MODULE TPM_TRANS ! Module to contain variables "local" to a specific call to a transform USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM ,JPRB IMPLICIT NONE SAVE !INTEGER_M :: NF_UV ! Number of u-v fields (spectral/fourier space) !INTEGER_M :: NF_SCALARS ! Number of scalar fields (spectral/fourier space) !INTEGER_M :: NF_SCDERS ! Number of fields for derivatives of scalars ! (inverse transform, spectral/fourier space) !INTEGER_M :: NF_OUT_LT ! Number of fields that comes out of Inverse ! Legendre transform INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NF_SC2 INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NF_SC3A INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NF_SC3B !LOGICAL :: LUV ! uv fields requested !LOGICAL :: LSCALAR ! scalar fields requested LOGICAL :: LVORGP ! vorticity requested LOGICAL :: LDIVGP ! divergence requested LOGICAL :: LUVDER ! E-W derivatives of U and V requested LOGICAL :: LSCDERS ! derivatives of scalar variables are req. !INTEGER_M :: NLEI2 ! 8*NF_UV + 2*NF_SCALARS + 2*NF_SCDERS (dimension in ! inverse Legendre transform) !INTEGER_M :: NLED2 ! 2*NF_FS (dimension in direct Legendre transform) !INTEGER_M :: NF_FS ! Total number of fields in Fourier space !INTEGER_M :: NF_GP ! Total number of field in grid-point space !INTEGER_M :: NF_UV_G ! Global version of NF_UV (grid-point space) !INTEGER_M :: NF_SCALARS_G ! Global version of NF_SCALARS (grid-point space) REAL(KIND=JPRB), ALLOCATABLE :: FOUBUF_IN(:) ! Fourier buffer REAL(KIND=JPRB), ALLOCATABLE :: FOUBUF(:) ! Fourier buffer INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMA ! Blocking factor for gridpoint input/output INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NGPBLKS ! Number of NPROMA blocks END MODULE TPM_TRANS