! ! $Header$ ! module iophy ! abd REAL,private,allocatable,dimension(:),save :: io_lat ! abd REAL,private,allocatable,dimension(:),save :: io_lon REAL,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:),SAVE :: io_lat REAL,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:),SAVE :: io_lon INTEGER, SAVE :: phys_domain_id INTEGER, SAVE :: npstn INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: nptabij INTEGER, SAVE :: itau_iophy !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(itau_iophy) INTERFACE histwrite_phy MODULE PROCEDURE histwrite2d_phy,histwrite3d_phy,histwrite2d_phy_old,histwrite3d_phy_old END INTERFACE INTERFACE histbeg_phy_all MODULE PROCEDURE histbeg_phy,histbeg_phy_points END INTERFACE contains subroutine init_iophy_new(rlat,rlon) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE ioipsl implicit none include 'dimensions.h' real,dimension(klon),intent(in) :: rlon real,dimension(klon),intent(in) :: rlat REAL,dimension(klon_glo) :: rlat_glo REAL,dimension(klon_glo) :: rlon_glo INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: ddid INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dsg INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dsl INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dpf INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dpl INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dhs INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dhe INTEGER :: i CALL gather(rlat,rlat_glo) CALL bcast(rlat_glo) CALL gather(rlon,rlon_glo) CALL bcast(rlon_glo) !$OMP MASTER ALLOCATE(io_lat(jjm+1-1/(iim*jjm))) io_lat(1)=rlat_glo(1) io_lat(jjm+1-1/(iim*jjm))=rlat_glo(klon_glo) IF ((iim*jjm) > 1) then DO i=2,jjm io_lat(i)=rlat_glo(2+(i-2)*iim) ENDDO ENDIF ALLOCATE(io_lon(iim)) io_lon(:)=rlon_glo(2-1/(iim*jjm):iim+1-1/(iim*jjm)) ddid=(/ 1,2 /) dsg=(/ iim, jjm+1-1/(iim*jjm) /) dsl=(/ iim, jj_nb /) dpf=(/ 1,jj_begin /) dpl=(/ iim, jj_end /) dhs=(/ ii_begin-1,0 /) if (mpi_rank==mpi_size-1) then dhe=(/0,0/) else dhe=(/ iim-ii_end,0 /) endif call flio_dom_set(mpi_size,mpi_rank,ddid,dsg,dsl,dpf,dpl,dhs,dhe, & 'APPLE',phys_domain_id) !$OMP END MASTER end subroutine init_iophy_new subroutine init_iophy(lat,lon) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para use ioipsl implicit none include 'dimensions.h' real,dimension(iim),intent(in) :: lon real,dimension(jjm+1-1/(iim*jjm)),intent(in) :: lat INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: ddid INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dsg INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dsl INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dpf INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dpl INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dhs INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: dhe !$OMP MASTER allocate(io_lat(jjm+1-1/(iim*jjm))) io_lat(:)=lat(:) allocate(io_lon(iim)) io_lon(:)=lon(:) ddid=(/ 1,2 /) dsg=(/ iim, jjm+1-1/(iim*jjm) /) dsl=(/ iim, jj_nb /) dpf=(/ 1,jj_begin /) dpl=(/ iim, jj_end /) dhs=(/ ii_begin-1,0 /) if (mpi_rank==mpi_size-1) then dhe=(/0,0/) else dhe=(/ iim-ii_end,0 /) endif call flio_dom_set(mpi_size,mpi_rank,ddid,dsg,dsl,dpf,dpl,dhs,dhe, & 'APPLE',phys_domain_id) !$OMP END MASTER end subroutine init_iophy subroutine histbeg_phy(name,itau0,zjulian,dtime,nhori,nid_day) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para use ioipsl use write_field implicit none include 'dimensions.h' character*(*), intent(IN) :: name integer, intent(in) :: itau0 real,intent(in) :: zjulian real,intent(in) :: dtime integer,intent(out) :: nhori integer,intent(out) :: nid_day !