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Authors: Sandrine Bony and Helene Chepfer (LMD/IPSL, CNRS, UPMC, France). !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MODULE MOD_LMD_IPSL_STATS USE MOD_LLNL_STATS IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE diag_lidar(npoints,ncol,llm,max_bin,nrefl & ,pnorm,pmol,refl,land,pplay,undef,ok_lidar_cfad & ,cfad2,srbval & ,ncat,lidarcld,cldlayer,parasolrefl) ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Lidar outputs : ! ! Diagnose cloud fraction (3D cloud fraction + low/middle/high/total cloud fraction ! from the lidar signals (ATB and molecular ATB) computed from model outputs ! + ! Compute CFADs of lidar scattering ratio SR and of depolarization index ! ! Authors: Sandrine Bony and Helene Chepfer (LMD/IPSL, CNRS, UPMC, France). ! ! December 2008, S. Bony, H. Chepfer and J-L. Dufresne : ! - change of the cloud detection threshold S_cld from 3 to 5, for better ! with both day and night observations. The optical thinest clouds are missed. ! - remove of the detection of the first fully attenuated layer encountered from above. ! December 2008, A. Bodas-Salcedo: ! - Dimensions of pmol reduced to (npoints,llm) ! ! Version 1.0 (June 2007) ! Version 1.1 (May 2008) ! Version 1.2 (June 2008) ! Version 2.0 (October 2008) ! Version 2.1 (December 2008) ! c------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! c inputs : integer npoints integer ncol integer llm integer max_bin ! nb of bins for SR CFADs integer ncat ! nb of cloud layer types (low,mid,high,total) integer nrefl ! nb of solar zenith angles for parasol reflectances real undef ! undefined value real pnorm(npoints,ncol,llm) ! lidar ATB real pmol(npoints,llm) ! molecular ATB real land(npoints) ! Landmask [0 - Ocean, 1 - Land] real pplay(npoints,llm) ! pressure on model levels (Pa) logical ok_lidar_cfad ! true if lidar CFAD diagnostics need to be computed real refl(npoints,ncol,nrefl) ! subgrid parasol reflectance ! parasol ! c outputs : real lidarcld(npoints,llm) ! 3D "lidar" cloud fraction real cldlayer(npoints,ncat) ! "lidar" cloud fraction (low, mid, high, total) real cfad2(npoints,max_bin,llm) ! CFADs of SR real srbval(max_bin) ! SR bins in CFADs real parasolrefl(npoints,nrefl)! grid-averaged parasol reflectance ! c threshold for cloud detection : real S_clr parameter (S_clr = 1.2) real S_cld ! parameter (S_cld = 3.0) ! Previous thresold for cloud detection parameter (S_cld = 5.0) ! New (dec 2008) thresold for cloud detection real S_att parameter (S_att = 0.01) ! c local variables : integer ic,k real x3d(npoints,ncol,llm) real x3d_c(npoints,llm),pnorm_c(npoints,llm) real xmax ! ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 0- Initializations ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! Parasol reflectance algorithm is not valid over land. Write ! a warning if there is no land. Landmask [0 - Ocean, 1 - Land] IF ( MAXVAL(land(:)) .EQ. 