Changeset 5443

Dec 21, 2024, 6:11:15 PM (13 hours ago)

ajout d'une nouvelle option pour la param de nuages de phase mixte de Lea Raillard
(la vapeur dans le nuages est une ponderation des humidite a saturation / aux deux phases)

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/lmdz_lscp.f90

    r5440 r5443  
    268268  REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: ctot
    269269  REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: ctot_vol
    270   REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zqs, zdqs
     270  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zqs, zdqs, zqsl, zdqsl, zqsi, zdqsi
    271271  REAL :: zdelta
    272272  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zdqsdT_raw
    278278  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: qcloud, qincloud_mpc
    279279  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zrfl, zifl
    280   REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zoliq, zcond, zq, zqn
     280  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zoliq, zcond, zq, zqn, zqnl
    281281  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zoliql, zoliqi
    282282  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zt
    283   REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zfice,zneb
     283  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zfice,zneb, znebl
    284284  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: dzfice
    285285  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: zfice_turb, dzfice_turb
    307307  ! for condensation and ice supersaturation
    308   REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: qvc, shear
     308  REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: qvc, qvcl, shear
    309309  REAL :: delta_z
    310310  !--Added for ice supersaturation (ok_ice_supersat) and contrails (ok_plane_contrails)
    377377rain(:) = 0.0
    378378snow(:) = 0.0
    379 zfice(:)=0.0
     379zfice(:)=1.0 ! initialized at 1 as by default we assume mpc to be at ice saturation
    668668                  ! Calculation of saturation specific humidity and ice fraction
    669669                  CALL calc_qsat_ecmwf(klon,Tbef,qtot,pplay(:,k),RTT,0,.false.,zqs,zdqs)
     671                  IF (iflag_icefrac .GE. 3) THEN
     672                  ! consider a ice weighted qs to ensure that liquid clouds at T<0 have a consistent cloud fraction
     673                  ! and cloud condensed water content. idea following Dietlitcher et al. 2018, GMD
     674                  ! we make this option works only for the physically-based and tke-depdenent param (iflag_icefrac>=1)
     675                      DO i=1,klon
     676                           CALL calc_qsat_ecmwf(klon,Tbef,qtot,pplay(:,k),RTT,1,.false.,zqsl,zdqsl)
     677                           CALL calc_qsat_ecmwf(klon,Tbef,qtot,pplay(:,k),RTT,2,.false.,zqsi,zdqsi)
     678                           zqs(i)=zfice(i)*zqsi(i)+(1.-zfice(i))*zqsl(i)
     679                           zdqs(i)=zfice(i)*zdqsi(i)+zqsi(i)*dzfice(i)+(1.-zfice(i))*zdqsl(i)-zqsl(i)*dzfice(i)
     680                      ENDDO
     681                  ENDIF
    670683                  CALL calc_gammasat(klon,Tbef,qtot,pplay(:,k),gammasat,dgammasatdt)
    671684                  ! saturation may occur at a humidity different from qsat (gamma qsat), so gamma correction for dqs
    672685                  zdqs(:) = gammasat(:)*zdqs(:)+zqs(:)*dgammasatdt(:)
    673                   ! cloud phase determination
    674                   IF (iflag_t_glace.GE.4) THEN
    675                   ! For iflag_t_glace GE 4 the phase partition function dependends on temperature AND distance to cloud top
    676                        CALL distance_to_cloud_top(klon,klev,k,temp,pplay,paprs,rneb,zdistcltop,ztemp_cltop)
    677                   ENDIF
    679                   CALL icefrac_lscp(klon, zt, iflag_ice_thermo, zdistcltop,ztemp_cltop,zfice,dzfice)
     687                  ! Cloud condensation based on subgrid pdf
    681688                  !--AB Activates a condensation scheme that allows for
    682689                  !--ice supersaturation and contrails evolution from aviation
    733740                  ENDIF ! .NOT. ok_ice_supersat
     742                  ! cloud phase determination
     743                  IF (iflag_icefrac .GE. 2) THEN