$OMP MASTER if (is_sequential) then call histbeg(name,iim,io_lon, jj_nb,io_lat(jj_begin:jj_end), & 1,iim,1,jj_nb,itau0, zjulian, dtime, nhori, nid_day) else call histbeg(name,iim,io_lon, jj_nb,io_lat(jj_begin:jj_end), & 1,iim,1,jj_nb,itau0, zjulian, dtime, nhori, nid_day,phys_domain_id) endif !$OMP END MASTER end subroutine histbeg_phy subroutine histbeg_phy_points(rlon,rlat,pim,tabij,ipt,jpt, & plon,plat,plon_bounds,plat_bounds, & nname,itau0,zjulian,dtime,nnhori,nnid_day) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz use ioipsl use write_field implicit none include 'dimensions.h' real,dimension(klon),intent(in) :: rlon real,dimension(klon),intent(in) :: rlat integer, intent(in) :: itau0 real,intent(in) :: zjulian real,intent(in) :: dtime integer, intent(in) :: pim integer, intent(out) :: nnhori character(len=20), intent(in) :: nname INTEGER, intent(out) :: nnid_day integer :: i REAL,dimension(klon_glo) :: rlat_glo REAL,dimension(klon_glo) :: rlon_glo INTEGER, DIMENSION(pim), intent(in) :: tabij REAL,dimension(pim), intent(in) :: plat, plon INTEGER,dimension(pim), intent(in) :: ipt, jpt REAL,dimension(pim,2), intent(out) :: plat_bounds, plon_bounds INTEGER, SAVE :: tabprocbeg, tabprocend !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tabprocbeg, tabprocend) INTEGER :: ip INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nip=1 INTEGER :: npproc REAL, allocatable, dimension(:) :: npplat, npplon REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: npplat_bounds, npplon_bounds INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jjmp1=jjm+1-1/jjm REAL, dimension(iim,jjmp1) :: zx_lon, zx_lat CALL gather(rlat,rlat_glo) CALL bcast(rlat_glo) CALL gather(rlon,rlon_glo) CALL bcast(rlon_glo) !$OMP MASTER DO i=1,pim ! print*,'CFMIP_iophy i tabij lon lat',i,tabij(i),plon(i),plat(i) plon_bounds(i,1)=rlon_glo(tabij(i)-1) plon_bounds(i,2)=rlon_glo(tabij(i)+1) if(plon_bounds(i,2).LE.0..AND.plon_bounds(i,1).GE.0.) THEN if(rlon_glo(tabij(i)).GE.0.) THEN plon_bounds(i,2)=-1*plon_bounds(i,2) endif endif if(plon_bounds(i,2).GE.0..AND.plon_bounds(i,1).LE.0.) THEN if(rlon_glo(tabij(i)).LE.0.) THEN plon_bounds(i,2)=-1*plon_bounds(i,2) endif endif ! IF ( tabij(i).LE.iim) THEN plat_bounds(i,1)=rlat_glo(tabij(i)) ELSE plat_bounds(i,1)=rlat_glo(tabij(i)-iim) ENDIF plat_bounds(i,2)=rlat_glo(tabij(i)+iim) ! ! print*,'CFMIP_iophy point i lon lon_bds',i,plon_bounds(i,1),rlon_glo(tabij(i)),plon_bounds(i,2) ! print*,'CFMIP_iophy point i lat lat_bds',i,plat_bounds(i,1),rlat_glo(tabij(i)),plat_bounds(i,2) ! ENDDO if (is_sequential) then npstn=pim IF(.NOT. ALLOCATED(nptabij)) THEN ALLOCATE(nptabij(pim)) ENDIF DO i=1,pim nptabij(i)=tabij(i) ENDDO CALL gr_fi_ecrit(1,klon,iim,jjmp1,rlon_glo,zx_lon) if ((iim*jjm).gt.1) then DO i = 1, iim zx_lon(i,1) = rlon_glo(i+1) zx_lon(i,jjmp1) = rlon_glo(i+1) ENDDO endif CALL gr_fi_ecrit(1,klon,iim,jjmp1,rlat_glo,zx_lat) DO i=1,pim ! print*,'CFMIP_iophy i tabij lon lat',i,tabij(i),plon(i),plat(i) plon_bounds(i,1)=zx_lon(ipt(i)-1,jpt(i)) plon_bounds(i,2)=zx_lon(ipt(i)+1,jpt(i)) if (ipt(i).EQ.1) then plon_bounds(i,1)=zx_lon(iim,jpt(i)) plon_bounds(i,2)=360.+zx_lon(ipt(i)+1,jpt(i)) endif if (ipt(i).EQ.iim) then plon_bounds(i,2)=360.