Changeset 5100 for LMDZ6/branches

Jul 23, 2024, 7:00:20 AM (8 weeks ago)

Remove CPP_1D key. It was used once in a single file to wrap a whole internal module -> can't even compile if key is enabled.
(lint) Set NF90_* to lowercase

28 edited
1 moved


  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3d/dynetat0.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    88  USE infotrac,    ONLY: nqtot, tracers, niso, iqIsoPha, iH2O, isoName
    99  USE strings_mod, ONLY: maxlen, msg, strStack, real2str, int2str
    10   USE netcdf,      ONLY: NF90_OPEN,  NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_INQ_VARID, &
    11                          NF90_CLOSE, nf90_get_var, nf90_noerr
     10  USE netcdf,      ONLY: nf90_open,  nf90_nowrite, NF90_INQ_VARID, &
     11                         nf90_close, nf90_get_var, nf90_noerr
    1212  USE readTracFiles_mod, ONLY: new2oldH2O, newHNO3, oldHNO3, getKey
    1313  USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type
    5050!--- Initial state file opening
    5151  var=fichnom
    52   CALL err(NF90_OPEN(var,NF90_NOWRITE,fID),"open",var)
     52  CALL err(nf90_open(var,nf90_nowrite,fID),"open",var)
    5353  CALL get_var1("controle",tab_cntrl)
    188188  END DO
    190   CALL err(NF90_CLOSE(fID),"close",fichnom)
     190  CALL err(nf90_close(fID),"close",fichnom)
    191191  day_ini=day_ini+INT(time)
    192192  time=time-INT(time)
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3d/dynredem.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    99  USE strings_mod, ONLY: maxlen
    1010  USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers
    11   USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_CREATE, NF90_DEF_DIM, NF90_INQ_VARID, NF90_GLOBAL,    &
    12                     NF90_CLOSE,  NF90_PUT_ATT, NF90_UNLIMITED, NF90_CLOBBER,   &
    13                     NF90_64BIT_OFFSET
     11  USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_create, nf90_def_dim, NF90_INQ_VARID, nf90_global,    &
     12                    nf90_close,  nf90_put_att, nf90_unlimited, nf90_clobber,   &
     13                    nf90_64bit_offset
    1414  USE dynredem_mod, ONLY: cre_var, put_var1, put_var2, err, modname, fil
    1515  USE comvert_mod,  ONLY: ap, bp, presnivs, pa, preff, nivsig, nivsigs
    106106!--- File creation
    107   CALL err(NF90_CREATE(fichnom,IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_64BIT_OFFSET),nid))
     107  CALL err(nf90_create(fichnom,IOR(nf90_clobber,nf90_64bit_offset),nid))
    109109!--- Some global attributes
    110   CALL err(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,NF90_GLOBAL,"title","Fichier demarrage dynamique"))
     110  CALL err(nf90_put_att(nid,nf90_global,"title","Fichier demarrage dynamique"))
    112112!--- Dimensions
    113   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"index", length, indexID))
    114   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"rlonu", iip1,   rlonuID))
    115   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"rlatu", jjp1,   rlatuID))
    116   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"rlonv", iip1,   rlonvID))
    117   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"rlatv", jjm,    rlatvID))
    118   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"sigs",  llm,        sID))
    119   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"sig",   llmp1,    sigID))
    120   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"temps", NF90_UNLIMITED, timID))
     113  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"index", length, indexID))
     114  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"rlonu", iip1,   rlonuID))
     115  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"rlatu", jjp1,   rlatuID))
     116  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"rlonv", iip1,   rlonvID))
     117  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"rlatv", jjm,    rlatvID))
     118  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"sigs",  llm,        sID))
     119  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"sig",   llmp1,    sigID))
     120  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"temps", nf90_unlimited, timID))
    122122!--- Define and save invariant fields
    149149  CALL cre_var(nid,"masse","Masse d air"    ,[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID])
    150150  CALL cre_var(nid,"ps"   ,"Pression au sol",[rlonvID,rlatuID    ,timID])
    151   CALL err(NF90_CLOSE (nid))
     151  CALL err(nf90_close (nid))
    153153  WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//': iim,jjm,llm,iday_end',iim,jjm,llm,iday_end
    169169  USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers, type_trac
    170170  USE control_mod
    171   USE netcdf,   ONLY: NF90_OPEN,  NF90_NOWRITE, nf90_get_var, NF90_INQ_VARID,  &
    172                       NF90_CLOSE, NF90_WRITE,   NF90_PUT_VAR, nf90_noerr
     171  USE netcdf,   ONLY: nf90_open,  nf90_nowrite, nf90_get_var, NF90_INQ_VARID,  &
     172                      nf90_close, NF90_WRITE,   nf90_put_var, nf90_noerr
    173173  USE dynredem_mod, ONLY: dynredem_write_u, dynredem_write_v, dynredem_read_u, &
    174174                          err, modname, fil, msg
    203203  modname='dynredem1'; fil=fichnom
    204   CALL err(NF90_OPEN(fil,NF90_WRITE,nid),"open",fil)
     204  CALL err(nf90_open(fil,NF90_WRITE,nid),"open",fil)
    206206!--- Write/extend time coordinate
    208208  var="temps"
    209209  CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(nid,var,vID),"inq",var)
    210   CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,vID,[time]),"put",var)
     210  CALL err(nf90_put_var(nid,vID,[time]),"put",var)
    211211  WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//": Saving for ", nb, time
    217217  tab_cntrl(31)=DBLE(itau_dyn + itaufin)
    218218  CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(nid,var,vID),"inq",var)
    219   CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,vID,tab_cntrl),"put",var)
     219  CALL err(nf90_put_var(nid,vID,tab_cntrl),"put",var)
    221221!--- Save fields
    229229  lread_inca=.FALSE.; fil=""
    230230  IF(ANY(type_trac == ['inca','inco'])) INQUIRE(FILE=fil,EXIST=lread_inca)
    231   IF(lread_inca) CALL err(NF90_OPEN(fil,NF90_NOWRITE,nid_trac),"open")
     231  IF(lread_inca) CALL err(nf90_open(fil,nf90_nowrite,nid_trac),"open")
    233233!--- Save tracers
    245245    CALL dynredem_write_u(nid,var,q(:,:,:,iq),llm)
    246246  END DO
    247   CALL err(NF90_CLOSE(nid),"close")
     247  CALL err(nf90_close(nid),"close")
    248248  fil=""
    249   IF(lread_inca) CALL err(NF90_CLOSE(nid_trac),"close")
     249  IF(lread_inca) CALL err(nf90_close(nid_trac),"close")
    251251END SUBROUTINE dynredem1
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3d/dynredem_mod.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    3232  start(:)=[1,1,1,1]; count(:)=[iip1,jjp1,ll,1]
    3333  CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,id,nvarid),"inq",id)
    34   CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,nvarid,var,start,count),"put",id)
     34  CALL err(nf90_put_var(ncid,nvarid,var,start,count),"put",id)
    3636END SUBROUTINE dynredem_write_u
    5555  start(:)=[1,1,1,1]; count(:)=[iip1,jjm,ll,1]
    5656  CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,id,nvarid),"inq",id)
    57   CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,nvarid,var,start,count),"put",id)
     57  CALL err(nf90_put_var(ncid,nvarid,var,start,count),"put",id)
    5959END SUBROUTINE dynredem_write_v
    9696  CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: units
    98   CALL err(NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,var,nf90_format,did,nvarid),"inq",var)
    99   IF(title/="")      CALL err(NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,nvarid,"title",title),var)
    100   IF(PRESENT(units)) CALL err(NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,nvarid,"units",units),var)
     98  CALL err(nf90_def_var(ncid,var,nf90_format,did,nvarid),"inq",var)
     99  IF(title/="")      CALL err(nf90_put_att(ncid,nvarid,"title",title),var)
     100  IF(PRESENT(units)) CALL err(nf90_put_att(ncid,nvarid,"units",units),var)
    102102END SUBROUTINE cre_var
    119119  IF(     PRESENT(units)) CALL cre_var(ncid,var,title,did,units)
    120120  IF(.NOT.PRESENT(units)) CALL cre_var(ncid,var,title,did)
    121   CALL err(NF90_ENDDEF(ncid))
    122   CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,nvarid,v),"put",var)
     121  CALL err(nf90_enddef(ncid))
     122  CALL err(nf90_put_var(ncid,nvarid,v),"put",var)
    123123  CALL err(NF90_REDEF(ncid))
    142142  IF(     PRESENT(units)) CALL cre_var(ncid,var,title,did,units)
    143143  IF(.NOT.PRESENT(units)) CALL cre_var(ncid,var,title,did)
    144   CALL err(NF90_ENDDEF(ncid))
    145   CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,nvarid,v),"put",var)
     144  CALL err(nf90_enddef(ncid))
     145  CALL err(nf90_put_var(ncid,nvarid,v),"put",var)
    146146  CALL err(NF90_REDEF(ncid))
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3d/guide_mod.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    175175    if (guide_plevs==1) then
    176176       if (ncidpl==-99) then
    177           rcod=nf90_open('',Nf90_NOWRITe, ncidpl)
     177          rcod=nf90_open('',nf90_nowrite, ncidpl)
    178178          if (rcod/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    179179             abort_message=' Nudging error -> no file'
    183183    elseif (guide_plevs==2) then
    184184       if (ncidpl==-99) then
    185           rcod=nf90_open('',Nf90_NOWRITe,ncidpl)
     185          rcod=nf90_open('',nf90_nowrite,ncidpl)
    186186          if (rcod/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    187187             abort_message=' Nudging error -> no file'
    192192    elseif (guide_u) then
    193193           if (ncidpl==-99) then
    194                rcod=nf90_open('',Nf90_NOWRITe,ncidpl)
     194               rcod=nf90_open('',nf90_nowrite,ncidpl)
    195195               if (rcod/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    196196                  CALL abort_gcm(modname, &
    16911691! Creation des variables dimensions
    1692         ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"LONU",NF90_FLOAT,id_lonu,vid_lonu)
    1693         ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"LONV",NF90_FLOAT,id_lonv,vid_lonv)
    1694         ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"LATU",NF90_FLOAT,id_latu,vid_latu)
    1695         ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"LATV",NF90_FLOAT,id_latv,vid_latv)
    1696         ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"LEVEL",NF90_FLOAT,id_lev,vid_lev)
    1697         ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"cu",NF90_FLOAT,(/id_lonu,id_latu/),vid_cu)
    1698         ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"cv",NF90_FLOAT,(/id_lonv,id_latv/),vid_cv)
    1699         ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"au",NF90_FLOAT,(/id_lonu,id_latu/),vid_au)
    1700         ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"av",NF90_FLOAT,(/id_lonv,id_latv/),vid_av)
     1692        ierr=nf90_def_var(nid,"LONU",nf90_float,id_lonu,vid_lonu)
     1693        ierr=nf90_def_var(nid,"LONV",nf90_float,id_lonv,vid_lonv)
     1694        ierr=nf90_def_var(nid,"LATU",nf90_float,id_latu,vid_latu)
     1695        ierr=nf90_def_var(nid,"LATV",nf90_float,id_latv,vid_latv)
     1696        ierr=nf90_def_var(nid,"LEVEL",nf90_float,id_lev,vid_lev)
     1697        ierr=nf90_def_var(nid,"cu",nf90_float,(/id_lonu,id_latu/),vid_cu)
     1698        ierr=nf90_def_var(nid,"cv",nf90_float,(/id_lonv,id_latv/),vid_cv)
     1699        ierr=nf90_def_var(nid,"au",nf90_float,(/id_lonu,id_latu/),vid_au)
     1700        ierr=nf90_def_var(nid,"av",nf90_float,(/id_lonv,id_latv/),vid_av)
    17011701        call nf95_def_var(nid, "alpha_T", nf90_float, (/id_lonv, id_latu/), &
    17021702             varid_alpha_t)
    17241724! Pressure (GCM)
    17251725        dim4=(/id_lonv,id_latu,id_lev,id_tim/)
    1726         ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"SP",NF90_FLOAT,dim4,varid)
     1726        ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"SP",nf90_float,dim4,varid)
    17271727! Surface pressure (guidage)
    17281728        IF (guide_P) THEN
    17291729            dim3=(/id_lonv,id_latu,id_tim/)
    1730             ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"ps",NF90_FLOAT,dim3,varid)
     1730            ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"ps",nf90_float,dim3,varid)
    17311731        ENDIF
    17321732! Zonal wind
    17331733        IF (guide_u) THEN
    17341734            dim4=(/id_lonu,id_latu,id_lev,id_tim/)
    1735             ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"u",NF90_FLOAT,dim4,varid)
    1736             ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"ua",NF90_FLOAT,dim4,varid)
    1737             ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"ucov",NF90_FLOAT,dim4,varid)
     1735            ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"u",nf90_float,dim4,varid)
     1736            ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"ua",nf90_float,dim4,varid)
     1737            ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"ucov",nf90_float,dim4,varid)
    17381738        ENDIF
    17391739! Merid. wind
    17401740        IF (guide_v) THEN
    17411741            dim4=(/id_lonv,id_latv,id_lev,id_tim/)
    1742             ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"v",NF90_FLOAT,dim4,varid)
    1743             ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"va",NF90_FLOAT,dim4,varid)
    1744             ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"vcov",NF90_FLOAT,dim4,varid)
     1742            ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"v",nf90_float,dim4,varid)
     1743            ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"va",nf90_float,dim4,varid)
     1744            ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"vcov",nf90_float,dim4,varid)
    17451745        ENDIF
    17461746! Pot. Temperature
    17471747        IF (guide_T) THEN
    17481748            dim4=(/id_lonv,id_latu,id_lev,id_tim/)
    1749             ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"teta",NF90_FLOAT,dim4,varid)
     1749            ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"teta",nf90_float,dim4,varid)
    17501750        ENDIF
    17511751! Specific Humidity
    17521752        IF (guide_Q) THEN
    17531753            dim4=(/id_lonv,id_latu,id_lev,id_tim/)
    1754             ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"q",NF90_FLOAT,dim4,varid)
     1754            ierr = nf90_def_var(nid,"q",nf90_float,dim4,varid)
    17551755        ENDIF
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3d/iniacademic.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    2222  USE ener_mod, ONLY: etot0,ptot0,ztot0,stot0,ang0
    2323  USE readTracFiles_mod, ONLY: addPhase
    24   use netcdf, only : NF90_NOWRITE,NF90_OPEN,nf90_noerr,NF90_INQ_VARID,NF90_CLOSE,nf90_get_var
     24  use netcdf, only : nf90_nowrite,nf90_open,nf90_noerr,NF90_INQ_VARID,nf90_close,nf90_get_var
    2626  !   Author:    Frederic Hourdin      original: 15/01/93
    141141     relief=0.
    142      ierr = NF90_OPEN ('', NF90_NOWRITE,nid_relief)
     142     ierr = nf90_open ('', nf90_nowrite,nid_relief)
    143143     if (ierr==nf90_noerr) THEN
    144144         ierr=NF90_INQ_VARID(nid_relief,'RELIEF',varid)
    150150         endif
    151151     endif
    152      ierr = NF90_CLOSE (nid_relief)
     152     ierr = nf90_close (nid_relief)
    154154     !------------------------------------------------------------------
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3d_common/grilles_gcm_netcdf_sub.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    122122  !-------------------------
    123123  !   Longitudes on "u" dynamical grid
    124   status=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid_out,'lonu',NF90_FLOAT,out_lonudim, out_lonuid)
     124  status=nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'lonu',nf90_float,out_lonudim, out_lonuid)
    125125  CALL handle_err(status)
    126126  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_lonuid,'units','degrees_east')
    127127  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_lonuid,'long_name','Longitude on u grid')
    128128  !   Longitudes on "v" dynamical grid
    129   status=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid_out,'lonv',NF90_FLOAT,out_lonvdim, out_lonvid)
     129  status=nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'lonv',nf90_float,out_lonvdim, out_lonvid)
    130130  CALL handle_err(status)
    131131  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_lonvid,'units','degrees_east')
    132132  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_lonvid,'long_name','Longitude on v grid')
    133133  !   Latitudes on "u" dynamical grid
    134   status=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid_out,'latu',NF90_FLOAT,out_latudim, out_latuid)
     134  status=nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'latu',nf90_float,out_latudim, out_latuid)
    135135  CALL handle_err(status)
    136136  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_latuid,'units','degrees_north')
    137137  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_latuid,'long_name','Latitude on u grid')
    138138  !  Latitudes on "v" dynamical grid
    139   status=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid_out,'latv',NF90_FLOAT,out_latvdim, out_latvid)
     139  status=nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'latv',nf90_float,out_latvdim, out_latvid)
    140140  CALL handle_err(status)
    141141  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_latvid,'units','degrees_north')
    144144  out_dim(1)=out_lonudim
    145145  out_dim(2)=out_latudim
    146   status=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid_out,'grille_u',NF90_FLOAT,out_dim, out_uid)
     146  status=nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'grille_u',nf90_float,out_dim, out_uid)
    147147  CALL handle_err(status)
    148148  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_uid,'units','m/s')
    151151  out_dim(1)=out_lonvdim
    152152  out_dim(2)=out_latvdim
    153   status=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid_out,'grille_v',NF90_FLOAT,out_dim, out_vid)
     153  status=nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'grille_v',nf90_float,out_dim, out_vid)
    154154  CALL handle_err(status)
    155155  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_vid,'units','m/s')
    158158  out_dim(1)=out_lonvdim
    159159  out_dim(2)=out_latudim
    160   status=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid_out,'grille_s',NF90_FLOAT,out_dim, out_tempid)
     160  status=nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'grille_s',nf90_float,out_dim, out_tempid)
    161161  CALL handle_err(status)
    162162  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,out_tempid,'units','Kelvin')
    165165  ! for INCA :
    166166  ! vertical levels "presnivs"
    167   status=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid_out,'presnivs',NF90_FLOAT,out_levdim, presnivs_id)
     167  status=nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'presnivs',nf90_float,out_levdim, presnivs_id)
    168168  CALL handle_err(status)
    169169  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,presnivs_id,'units','Pa')
    172172  out_dim(1)=out_lonvdim
    173173  out_dim(2)=out_latudim
    174   status = nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'phis',NF90_FLOAT,out_dim,phis_id)
     174  status = nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'phis',nf90_float,out_dim,phis_id)
    175175  CALL handle_err(status)
    176176  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,phis_id,'units','m')
    177177  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,phis_id,'long_name','surface geopotential height')
    178178  ! gridcell area
    179   status = nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'aire',NF90_FLOAT,out_dim,area_id)
     179  status = nf90_def_var(ncid_out,'aire',nf90_float,out_dim,area_id)
    180180  CALL handle_err(status)
    181181  status=nf90_put_att(ncid_out,area_id,'units','m2')
    193193  !-------------------------
    194194  ! 1D : lonu, lonv,latu,latv ; INCA : presnivs
    195   status=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid_out,out_lonuid,rlonudeg,[1],[iip1])
    196   CALL handle_err(status)
    197   status=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid_out,out_lonvid,rlonvdeg,[1],[iip1])
    198   CALL handle_err(status)
    199   status=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid_out,out_latuid,rlatudeg,[1],[jjp1])
    200   CALL handle_err(status)
    201   status=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid_out,out_latvid,rlatvdeg,[1],[jjm])
    202   CALL handle_err(status)
    203   status=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid_out,presnivs_id,rlev,[1],[llm])
     195  status=nf90_put_var(ncid_out,out_lonuid,rlonudeg,[1],[iip1])
     196  CALL handle_err(status)
     197  status=nf90_put_var(ncid_out,out_lonvid,rlonvdeg,[1],[iip1])
     198  CALL handle_err(status)
     199  status=nf90_put_var(ncid_out,out_latuid,rlatudeg,[1],[jjp1])
     200  CALL handle_err(status)
     201  status=nf90_put_var(ncid_out,out_latvid,rlatvdeg,[1],[jjm])
     202  CALL handle_err(status)
     203  status=nf90_put_var(ncid_out,presnivs_id,rlev,[1],[llm])
    204204  CALL handle_err(status)
    210210  COUNT(2)=jjp1  ! for "u" and "s" grids
    211   status=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid_out,out_uid,uwnd,start, count)
     211  status=nf90_put_var(ncid_out,out_uid,uwnd,start, count)
    212212  CALL handle_err(status)
    213213  COUNT(2)=jjm  ! for "v" grid
    214   status=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid_out,out_vid,vwnd,start, count)
     214  status=nf90_put_var(ncid_out,out_vid,vwnd,start, count)
    215215  CALL handle_err(status)
    216216  COUNT(2)=jjp1  ! as "s" grid, for all the following vars
    217   status=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid_out,out_tempid,temp,start, count)
     217  status=nf90_put_var(ncid_out,out_tempid,temp,start, count)
    218218  CALL handle_err(status)
    219219  status = nf90_put_var(ncid_out, phis_id, phis_loc,start,count)
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3dmem/dynetat0_loc.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    99  USE infotrac,    ONLY: nqtot, tracers, niso, iqIsoPha, iH2O, isoName
    1010  USE strings_mod, ONLY: maxlen, msg, strStack, real2str, int2str, strIdx
    11   USE netcdf,      ONLY: NF90_OPEN,  NF90_NOWRITE, nf90_inquire_dimension, NF90_INQ_VARID, &
    12                          NF90_CLOSE, nf90_get_var, NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE,  nf90_noerr
     11  USE netcdf,      ONLY: nf90_open,  nf90_nowrite, nf90_inquire_dimension, NF90_INQ_VARID, &
     12                         nf90_close, nf90_get_var, NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE,  nf90_noerr
    1313  USE readTracFiles_mod, ONLY: new2oldH2O, newHNO3, oldHNO3, getKey
    1414  USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type
    5555!--- Initial state file opening
    5656  var=fichnom
    57   CALL err(NF90_OPEN(var,NF90_NOWRITE,fID),"open",var)
     57  CALL err(nf90_open(var,nf90_nowrite,fID),"open",var)
    5858  CALL get_var1("controle",tab_cntrl)
    215215  END DO
    216216  DEALLOCATE(q_glo)
    217   CALL err(NF90_CLOSE(fID),"close",fichnom)
     217  CALL err(nf90_close(fID),"close",fichnom)
    218218  day_ini=day_ini+INT(time)
    219219  time=time-INT(time)
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3dmem/dynredem_loc.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    1111  USE strings_mod, ONLY: maxlen
    1212  USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers
    13   USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_CREATE, NF90_DEF_DIM, NF90_INQ_VARID, NF90_GLOBAL,    &
    14                     NF90_CLOSE,  NF90_PUT_ATT, NF90_UNLIMITED, NF90_CLOBBER,   &
    15                     NF90_64BIT_OFFSET
