm('readaerosol','Error : aer_type parameter not accepted',1) END IF ! type END SUBROUTINE readaerosol SUBROUTINE get_aero_fromfile(varname, cyr, klev_src, pt_ap, pt_b, p0, pt_year, psurf_out, load_out) !**************************************************************************************** ! Read 12 month aerosol from file and distribute to local process on physical grid. ! Vertical levels, klev_src, may differ from model levels if new file format. ! ! For mpi_root and master thread : ! 1) Open file ! 2) Find vertical dimension klev_src ! 3) Read field month by month ! 4) Close file ! 5) Transform the global field from 2D(iim, jjp+1) to 1D(klon_glo) ! - Also the levels and the latitudes have to be inversed ! ! For all processes and threads : ! 6) Scatter global field(klon_glo) to local process domain(klon) ! 7) Test for negative values !**************************************************************************************** USE netcdf USE dimphy USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE iophy, ONLY : io_lon, io_lat IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "dimensions.h" INCLUDE "iniprint.h" ! Input argumets CHARACTER(len=7), INTENT(IN) :: varname CHARACTER(len=4), INTENT(IN) :: cyr ! Output arguments INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: klev_src ! Number of vertical levels in file REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: pt_ap ! Pointer for describing the vertical levels REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: pt_b ! Pointer for describing the vertical levels REAL :: p0 ! Reference pressure value REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: pt_year ! Pointer-variabale from file, 12 month, grid : klon,klev_src REAL, DIMENSION(klon,12), INTENT(OUT) :: psurf_out ! Surface pression for 12 months REAL, DIMENSION(klon,12), INTENT(OUT) :: load_out ! Aerosol mass load in each column INTEGER :: nbr_tsteps ! number of month in file read ! Local variables CHARACTER(len=30) :: fname CHARACTER(len=8) :: filename='aerosols' CHARACTER(len=30) :: cvar INTEGER :: ncid, dimid, varid INTEGER :: imth, i, j, k, ierr REAL :: npole, spole REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: varmth REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: varyear ! Global variable read from file, 12 month REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: varyear_glo1D !(klon_glo, klev_src, 12) REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: varktmp REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm+1,12) :: psurf_glo2D ! Surface pression for 12 months on dynamics global grid REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo,12) :: psurf_glo1D ! -"- on physical global grid REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm+1,12) :: load_glo2D ! Load for 12 months on dynamics global grid REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo,12) :: load_glo1D ! -"- on physical global grid REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm+1) :: vartmp REAL, DIMENSION(iim) :: lon_src ! longitudes in file REAL, DIMENSION(jjm+1) :: lat_src, lat_src_inv ! latitudes in file LOGICAL :: new_file ! true if new file format detected LOGICAL :: invert_lat ! true if the field has to be inverted for latitudes ! Deallocate pointers IF (ASSOCIATED(pt_ap)) DEALLOCATE(pt_ap) IF (ASSOCIATED(pt_b)) DEALLOCATE(pt_b) IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN ! 1) Open file !**************************************************************************************** fname = filename//cyr//'.nc' WRITE(lunout,*) 'reading ', TRIM(fname) CALL check_err( nf90_open(TRIM(fname), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid) ) ! Test for equal longitudes and latitudes in file and model !**************************************************************************************** ! Read and test longitudes CALL check_err( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'lon', varid) ) CALL check_err( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, lon_src(:)) ) IF (maxval(ABS(lon_src - io_lon)) > 0.001) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'Problem in longitudes read from file : ',TRIM(fname) WRITE(lunout,*) 'longitudes in file ', TRIM(fname),' : ', lon_src WRITE(lunout,*) 'longitudes in model :', io_lon CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile', 'longitudes are not the same in file and model',1) END IF ! Read and test latitudes CALL check_err( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'lat', varid) ) CALL check_err( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, lat_src(:)) ) ! Invert source latitudes DO j = 1, jjm+1 lat_src_inv(j) = lat_src(jjm+1 +1 -j) END DO IF (maxval(ABS(lat_src - io_lat)) < 0.001) THEN ! Latitudes are the same invert_lat=.FALSE. ELSE IF (maxval(ABS(lat_src_inv - io_lat)) < 0.001) THEN ! Inverted source latitudes correspond to model latitudes WRITE(lunout,*) 'latitudes will be inverted for file : ',TRIM(fname) invert_lat=.TRUE. ELSE WRITE(lunout,*) 'Problem in latitudes read from file : ',TRIM(fname) WRITE(lunout,*) 'latitudes in file ', TRIM(fname),' : ', lat_src WRITE(lunout,*) 'latitudes in model :', io_lat CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile', 'latitudes do not correspond between file and model',1) END IF ! 