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,*) 'WARNING. PARASOL reflectance is not valid over land' & & ,' and there is only land' END IF ! Should be modified in future version xmax=undef-1.0 ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 1- Lidar scattering ratio : ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! where ((pnorm.lt.xmax) .and. (pmol.lt.xmax) .and. (pmol.gt. 0.0 )) ! x3d = pnorm/pmol ! elsewhere ! x3d = undef ! end where ! A.B-S: pmol reduced to 2D (npoints,llm) (Dec 08) do ic = 1, ncol pnorm_c = pnorm(:,ic,:) where ((pnorm_c.lt.xmax) .and. (pmol.lt.xmax) .and. (pmol.gt. 0.0 )) x3d_c = pnorm_c/pmol elsewhere x3d_c = undef end where x3d(:,ic,:) = x3d_c enddo ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 2- Diagnose cloud fractions (3D, low, middle, high, total) ! c from subgrid-scale lidar scattering ratios : ! c ------------------------------------------------------- CALL COSP_CLDFRAC(npoints,ncol,llm,ncat, & x3d,pplay, S_att,S_cld,undef,lidarcld, & cldlayer) ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 3- CFADs ! c ------------------------------------------------------- if (ok_lidar_cfad) then ! ! c CFADs of subgrid-scale lidar scattering ratios : ! c ------------------------------------------------------- CALL COSP_CFAD_SR(npoints,ncol,llm,max_bin, & x3d, & S_att,S_clr,xmax,cfad2,srbval) endif ! ok_lidar_cfad ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 4- Compute grid-box averaged Parasol reflectances ! c ------------------------------------------------------- parasolrefl(:,:) = 0.0 do k = 1, nrefl do ic = 1, ncol parasolrefl(:,k) = parasolrefl(:,k) + refl(:,ic,k) enddo enddo do k = 1, nrefl parasolrefl(:,k) = parasolrefl(:,k) / float(ncol) ! if land=1 -> parasolrefl=undef ! if land=0 -> parasolrefl=parasolrefl parasolrefl(:,k) = parasolrefl(:,k) * MAX(1.0-land(:),0.0) & + (1.0 - MAX(1.0-land(:),0.0))*undef enddo RETURN END SUBROUTINE diag_lidar !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !-------------------- FUNCTION COSP_CFAD_SR ------------------------ ! Author: Sandrine Bony (LMD/IPSL, CNRS, Paris) !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_CFAD_SR(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nbins, & x,S_att,S_clr,xmax,cfad,srbval) IMPLICIT NONE !--- Input arguments ! Npoints: Number of horizontal points ! Ncolumns: Number of subcolumns ! Nlevels: Number of levels ! Nbins: Number of x axis bins ! xmax: maximum value allowed for x ! S_att: Threshold for full attenuation ! S_clr: Threshold for clear-sky layer ! !--- Input-Outout arguments ! x: variable to process (Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels), mofified where saturation occurs ! ! -- Output arguments ! srbval : values of the histogram bins ! cfad: 2D histogram on each horizontal point ! Input arguments integer Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Nbins real xmax,S_att,S_clr ! Input-output arguments real x(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) ! Output : real cfad(Npoints,Nbins,Nlevels) real srbval(Nbins) ! Local variables integer i, j, k, ib ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c 0- Initializations ! c ------------------------------------------------------- if ( Nbins .lt. 6) return srbval(1) = S_att srbval(2) = S_clr srbval(3) = 3.0 srbval(4) = 5.0 srbval(5) = 7.0 srbval(6) = 10.0 do i = 7, MIN(10,Nbins) srbval(i) = srbval(i-1) + 5.0 enddo DO i = 11, MIN(13,Nbins) srbval(i) = srbval(i-1) + 10.0 enddo srbval(MIN(14,Nbins)) = 80.0 srbval(Nbins) = xmax cfad(:,:,:) = 0.0 ! c ------------------------------------------------------- ! c c- Compute CFAD ! c ------------------------------------------------------- do j = Nlevels, 1, -1 do k = 1, Ncolumns where ( x(:,k,j).le.srbval(1) ) & cfad(:,1,j) = cfad(:,1,j) + 1.0 enddo !k enddo !j do ib = 2, Nbins do j = Nlevels, 1, -1 do k = 1, Ncolumns where ( ( x(:,k,j).gt.srbval(ib-1) ) .and. ( x(:,k,j).le.srbval(ib) ) ) & cfad(:,ib,j) = cfad(:,ib,j) + 1.0 enddo !k enddo !j enddo !ib cfad(:,:,:) = cfad(:,:,:) / float(Ncolumns) ! c ------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END SUBROUTINE COSP_CFAD_SR !