     13  USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_create, nf90_def_dim, NF90_INQ_VARID, nf90_global,    &
     14                    nf90_close,  nf90_put_att, nf90_unlimited, nf90_clobber,   &
     15                    nf90_64bit_offset
    1616  USE dynredem_mod, ONLY: cre_var, put_var, err, modname, fil
    1717  USE comvert_mod,  ONLY: ap, bp, presnivs, pa, preff, nivsig, nivsigs,&
    113113!--- File creation
    114   CALL err(NF90_CREATE(fichnom,IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_64BIT_OFFSET),nid))
     114  CALL err(nf90_create(fichnom,IOR(nf90_clobber,nf90_64bit_offset),nid))
    116116!--- Some global attributes
    117   CALL err(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,NF90_GLOBAL,"title","Fichier demarrage dynamique"))
     117  CALL err(nf90_put_att(nid,nf90_global,"title","Fichier demarrage dynamique"))
    119119!--- Dimensions
    120   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"index", length, indexID))
    121   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"rlonu", iip1,   rlonuID))
    122   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"rlatu", jjp1,   rlatuID))
    123   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"rlonv", iip1,   rlonvID))
    124   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"rlatv", jjm,    rlatvID))
    125   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"sigs",  llm,        sID))
    126   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"sig",   llmp1,    sigID))
    127   CALL err(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"temps", NF90_UNLIMITED, timID))
     120  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"index", length, indexID))
     121  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"rlonu", iip1,   rlonuID))
     122  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"rlatu", jjp1,   rlatuID))
     123  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"rlonv", iip1,   rlonvID))
     124  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"rlatv", jjm,    rlatvID))
     125  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"sigs",  llm,        sID))
     126  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"sig",   llmp1,    sigID))
     127  CALL err(nf90_def_dim(nid,"temps", nf90_unlimited, timID))
    129129!--- Define and save invariant fields
    156156  CALL cre_var(nid,"masse","Masse d air"    ,[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID])
    157157  CALL cre_var(nid,"ps"   ,"Pression au sol",[rlonvID,rlatuID    ,timID])
    158   CALL err(NF90_CLOSE (nid))
     158  CALL err(nf90_close (nid))
    160160  WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//': iim,jjm,llm,iday_end',iim,jjm,llm,iday_end
    178178  USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers, type_trac
    179179  USE control_mod
    180   USE netcdf,   ONLY: NF90_OPEN,  NF90_NOWRITE, nf90_get_var, NF90_INQ_VARID,  &
    181                       NF90_CLOSE, NF90_WRITE,   NF90_PUT_VAR, nf90_noerr
     180  USE netcdf,   ONLY: nf90_open,  nf90_nowrite, nf90_get_var, NF90_INQ_VARID,  &
     181                      nf90_close, NF90_WRITE,   nf90_put_var, nf90_noerr
    182182  USE dynredem_mod, ONLY: dynredem_write_u, dynredem_write_v, dynredem_read_u, &
    183183                          err, modname, fil, msg
    213213  IF(mpi_rank==0) THEN !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    214214  modname='dynredem1_loc'; fil=fichnom
    215   CALL err(NF90_OPEN(fil,NF90_WRITE,nid),"open",fil)
     215  CALL err(nf90_open(fil,NF90_WRITE,nid),"open",fil)
    217217!--- Write/extend time coordinate
    219219  var="temps"
    220220  CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(nid,var,vID),"inq",var)
    221   CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,vID,[time]),"put",var)
     221  CALL err(nf90_put_var(nid,vID,[time]),"put",var)
    222222  WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//": Saving for ", nb, time
    228228  tab_cntrl(31)=DBLE(itau_dyn + itaufin)
    229229  CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(nid,var,vID),"inq",var)
    230   CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,vID,tab_cntrl),"put",var)
     230  CALL err(nf90_put_var(nid,vID,tab_cntrl),"put",var)
    231231  END IF               !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    232232!$OMP END MASTER
    244244  fil=""
    245245  IF(ANY(type_trac == ['inca','inco'])) INQUIRE(FILE=fil,EXIST=lread_inca)
    246   IF(lread_inca) CALL err(NF90_OPEN(fil,NF90_NOWRITE,nid_trac),"open")
     246  IF(lread_inca) CALL err(nf90_open(fil,nf90_nowrite,nid_trac),"open")
    247247!$OMP END MASTER
    248248!$OMP BARRIER
    266266!$OMP MASTER
    267267  IF(mpi_rank==0) THEN !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    268   CALL err(NF90_CLOSE(nid),"close")
     268  CALL err(nf90_close(nid),"close")
    269269  fil=""
    270   IF(lread_inca) CALL err(NF90_CLOSE(nid_trac),"close")
     270  IF(lread_inca) CALL err(nf90_close(nid_trac),"close")
    271271  END IF               !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    272272!$OMP END MASTER
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3dmem/dynredem_mod.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    5252    !$OMP MASTER
    5353      start(3)=l
    54       CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,nvarid,var_glo,start,count),"put",id)
     54      CALL err(nf90_put_var(ncid,nvarid,var_glo,start,count),"put",id)
    5555    !$OMP END MASTER
    5656    END IF
    102102    !$OMP MASTER
    103103      start(3)=l
    104       CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,nvarid,var_glo,start,count),"put",id)
     104      CALL err(nf90_put_var(ncid,nvarid,var_glo,start,count),"put",id)
    105105    !$OMP END MASTER
    106106    END IF
    182182  CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: units
    184   CALL err(NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,var,nf90_format,did,nvarid),"inq",var)
    185   IF(title/="")      CALL err(NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,nvarid,"title",title),var)
    186   IF(PRESENT(units)) CALL err(NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,nvarid,"units",units),var)
     184  CALL err(nf90_def_var(ncid,var,nf90_format,did,nvarid),"inq",var)
     185  IF(title/="")      CALL err(nf90_put_att(ncid,nvarid,"title",title),var)
     186  IF(PRESENT(units)) CALL err(nf90_put_att(ncid,nvarid,"units",units),var)
    188188END SUBROUTINE cre_var
    208208  IF(     PRESENT(units)) CALL cre_var(ncid,var,title,did,units)
    209209  IF(.NOT.PRESENT(units)) CALL cre_var(ncid,var,title,did)
    210   CALL err(NF90_ENDDEF(ncid))
     210  CALL err(nf90_enddef(ncid))
    211211  nd=SIZE(did)
    212212  DO k=1,nd; CALL err(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid,did(k),len=nn(k))); END DO
    213   IF(nd==1) CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,nvarid,RESHAPE(v,nn(1:1))),var)
    214   IF(nd==2) CALL err(NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,nvarid,RESHAPE(v,nn(1:2))),var)
     213  IF(nd==1) CALL err(nf90_put_var(ncid,nvarid,RESHAPE(v,nn(1:1))),var)
     214  IF(nd==2) CALL err(nf90_put_var(ncid,nvarid,RESHAPE(v,nn(1:2))),var)
    215215  CALL err(NF90_REDEF(ncid))
    216216END SUBROUTINE put_var
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3dmem/guide_loc_mod.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    175175    if (guide_plevs==1) then
    176176       if (ncidpl==-99) then
    177           rcod=nf90_open('',Nf90_NOWRITe, ncidpl)
     177          rcod=nf90_open('',nf90_nowrite, ncidpl)
    178178          if (rcod/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    179179             abort_message=' Nudging error -> no file'
    183183    elseif (guide_plevs==2) then
    184184       if (ncidpl==-99) then
    185           rcod=nf90_open('',Nf90_NOWRITe,ncidpl)
     185          rcod=nf90_open('',nf90_nowrite,ncidpl)
    186186          if (rcod/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    187187             abort_message=' Nudging error -> no file'
    192192    elseif (guide_u) then
    193193       if (ncidpl==-99) then
    194           rcod=nf90_open('',Nf90_NOWRITe,ncidpl)
     194          rcod=nf90_open('',nf90_nowrite,ncidpl)
    195195          if (rcod/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    196196             abort_message=' Nudging error -> no file'
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3dmem/iniacademic_loc.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    2323  USE ener_mod, ONLY: etot0,ptot0,ztot0,stot0,ang0
    2424  USE readTracFiles_mod, ONLY: addPhase
    25   use netcdf, only : NF90_NOWRITE,NF90_OPEN,nf90_noerr,NF90_INQ_VARID,NF90_CLOSE, nf90_get_var
     25  use netcdf, only : nf90_nowrite,nf90_open,nf90_noerr,NF90_INQ_VARID,nf90_close, nf90_get_var
    2727  !   Author:    Frederic Hourdin      original: 15/01/93
    153153     relief=0.
    154      ierr = NF90_OPEN ('', NF90_NOWRITE,nid_relief)
     154     ierr = nf90_open ('', nf90_nowrite,nid_relief)
    155155     if (ierr==nf90_noerr) THEN
    156156         ierr=NF90_INQ_VARID(nid_relief,'RELIEF',varid)
    162162         endif
    163163     endif
    164      ierr = NF90_CLOSE (nid_relief)
     164     ierr = nf90_close (nid_relief)
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phylmd/ce0l.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    2121  USE etat0phys,      ONLY: etat0phys_netcdf
    2222  USE limit,          ONLY: limit_netcdf
    23   USE netcdf,         ONLY: NF90_OPEN, NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_CLOSE, nf90_noerr,    &
     23  USE netcdf,         ONLY: nf90_open, nf90_nowrite, nf90_close, nf90_noerr,    &
    2424         nf90_inquire_dimension, nf90_inq_dimid, NF90_INQ_VARID, nf90_get_var
    2525  USE infotrac,       ONLY: init_infotrac
    154154! weights to ensure ocean fractions are the same for atmosphere and ocean.
    156   IF(NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, nid_o2a)==nf90_noerr) THEN
    157     iret=NF90_CLOSE(nid_o2a)
     156  IF(nf90_open("", nf90_nowrite, nid_o2a)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     157    iret=nf90_close(nid_o2a)
    158158    WRITE(lunout,*)'BEWARE !! Ocean mask "" file found'
    159159    WRITE(lunout,*)'Coupled run.'
    188188    masque(iip1 ,:)=masque(1,:)
    189189    DEALLOCATE(ocemask)
    190   ELSE IF(NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, nid_sta)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     190  ELSE IF(nf90_open("", nf90_nowrite, nid_sta)==nf90_noerr) THEN
    191191    WRITE(lunout,*)'BEWARE !! File "" found.'
    192192    WRITE(lunout,*)'Getting the land mask from a previous run.'
    196196      WRITE(lunout,*)'Mismatching dimensions for land mask'
    197197      WRITE(lunout,*)'nphys  = ',nphys ,' klon = ',klon
    198       iret=NF90_CLOSE(nid_sta)
     198      iret=nf90_close(nid_sta)
    199199      CALL abort_gcm(modname,'',1)
    200200    END IF
    202202    iret=NF90_INQ_VARID(nid_sta,'masque',nid_msk)
    203203    iret=nf90_get_var(nid_sta,nid_msk,masktmp)
    204     iret=NF90_CLOSE(nid_sta)
     204    iret=nf90_close(nid_sta)
    205205    CALL gr_fi_dyn(1,klon,iip1,jjp1,masktmp,masque)
    206206    IF(prt_level>=1) THEN
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phylmd/limit_netcdf.f90

    r5099 r5100  
    11MODULE limit
     3  !*******************************************************************************
     4  ! Author : L. Fairhead, 27/01/94
     5  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     6  ! Purpose: Boundary conditions files building for new model using climatologies.
     7  !          Both grids have to be regular.
     8  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     9  ! Note: This routine is designed to work for Earth
     10  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     11  ! Modification history:
     12  !  * 23/03/1994: Z. X. Li
     13  !  *    09/1999: L. Fairhead (netcdf reading in LMDZ.3.3)
     14  !  *    07/2001: P. Le Van
     15  !  *    11/2009: L. Guez     (ozone day & night climatos, see etat0_netcdf.F90)
     16  !  *    12/2009: D. Cugnet   (f77->f90, calendars, files from coupled runs)
     17  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     19  USE ioipsl, ONLY : flininfo, flinopen, flinget, flinclo
     20  USE assert_eq_m, ONLY : assert_eq
     21  USE cal_tools_m, ONLY : year_len, mid_month
     22  USE conf_dat_m, ONLY : conf_dat2d, conf_dat3d
     23  USE dimphy, ONLY : klon, zmasq
     24  USE geometry_mod, ONLY : longitude_deg, latitude_deg
     25  USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY : pctsrf
     26  USE control_mod, ONLY : anneeref
     27  USE init_ssrf_m, ONLY : start_init_subsurf
     29  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ns = 256
     30  CHARACTER(LEN = ns), PARAMETER :: &
     31          fsst(5) = ['   ', '     ', '      '&
     32                  , '      ', '             '], &
     33          fsic(5) = ['   ', '     ', '      '&
     34                  , '      ', '               '], &
     35          vsst(5) = ['tosbcs    ', 'tos       ', 'SISUTESW  ', 'tsol_oce  ', 'sstk      '], &
     36          vsic(5) = ['sicbcs    ', 'sic       ', 'SIICECOV  ', 'pourc_sic ', 'ci        '], &
     37          frugo = '  ', falbe = ' ', frelf = ' ', &
     38          vrug = 'RUGOS     ', valb = 'ALBEDO    ', vrel = 'RELIEF    ', &
     39          DegK(11) = ['degK          ', 'degree_K      ', 'degreeK       ', 'deg_K         '&
     40                  , 'degsK         ', 'degrees_K     ', 'degreesK      ', 'degs_K        '&
     41                  , 'degree_kelvin ', 'degrees_kelvin', 'K             '], &
     42          DegC(10) = ['degC          ', 'degree_C      ', 'degreeC       ', 'deg_C         '&
     43                  , 'degsC         ', 'degrees_C     ', 'degreesC      ', 'degs_C        '&
     44                  , 'degree_Celsius', 'celsius       '], &
     45          Perc(2) = ['%             ', 'percent       '], &
     46          Frac(2) = ['1.0           ', '1             ']
     50  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     52  SUBROUTINE limit_netcdf(masque, phis, extrap)
     54    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     55    ! Author : L. Fairhead, 27/01/94
     56    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     57    ! Purpose: Boundary conditions files building for new model using climatologies.
     58    !          Both grids have to be regular.
     59    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     60    ! Note: This routine is designed to work for Earth
     61    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     62    ! Modification history:
     63    !  * 23/03/1994: Z. X. Li
     64    !  *    09/1999: L. Fairhead (netcdf reading in LMDZ.3.3)
     65    !  *    07/2001: P. Le Van
     66    !  *    11/2009: L. Guez     (ozone day & night climatos, see etat0_netcdf.F90)
     67    !  *    12/2009: D. Cugnet   (f77->f90, calendars, files from coupled runs)
     68    !  *    04/2016: D. Cugnet   (12/14 recs SST/SIC files: cyclic/interannual runs)
     69    !  *    05/2017: D. Cugnet   (linear time interpolation for BCS files)
     70    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     71    USE indice_sol_mod
     72    USE netcdf, ONLY : nf90_open, nf90_create, nf90_close, &
     73            nf90_def_dim, nf90_def_var, nf90_put_var, nf90_put_att, &
     74            nf90_noerr, nf90_nowrite, nf90_global, &
     75            nf90_clobber, nf90_enddef, nf90_unlimited, nf90_float, &
     76            nf90_64bit_offset
     77    USE lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper, ONLY : nf90_format
     78    USE inter_barxy_m, ONLY : inter_barxy
     79    USE netcdf95, ONLY : nf95_def_var, nf95_put_att, nf95_put_var
     80    USE comconst_mod, ONLY : pi
     81    USE phys_cal_mod, ONLY : calend
     82    IMPLICIT NONE
     83    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     84    ! Arguments:
     85    include "iniprint.h"
     86    include "dimensions.h"
     87    include "paramet.h"
     88    REAL, DIMENSION(iip1, jjp1), INTENT(INOUT) :: masque ! land mask
     89    REAL, DIMENSION(iip1, jjp1), INTENT(INOUT) :: phis   ! ground geopotential
     90    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: extrap ! SST extrapolation flag
     91    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     92    ! Local variables:
     93    include "comgeom2.h"
     95    !--- INPUT NETCDF FILES AND VARIABLES NAMES ------------------------------------
     96    CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: icefile, sstfile, fnam, varname
     98    !--- OUTPUT VARIABLES FOR NETCDF FILE ------------------------------------------
     99    REAL :: fi_ice(klon)
     100    REAL, POINTER :: phy_rug(:, :) => NULL(), phy_ice(:, :) => NULL()
     101    REAL, POINTER :: phy_sst(:, :) => NULL(), phy_alb(:, :) => NULL()
     102    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: phy_bil(:, :), pctsrf_t(:, :, :)
     103    INTEGER :: nbad
     105    !--- VARIABLES FOR OUTPUT FILE WRITING -----------------------------------------
     106    INTEGER :: nid, ndim, ntim, k, dims(2), ix_sic, ix_sst
     107    INTEGER :: id_tim, id_SST, id_BILS, id_RUG, id_ALB
     108    INTEGER :: id_FOCE, id_FSIC, id_FTER, id_FLIC, varid_longitude, varid_latitude
     109    INTEGER :: ndays                   !--- Depending on the output calendar
     110    CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: str
     112    !--- INITIALIZATIONS -----------------------------------------------------------
     113    CALL inigeom
     116    IF(ALL(masque==-99999.)) THEN
     117      CALL start_init_orog0(rlonv, rlatu, phis, masque)
     118      CALL gr_dyn_fi(1, iip1, jjp1, klon, masque, zmasq)          !--- To physical grid
     119      ALLOCATE(pctsrf(klon, nbsrf))
     120      CALL start_init_subsurf(.FALSE.)
     121      !--- TO MATCH EXACTLY WHAT WOULD BE DONE IN etat0phys_netcdf
     122      WHERE(masque(:, :)<EPSFRA) masque(:, :) = 0.
     123      WHERE(1. - masque(:, :)<EPSFRA) masque(:, :) = 1.
     124    END IF
     126    !--- Beware: anneeref (from gcm.def) is used to determine output time sampling
     127    ndays = year_len(anneeref)
     129    !--- RUGOSITY TREATMENT --------------------------------------------------------
     130    CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, " *** TRAITEMENT DE LA RUGOSITE ***")
     131    CALL get_2Dfield(frugo, vrug, 'RUG', ndays, phy_rug, mask = masque(1:iim, :))
     133    !--- OCEAN TREATMENT -----------------------------------------------------------
     134    CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, " *** TRAITEMENT DE LA GLACE OCEANIQUE ***")
     136    ! Input SIC file selection
     137    ! Open file only to test if available
     138    DO ix_sic = 1, SIZE(fsic)
     139      IF (nf90_open(TRIM(fsic(ix_sic)), nf90_nowrite, nid)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     140        icefile = fsic(ix_sic); varname = vsic(ix_sic); EXIT
     141      END IF
     142    END DO
     143    IF(ix_sic==SIZE(fsic) + 1) THEN
     144      WRITE(lunout, *) 'ERROR! No sea-ice input file was found.'
     145      WRITE(lunout, *) 'One of following files must be available : '
     146      DO k = 1, SIZE(fsic); WRITE(lunout, *) TRIM(fsic(k));
     147      END DO
     148      CALL abort_physic('limit_netcdf', 'No sea-ice file was found', 1)
     149    END IF
     150    CALL ncerr(nf90_close(nid), icefile)
     151    CALL msg(0, 'Fichier choisi pour la glace de mer:' // TRIM(icefile))
     153    CALL get_2Dfield(icefile, varname, 'SIC', ndays, phy_ice)
     155    ALLOCATE(pctsrf_t(klon, nbsrf, ndays))
     156    DO k = 1, ndays
     157      fi_ice = phy_ice(:, k)
     158      WHERE(fi_ice>=1.0) fi_ice = 1.0
     159      WHERE(fi_ice<EPSFRA) fi_ice = 0.0
     160      pctsrf_t(:, is_ter, k) = pctsrf(:, is_ter)       ! land soil
     161      pctsrf_t(:, is_lic, k) = pctsrf(:, is_lic)       ! land ice
     162      SELECT CASE(ix_sic)
     163      CASE(3)                                   ! SIC=pICE*(1-LIC-TER) (CPL)
     164        pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k) = fi_ice(:) * (1. - pctsrf(:, is_lic) - pctsrf(:, is_ter))
     165      CASE(4)                                   ! SIC=pICE            (HIST)
     166        pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k) = fi_ice(:)
     167      CASE DEFAULT                              ! SIC=pICE-LIC   (AMIP,ERAI)
     168        pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k) = fi_ice - pctsrf_t(:, is_lic, k)
     169      END SELECT
     170      WHERE(pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k)<=0) pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k) = 0.
     171      WHERE(1.0 - zmasq<EPSFRA)
     172        pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k) = 0.0
     173        pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, k) = 0.0
     174      ELSEWHERE
     175        WHERE(pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k)>=1.0 - zmasq)
     176          pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k) = 1.0 - zmasq
     177          pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, k) = 0.0
     178        ELSEWHERE
     179          pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, k) = 1.0 - zmasq - pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k)
     180          WHERE(pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, k)<EPSFRA)
     181            pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, k) = 0.0
     182            pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k) = 1.0 - zmasq
     183          END WHERE
     184        END WHERE
     185      END WHERE
     186      nbad = COUNT(pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, k)<0.0)
     187      IF(nbad>0) WRITE(lunout, *) 'pb sous maille pour nb points = ', nbad
     188      nbad = COUNT(ABS(SUM(pctsrf_t(:, :, k), DIM = 2) - 1.0)>EPSFRA)
     189      IF(nbad>0) WRITE(lunout, *) 'pb sous surface pour nb points = ', nbad
     190    END DO
     191    DEALLOCATE(phy_ice)
     193    !--- SST TREATMENT -------------------------------------------------------------
     194    CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, " *** TRAITEMENT DE LA SST ***")
     196    ! Input SST file selection
     197    ! Open file only to test if available
     198    DO ix_sst = 1, SIZE(fsst)
     199      IF (nf90_open(TRIM(fsst(ix_sst)), nf90_nowrite, nid)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     200        sstfile = fsst(ix_sst); varname = vsst(ix_sst); EXIT
     201      END IF
     202    END DO
     203    IF(ix_sst==SIZE(fsst) + 1) THEN
     204      WRITE(lunout, *) 'ERROR! No sst input file was found.'
     205      WRITE(lunout, *) 'One of following files must be available : '
     206      DO k = 1, SIZE(fsst); WRITE(lunout, *) TRIM(fsst(k));
     207      END DO
     208      CALL abort_physic('limit_netcdf', 'No sst file was found', 1)
     209    END IF
     210    CALL ncerr(nf90_close(nid), sstfile)
     211    CALL msg(0, 'Fichier choisi pour la temperature de mer: ' // TRIM(sstfile))
     213    CALL get_2Dfield(sstfile, varname, 'SST', ndays, phy_sst, flag = extrap)
     215    !--- ALBEDO TREATMENT ----------------------------------------------------------
     216    CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, " *** TRAITEMENT DE L'ALBEDO ***")
     217    CALL get_2Dfield(falbe, valb, 'ALB', ndays, phy_alb)
     219    !--- REFERENCE GROUND HEAT FLUX TREATMENT --------------------------------------
     220    ALLOCATE(phy_bil(klon, ndays)); phy_bil = 0.0
     222    !--- OUTPUT FILE WRITING -------------------------------------------------------
     223    CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, ' *** Ecriture du fichier limit : debut ***')
     224    fnam = ""
     226    !--- File creation
     227    CALL ncerr(nf90_create(fnam, IOR(nf90_clobber, nf90_64bit_offset), nid), fnam)
     228    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, nf90_global, "title", "Fichier conditions aux limites"), fnam)
     229    str = 'File produced using ce0l executable.'
