! MODULE oasis ! ! This module contains subroutines for initialization, sending and receiving ! towards the coupler OASIS3. It also contains some parameters for the coupling. ! ! This module should always be compiled. With the coupler OASIS3 available the cpp key ! CPP_COUPLE should be set and the entier of this file will then be compiled. ! In a forced mode CPP_COUPLE should not be defined and the compilation ends before ! the CONTAINS, without compiling the subroutines. ! USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE write_field_phy #ifdef CPP_COUPLE ! Use of Oasis-MCT coupler #if defined CPP_OMCT USE mod_prism ! Use of Oasis3 coupler #else USE mod_prism_proto USE mod_prism_def_partition_proto USE mod_prism_get_proto USE mod_prism_put_proto #endif #endif IMPLICIT NONE ! Id for fields sent to ocean INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_tauxxu = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_tauyyu = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_tauzzu = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_tauxxv = 4 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_tauyyv = 5 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_tauzzv = 6 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_windsp = 7 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_shfice = 8 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_shfoce = 9 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_shftot = 10 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_nsfice = 11 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_nsfoce = 12 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_nsftot = 13 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_dflxdt = 14 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_totrai = 15 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_totsno = 16 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_toteva = 17 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_icevap = 18 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_ocevap = 19 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_calvin = 20 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_liqrun = 21 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_runcoa = 22 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_rivflu = 23 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_atmco2 = 24 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ids_taumod = 25 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxsend = 25 ! Maximum number of fields to send ! Id for fields received from ocean INTEGER, PARAMETER :: idr_sisutw = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: idr_icecov = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: idr_icealw = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: idr_icetem = 4 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: idr_curenx = 5 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: idr_cureny = 6 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: idr_curenz = 7 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: idr_oceco2 = 8 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxrecv = 8 ! Maximum number of fields to receive TYPE, PUBLIC :: FLD_CPL ! Type for coupling field information CHARACTER(len = 8) :: name ! Name of the coupling field LOGICAL :: action ! To be exchanged or not INTEGER :: nid ! Id of the field END TYPE FLD_CPL TYPE(FLD_CPL), DIMENSION(maxsend), SAVE, PUBLIC :: infosend ! Information for sending coupling fields TYPE(FLD_CPL), DIMENSION(maxrecv), SAVE, PUBLIC :: inforecv ! Information for receiving coupling fields LOGICAL,SAVE :: cpl_current !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_current) #ifdef CPP_COUPLE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE inicma !************************************************************************************ !**** *INICMA* - Initialize coupled mode communication for atmosphere ! and exchange some initial information with Oasis ! ! Rewrite to take the PRISM/psmile library into account ! LF 09/2003 ! USE IOIPSL USE surface_data, ONLY : version_ocean USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY : carbon_cycle_cpl INCLUDE "dimensions.h" INCLUDE "iniprint.h" ! Local variables !