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Authors: Sandrine Bony and Helene Chepfer (LMD/IPSL, CNRS, UPMC, France). !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MODULE MOD_LMD_IPSL_STATS USE MOD_LLNL_STATS IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE diag_lidar(npoints,ncol,llm,max_bin,nrefl & ,pnorm,pmol,refl,land,pplay,undef,ok_lidar_cfad & ,cfad2,srbval & ,ncat,lidarcld,cldlayer,parasolrefl) ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Lidar outputs : ! ! Diagnose cloud fraction (3D cloud fraction + low/middle/high/total cloud fraction ! from the lidar signals (ATB and molecular ATB) computed from model outputs ! + ! Compute CFADs of lidar scattering ratio SR and of depolarization index ! ! Authors: Sandrine Bony and Helene Chepfer (LMD/IPSL, CNRS, UPMC, France). ! ! December 2008, S. Bony, H. Chepfer and J-L. Dufresne : ! - change of the cloud detection threshold S_cld from 3 to 5, for better ! with both day and night observations. The optical thinest clouds are missed. ! - remove of the detection of the first fully attenuated layer encountered from above. ! December 2008, A. Bodas-Salcedo: ! - Dimensions of pmol reduced to (npoints,llm) ! August 2009, A. Bodas-Salcedo: ! - Warning message regarding PARASOL being valid only over ocean deleted. ! February 2010, A. Bodas-Salcedo: ! - Undef passed into cosp_cfad_sr ! June 2010, T. Yokohata, T. Nishimura and K. Ogochi ! Optimisation of COSP_CFAD_SR ! ! Version 1.0 (June 2007) ! Version 1.1 (May 2008) ! Version 1.2 (June 2008) ! Version 2.0 (October 2008) ! Version 2.1 (December 2008) ! c------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! c inputs : integer npoints integer ncol integer llm integer max_bin ! nb of bins for SR CFADs integer ncat ! nb of cloud layer types (low,mid,high,total) integer nrefl ! nb of solar zenith angles for parasol reflectances real undef ! undefined value real pnorm(npoints,ncol,llm) ! lidar ATB real pmol(npoints,llm) ! molecular ATB real land(npoints) ! Landmask [0 - Ocean, 1 - Land] real pplay(npoints,llm) ! pressure on model levels (Pa) logical ok_lidar_cfad ! true if lidar CFAD diagnostics need to be computed real refl(npoints,ncol,nrefl) ! subgrid parasol reflectance ! parasol ! c outputs : real lidarcld(npoints,llm) ! 3D "lidar" cloud fraction real cldlayer(npoints,ncat) ! "lidar" cloud fraction (low, mid, high, total) real cfad2(npoints,max_bin,llm) ! CFADs of SR real srbval(max_bin) ! SR bins in CFADs real parasolrefl(npoints,nrefl)! grid-averaged parasol reflectance ! c threshold for cloud detection : real S_clr parameter (S_clr = 1.2) real S_cld ! parameter (S_cld = 3.0) ! Previous thresold for cloud detection parameter (S_cld = 5.0) ! New (dec 2008) thresold for cloud detection real S_att parameter (S_att = 0.01) ! c local variables : integer ic,k real x3d(npoints,ncol,llm) real x3d_c(npoints,llm),pnorm_c(npoints,llm) real xmax ! ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 0- Initializations ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Should be modified in future version xmax=undef-1.0 ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 1- Lidar scattering ratio : ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! where ((pnorm.lt.xmax) .and. (pmol.lt.xmax) .and. (pmol.gt. 0.0 )) ! x3d = pnorm/pmol ! elsewhere ! x3d = undef ! end where ! A.B-S: pmol reduced to 2D (npoints,llm) (Dec 08) do ic = 1, ncol pnorm_c = pnorm(:,ic,:) where ((pnorm_c.lt.xmax) .and. (pmol.lt.xmax) .and. (pmol.gt. 0.0 )) x3d_c = pnorm_c/pmol elsewhere x3d_c = undef end where x3d(:,ic,:) = x3d_c enddo ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 2- Diagnose