     230    str = TRIM(str) // NEW_LINE(' ') // 'Sea Ice Concentration built from'
     231    SELECT CASE(ix_sic)
     232    CASE(1); str = TRIM(str) // ' Amip mid-month boundary condition (BCS).'
     233    CASE(2); str = TRIM(str) // ' Amip monthly mean observations.'
     234    CASE(3); str = TRIM(str) // ' IPSL coupled model outputs.'
     235    CASE(4); str = TRIM(str) // ' LMDZ model outputs.'
     236    CASE(5); str = TRIM(str) // ' file.'
     237    END SELECT
     238    str = TRIM(str) // NEW_LINE(' ') // 'Sea Surface Temperature built from'
     239    SELECT CASE(ix_sst)
     240    CASE(1); str = TRIM(str) // ' Amip mid-month boundary condition (BCS).'
     241    CASE(2); str = TRIM(str) // ' Amip monthly mean observations.'
     242    CASE(3); str = TRIM(str) // ' IPSL coupled model outputs.'
     243    CASE(4); str = TRIM(str) // ' LMDZ model outputs.'
     244    CASE(5); str = TRIM(str) // ' file.'
     245    END SELECT
     246    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, nf90_global, "history", TRIM(str)), fnam)
     248    !--- Dimensions creation
     249    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_dim(nid, "points_physiques", klon, ndim), fnam)
     250    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_dim(nid, "time", nf90_unlimited, ntim), fnam)
     252    dims = [ndim, ntim]
     254    !--- Variables creation
     255    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "TEMPS", nf90_format, [ntim], id_tim), fnam)
     256    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "FOCE", nf90_format, dims, id_FOCE), fnam)
     257    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "FSIC", nf90_format, dims, id_FSIC), fnam)
     258    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "FTER", nf90_format, dims, id_FTER), fnam)
     259    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "FLIC", nf90_format, dims, id_FLIC), fnam)
     260    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "SST", nf90_format, dims, id_SST), fnam)
     261    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "BILS", nf90_format, dims, id_BILS), fnam)
     262    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "ALB", nf90_format, dims, id_ALB), fnam)
     263    CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "RUG", nf90_format, dims, id_RUG), fnam)
     264    call nf95_def_var(nid, "longitude", nf90_float, ndim, varid_longitude)
     265    call nf95_def_var(nid, "latitude", nf90_float, ndim, varid_latitude)
     267    !--- Attributes creation
     268    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_tim, "title", "Jour dans l annee"), fnam)
     269    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_tim, "calendar", calend), fnam)
     270    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_FOCE, "title", "Fraction ocean"), fnam)
     271    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_FSIC, "title", "Fraction glace de mer"), fnam)
     272    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_FTER, "title", "Fraction terre"), fnam)
     273    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_FLIC, "title", "Fraction land ice"), fnam)
     274    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_SST, "title", "Temperature superficielle de la mer"), fnam)
     275    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_BILS, "title", "Reference flux de chaleur au sol"), fnam)
     276    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_ALB, "title", "Albedo a la surface"), fnam)
     277    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_RUG, "title", "Rugosite"), fnam)
     279    call nf95_put_att(nid, varid_longitude, "standard_name", "longitude")
     280    call nf95_put_att(nid, varid_longitude, "units", "degrees_east")
     282    call nf95_put_att(nid, varid_latitude, "standard_name", "latitude")
     283    call nf95_put_att(nid, varid_latitude, "units", "degrees_north")
     285    CALL ncerr(nf90_enddef(nid), fnam)
     287    !--- Variables saving
     288    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_tim, [(REAL(k), k = 1, ndays)]), fnam)
     289    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_FOCE, pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam)
     290    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_FSIC, pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam)
     291    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_FTER, pctsrf_t(:, is_ter, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam)
     292    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_FLIC, pctsrf_t(:, is_lic, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam)
     293    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_SST, phy_sst(:, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam)
     294    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_BILS, phy_bil(:, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam)
     295    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_ALB, phy_alb(:, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam)
     296    CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_RUG, phy_rug(:, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam)
     297    call nf95_put_var(nid, varid_longitude, longitude_deg)
     298    call nf95_put_var(nid, varid_latitude, latitude_deg)
     300    CALL ncerr(nf90_close(nid), fnam)
     302    CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, ' *** Ecriture du fichier limit : fin ***')
     304    DEALLOCATE(pctsrf_t, phy_sst, phy_bil, phy_alb, phy_rug)
     307    !===============================================================================
     309  CONTAINS
     311    !===============================================================================
     314    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     316    SUBROUTINE get_2Dfield(fnam, varname, mode, ndays, champo, flag, mask)
     318      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     319      ! Comments:
     320      !   There are two assumptions concerning the NetCDF files, that are satisfied
     321      !   with files that are conforming NC convention:
     322      !     1) The last dimension of the variables used is the time record.
     323      !     2) Dimensional variables have the same names as corresponding dimensions.
     324      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     325      USE netcdf, ONLY : nf90_open, NF90_INQ_VARID, NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE, &
     326              nf90_close, nf90_inq_dimid, nf90_inquire_dimension, nf90_get_var, &
     327              nf90_get_att
     328      USE pchsp_95_m, only : pchsp_95
     329      USE pchfe_95_m, only : pchfe_95
     330      USE arth_m, only : arth
     331      USE indice_sol_mod
     333      IMPLICIT NONE
     334      include "dimensions.h"
     335      include "paramet.h"
     336      include "comgeom2.h"
     337      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     338      ! Arguments:
     339      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: fnam     ! NetCDF file name
     340      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: varname  ! NetCDF variable name
     341      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: mode     ! RUG, SIC, SST or ALB
     342      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ndays    ! current year number of days
     343      REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :) :: champo  ! output field = f(t)
     344      LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: flag     ! extrapol. (SST) old ice (SIC)
     345      REAL, OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(iim, jjp1), INTENT(IN) :: mask
     346      !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     347      ! Local variables:
     348      !--- NetCDF
     349      INTEGER :: ncid, varid        ! NetCDF identifiers
     350      CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: dnam               ! dimension name
     351      !--- dimensions
     352      INTEGER :: dids(4)            ! NetCDF dimensions identifiers
     353      REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: dlon_ini(:)        ! initial longitudes vector
     354      REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: dlat_ini(:)        ! initial latitudes  vector
     355      REAL, POINTER :: dlon(:), dlat(:)   ! reordered lon/lat  vectors
     356      !--- fields
     357      INTEGER :: imdep, jmdep, lmdep          ! dimensions of 'champ'
     358      REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champ(:, :)         ! wanted field on initial grid
     359      REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: yder(:), timeyear(:)
     360      REAL :: champint(iim, jjp1) ! interpolated field
     361      REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champtime(:, :, :)
     362      REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champan(:, :, :)
     363      !--- input files
     364      CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: fnam_m, fnam_p     ! previous/next files names
     365      CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: cal_in             ! calendar
     366      CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: units              ! attribute "units" in sic/sst file
     367      INTEGER :: ndays_in           ! number of days
     368      REAL :: value              ! mean/max value near equator
     369      !--- misc
     370      INTEGER :: i, j, k, l         ! loop counters
     371      REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: work(:, :)          ! used for extrapolation
     372      CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: title, mess        ! for messages
     373      LOGICAL :: is_bcs             ! flag for BCS data
     374      LOGICAL :: extrp              ! flag for extrapolation
     375      LOGICAL :: ll
     376      REAL :: chmin, chmax, timeday, al
     377      INTEGER ierr, idx
     378      integer n_extrap ! number of extrapolated points
     379      logical skip
     381      !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     382      !---Variables depending on keyword 'mode' -------------------------------------
     383      NULLIFY(champo)
     385      SELECT CASE(mode)
     386      CASE('RUG'); title = 'Rugosite'
     387      CASE('SIC'); title = 'Sea-ice'
     388      CASE('SST'); title = 'SST'
     389      CASE('ALB'); title = 'Albedo'
     390      END SELECT
     391      extrp = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(flag).AND.mode=='SST') extrp = flag
     392      is_bcs = (mode=='SIC'.AND.ix_sic==1).OR.(mode=='SST'.AND.ix_sst==1)
     393      idx = INDEX(fnam, '.nc') - 1
     395      !--- GETTING SOME DIMENSIONAL VARIABLES FROM FILE -----------------------------
     396      CALL msg(5, ' Now reading file : ' // TRIM(fnam))
     397      CALL ncerr(nf90_open(fnam, nf90_nowrite, ncid), fnam)
     398      CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, trim(varname), varid), fnam)
     399      CALL ncerr(NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(ncid, varid, dimids = dids), fnam)
     401      !--- Longitude
     402      CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(1), name = dnam, len = imdep), fnam)
     403      ALLOCATE(dlon_ini(imdep), dlon(imdep))
     404      CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam)
     405      CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, dlon_ini), fnam)
     406      CALL msg(5, 'variable ' // TRIM(dnam) // ' dimension ', imdep)
     408      !--- Latitude
     409      CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(2), name = dnam, len = jmdep), fnam)
     410      ALLOCATE(dlat_ini(jmdep), dlat(jmdep))
     411      CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam)
     412      CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, dlat_ini), fnam)
     413      CALL msg(5, 'variable ' // TRIM(dnam) // ' dimension ', jmdep)
     415      !--- Time (variable is not needed - it is rebuilt - but calendar is)
     416      CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(3), name = dnam, len = lmdep), fnam)
     417      ALLOCATE(timeyear(lmdep + 2))
     418      CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam)
     419      cal_in = ' '
     420      IF(nf90_get_att(ncid, varid, 'calendar', cal_in)/=nf90_noerr) THEN
     421        SELECT CASE(mode)
     422        CASE('RUG', 'ALB'); cal_in = '360_day'
     423        CASE('SIC', 'SST'); cal_in = 'gregorian'
     424        END SELECT
     425        CALL msg(0, 'WARNING: missing "calendar" attribute for "time" in '&
     426                // TRIM(fnam) // '. Choosing default value.')
     427      END IF
     428      CALL strclean(cal_in)                     !--- REMOVE (WEIRD) NULL CHARACTERS
     429      CALL msg(0, 'var, calendar, dim: ' // TRIM(dnam) // ' ' // TRIM(cal_in), lmdep)
     431      !--- Determining input file number of days, depending on calendar
     432      ndays_in = year_len(anneeref, cal_in)
     434      !--- Rebuilding input time vector (field from input file might be unreliable)
     435      IF(lmdep==12) THEN
     436        timeyear = mid_month(anneeref, cal_in)
     437        CALL msg(0, 'Monthly input file(s) for ' // TRIM(title) // '.')
     438      ELSE IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN
     439        timeyear = [(REAL(k) - 0.5, k = 0, ndays_in + 1)]
     440        CALL msg(0, 'Daily input file (no time interpolation).')
     441      ELSE
     442        WRITE(mess, '(a,i3,a,i3,a)')'Mismatching input file: found', lmdep, &
     443                ' records, 12/', ndays_in, ' (monthly/daily needed).'
     444        CALL abort_physic('mid_month', TRIM(mess), 1)
     445      END IF
     447      !--- GETTING THE FIELD AND INTERPOLATING IT ----------------------------------
     448      ALLOCATE(champ(imdep, jmdep), champtime(iim, jjp1, lmdep + 2))
     449      IF(extrp) ALLOCATE(work(imdep, jmdep))
     450      CALL msg(5, '')
     451      CALL msg(5, 'READ AND INTERPOLATE HORIZONTALLY ', lmdep, ' FIELDS.')
     452      CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, varname, varid), fnam)
     453      DO l = 1, lmdep
     454        CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, champ, [1, 1, l], [imdep, jmdep, 1]), fnam)
     455        CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.)
     457        !--- FOR SIC/SST FIELDS ONLY
     458        IF(l==1.AND.is_in(mode, ['SIC', 'SST'])) THEN
     461          ierr = nf90_get_att(ncid, varid, 'units', units)
     462          IF(ierr==nf90_noerr) THEN !--- ATTRIBUTE "units" FOUND IN THE FILE
     463            CALL strclean(units)
     464            IF(mode=='SIC'.AND.is_in(units, Perc)) units = "%"
     465            IF(mode=='SIC'.AND.is_in(units, Frac)) units = "1"
     466            IF(mode=='SST'.AND.is_in(units, DegC)) units = "C"
     467            IF(mode=='SST'.AND.is_in(units, DegK)) units = "K"
     468          ELSE                      !--- CHECK THE FIELD VALUES
     469            IF(mode=='SIC') value = MAXVAL(champ(:, :))
     470            IF(mode=='SST') value = SUM(champ(:, jmdep / 2), DIM = 1) / REAL(imdep)
     471            IF(mode=='SIC') THEN; units = "1"; IF(value>= 10.) units = "%";
     472            END IF
     473            IF(mode=='SST') THEN; units = "C"; IF(value>=100.) units = "K";
     474            END IF
     475          END IF
     476          CALL msg(0, 'INPUT FILE ' // TRIM(title) // ' UNIT IS: "' // TRIM(units) // '".')
     477          IF(ierr/=nf90_noerr) CALL msg(0, 'WARNING ! UNIT TO BE CHECKED ! '      &
     478                  // 'No "units" attribute, so only based on the fields values.')
     481          SELECT CASE(units)
     482          CASE('%'); ll = ANY(champ>100.0 + EPSFRA); str = 'percentages > 100.'
     483          CASE('1'); ll = ANY(champ>  1.0 + EPSFRA); str = 'fractions > 1.'
     484          CASE('C'); ll = ANY(champ<-100.).OR.ANY(champ> 60.); str = '<-100 or >60 DegC'
     485          CASE('K'); ll = ANY(champ< 180.).OR.ANY(champ>330.); str = '<180 or >330 DegK'
     486          CASE DEFAULT; CALL abort_physic(mode, 'Unrecognized ' // TRIM(title)   &
     487                  // ' unit: ' // TRIM(units), 1)
     488          END SELECT
     491          IF(ll.AND.ix_sic/=1.AND.mode=='SIC') &
     492                  CALL abort_physic(mode, 'unrealistic ' // TRIM(mode) // ' found: ' // TRIM(str), 1)
     494        END IF
     496        IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ, imdep, jmdep, 999999., .TRUE., .TRUE., 2, work)
     497        IF(l==1) THEN
     498          CALL msg(5, "--------------------------------------------------------")
     499          CALL msg(5, "$$$ Barycentric interpolation for " // TRIM(title) // " $$$")
     500          CALL msg(5, "--------------------------------------------------------")
     501        END IF
     502        IF(mode=='RUG') champ = LOG(champ)
     503        CALL inter_barxy(dlon, dlat(:jmdep - 1), champ, rlonu(:iim), rlatv, champint)
     504        IF(mode=='RUG') THEN
     505          champint = EXP(champint)
     506          WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint = 0.001
     507        END IF
     508        champtime(:, :, l + 1) = champint
     509      END DO
     510      CALL ncerr(nf90_close(ncid), fnam)
     513      fnam_m = fnam(1:idx) // ''
     514      IF(nf90_open(fnam_m, nf90_nowrite, ncid)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     515        CALL msg(0, 'Reading previous year file ("' // TRIM(fnam_m) // '") last record for ' // TRIM(title))
     516        CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, varname, varid), fnam_m)
     517        CALL ncerr(NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(ncid, varid, dimids = dids), fnam_m)
     518        CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(3), len = l), fnam_m)
     519        CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, champ, [1, 1, l], [imdep, jmdep, 1]), fnam_m)
     520        CALL ncerr(nf90_close(ncid), fnam_m)
     521        CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.)
     522        IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ, imdep, jmdep, 999999., .TRUE., .TRUE., 2, work)
     523        IF(mode=='RUG') champ = LOG(champ)
     524        CALL inter_barxy(dlon, dlat(:jmdep - 1), champ, rlonu(:iim), rlatv, champint)
     525        IF(mode=='RUG') THEN
     526          champint = EXP(champint)
     527          WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint = 0.001
     528        END IF
     529        champtime(:, :, 1) = champint
     530      ELSE
     531        CALL msg(0, 'Using current year file ("' // TRIM(fnam) // '") last record for ' // TRIM(title))
     532        champtime(:, :, 1) = champtime(:, :, lmdep + 1)
     533      END IF
     536      fnam_p = fnam(1:idx) // ''
     537      IF(nf90_open(fnam_p, nf90_nowrite, ncid)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     538        CALL msg(0, 'Reading next year file ("' // TRIM(fnam_p) // '") first record for ' // TRIM(title))
     539        CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, varname, varid), fnam_p)
     540        CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, champ, [1, 1, 1], [imdep, jmdep, 1]), fnam_p)
     541        CALL ncerr(nf90_close(ncid), fnam_p)
     542        CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.)
     543        IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ, imdep, jmdep, 999999., .TRUE., .TRUE., 2, work)
     544        IF(mode=='RUG') champ = LOG(champ)
     545        CALL inter_barxy(dlon, dlat(:jmdep - 1), champ, rlonu(:iim), rlatv, champint)
     546        IF(mode=='RUG') THEN
     547          champint = EXP(champint)
     548          WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint = 0.001
     549        END IF
     550        champtime(:, :, lmdep + 2) = champint
     551      ELSE
     552        CALL msg(0, 'Using current year file ("' // TRIM(fnam) // '") first record for ' // TRIM(title))
     553        champtime(:, :, lmdep + 2) = champtime(:, :, 2)
     554      END IF
     555      DEALLOCATE(dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ)
     556      IF(extrp) DEALLOCATE(work)
     558      !--- TIME INTERPOLATION ------------------------------------------------------
     559      IF(prt_level>0) THEN
     560        IF(ndays/=ndays_in) THEN
     561          WRITE(lunout, *)'DIFFERENT YEAR LENGTHS:'
     562          WRITE(lunout, *)' In the  input file: ', ndays_in
     563          WRITE(lunout, *)' In the output file: ', ndays
     564        END IF
     565        IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN
     566          WRITE(lunout, *)'NO TIME INTERPOLATION.'
     567          WRITE(lunout, *)' Daily input file.'
     568        ELSE
     569          IF(is_bcs) WRITE(lunout, *)'LINEAR TIME INTERPOLATION.'
     570          IF(.NOT.is_bcs) WRITE(lunout, *)'SPLINES TIME INTERPOLATION.'
     571          WRITE(lunout, *)' Input time vector: ', timeyear
     572          WRITE(lunout, *)' Output time vector: from 0.5 to ', ndays - 0.5
     573        END IF
     574      END IF
     575      ALLOCATE(champan(iip1, jjp1, ndays))
     577      IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN  !--- DAILY DATA: NO     TIME INTERPOLATION
     578        DO l = 1, lmdep
     579          champan(1:iim, :, l) = champtime(:, :, l + 1)
     580        END DO
     581      ELSE IF(is_bcs) THEN      !--- BCS   DATA: LINEAR TIME INTERPOLATION
     582        l = 1
     583        DO k = 1, ndays
     584          timeday = (REAL(k) - 0.5) * REAL(ndays_in) / ndays
     585          IF(timeyear(l + 1)<timeday) l = l + 1
     586          al = (timeday - timeyear(l)) / (timeyear(l + 1) - timeyear(l))
     587          champan(1:iim, :, k) = champtime(1:iim, :, l) + al * (champtime(1:iim, :, l + 1) - champtime(1:iim, :, l))
     588        END DO
     589      ELSE                      !--- AVE   DATA: SPLINE TIME INTERPOLATION
     590        skip = .false.
     591        n_extrap = 0
     592        ALLOCATE(yder(lmdep + 2))
     593        DO j = 1, jjp1
     594          DO i = 1, iim
     595            yder = pchsp_95(timeyear, champtime(i, j, :), ibeg = 2, iend = 2, &
     596                    vc_beg = 0., vc_end = 0.)
     597            CALL pchfe_95(timeyear, champtime(i, j, :), yder, skip, &
     598                    arth(0.5, real(ndays_in) / ndays, ndays), champan(i, j, :), ierr)
     599            if (ierr < 0) call abort_physic("get_2Dfield", "", 1)
     600            n_extrap = n_extrap + ierr
     601          END DO
     602        END DO
     603        IF(n_extrap /= 0) WRITE(lunout, *) "get_2Dfield pchfe_95: n_extrap = ", n_extrap
     604        DEALLOCATE(yder)
     605      END IF
     606      champan(iip1, :, :) = champan(1, :, :)
     607      DEALLOCATE(champtime, timeyear)
     609      !--- Checking the result
     610      DO j = 1, jjp1
     611        CALL minmax(iip1, champan(1, j, 10), chmin, chmax)
     612        IF (prt_level>5) WRITE(lunout, *)' ', TRIM(title), ' at time 10 ', chmin, chmax, j
     613      END DO
     615      !--- SPECIAL FILTER FOR SST: SST>271.38 --------------------------------------
     616      IF(mode=='SST') THEN
     617        SELECT CASE(units)
     618        CASE("K"); CALL msg(0, 'SST field is already in kelvins.')
     619        CASE("C"); CALL msg(0, 'SST field converted from celcius degrees to kelvins.')
     620        champan(:, :, :) = champan(:, :, :) + 273.15
     621        END SELECT
     622        CALL msg(0, 'Filtering SST: Sea Surface Temperature >= 271.38')
     623        WHERE(champan<271.38) champan = 271.38
     624      END IF
     626      !--- SPECIAL FILTER FOR SIC: 0.0<SIC<1.0 -------------------------------------
     627      IF(mode=='SIC') THEN
     628        SELECT CASE(units)
     629        CASE("1"); CALL msg(0, 'SIC field already in fraction of 1')
     630        CASE("%"); CALL msg(0, 'SIC field converted from percentage to fraction of 1.')
     631        champan(:, :, :) = champan(:, :, :) / 100.
     632        END SELECT
     633        CALL msg(0, 'Filtering SIC: 0.0 <= Sea-ice <=1.0')
     634        WHERE(champan>1.0) champan = 1.0
     635        WHERE(champan<0.0) champan = 0.0
     636      END IF
     638      !--- DYNAMICAL TO PHYSICAL GRID ----------------------------------------------
     639      ALLOCATE(champo(klon, ndays))
     640      DO k = 1, ndays
     641        CALL gr_dyn_fi(1, iip1, jjp1, klon, champan(1, 1, k), champo(:, k))
     642      END DO
     643      DEALLOCATE(champan)
     645    END SUBROUTINE get_2Dfield
     647    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     650    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     652    SUBROUTINE start_init_orog0(lon_in, lat_in, phis, masque)
     654      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     655      USE grid_noro_m, ONLY : grid_noro0
     656      IMPLICIT NONE
     657      !===============================================================================
     658      ! Purpose:  Compute "phis" just like it would be in start_init_orog.
