MODULE YOMCT0 USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM ,JPRB IMPLICIT NONE SAVE ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !* Control variables for the job - constant within job !========== TECHNICAL SWITCHES ================================================ ! ----- configuration: ! NCONF : configuration of the job ! 0- 99 : 3-D integration job ! 100-199 : variational job ! 200-299 : 2-D integration job ! 300-349 : KALMAN filter (currently obsolete) ! 350-399 : predictability model (currently obsolete) ! 400-499 : test of the adjoint ! 500-599 : test of the tangent linear model ! 600-699 : eigenvalue/vector solvers ! 700-799 : optimal interpolation ! 800-899 : sensitivity ! 900-999 : miscellaneous other configurations. ! 1 : 3-D primitive equation model ! 131 : incremental 4-D VAR/3-D VAR ! 201 : shallow-water model ! 202 : vorticity equation model ! 401 : test of adjoint with 3-D P.E. model ! 421 : test of adjoint with shallow-water model ! 422 : test of adjoint with vorticity equation model ! 501 : test of tangent linear with 3-D P.E. model ! 521 : test of tangent linear with shallow-water model ! 522 : test of tangent linear with vorticity equation model ! 601 : eigenvalue/vector solver for 3-D P.E. model ! 701 : optimal interpolation with CANARI ! 801 : sensitivity with 3-D P.E. model ! 901 : set up initial conditions (CPREP1) ! 903 : set up initial conditions (CPREP5) ! 911 : computes dilatation matrices for spectral space ! 912 : computes rotation matrices for spectral space ! 923 : initialisation of climatologic files ! 931 : creation of an ARPEGE file containing the NESDIS SST (INCLITC). ! 932 : interpolates the sea-ice concentration field from ! satellite data to the ARPEGE grid (CSEAICE). ! 940 : corrects the dry surface pressure in an ARPEGE file ! to keep total mass constant compared to a reference ! ARPEGE file (CORMASS) ! 951 : difference between 2 model states (CPREP2) ! ----- ???: ! NTASKS : ??? (no comment provided, currently used in CANARI only). ! ----- variables linked with diagnostics and outputs: ! LALLOPR : .T. = print information about all allocations/deallocations ! NPRINTLEV : 0 = "basic prints'; 1 = "more prints"; 2 = "debug prints" ! ----- type of file used: ! LFDBOP : .T. = fields data base utilized ! LGRBOP : .T. = output in GRIB (not ARPEGE) ! LFBDAP : .T. = diagnostics written on trajectory files ! LARPEGEF : .T. = use ARPEGE files ! LARPEGEF_TRAJHR : .T. = use ARPEGE files for high resolution trajectory ! LARPEGEF_TRAJBG : .T. = use ARPEGE files for background ! LARPEGEF_RDGP_INIT : .T. = use grid-point ARPEGE files ! LARPEGEF_RDGP_TRAJHR : .T. = use grid-point ARPEGE files for HR trajectory ! LARPEGEF_RDGP_TRAJBG : .T. = use grid-point ARPEGE files for background ! CNDISPP : directory of display files ! ----- variables linked to post-processing: ! LFPOS : .T. = use of Full-POS rather than POS ! CFPNCF : name of Full-POS control file (pseudo-configuration 927) ! LFPART2 : .T. = second part of interpolations for changing geometry ! (pseudo-configuration 927) ! CFDIRLST : path of postprocessing listing file ! CNPPATH : directory of postprocessing namelist files ! ----- use of transmission coefficients stored in Fourier or spectral space: ! LRETCFOU : .T. = reading Fourier transmission coefficients on file ! for simplified physics. ! LWRTCFOU : .T. = writing Fourier transmission coefficients on file. ! LRFOUTCNORM: activates diagnostics on Fourier transmission coefficients. ! - LRFOUTCNORM(1)=.T.: global statistics. ! - LRFOUTCNORM(2)=.T.: statistics per latitude. ! - LRFOUTCNORM(3)=.T.: statistics per layer. ! - LRFOUTCNORM(4)=.T.: statistics per wavenumber. ! LRGPTCNORM : activates diagnostics on grid-point transmission coefficients. ! - LRGPTCNORM(1)=.T.: global statistics. ! - LRGPTCNORM(2)=.T.: statistics per latitude. ! - LRGPTCNORM(3)=.T.: statistics per layer. ! ----- other variables: ! LNF : .T. = start, .F. = restart ! LSMSSIG : .T. = send signals to SMS (ECMWF supervisor) ! LOPDIS : .T. = calls OPDIS ! NCYCLE : cycle identifier ! CNMEXP : name of the experiment ! An experiment is identified by its name (16 characters) ! and its cycle (typically same experiment but without a bug) ! CFCLASS : class for use by FDB ! CTYPE : type for use by FDB ! LBACKG : ??? ! LMINIM : ??? !