MODULE YOMDYN USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM ,JPRB IMPLICIT NONE SAVE ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- !* Control variables for the DYNAMICS !=========== TIME STEPPING ==================================================== ! TSTEP : length of the timestep in seconds ! TDT : For leap-frog scheme: ! 2*TSTEP except at the first time step where it is TSTEP ! For a two-time level scheme (semi-Lagrangian), TDT is always TSTEP. ! REPS1 : timefiltering constant applied to t-1 ! REPS2 : timefiltering constant applied to t+1 ! REPSM1 : timefiltering constant applied to t-1 (moisture vars.) ! REPSM2 : timefiltering constant applied to t+1 (moisture vars.) ! REPSP1 : timefiltering constant applied to t-1 for all surface fields REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: TSTEP REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: TDT REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REPS1 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REPS2 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REPSM1 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REPSM2 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REPSP1 !====== MAIN HORIZONTAL DIFFUSION SCHEME ====================================== ! * CHARACTERISTIC TIMES: ! HDIRVOR : for diffusion of vorticity. ! HDIRDIV : for diffusion of divergence. ! HDIRT : for diffusion of temperature. ! HDIRQ : for diffusion of humidity. ! HDIRO3 : for diffusion of ozone. ! HDIRPD : for diffusion of pressure departure (non hydrostatic). ! HDIRVD : for diffusion of vertical divergence (non hydrostatic). ! HDIRSP : for diffusion of surface pressure. ! * REVERSE OF CHARACTERISTIC TIMES: ! HRDIRVOR : for diffusion of vorticity. ! HRDIRDIV : for diffusion of divergence. ! HRDIRT : for diffusion of temperature. ! HRDIRQ : for diffusion of humidity. ! HRDIRO3 : for diffusion of ozone. ! HRDIRPD : for diffusion of pressure departure (non hydrostatic). ! HRDIRVD : for diffusion of vertical divergence (non hydrostatic). ! HRDIRSP : for diffusion of surface pressure. ! RRDXTAU : overall intensity of HD ! RDAMPVOR : local enhancing coefficient for diffusion of vorticity. ! RDAMPDIV : local enhancing coefficient for diffusion of divergence. ! RDAMPT : local enhancing coefficient for diffusion of temperature. ! RDAMPQ : local enhancing coefficient for diffusion of humidity. ! RDAMPO3 : local enhancing coefficient for diffusion of ozone. ! RDAMPPD : local enhancing coefficient for diffusion of pressure departure. ! RDAMPVD : local enhancing coefficient for diffusion of vertical divergence. ! RDAMPSP : local enhancing coefficient for diffusion of surface pressure. ! LREPHD : key to reproduce HD consistency: ! if TRUE the consistency of HDIR[x] is ensured, while namelist ! values of RRDAMP[x] can be slightly modified; ! if FALSE the HD is driven exactly by RRDXTAU and RRDAMP[x] ! but consistency of HDIR[x] is not guarranted ! LNEWHD : only for ECMWF: "new" or "historical" values of HD set-up ! REXPDH : order of the diffusion ! (exponent for the wavenumber dependency). ! FRANDH : threshold for the wavenumber dependency. ! SLEVDH : first threshold for the pressure dependency scaled by VP00. ! SLEVDH2 : second threshold for the pressure dependency scaled by VP00. ! SLEVDH3 : third threshold for the pressure dependency scaled by VP00 ! (used to bound the vertical increase of diffusion in the ! upper stratosphere). ! NSREFDH : threshold for the truncation dependency. ! * LEVEL AND WAVENUMBER DEPENDENT INVERSE CHARACTERISTIC TIMES: ! RDIVOR : for diffusion of vorticity. ! RDIDIV : for diffusion of divergence. ! RDITG : for diffusion of temperature. ! RDIGFL : for diffusion of GFL vars. ! RDIPD : for diffusion of pressure departure (NH). ! RDIVD : for diffusion of vertical divergence (NH). ! RDISP : for diffusion of surface pressure. ! GMR : coefficients for spectral multiplication by GM. ! RDHI : main horizontal diffusion operator used for stretched ARPEGE. ! LSTRHD : .T.: main horizontal diffusion operator adapted to stretched ARP. ! HDTIME_STRHD: TDT (if not, the main horizontal diffusion operator ! used for stretched ARPEGE is recomputed). REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDIRVOR REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDIRDIV REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDIRT REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDIRQ REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDIRO3 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDIRPD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDIRVD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDIRSP REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDIRVOR REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDIRDIV REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDIRT REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDIRQ REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDIRO3 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDIRPD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDIRVD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDIRSP REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RRDXTAU REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPVOR REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPDIV REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPT REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPQ REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPO3 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPPD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPVD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPSP LOGICAL :: LREPHD LOGICAL :: LNEWHD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REXPDH REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: FRANDH REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SLEVDH REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SLEVDH2 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SLEVDH3 INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSREFDH REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDIVOR(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDIDIV(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDITG(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDIGFL(:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDIPD(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDIVD(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDISP(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: GMR(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDHI(:,:,:) LOGICAL :: LSTRHD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDTIME_STRHD !====== SEMI-LAGRANGIAN HORIZONTAL DIFFUSION SCHEME (SLHD) ==================== ! * FOR SLHD INTERPOLATIONS: ! SLHDA : Scaling factor of the deformation in f(d) function ! (including the model resolution correction) ! SLHDA0 : Namelist variable allowing to compute SLHDA ! (scaling factor of the deformation in f(d) function ! without the model resolution correction) ! SLHDB : Exponent of the deformation in f(d) function ! SLHDD0 : Treshold for deformation tensor enhancement ! ALPHINT : Limit for the interval of enhancing linear ! S-L interpolation by smoother (should be ! within the interval <0,0.5>) ! GAMMAX : Maximum value for the Gamma function (the weight ! of the smoother for the diffusive S-L interpolator), ! including the timestep correction. ! GAMMAX0 : Namelist variable allowing to compute GAMMAX ! (maximum value for the Gamma function, ! without the timestep correction). ! SLHDKMAX: Maximum value for the Kappa function ! * THE "HDS" CHARACTERISTIC TIMES (obsolete): ! HDSRVOR : for diffusion of vorticity. ! HDSRDIV : for diffusion of divergence. ! HDSRVD : for diffusion of vertical divergence (NH). ! * REVERSE OF THE "HDS" CHARACTERISTIC TIMES: ! HRDSRVOR : for diffusion of vorticity. ! HRDSRDIV : for diffusion of divergence. ! HRDSRVD : for diffusion of vertical divergence (NH). ! RDAMPVORS: local enhancing coefficient for HDS diffusion of vorticity ! RDAMPDIVS: local enhancing coefficient for HDS diffusion of divergence ! RDAMPVDS : local enhancing coefficient for HDS diffusion of vert. divergence ! RDAMPHDS : ratio HRDSRDIV/HRDIRDIV. ! REXPDHS : order of the diffusion ! (exponent for the wavenumber dependency). ! SLEVDHS : first threshold for the pressure dependency scaled by VP00. ! SLEVDHS2 : second threshold for the pressure dependency scaled by VP00. ! SDRED : variable modifying the vertical profile based on SLEVDH ! ( g(l) becomes g(l)-SDRED in the "main" diffusion). ! * "HDS" LEVEL AND WAVENUMBER DEPENDENT INVERSE CHARACTERISTIC TIMES: ! RDSVOR : for diffusion of vorticity. ! RDSDIV : for diffusion of divergence. ! RDSVD : for diffusion of NH vertical divergence variable. ! RDHS : SLHD additional horizontal diffusion operator used for stretched ARPEGE. REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: SLHDA(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SLHDA0 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SLHDB REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE :: SLHDD0(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ALPHINT REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: GAMMAX REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: GAMMAX0 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SLHDKMAX REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDSRVOR REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDSRDIV REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HDSRVD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDSRVOR REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDSRDIV REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: HRDSRVD REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPVORS REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPDIVS REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPVDS REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RDAMPHDS REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REXPDHS REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SLEVDHS REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SLEVDHS2 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SDRED REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDSVOR(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDSDIV(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDSVD(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RDHS(:,:,:) !================== SPECTRAL ENHANCED DIFFUSION =============================== ! LFREIN : switch to use spectral "enhanced diffusion" (.TRUE. if active) ! LFREINF : same as LFREIN but computed only at STEPO 0 of non-linear run ! LCHDIF : change diffusion coefficients if LFREINF ! FLCCRI : critical value of CFL criterion ! RFREIN : constant for spectral "enhanced diffusion". LOGICAL :: LFREIN LOGICAL :: LFREINF LOGICAL :: LCHDIF REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: FLCCRI REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RFREIN !====== QUANTITIES TO CHANGE THE VARIABLE IN THE T-EQN ======================= ! RCORDIT(NFLEVG) : correction term at full-levels for diffusion of T. ! RCORDIH(0:NFLEVG) : correction term at half-levels for SL T-eqn if RCMSMP0/=0 ! RCORDIF(NFLEVG) : correction term at full-levels for SL T-eqn if RCMSMP0/=0 REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RCORDIT(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RCORDIH(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RCORDIF(:) !==== MAXIMUM V-WINDS ALLOWED IN THE SEMI-LAGRANGIAN MODEL ==================== ! VMAX1 : if V>VMAX1 (SM) or SQRT(U**2+V**2)>VMAX1 (DM), ! warning in the SL scheme. ! VMAX2 : if V>VMAX2 (SM) or SQRT(U**2+V**2)>VMAX2 (DM), ! abort in the SL scheme. REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: VMAX1 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: VMAX2 !================== DELTA FORMULATION ========================================= ! NDLNPR : NDLNPR=0: conventional formulation of delta, i.e. ln(P(l)/P(l-1)). ! NDLNPR=1: formulation of delta used in non hydrostatic model, ! i.e. (P(l)-P(l-1))/SQRT(P(l)*P(l-1)). INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDLNPR !==== RAYLEIGH FRICTION ======================================================= ! RKRF(NFLEVG) : coefficient of Rayleigh friction REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: RKRF(:) !==== VERTICAL FILTER ======================================================== ! LVERFLT : switch to use filter in the vertical ! REPSVFVO: coefficient for 2-del-eta vertical filter on vorticity ! REPSVFDI: coefficient for 2-del-eta vertical filter on divergence ! NLEVVF : vertical filter applied for levs 1 to NLEVVF ! LVERAVE_HLUV: switch to filter (vertically) the half-level wind ! which is computed in routine GPHLUV. LOGICAL :: LVERFLT REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REPSVFVO REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REPSVFDI INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NLEVVF LOGICAL :: LVERAVE_HLUV !