+zx_lon(1,jpt(i)) endif plat_bounds(i,1)=zx_lat(ipt(i),jpt(i)-1) plat_bounds(i,2)=zx_lat(ipt(i),jpt(i)+1) if (jpt(i).EQ.1) then plat_bounds(i,1)=zx_lat(ipt(i),1)+0.001 plat_bounds(i,2)=zx_lat(ipt(i),1)-0.001 endif if (jpt(i).EQ.jjmp1) then plat_bounds(i,1)=zx_lat(ipt(i),jjmp1)+0.001 plat_bounds(i,2)=zx_lat(ipt(i),jjmp1)-0.001 endif ! ! print*,'CFMIP_iophy point i lon lon_bds',i,plon_bounds(i,1),rlon(tabij(i)),plon_bounds(i,2) ! print*,'CFMIP_iophy point i lat lat_bds',i,plat_bounds(i,1),rlat(tabij(i)),plat_bounds(i,2) ! ENDDO ! print*,'iophy is_sequential nname, nnhori, nnid_day=',trim(nname),nnhori,nnid_day call histbeg(nname,pim,plon,plon_bounds, & plat,plat_bounds, & itau0, zjulian, dtime, nnhori, nnid_day) else npproc=0 DO ip=1, pim tabprocbeg=klon_mpi_begin tabprocend=klon_mpi_end IF(tabij(ip).GE.tabprocbeg.AND.tabij(ip).LE.tabprocend) THEN npproc=npproc+1 npstn=npproc ENDIF ENDDO ! print*,'CFMIP_iophy mpi_rank npstn',mpi_rank,npstn IF(.NOT. ALLOCATED(nptabij)) THEN ALLOCATE(nptabij(npstn)) ALLOCATE(npplon(npstn), npplat(npstn)) ALLOCATE(npplon_bounds(npstn,2), npplat_bounds(npstn,2)) ENDIF npproc=0 DO ip=1, pim IF(tabij(ip).GE.tabprocbeg.AND.tabij(ip).LE.tabprocend) THEN npproc=npproc+1 nptabij(npproc)=tabij(ip) ! print*,'mpi_rank npproc ip plon plat tabij=',mpi_rank,npproc,ip, & ! plon(ip),plat(ip),tabij(ip) npplon(npproc)=plon(ip) npplat(npproc)=plat(ip) npplon_bounds(npproc,1)=plon_bounds(ip,1) npplon_bounds(npproc,2)=plon_bounds(ip,2) npplat_bounds(npproc,1)=plat_bounds(ip,1) npplat_bounds(npproc,2)=plat_bounds(ip,2) !!! !!! print qui sert a reordonner les points stations selon l'ordre CFMIP !!! ne pas enlever print*,'iophy_mpi rank ip lon lat',mpi_rank,ip,plon(ip),plat(ip) !!! ENDIF ENDDO call histbeg(nname,npstn,npplon,npplon_bounds, & npplat,npplat_bounds, & itau0,zjulian,dtime,nnhori,nnid_day,phys_domain_id) endif !$OMP END MASTER end subroutine histbeg_phy_points SUBROUTINE histwrite2d_phy_old(nid,lpoint,name,itau,field) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE phys_output_var_mod USE ioipsl IMPLICIT NONE include 'dimensions.h' include 'iniprint.h' integer,intent(in) :: nid logical,intent(in) :: lpoint character*(*), intent(IN) :: name integer, intent(in) :: itau real,dimension(:),intent(in) :: field REAL,dimension(klon_mpi) :: buffer_omp INTEGER, allocatable, dimension(:) :: index2d REAL :: Field2d(iim,jj_nb) integer :: ip real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: fieldok IF (size(field)/=klon) CALL abort_gcm('iophy::histwrite2d','Field first dimension not equal to klon',1) CALL Gather_omp(field,buffer_omp) !$OMP MASTER CALL grid1Dto2D_mpi(buffer_omp,Field2d) if(.NOT.lpoint) THEN ALLOCATE(index2d(iim*jj_nb)) ALLOCATE(fieldok(iim*jj_nb)) IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'Sending ',name,' to IOIPSL' CALL histwrite(nid,name,itau,Field2d,iim*jj_nb,index2d) IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'Finished sending ',name,' to IOIPSL' else ALLOCATE(fieldok(npstn)) ALLOCATE(index2d(npstn)) if(is_sequential) then ! klon_mpi_begin=1 ! klon_mpi_end=klon DO ip=1, npstn fieldok(ip)=buffer_omp(nptabij(ip)) ENDDO else DO ip=1, npstn ! print*,'histwrite2d is_sequential npstn ip name nptabij',npstn,ip,name,nptabij(ip) IF(nptabij(ip).GE.klon_mpi_begin.AND. & nptabij(ip).LE.klon_mpi_end) THEN fieldok(ip)=buffer_omp(nptabij(ip)-klon_mpi_begin+1) ENDIF ENDDO endif IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'Sending ',name,' to IOIPSL' CALL histwrite(nid,name,itau,fieldok,npstn,index2d) IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'Finished sending ',name,' to IOIPSL' ! endif deallocate(index2d) deallocate(fieldok) !