========== MODEL SWITCHES ==================================================== ! Remark: this section containes some dynamical variables which cannot be ! put in NAMDYN because they are used in routines called before SUDYN ! and sometimes to allocate some arrays. ! ----- advection scheme, semi-Lagrangian scheme: ! LSLAG : .TRUE. = semi-lagrangian on ! LTWOTL : .TRUE. if two-time-level semi-Lagrangian scheme will be used ! LRFRIC : .TRUE. = Rayleigh friction in zonal wind (for p < 9.9hPa) ! LVERCOR : .T./.F.: thin layer hypothesis relaxed/applied. ! ----- vertical discretisation, vertical boundaries: ! LAPRXPK : way of computing full-levels pressures in primitive equation ! hydrostatic model. ! .T.: full levels are computed by PK=(PK+1/2 + PK-1/2)*0.5 ! .F.: full levels are computed by a more complicated formula ! consistent with "alpha" in geopotential formula. ! LREGETA : .T.: for the interlayer L, ETA(L)=L/NFLEVG ! .F.: for the interlayer L, ETA(L)=A(L)/P0+B(L) ! LRUBC : .T.: if radiational upper boundary condition ! ----- numbering of timesteps: ! NSTART : first timestep of model ! NSTOP : last timestep of model ! ----- quadrature: ! NQUAD : 1 ====> GAUSS ! ----- type of equations: ! LNHDYN : .T. if 3-D non-hydrostatic dynamics is active ! ----- way of computing initial state: ! N2DINI : 1 initialization for 2D with Haurwitz wave ! : 2 initialization for 2D with real fields ! N3DINI : 1 initialization for 3D with standard atmosphere ! (not available since cycle 12) ! : 0 initialization for 3D with real fields ! ----- semi-implicit scheme: ! LSITRIC : .T.: if "tridiagonal" solver is used for the vertically ! coupled semi-implicit equations ! ----- control of variables which are transformed in spectral space: ! LSPRT : .T.: if R*T/Rd "virtual temperature" as spectral variable ! ----- diagnostics and frequencies: ! NSPPR : 0: no spectrum printed in spnorm; only global norms averaged ! on the vertical are printed ! : 1: no spectrum printed in spnorm; only global norms averaged ! on the vertical and global norms on each layer are printed ! : 2: both total wavenumber spectrum and zonal wavenumber spectrum ! are printed ! NFRPOS : frequency of post-processing events (time-steps) ! NFRISP : frequency of isp (animation !) events (time-steps) ! NFRCO : frequency of coupled fields (time-steps) ! NFRCORM : mass correction frequency (>0 time-steps, <0 hours, 0 no ! correction) ! NFRHIS : frequency of history write_ups (time-steps) ! NFRMASSCON: frequency of mass conservation fixup (time-steps) ! NFRGDI : frequency of grid-point space diagnostics ! NFRSDI : frequency of spectral space diagnostics ! NFRDHFG : write-up frequency of global DDH ! NFRDHFZ : write-up frequency of zonal DDH ! NFRDHFD : write-up frequency of "limited domain" DDH ! NFRDHP : write-up frequency of DDH files ! NPOSTS : array containing postprocessing steps ! NPISPS : array containing isp (animation !) steps ! NHISTS : array containing history write-up steps ! NMASSCONS : array containing mass conservation fixup steps ! NGDITS : array containing grid point diagnostics steps ! NSDITS : array containing spectral diagnostics steps ! NDHFGTS : array containing write out steps for global DDH ! NDHFZTS : array containing write out steps for zonal means DDH ! NDHFDTS : array containing write out steps for limited areas DDH ! NDHPTS : array containing write out steps for DDH ! Explanation for N[XXX]TS: ! 1) if N[XXX]TS(0)=0 action if MOD(JSTEP,NFR[XXX])=0 ! 