cloud fractions (3D, low, middle, high, total) ! c from subgrid-scale lidar scattering ratios : ! c ------------------------------------------------------- CALL COSP_CLDFRAC(npoints,ncol,llm,ncat, & x3d,pplay, S_att,S_cld,undef,lidarcld, & cldlayer) ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 3- CFADs ! c ------------------------------------------------------- if (ok_lidar_cfad) then ! ! c CFADs of subgrid-scale lidar scattering ratios : ! c ------------------------------------------------------- CALL COSP_CFAD_SR(npoints,ncol,llm,max_bin,undef, & x3d, & S_att,S_clr,xmax,cfad2,srbval) endif ! ok_lidar_cfad ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 4- Compute grid-box averaged Parasol reflectances ! c ------------------------------------------------------- parasolrefl(:,:) = 0.0 do k = 1, nrefl do ic = 1, ncol parasolrefl(:,k) = parasolrefl(:,k) + refl(:,ic,k) enddo enddo do k = 1, nrefl parasolrefl(:,k) = parasolrefl(:,k) / float(ncol) ! if land=1 -> parasolrefl=undef ! if land=0 -> parasolrefl=parasolrefl parasolrefl(:,k) = parasolrefl(:,k) * MAX(1.0-land(:),0.0) & + (1.0 - MAX(1.0-land(:),0.0))*undef enddo RETURN END SUBROUTINE diag_lidar !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !-------------------- FUNCTION COSP_CFAD_SR ------------------------ ! Author: Sandrine Bony (LMD/IPSL, CNRS, Paris) !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_CFAD_SR(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nbins,undef, & x,S_att,S_clr,xmax,cfad,srbval) IMPLICIT NONE !--- Input arguments ! Npoints: Number of horizontal points ! Ncolumns: Number of subcolumns ! Nlevels: Number of levels ! Nbins: Number of x axis bins ! xmax: maximum value allowed for x ! S_att: Threshold for full attenuation ! S_clr: Threshold for clear-sky layer ! !--- Input-Outout arguments ! x: variable to process (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels), mofified where saturation occurs ! ! -- Output arguments ! srbval : values of the histogram bins ! cfad: 2D histogram on each horizontal point ! Input arguments integer Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nbins real xmax,S_att,S_clr,undef ! Input-output arguments real x(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) ! Output : real cfad(Npoints,Nbins,Nlevels) real srbval(Nbins) ! Local variables integer i, j, k, ib real srbval_ext(0:Nbins) ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 0- Initializations ! c ------------------------------------------------------- if ( Nbins .lt. 6) return srbval(1) = S_att srbval(2) = S_clr srbval(3) = 3.0 srbval(4) = 5.0 srbval(5) = 7.0 srbval(6) = 10.0 do i = 7, MIN(10,Nbins) srbval(i) = srbval(i-1) + 5.0 enddo DO i = 11, MIN(13,Nbins) srbval(i) = srbval(i-1) + 10.0 enddo srbval(MIN(14,Nbins)) = 80.0 srbval(Nbins) = xmax cfad(:,:,:) = 0.0 srbval_ext(1:Nbins) = srbval srbval_ext(0) = -1.0 ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c c- Compute CFAD ! c ------------------------------------------------------- do j = 1, Nlevels do ib = 1, Nbins do k = 1, Ncolumns do i = 1, Npoints if (x(i,k,j) /= undef) then if ((x(i,k,j).gt.srbval_ext(ib-1)).and.(x(i,k,j).le.srbval_ext(ib))) & cfad(i,ib,j) = cfad(i,ib,j) + 1.0 else cfad(i,ib,j) = undef endif enddo enddo enddo enddo where (cfad .ne. undef) cfad = cfad / float(Ncolumns) ! c ------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END SUBROUTINE COSP_CFAD_SR !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !-------------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_CLDFRAC ------------------- ! c Purpose: Cloud fraction diagnosed from lidar measurements !