     659      !===============================================================================
     660      ! Arguments:
     661      REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon_in(:), lat_in(:)   ! dim (iml) (jml)
     662      REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: phis(:, :), masque(:, :) ! dim (iml,jml)
     663      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     664      ! Local variables:
     665      CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: modname = "start_init_orog0"
     666      INTEGER :: fid, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, iml, jml, iml_rel, jml_rel, itau(1)
     667      REAL :: lev(1), date, dt, deg2rad
     668      REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_rad(:), lon_ini(:), lon_rel(:, :), relief_hi(:, :)
     669      REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lat_rad(:), lat_ini(:), lat_rel(:, :)
     670      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     671      iml = assert_eq(SIZE(lon_in), SIZE(phis, 1), SIZE(masque, 1), TRIM(modname) // " iml")
     672      jml = assert_eq(SIZE(lat_in), SIZE(phis, 2), SIZE(masque, 2), TRIM(modname) // " jml")
     673      IF(iml/=iip1) CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname), 'iml/=iip1', 1)
     674      IF(jml/=jjp1) CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname), 'jml/=jjp1', 1)
     675      pi = 2.0 * ASIN(1.0); deg2rad = pi / 180.0
     676      IF(ANY(phis/=-99999.)) RETURN                  !--- phis ALREADY KNOWN
     679      CALL flininfo(frelf, iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, fid)
     681      ALLOCATE(lat_rel(iml_rel, jml_rel), lon_rel(iml_rel, jml_rel))
     682      CALL flinopen(frelf, .FALSE., iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, lon_rel, lat_rel, &
     683              lev, ttm_tmp, itau, date, dt, fid)
     684      ALLOCATE(relief_hi(iml_rel, jml_rel))
     685      CALL flinget(fid, vrel, iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, 1, 1, relief_hi)
     686      CALL flinclo(fid)
     689      ALLOCATE(lon_ini(iml_rel), lat_ini(jml_rel))
     690      lon_ini(:) = lon_rel(:, 1); IF(MAXVAL(lon_rel)>pi) lon_ini = lon_ini * deg2rad
     691      lat_ini(:) = lat_rel(1, :); IF(MAXVAL(lat_rel)>pi) lat_ini = lat_ini * deg2rad
     694      ALLOCATE(lon_rad(iml_rel), lat_rad(jml_rel))
     695      CALL conf_dat2d(vrel, lon_ini, lat_ini, lon_rad, lat_rad, relief_hi, .FALSE.)
     696      DEALLOCATE(lon_ini, lat_ini)
     699      WRITE(lunout, *)
     700      WRITE(lunout, *)'*** Compute surface geopotential ***'
     703      CALL grid_noro0(lon_rad, lat_rad, relief_hi, lon_in, lat_in, phis, masque)
     704      phis = phis * 9.81
     705      phis(iml, :) = phis(1, :)
     706      DEALLOCATE(relief_hi, lon_rad, lat_rad)
     708    END SUBROUTINE start_init_orog0
     710    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     713    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     715    SUBROUTINE msg(lev, str1, i, str2)
     717      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     718      ! Arguments:
     719      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lev
     720      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: str1
     721      INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: i
     722      CHARACTER(LEN = *), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: str2
     723      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     724      IF(prt_level>=lev) THEN
     725        IF(PRESENT(str2)) THEN
     726          WRITE(lunout, *) TRIM(str1), i, TRIM(str2)
     727        ELSE IF(PRESENT(i)) THEN
     728          WRITE(lunout, *) TRIM(str1), i
     729        ELSE
     730          WRITE(lunout, *) TRIM(str1)
     731        END IF
     732      END IF
     734    END SUBROUTINE msg
     736    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     739    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     741    SUBROUTINE ncerr(ncres, fnam)
     743      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     744      ! Purpose: NetCDF errors handling.
     745      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     746      USE netcdf, ONLY : nf90_noerr, NF90_STRERROR
     747      IMPLICIT NONE
     748      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     749      ! Arguments:
     750      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncres
     751      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: fnam
     752      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     753      IF(ncres/=nf90_noerr) THEN
     754        WRITE(lunout, *)'Problem with file ' // TRIM(fnam) // ' in routine limit_netcdf.'
     755        CALL abort_physic('limit_netcdf', NF90_STRERROR(ncres), 1)
     756      END IF
     758    END SUBROUTINE ncerr
     760    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     763    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     765    SUBROUTINE strclean(s)
     767      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     768      IMPLICIT NONE
     769      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     770      ! Purpose: Remove tail null characters from the input string.
     771      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     772      ! Parameters:
     773      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(INOUT) :: s
     774      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     775      ! Local variable:
     776      INTEGER :: k
     777      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     778      k = LEN_TRIM(s); DO WHILE(ICHAR(s(k:k))==0); s(k:k) = ' '; k = LEN_TRIM(s);
     779      END DO
     781    END SUBROUTINE strclean
     783    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     786    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     788    FUNCTION is_in(s1, s2) RESULT(res)
     790      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     791      IMPLICIT NONE
     792      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     793      ! Purpose: Check wether s1 is present in the s2(:) list (case insensitive).
     794      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     795      ! Arguments:
     796      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: s1, s2(:)
     797      LOGICAL :: res
     798      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     799      res = .FALSE.; DO k = 1, SIZE(s2); res = res.OR.strLow(s1)==strLow(s2(k));
     800      END DO
     802    END FUNCTION is_in
     804    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     807    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     809    ELEMENTAL FUNCTION strLow(s) RESULT(res)
     811      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     812      IMPLICIT NONE
     813      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     814      ! Purpose: Lower case conversion.
     815      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     816      ! Arguments:
     817      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: s
     818      CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: res
     819      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     820      ! Local variable:
     821      INTEGER :: k, ix
     822      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     823      res = s
     824      DO k = 1, LEN(s); ix = IACHAR(s(k:k))
     825      IF(64<ix.AND.ix<91) res(k:k) = ACHAR(ix + 32)
     826      END DO
     828    END FUNCTION strLow
     830    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     832  END SUBROUTINE limit_netcdf
     834END MODULE limit
    4 ! Author : L. Fairhead, 27/01/94
    5 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6 ! Purpose: Boundary conditions files building for new model using climatologies.
    7 !          Both grids have to be regular.
    8 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    9 ! Note: This routine is designed to work for Earth
    10 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    11 ! Modification history:
    12 !  * 23/03/1994: Z. X. Li
    13 !  *    09/1999: L. Fairhead (netcdf reading in LMDZ.3.3)
    14 !  *    07/2001: P. Le Van
    15 !  *    11/2009: L. Guez     (ozone day & night climatos, see etat0_netcdf.F90)
    16 !  *    12/2009: D. Cugnet   (f77->f90, calendars, files from coupled runs)
    17 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    19   USE ioipsl,             ONLY: flininfo, flinopen, flinget, flinclo
    20   USE assert_eq_m,        ONLY: assert_eq
    21   USE cal_tools_m,        ONLY: year_len, mid_month
    22   USE conf_dat_m,         ONLY: conf_dat2d, conf_dat3d
    23   USE dimphy,             ONLY: klon, zmasq
    24   USE geometry_mod,       ONLY: longitude_deg, latitude_deg
    25   USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: pctsrf
    26   USE control_mod,        ONLY: anneeref
    27   USE init_ssrf_m,        ONLY: start_init_subsurf
    29   INTEGER,           PARAMETER :: ns=256
    30   CHARACTER(LEN=ns), PARAMETER :: &
    31   fsst(5)=['   ','     ','      '&
    32           ,'      ','             '],                     &
    33   fsic(5)=['   ','     ','      '&
    34           ,'      ','               '],                     &
    35   vsst(5)=['tosbcs    ','tos       ','SISUTESW  ','tsol_oce  ','sstk      '],  &
    36   vsic(5)=['sicbcs    ','sic       ','SIICECOV  ','pourc_sic ','ci        '],  &
    37   frugo='  ', falbe=' ', frelf=' ',                  &
    38    vrug='RUGOS     ',  valb='ALBEDO    ',  vrel='RELIEF    ',                  &
    39   DegK(11)=['degK          ','degree_K      ','degreeK       ','deg_K         '&
    40            ,'degsK         ','degrees_K     ','degreesK      ','degs_K        '&
    41            ,'degree_kelvin ','degrees_kelvin','K             '],               &
    42   DegC(10)=['degC          ','degree_C      ','degreeC       ','deg_C         '&
    43            ,'degsC         ','degrees_C     ','degreesC      ','degs_C        '&
    44            ,'degree_Celsius','celsius       '], &
    45   Perc(2) =['%             ','percent       '], &
    46   Frac(2) =['1.0           ','1             ']
    50 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 SUBROUTINE limit_netcdf(masque, phis, extrap)
    54 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 ! Author : L. Fairhead, 27/01/94
    56 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 ! Purpose: Boundary conditions files building for new model using climatologies.
    58 !          Both grids have to be regular.
    59 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 ! Note: This routine is designed to work for Earth
    61 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 ! Modification history:
    63 !  * 23/03/1994: Z. X. Li
    64 !  *    09/1999: L. Fairhead (netcdf reading in LMDZ.3.3)
    65 !  *    07/2001: P. Le Van
    66 !  *    11/2009: L. Guez     (ozone day & night climatos, see etat0_netcdf.F90)
    67 !  *    12/2009: D. Cugnet   (f77->f90, calendars, files from coupled runs)
    68 !  *    04/2016: D. Cugnet   (12/14 recs SST/SIC files: cyclic/interannual runs)
    69 !  *    05/2017: D. Cugnet   (linear time interpolation for BCS files)
    70 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 #ifndef CPP_1D
    72   USE indice_sol_mod
    73   USE netcdf,             ONLY: NF90_OPEN,    NF90_CREATE,  NF90_CLOSE,        &
    74                   NF90_DEF_DIM, NF90_DEF_VAR, NF90_PUT_VAR, NF90_PUT_ATT,      &
    75                   nf90_noerr,   NF90_NOWRITE,  NF90_GLOBAL,       &
    76                   NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_ENDDEF,  NF90_UNLIMITED, NF90_FLOAT,      &
    77                   NF90_64BIT_OFFSET
    78   USE lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper, ONLY: nf90_format
    79   USE inter_barxy_m,      ONLY: inter_barxy
    80   USE netcdf95,           ONLY: nf95_def_var, nf95_put_att, nf95_put_var
    81   USE comconst_mod, ONLY: pi
    82   USE phys_cal_mod, ONLY: calend
    84 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 ! Arguments:
    86   include "iniprint.h"
    87   include "dimensions.h"
    88   include "paramet.h"
    89   REAL, DIMENSION(iip1,jjp1), INTENT(INOUT) :: masque ! land mask
    90   REAL, DIMENSION(iip1,jjp1), INTENT(INOUT) :: phis   ! ground geopotential
    91   LOGICAL,                    INTENT(IN)    :: extrap ! SST extrapolation flag
    92 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 ! Local variables:
    94   include "comgeom2.h"
    96 !--- INPUT NETCDF FILES AND VARIABLES NAMES ------------------------------------
    97   CHARACTER(LEN=ns) :: icefile, sstfile, fnam, varname
    99 !--- OUTPUT VARIABLES FOR NETCDF FILE ------------------------------------------
    100   REAL               :: fi_ice(klon)
    101   REAL, POINTER      :: phy_rug(:,:)=>NULL(), phy_ice(:,:)=>NULL()
    102   REAL, POINTER      :: phy_sst(:,:)=>NULL(), phy_alb(:,:)=>NULL()
    103   REAL, ALLOCATABLE  :: phy_bil(:,:), pctsrf_t(:,:,:)
    104   INTEGER            :: nbad
    106 !--- VARIABLES FOR OUTPUT FILE WRITING -----------------------------------------
    107   INTEGER :: nid, ndim, ntim, k, dims(2), ix_sic, ix_sst
    108   INTEGER :: id_tim,  id_SST,  id_BILS, id_RUG, id_ALB
    109   INTEGER :: id_FOCE, id_FSIC, id_FTER, id_FLIC, varid_longitude, varid_latitude
    110   INTEGER :: ndays                   !--- Depending on the output calendar
    111   CHARACTER(LEN=ns) :: str
    113 !--- INITIALIZATIONS -----------------------------------------------------------
    114   CALL inigeom
    117    IF(ALL(masque==-99999.)) THEN
    118     CALL start_init_orog0(rlonv,rlatu,phis,masque)
    119     CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,klon,masque,zmasq)          !--- To physical grid
    120     ALLOCATE(pctsrf(klon,nbsrf))
    121     CALL start_init_subsurf(.FALSE.)
    122   !--- TO MATCH EXACTLY WHAT WOULD BE DONE IN etat0phys_netcdf
    123     WHERE(   masque(:,:)<EPSFRA) masque(:,:)=0.
    124     WHERE(1.-masque(:,:)<EPSFRA) masque(:,:)=1.
    125   END IF
    127 !--- Beware: anneeref (from gcm.def) is used to determine output time sampling
    128   ndays=year_len(anneeref)
    130 !--- RUGOSITY TREATMENT --------------------------------------------------------
    131   CALL msg(0,""); CALL msg(0," *** TRAITEMENT DE LA RUGOSITE ***")
    132   CALL get_2Dfield(frugo,vrug,'RUG',ndays,phy_rug,mask=masque(1:iim,:))
    134 !--- OCEAN TREATMENT -----------------------------------------------------------
    135   CALL msg(0,""); CALL msg(0," *** TRAITEMENT DE LA GLACE OCEANIQUE ***")
    137 ! Input SIC file selection
    138 ! Open file only to test if available
    139   DO ix_sic=1,SIZE(fsic)
    140      IF ( NF90_OPEN(TRIM(fsic(ix_sic)),NF90_NOWRITE,nid)==nf90_noerr ) THEN
    141         icefile=fsic(ix_sic); varname=vsic(ix_sic); EXIT
    142      END IF
    143   END DO
    144   IF(ix_sic==SIZE(fsic)+1) THEN
    145      WRITE(lunout,*) 'ERROR! No sea-ice input file was found.'
    146      WRITE(lunout,*) 'One of following files must be available : '
    147      DO k=1,SIZE(fsic); WRITE(lunout,*) TRIM(fsic(k)); END DO
    148      CALL abort_physic('limit_netcdf','No sea-ice file was found',1)
    149   END IF
    150   CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(nid),icefile)
    151   CALL msg(0,'Fichier choisi pour la glace de mer:'//TRIM(icefile))
    153   CALL get_2Dfield(icefile,varname, 'SIC',ndays,phy_ice)
    155   ALLOCATE(pctsrf_t(klon,nbsrf,ndays))
    156   DO k=1,ndays
    157      fi_ice=phy_ice(:,k)
    158      WHERE(fi_ice>=1.0  ) fi_ice=1.0
    159      WHERE(fi_ice<EPSFRA) fi_ice=0.0
    160      pctsrf_t(:,is_ter,k)=pctsrf(:,is_ter)       ! land soil
    161      pctsrf_t(:,is_lic,k)=pctsrf(:,is_lic)       ! land ice
    162      SELECT CASE(ix_sic)
    163         CASE(3)                                   ! SIC=pICE*(1-LIC-TER) (CPL)
    164         pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)=fi_ice(:)*(1.-pctsrf(:,is_lic)-pctsrf(:,is_ter))
    165         CASE(4)                                   ! SIC=pICE            (HIST)
    166         pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)=fi_ice(:)
    167         CASE DEFAULT                              ! SIC=pICE-LIC   (AMIP,ERAI)
    168         pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)=fi_ice-pctsrf_t(:,is_lic,k)
    169      END SELECT
    170      WHERE(pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)<=0) pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)=0.
    171      WHERE(1.0-zmasq<EPSFRA)
    172         pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)=0.0
    173         pctsrf_t(:,is_oce,k)=0.0
    174      ELSEWHERE
    175         WHERE(pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)>=1.0-zmasq)
    176            pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)=1.0-zmasq
    177            pctsrf_t(:,is_oce,k)=0.0
    178         ELSEWHERE
    179            pctsrf_t(:,is_oce,k)=1.0-zmasq-pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)
    180            WHERE(pctsrf_t(:,is_oce,k)<EPSFRA)
    181               pctsrf_t(:,is_oce,k)=0.0
    182               pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,k)=1.0-zmasq
    183            END WHERE
    184         END WHERE
    185      END WHERE
    186      nbad=COUNT(pctsrf_t(:,is_oce,k)<0.0)
    187      IF(nbad>0) WRITE(lunout,*) 'pb sous maille pour nb points = ',nbad
    188      nbad=COUNT(ABS(SUM(pctsrf_t(:,:,k),DIM=2)-1.0)>EPSFRA)
    189      IF(nbad>0) WRITE(lunout,*) 'pb sous surface pour nb points = ',nbad
    190   END DO
    191   DEALLOCATE(phy_ice)
    193 !--- SST TREATMENT -------------------------------------------------------------
    194   CALL msg(0,""); CALL msg(0," *** TRAITEMENT DE LA SST ***")
    196 ! Input SST file selection
    197 ! Open file only to test if available
    198   DO ix_sst=1,SIZE(fsst)
    199      IF ( NF90_OPEN(TRIM(fsst(ix_sst)),NF90_NOWRITE,nid)==nf90_noerr ) THEN
    200        sstfile=fsst(ix_sst); varname=vsst(ix_sst); EXIT
    201      END IF
    202   END DO
    203   IF(ix_sst==SIZE(fsst)+1) THEN
    204      WRITE(lunout,*) 'ERROR! No sst input file was found.'
    205      WRITE(lunout,*) 'One of following files must be available : '
    206      DO k=1,SIZE(fsst); WRITE(lunout,*) TRIM(fsst(k)); END DO
    207      CALL abort_physic('limit_netcdf','No sst file was found',1)
    208   END IF
    209   CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(nid),sstfile)
    210   CALL msg(0,'Fichier choisi pour la temperature de mer: '//TRIM(sstfile))
    212   CALL get_2Dfield(sstfile,varname,'SST',ndays,phy_sst,flag=extrap)
    214 !--- ALBEDO TREATMENT ----------------------------------------------------------
    215   CALL msg(0,""); CALL msg(0," *** TRAITEMENT DE L'ALBEDO ***")
    216   CALL get_2Dfield(falbe,valb,'ALB',ndays,phy_alb)
    218 !--- REFERENCE GROUND HEAT FLUX TREATMENT --------------------------------------
    219   ALLOCATE(phy_bil(klon,ndays)); phy_bil=0.0
    221 !--- OUTPUT FILE WRITING -------------------------------------------------------
    222   CALL msg(0,""); CALL msg(0,' *** Ecriture du fichier limit : debut ***')
    223   fnam=""
    225   !--- File creation
    226   CALL ncerr(NF90_CREATE(fnam,IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_64BIT_OFFSET),nid),fnam)
    227   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,NF90_GLOBAL,"title","Fichier conditions aux limites"),fnam)
    228   str='File produced using ce0l executable.'
    229   str=TRIM(str)//NEW_LINE(' ')//'Sea Ice Concentration built from'
    230   SELECT CASE(ix_sic)
    231     CASE(1); str=TRIM(str)//' Amip mid-month boundary condition (BCS).'
    232     CASE(2); str=TRIM(str)//' Amip monthly mean observations.'
    233     CASE(3); str=TRIM(str)//' IPSL coupled model outputs.'
    234     CASE(4); str=TRIM(str)//' LMDZ model outputs.'
    235     CASE(5); str=TRIM(str)//' file.'
    236   END SELECT
    237   str=TRIM(str)//NEW_LINE(' ')//'Sea Surface Temperature built from'
    238   SELECT CASE(ix_sst)
    239     CASE(1); str=TRIM(str)//' Amip mid-month boundary condition (BCS).'
    240     CASE(2); str=TRIM(str)//' Amip monthly mean observations.'
    241     CASE(3); str=TRIM(str)//' IPSL coupled model outputs.'
    242     CASE(4); str=TRIM(str)//' LMDZ model outputs.'
    243     CASE(5); str=TRIM(str)//' file.'
    244   END SELECT
    245   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,NF90_GLOBAL,"history",TRIM(str)),fnam)
    247   !--- Dimensions creation
    248   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"points_physiques",klon,ndim),fnam)
    249   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_DIM(nid,"time",NF90_UNLIMITED,ntim),fnam)
    251   dims=[ndim,ntim]
    253   !--- Variables creation
    254   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"TEMPS",nf90_format,[ntim],id_tim),fnam)
    255   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"FOCE", nf90_format,dims,id_FOCE),fnam)
    256   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"FSIC", nf90_format,dims,id_FSIC),fnam)
    257   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"FTER", nf90_format,dims,id_FTER),fnam)
    258   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"FLIC", nf90_format,dims,id_FLIC),fnam)
    259   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"SST",  nf90_format,dims,id_SST),fnam)
    260   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"BILS", nf90_format,dims,id_BILS),fnam)
    261   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"ALB",  nf90_format,dims,id_ALB),fnam)
    262   CALL ncerr(NF90_DEF_VAR(nid,"RUG",  nf90_format,dims,id_RUG),fnam)
    263   call nf95_def_var(nid, "longitude", NF90_FLOAT, ndim, varid_longitude)
    264   call nf95_def_var(nid, "latitude",  NF90_FLOAT, ndim, varid_latitude)
    266   !--- Attributes creation
    267   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_tim, "title","Jour dans l annee"),fnam)
    268   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_tim, "calendar",calend),fnam)
    269   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_FOCE,"title","Fraction ocean"),fnam)
    270   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_FSIC,"title","Fraction glace de mer"),fnam)
    271   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_FTER,"title","Fraction terre"),fnam)
    272   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_FLIC,"title","Fraction land ice"),fnam)
    273   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_SST ,"title","Temperature superficielle de la mer"),fnam)
    274   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_BILS,"title","Reference flux de chaleur au sol"),fnam)
    275   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_ALB, "title","Albedo a la surface"),fnam)
    276   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_ATT(nid,id_RUG, "title","Rugosite"),fnam)
    278   call nf95_put_att(nid, varid_longitude, "standard_name", "longitude")
    279   call nf95_put_att(nid, varid_longitude, "units", "degrees_east")
    281   call nf95_put_att(nid, varid_latitude, "standard_name", "latitude")
    282   call nf95_put_att(nid, varid_latitude, "units", "degrees_north")
    284   CALL ncerr(NF90_ENDDEF(nid),fnam)
    286   !--- Variables saving
    287   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,id_tim,[(REAL(k),k=1,ndays)]),fnam)
    288   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,id_FOCE,pctsrf_t(:,is_oce,:),[1,1],[klon,ndays]),fnam)
    289   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,id_FSIC,pctsrf_t(:,is_sic,:),[1,1],[klon,ndays]),fnam)
    290   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,id_FTER,pctsrf_t(:,is_ter,:),[1,1],[klon,ndays]),fnam)
    291   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,id_FLIC,pctsrf_t(:,is_lic,:),[1,1],[klon,ndays]),fnam)
    292   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,id_SST ,phy_sst(:,:),[1,1],[klon,ndays]),fnam)
    293   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,id_BILS,phy_bil(:,:),[1,1],[klon,ndays]),fnam)
    294   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,id_ALB ,phy_alb(:,:),[1,1],[klon,ndays]),fnam)
    295   CALL ncerr(NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,id_RUG ,phy_rug(:,:),[1,1],[klon,ndays]),fnam)
    296   call nf95_put_var(nid, varid_longitude, longitude_deg)
    297   call nf95_put_var(nid, varid_latitude, latitude_deg)
    299   CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(nid),fnam)
    301   CALL msg(0,""); CALL msg(0,' *** Ecriture du fichier limit : fin ***')
    303   DEALLOCATE(pctsrf_t,phy_sst,phy_bil,phy_alb,phy_rug)
    306 !===============================================================================
    308   CONTAINS
    310 !===============================================================================
    313 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    315 SUBROUTINE get_2Dfield(fnam, varname, mode, ndays, champo, flag, mask)
    317 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    318 ! Comments:
    319 !   There are two assumptions concerning the NetCDF files, that are satisfied
    320 !   with files that are conforming NC convention:
    321 !     1) The last dimension of the variables used is the time record.
    322 !     2) Dimensional variables have the same names as corresponding dimensions.