2) if N[XXX]TS(0)>0 N[XXX]TS(0) significant numbers in ! N[XXX]TS are then considered and: ! action for JSTEP=N[XXX]TS(.)*NFR[XXX] ! 3) IF N[XXX]TS(0)<0 ! action for JSTEP=(N[XXX]TS(.)/DELTAT)*NFR[XXX] !========== ASSIMILATION SWITCHES ============================================= ! LNOBGON : .F. if eq. .T. no stop if unsuccessful reading of CMA files ! LCANARI : .T. = term to control French OI ! LCASIG : .T. = interpolation of the model errors (French OI) ! LGUESS : .T. = term of first guess included ! LOBS : .T. = term of observations included ! LSIMOB : .T. = if simulated observations ! LOBSC1 : .T. = term of observations included in configuration 1 ! LSCREEN : .T. = observation screening for variational assimilation ! LSCREEN_OPENMP : .T. = 4DVAR screening runs in OpenMP-parallel mode over timeslots ! L_SPLIT_SCREEN .T. = to split screenng ! L_SCREEN_CALL: .T. = call to screening routine SCREEN ! LOBSREF : .T. = comparison to observation for the trajectory (NCONF=131) ! LIFSMIN : .T. = if running minimisation ! LIFSTRAJ: .T. = if running high resolution trajectory integration ! NCNTVAR : Definition of the control variable of a variational job. ! = 1 ===> control variables are model variables ! = 2 ===> control variables are normalized departures of ! model variables from the background field ! = 3 ===> .......... ! LOLDPP : .T. use "old" p.p. of T,Q,U and V ! NSTEPINI: Initial step in hours for the initial conditions ! at the beginning of 4D-Var trajectory (usually 3 hours). ! It is used to update the step while saving the FCs along ! the first trajectory. ! NINTERPTRAJ : Interpolation method applied to increments ! NINTERPINCR : Interpolation method applied to increments ! = 1 ===> Bi-linear interpolation (default) ! = 2 ===> Bi-cubic Rinterpolation ! = 3 ===> Conserving interpolation ! For Conserving interpolation the style is defined by: ! NINTERPTRAJORDER : order of interpolation for trajectories ! NINTERPINCRORDER : order of interpolation for increments ! NINTERPTRAJLIMIT : 0 if limiter is NOT used (default), 1 if used for trajectory interpolation ! NINTERPINCRLIMIT : 0 if limiter is NOT used (default), 1 if used for increment interpolation !========== ALADIN SWITCHES =================================================== ! LELAM : .T. = limited area model with coupling or fully biperiodic ! model (torus) ! .F. = global model (sphere) ! LRPLANE : .T. = plane cartesian geometry ! .F. = spherical geometry ! LTENC : TRUE if tendency coupling of surface pressure ! FALSE if no tend. coupling of surf. pressure ! LALLTC : used together with LTENC when LTENC=.T. ! - no meaning for quadratic tendency coupling, where just t1 coupling ! is applied at every NEFRCL time step ! - for lin. tendency coupling: ! TRUE if tendency coupling of surf. pres. at every step ! FALSE if tend. coupl., except at every NEFRCL time steps ! when just t1 coupling ! RTENC : multiplier of EALFA in the tendency coupling scheme ! for stability reasons (RTENC<=1. close to 1) !========== AROME SWITCH ====================================================== ! LAROME : .T. = AROME limited area model !========== ECMWF Single Column Model ========================================= ! LSCMEC : .T. = ECMWF Single Column Model ! LSFCFLX : .T. = forcing with surface fluxes (latent and sensible). ! REXTSHF : externally supplied sensible heat flux [W/m^2] ! REXTLHF : externally supplied latent heat flux [W/m^2] ! LROUGH : .T. = surface roughness length is externally specified ! REXTZ0M : externally supplied roughness length for momentum [m] ! REXTZ0H : externally supplied roughness length for heat [m] !