1.5) Check number of month in file opened ! !************************************************************************************************** ierr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'TIME',dimid) CALL check_err( nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimid, len = nbr_tsteps) ) ! IF (nbr_tsteps /= 12 .AND. nbr_tsteps /= 14) THEN IF (nbr_tsteps /= 12 ) THEN CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile', 'not the right number of months in aerosol file read (should be 12 for the moment)',1) ENDIF ! 2) Check if old or new file is avalabale. ! New type of file should contain the dimension 'lev' ! Old type of file should contain the dimension 'PRESNIVS' !**************************************************************************************** ierr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'lev', dimid) IF (ierr /= NF90_NOERR) THEN ! Coordinate axe lev not found. Check for presnivs. ierr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'PRESNIVS', dimid) IF (ierr /= NF90_NOERR) THEN ! Dimension PRESNIVS not found either CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile', 'dimension lev or presnivs not in file',1) ELSE ! Old file found new_file=.FALSE. WRITE(lunout,*) 'Vertical interpolation for ',TRIM(varname),' will not be done' END IF ELSE ! New file found new_file=.TRUE. WRITE(lunout,*) 'Vertical interpolation for ',TRIM(varname),' will be done' END IF ! 2) Find vertical dimension klev_src !**************************************************************************************** CALL check_err( nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimid, len = klev_src) ) ! Allocate variables depending on the number of vertical levels ALLOCATE(varmth(iim, jjm+1, klev_src), varyear(iim, jjm+1, klev_src, 12), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile', 'pb in allocation 1',1) ALLOCATE(pt_ap(klev_src), pt_b(klev_src), varktmp(klev_src), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile', 'pb in allocation 2',1) ! 3) Read all variables from file ! There is 2 options for the file structure : ! new_file=TRUE : read varyear, ps, pt_ap and pt_b ! new_file=FALSE : read varyear month by month !**************************************************************************************** IF (new_file) THEN ! ++) Read the aerosol concentration month by month and concatenate to total variable varyear !**************************************************************************************** ! Get variable id CALL check_err( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, TRIM(varname), varid) ) ! Get the variable CALL check_err( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, varyear(:,:,:,:)) ) ! ++) Read surface pression, 12 month in one variable !**************************************************************************************** ! Get variable id CALL check_err( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "ps", varid) ) ! Get the variable CALL check_err( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, psurf_glo2D) ) ! ++) Read mass load, 12 month in one variable !**************************************************************************************** ! Get variable id CALL check_err( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "load_"//TRIM(varname), varid) ) ! Get the variable CALL check_err( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, load_glo2D) ) ! ++) Read ap !**************************************************************************************** ! Get variable id CALL check_err( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "ap", varid) ) ! Get the variable CALL check_err( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, pt_ap) ) ! ++) Read b !**************************************************************************************** ! Get variable id CALL check_err( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "b", varid) ) ! Get the variable CALL check_err( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, pt_b) ) ! ++) Read p0 : reference pressure !**************************************************************************************** ! Get variable id CALL check_err( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "p0", varid) ) ! Get the variable CALL check_err( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, p0) ) ELSE ! old file ! ++) Read the aerosol concentration month by month and concatenate to total variable varyear !**************************************************************************************** DO imth=1, 12 IF (imth.EQ.1) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'JAN' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.2) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'FEB' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.3) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'MAR' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.4) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'APR' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.5) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'MAY' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.6) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'JUN' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.7) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'JUL' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.8) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'AUG' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.9) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'SEP' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.10) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'OCT' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.11) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'NOV' ELSE