     744                     ! phase partitioning depending on temperature. activates here in the iteration process if iflag_icefrac > 2
     745                     CALL icefrac_lscp_turb(klon, dtime, Tbef, pplay(:,k), paprs(:,k), paprs(:,k+1), omega(:,k), qice_ini, ziflcld, zqn, &
     746                     rneb(:,k), tke(:,k), tke_dissip(:,k), zqliq, zqvapcl, zqice, zfice, dzfice, cldfraliq(:,k),sigma2_icefracturb(:,k), mean_icefracturb(:,k))
     747                  ELSE
     748                     ! phase partitioning depending on temperature and eventually distance to cloud top
     749                     IF (iflag_t_glace.GE.4) THEN
     750                       ! For iflag_t_glace GE 4 the phase partition function dependends on temperature AND distance to cloud top
     751                       CALL distance_to_cloud_top(klon,klev,k,temp,pplay,paprs,rneb,zdistcltop,ztemp_cltop)
     752                     ENDIF
     753                     CALL icefrac_lscp(klon, zt, iflag_ice_thermo, zdistcltop,ztemp_cltop,zfice,dzfice)
     754                  ENDIF
    735757                  DO i=1,klon
    736758                      IF (keepgoing(i)) THEN
    756778                        ENDIF
    758                         ! LEA_R : check formule
    759780                        IF ( ok_unadjusted_clouds ) THEN
    760781                          !--AB We relax the saturation adjustment assumption
     819        ! Cloud phase final determination
     820        !--------------------------------
    798821        ! For iflag_t_glace GE 4 the phase partition function dependends on temperature AND distance to cloud top
    799822        IF (iflag_t_glace.GE.4) THEN
    802825           temp_cltop(:,k)=ztemp_cltop(:)
    803826        ENDIF
    805         ! Partition function depending on temperature
     827        ! Partition function depending on temperature for all clouds (shallow convective and stratiform)
    806828        CALL icefrac_lscp(klon, zt, iflag_ice_thermo, zdistcltop, ztemp_cltop, zfice, dzfice)
    808         ! Partition function depending on tke for non shallow-convective clouds 
     830        ! Partition function depending on tke for non shallow-convective clouds, erase previous estimation
    809831        IF (iflag_icefrac .GE. 1) THEN
    810832           CALL icefrac_lscp_turb(klon, dtime, Tbef, pplay(:,k), paprs(:,k), paprs(:,k+1), omega(:,k), qice_ini, ziflcld, zqn, &
    812834        ENDIF
    814         ! Water vapor update, Phase determination and subsequent latent heat exchange
     836        ! Water vapor update, subsequent latent heat exchange for each cloud type
     837        !------------------------------------------------------------------------
    815838        DO i=1, klon
    816839            ! Overwrite phase partitioning in boundary layer mixed phase clouds when the
    855878                        IF (lognormale(i)) THEN 
    856879                           zcond(i)  = zqliq(i) + zqice(i)
    857                            zfice(i)=zfice_turb(i)
     880                           zfice(i)  = zfice_turb(i)
    858881                           rhcl(i,k) = zqvapcl(i) * rneb(i,k) + (zq(i) - zqn(i)) * (1.-rneb(i,k))
    859882                        ENDIF
    866889            ENDIF
    868             ! c_iso : routine that computes in-cloud supersaturation
    869             ! c_iso condensation of isotopes (zcond, zsursat, zfice, zq in input)
    871892            ! temperature update due to phase change
    872893            zt(i) = zt(i) + (1.-zfice(i))*zcond(i) &
    896917      zoliql(i) = zcond(i) * ( 1. - zfice(i) )
    897918      zoliqi(i) = zcond(i) * zfice(i)
    898       ! c_iso : initialisation of zoliq* also for isotopes
    899919    ENDDO
    9861006            zfrac_lessi = 1. - EXP(zalpha_tr*zprec_cond(i)/MAX(rneb(i,k),seuil_neb))
    987             frac_nucl(i,k)= 1.-zneb(i)*zfrac_lessi
     1007            frac_nucl(i,k)= 1.-MAX(rneb(i,k),seuil_neb)*zfrac_lessi
    9891009            ! Nucleation with a factor of -1 instead of -0.5
    10081028                ENDIF
    1010               zfrac_lessi = 1. - EXP(zalpha_tr*zprec_cond(i)/zneb(i))
    1011               frac_impa(i,kk)= 1.-zneb(i)*zfrac_lessi
     1030              zfrac_lessi = 1. - EXP(zalpha_tr*zprec_cond(i)/MAX(rneb(i,k),seuil_neb))
     1031              frac_impa(i,kk)= 1.-MAX(rneb(i,k),seuil_neb)*zfrac_lessi
    10131033            ENDIF
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