========== DISTRIBUTED MEMORY SWITCHES ======================================= ! LMPOFF : .T. = switch off the message passing library initialisation ! requested for special cases LMESSP=.T. and NPROC=1 ! : .F. = (default) full message passing features ! NPROC : Total number of processors requested for this run ! N_REGIONS_NS : Number of regions (LEQ_REGIONS=T) or NPRGPNS (LEQ_REGIONS=F) ! N_REGIONS_EW : Maximum number of partitions for all regions ! N_REGIONS : Number of partitions in each region ! NPRGPNS : Number of processors used during grid-point phase in North-South ! direction (previously known as NPROCA) ! NPRGPEW : Number of processors used during grid-point phase in East-West ! direction (previously known as NPROCB) ! NPRTRNS : Number of processors used during transform phase in North-South ! direction (previously the same as NPROCA and now implemented ! such that NPRTRNS=NPTRW) ! NPRTRM : Number of processors used during spectral computations in ! meridional wave direction (previously the same as NPROCA ! and now implemented such that NPRTRM=NPTRW) ! NPRTRN : Number of processors used during spectral computations in total ! wave direction (previously the same as NPROCA and now implemented ! such that NPRTRN=NPTRV) ! NPRTRW : Number of processors used during transform phase in wave space ! (previously the same as NPROCA) ! NPRTRV : Number of processors used during transform phase in vertical ! direction (previously known as NPROCB) ! LOUTPUT : .T. = diagnostic output requested on this PE ! NOUTPUT : 0 = No diagnostic output ! 1 = Only diagnostic output from PE1 ( default ) ! 2 = Diagnostic output from all PEs into separate files ! LREFOUT : .T. compare to reference run ! LREFGEN : .T. to generate reference file ! LMPDIAG : .T. = extensive message passing diagnostic output requested !========== PC SCHEMES ======================================================== !---------------------------------------------- ! PC SCHEMES QUANTITIES CONSTANT DURING INTEGRATION !---------------------------------------------- ! LPC_FULL - full PC scheme switch (with reiterations of trajectories) ! LPC_OLD - iterative scheme without trajectories recalculations ! - with iteration of D3 terms (Bubnova et all., 1995) ! LPC_NESC - non-extrapolating two-time level SL SI scheme ! - X(t+dt/2) = X(t) during predictor !========== FORCING SWITCH ==================================================== ! LSFORC - switch to activate the large scale forcings in setup and cpg !============================================================================== ! * Parameters: INTEGER(KIND=JPIM), PARAMETER :: JPNPST=240 ! * Technical switches: INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NCONF INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NTASKS ! ?????? LOGICAL :: LALLOPR INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPRINTLEV LOGICAL :: LFDBOP LOGICAL :: LGRBOP LOGICAL :: LFBDAP LOGICAL :: LARPEGEF LOGICAL :: LARPEGEF_TRAJHR LOGICAL :: LARPEGEF_TRAJBG LOGICAL :: LARPEGEF_RDGP_INIT LOGICAL :: LARPEGEF_RDGP_TRAJHR LOGICAL :: LARPEGEF_RDGP_TRAJBG CHARACTER (LEN = 120) :: CNDISPP LOGICAL :: LFPOS CHARACTER (LEN = 6) :: CFPNCF LOGICAL :: LFPART2 CHARACTER (LEN = 120) :: CFDIRLST CHARACTER (LEN = 120) :: CNPPATH LOGICAL :: LRETCFOU LOGICAL :: LWRTCFOU LOGICAL :: LRFOUTCNORM(4) LOGICAL :: LRGPTCNORM(3) LOGICAL :: LNF LOGICAL :: LSMSSIG LOGICAL :: LOPDIS INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NCYCLE=128 CHARACTER (LEN = 16) :: CNMEXP CHARACTER (LEN = 2) :: CFCLASS CHARACTER (LEN = 2) :: CTYPE LOGICAL :: LBACKG LOGICAL :: LMINIM ! * Model switches: LOGICAL :: LSLAG LOGICAL :: LTWOTL LOGICAL :: LRFRIC LOGICAL :: LVERCOR LOGICAL :: LAPRXPK LOGICAL :: LREGETA LOGICAL :: LRUBC INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSTART INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSTOP INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NQUAD LOGICAL :: LNHDYN INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: N2DINI INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: N3DINI LOGICAL :: LSITRIC LOGICAL :: LSPRT INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSPPR INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRPOS INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRISP INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRCORM INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRCO INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRHIS INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRMASSCON INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRGDI INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRSDI INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRDHFG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRDHFZ INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRDHFD INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFRDHP INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPOSTS(0:JPNPST) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPISPS(0:JPNPST) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NHISTS(0:JPNPST) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NMASSCONS(0:JPNPST) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NGDITS(0:JPNPST) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSDITS(0:JPNPST) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDHFGTS(0:JPNPST) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDHFZTS(0:JPNPST) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDHFDTS(0:JPNPST) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDHPTS(0:JPNPST) ! * Assimilation: LOGICAL :: LNOBGON LOGICAL :: LCANARI LOGICAL :: LCASIG LOGICAL :: LGUESS LOGICAL :: LOBS LOGICAL :: LSIMOB LOGICAL :: LOBSC1 LOGICAL :: LSCREEN LOGICAL :: LSCREEN_OPENMP LOGICAL :: L_SPLIT_SCREEN LOGICAL :: L_SCREEN_CALL LOGICAL :: LOBSREF LOGICAL :: LIFSMIN LOGICAL :: LIFSTRAJ INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NCNTVAR LOGICAL :: LOLDPP INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSTEPINI INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NINTERPTRAJ INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NINTERPINCR INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NINTERPTRAJLIMIT INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NINTERPINCRLIMIT INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NINTERPTRAJORDER INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NINTERPINCRORDER ! * ALADIN: LOGICAL :: LELAM LOGICAL :: LRPLANE LOGICAL :: LTENC LOGICAL :: LALLTC REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RTENC ! * AROME: LOGICAL :: LAROME ! * ECMWF Single Column Model: LOGICAL :: LSCMEC LOGICAL :: LSFCFLX REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REXTSHF REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REXTLHF LOGICAL :: LROUGH REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REXTZ0M REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REXTZ0H ! * Distributed memory: LOGICAL :: LMPOFF INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROC INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: N_REGIONS_NS INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: N_REGIONS_EW INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),ALLOCATABLE :: N_REGIONS(:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPRGPNS INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPRGPEW INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPRTRNS INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPRTRM INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPRTRN INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPRTRW INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPRTRV LOGICAL :: LOUTPUT INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NOUTPUT LOGICAL :: LREFOUT LOGICAL :: LREFGEN LOGICAL :: LMPDIAG ! * PC schemes. LOGICAL :: LPC_FULL LOGICAL :: LPC_OLD LOGICAL :: LPC_NESC ! ! * FORCING LOGICAL :: LSFORC ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ END MODULE YOMCT0