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_CLDFRAC(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Ncat, & x,pplay,S_att,S_cld,undef,lidarcld, & cldlayer) IMPLICIT NONE ! Input arguments integer Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Ncat real x(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) real pplay(Npoints,Nlevels) real S_att,S_cld real undef ! Output : real lidarcld(Npoints,Nlevels) ! 3D cloud fraction real cldlayer(Npoints,Ncat) ! low, middle, high, total cloud fractions ! Local variables integer ip, k, iz, ic real p1 real cldy(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) real srok(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) real cldlay(Npoints,Ncolumns,Ncat) real nsublay(Npoints,Ncolumns,Ncat), nsublayer(Npoints,Ncat) real nsub(Npoints,Nlevels) real cldlay1(Npoints,Ncolumns) real cldlay2(Npoints,Ncolumns) real cldlay3(Npoints,Ncolumns) real nsublay1(Npoints,Ncolumns) real nsublay2(Npoints,Ncolumns) real nsublay3(Npoints,Ncolumns) ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1- initialization ! --------------------------------------------------------------- if ( Ncat .ne. 4 ) then print *,'Error in lmd_ipsl_stats.cosp_cldfrac, Ncat must be 4, not',Ncat stop endif lidarcld = 0.0 nsub = 0.0 cldlay = 0.0 nsublay = 0.0 ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2- Cloud detection ! --------------------------------------------------------------- do k = 1, Nlevels ! cloud detection at subgrid-scale: where ( (x(:,:,k).gt.S_cld) .and. (x(:,:,k).ne. undef) ) cldy(:,:,k)=1.0 elsewhere cldy(:,:,k)=0.0 endwhere ! number of usefull sub-columns: where ( (x(:,:,k).gt.S_att) .and. (x(:,:,k).ne. undef) ) srok(:,:,k)=1.0 elsewhere srok(:,:,k)=0.0 endwhere enddo ! k ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! 3- grid-box 3D cloud fraction and layered cloud fractions (ISCCP pressure ! categories) : ! --------------------------------------------------------------- lidarcld = 0.0 nsub = 0.0 !! XXX: Use cldlay[1-3] and nsublay[1-3] to avoid bank-conflicts. cldlay1 = 0.0 cldlay2 = 0.0 cldlay3 = 0.0 cldlay(:,:,4) = 0.0 !! XXX: Ncat == 4 nsublay1 = 0.0 nsublay2 = 0.0 nsublay3 = 0.0 nsublay(:,:,4) = 0.0 do k = Nlevels, 1, -1 do ic = 1, Ncolumns do ip = 1, Npoints p1 = pplay(ip,k) if ( p1.gt.0. .and. p1.lt.(440.*100.)) then ! high clouds cldlay3(ip,ic) = MAX(cldlay3(ip,ic), cldy(ip,ic,k)) nsublay3(ip,ic) = MAX(nsublay3(ip,ic), srok(ip,ic,k)) else if(p1.ge.(440.*100.) .and. p1.lt.(680.*100.)) then ! mid clouds cldlay2(ip,ic) = MAX(cldlay2(ip,ic), cldy(ip,ic,k)) nsublay2(ip,ic) = MAX(nsublay2(ip,ic), srok(ip,ic,k)) else cldlay1(ip,ic) = MAX(cldlay1(ip,ic), cldy(ip,ic,k)) nsublay1(ip,ic) = MAX(nsublay1(ip,ic), srok(ip,ic,k)) endif cldlay(ip,ic,4) = MAX(cldlay(ip,ic,4), cldy(ip,ic,k)) lidarcld(ip,k)=lidarcld(ip,k) + cldy(ip,ic,k) nsublay(ip,ic,4) = MAX(nsublay(ip,ic,4),srok(ip,ic,k)) nsub(ip,k)=nsub(ip,k) + srok(ip,ic,k) enddo enddo enddo cldlay(:,:,1) = cldlay1 cldlay(:,:,2) = cldlay2 cldlay(:,:,3) = cldlay3 nsublay(:,:,1) = nsublay1 nsublay(:,:,2) = nsublay2 nsublay(:,:,3) = nsublay3 ! -- grid-box 3D cloud fraction where ( nsub(:,:).gt.0.0 ) lidarcld(:,:) = lidarcld(:,:)/nsub(:,:) elsewhere lidarcld(:,:) = undef endwhere ! -- layered cloud fractions cldlayer = 0.0 nsublayer = 0.0 do iz = 1, Ncat do ic = 1, Ncolumns cldlayer(:,iz)=cldlayer(:,iz) + cldlay(:,ic,iz) nsublayer(:,iz)=nsublayer(:,iz) + nsublay(:,ic,iz) enddo enddo where ( nsublayer(:,:).gt.0.0 ) cldlayer(:,:) = cldlayer(:,:)/nsublayer(:,:) elsewhere cldlayer(:,:) = undef endwhere RETURN END SUBROUTINE COSP_CLDFRAC ! --------------------------------------------------------------- END MODULE MOD_LMD_IPSL_STATS