    323 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    325        NF90_CLOSE, nf90_inq_dimid, nf90_inquire_dimension, nf90_get_var, &
    326        NF90_GET_ATT
    327   USE pchsp_95_m, only: pchsp_95
    328   USE pchfe_95_m, only: pchfe_95
    329   USE arth_m, only: arth
    330   USE indice_sol_mod
    333   include "dimensions.h"
    334   include "paramet.h"
    335   include "comgeom2.h"
    336 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    337 ! Arguments:
    338   CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(IN)     :: fnam     ! NetCDF file name
    339   CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(IN)     :: varname  ! NetCDF variable name
    340   CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(IN)     :: mode     ! RUG, SIC, SST or ALB
    341   INTEGER,           INTENT(IN)     :: ndays    ! current year number of days
    342   REAL,    POINTER,  DIMENSION(:, :) :: champo  ! output field = f(t)
    343   LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)     :: flag     ! extrapol. (SST) old ice (SIC)
    344   REAL,    OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(iim, jjp1), INTENT(IN) :: mask
    345 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    346 ! Local variables:
    347 !--- NetCDF
    348   INTEGER           :: ncid, varid        ! NetCDF identifiers
    349   CHARACTER(LEN=ns) :: dnam               ! dimension name
    350 !--- dimensions
    351   INTEGER           :: dids(4)            ! NetCDF dimensions identifiers
    352   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: dlon_ini(:)        ! initial longitudes vector
    353   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: dlat_ini(:)        ! initial latitudes  vector
    354   REAL, POINTER     :: dlon(:), dlat(:)   ! reordered lon/lat  vectors
    355 !--- fields
    356   INTEGER :: imdep, jmdep, lmdep          ! dimensions of 'champ'
    357   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champ(:,:)         ! wanted field on initial grid
    358   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: yder(:), timeyear(:)
    359   REAL              :: champint(iim,jjp1) ! interpolated field
    360   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champtime(:,:,:)
    361   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champan(:,:,:)
    362 !--- input files
    363   CHARACTER(LEN=ns) :: fnam_m, fnam_p     ! previous/next files names
    364   CHARACTER(LEN=ns) :: cal_in             ! calendar
    365   CHARACTER(LEN=ns) :: units              ! attribute "units" in sic/sst file
    366   INTEGER           :: ndays_in           ! number of days
    367   REAL              :: value              ! mean/max value near equator
    368 !--- misc
    369   INTEGER           :: i, j, k, l         ! loop counters
    370   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: work(:,:)          ! used for extrapolation
    371   CHARACTER(LEN=ns) :: title, mess        ! for messages
    372   LOGICAL           :: is_bcs             ! flag for BCS data
    373   LOGICAL           :: extrp              ! flag for extrapolation
    374   LOGICAL           :: ll
    375   REAL              :: chmin, chmax, timeday, al
    376   INTEGER ierr, idx
    377   integer n_extrap ! number of extrapolated points
    378   logical skip
    380 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    381 !---Variables depending on keyword 'mode' -------------------------------------
    382   NULLIFY(champo)
    384   SELECT CASE(mode)
    385   CASE('RUG'); title='Rugosite'
    386   CASE('SIC'); title='Sea-ice'
    387   CASE('SST'); title='SST'
    388   CASE('ALB'); title='Albedo'
    389   END SELECT
    390   extrp=.FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(flag).AND.mode=='SST') extrp=flag
    391   is_bcs=(mode=='SIC'.AND.ix_sic==1).OR.(mode=='SST'.AND.ix_sst==1)
    392   idx=INDEX(fnam,'.nc')-1
    394 !--- GETTING SOME DIMENSIONAL VARIABLES FROM FILE -----------------------------
    395   CALL msg(5,' Now reading file : '//TRIM(fnam))
    396   CALL ncerr(NF90_OPEN(fnam, NF90_NOWRITE, ncid),fnam)
    397   CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, trim(varname), varid),fnam)
    398   CALL ncerr(NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(ncid, varid, dimids=dids),fnam)
    400 !--- Longitude
    401   CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(1), name=dnam, len=imdep),fnam)
    402   ALLOCATE(dlon_ini(imdep), dlon(imdep))
    403   CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam)
    404   CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, dlon_ini), fnam)
    405   CALL msg(5,'variable '//TRIM(dnam)//' dimension ', imdep)
    407 !--- Latitude
    408   CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(2), name=dnam, len=jmdep),fnam)
    409   ALLOCATE(dlat_ini(jmdep), dlat(jmdep))
    410   CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam)
    411   CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, dlat_ini), fnam)
    412   CALL msg(5,'variable '//TRIM(dnam)//' dimension ', jmdep)
    414 !--- Time (variable is not needed - it is rebuilt - but calendar is)
    415   CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(3), name=dnam, len=lmdep), fnam)
    416   ALLOCATE(timeyear(lmdep+2))
    417   CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam)
    418   cal_in=' '
    419   IF(NF90_GET_ATT(ncid, varid, 'calendar', cal_in)/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    420     SELECT CASE(mode)
    421       CASE('RUG', 'ALB'); cal_in='360_day'
    422       CASE('SIC', 'SST'); cal_in='gregorian'
    423     END SELECT
    424     CALL msg(0,'WARNING: missing "calendar" attribute for "time" in '&
    425       //TRIM(fnam)//'. Choosing default value.')
    426   END IF
    427   CALL strclean(cal_in)                     !--- REMOVE (WEIRD) NULL CHARACTERS
    428   CALL msg(0,'var, calendar, dim: '//TRIM(dnam)//' '//TRIM(cal_in), lmdep)
    430 !--- Determining input file number of days, depending on calendar
    431   ndays_in=year_len(anneeref, cal_in)
    433 !--- Rebuilding input time vector (field from input file might be unreliable)
    434   IF(lmdep==12) THEN
    435     timeyear=mid_month(anneeref, cal_in)
    436     CALL msg(0,'Monthly input file(s) for '//TRIM(title)//'.')
    437   ELSE IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN
    438     timeyear=[(REAL(k)-0.5,k=0,ndays_in+1)]
    439     CALL msg(0,'Daily input file (no time interpolation).')
    440   ELSE
    441     WRITE(mess,'(a,i3,a,i3,a)')'Mismatching input file: found',lmdep,        &
    442       ' records, 12/',ndays_in,' (monthly/daily needed).'
    443     CALL abort_physic('mid_month',TRIM(mess),1)
    444   END IF
    446 !--- GETTING THE FIELD AND INTERPOLATING IT ----------------------------------
    447   ALLOCATE(champ(imdep, jmdep), champtime(iim, jjp1, lmdep+2))
    448   IF(extrp) ALLOCATE(work(imdep, jmdep))
    449   CALL msg(5,'')
    451   CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, varname, varid), fnam)
    452   DO l=1, lmdep
    453     CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,champ,[1,1,l],[imdep,jmdep,1]),fnam)
    454     CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.)
    456     !--- FOR SIC/SST FIELDS ONLY
    457     IF(l==1.AND.is_in(mode,['SIC','SST'])) THEN
    460       ierr=NF90_GET_ATT(ncid, varid, 'units', units)
    461       IF(ierr==nf90_noerr) THEN !--- ATTRIBUTE "units" FOUND IN THE FILE
    462         CALL strclean(units)
    463         IF(mode=='SIC'.AND.is_in(units,Perc)) units="%"
    464         IF(mode=='SIC'.AND.is_in(units,Frac)) units="1"
    465         IF(mode=='SST'.AND.is_in(units,DegC)) units="C"
    466         IF(mode=='SST'.AND.is_in(units,DegK)) units="K"
    467       ELSE                      !--- CHECK THE FIELD VALUES
    468         IF(mode=='SIC') value=MAXVAL(champ(:,:))
    469         IF(mode=='SST') value=   SUM(champ(:,jmdep/2),DIM=1)/REAL(imdep)
    470         IF(mode=='SIC') THEN; units="1"; IF(value>= 10.) units="%"; END IF
    471         IF(mode=='SST') THEN; units="C"; IF(value>=100.) units="K"; END IF
    472       END IF
    473       CALL msg(0,'INPUT FILE '//TRIM(title)//' UNIT IS: "'//TRIM(units)//'".')
    474       IF(ierr/=nf90_noerr) CALL msg(0,'WARNING ! UNIT TO BE CHECKED ! '      &
    475         //'No "units" attribute, so only based on the fields values.')
    478       SELECT CASE(units)
    479         CASE('%'); ll=ANY(champ>100.0+EPSFRA); str='percentages > 100.'
    480         CASE('1'); ll=ANY(champ>  1.0+EPSFRA); str='fractions > 1.'
    481         CASE('C'); ll=ANY(champ<-100.).OR.ANY(champ> 60.); str='<-100 or >60 DegC'
    482         CASE('K'); ll=ANY(champ< 180.).OR.ANY(champ>330.); str='<180 or >330 DegK'
    483         CASE DEFAULT; CALL abort_physic(mode, 'Unrecognized '//TRIM(title)   &
    484                                                   //' unit: '//TRIM(units),1)
    485       END SELECT
    488       IF(ll.AND.ix_sic/=1.AND.mode=='SIC') &
    489         CALL abort_physic(mode,'unrealistic '//TRIM(mode)//' found: '//TRIM(str), 1)
    491     END IF
    493     IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ,imdep,jmdep,999999.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,2,work)
    494     IF(l==1) THEN
    495       CALL msg(5,"--------------------------------------------------------")
    496       CALL msg(5,"$$$ Barycentric interpolation for "//TRIM(title)//" $$$")
    497       CALL msg(5,"--------------------------------------------------------")
    498     END IF
    499     IF(mode=='RUG') champ=LOG(champ)
    500     CALL inter_barxy(dlon,dlat(:jmdep-1),champ,rlonu(:iim),rlatv,champint)
    501     IF(mode=='RUG') THEN
    502       champint=EXP(champint)
    503       WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint=0.001
    504     END IF
    505     champtime(:, :, l+1)=champint
    506   END DO
    507   CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(ncid), fnam)
    510   fnam_m=fnam(1:idx)//''
    511   IF(NF90_OPEN(fnam_m,NF90_NOWRITE,ncid)==nf90_noerr) THEN
    512     CALL msg(0,'Reading previous year file ("'//TRIM(fnam_m)//'") last record for '//TRIM(title))
    513     CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, varname, varid),fnam_m)
    514     CALL ncerr(NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(ncid, varid, dimids=dids),fnam_m)
    515     CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(3), len=l), fnam_m)
    516     CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,champ,[1,1,l],[imdep,jmdep,1]),fnam_m)
    517     CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(ncid), fnam_m)
    518     CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.)
    519     IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ,imdep,jmdep,999999.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,2,work)
    520     IF(mode=='RUG') champ=LOG(champ)
    521     CALL inter_barxy(dlon,dlat(:jmdep-1),champ,rlonu(:iim),rlatv,champint)
    522     IF(mode=='RUG') THEN
    523       champint=EXP(champint)
    524       WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint=0.001
    525     END IF
    526     champtime(:, :, 1)=champint
    527   ELSE
    528     CALL msg(0,'Using current year file ("'//TRIM(fnam)//'") last record for '//TRIM(title))
    529     champtime(:, :, 1)=champtime(:, :, lmdep+1)
    530   END IF
    533   fnam_p=fnam(1:idx)//''
    534   IF(NF90_OPEN(fnam_p,NF90_NOWRITE,ncid)==nf90_noerr) THEN
    535     CALL msg(0,'Reading next year file ("'//TRIM(fnam_p)//'") first record for '//TRIM(title))
    536     CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, varname, varid),fnam_p)
    537     CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,champ,[1,1,1],[imdep,jmdep,1]),fnam_p)
    538     CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(ncid), fnam_p)
    539     CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.)
    540     IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ,imdep,jmdep,999999.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,2,work)
    541     IF(mode=='RUG') champ=LOG(champ)
    542     CALL inter_barxy(dlon,dlat(:jmdep-1),champ,rlonu(:iim),rlatv,champint)
    543     IF(mode=='RUG') THEN
    544       champint=EXP(champint)
    545       WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint=0.001
    546     END IF
    547     champtime(:, :, lmdep+2)=champint
    548   ELSE
    549     CALL msg(0,'Using current year file ("'//TRIM(fnam)//'") first record for '//TRIM(title))
    550     champtime(:, :, lmdep+2)=champtime(:, :, 2)
    551   END IF
    552   DEALLOCATE(dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ)
    553   IF(extrp) DEALLOCATE(work)
    555 !--- TIME INTERPOLATION ------------------------------------------------------
    556   IF(prt_level>0) THEN
    557      IF(ndays/=ndays_in) THEN
    558         WRITE(lunout,*)'DIFFERENT YEAR LENGTHS:'
    559         WRITE(lunout,*)' In the  input file: ',ndays_in
    560         WRITE(lunout,*)' In the output file: ',ndays
    561      END IF
    562      IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN
    563         WRITE(lunout, *)'NO TIME INTERPOLATION.'
    564         WRITE(lunout, *)' Daily input file.'
    565      ELSE
    566         IF(     is_bcs) WRITE(lunout, *)'LINEAR TIME INTERPOLATION.'
    567         IF(.NOT.is_bcs) WRITE(lunout, *)'SPLINES TIME INTERPOLATION.'
    568         WRITE(lunout, *)' Input time vector: ', timeyear
    569         WRITE(lunout, *)' Output time vector: from 0.5 to ', ndays-0.5
    570      END IF
    571   END IF
    572   ALLOCATE(champan(iip1, jjp1, ndays))
    574   IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN  !--- DAILY DATA: NO     TIME INTERPOLATION
    575     DO l=1,lmdep
    576       champan(1:iim,:,l)=champtime(:,:,l+1)
    577     END DO
    579     l=1
    580     DO k=1, ndays
    581       timeday = (REAL(k)-0.5)*REAL(ndays_in)/ndays
    582       IF(timeyear(l+1)<timeday) l=l+1
    583       al=(timeday-timeyear(l))/(timeyear(l+1)-timeyear(l))
    584       champan(1:iim,:,k) = champtime(1:iim,:,l)+al*(champtime(1:iim,:,l+1)-champtime(1:iim,:,l))
    585     END DO
    586   ELSE                      !--- AVE   DATA: SPLINE TIME INTERPOLATION
    587      skip = .false.
    588      n_extrap = 0
    589      ALLOCATE(yder(lmdep+2))
    590      DO j=1, jjp1
    591        DO i=1, iim
    592          yder = pchsp_95(timeyear, champtime(i, j, :), ibeg=2, iend=2, &
    593               vc_beg=0., vc_end=0.)
    594          CALL pchfe_95(timeyear, champtime(i, j, :), yder, skip, &
    595               arth(0.5, real(ndays_in) / ndays, ndays), champan(i, j, :), ierr)
    596          if (ierr < 0) call abort_physic("get_2Dfield", "", 1)
    597          n_extrap = n_extrap + ierr
    598        END DO
    599      END DO
    600      IF(n_extrap /= 0) WRITE(lunout,*) "get_2Dfield pchfe_95: n_extrap = ", n_extrap
    601      DEALLOCATE(yder)
    602   END IF
    603   champan(iip1, :, :)=champan(1, :, :)
    604   DEALLOCATE(champtime, timeyear)
    606 !--- Checking the result
    607   DO j=1, jjp1
    608     CALL minmax(iip1, champan(1, j, 10), chmin, chmax)
    609     IF (prt_level>5) WRITE(lunout, *)' ',TRIM(title),' at time 10 ', chmin, chmax, j
    610   END DO
    612 !--- SPECIAL FILTER FOR SST: SST>271.38 --------------------------------------
    613   IF(mode=='SST') THEN
    614     SELECT CASE(units)
    615       CASE("K"); CALL msg(0,'SST field is already in kelvins.')
    616       CASE("C"); CALL msg(0,'SST field converted from celcius degrees to kelvins.')
    617       champan(:, :, :)=champan(:, :, :)+273.15
    618     END SELECT
    619     CALL msg(0,'Filtering SST: Sea Surface Temperature >= 271.38')
    620     WHERE(champan<271.38) champan=271.38
    621   END IF
    623 !--- SPECIAL FILTER FOR SIC: 0.0<SIC<1.0 -------------------------------------
    624   IF(mode=='SIC') THEN
    625     SELECT CASE(units)
    626       CASE("1"); CALL msg(0,'SIC field already in fraction of 1')
    627       CASE("%"); CALL msg(0,'SIC field converted from percentage to fraction of 1.')
    628        champan(:, :, :)=champan(:, :, :)/100.
    629     END SELECT
    630     CALL msg(0,'Filtering SIC: 0.0 <= Sea-ice <=1.0')
    631     WHERE(champan>1.0) champan=1.0
    632     WHERE(champan<0.0) champan=0.0
    633  END IF
    635 !--- DYNAMICAL TO PHYSICAL GRID ----------------------------------------------
    636   ALLOCATE(champo(klon, ndays))
    637   DO k=1, ndays
    638     CALL gr_dyn_fi(1, iip1, jjp1, klon, champan(1, 1, k), champo(:, k))
    639   END DO
    640   DEALLOCATE(champan)
    642 END SUBROUTINE get_2Dfield
    644 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    647 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    649 SUBROUTINE start_init_orog0(lon_in,lat_in,phis,masque)
    651 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    652   USE grid_noro_m, ONLY: grid_noro0
    654 !===============================================================================
    655 ! Purpose:  Compute "phis" just like it would be in start_init_orog.
    656 !===============================================================================
    657 ! Arguments:
    658   REAL,             INTENT(IN)    :: lon_in(:), lat_in(:)   ! dim (iml) (jml)
    659   REAL,             INTENT(INOUT) :: phis(:,:), masque(:,:) ! dim (iml,jml)
    660 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    661 ! Local variables:
    662   CHARACTER(LEN=ns)  :: modname="start_init_orog0"
    663   INTEGER            :: fid, llm_tmp,ttm_tmp, iml,jml, iml_rel,jml_rel, itau(1)
    664   REAL               :: lev(1), date, dt, deg2rad
    665   REAL, ALLOCATABLE  :: lon_rad(:), lon_ini(:), lon_rel(:,:), relief_hi(:,:)
    666   REAL, ALLOCATABLE  :: lat_rad(:), lat_ini(:), lat_rel(:,:)
    667 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    668   iml=assert_eq(SIZE(lon_in),SIZE(phis,1),SIZE(masque,1),TRIM(modname)//" iml")
    669   jml=assert_eq(SIZE(lat_in),SIZE(phis,2),SIZE(masque,2),TRIM(modname)//" jml")
    670   IF(iml/=iip1) CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname),'iml/=iip1',1)
    671   IF(jml/=jjp1) CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname),'jml/=jjp1',1)
    672   pi=2.0*ASIN(1.0); deg2rad=pi/180.0
    673   IF(ANY(phis/=-99999.)) RETURN                  !--- phis ALREADY KNOWN
    676   CALL flininfo(frelf, iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, fid)
    678   ALLOCATE(lat_rel(iml_rel,jml_rel),lon_rel(iml_rel,jml_rel))
    679   CALL flinopen(frelf, .FALSE., iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, lon_rel, lat_rel,   &
    680                 lev, ttm_tmp, itau, date, dt, fid)
    681   ALLOCATE(relief_hi(iml_rel,jml_rel))
    682   CALL flinget(fid, vrel, iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, 1, 1, relief_hi)
    683   CALL flinclo(fid)
    686   ALLOCATE(lon_ini(iml_rel),lat_ini(jml_rel))
    687   lon_ini(:)=lon_rel(:,1); IF(MAXVAL(lon_rel)>pi) lon_ini=lon_ini*deg2rad
    688   lat_ini(:)=lat_rel(1,:); IF(MAXVAL(lat_rel)>pi) lat_ini=lat_ini*deg2rad
    691   ALLOCATE(lon_rad(iml_rel),lat_rad(jml_rel))
    692   CALL conf_dat2d(vrel, lon_ini, lat_ini, lon_rad, lat_rad, relief_hi, .FALSE.)
    693   DEALLOCATE(lon_ini,lat_ini)
    696   WRITE(lunout,*)
    697   WRITE(lunout,*)'*** Compute surface geopotential ***'
    700   CALL grid_noro0(lon_rad, lat_rad, relief_hi, lon_in, lat_in, phis, masque)
    701   phis = phis * 9.81
    702   phis(iml,:) = phis(1,:)
    703   DEALLOCATE(relief_hi,lon_rad,lat_rad)
    705 END SUBROUTINE start_init_orog0
    707 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    710 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    712 SUBROUTINE msg(lev,str1,i,str2)
    714 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    715 ! Arguments:
    716   INTEGER,                    INTENT(IN) :: lev
    717   CHARACTER(LEN=*),           INTENT(IN) :: str1
    718   INTEGER,          OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: i
    719   CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: str2
    720 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    721   IF(prt_level>=lev) THEN
    722     IF(PRESENT(str2)) THEN
    723       WRITE(lunout,*) TRIM(str1), i, TRIM(str2)
    724     ELSE IF(PRESENT(i)) THEN
    725       WRITE(lunout,*) TRIM(str1), i
    726     ELSE
    727       WRITE(lunout,*) TRIM(str1)
    728     END IF
    729   END IF
    731 END SUBROUTINE msg
    733 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    736 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    738 SUBROUTINE ncerr(ncres,fnam)
    740 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    741 ! Purpose: NetCDF errors handling.
    742 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    743   USE netcdf, ONLY : nf90_noerr, NF90_STRERROR
    745 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    746 ! Arguments:
    747   INTEGER,          INTENT(IN) :: ncres
    748   CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: fnam
    749 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    750   IF(ncres/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    751     WRITE(lunout,*)'Problem with file '//TRIM(fnam)//' in routine limit_netcdf.'
    752     CALL abort_physic('limit_netcdf',NF90_STRERROR(ncres),1)
    753   END IF
    755 END SUBROUTINE ncerr
    757 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    760 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    762 SUBROUTINE strclean(s)
    764 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    766 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    767 ! Purpose: Remove tail null characters from the input string.
    768 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    769 ! Parameters:
    770   CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: s
    771 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    772 ! Local variable:
    773   INTEGER :: k
    774 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    775   k=LEN_TRIM(s); DO WHILE(ICHAR(s(k:k))==0); s(k:k)=' '; k=LEN_TRIM(s); END DO
    777 END SUBROUTINE strclean
    779 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    782 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    784 FUNCTION is_in(s1,s2) RESULT(res)
    786 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    788 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    789 ! Purpose: Check wether s1 is present in the s2(:) list (case insensitive).
    790 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    791 ! Arguments:
    792   CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: s1, s2(:)
    793   LOGICAL                      :: res
    794 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    795   res=.FALSE.; DO k=1,SIZE(s2); res=res.OR.strLow(s1)==strLow(s2(k)); END DO
    797 END FUNCTION is_in
    799 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    802 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    804 ELEMENTAL FUNCTION strLow(s) RESULT(res)
    806 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    808 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    809 ! Purpose: Lower case conversion.
    810 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    811 ! Arguments:
    812   CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: s
    813   CHARACTER(LEN=ns)            :: res
    814 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    815 ! Local variable:
    816   INTEGER :: k, ix
    817 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    818   res=s
    819   DO k=1,LEN(s); ix=IACHAR(s(k:k))
    820     IF(64<ix.AND.ix<91) res(k:k)=ACHAR(ix+32)
    821   END DO
    823 END FUNCTION strLow
    825 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    827 #endif
    828 ! of #ifndef CPP_1D
    829 END SUBROUTINE limit_netcdf
    831 END MODULE limit
    833 !*******************************************************************************
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/create_etat0_unstruct_mod.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    2323  SUBROUTINE init_create_etat0_unstruct
    2424  USE lmdz_xios
    25   USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_NOWRITE,nf90_close,nf90_noerr,nf90_open
     25  USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_nowrite,nf90_close,nf90_noerr,nf90_open
    2626  USE mod_phys_lmdz_para
    3131    IF (is_omp_master) THEN
    33       IF (NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, file_id)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     33      IF (nf90_open("", nf90_nowrite, file_id)==nf90_noerr) THEN
    3434        CALL xios_set_file_attr("frac_ocean",enabled=.TRUE.)
    3535        CALL xios_set_field_attr("mask",field_ref="frac_ocean_read")
    36         iret=NF90_CLOSE(file_id)
    37       ELSE IF (NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, file_id)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     36        iret=nf90_close(file_id)
     37      ELSE IF (nf90_open("", nf90_nowrite, file_id)==nf90_noerr) THEN
    3838        CALL xios_set_file_attr("land_water",name="land_water_0.05",enabled=.TRUE.)
    3939        CALL xios_set_field_attr("mask",field_ref="land_water")
    40         iret=NF90_CLOSE(file_id)
    41       ELSE IF (NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, file_id)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     40        iret=nf90_close(file_id)
     41      ELSE IF (nf90_open("", nf90_nowrite, file_id)==nf90_noerr) THEN
    4242        CALL xios_set_file_attr("land_water",name="land_water_0.25",enabled=.TRUE.)
    4343        CALL xios_set_field_attr("mask",field_ref="land_water")
    44         iret=NF90_CLOSE(file_id)
    45       ELSE IF (NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, file_id)==nf90_noerr) THEN
     44        iret=nf90_close(file_id)
     45      ELSE IF (nf90_open("", nf90_nowrite, file_id)==nf90_noerr) THEN
    4646        CALL xios_set_file_attr("land_water",name="land_water_0.50",enabled=.TRUE.)
    4747        CALL xios_set_field_attr("mask",field_ref="land_water")
    48         iret=NF90_CLOSE(file_id)
     48        iret=nf90_close(file_id)
    4949      ENDIF
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/dyn1d/lmdz1d.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    22! $Id$
    4 !#ifdef CPP_1D
    54!#include "../dyn3d/mod_const_mpi.F90"
    65!#include "../dyn3d_common/control_mod.F90"
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/grid_noro_m.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    435435! Purpose: Read parameters usually determined with grid_noro from a file.
