! ! $Header$ ! c c SUBROUTINE iniphysiq(ngrid,nlayer, $ punjours, $ pdayref,ptimestep, $ plat,plon,parea,pcu,pcv, $ prad,pg,pr,pcpp) USE dimphy,klon2=>klon,klon=>klon2 USE comgeomphy IMPLICIT NONE c c======================================================================= c c subject: c -------- c c Initialisation for the physical parametrisations of the LMD c martian atmospheric general circulation modele. c c author: Frederic Hourdin 15 / 10 /93 c ------- c c arguments: c ---------- c c input: c ------ c c ngrid Size of the horizontal grid. c All internal loops are performed on that grid. c nlayer Number of vertical layers. c pdayref Day of reference for the simulation c firstcall True at the first call c lastcall True at the last call c pday Number of days counted from the North. Spring c equinoxe. c c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c declarations: c ------------- cym#include "dimensions.h" cym#include "dimphy.h" cym#include "comgeomphy.h" REAL prad,pg,pr,pcpp,punjours INTEGER ngrid,nlayer REAL plat(ngrid),plon(ngrid),parea(klon),pcu(klon),pcv(klon) INTEGER pdayref REAL ptimestep IF (nlayer.NE.klev) THEN PRINT*,'STOP in inifis' PRINT*,'Probleme de dimensions :' PRINT*,'nlayer = ',nlayer PRINT*,'klev = ',klev STOP ENDIF IF (ngrid.NE.klon) THEN PRINT*,'STOP in inifis' PRINT*,'Probleme de dimensions :' PRINT*,'ngrid = ',ngrid PRINT*,'klon = ',klon STOP ENDIF airephy(1:klon2)=parea(klon_begin:klon_end) cuphy(1:klon2)=pcu(klon_begin:klon_end) cvphy(1:klon2)=pcv(klon_begin:klon_end) rlond(1:klon2) = plon(klon_begin:klon_end) rlatd(1:klon2) = plat(klon_begin:klon_end) call suphec print*,'ATTENTION !!! TRAVAILLER SUR INIPHYSIQ' print*,'CONTROLE DES LATITUDES, LONGITUDES, PARAMETRES ...' RETURN 9999 STOP'Cette version demande les fichier rnatur.dat et surf.def' END