!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Module and routines in this file are taken from IOIPSL ! files stringop.f90 ! Module names has been changed to avoid problems ! if compiling model with IOIPSL library ! Ehouarn - March 2009 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! MODULE ioipsl_stringop !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- INTEGER, DIMENSION(30) :: & & prime=(/1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43, & & 47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109/) !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS != SUBROUTINE cmpblank (str) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(inout) :: str !- INTEGER :: lcc,ipb !--------------------------------------------------------------------- lcc = LEN_TRIM(str) ipb = 1 DO IF (ipb >= lcc) EXIT IF (str(ipb:ipb+1) == ' ') THEN str(ipb+1:) = str(ipb+2:lcc) lcc = lcc-1 ELSE ipb = ipb+1 ENDIF ENDDO !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE cmpblank != INTEGER FUNCTION cntpos (c_c,l_c,c_r,l_r) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Finds number of occurences of c_r in c_c !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: c_c INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: l_c CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: c_r INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: l_r !- INTEGER :: ipos,indx,ires !--------------------------------------------------------------------- cntpos = 0 ipos = 1 DO indx = INDEX(c_c(ipos:l_c),c_r(1:l_r)) IF (indx > 0) THEN cntpos = cntpos+1 ipos = ipos+indx+l_r-1 ELSE EXIT ENDIF ENDDO !--------------------- END FUNCTION cntpos != INTEGER FUNCTION findpos (c_c,l_c,c_r,l_r) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Finds position of c_r in c_c !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: c_c INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: l_c CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: c_r INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: l_r !--------------------------------------------------------------------- findpos = INDEX(c_c(1:l_c),c_r(1:l_r)) IF (findpos == 0) findpos=-1 !---------------------- END FUNCTION findpos != SUBROUTINE find_str (nb_str,str_tab,str_len_tab,str,pos) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine looks for a string in a table !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- INPUT !- nb_str : length of table !- str_tab : Table of strings !- str_len_tab : Table of string-length !- str : Target we are looking for !- OUTPUT !- pos : -1 if str not found, else value in the table !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: nb_str CHARACTER(LEN=*),DIMENSION(nb_str) :: str_tab INTEGER,DIMENSION(nb_str) :: str_len_tab CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str INTEGER :: pos !- INTEGER :: i,il !--------------------------------------------------------------------- pos = -1 il = LEN_TRIM(str) IF ( nb_str > 0 ) THEN DO i=1,nb_str IF ( (INDEX(str_tab(i),str(1:il)) > 0) & .AND.(str_len_tab(i) == il) ) THEN pos = i EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE find_str != SUBROUTINE nocomma (str) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str !- INTEGER :: i !--------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,LEN_TRIM(str) IF (str(i:i) == ',') str(i:i) = ' ' ENDDO !------------------------ END SUBROUTINE nocomma != SUBROUTINE strlowercase (str) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Converts a string into lowercase !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str !- INTEGER :: i,ic !--------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,LEN_TRIM(str) ic = IACHAR(str(i:i)) IF ( (ic >= 65) .AND. (ic <= 90) ) str(i:i) = ACHAR(ic+32) ENDDO !----------------------------- END SUBROUTINE strlowercase != SUBROUTINE struppercase (str) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Converts a string into uppercase !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str !- INTEGER :: i,ic !--------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,LEN_TRIM(str) ic = IACHAR(str(i:i)) IF ( (ic >= 97) .AND. (ic <= 122) ) str(i:i) = ACHAR(ic-32) ENDDO !----------------------------- END SUBROUTINE struppercase != !------------------ SUBROUTINE gensig (str, sig) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Generate a signature from the first 30 characters of the string !- This signature is not unique and thus when one looks for the !- one needs to also verify the string. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str INTEGER :: sig !- INTEGER :: i !--------------------------------------------------------------------- sig = 0 DO i=1,MIN(len_trim(str),30) sig = sig + prime(i)*IACHAR(str(i:i)) ENDDO !----------------------------- END SUBROUTINE gensig != !------------------ SUBROUTINE find_sig (nb_sig, str_tab, str, sig_tab, sig, pos) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Find the string signature in a list of signatures !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- INPUT !- nb_sig : length of table of signatures !- str_tab : Table of strings !- str : Target string we are looking for !- sig_tab : Table of signatures !- sig : Target signature we are looking for !- OUTPUT !- pos : -1 if str not found, else value in the table !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: nb_sig CHARACTER(LEN=*),DIMENSION(nb_sig) :: str_tab CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str INTEGER, DIMENSION(nb_sig) :: sig_tab INTEGER :: sig !- INTEGER :: pos INTEGER, DIMENSION(nb_sig) :: loczeros !- INTEGER :: il, len INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: minpos !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- pos = -1 il = LEN_TRIM(str) !- IF ( nb_sig > 0 ) THEN ! loczeros = ABS(sig_tab(1:nb_sig)-sig) ! IF ( COUNT(loczeros < 1) == 1 ) THEN ! minpos = MINLOC(loczeros) len = LEN_TRIM(str_tab(minpos(1))) IF ( (INDEX(str_tab(minpos(1)),str(1:il)) > 0) & .AND.(len == il) ) THEN pos = minpos(1) ENDIF ! ELSE IF ( COUNT(loczeros < 1) > 1 ) THEN ! DO WHILE (COUNT(loczeros < 1) >= 1 .AND. pos < 0 ) minpos = MINLOC(loczeros) len = LEN_TRIM(str_tab(minpos(1))) IF ( (INDEX(str_tab(minpos(1)),str(1:il)) > 0) & .AND.(len == il) ) THEN pos = minpos(1) ELSE loczeros(minpos(1)) = 99999 ENDIF ENDDO ! ENDIF ! ENDIF !- END SUBROUTINE find_sig != !------------------ END MODULE ioipsl_stringop