$OMP END MASTER end subroutine histwrite2d_phy_old subroutine histwrite3d_phy_old(nid,lpoint,name,itau,field) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE phys_output_var_mod use ioipsl implicit none include 'dimensions.h' include 'iniprint.h' integer,intent(in) :: nid logical,intent(in) :: lpoint character*(*), intent(IN) :: name integer, intent(in) :: itau real,dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: field ! --> field(klon,:) REAL,dimension(klon_mpi,size(field,2)) :: buffer_omp REAL :: Field3d(iim,jj_nb,size(field,2)) INTEGER :: ip, n, nlev INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, dimension(:) :: index3d real,allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: fieldok IF (size(field,1)/=klon) CALL abort_gcm('iophy::histwrite3d','Field first dimension not equal to klon',1) nlev=size(field,2) ! print*,'hist3d_phy mpi_rank npstn=',mpi_rank,npstn ! DO ip=1, npstn ! print*,'hist3d_phy mpi_rank nptabij',mpi_rank,nptabij(ip) ! ENDDO CALL Gather_omp(field,buffer_omp) !$OMP MASTER CALL grid1Dto2D_mpi(buffer_omp,field3d) if(.NOT.lpoint) THEN ALLOCATE(index3d(iim*jj_nb*nlev)) ALLOCATE(fieldok(iim*jj_nb,nlev)) IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'Sending ',name,' to IOIPSL' CALL histwrite(nid,name,itau,Field3d,iim*jj_nb*nlev,index3d) IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'Finished sending ',name,' to IOIPSL' else nlev=size(field,2) ALLOCATE(index3d(npstn*nlev)) ALLOCATE(fieldok(npstn,nlev)) if(is_sequential) then ! klon_mpi_begin=1 ! klon_mpi_end=klon DO n=1, nlev DO ip=1, npstn fieldok(ip,n)=buffer_omp(nptabij(ip),n) ENDDO ENDDO else DO n=1, nlev DO ip=1, npstn IF(nptabij(ip).GE.klon_mpi_begin.AND. & nptabij(ip).LE.klon_mpi_end) THEN fieldok(ip,n)=buffer_omp(nptabij(ip)-klon_mpi_begin+1,n) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO endif IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'Sending ',name,' to IOIPSL' CALL histwrite(nid,name,itau,fieldok,npstn*nlev,index3d) IF (prt_level >= 9) write(lunout,*)'Finished sending ',name,' to IOIPSL' endif deallocate(index3d) deallocate(fieldok) !$OMP END MASTER end subroutine histwrite3d_phy_old ! ug NOUVELLE VERSION DES WRITE AVEC LA BOUCLE DO RENTREE SUBROUTINE histwrite2d_phy(var,field, STD_iff) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE ioipsl !Pour avoir nfiles, nidfiles tout ça tout ça... USE phys_output_var_mod #ifdef CPP_XIOS ! USE WXIOS #endif IMPLICIT NONE include 'dimensions.h' ! integer,intent(in) :: nid ! logical,intent(in) :: lpoint ! character*(*), intent(IN) :: name ! integer, intent(in) :: itau ! real,dimension(:),intent(in) :: field TYPE(ctrl_out), INTENT(IN) :: var REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: field INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: STD_iff ! ug RUSTINE POUR LES STD LEVS..... INTEGER :: iff, iff_beg, iff_end REAL,dimension(klon_mpi) :: buffer_omp INTEGER, allocatable, dimension(:) :: index2d REAL :: Field2d(iim,jj_nb) INTEGER :: ip REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: fieldok ! ug RUSTINE POUR LES STD LEVS..... IF (PRESENT(STD_iff)) THEN iff_beg = STD_iff iff_end = STD_iff ELSE iff_beg = 1 iff_end = nfiles END IF IF (size(field)/=klon) CALL abort_gcm('iophy::histwrite2d','Field first dimension not equal to klon',1) CALL Gather_omp(field,buffer_omp) !