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !-------------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_CLDFRAC ------------------- ! c Purpose: Cloud fraction diagnosed from lidar measurements !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_CLDFRAC(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Ncat, & x,pplay,S_att,S_cld,undef,lidarcld, & cldlayer) IMPLICIT NONE ! Input arguments integer Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,Ncat real x(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) real pplay(Npoints,Nlevels) real S_att,S_cld real undef ! Output : real lidarcld(Npoints,Nlevels) ! 3D cloud fraction real cldlayer(Npoints,Ncat) ! low, middle, high, total cloud fractions ! Local variables integer ip, k, iz, ic real p1 real cldy(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) real srok(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels) real cldlay(Npoints,Ncolumns,Ncat) real nsublay(Npoints,Ncolumns,Ncat), nsublayer(Npoints,Ncat) real nsub(Npoints,Nlevels) ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1- initialization ! --------------------------------------------------------------- if ( Ncat .ne. 4 ) then print *,'Error in lmd_ipsl_stats.cosp_cldfrac, Ncat must be 4, not',Ncat stop endif lidarcld = 0.0 nsub = 0.0 cldlay = 0.0 nsublay = 0.0 ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2- Cloud detection ! --------------------------------------------------------------- do k = 1, Nlevels ! cloud detection at subgrid-scale: where ( (x(:,:,k).gt.S_cld) .and. (x(:,:,k).ne. undef) ) cldy(:,:,k)=1.0 elsewhere cldy(:,:,k)=0.0 endwhere ! number of usefull sub-columns: where ( (x(:,:,k).gt.S_att) .and. (x(:,:,k).ne. undef) ) srok(:,:,k)=1.0 elsewhere srok(:,:,k)=0.0 endwhere enddo ! k ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! 3- grid-box 3D cloud fraction and layered cloud fractions (ISCCP pressure ! categories) : ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! Test abderr do k = Nlevels, 1, -1 do ic = 1, Ncolumns do ip = 1, Npoints iz=1 p1 = pplay(ip,k) if ( p1.gt.0. .and. p1.lt.(440.*100.)) then ! high clouds iz=3 else if(p1.ge.(440.*100.) .and. p1.lt.(680.*100.)) then ! mid clouds iz=2 endif cldlay(ip,ic,iz) = MAX(cldlay(ip,ic,iz),cldy(ip,ic,k)) cldlay(ip,ic,4) = MAX(cldlay(ip,ic,4),cldy(ip,ic,k)) lidarcld(ip,k)=lidarcld(ip,k) + cldy(ip,ic,k) nsublay(ip,ic,iz) = MAX(nsublay(ip,ic,iz),srok(ip,ic,k)) nsublay(ip,ic,4) = MAX(nsublay(ip,ic,4),srok(ip,ic,k)) nsub(ip,k)=nsub(ip,k) + srok(ip,ic,k) enddo enddo enddo ! -- grid-box 3D cloud fraction where ( nsub(:,:).gt.0.0 ) lidarcld(:,:) = lidarcld(:,:)/nsub(:,:) elsewhere lidarcld(:,:) = undef endwhere ! -- layered cloud fractions cldlayer = 0.0 nsublayer = 0.0 do iz = 1, Ncat do ic = 1, Ncolumns cldlayer(:,iz)=cldlayer(:,iz) + cldlay(:,ic,iz) nsublayer(:,iz)=nsublayer(:,iz) + nsublay(:,ic,iz) enddo enddo where ( nsublayer(:,:).gt.0.0 ) cldlayer(:,:) = cldlayer(:,:)/nsublayer(:,:) elsewhere cldlayer(:,:) = undef endwhere RETURN END SUBROUTINE COSP_CLDFRAC ! --------------------------------------------------------------- END MODULE MOD_LMD_IPSL_STATS