************************************************************************************ INTEGER :: comp_id INTEGER :: ierror, il_commlocal INTEGER :: il_part_id INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: ig_paral INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: il_var_nodims INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: il_var_actual_shape INTEGER :: il_var_type INTEGER :: jf CHARACTER (len = 6) :: clmodnam CHARACTER (len = 20) :: modname = 'inicma' CHARACTER (len = 80) :: abort_message LOGICAL :: cpl_current_omp !* 1. Initializations ! --------------- !************************************************************************************ WRITE(lunout,*) ' ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' ROUTINE INICMA' WRITE(lunout,*) ' **************' WRITE(lunout,*) ' ' WRITE(lunout,*) ' ' ! ! Define the model name ! clmodnam = 'lmdz.x' ! as in $NBMODEL in Cpl/Nam/namcouple.tmp !************************************************************************************ ! Define if coupling ocean currents or not !************************************************************************************ !$OMP MASTER cpl_current_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('cpl_current', cpl_current_omp) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER cpl_current = cpl_current_omp WRITE(lunout,*) 'Couple ocean currents, cpl_current = ',cpl_current !************************************************************************************ ! Define coupling variables !************************************************************************************ ! Atmospheric variables to send !$OMP MASTER infosend(:)%action = .FALSE. infosend(ids_tauxxu)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_tauxxu)%name = 'COTAUXXU' infosend(ids_tauyyu)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_tauyyu)%name = 'COTAUYYU' infosend(ids_tauzzu)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_tauzzu)%name = 'COTAUZZU' infosend(ids_tauxxv)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_tauxxv)%name = 'COTAUXXV' infosend(ids_tauyyv)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_tauyyv)%name = 'COTAUYYV' infosend(ids_tauzzv)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_tauzzv)%name = 'COTAUZZV' infosend(ids_windsp)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_windsp)%name = 'COWINDSP' infosend(ids_shfice)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_shfice)%name = 'COSHFICE' infosend(ids_nsfice)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_nsfice)%name = 'CONSFICE' infosend(ids_dflxdt)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_dflxdt)%name = 'CODFLXDT' infosend(ids_calvin)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_calvin)%name = 'COCALVIN' IF (version_ocean=='nemo') THEN infosend(ids_shftot)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_shftot)%name = 'COQSRMIX' infosend(ids_nsftot)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_nsftot)%name = 'COQNSMIX' infosend(ids_totrai)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_totrai)%name = 'COTOTRAI' infosend(ids_totsno)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_totsno)%name = 'COTOTSNO' infosend(ids_toteva)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_toteva)%name = 'COTOTEVA' infosend(ids_icevap)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_icevap)%name = 'COICEVAP' infosend(ids_liqrun)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_liqrun)%name = 'COLIQRUN' infosend(ids_taumod)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_taumod)%name = 'COTAUMOD' IF (carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN infosend(ids_atmco2)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_atmco2)%name = 'COATMCO2' ENDIF ELSE IF (version_ocean=='opa8') THEN infosend(ids_shfoce)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_shfoce)%name = 'COSHFOCE' infosend(ids_nsfoce)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_nsfoce)%name = 'CONSFOCE' infosend(ids_icevap)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_icevap)%name = 'COTFSICE' infosend(ids_ocevap)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_ocevap)%name = 'COTFSOCE' infosend(ids_totrai)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_totrai)%name = 'COTOLPSU' infosend(ids_totsno)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_totsno)%name = 'COTOSPSU' infosend(ids_runcoa)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_runcoa)%name = 'CORUNCOA' infosend(ids_rivflu)%action = .TRUE. ; infosend(ids_rivflu)%name = 'CORIVFLU' ENDIF ! Oceanic variables to receive inforecv(:)%action = .FALSE. inforecv(idr_sisutw)%action = .TRUE. ; inforecv(idr_sisutw)%name = 'SISUTESW' inforecv(idr_icecov)%action = .TRUE. ; inforecv(idr_icecov)%name = 'SIICECOV' inforecv(idr_icealw)%action = .TRUE. ; inforecv(idr_icealw)%name = 'SIICEALW' inforecv(idr_icetem)%action = .TRUE. ; inforecv(idr_icetem)%name = 'SIICTEMW' IF (cpl_current ) THEN inforecv(idr_curenx)%action = .TRUE. ; inforecv(idr_curenx)%name = 'CURRENTX' inforecv(idr_cureny)%action = .TRUE. ; inforecv(idr_cureny)%name = 'CURRENTY' inforecv(idr_curenz)%action = .TRUE. ; inforecv(idr_curenz)%name = 'CURRENTZ' ENDIF IF (carbon_cycle_cpl ) THEN inforecv(idr_oceco2)%action = .TRUE. ; inforecv(idr_oceco2)%name = 'SICO2FLX' ENDIF !