    437   USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_OPEN,  nf90_inq_dimid, nf90_inquire_dimension,        &
    438         nf90_noerr, NF90_CLOSE, NF90_INQ_VARID, nf90_get_var, NF90_STRERROR,   &
    439         NF90_NOWRITE
     437  USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_open,  nf90_inq_dimid, nf90_inquire_dimension,        &
     438        nf90_noerr, nf90_close, NF90_INQ_VARID, nf90_get_var, NF90_STRERROR,   &
     439        nf90_nowrite
    440440  IMPLICIT NONE
    471471  masque_lu=ANY(mask/=-99999.); IF(.NOT.masque_lu) mask=0.0
    472472  WRITE(lunout,*)'Masque lu: ',masque_lu
    473   CALL ncerr(NF90_OPEN(fname,NF90_NOWRITE,fid))
     473  CALL ncerr(nf90_open(fname,nf90_nowrite,fid))
    474474  CALL check_dim('x','longitude',x(1:imar))
    475475  CALL check_dim('y','latitude' ,y(1:jmar))
    483483  zpic=zmea+2*zstd
    484484  zval=MAX(0.,zmea-2.*zstd)
    485   CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(fid))
     485  CALL ncerr(nf90_close(fid))
    486486  WRITE(lunout,*)'  MEAN ORO:' ,MAXVAL(zmea)
    487487  WRITE(lunout,*)'  ST. DEV.:' ,MAXVAL(zstd)
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/iostart.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    3838    IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN
    39       ierr = NF90_OPEN (filename, NF90_NOWRITE,nid_start)
     39      ierr = nf90_open (filename, nf90_nowrite,nid_start)
    4040      IF (ierr/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    4141        write(6,*)' Pb d''ouverture du fichier '//filename
    5555    IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN
    56         ierr = NF90_CLOSE (nid_start)
     56        ierr = nf90_close (nid_start)
    5757    ENDIF
    313313    IF (is_master) THEN
    314       ierr = NF90_CREATE(filename, IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_64BIT_OFFSET), &
     314      ierr = nf90_create(filename, IOR(nf90_clobber,nf90_64bit_offset), &
    315315                          nid_restart)
    316316      IF (ierr/=nf90_noerr) THEN
    320320      ENDIF
    322       ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT (nid_restart, NF90_GLOBAL, "title","Fichier redemmarage physique")
    324       ierr = NF90_DEF_DIM (nid_restart, "index", length, idim1)
    325       ierr = NF90_DEF_DIM (nid_restart, "points_physiques", klon_glo, idim2)
    326       ierr = NF90_DEF_DIM (nid_restart, "horizon_vertical", klon_glo*klev, idim3)
    327       ierr = NF90_DEF_DIM (nid_restart, "horizon_klevp1", klon_glo*klevp1, idim4)
    329 !      ierr = NF90_ENDDEF(nid_restart)
     322      ierr = nf90_put_att (nid_restart, nf90_global, "title","Fichier redemmarage physique")
     324      ierr = nf90_def_dim (nid_restart, "index", length, idim1)
     325      ierr = nf90_def_dim (nid_restart, "points_physiques", klon_glo, idim2)
     326      ierr = nf90_def_dim (nid_restart, "horizon_vertical", klon_glo*klev, idim3)
     327      ierr = nf90_def_dim (nid_restart, "horizon_klevp1", klon_glo*klevp1, idim4)
     329!      ierr = nf90_enddef(nid_restart)
    330330    ENDIF
    338338    INTEGER          :: ierr
    340     IF (is_master) ierr = NF90_ENDDEF(nid_restart)
     340    IF (is_master) ierr = nf90_enddef(nid_restart)
    342342  END SUBROUTINE enddef_restartphy
    348348    INTEGER          :: ierr
    350     IF (is_master) ierr = NF90_CLOSE (nid_restart)
     350    IF (is_master) ierr = nf90_close (nid_restart)
    352352  END SUBROUTINE close_restartphy
    427427!      ierr = NF90_REDEF (nid_restart)
    428       ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR (nid_restart, field_name, nf90_format,(/ idim /),nvarid)
    429       IF (LEN_TRIM(title) > 0) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT (nid_restart,nvarid,"title", title)
    430 !      ierr = NF90_ENDDEF(nid_restart)
     428      ierr = nf90_def_var (nid_restart, field_name, nf90_format,(/ idim /),nvarid)
     429      IF (LEN_TRIM(title) > 0) ierr = nf90_put_att (nid_restart,nvarid,"title", title)
     430!      ierr = nf90_enddef(nid_restart)
    431431     ENDIF
    455455       ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(nid_restart, field_name, nvarid)
    456        ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(nid_restart,nvarid,RESHAPE(field_glo,(/klon_glo*field_size/)))
     456       ierr = nf90_put_var(nid_restart,nvarid,RESHAPE(field_glo,(/klon_glo*field_size/)))
    457457      ENDIF
    458458   ENDIF
    536536!      ierr = NF90_REDEF (nid_restart)
    538         ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR (nid_restart, var_name, nf90_format,(/ idim1 /),nvarid)
    539         IF (LEN_TRIM(title)>0) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT (nid_restart,nvarid,"title", title)
    540 !      ierr = NF90_ENDDEF(nid_restart)
     538        ierr = nf90_def_var (nid_restart, var_name, nf90_format,(/ idim1 /),nvarid)
     539        IF (LEN_TRIM(title)>0) ierr = nf90_put_att (nid_restart,nvarid,"title", title)
     540!      ierr = nf90_enddef(nid_restart)
    542542    ! second pass : write     
    543543      ELSE IF (pass==2) THEN
    544544        ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(nid_restart, var_name, nvarid)
    545         ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(nid_restart,nvarid,var)
     545        ierr = nf90_put_var(nid_restart,nvarid,var)
    546546      ENDIF
    547547    ENDIF
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/iotd_ecrit.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    111            ierr= NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,varid,date,[ntime])
     111           ierr= nf90_put_var(nid,varid,date,[ntime])
    113113!          print*,'date ',date,ierr,nid
    175       ierr= NF90_PUT_VAR(nid,varid,zx,corner,edges)
     175      ierr= nf90_put_var(nid,varid,zx,corner,edges)
    177177      if (ierr/=nf90_noerr) then
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/limit_read_mod.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    234234!$OMP MASTER  ! Only master thread
    235235       IF (is_mpi_root) THEN ! Only master processus
    236           ierr = NF90_OPEN ('', NF90_NOWRITE, nid)
     236          ierr = nf90_open ('', nf90_nowrite, nid)
    237237          IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL abort_physic(modname,&
    238238               'Pb d''ouverture du fichier de conditions aux limites',1)
    241241          ierr=NF90_INQ_VARID(nid, 'TEMPS', nvarid)
    242           ierr=NF90_GET_ATT(nid, nvarid, 'calendar', calendar)
     242          ierr=nf90_get_att(nid, nvarid, 'calendar', calendar)
    243243          IF(ierr==nf90_noerr.AND.calendar/=calend.AND.prt_level>=1) THEN
    244244             WRITE(lunout,*)'BEWARE: gcm and calendars differ: '
    269269          IF(nn/=klon_glo) CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1)
    271           ierr = NF90_CLOSE(nid)
     271          ierr = nf90_close(nid)
    272272          IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL abort_physic(modname,'Pb when closing file', 1)
    273273       END IF ! is_mpi_root
    332332       IF (is_mpi_root) THEN ! Only master processus!
    334           ierr = NF90_OPEN ('', NF90_NOWRITE, nid)
     334          ierr = nf90_open ('', nf90_nowrite, nid)
    335335          IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL abort_physic(modname,&
    336336               'Pb d''ouverture du fichier de conditions aux limites',1)
    428           ierr = NF90_CLOSE(nid)
     428          ierr = nf90_close(nid)
    429429          IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL abort_physic(modname,'Pb when closing file', 1)
    430430       ENDIF ! is_mpi_root
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/limit_slab.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    6161        read_siv=.TRUE.
    63         ierr = NF90_OPEN ('', NF90_NOWRITE, nid)
     63        ierr = nf90_open ('', nf90_nowrite, nid)
    6464        IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) THEN
    6565            PRINT *,'LIMIT_SLAB file not found'
    147         ierr = NF90_CLOSE(nid)
     147        ierr = nf90_close(nid)
    148148        IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL abort_physic(modname,'Pb when closing file', 1)
    149149        END IF ! Read File
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/mo_simple_plumes.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    8888    IF (is_mpi_root.AND.is_omp_root) THEN
    90        iret = nf90_open("", NF90_NOWRITE, ncid)
     90       iret = nf90_open("", nf90_nowrite, ncid)
    9191       IF (iret /= nf90_noerr) THEN
    9292          abort_message='NetCDF File not opened'
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/open_climoz_m.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    5353    press_in_cen = press_in_cen * 100.
    5454    nlev = SIZE(press_in_cen)
    55     CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(ncID, "time", varID)
     55    CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncID, "time", varID)
    5656    CALL NF95_GW_VAR(ncid, varid, time_in)
    5757    ntim = SIZE(time_in)
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/read_map2D.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    3030! Read variable from file. Done by master process MPI and master thread OpenMP
    3131  IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN
    32      ierr = NF90_OPEN(trim(filename), NF90_NOWRITE, nid)
     32     ierr = nf90_open(trim(filename), nf90_nowrite, nid)
    3333     IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL write_err_mess('Problem in opening file')
    4141     IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL write_err_mess('Problem in reading varaiable')
    43      ierr = NF90_CLOSE(nid)
     43     ierr = nf90_close(nid)
    4444     IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL write_err_mess('Problem in closing file')
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/readaerosol_mod.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    200200        IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
    202           IF (nf90_open(TRIM(file_aerosol), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid) /= nf90_noerr) THEN
    203             CALL check_err( nf90_open(TRIM(file_so4), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid), "pb open "//trim(file_so4) )
     202          IF (nf90_open(TRIM(file_aerosol), nf90_nowrite, ncid) /= nf90_noerr) THEN
     203            CALL check_err( nf90_open(TRIM(file_so4), nf90_nowrite, ncid), "pb open "//trim(file_so4) )
    204204          ENDIF
    352352       WRITE(lunout,*) 'reading variable ',TRIM(varname),' in file ', TRIM(fname)
    353        CALL check_err( nf90_open(TRIM(fname), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid), "pb open "//trim(fname) )
     353       CALL check_err( nf90_open(TRIM(fname), nf90_nowrite, ncid), "pb open "//trim(fname) )
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/regr_horiz_time_climoz_m.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    11MODULE regr_horiz_time_climoz_m
    3   USE interpolation,     ONLY: locate
    4   USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: nbp_lon, nbp_lat, grid_type, unstructured
    5   USE nrtype,            ONLY: pi
    6   USE netcdf,   ONLY: NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_FLOAT,     NF90_OPEN,  &
    7                       NF90_NOWRITE, nf90_noerr,     NF90_GET_ATT, NF90_GLOBAL
    8   USE netcdf95, ONLY: NF95_DEF_DIM, NF95_INQ_DIMID, NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION,    &
    10        NF95_OPEN,  NF95_CREATE,  NF95_GET_ATT,   NF95_GW_VAR,  nf95_get_var, &
    11        NF95_CLOSE, NF95_ENDDEF,  NF95_PUT_ATT,  NF95_PUT_VAR, NF95_COPY_ATT
    12   USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
     3  USE interpolation, ONLY : locate
     4  USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY : nbp_lon, nbp_lat, grid_type, unstructured
     5  USE nrtype, ONLY : pi
     6  USE netcdf, ONLY : nf90_clobber, nf90_float, nf90_open, &
     7          nf90_nowrite, nf90_noerr, nf90_get_att, nf90_global
     8  USE netcdf95, ONLY : nf95_def_dim, nf95_inq_dimid, nf95_inquire_dimension, &
     9          nf95_def_var, nf95_inq_varid, NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE, &
     10          NF95_OPEN, NF95_CREATE, NF95_GET_ATT, NF95_GW_VAR, nf95_get_var, &
     11          NF95_CLOSE, NF95_ENDDEF, NF95_PUT_ATT, NF95_PUT_VAR, NF95_COPY_ATT
     12  USE print_control_mod, ONLY : lunout
    1313  USE dimphy
    1515  PRIVATE
    1616  PUBLIC :: regr_horiz_time_climoz
    17   REAL, PARAMETER :: deg2rad=pi/180.
    18   CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER :: vars_in(2)=['tro3         ','tro3_daylight']
     17  REAL, PARAMETER :: deg2rad = pi / 180.
     18  CHARACTER(LEN = 13), PARAMETER :: vars_in(2) = ['tro3         ', 'tro3_daylight']
    2020  INTEGER :: nlat_ou, nlon_ou
    2121  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: latitude_glo(:)
    22 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(latitude_glo)
     22  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(latitude_glo)
    2323  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ind_cell_glo_glo(:)
    24 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ind_cell_glo_glo)
     24  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ind_cell_glo_glo)
    28 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 SUBROUTINE regr_horiz_time_climoz(read_climoz,interpt)
    32 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    33 ! Purpose: Regrid horizontally and in time zonal or 3D ozone climatologies.
    34 !   * Read ozone climatology from netcdf file
    35 !   * Regrid it horizontaly to LMDZ grid (quasi-conservative method)
    36 !   * If interpt=T, interpolate linearly in time (one record each day)
    37 !     If interpt=F, keep original time sampling  (14 months).
    38 !   * Save it to a new netcdf file.
    39 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40 ! Remarks:
    41 !   * Up to 2 variables treated: "tro3" and "tro3_daylight" (if read_climoz=2)
    42 !   * Input fields coordinates: (longitudes, latitudes, pressure_levels, time)
    43 !   * Output grid cells centers coordinates given by [rlonv,] rlatu.
    44 !   * Output grid cells edges   coordinates given by [rlonu,] rlatv.
    45 !   * Input file [longitudes and] latitudes given in degrees.
    46 !   * Input file pressure levels are given in Pa or hPa.
    47 !   * All coordinates variables are stricly monotonic.
    48 !   * Monthly fields are interpolated linearly in time to get daily values.
    49 !   * Fields are known at the middle of the months, so interpolation requires an
    50 !     additional record both for 1st half of january and 2nd half of december:
    51 !     - For a 14-records "": records 1 and 14.
    52 !     - For 12-records files:
    53 !       record 12 of "" if available, or record 1  of "".
    54 !       record 1  of "" if available, or record 12 of "".
    55 !   * Calendar is taken into account to get one record each day (not 360 always).
    56 !   * Missing values are filled in from sky to ground by copying lowest valid one.
    57 !     Attribute "missing_value" or "_FillValue" must be present in input file.
    58 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59   USE assert_m,           ONLY: assert
    60   USE cal_tools_m,        ONLY: year_len, mid_month
    61 !!  USE control_mod,        ONLY: anneeref
    62   USE time_phylmdz_mod,   ONLY: annee_ref
    63   USE ioipsl,             ONLY: ioget_year_len, ioget_calendar
    64   USE regr_conserv_m,     ONLY: regr_conserv
    65   USE regr_lint_m,        ONLY: regr_lint
    66   USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: boundslon_reg, boundslat_reg, south, west, east
    67   USE slopes_m,           ONLY: slopes
    68   USE lmdz_xios
    69   USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: is_mpi_root, is_master, is_omp_master, gather, gather_mpi, bcast_mpi, klon_mpi
    70   USE geometry_mod, ONLY : latitude_deg, ind_cell_glo
    71   USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo
    73 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 ! Arguments:
    75   INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: read_climoz ! read ozone climatology, 1 or 2
    76 !                         1: read a single ozone climatology used day and night
    77 !                         2: same + read also a daylight climatology
    78   LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: interpt     ! TRUE  => daily interpolation
    79                                      ! FALSE => no interpolation (14 months)
    80 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 ! Local variables:
    83 !--- Input files variables
    84   INTEGER :: nlon_in                       ! Number of longitudes
    85   INTEGER :: nlat_in                       ! Number of latitudes
    86   INTEGER :: nlev_in                       ! Number of pressure levels
    87   INTEGER :: nmth_in                       ! Number of months
    88   REAL, ALLOCATABLE:: lon_in(:)           ! Longitudes   (ascending order, rad)
    89   REAL, ALLOCATABLE:: lat_in(:)           ! Latitudes    (ascending order, rad)
    90   REAL, ALLOCATABLE:: lev_in(:)           ! Pressure levels (ascen. order, hPa)
    91   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_in_edge(:)      ! Longitude intervals edges
    92                                            !              (ascending order,  / )
    93   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: sinlat_in_edge(:)   ! Sinus of latitude intervals edges
    94                                            !              (ascending order,  / )
    95   LOGICAL :: ldec_lon, ldec_lat, ldec_lev  ! Decreasing order in input file
    96   CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_in              ! Calendar
    97   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in3(:,:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
    98   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in3bis(:,:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
    99   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in2  (:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
    100   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in2bis(:,:,:,:,:)   ! Ozone climatologies
    101   ! last index: 1 for the day-night average, 2 for the daylight field.
    102   REAL :: NaN
    104 !--- Partially or totally regridded variables      (:,:,nlev_in,:,read_climoz)
    105   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lon   (:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_in,:,0:13   ,:)
    106   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,0:13   ,:)
    107   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out3       (:,:,:,:,:) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:)
    108   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out3_glo   (:,:,:,:) !   (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:)
    109   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lat     (:,:,:,:) !         (nlat_in,:,0:13   ,:)
    110   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out2         (:,:,:,:) !         (nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:)
    111   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out2_glo     (:,:,:,:) !         (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:)
    112   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out          (:,:,:,:) !         (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:)
    113 ! Dimension number  | Interval                | Contains  | For variables:
    114 !   1 (longitude)   | [rlonu(i-1), rlonu(i)]  | rlonv(i)  | all
    115 !   2 (latitude)    | [rlatv(j), rlatv(j-1)]  | rlatu(j)  | all but o3_regr_lon
    116 !   3 (press level) |                         |   lev(k)  | all
    117 ! Note that rlatv(0)=pi/2 and rlatv(nlat_ou)=-pi/2.
    118 ! Dimension 4 is: month number                             (all vars but o3_out)
    119 !                 days elapsed since Jan. 1st 0h at mid-day (o3_out only)
    120   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: v1(:)
    122 !--- For NetCDF:
    123   INTEGER :: fID_in_m, fID_in, levID_ou, dimid, vID_in(read_climoz), ntim_ou
    124   INTEGER :: fID_in_p, fID_ou, timID_ou, varid, vID_ou(read_climoz), ndims, ncerr
    125   INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: dIDs(:)
    126   CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_ou     !--- Calendar; no time inter => same as input
    127   CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: press_unit !--- Pressure unit
    128   REAL    :: tmidmonth(0:13)      !--- Elapsed days since Jan-1 0h at mid-months
    129                                   ! Additional records 0, 13 for interpolation
    130   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tmidday(:) !--- Output times (mid-days since Jan 1st 0h)
    131   LOGICAL :: lprev, lnext         !--- Flags: previous/next files are present
    132   LOGICAL :: l3D, l2D             !--- Flag:  input fields are 3D or zonal
    133   INTEGER :: ii, i, j, k, l, m, dln, ib, ie, iv, dx1, dx2
    134   INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sta(:), cnt(:)
    135   CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: sub, dim_nam, msg
    136   REAL :: null_array(0)
    137   LOGICAL,SAVE :: first=.TRUE.
    138 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first) 
    139   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: test_o3_in(:,:)
    140   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: test_o3_out(:)
    143   IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    144     IF (first) THEN
    145       IF (is_master) THEN
    146         ALLOCATE(latitude_glo(klon_glo))
    147         ALLOCATE(ind_cell_glo_glo(klon_glo))
    148       ELSE
    149         ALLOCATE(latitude_glo(0))
    150         ALLOCATE(ind_cell_glo_glo(0))
     28  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     30  SUBROUTINE regr_horiz_time_climoz(read_climoz, interpt)
     32    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     33    ! Purpose: Regrid horizontally and in time zonal or 3D ozone climatologies.
     34    !   * Read ozone climatology from netcdf file
     35    !   * Regrid it horizontaly to LMDZ grid (quasi-conservative method)
     36    !   * If interpt=T, interpolate linearly in time (one record each day)
     37    !     If interpt=F, keep original time sampling  (14 months).
     38    !   * Save it to a new netcdf file.
     39    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     40    ! Remarks:
     41    !   * Up to 2 variables treated: "tro3" and "tro3_daylight" (if read_climoz=2)
     42    !   * Input fields coordinates: (longitudes, latitudes, pressure_levels, time)
     43    !   * Output grid cells centers coordinates given by [rlonv,] rlatu.
     44    !   * Output grid cells edges   coordinates given by [rlonu,] rlatv.
     45    !   * Input file [longitudes and] latitudes given in degrees.
     46    !   * Input file pressure levels are given in Pa or hPa.
     47    !   * All coordinates variables are stricly monotonic.
     48    !   * Monthly fields are interpolated linearly in time to get daily values.
     49    !   * Fields are known at the middle of the months, so interpolation requires an
     50    !     additional record both for 1st half of january and 2nd half of december:
     51    !     - For a 14-records "": records 1 and 14.
     52    !     - For 12-records files:
     53    !       record 12 of "" if available, or record 1  of "".
     54    !       record 1  of "" if available, or record 12 of "".
     55    !   * Calendar is taken into account to get one record each day (not 360 always).
     56    !   * Missing values are filled in from sky to ground by copying lowest valid one.
     57    !     Attribute "missing_value" or "_FillValue" must be present in input file.