==== UPPER RADIATIVE BOUNDARY CONDITION ====================================== ! RHYDR0 - upper boundary contition for hydrostatic ! RTEMRB - tuning temperature for upper radiative b. c. (LRUBC) ! NRUBC : control of radiative upper boundary condition : ! =0 <=> non computation ! =1 <=> computation on the forecast field ! =2 <=> computation on the departure of the forecast from the coupling field REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RHYDR0 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RTEMRB INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NRUBC !==== SEMI-IMPLICIT SCHEME, VERTICAL EIGENMODES, PC SCHEMES =================== ! LSIDG : .F.: Semi-implicit-scheme with reduced divergence. ! .T.: Semi-implicit scheme with not reduced divergence. ! BETADT : coefficient for the semi-implicit treatment of divergence, ! temperature, continuity (and NH if required) equations. ! REFGEO : reference geopotentiel for shallow-water model. ! SIPR : reference surface pressure. ! SITR : reference temperature. ! SITRA : acoustic reference temperature. ! SITRUB : ref. temper. for SI corr. of temper.(for LRUBC=.T.) ! SIPRUB : coef. for SI corr. of surf. press. (for LRUBC=.T.) ! SITIME : =TDT (if not, Helmholtz matrices are recomputed in CNT4). ! SIRPRG : auxiliary variable for SIGAM,SIGAMA. ! SIRPRN : auxiliary variable for SITNU,SITNUA ! NSITER : number of iterations to treat the non linear semi-implicit terms ! in the non-hydrostatic scheme. ! NCURRENT_ITER : for LNHDYN with PC scheme - current iteration: ! 0 - predictor ! 1, 2, ..., NSITER - correctors ! LRHDI_LASTITERPC: T (resp. F): when a PC scheme is activated (for example ! LPC_FULL=.T.), the horizontal diffusion is done at the last iteration ! of the corrector step (resp. all iterations of the predictor-corrector ! scheme). ! * PRESSURES LINKED TO A REFERENCE PRESSURE = SIPR ! SIALPH(NFLEVG) : coefficients "alpha" of hydrostatics. ! SILNPR(NFLEVG) : Log of ratio of pressures between levels. ! SIDELP(NFLEVG) : pressure differences across layers. ! SIRDEL(NFLEVG) : their inverse. ! SITLAH(0:NFLEVG): half-level pressures. ! SITLAF(NFLEVG) : full-level pressures. ! SIDPHI(NFLEVG) : geopotential differences across layers. ! SCGMAP((NSMAX+1)*(NSMAX+2)/2,3): coefficients for multiplication by (GM**2) ! in spectral space. ! SIB(NFLEVG,NFLEVG) : operator "B" of the SI scheme (DIV ===> DP/DT=B.DIV). ! SIMO(NFLEVG,NFLEVG) : eigenvectors of "B". ! SIMI(NFLEVG,NFLEVG) : SIMO**-1 ! SIVP(NFLEVG) : eigenvalues of "B". ! SIHEG(NFLEVG,(NSMAX+1)*(NSMAX+2)/2,3), SIHEG2(NFLEVG,NSMAX+1,2:3): ! Helmholtz operator in case of SI computations with not reduced divergence. ! SIHEGB(NFLEVG,(NSMAX+1)*(NSMAX+2)/2,3), SIHEGB2(NFLEVG,NSMAX+1,2:3): ! Additional operators in case of LSIDG=T SI computations in the NH model. ! SITRICA(NSMAX,NFLEVG): ) coefficients used in tridiagonal solver ! SITRICB(NSMAX,NFLEVG): ) for the vertically-coupled semi-implicit ! SITRICC(NSMAX,NFLEVG): ) equations (case LSITRIC=T). ! SIRUB(0:NFLEVG) : Kernel of the operator ! SIGAM SITNU ! (T,ps) -----> P -----> (T,ps) ! 0 is for surface pressure (or its log) ! 1 to NFLEVG is for temperature ! t ! S2ETA(NFLEVG) : S S SIRUB, where S is a Laplacian operator ! used to eliminate the 2 delta eta wave in the vertical temperature field ! SIFAC : [ 1 - beta**2 (Delta t)**2 C**2 (SITR/SITRA) (LLstar/H**2) ] ! for NH model. ! SIFACI: [ 1 - beta**2 (Delta t)**2 C**2 (SITR/SITRA) (LLstar/H**2) ]**(-1) ! for NH model. ! VNORM : constant for new scaling. LOGICAL :: LSIDG REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: BETADT REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: REFGEO REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SIPR REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SITR REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SITRA REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SITRUB REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SIPRUB REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SITIME REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SIRPRG REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: SIRPRN INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSITER INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NCURRENT_ITER LOGICAL :: LRHDI_LASTITERPC REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIALPH(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SILNPR(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIDELP(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIRDEL(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SITLAH(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SITLAF(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIDPHI(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SCGMAP(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIB(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIMO(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIMI(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIVP(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIHEG(:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIHEG2(:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIHEGB(:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIHEGB2(:,:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SITRICA(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SITRICB(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SITRICC(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIRUB(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: S2ETA(:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIFAC(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB),ALLOCATABLE:: SIFACI(:,:) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: VNORM !=========== SEMI-LAGRANGIAN SWITCHES AND WEIGHTS ============================= !=========== + ADDITIONAL "ADVECTION" SWITCHES ALSO USED IN EULERIAN ========== ! * Switches NxLAG: ! NVLAG : switch for formulation or discretisation of continuity equation. ! NWLAG : switch for formulation or discretisation of momentum equations. ! NTLAG : switch for formulation or discretisation of temperature equation. ! NSPDLAG : switch for formulation or discretisation of P-hat equation. ! NSVDLAG : switch for formulation or discretisation of d-hat equation. ! Remarks about NxLAG: ! a) possible value for NxLAG: ! NxLAG=1 -> interpolation of R.H.S. of the corresponding eq. ! to the middle of the trajectory ! NxLAG=2 -> averaging of R.H.S. of the corresponding eq. ! along the trajectory with the part corresponding ! to the departure point added to the t-dt term ! NxLAG=3 -> averaging of R.H.S. of the corresponding eq. ! along the trajectory with the part corresponding ! to the departure point interpolated linearly ! c) For NVLAG and 2D model: ! NVLAG>0 stands for the conventional formulation of continuity equation. ! NVLAG<0 stands for the Lagrangian formulation of continuity equation: ! in this case the remark a) is valid for ABS(NVLAG). ! * Research of semi-Lagrangian trajectory: ! NITMP : Number of iterations for computing the medium point of the ! semi-lagrangian trajectory. ! VETAON : VETAON*eta(layer nr 1)+(1.-VETAON)*eta(top) is the lower ! value allowed for ETA of the origin/anterior point in ! the 3D model. ! VETAOX : VETAOX*eta(bottom layer)+(1.-VETAOX)*eta(ground) is the ! upper value allowed for ETA of the origin/anterior point ! in the 3D model. ! LSETTLS : type of extrapolations needed in the algorithm of trajectory ! research in the 2TL SL scheme. ! .F.: linear extrapolations (conventional algorithm). ! .T.: stable extrapolations combining spatio-temporal extrapolations. ! LELTRA : if TRUE then use "elegant" algorithm to find departure point ! (only applicable in 2TL scheme for the shallow-water equations) ! RW2TLFF : when computing the refined position of the origin point for ! Coriolis term, the new wind used is: ! 0.5*RW2TLFF*(V(F)+V(O)) + (1-RW2TLFF)*V(M) ! * Uncentering factor in the semi-Lagrangian scheme: ! VESL : first order uncentering factor applied to non linear and linear ! terms. ! XIDT : pseudo-second order uncentering factor applied to linear terms, ! when an alternative second-order averaging is required in the ! 2TL SL scheme. ! LPC_XIDT: pseudo second order decentering in LPC_FULL PC scheme ! key used to allocate special buffer for needed quantities ! to transfer informations from predictor to corrector. ! * Switches for use of quasi-monotone interpolations: ! LQMW : Use quasi-monotone three-dimensional interpolations for wind ! LQMHW : Use quasi-monotone interpolations in the horizontal for wind ! LQMT : Use quasi-monotone three-dimensional interpolations for temperature ! LQMHT : Use quasi-monotone interpolations in the horizontal for temperature ! LQMP : Use quasi-monotone three-dimensional interpolations for cont. eq ! LQMHP : Use quasi-monotone interpolations in the horizontal for cont. eq ! LQMPD : Use quasi-monotone