************************************************************************************ ! Here we go: psmile initialisation !************************************************************************************ IF (is_sequential) THEN CALL prism_init_comp_proto (comp_id, clmodnam, ierror) IF (ierror .NE. PRISM_Ok) THEN abort_message=' Probleme init dans prism_init_comp ' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ELSE WRITE(lunout,*) 'inicma : init psmile ok ' ENDIF ENDIF CALL prism_get_localcomm_proto (il_commlocal, ierror) !************************************************************************************ ! Domain decomposition !************************************************************************************ ig_paral(1) = 1 ! apple partition for // ig_paral(2) = (jj_begin-1)*iim+ii_begin-1 ! offset ig_paral(3) = (jj_end*iim+ii_end) - (jj_begin*iim+ii_begin) + 1 IF (mpi_rank==mpi_size-1) ig_paral(3)=ig_paral(3)+iim-1 WRITE(lunout,*) mpi_rank,'ig_paral--->',ig_paral(2),ig_paral(3) ierror=PRISM_Ok CALL prism_def_partition_proto (il_part_id, ig_paral, ierror) IF (ierror .NE. PRISM_Ok) THEN abort_message=' Probleme dans prism_def_partition ' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ELSE WRITE(lunout,*) 'inicma : decomposition domaine psmile ok ' ENDIF il_var_nodims(1) = 2 il_var_nodims(2) = 1 il_var_actual_shape(1) = 1 il_var_actual_shape(2) = iim il_var_actual_shape(3) = 1 il_var_actual_shape(4) = jjm+1 il_var_type = PRISM_Real !************************************************************************************ ! Oceanic Fields to receive ! Loop over all possible variables !************************************************************************************ DO jf=1, maxrecv IF (inforecv(jf)%action) THEN CALL prism_def_var_proto(inforecv(jf)%nid, inforecv(jf)%name, il_part_id, & il_var_nodims, PRISM_In, il_var_actual_shape, il_var_type, & ierror) IF (ierror .NE. PRISM_Ok) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'inicma : Problem with prism_def_var_proto for field : ',& inforecv(jf)%name abort_message=' Problem in call to prism_def_var_proto for fields to receive' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF END DO !************************************************************************************ ! Atmospheric Fields to send ! Loop over all possible variables !************************************************************************************ DO jf=1,maxsend IF (infosend(jf)%action) THEN CALL prism_def_var_proto(infosend(jf)%nid, infosend(jf)%name, il_part_id, & il_var_nodims, PRISM_Out, il_var_actual_shape, il_var_type, & ierror) IF (ierror .NE. PRISM_Ok) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'inicma : Problem with prism_def_var_proto for field : ',& infosend(jf)%name abort_message=' Problem in call to prism_def_var_proto for fields to send' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF END DO !************************************************************************************ ! End definition !************************************************************************************ CALL prism_enddef_proto(ierror) IF (ierror .NE. PRISM_Ok) THEN abort_message=' Problem in call to prism_endef_proto' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ELSE WRITE(lunout,*) 'inicma : endef psmile ok ' ENDIF !$OMP END MASTER END SUBROUTINE inicma ! !************************************************************************************ ! SUBROUTINE fromcpl(ktime, tab_get) ! ====================================================================== ! L. Fairhead (09/2003) adapted From L.Z.X Li: this subroutine reads the SST ! and Sea-Ice provided by the coupler. Adaptation to psmile library !====================================================================== ! INCLUDE "dimensions.h" INCLUDE "iniprint.h" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************ INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ktime ! Output arguments !