     58    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     59    USE assert_m, ONLY : assert
     60    USE cal_tools_m, ONLY : year_len, mid_month
     61    !!  USE control_mod,        ONLY: anneeref
     62    USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY : annee_ref
     63    USE ioipsl, ONLY : ioget_year_len, ioget_calendar
     64    USE regr_conserv_m, ONLY : regr_conserv
     65    USE regr_lint_m, ONLY : regr_lint
     66    USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY : boundslon_reg, boundslat_reg, south, west, east
     67    USE slopes_m, ONLY : slopes
     68    USE lmdz_xios
     69    USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY : is_mpi_root, is_master, is_omp_master, gather, gather_mpi, bcast_mpi, klon_mpi
     70    USE geometry_mod, ONLY : latitude_deg, ind_cell_glo
     71    USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY : klon_glo
     73    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     74    ! Arguments:
     75    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: read_climoz ! read ozone climatology, 1 or 2
     76    !                         1: read a single ozone climatology used day and night
     77    !                         2: same + read also a daylight climatology
     78    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: interpt     ! TRUE  => daily interpolation
     79    ! FALSE => no interpolation (14 months)
     80    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     81    ! Local variables:
     83    !--- Input files variables
     84    INTEGER :: nlon_in                       ! Number of longitudes
     85    INTEGER :: nlat_in                       ! Number of latitudes
     86    INTEGER :: nlev_in                       ! Number of pressure levels
     87    INTEGER :: nmth_in                       ! Number of months
     88    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_in(:)           ! Longitudes   (ascending order, rad)
     89    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lat_in(:)           ! Latitudes    (ascending order, rad)
     90    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lev_in(:)           ! Pressure levels (ascen. order, hPa)
     91    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_in_edge(:)      ! Longitude intervals edges
     92    !              (ascending order,  / )
     93    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: sinlat_in_edge(:)   ! Sinus of latitude intervals edges
     94    !              (ascending order,  / )
     95    LOGICAL :: ldec_lon, ldec_lat, ldec_lev  ! Decreasing order in input file
     96    CHARACTER(LEN = 20) :: cal_in              ! Calendar
     97    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in3(:, :, :, :, :)   ! Ozone climatologies
     98    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in3bis(:, :, :, :, :)   ! Ozone climatologies
     99    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in2  (:, :, :, :)   ! Ozone climatologies
     100    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_in2bis(:, :, :, :, :)   ! Ozone climatologies
     101    ! last index: 1 for the day-night average, 2 for the daylight field.
     102    REAL :: NaN
     104    !--- Partially or totally regridded variables      (:,:,nlev_in,:,read_climoz)
     105    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lon   (:, :, :, :, :) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_in,:,0:13   ,:)
     106    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lonlat(:, :, :, :, :) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,0:13   ,:)
     107    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out3       (:, :, :, :, :) ! (nlon_ou,nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:)
     108    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out3_glo   (:, :, :, :) !   (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:)
     109    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_regr_lat     (:, :, :, :) !         (nlat_in,:,0:13   ,:)
     110    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out2         (:, :, :, :) !         (nlat_ou,:,ntim_ou,:)
     111    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out2_glo     (:, :, :, :) !         (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:)
     112    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: o3_out          (:, :, :, :) !         (nbp_lat,:,ntim_ou,:)
     113    ! Dimension number  | Interval                | Contains  | For variables:
     114    !   1 (longitude)   | [rlonu(i-1), rlonu(i)]  | rlonv(i)  | all
     115    !   2 (latitude)    | [rlatv(j), rlatv(j-1)]  | rlatu(j)  | all but o3_regr_lon
     116    !   3 (press level) |                         |   lev(k)  | all
     117    ! Note that rlatv(0)=pi/2 and rlatv(nlat_ou)=-pi/2.
     118    ! Dimension 4 is: month number                             (all vars but o3_out)
     119    !                 days elapsed since Jan. 1st 0h at mid-day (o3_out only)
     120    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: v1(:)
     122    !--- For NetCDF:
     123    INTEGER :: fID_in_m, fID_in, levID_ou, dimid, vID_in(read_climoz), ntim_ou
     124    INTEGER :: fID_in_p, fID_ou, timID_ou, varid, vID_ou(read_climoz), ndims, ncerr
     125    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: dIDs(:)
     126    CHARACTER(LEN = 20) :: cal_ou     !--- Calendar; no time inter => same as input
     127    CHARACTER(LEN = 80) :: press_unit !--- Pressure unit
     128    REAL :: tmidmonth(0:13)      !--- Elapsed days since Jan-1 0h at mid-months
     129    ! Additional records 0, 13 for interpolation
     130    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tmidday(:) !--- Output times (mid-days since Jan 1st 0h)
     131    LOGICAL :: lprev, lnext         !--- Flags: previous/next files are present
     132    LOGICAL :: l3D, l2D             !--- Flag:  input fields are 3D or zonal
     133    INTEGER :: ii, i, j, k, l, m, dln, ib, ie, iv, dx1, dx2
     134    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sta(:), cnt(:)
     135    CHARACTER(LEN = 80) :: sub, dim_nam, msg
     136    REAL :: null_array(0)
     137    LOGICAL, SAVE :: first = .TRUE.
     138    !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first)
     139    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: test_o3_in(:, :)
     140    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: test_o3_out(:)
     142    IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     143      IF (first) THEN
     144        IF (is_master) THEN
     145          ALLOCATE(latitude_glo(klon_glo))
     146          ALLOCATE(ind_cell_glo_glo(klon_glo))
     147        ELSE
     148          ALLOCATE(latitude_glo(0))
     149          ALLOCATE(ind_cell_glo_glo(0))
     150        ENDIF
     151        CALL gather(latitude_deg, latitude_glo)
     152        CALL gather(ind_cell_glo, ind_cell_glo_glo)
    151153      ENDIF
    152       CALL gather(latitude_deg,  latitude_glo)
    153       CALL gather(ind_cell_glo,  ind_cell_glo_glo)
    154     ENDIF
    155   ENDIF
    157   IF (is_omp_master) THEN
    158     nlat_ou=nbp_lat
    159     nlon_ou=nbp_lon
    161    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    162     IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
    163       sub="regr_horiz_time_climoz"
    164       WRITE(lunout,*)"Call sequence information: "//TRIM(sub)
    165       CALL assert(read_climoz == 1 .OR. read_climoz == 2, "regr_lat_time_climoz")
    167       CALL  NF95_OPEN(""  , NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in)
    168       lprev=NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in_m)==nf90_noerr
    169       lnext=NF90_OPEN("", NF90_NOWRITE, fID_in_p)==nf90_noerr
    171       !--- Get coordinates from the input file. Converts lon/lat in radians.
    172       !    Few inversions because "regr_conserv" and gcm need ascending vectors.
    173       CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, vars_in(1), varid)
    174       CALL NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID_in, varid, dimids=dIDs, ndims=ndims)
    175       l3D=ndims==4; l2D=ndims==3
    176       IF(l3D) WRITE(lunout,*)"Input files contain full 3D ozone fields."
    177       IF(l2D) WRITE(lunout,*)"Input files contain zonal 2D ozone fields."
    178       DO i=1,ndims
    179         CALL NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID_in, dIDs(i), name=dim_nam, nclen=dln)
    180         CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, dim_nam, varid)
    181         ii=i; IF(l2D) ii=i+1                              !--- ndims==3:NO LONGITUDE
    182         SELECT CASE(ii)
     154    ENDIF
     156    IF (is_omp_master) THEN
     157      nlat_ou = nbp_lat
     158      nlon_ou = nbp_lon
     160      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     161      IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
     162        sub = "regr_horiz_time_climoz"
     163        WRITE(lunout, *)"Call sequence information: " // TRIM(sub)
     164        CALL assert(read_climoz == 1 .OR. read_climoz == 2, "regr_lat_time_climoz")
     166        CALL  NF95_OPEN("", nf90_nowrite, fID_in)
     167        lprev = nf90_open("", nf90_nowrite, fID_in_m)==nf90_noerr
     168        lnext = nf90_open("", nf90_nowrite, fID_in_p)==nf90_noerr
     170        !--- Get coordinates from the input file. Converts lon/lat in radians.
     171        !    Few inversions because "regr_conserv" and gcm need ascending vectors.
     172        CALL nf95_inq_varid(fID_in, vars_in(1), varid)
     173        CALL NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID_in, varid, dimids = dIDs, ndims = ndims)
     174        l3D = ndims==4; l2D = ndims==3
     175        IF(l3D) WRITE(lunout, *)"Input files contain full 3D ozone fields."
     176        IF(l2D) WRITE(lunout, *)"Input files contain zonal 2D ozone fields."
     177        DO i = 1, ndims
     178          CALL nf95_inquire_dimension(fID_in, dIDs(i), name = dim_nam, nclen = dln)
     179          CALL nf95_inq_varid(fID_in, dim_nam, varid)
     180          ii = i; IF(l2D) ii = i + 1                              !--- ndims==3:NO LONGITUDE
     181          SELECT CASE(ii)
    183182          CASE(1)                                         !--- LONGITUDE
    184183            CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lon_in)
    185             ldec_lon=lon_in(1)>lon_in(dln); IF(ldec_lon) lon_in=lon_in(dln:1:-1)
    186             nlon_in=dln; lon_in=lon_in*deg2rad
     184            ldec_lon = lon_in(1)>lon_in(dln); IF(ldec_lon) lon_in = lon_in(dln:1:-1)
     185            nlon_in = dln; lon_in = lon_in * deg2rad
    187186          CASE(2)                                         !--- LATITUDE
    188187            CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lat_in)
    189             ldec_lat=lat_in(1)>lat_in(dln); IF(ldec_lat) lat_in=lat_in(dln:1:-1)
    190             nlat_in=dln; lat_in=lat_in*deg2rad
     188            ldec_lat = lat_in(1)>lat_in(dln); IF(ldec_lat) lat_in = lat_in(dln:1:-1)
     189            nlat_in = dln; lat_in = lat_in * deg2rad
    191190          CASE(3)                                         !--- PRESSURE LEVELS
    192191            CALL NF95_GW_VAR(fID_in, varid, lev_in)
    193             ldec_lev=lev_in(1)>lev_in(dln); IF(ldec_lev) lev_in=lev_in(dln:1:-1)
    194             nlev_in=dln
     192            ldec_lev = lev_in(1)>lev_in(dln); IF(ldec_lev) lev_in = lev_in(dln:1:-1)
     193            nlev_in = dln
    195194            CALL NF95_GET_ATT(fID_in, varid, "units", press_unit)
    196             k=LEN_TRIM(press_unit)
     195            k = LEN_TRIM(press_unit)
    197196            DO WHILE(ICHAR(press_unit(k:k))==0)
    198               press_unit(k:k)=' '; k=LEN_TRIM(press_unit) !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR
     197              press_unit(k:k) = ' '; k = LEN_TRIM(press_unit) !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR
    199198            END DO
    200199            IF(press_unit ==  "Pa") THEN
    201               lev_in = lev_in/100.                        !--- CONVERT TO hPa
     200              lev_in = lev_in / 100.                        !--- CONVERT TO hPa
    202201            ELSE IF(press_unit /= "hPa") THEN
    203               CALL abort_physic(sub, "the only recognized units are Pa and hPa.",1)
     202              CALL abort_physic(sub, "the only recognized units are Pa and hPa.", 1)
    204203            END IF
    205204          CASE(4)                                         !--- TIME
    206             CALL NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID_in, dIDs(i), nclen=nmth_in)
    207             cal_in='gregorian'
    208             IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in, varid, 'calendar', cal_in)/=nf90_noerr)        &
    209             WRITE(lunout,*)'WARNING: missing "calendar" attribute for "'//      &
    210             TRIM(dim_nam)//'" in "". Choosing default: "gregorian".'
    211             k=LEN_TRIM(cal_in)
     205            CALL nf95_inquire_dimension(fID_in, dIDs(i), nclen = nmth_in)
     206            cal_in = 'gregorian'
     207            IF(nf90_get_att(fID_in, varid, 'calendar', cal_in)/=nf90_noerr)        &
     208                    WRITE(lunout, *)'WARNING: missing "calendar" attribute for "' // &
     209                            TRIM(dim_nam) // '" in "". Choosing default: "gregorian".'
     210            k = LEN_TRIM(cal_in)
    212211            DO WHILE(ICHAR(cal_in(k:k))==0)
    213               cal_in(k:k)=' '; k=LEN_TRIM(cal_in)         !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR
    214             END DO
    215         END SELECT
    216       END DO
    218       !--- Prepare quantities for time interpolation
    219       tmidmonth=mid_month(annee_ref, cal_in)
    220       IF(interpt) THEN
    221         ntim_ou=ioget_year_len(annee_ref)
    222         ALLOCATE(tmidday(ntim_ou))
    223         tmidday=[(REAL(k)-0.5,k=1,ntim_ou)]
    224         CALL ioget_calendar(cal_ou)
     212              cal_in(k:k) = ' '; k = LEN_TRIM(cal_in)         !--- REMOVE NULL END CHAR
     213            END DO
     214          END SELECT
     215        END DO
     217        !--- Prepare quantities for time interpolation
     218        tmidmonth = mid_month(annee_ref, cal_in)
     219        IF(interpt) THEN
     220          ntim_ou = ioget_year_len(annee_ref)
     221          ALLOCATE(tmidday(ntim_ou))
     222          tmidday = [(REAL(k) - 0.5, k = 1, ntim_ou)]
     223          CALL ioget_calendar(cal_ou)
     224        ELSE
     225          ntim_ou = 14
     226          cal_ou = cal_in
     227        END IF
     228      ENDIF
     230      IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     231        CALL bcast_mpi(nlon_in)
     232        CALL bcast_mpi(nlat_in)
     233        CALL bcast_mpi(nlev_in)
     234        CALL bcast_mpi(l3d)
     235        CALL bcast_mpi(tmidmonth)
     236        IF(interpt) CALL bcast_mpi(tmidday)
     237        CALL bcast_mpi(ntim_ou)
     239        IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
     240          CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz", nj_glo = nlat_in, nj = nlat_in, jbegin = 0, latvalue_1d = lat_in / deg2rad)
     241          IF (l3D) THEN
     242            CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz", ni_glo = nlon_in, ni = nlon_in, ibegin = 0, lonvalue_1d = lon_in / deg2rad)
     243          ELSE
     244            CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz", ni_glo = 8, ni = 8, ibegin = 0, lonvalue_1d = (/ 0., 45., 90., 135., 180., 225., 270., 315. /))
     245          ENDIF
     246        ELSE
     247          CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz", nj_glo = nlat_in, nj = 0, jbegin = 0, latvalue_1d = null_array)
     248          IF (l3D) THEN
     249            CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz", ni_glo = nlon_in, ni = 0, ibegin = 0, lonvalue_1d = null_array)
     250          ELSE
     251            CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz", ni_glo = 8, ni = 0, ibegin = 0, lonvalue_1d = null_array)
     252          ENDIF
     253        ENDIF
     254        CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("axis_climoz", n_glo = nlev_in)
     255        CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("time_axis_climoz", n_glo = ntim_ou)
     256        CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("time_axis_climoz", n_glo = ntim_ou)
     257        CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("tr_climoz", n_glo = read_climoz)
     258        CALL  xios_set_field_attr("tro3_out", enabled = .TRUE.)
     259        CALL  xios_set_field_attr("tro3_out", enabled = .TRUE.)
     261        IF (first) THEN
     262          first = .FALSE.
     263          RETURN
     264        ENDIF
     265      ENDIF
     267      IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
     268        !--- Longitudes management:
     269        !    * Need to shift data if the origin of input file longitudes /= -pi
     270        !    * Need to add some margin in longitude to ensure input interval contains
     271        !      all the output intervals => at least one longitudes slice has to be
     272        !      duplicated, possibly more for undersampling.
     273        IF(l3D) THEN
     274          IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     275            dx2 = 0
     276          ELSE
     277            !--- Compute input edges longitudes vector (no end point yet)
     278            ALLOCATE(v1(nlon_in + 1))
     279            v1(1) = (lon_in(nlon_in) + lon_in(1)) / 2. - pi
     280            FORALL(i = 2:nlon_in) v1(i) = (lon_in(i - 1) + lon_in(i)) / 2.
     281            v1(nlon_in + 1) = v1(1) + 2. * pi
     282            DEALLOCATE(lon_in)
     284            !--- Shift input longitudes vector until it contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west)
     285            v1 = v1 + 2 * pi * REAL(FLOOR((boundslon_reg(1, west) - v1(1)) / (2. * pi)))
     287            !--- Ensure first input longitudes interval contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west)
     288            dx1 = locate(v1, boundslon_reg(1, west)) - 1
     289            v1 = CSHIFT(v1, SHIFT = dx1, DIM = 1)
     290            v1(nlon_in - dx1 + 2:) = v1(nlon_in - dx1 + 2:) + 2. * pi
     292            !--- Extend input longitudes vector until last interval contains boundslon_reg(nlat_ou,east)
     293            dx2 = 0; DO WHILE(v1(1 + dx2) + 2. * pi<=boundslon_reg(nlon_ou, east)); dx2 = dx2 + 1;
     294            END DO
     296            !--- Final edges longitudes vector (with margin and end point)
     297            ALLOCATE(lon_in_edge(nlon_in + dx2 + 1)); lon_in_edge = [v1, v1(2:1 + dx2) + 2. * pi]
     298            DEALLOCATE(v1)
     299          ENDIF
     300        END IF
     302        !--- Compute sinus of intervals edges latitudes:
     303        ALLOCATE(sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in + 1))
     304        sinlat_in_edge(1) = -1. ; sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in + 1) = 1.
     305        FORALL(j = 2:nlat_in) sinlat_in_edge(j) = SIN((lat_in(j - 1) + lat_in(j)) / 2.)
     306        DEALLOCATE(lat_in)
     310        !--- Check for contiguous years:
     311        ib = 0; ie = 13
     312        IF(nmth_in == 14) THEN; lprev = .FALSE.; lnext = .FALSE.
     313        WRITE(lunout, *)'Using 14 months ozone climatology ""...'
     314        ELSE
     315          IF(lprev) WRITE(lunout, *)'Using "" last record (previous year).'
     316          IF(.NOT.lprev) WRITE(lunout, *)"No previous year file ; assuming periodicity."
     317          IF(lnext) WRITE(lunout, *)'Using "" first record (next year).'
     318          IF(.NOT.lnext) WRITE(lunout, *)"No next year file ; assuming periodicity."
     319          IF(.NOT.lprev) ib = 1
     320          IF(.NOT.lnext) ie = 12
     321        END IF
     322        ALLOCATE(sta(ndims), cnt(ndims)); sta(:) = 1
     323        IF(l3D) cnt = [nlon_in, nlat_in, nlev_in, 1]
     324        IF(l2D) cnt = [        nlat_in, nlev_in, 1]
     325        IF(l3D) ALLOCATE(o3_in3(nlon_in + dx2, nlat_in, nlev_in, ib:ie, read_climoz))
     326        IF(l2D) ALLOCATE(o3_in2(nlat_in, nlev_in, ib:ie, read_climoz))
     328        !--- Read full current file and one record each available contiguous file
     329        DO iv = 1, read_climoz
     330          CALL nf95_inq_varid(fID_in, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
     331          IF(l3D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in3(1:nlon_in, :, :, 1:12, iv))
     332          IF(l2D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in2(:, :, 1:12, iv))
     333          IF(lprev) THEN; sta(ndims) = 12
     334          CALL nf95_inq_varid(fID_in_m, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
     335          IF(l3D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_m, vID_in(iv), o3_in3(1:nlon_in, :, :, 0, iv), sta, cnt)
     336          IF(l2d) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_m, vID_in(iv), o3_in2(:, :, 0, iv), sta, cnt)
     337          END IF
     338          IF(lnext) THEN; sta(ndims) = 1
     339          CALL nf95_inq_varid(fID_in_p, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
     340          IF(l3D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_p, vID_in(iv), o3_in3(1:nlon_in, :, :, 13, iv), sta, cnt)
     341          IF(l2D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_p, vID_in(iv), o3_in2(:, :, 13, iv), sta, cnt)
     342          END IF
     343        END DO
     344        IF(lprev.OR.lnext) DEALLOCATE(sta, cnt)
     345        IF(lprev) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_m)
     346        IF(lnext) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_p)
     348        !--- Revert decreasing coordinates vector
     349        IF(l3D) THEN
     350          IF(ldec_lon) o3_in3(1:nlon_in, :, :, :, :) = o3_in3(nlon_in:1:-1, :, :, :, :)
     351          IF(ldec_lat) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:, nlat_in:1:-1, :, :, :)
     352          IF(ldec_lev) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:, :, nlev_in:1:-1, :, :)
     354          IF (grid_type /= unstructured) THEN
     355            !--- Shift values for longitude and duplicate some longitudes slices
     356            o3_in3(1:nlon_in, :, :, :, :) = CSHIFT(o3_in3(1:nlon_in, :, :, :, :), SHIFT = dx1, DIM = 1)
     357            o3_in3(nlon_in + 1:nlon_in + dx2, :, :, :, :) = o3_in3(1:dx2, :, :, :, :)
     358          ENDIF
     359        ELSE
     360          IF(ldec_lat) o3_in2 = o3_in2(nlat_in:1:-1, :, :, :)
     361          IF(ldec_lev) o3_in2 = o3_in2(:, nlev_in:1:-1, :, :)
     362        END IF
     364        !--- Deal with missing values
     365        DO m = 1, read_climoz
     366          WRITE(msg, '(a,i0)')"regr_lat_time_climoz: field Nr.", m
     367          IF(nf90_get_att(fID_in, vID_in(m), "missing_value", NaN)/= nf90_noerr) THEN
     368            IF(nf90_get_att(fID_in, vID_in(m), "_FillValue", NaN)/= nf90_noerr) THEN
     369              WRITE(lunout, *)TRIM(msg) // ": no missing value attribute found."; CYCLE
     370            END IF
     371          END IF
     372          WRITE(lunout, *)TRIM(msg) // ": missing value attribute found."
     373          WRITE(lunout, *)"Trying to fill in NaNs ; a full field would be better."
     375          !--- Check top layer contains no NaNs & search NaNs from top to ground
     376          msg = TRIM(sub) // ": NaNs in top layer !"
     377          IF(l3D) THEN
     378            IF(ANY(o3_in3(:, :, 1, :, m)==NaN)) CALL abort_physic(sub, msg, 1)
     379            DO k = 2, nlev_in
     380              WHERE(o3_in3(:, :, k, :, m)==NaN) o3_in3(:, :, k, :, m) = o3_in3(:, :, k - 1, :, m)
     381            END DO
     382          ELSE
     383            IF(ANY(o3_in2(:, 1, :, m)==NaN)) THEN
     384              WRITE(lunout, *)msg
     385              !--- Fill in latitudes where all values are missing
     386              DO l = 1, nmth_in
     387                !--- Next to south pole
     388                j = 1;       DO WHILE(o3_in2(j, 1, l, m)==NaN); j = j + 1;
     389                END DO
     390                IF(j>1) &
     391                        o3_in2(:j - 1, :, l, m) = SPREAD(o3_in2(j, :, l, m), DIM = 1, ncopies = j - 1)
     392                !--- Next to north pole
     393                j = nlat_in; DO WHILE(o3_in2(j, 1, l, m)==NaN); j = j + 1;
     394                END DO
     395                IF(j<nlat_in) &
     396                        o3_in2(j + 1:, :, l, m) = SPREAD(o3_in2(j, :, l, m), DIM = 1, ncopies = nlat_in - j)
     397              END DO
     398            END IF
     400            !--- Fill in high latitudes missing values
     401            !--- Highest level been filled-in, so has always valid values.
