! $Id$ module netcdf95 ! Author: Lionel GUEZ ! Three criticisms may be made about the Fortran 90 NetCDF interface: ! -- NetCDF procedures are usually functions with side effects. ! First, they have "intent(out)" arguments. ! Furthermore, there is obviously data transfer inside the procedures. ! Any data transfer inside a function is considered as a side effect. ! -- The caller of a NetCDF procedure usually has to handle the error ! status. NetCDF procedures would be much friendlier if they behaved ! like the Fortran input/output statements. That is, the error status ! should be an optional output argument. ! If the caller does not request the error status and there is an ! error then the NetCDF procedure should produce an error message ! and stop the program. ! -- Some procedures use array arguments with assumed size. ! It would be better to use the pointer attribute. ! This module produces a NetCDF interface that answers those three ! criticisms for some (not all) procedures. ! This module replaces some of the official NetCDF procedures. ! This module also provides the procedures "handle_err" and "nf95_gw_var". ! This module provides only a partial replacement for some generic ! procedures such as "nf90_def_var". use nf95_def_var_m use nf95_put_var_m use nf95_gw_var_m use nf95_put_att_m use simple use handle_err_m end module netcdf95