! $Id: disvert.F90 1669 2012-10-16 12:41:50Z idelkadi $ SUBROUTINE disvert(pa,preff,ap,bp,dpres,presnivs,nivsigs,nivsig,scaleheight) ! Auteur : P. Le Van use new_unit_m, only: new_unit use ioipsl, only: getin use assert_m, only: assert IMPLICIT NONE include "dimensions.h" include "paramet.h" include "iniprint.h" include "logic.h" ! s = sigma ** kappa : coordonnee verticale ! dsig(l) : epaisseur de la couche l ds la coord. s ! sig(l) : sigma a l'interface des couches l et l-1 ! ds(l) : distance entre les couches l et l-1 en coord.s real,intent(in) :: pa, preff real,intent(out) :: ap(llmp1) ! in Pa real, intent(out):: bp(llmp1) real,intent(out) :: dpres(llm), nivsigs(llm), nivsig(llmp1) real,intent(out) :: presnivs(llm) real,intent(out) :: scaleheight REAL sig(llm+1), dsig(llm) real zk, zkm1, dzk1, dzk2, k0, k1 INTEGER l, unit REAL dsigmin REAL alpha, beta, deltaz REAL x character(len=*),parameter :: modname="disvert" character(len=6):: vert_sampling ! (allowed values are "param", "tropo", "strato" and "read") !----------------------------------------------------------------------- print *, "Call sequence information: disvert" ! default scaleheight is 8km for earth scaleheight=8. vert_sampling = merge("strato", "tropo ", ok_strato) ! default value call getin('vert_sampling', vert_sampling) print *, 'vert_sampling = ' // vert_sampling select case (vert_sampling) case ("param") ! On lit les options dans sigma.def: OPEN(99, file='sigma.def', status='old', form='formatted') READ(99, *) scaleheight ! hauteur d'echelle 8. READ(99, *) deltaz ! epaiseur de la premiere couche 0.04 READ(99, *) beta ! facteur d'acroissement en haut 1.3 READ(99, *) k0 ! nombre de couches dans la transition surf READ(99, *) k1 ! nombre de couches dans la transition haute CLOSE(99) alpha=deltaz/(llm*scaleheight) write(lunout, *)trim(modname),':scaleheight, alpha, k0, k1, beta', & scaleheight, alpha, k0, k1, beta alpha=deltaz/tanh(1./k0)*2. zkm1=0. sig(1)=1. do l=1, llm sig(l+1)=(cosh(l/k0))**(-alpha*k0/scaleheight) & *exp(-alpha/scaleheight*tanh((llm-k1)/k0) & *beta**(l-(llm-k1))/log(beta)) zk=-scaleheight*log(sig(l+1)) dzk1=alpha*tanh(l/k0) dzk2=alpha*tanh((llm-k1)/k0)*beta**(l-(llm-k1))/log(beta) write(lunout, *)l, sig(l+1), zk, zk-zkm1, dzk1, dzk2 zkm1=zk enddo sig(llm+1)=0. bp(: llm) = EXP(1. - 1. / sig(: llm)**2) bp(llmp1) = 0. ap = pa * (sig - bp) case("tropo") DO l = 1, llm x = 2*asin(1.) * (l - 0.5) / (llm + 1) dsig(l) = 1.0 + 7.0 * SIN(x)**2 ENDDO dsig = dsig / sum(dsig) sig(llm+1) = 0. DO l = llm, 1, -1 sig(l) = sig(l+1) + dsig(l) ENDDO bp(1)=1. bp(2: llm) = EXP(1. - 1. / sig(2: llm)**2) bp(llmp1) = 0. ap(1)=0. ap(2: llm + 1) = pa * (sig(2: llm + 1) - bp(2: llm + 1)) case("strato") if (llm==39) then dsigmin=0.3 else if (llm==50) then dsigmin=1. else write(lunout,*) trim(modname), ' ATTENTION discretisation z a ajuster' dsigmin=1. endif WRITE(LUNOUT,*) trim(modname), 'Discretisation verticale DSIGMIN=',dsigmin DO l = 1, llm x = 2*asin(1.) * (l - 0.5) / (llm + 1) dsig(l) =(dsigmin + 7. * SIN(x)**2) & *(0.5*(1.-tanh(1.*(x-asin(1.))/asin(1.))))**2 ENDDO dsig = dsig / sum(dsig) sig(llm+1) = 0. DO l = llm, 1, -1 sig(l) = sig(l+1) + dsig(l) ENDDO bp(1)=1. bp(2: llm) = EXP(1. - 1. / sig(2: llm)**2) bp(llmp1) = 0. ap(1)=0. ap(2: llm + 1) = pa * (sig(2: llm + 1) - bp(2: llm + 1)) case("read") ! Read "ap" and "bp". First line is skipped (title line). "ap" ! should be in Pa. First couple of values should correspond to ! the surface, that is : "bp" should be in descending order. call new_unit(unit) open(unit, file="hybrid.txt", status="old", action="read", & position="rewind") read(unit, fmt=*) ! skip title line do l = 1, llm + 1 read(unit, fmt=*) ap(l), bp(l) end do close(unit) call assert(ap(1) == 0., ap(llm + 1) == 0., bp(1) == 1., & bp(llm + 1) == 0., "disvert: bad ap or bp values") case default call abort_gcm("disvert", 'Wrong value for "vert_sampling"', 1) END select DO l=1, llm nivsigs(l) = REAL(l) ENDDO DO l=1, llmp1 nivsig(l)= REAL(l) ENDDO write(lunout, *) trim(modname),': BP ' write(lunout, *) bp write(lunout, *) trim(modname),': AP ' write(lunout, *) ap write(lunout, *) 'Niveaux de pressions approximatifs aux centres des' write(lunout, *)'couches calcules pour une pression de surface =', preff write(lunout, *) 'et altitudes equivalentes pour une hauteur d echelle de ' write(lunout, *) scaleheight,' km' DO l = 1, llm dpres(l) = bp(l) - bp(l+1) presnivs(l) = 0.5 *( ap(l)+bp(l)*preff + ap(l+1)+bp(l+1)*preff ) write(lunout, *)'PRESNIVS(', l, ')=', presnivs(l), ' Z ~ ', & log(preff/presnivs(l))*scaleheight & , ' DZ ~ ', scaleheight*log((ap(l)+bp(l)*preff)/ & max(ap(l+1)+bp(l+1)*preff, 1.e-10)) ENDDO write(lunout, *) trim(modname),': PRESNIVS ' write(lunout, *) presnivs END SUBROUTINE disvert