$OMP MASTER CALL grid1Dto2D_mpi(buffer_omp,Field2d) ! La boucle sur les fichiers: DO iff=iff_beg, iff_end IF (var%flag(iff) <= lev_files(iff) .AND. clef_files(iff)) THEN IF(.NOT.clef_stations(iff)) THEN ALLOCATE(index2d(iim*jj_nb)) ALLOCATE(fieldok(iim*jj_nb)) CALL histwrite(nid_files(iff),var%name,itau_iophy,Field2d,iim*jj_nb,index2d) #ifdef CPP_XIOS ! IF (iff .EQ. 1) THEN ! CALL wxios_write_2D(var%name, Field2d) ! ENDIF #endif ELSE ALLOCATE(fieldok(npstn)) ALLOCATE(index2d(npstn)) IF (is_sequential) THEN ! klon_mpi_begin=1 ! klon_mpi_end=klon DO ip=1, npstn fieldok(ip)=buffer_omp(nptabij(ip)) ENDDO ELSE DO ip=1, npstn ! print*,'histwrite2d is_sequential npstn ip name nptabij',npstn,ip,name,nptabij(ip) IF(nptabij(ip).GE.klon_mpi_begin.AND. & nptabij(ip).LE.klon_mpi_end) THEN fieldok(ip)=buffer_omp(nptabij(ip)-klon_mpi_begin+1) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF CALL histwrite(nid_files(iff),var%name,itau_iophy,fieldok,npstn,index2d) ENDIF deallocate(index2d) deallocate(fieldok) ENDIF !levfiles ENDDO !$OMP END MASTER END SUBROUTINE histwrite2d_phy ! ug NOUVELLE VERSION DES WRITE AVEC LA BOUCLE DO RENTREE SUBROUTINE histwrite3d_phy(var, field) USE dimphy USE mod_phys_lmdz_para use ioipsl !Pour avoir nfiles, nidfiles tout ça tout ça... USE phys_output_var_mod #ifdef CPP_XIOS ! USE WXIOS #endif IMPLICIT NONE include 'dimensions.h' ! integer,intent(in) :: nid ! logical,intent(in) :: lpoint ! character*(*), intent(IN) :: name ! integer, intent(in) :: itau ! real,dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: field ! --> field(klon,:) TYPE(ctrl_out), INTENT(IN) :: var REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: field ! --> field(klon,:) REAL,DIMENSION(klon_mpi,SIZE(field,2)) :: buffer_omp REAL :: Field3d(iim,jj_nb,SIZE(field,2)) INTEGER :: ip, n, nlev, iff INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: index3d REAL,ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: fieldok IF (size(field,1)/=klon) CALL abort_gcm('iophy::histwrite3d','Field first dimension not equal to klon',1) nlev=size(field,2) ! print*,'hist3d_phy mpi_rank npstn=',mpi_rank,npstn ! DO ip=1, npstn ! print*,'hist3d_phy mpi_rank nptabij',mpi_rank,nptabij(ip) ! ENDDO CALL Gather_omp(field,buffer_omp) !$OMP MASTER CALL grid1Dto2D_mpi(buffer_omp,field3d) ! BOUCLE SUR LES FICHIERS DO iff=1, nfiles IF (var%flag(iff) <= lev_files(iff) .AND. clef_files(iff)) THEN IF (.NOT.clef_stations(iff)) THEN ALLOCATE(index3d(iim*jj_nb*nlev)) ALLOCATE(fieldok(iim*jj_nb,nlev)) CALL histwrite(nid_files(iff),var%name,itau_iophy,Field3d,iim*jj_nb*nlev,index3d) #ifdef CPP_XIOS ! IF (iff .EQ. 1) THEN ! CALL wxios_write_3D(var%name, Field3d(:,:,1:klev)) ! ENDIF #endif ELSE nlev=size(field,2) ALLOCATE(index3d(npstn*nlev)) ALLOCATE(fieldok(npstn,nlev)) IF (is_sequential) THEN ! klon_mpi_begin=1 ! klon_mpi_end=klon DO n=1, nlev DO ip=1, npstn fieldok(ip,n)=buffer_omp(nptabij(ip),n) ENDDO ENDDO ELSE DO n=1, nlev DO ip=1, npstn IF(nptabij(ip).GE.klon_mpi_begin.AND. & nptabij(ip).LE.klon_mpi_end) THEN fieldok(ip,n)=buffer_omp(nptabij(ip)-klon_mpi_begin+1,n) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF CALL histwrite(nid_files(iff),var%name,itau_iophy,fieldok,npstn*nlev,index3d) ENDIF deallocate(index3d) deallocate(fieldok) ENDIF ENDDO !$OMP END MASTER END SUBROUTINE histwrite3d_phy end module iophy