IF (imth.EQ.12) THEN cvar=TRIM(varname)//'DEC' END IF ! Get variable id CALL check_err( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, TRIM(cvar), varid) ) ! Get the variable CALL check_err( nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, varmth) ) ! Store in variable for the whole year varyear(:,:,:,imth)=varmth(:,:,:) END DO ! Putting dummy psurf_glo2D(:,:,:) = not_valid load_glo2D(:,:,:) = not_valid pt_ap(:) = not_valid pt_b(:) = not_valid END IF ! 4) Close file !**************************************************************************************** CALL check_err( nf90_close(ncid) ) ! 5) Transform the global field from 2D(iim, jjp+1) to 1D(klon_glo) !**************************************************************************************** ! Test if vertical levels have to be inversed IF ((pt_b(1) < pt_b(klev_src)) .OR. .NOT. new_file) THEN ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'Vertical axis in file ',TRIM(fname), ' needs to be inverted' ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'before pt_ap = ', pt_ap ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'before pt_b = ', pt_b ! Inverse vertical levels for varyear DO imth=1, 12 varmth(:,:,:) = varyear(:,:,:,imth) ! use varmth temporarly DO k=1, klev_src DO j=1, jjm+1 DO i=1,iim varyear(i,j,k,imth) = varmth(i,j,klev_src+1-k) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! Inverte vertical axes for pt_ap and pt_b varktmp(:) = pt_ap(:) DO k=1, klev_src pt_ap(k) = varktmp(klev_src+1-k) END DO varktmp(:) = pt_b(:) DO k=1, klev_src pt_b(k) = varktmp(klev_src+1-k) END DO WRITE(lunout,*) 'after pt_ap = ', pt_ap WRITE(lunout,*) 'after pt_b = ', pt_b ELSE WRITE(lunout,*) 'Vertical axis in file ',TRIM(fname), ' is ok, no vertical inversion is done' WRITE(lunout,*) 'pt_ap = ', pt_ap WRITE(lunout,*) 'pt_b = ', pt_b END IF ! - Invert latitudes if necessary DO imth=1, 12 IF (invert_lat) THEN ! Invert latitudes for the variable varmth(:,:,:) = varyear(:,:,:,imth) ! use varmth temporarly DO k=1,klev_src DO j=1,jjm+1 DO i=1,iim varyear(i,j,k,imth) = varmth(i,jjm+1+1-j,k) END DO END DO END DO ! Invert latitudes for surface pressure vartmp(:,:) = psurf_glo2D(:,:,imth) DO j=1, jjm+1 DO i=1,iim psurf_glo2D(i,j,imth)= vartmp(i,jjm+1+1-j) END DO END DO ! Invert latitudes for the load vartmp(:,:) = load_glo2D(:,:,imth) DO j=1, jjm+1 DO i=1,iim load_glo2D(i,j,imth)= vartmp(i,jjm+1+1-j) END DO END DO END IF ! invert_lat ! Do zonal mead at poles and distribut at whole first and last latitude DO k=1, klev_src npole=0. ! North pole, j=1 spole=0. ! South pole, j=jjm+1 DO i=1,iim npole = npole + varyear(i,1,k,imth) spole = spole + varyear(i,jjm+1,k,imth) END DO npole = npole/REAL(iim) spole = spole/REAL(iim) varyear(:,1, k,imth) = npole varyear(:,jjm+1,k,imth) = spole END DO END DO ! imth ALLOCATE(varyear_glo1D(klon_glo, klev_src, 12), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile', 'pb in allocation 3',1) ! Transform from 2D to 1D field CALL grid2Dto1D_glo(varyear,varyear_glo1D) CALL grid2Dto1D_glo(psurf_glo2D,psurf_glo1D) CALL grid2Dto1D_glo(load_glo2D,load_glo1D) ELSE ALLOCATE(varyear_glo1D(0,0,0)) END IF ! is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root !$OMP BARRIER ! 6) Distribute to all processes ! Scatter global field(klon_glo) to local process domain(klon) ! and distribute klev_src to all processes !**************************************************************************************** ! Distribute klev_src CALL bcast(klev_src) ! Allocate and distribute pt_ap and pt_b IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(pt_ap)) THEN ! if pt_ap is allocated also pt_b is allocated ALLOCATE(pt_ap(klev_src), pt_b(klev_src), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile', 'pb in allocation 4',1) END IF CALL bcast(pt_ap) CALL bcast(pt_b) ! Allocate space for output pointer variable at local process IF (ASSOCIATED(pt_year)) DEALLOCATE(pt_year) ALLOCATE(pt_year(klon, klev_src, 12), stat=ierr) IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile', 'pb in allocation 5',1) ! Scatter global field to local domain at local process CALL scatter(varyear_glo1D, pt_year) CALL scatter(psurf_glo1D, psurf_out) CALL scatter(load_glo1D, load_out) ! 7) Test for negative values !**************************************************************************************** IF (MINVAL(pt_year) < 0.) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'Warning! Negative values read from file :', fname END IF END SUBROUTINE get_aero_fromfile SUBROUTINE check_err(status) USE netcdf IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "iniprint.h" INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: status IF (status /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'Error in get_aero_fromfile ',status CALL abort_gcm('get_aero_fromfile',trim(nf90_strerror(status)),1) END IF END SUBROUTINE check_err END MODULE readaerosol_mod