three-dimensional interpolations for P-hat eqn. ! LQMHPD : Use quasi-monotone interpolations in the horizontal for P-hat eqn. ! LQMVD : Use quasi-monotone three-dimensional interpolations for d-hat eqn. ! LQMHVD : Use quasi-monotone interpolations in the horizontal for d-hat eqn. ! * Switches for use of spline interpolations: ! LRSPLINE_W : Use of spline for wind ! LRSPLINE_T : Use of spline for temperature ! LRSPLINE_P : Use of spline for continuity equation ! LRSPLINE_SPD : Use of spline for pressure departure ! LRSPLINE_SVD : Use of spline for vertical divergence ! * Treatment of Coriolis term: ! LADVF : if TRUE then use "advective" treatment of Coriolis terms (SL); ! in this case 2*Omega*Vec*r is computed analytically. ! LIMPF : if TRUE then use implicit treatment of Coriolis terms (EUL and SL) ! L2TLFF : if TRUE then use refined treatment of Coriolis term in 2TLSL scheme ! (can be currently used also with the 3TL SL vertical interpolating ! scheme). ! * Change variable with an Eulerian treatment of orography: ! RCMSLP0 : Real for tuning of the Tanguay/Ritchie correction in SL continuity ! and temperature equations for 3D model. ! * Treatment of MF simplified physics in the semi-Lagrangian TL and AD codes. ! LSL_UNLPHY_F : if TRUE diabatic terms are evaluated at the final point F. ! if FALSE diabatic terms are evaluated at the orig point O. ! Remark: this variable is involved only in MF physics. ! * Switch for computation of Moisture Convergence for French deep convection scheme ! NCOMP_CVGQ : 0 ==> Compute the CVGQ in an Eulerian manner, using spectral ! moisture stored in the YQ GFL variable. ! In this case YQ must be spectral and ! horizontal derivatives are used. ! 1 ==> Compute the CVGQ in an Eulerian manner, using spectral ! moisture stored in the YCVGQ GFL spectral variable and ! its horizontal derivatives. ! This case is well designed for the case where YQ is ! a purely grid-point GFL. ! 2 ==> Compute the CVGQ in a semi-Lagrangian manner ! (Lagrangian tendency - Eulerian tendency), using data ! stored in the YCVGQ grid-point variable. ! This case is well designed for the case where YQ is ! a purely grid-point GFL, and where LSLAG=T. ! remark ky: better to move this variable in SUDYNA/NAMDYNA/YOMDYNA in the ! future to make it available in SUDIM1 when reading NAMGFL. INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NVLAG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NWLAG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NTLAG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSPDLAG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSVDLAG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NITMP REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: VETAON REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: VETAOX LOGICAL :: LSETTLS LOGICAL :: LELTRA REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RW2TLFF REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: VESL REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: XIDT LOGICAL :: LPC_XIDT LOGICAL :: LQMW LOGICAL :: LQMHW LOGICAL :: LQMT LOGICAL :: LQMHT LOGICAL :: LQMP LOGICAL :: LQMHP LOGICAL :: LQMPD LOGICAL :: LQMHPD LOGICAL :: LQMVD LOGICAL :: LQMHVD LOGICAL :: LADVF LOGICAL :: LRSPLINE_W LOGICAL :: LRSPLINE_T LOGICAL :: LRSPLINE_P LOGICAL :: LRSPLINE_SPD LOGICAL :: LRSPLINE_SVD LOGICAL :: LIMPF LOGICAL :: L2TLFF REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: RCMSLP0 LOGICAL :: LSL_UNLPHY_F INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NCOMP_CVGQ !=========== RELAXATION OF THIN LAYER HYPOTHESIS ============================== ! (for more details about "rs", "Ts" see routines gpvcrs.F90 and gpvcts.F90) ! VCPR : reference pressure (the pressure layer where "rs=a") ! VCTR : reference temperature (VCTR=Ts(pressure=VCPR)) ! VCAK : coefficient alpha_K used in tha analytic formula of "Ts". ! LADVFW : as LADVF but for term "-2 Omega vec W k". REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: VCPR REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: VCTR REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: VCAK LOGICAL :: LADVFW ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! LDRY_ECMWF : .TRUE. = COMPUTE Cp, R AND R/Cp WITHOUT Q REALTED TERMS ! LDRY_ECMWF : .FALSE. = COMPUTE Cp, R AND R/Cp WITH Q REALTED TERMS LOGICAL :: LDRY_ECMWF ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ END MODULE YOMDYN