MODULE YOMDIM USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM ,JPRB IMPLICIT NONE SAVE ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !* Dimensions of model working arrays ! === COLLOCATION GRID OF THE DYNAMICS ======================================== ! NDGLG : number of rows of latitudes ! NDGLL : number of rows of latitudes for which this process is ! performing Fourier Space calculations ! NDGNH : number of rows in the northern hemisphere ! NDGSUR : number of additional rows at each pole for horizontal ! interpolations. ! NDGSAG = -NDGSUR+1 ! NDGSAL = Local version of NDGSAG. ! NDGSAH = 1-NSLWIDE in DM version. ! NDGSAFPH=1-NFPWIDE in DM version. ! NDGENG = NDGLG+NDGSUR ! NDGENL = Number of latitude rows for which this process has grid ! point calculations to perform. ! NDGENH = NDGENL+NSLWIDE in DM version. ! NDGENFPH=NDGENL+NFPWIDE in DM version. ! NDGUNG : first row of the area of interest in Aladin ! = NDGSAG in the global model ! NDGUXG : last row of the area of interest in Aladin ! = NDGENG in the global model ! NDGUNL : local first row in C+I zone in distributed memory Aladin ! NDGUXL : local last row in C+I zone in distributed memory Aladin ! NDLON : length of a row of latitude near equator ! NDSUR1 : over dimensioning of NDLON for technical reasons (at least 2) ! NDLSUR = NDLON+NDSUR1 ! NDLSM = NDLSUR-1 ! NDLUNG : first meridian of the area of interest in Aladin ! = 1 in the global model ! NDLUXG : last meridian of the area of interest in Aladin ! = NDLON in the global model ! NDLUNL : local first meridian in C+I zone in distributed memory Aladin ! NDLUXL : local last meridian in C+I zone in distributed memory Aladin ! NPROMA : working dimension for grid-point computations ! NPROMB : working dimension for a 2nd call to DMN physics ! NPROMC : working dimension for a 2nd call to DMN physics ! NPROME : working dimension for ECMWF physics computations ! NPROMM : working dimension for DMN physics computations ! NPROMNH: working dimension for non hydrostatic ! NPROMNH_GWADV: working dimension for non hydrostatic (arrays used only ! when LGWADV=T) ! NPROMP : working dimension for physics computations ! NPROMV : working dimension for variational gridpoint fields ! NPROMVC: working dimension for some additional grid-point arrays ! used only when "lvercor=.T.". ! NGPBLKS: number of grid point NPROMA-blocks. ! LOPTPROMA : .TRUE. NPROMA will be optimised ! : .FALSE. NPROMA will not be optimised (forced by ! : negative NPROMA in namelist) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGLG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGLL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGNH INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGSUR INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGSAG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGSAL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGSAH INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGSAFPH INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGENG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGENL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGENH INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGENFPH INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGUNG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGUXG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGUNL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDGUXL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDLON INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDSUR1 INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDLSUR INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDLSM INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDLUNG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NDLUXG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),ALLOCATABLE:: NDLUNL(:,:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),ALLOCATABLE:: NDLUXL(:,:) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMA INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMB INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMC INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROME INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMM INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMNH INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMNH_GWADV INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMP INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMV INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPROMVC INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NGPBLKS LOGICAL :: LOPTPROMA ! === VERTICAL RESOLUTION ===================================================== ! NFLEVG : number of levels in grid point space ! NFLEVL : number of levels in Fourier and Legendre space ! NFLEVLMX : maximum NFLEVL among all PEs ! NFLSUR : over dimensioning of NFLEVL for technical reasons, always odd ! NFLSUL : number of additional levels for semi-lagrangian ! NFLSA = 1 -NFLSUL ! NFLEN = NFLEVG+NFLSUL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFLEVL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFLEVLMX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFLEVG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFLSUR INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFLSUL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFLSA INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFLEN ! === NUMBER OF FIELDS ======================================================== ! NFTHER : number of spectral thermodynamic variables ! NFAUX : number of auxillary variables in t+dt array ! NF3D = number of 3D fields in the state of the model ! NFD2D : number of 2D fields in the dynamics ! NFC2D : number of 2D fields in the boundaries ! NPPM : Number of interpolation methods in post-processing ! NFPPYX : Maximum number of modern dyn.met. post-processed fields ! NFPPYE : as long as SUPP is called after SUDIM/SUALLO, ! NFPPYE = 1, if LMDYPP = .FALSE. (after SUALLO) ! NFPPYE = NFPPYX if LMDYPP = .TRUE., but it could become more flex ! NFGPNH : number of (3D) fields in non hydrostatic gridpoint ! NS3D : number of 3D fields in spectral space ! NS2D : number of 2D fields in spectral space ! NS1D : number of 1D fields in spectral space (for Aladin consistency -CF) ! NSAUX : dimension of auxillary array == NFAUX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFTHER INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFAUX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NF3D INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFD2D INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFC2D INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NPPM INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFPPYX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFPPYE INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NFGPNH INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NS3D INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NS2D INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NS1D INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSAUX ! === GRID POINT ARRAYS ======================================================= ! LVOR : controls the allocation of vorticity ! LADER : controls the allocation of vor div and derivatives ! LUVDER: controls the allocation of derivatives for u and v ! LSPT : .TRUE. if temperature variable as spectral field LOGICAL :: LVOR LOGICAL :: LADER LOGICAL :: LUVDER LOGICAL :: LSPT ! === SPECTRAL SPACE ========================================================== ! NSMAX : truncation order ! NMSMAX : truncation order in longitude ! NVARMAX: truncation order in 3d-var distributed direction ! this is a priori longitude, so that nvarmax = nsmax in Arp/IFS ! and nvarmax = nmsmax in Aladin ! NSEFRE : number of degrees of freedom in the spectral space ! NSPECG : number of complex spectral coefficients (global) ! NSPEC2G = 2*NSPECG ! NSPEC : number of complex spectral coefficients (local, i.e. on this PE) ! NSPEC2 = 2*NSPEC ! NSPEC2MX : maximun NSPEC2 among all PEs ! NSMIN : lower troncature for configurations 911 and 912. ! NTCMAX : truncation order for transmission coefficients. ! NMTCMAX: truncation order for transmission coefficients in longitude. ! NCMAX : upper trunc. order for dilatation matrices (used in TRAGEO, fullpos) ! NCPEC : number of complex spectral coefficients for truncation NCMAX (local) ! NCPEC2 : 2*NCPEC, where NCPEC (local) ! NXMAX : truncation order for NMI ! NXPECG : number of complex spectral coefficients for NMI (global) ! NXPEC : number of complex spectral coefficients for NMI (local) ! NTMAX : truncation order for tendencies (on n, m<= NSMAX) ! NTPEC2 : 2*'number of complex spectral coefficients' for tendencies INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NMSMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NVARMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSEFRE INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSPECG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSPEC2G INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSPEC INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSPEC2 INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSPEC2MX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NSMIN INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NTCMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NMTCMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NCMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NCPEC INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NCPEC2 INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NXMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NXPECG INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NXPEC INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NTMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NTPEC2 ! === DISTRIBUTED MEMORY DIMENSIONS =========================================== ! NUMP : Number of spectral waves handled by this processor ! NUMXP : Same as NUMP, but related to NXMAX ! NUMCP : Same as NUMP, but related to NCMAX ! NUMTP : Same as NUMP, but related to NTMAX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NUMP INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NUMXP INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NUMCP INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NUMTP ! === OTHER QUANTITIES ======================================================== ! NRLEVX: dimension of NVAUTF in YOMGEM. ! NUNDEFLD: index value for unused/undefined fields (default=-9999) ! : should be set to 1 when using compiler subscript checking INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NRLEVX INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NUNDEFLD ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ END MODULE YOMDIM