************************************************************************************ REAL, DIMENSION(iim, jj_nb,maxrecv), INTENT(OUT) :: tab_get ! Local variables !************************************************************************************ INTEGER :: ierror, i INTEGER :: istart,iend CHARACTER (len = 20) :: modname = 'fromcpl' CHARACTER (len = 80) :: abort_message REAL, DIMENSION(iim*jj_nb) :: field !************************************************************************************ WRITE (lunout,*) ' ' WRITE (lunout,*) 'Fromcpl: Reading fields from CPL, ktime=',ktime WRITE (lunout,*) ' ' istart=ii_begin IF (is_south_pole) THEN iend=(jj_end-jj_begin)*iim+iim ELSE iend=(jj_end-jj_begin)*iim+ii_end ENDIF DO i = 1, maxrecv IF (inforecv(i)%action .AND. inforecv(i)%nid .NE. -1) THEN field(:) = -99999. CALL prism_get_proto(inforecv(i)%nid, ktime, field(istart:iend), ierror) tab_get(:,:,i) = RESHAPE(field(:),(/iim,jj_nb/)) IF (ierror .NE. PRISM_Ok .AND. ierror.NE.PRISM_Recvd .AND. & ierror.NE.PRISM_FromRest & .AND. ierror.NE.PRISM_Input .AND. ierror.NE.PRISM_RecvOut & .AND. ierror.NE.PRISM_FromRestOut) THEN WRITE (lunout,*) 'Error with receiving filed : ', inforecv(i)%name, ktime abort_message=' Problem in prism_get_proto ' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE fromcpl ! !************************************************************************************ ! SUBROUTINE intocpl(ktime, last, tab_put) ! ====================================================================== ! L. Fairhead (09/2003) adapted From L.Z.X Li: this subroutine provides the ! atmospheric coupling fields to the coupler with the psmile library. ! IF last time step, writes output fields to binary files. ! ====================================================================== ! ! INCLUDE "dimensions.h" INCLUDE "iniprint.h" ! Input arguments !************************************************************************************ INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ktime LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: last REAL, DIMENSION(iim, jj_nb, maxsend), INTENT(IN) :: tab_put ! Local variables !************************************************************************************ LOGICAL :: checkout INTEGER :: istart,iend INTEGER :: wstart,wend INTEGER :: ierror, i REAL, DIMENSION(iim*jj_nb) :: field CHARACTER (len = 20),PARAMETER :: modname = 'intocpl' CHARACTER (len = 80) :: abort_message !************************************************************************************ checkout=.FALSE. WRITE(lunout,*) ' ' WRITE(lunout,*) 'Intocpl: sending fields to CPL, ktime= ', ktime WRITE(lunout,*) 'last = ', last WRITE(lunout,*) istart=ii_begin IF (is_south_pole) THEN iend=(jj_end-jj_begin)*iim+iim ELSE iend=(jj_end-jj_begin)*iim+ii_end ENDIF IF (checkout) THEN wstart=istart wend=iend IF (is_north_pole) wstart=istart+iim-1 IF (is_south_pole) wend=iend-iim+1 DO i = 1, maxsend IF (infosend(i)%action) THEN field = RESHAPE(tab_put(:,:,i),(/iim*jj_nb/)) CALL writefield_phy(infosend(i)%name,field(wstart:wend),1) END IF END DO END IF !************************************************************************************ ! PRISM_PUT !************************************************************************************ DO i = 1, maxsend IF (infosend(i)%action .AND. infosend(i)%nid .NE. -1 ) THEN field = RESHAPE(tab_put(:,:,i),(/iim*jj_nb/)) CALL prism_put_proto(infosend(i)%nid, ktime, field(istart:iend), ierror) IF (ierror .NE. PRISM_Ok .AND. ierror.NE.PRISM_Sent .AND. ierror.NE.PRISM_ToRest & .AND. ierror.NE.PRISM_LocTrans .AND. ierror.NE.PRISM_Output .AND. & ierror.NE.PRISM_SentOut .AND. ierror.NE.PRISM_ToRestOut) THEN WRITE (lunout,*) 'Error with sending field :', infosend(i)%name, ktime abort_message=' Problem in prism_put_proto ' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF END DO !************************************************************************************ ! Finalize PSMILE for the case is_sequential, if parallel finalization is done ! from Finalize_parallel in dyn3dpar/parallel.F90 !************************************************************************************ IF (last) THEN IF (is_sequential) THEN CALL prism_terminate_proto(ierror) IF (ierror .NE. PRISM_Ok) THEN abort_message=' Problem in prism_terminate_proto ' CALL abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE intocpl #endif END MODULE oasis