MODULE YOMCVER USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM ,JPRB IMPLICIT NONE SAVE ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! * Variables related to vertical discretisation in finite elements: ! LVERTFE : .T./.F. Finite element/conventional vertical discretisation. ! NVSCH : type of basis if the finite element vertical discretisation is used. ! 1: linear functions. ! 3: Hermite cubic functions. ! RINTE : matricial operator for vertical integrations in the ! finite element vertical discretisation. ! RDERI : matricial operator for vertical derivatives in the ! finite element vertical discretisation. LOGICAL :: LVERTFE INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NVSCH REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: RINTE(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: RDERI(:,:) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! * Variables related to use of spline cubic vertical interpolations ! in the semi-Lagrangian scheme: ! LVSPLIP : .T. if vertical spline cubic SL interpolations for O3. ! RVSPTRI,RVSPC : are used to re-profile the field to be interpolated ! in routine VSPLTRANS. ! RFAA,RFBB,RFCC,RFDD: are used in the computation of the vertical weights. ! VRDETAR : ratio (eta(lbar)-eta(lbar-1))/(eta(lbar-1)-eta(lbar-2)), ! is used in the interpolation routine LAITVSPCQM to ! ensure monotonicity and conservation properties. LOGICAL :: LVSPLIP LOGICAL :: LSVTSM ! Stratospheric vertical trajectory smoothed REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: RVSPTRI(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: RVSPC(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: RFAA(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: RFBB(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: RFCC(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: RFDD(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: VRDETAR(:) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- END MODULE YOMCVER