Changeset 5165 for LMDZ6/branches

Aug 26, 2024, 6:26:13 PM (3 weeks ago)

Ajout param tuning deposition

2 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/cirrus/libf/phylmd/lmdz_lscp_condensation.F90

    r5161 r5165  
    121121USE lmdz_lscp_ini,        ONLY: lunout
    123 USE lmdz_lscp_ini,        ONLY: capa_cond_cirrus, mu_subl_pdf_lscp, beta_pdf_lscp, temp_thresh_pdf_lscp, &
     123USE lmdz_lscp_ini,        ONLY: depo_coef_cirrus, capa_cond_cirrus, &
     124                                mu_subl_pdf_lscp, beta_pdf_lscp, temp_thresh_pdf_lscp, &
    124125                                rhlmid_pdf_lscp, k0_pdf_lscp, kappa_pdf_lscp, rhl0_pdf_lscp, &
    125126                                cond_thresh_pdf_lscp, coef_mixing_lscp, coef_shear_lscp, &
    397398        !--ka is the thermal conductivity of dry air [J/m/s/K]
    398399        !
    399         !--We fix alpha = 0.5 following Lohmann et al. (2016)
     400        !--alpha is a coefficient to take into account the fact that during deposition, a water
     401        !--molecule cannot join the crystal from everywhere, it must do so that the crystal stays
     402        !--coherent (with the same structure). It has no impact for sublimation.
     403        !--We fix alpha = depo_coef_cirrus (=0.5 by default following Lohmann et al. (2016))
     404        !--during deposition, and alpha = 1. during sublimation.
    400405        !--The capacitance of the ice crystals is proportional to a parameter capa_cond_cirrus
    401406        !-- C = capa_cond_cirrus * r_ice
    426431        !--  *alpha/qsat*capa_cond_cirrus/ (R_v*T/esi/Dv + Ls/ka/T*(Ls*R_v/T - 1)) / ( 1/3 r_ice_0**2 rho_ice )
    427432        !--and we have
    428         !-- dqvc/dt = - qi**(1/3) * (qvc - qsat) / kappa * qi_0**(2/3) / r_ice_0**2
    429         !-- dqi/dt  =   qi**(1/3) * (qvc - qsat) / kappa * qi_0**(2/3) / r_ice_0**2
    430         !--where kappa = (2/3*rho_ice)/capa_cond_cirrus*qsat*(R_v*T/esi/Dv + Ls/ka/T*(Ls/R_v/T - 1))
    431         !--having replaced alpha = 0.5 in the formula
     433        !-- dqvc/dt = - qi**(1/3) * (qvc - qsat) / kappa * alpha * qi_0**(2/3) / r_ice_0**2
     434        !-- dqi/dt  =   qi**(1/3) * (qvc - qsat) / kappa * alpha * qi_0**(2/3) / r_ice_0**2
     435        !--where kappa = 1/3*rho_ice/capa_cond_cirrus*qsat*(R_v*T/esi/Dv + Ls/ka/T*(Ls/R_v/T - 1))
    432436        !
    433437        !--This system of equations can be resolved with an exact
    444448        !--This formula for water vapor diffusivity comes from Hall and Pruppacher (1976)
    445449        water_vapor_diff = 0.211 * ( temp(i) / RTT )**1.94 * ( 101325. / pplay(i) ) * 1.e-4
    446         kappa = 2. / 3. * rho_ice / capa_cond_cirrus * qsat(i) &
     450        kappa = 1. / 3. * rho_ice / capa_cond_cirrus * qsat(i) &
    447451              * ( RV * temp(i) / water_vapor_diff / pres_sat &
    448452                + RLSTT / air_thermal_conduct / temp(i) * ( RLSTT / RV / temp(i) - 1. ) )
    493497              !--Exact explicit integration (qvc exact, qice explicit)
    494498              qvapincld_new = qsat(i) + ( qvapincld - qsat(i) ) &
    495                             * EXP( - dtime * qiceincld / kappa / r_ice**2. )
     499                            * EXP( - depo_coef_cirrus * dtime * qiceincld / kappa / r_ice**2. )
    496500            ELSE
    497501              !--If the cloud is initially subsaturated
    695699            !--Exact explicit version
    696700            qvapincld = qsat(i) + ( qvapincld - qsat(i) ) &
    697                       * EXP( - dtime / 2. * qiceincld / kappa / r_ice**2. )
     701                      * EXP( - depo_coef_cirrus * dtime / 2. * qiceincld / kappa / r_ice**2. )
    698702          ELSE
    699703            !--We keep the saturation adjustment hypothesis, and the vapor in the
  • LMDZ6/branches/cirrus/libf/phylmd/lmdz_lscp_ini.F90

    r5162 r5165  
    154154  INTEGER, SAVE, PROTECTED :: iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf=3       ! iflag for the distribution of water inside ice clouds
    155155  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf)
     157  REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: depo_coef_cirrus=.5               ! [-] deposition coefficient for growth of ice crystals in cirrus clouds
     158  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(depo_coef_cirrus)
    157160  REAL, SAVE, PROTECTED :: capa_cond_cirrus=.5               ! [-] capacitance factor for growth/sublimation of ice crystals in cirrus clouds
    392395    CALL getin_p('ok_weibull_warm_clouds',ok_weibull_warm_clouds)
    393396    CALL getin_p('iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf',iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf)
     397    CALL getin_p('depo_coef_cirrus',depo_coef_cirrus)
    394398    CALL getin_p('capa_cond_cirrus',capa_cond_cirrus)
    395399    CALL getin_p('mu_subl_pdf_lscp',mu_subl_pdf_lscp)
    467471    WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, ok_weibull_warm_clouds:', ok_weibull_warm_clouds
    468472    WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf:', iflag_cloud_sublim_pdf
     473    WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, depo_coef_cirrus:', depo_coef_cirrus
    469474    WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, capa_cond_cirrus:', capa_cond_cirrus
    470475    WRITE(lunout,*) 'lscp_ini, mu_subl_pdf_lscp:', mu_subl_pdf_lscp
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