     402            DO k = 2, nlev_in
     403              WHERE(o3_in2(:, k, :, m)==NaN) o3_in2(:, k, :, m) = o3_in2(:, k - 1, :, m)
     404            END DO
     405          END IF
     406        END DO
     408      ENDIF
     410      !=============================================================================
     411      IF(l3D) THEN                                                   !=== 3D FIELDS
     412        !=============================================================================
     413        IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     414          nlat_ou = klon_mpi
     416          IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
     417            ALLOCATE(o3_in3bis(nlon_in, nlat_in, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
     418            o3_in3bis(:, :, :, ib:ie, :) = o3_in3(1:nlon_in, :, :, ib:ie, :)
     419          ELSE
     420            ALLOCATE(o3_in3bis(0, 0, 0, 0, read_climoz))
     421          ENDIF
     422          ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat(1, nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
     424          CALL xios_send_field("tro3_in", o3_in3bis(:, :, :, :, :))
     425          CALL xios_recv_field("tro3_out", o3_regr_lonlat(1, :, :, :, :))
     426        ELSE
     428          !--- Regrid in longitude
     429          ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lon(nlon_ou, nlat_in, nlev_in, ie - ib + 1, read_climoz))
     430          CALL regr_conserv(1, o3_in3, xs = lon_in_edge, &
     431                  xt = [boundslon_reg(1, west), boundslon_reg(:, east)], &
     432                  vt = o3_regr_lon, slope = slopes(1, o3_in3, lon_in_edge))
     433          DEALLOCATE(o3_in3)
     435          !--- Regrid in latitude: averaging with respect to SIN(lat) is
     436          !                        equivalent to weighting by COS(lat)
     437          !--- (inverted indices in "o3_regr_lonlat" because "rlatu" is decreasing)
     438          ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat(nlon_ou, nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
     439          CALL regr_conserv(2, o3_regr_lon, xs = sinlat_in_edge, &
     440                  xt = [- 1., SIN(boundslat_reg(nlat_ou - 1:1:-1, south)), 1.], &
     441                  vt = o3_regr_lonlat(:, nlat_ou:1:- 1, :, ib:ie, :), &
     442                  slope = slopes(2, o3_regr_lon, sinlat_in_edge))
     443          DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lon)
     445        ENDIF
     447        !--- Duplicate previous/next record(s) if they are not available
     448        IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lonlat(:, :, :, 0, :) = o3_regr_lonlat(:, :, :, 12, :)
     449        IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lonlat(:, :, :, 13, :) = o3_regr_lonlat(:, :, :, 1, :)
     451        !--- Regrid in time by linear interpolation:
     452        ALLOCATE(o3_out3(nlon_ou, nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
     453        IF(interpt) CALL regr_lint(4, o3_regr_lonlat, tmidmonth, tmidday, o3_out3)
     454        IF(.NOT.interpt) o3_out3 = o3_regr_lonlat
     455        DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat)
     457        nlat_ou = nbp_lat
     458        IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     459          CALL xios_send_field('o3_out', o3_out3)
     460          ndims = 3
     461          ALLOCATE(o3_out3_glo(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
     462          CALL gather_mpi(o3_out3(1, :, :, :, :), o3_out3_glo)
     463        ENDIF
     465        !--- Create the output file and get the variable IDs:
     466        CALL prepare_out(fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou, fID_ou, levID_ou, timID_ou, vID_ou, &
     467                ndims, cal_ou)
     469        IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
     470          !--- Write remaining coordinate variables:
     471          CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, levID_ou, lev_in); DEALLOCATE(lev_in)
     472          IF(interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidday)
     473          IF(.NOT.interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidmonth)
     475          !--- Write to file (the order of "rlatu" is inverted in the output file):
     476          IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     478            ALLOCATE(o3_out(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
     479            DO i = 1, klon_glo
     480              o3_out(ind_cell_glo_glo(i), :, :, :) = o3_out3_glo(i, :, :, :)
     481            ENDDO
     483            DO m = 1, read_climoz
     484              CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out(nlat_ou:1:-1, :, :, m))
     485            END DO
     487          ELSE
     488            DO m = 1, read_climoz
     489              CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out3(:, nlat_ou:1:-1, :, :, m))
     490            END DO
     491          ENDIF
     492          CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_ou)
     494        ENDIF
     497        !=============================================================================
     498      ELSE                                                         !=== ZONAL FIELDS
     499        !=============================================================================
     501        IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     502          nlat_ou = klon_mpi
     504          IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
     505            ALLOCATE(o3_in2bis(8, nlat_in, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
     506            o3_in2bis(:, :, :, ib:ie, :) = SPREAD(o3_in2, 1, 8)
     507          ELSE
     508            ALLOCATE(o3_in2bis(0, 0, 0, 0, read_climoz))
     509          ENDIF
     510          ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
     511          CALL xios_send_field("tro3_in", o3_in2bis(:, :, :, :, :))
     512          CALL xios_recv_field("tro3_out", o3_regr_lat(:, :, :, :))
     513          IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lat(:, :, 0, :) = o3_regr_lat(:, :, 12, :)
     514          IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lat(:, :, 13, :) = o3_regr_lat(:, :, 1, :)
     516        ELSE
     517          !--- Regrid in latitude: averaging with respect to SIN(lat) is
     518          !                        equivalent to weighting by COS(lat)
     519          !--- (inverted indices in "o3_regr_lat" because "rlatu" is decreasing)
     520          ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
     521          CALL regr_conserv(1, o3_in2, xs = sinlat_in_edge, &
     522                  xt = [- 1., SIN(boundslat_reg(nlat_ou - 1:1:-1, south)), 1.], &
     523                  vt = o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou:1:- 1, :, ib:ie, :), &
     524                  slope = slopes(1, o3_in2, sinlat_in_edge))
     525          DEALLOCATE(o3_in2)
     527          !--- Duplicate previous/next record(s) if they are not available
     528          IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lat(:, :, 0, :) = o3_regr_lat(:, :, 12, :)
     529          IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lat(:, :, 13, :) = o3_regr_lat(:, :, 1, :)
     531        ENDIF
     533        !--- Regrid in time by linear interpolation:
     534        ALLOCATE(o3_out2(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
     535        IF(interpt) CALL regr_lint(3, o3_regr_lat, tmidmonth, tmidday, o3_out2)
     536        IF(.NOT.interpt) o3_out2 = o3_regr_lat
     537        DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat)
     539        nlat_ou = nbp_lat
     541        IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     542          ndims = 3
     543          ALLOCATE(o3_out2_glo(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
     544          CALL gather_mpi(o3_out2, o3_out2_glo)
     545        ENDIF
     547        !--- Create the output file and get the variable IDs:
     548        CALL prepare_out(fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou, fID_ou, levID_ou, timID_ou, vID_ou, &
     549                ndims, cal_ou)
     551        IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
     553          !--- Write remaining coordinate variables:
     554          CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, levID_ou, lev_in); DEALLOCATE(lev_in)
     555          IF(interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidday)
     556          IF(.NOT.interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidmonth)
     558          IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     560            ALLOCATE(o3_out3_glo(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
     561            DO i = 1, klon_glo
     562              o3_out(ind_cell_glo_glo(i), :, :, :) = o3_out2_glo(i, :, :, :)
     563            ENDDO
     565            DO m = 1, read_climoz
     566              CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out(nlat_ou:1:-1, :, :, m))
     567            END DO
     568          ELSE
     569            !--- Write to file (the order of "rlatu" is inverted in the output file):
     570            DO m = 1, read_climoz
     571              CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out2(nlat_ou:1:-1, :, :, m))
     572            END DO
     573          ENDIF
     575          CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_ou)
     577        ENDIF
     579        !=============================================================================
     580      END IF
     581      !=============================================================================
     583      IF (is_mpi_root) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in)
     585    ENDIF ! is_omp_master
     587    first = .FALSE.
     588  END SUBROUTINE regr_horiz_time_climoz
     590  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     593  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     595  SUBROUTINE prepare_out(fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou, fID_ou, vlevID, vtimID, &
     596          vID_ou, ndims, cal_ou)
     597    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     598    ! Purpose:  This subroutine creates the NetCDF output file, defines
     599    !     dimensions and variables, and writes some of the coordinate variables.
     600    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     601    USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY : lon_reg, lat_reg
     602    USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY : lon_reg, lat_reg
     603    USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY : is_mpi_root
     604    USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY : klon_glo
     606    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     607    ! Arguments:
     608    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou
     609    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: fID_ou, vlevID, vtimID
     610    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: vID_ou(:)      ! dim(1/2) 1: O3day&night 2: O3daylight
     611    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ndims          ! fields rank (3 or 4)
     612    CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: cal_ou ! calendar
     613    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     614    ! Local variables:
     615    INTEGER :: dlonID, dlatID, dlevID, dtimID, dIDs(4)
     616    INTEGER :: vlonID, vlatID, ncerr, is
     617    REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: latitude_glo_(:)
     618    CHARACTER(LEN = 80) :: sub
     619    INTEGER :: i
     622    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     624    IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
     625      sub = "prepare_out"
     626      WRITE(lunout, *)"CALL sequence information: " // TRIM(sub)
     627      CALL NF95_CREATE("", nf90_clobber, fID_ou)
     629      !--- Dimensions:
     630      IF(ndims==4) &
     631              CALL nf95_def_dim(fID_ou, "rlonv", nlon_ou, dlonID)
     632      CALL nf95_def_dim(fID_ou, "rlatu", nlat_ou, dlatID)
     633      CALL nf95_def_dim(fID_ou, "plev", nlev_in, dlevID)
     634      CALL nf95_def_dim(fID_ou, "time", ntim_ou, dtimID)
     636      !--- Define coordinate variables:
     637      IF(ndims==4) &
     638              CALL nf95_def_var(fID_ou, "rlonv", nf90_float, dlonID, vlonID)
     639      CALL nf95_def_var(fID_ou, "rlatu", nf90_float, dlatID, vlatID)
     640      CALL nf95_def_var(fID_ou, "plev", nf90_float, dlevID, vlevID)
     641      CALL nf95_def_var(fID_ou, "time", nf90_float, dtimID, vtimID)
     642      IF(ndims==4) &
     643              CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlonID, "units", "degrees_east")
     644      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlatID, "units", "degrees_north")
     645      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "units", "millibar")
     646      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "units", "days since 2000-1-1")
     647      IF(ndims==4) &
     648              CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlonID, "standard_name", "longitude")
     649      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlatID, "standard_name", "latitude")
     650      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "standard_name", "air_pressure")
     651      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "standard_name", "time")
     652      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "long_name", "air pressure")
     653      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "calendar", cal_ou)
     655      !--- Define the main variables:
     656      IF(ndims==3) dIDs(1:3) = [ dlatID, dlevID, dtimID]
     657      IF(ndims==4) dIDs = [dlonID, dlatID, dlevID, dtimID]
     658      CALL nf95_def_var(fID_ou, vars_in(1), nf90_float, dIDs(1:ndims), vID_ou(1))
     659      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(1), "long_name", "ozone mole fraction")
     660      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(1), "standard_name", "mole_fraction_of_ozone&
     661              _in_air")
     662      IF(SIZE(vID_ou) == 2) THEN
     663        CALL nf95_def_var(fID_ou, vars_in(2), nf90_float, dIDs(1:ndims), vID_ou(2))
     664        CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(2), "long_name", "ozone mole fraction in da&
     665                ylight")
     666      END IF
     668      !--- Global attributes:
     669      ! The following commands, copying attributes, may fail. That is OK.
     670      ! It should just mean that the attribute is not defined in the input file.
     671      CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in, nf90_global, "Conventions", fID_ou, nf90_global, ncerr)
     672      CALL handle_err_copy_att("Conventions")
     673      CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in, nf90_global, "title", fID_ou, nf90_global, ncerr)
     674      CALL handle_err_copy_att("title")
     675      CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in, nf90_global, "institution", fID_ou, nf90_global, ncerr)
     676      CALL handle_err_copy_att("institution")
     677      CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in, nf90_global, "source", fID_ou, nf90_global, ncerr)
     678      CALL handle_err_copy_att("source")
     679      CALL NF95_PUT_ATT (fID_ou, nf90_global, "comment", "Regridded for LMDZ")
     680      CALL NF95_ENDDEF(fID_ou)
     682      IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
     683        ALLOCATE(latitude_glo_(klon_glo))
     684        DO i = 1, klon_glo
     685          latitude_glo_(ind_cell_glo_glo(i)) = latitude_glo(i)
     686        ENDDO
     687        CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlatID, latitude_glo_)
    225688      ELSE
    226         ntim_ou=14
    227         cal_ou=cal_in
    228       END IF
    229     ENDIF
    231     IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    232       CALL bcast_mpi(nlon_in)
    233       CALL bcast_mpi(nlat_in)
    234       CALL bcast_mpi(nlev_in)
    235       CALL bcast_mpi(l3d)
    236       CALL bcast_mpi(tmidmonth)
    237       IF(interpt) CALL bcast_mpi(tmidday)
    238       CALL bcast_mpi(ntim_ou)
    240       IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
    241         CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",nj_glo=nlat_in, nj=nlat_in, jbegin=0, latvalue_1d=lat_in/deg2rad)
    242         IF (l3D) THEN
    243           CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=nlon_in, ni=nlon_in, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d=lon_in/deg2rad)
    244         ELSE
    245           CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=8, ni=8, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d = (/ 0.,45.,90.,135.,180.,225.,270., 315. /))
    246         ENDIF
    247       ELSE
    248         CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",nj_glo=nlat_in, nj=0, jbegin=0, latvalue_1d=null_array )
    249         IF (l3D) THEN
    250           CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=nlon_in, ni=0, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d=null_array)
    251         ELSE
    252           CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_climoz",ni_glo=8, ni=0, ibegin=0, lonvalue_1d=null_array)
    253         ENDIF
    254       ENDIF
    255       CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("axis_climoz", n_glo=nlev_in)
    256       CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("time_axis_climoz", n_glo=ntim_ou)
    257       CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("time_axis_climoz", n_glo=ntim_ou)
    258       CALL  xios_set_axis_attr("tr_climoz", n_glo=read_climoz)
    259       CALL  xios_set_field_attr("tro3_out", enabled=.TRUE.)
    260       CALL  xios_set_field_attr("tro3_out", enabled=.TRUE.)
    262       IF (first) THEN
    263         first=.FALSE.
    264         RETURN
     689        !--- Write one of the coordinate variables:
     690        IF(ndims==4) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlonID, lon_reg / deg2rad)
     691        CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlatID, lat_reg(nlat_ou:1:-1) / deg2rad)
     692        !    (convert from rad to degrees and sort in ascending order)
    265693      ENDIF
    266694    ENDIF
    269     IF (is_mpi_root) THEN     
    270       !--- Longitudes management:
    271       !    * Need to shift data if the origin of input file longitudes /= -pi
    272       !    * Need to add some margin in longitude to ensure input interval contains
    273       !      all the output intervals => at least one longitudes slice has to be
    274       !      duplicated, possibly more for undersampling.
    275       IF(l3D) THEN
    276         IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    277           dx2=0
    278         ELSE
    279           !--- Compute input edges longitudes vector (no end point yet)
    280           ALLOCATE(v1(nlon_in+1))
    281           v1(1)=(lon_in(nlon_in)+lon_in(1))/2.-pi
    282           FORALL(i=2:nlon_in) v1(i)=(lon_in(i-1)+lon_in(i))/2.
    283           v1(nlon_in+1)=v1(1)+2.*pi
    284           DEALLOCATE(lon_in)
    286           !--- Shift input longitudes vector until it contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west)
    287           v1=v1+2*pi*REAL(FLOOR((boundslon_reg(1,west)-v1(1))/(2.*pi)))
    289           !--- Ensure first input longitudes interval contains first output point boundslon_reg(1,west)
    290           dx1=locate(v1,boundslon_reg(1,west))-1
    291           v1=CSHIFT(v1,SHIFT=dx1,DIM=1)
    292           v1(nlon_in-dx1+2:)=v1(nlon_in-dx1+2:)+2.*pi
    294           !--- Extend input longitudes vector until last interval contains boundslon_reg(nlat_ou,east)
    295           dx2=0; DO WHILE(v1(1+dx2)+2.*pi<=boundslon_reg(nlon_ou,east)); dx2=dx2+1; END DO
    297           !--- Final edges longitudes vector (with margin and end point)
    298           ALLOCATE(lon_in_edge(nlon_in+dx2+1)); lon_in_edge=[v1,v1(2:1+dx2)+2.*pi]
    299           DEALLOCATE(v1)
    300         ENDIF
    301       END IF
    303       !--- Compute sinus of intervals edges latitudes:
    304       ALLOCATE(sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in+1))
    305       sinlat_in_edge(1) = -1. ; sinlat_in_edge(nlat_in+1) = 1.
    306       FORALL(j=2:nlat_in) sinlat_in_edge(j)=SIN((lat_in(j-1)+lat_in(j))/2.)
    307       DEALLOCATE(lat_in)
    311       !--- Check for contiguous years:
    312       ib=0; ie=13
    313       IF(nmth_in == 14) THEN; lprev=.FALSE.; lnext=.FALSE.
    314         WRITE(lunout,*)'Using 14 months ozone climatology ""...'
    315       ELSE 
    316         IF(     lprev) WRITE(lunout,*)'Using "" last record (previous year).'
    317         IF(.NOT.lprev) WRITE(lunout,*)"No previous year file ; assuming periodicity."
    318         IF(     lnext) WRITE(lunout,*)'Using "" first record (next year).'
    319         IF(.NOT.lnext) WRITE(lunout,*)"No next year file ; assuming periodicity."
    320         IF(.NOT.lprev) ib=1
    321         IF(.NOT.lnext) ie=12
    322       END IF
    323       ALLOCATE(sta(ndims),cnt(ndims)); sta(:)=1 
    324       IF(l3D) cnt=[nlon_in,nlat_in,nlev_in,1]
    325       IF(l2D) cnt=[        nlat_in,nlev_in,1] 
    326       IF(l3D) ALLOCATE(o3_in3(nlon_in+dx2,nlat_in,nlev_in,ib:ie,read_climoz))
    327       IF(l2D) ALLOCATE(o3_in2(            nlat_in,nlev_in,ib:ie,read_climoz))
    329       !--- Read full current file and one record each available contiguous file
    330       DO iv=1,read_climoz
    331         CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
    332         IF(l3D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,1:12,iv))
    333         IF(l2D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in, vID_in(iv), o3_in2(          :,:,1:12,iv))
    334         IF(lprev) THEN; sta(ndims)=12 
    335           CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in_m, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
    336           IF(l3D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_m,vID_in(iv),o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:, 0,iv),sta,cnt)
    337           IF(l2d) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_m,vID_in(iv),o3_in2(          :,:, 0,iv),sta,cnt)
    338         END IF
    339         IF(lnext) THEN; sta(ndims)=1 
    340           CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID_in_p, vars_in(1), vID_in(iv))
    341           IF(l3D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_p,vID_in(iv),o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,13,iv),sta,cnt)
    342           IF(l2D) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID_in_p,vID_in(iv),o3_in2(          :,:,13,iv),sta,cnt)
    343         END IF
    344       END DO
    345       IF(lprev.OR.lnext) DEALLOCATE(sta,cnt)
    346       IF(lprev) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_m)
    347       IF(lnext) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in_p)
    349       !--- Revert decreasing coordinates vector
    350       IF(l3D) THEN
    351         IF(ldec_lon) o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:) = o3_in3(nlon_in:1:-1,:,:,:,:)
    352         IF(ldec_lat) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:,nlat_in:1:-1,:,:,:)
    353         IF(ldec_lev) o3_in3 = o3_in3(:,:,nlev_in:1:-1,:,:)
    355         IF (grid_type /= unstructured) THEN
    356           !--- Shift values for longitude and duplicate some longitudes slices
    357           o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:)=CSHIFT(o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,:,:),SHIFT=dx1,DIM=1)
    358           o3_in3(nlon_in+1:nlon_in+dx2,:,:,:,:)=o3_in3(1:dx2,:,:,:,:)
    359         ENDIF
    360       ELSE
    361         IF(ldec_lat) o3_in2 = o3_in2(  nlat_in:1:-1,:,:,:)
    362         IF(ldec_lev) o3_in2 = o3_in2(  :,nlev_in:1:-1,:,:)
    363       END IF
    365      !--- Deal with missing values
    366       DO m=1, read_climoz
    367         WRITE(msg,'(a,i0)')"regr_lat_time_climoz: field Nr.",m
    368         IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in,vID_in(m),"missing_value",NaN)/= nf90_noerr) THEN
    369           IF(NF90_GET_ATT(fID_in, vID_in(m),"_FillValue",NaN)/= nf90_noerr) THEN
    370             WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(msg)//": no missing value attribute found."; CYCLE
    371           END IF
    372         END IF
    373         WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(msg)//": missing value attribute found."
    374         WRITE(lunout,*)"Trying to fill in NaNs ; a full field would be better."
    376         !--- Check top layer contains no NaNs & search NaNs from top to ground
    377         msg=TRIM(sub)//": NaNs in top layer !"
    378         IF(l3D) THEN
    379           IF(ANY(o3_in3(:,:,1,:,m)==NaN)) CALL abort_physic(sub,msg,1)
    380           DO k = 2,nlev_in
    381             WHERE(o3_in3(:,:,k,:,m)==NaN) o3_in3(:,:,k,:,m)=o3_in3(:,:,k-1,:,m)
    382           END DO
    383         ELSE
    384           IF(ANY(o3_in2(  :,1,:,m)==NaN)) THEN
    385             WRITE(lunout,*)msg
    386             !--- Fill in latitudes where all values are missing
    387             DO l=1,nmth_in
    388               !--- Next to south pole
    389               j=1;       DO WHILE(o3_in2(j,1,l,m)==NaN); j=j+1; END DO
    390               IF(j>1) &
    391                 o3_in2(:j-1,:,l,m)=SPREAD(o3_in2(j,:,l,m),DIM=1,ncopies=j-1)
    392               !--- Next to north pole
    393               j=nlat_in; DO WHILE(o3_in2(j,1,l,m)==NaN); j=j+1; END DO
    394               IF(j<nlat_in) &
    395                 o3_in2(j+1:,:,l,m)=SPREAD(o3_in2(j,:,l,m),DIM=1,ncopies=nlat_in-j)
    396             END DO
    397           END IF
    399           !--- Fill in high latitudes missing values
    400           !--- Highest level been filled-in, so has always valid values.
    401           DO k = 2,nlev_in
    402             WHERE(o3_in2(:,k,:,m)==NaN) o3_in2(:,k,:,m)=o3_in2(:,k-1,:,m)
    403           END DO
    404         END IF
    405       END DO
    407     ENDIF
    409     !=============================================================================
    410     IF(l3D) THEN                                                   !=== 3D FIELDS
    411     !=============================================================================
    412      IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    413        nlat_ou=klon_mpi
    415        IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
    416          ALLOCATE(o3_in3bis(nlon_in,nlat_in,nlev_in,0:13,read_climoz))
    417          o3_in3bis(:,:,:,ib:ie,:)=o3_in3(1:nlon_in,:,:,ib:ie,:)
    418        ELSE
    419          ALLOCATE(o3_in3bis(0,0,0,0,read_climoz))
    420        ENDIF
    421        ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat(1, nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
    423        CALL xios_send_field("tro3_in",o3_in3bis(:,:,:,:,:))
    424        CALL xios_recv_field("tro3_out",o3_regr_lonlat(1,:,:,:,:))
    425      ELSE
    427        !--- Regrid in longitude
    428         ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lon(nlon_ou, nlat_in, nlev_in, ie-ib+1, read_climoz))
    429         CALL regr_conserv(1, o3_in3, xs = lon_in_edge,                             &
    430                             xt = [boundslon_reg(1,west),boundslon_reg(:,east)],    &
    431                             vt = o3_regr_lon, slope = slopes(1,o3_in3, lon_in_edge))
    432         DEALLOCATE(o3_in3)
    434         !--- Regrid in latitude: averaging with respect to SIN(lat) is
    435         !                        equivalent to weighting by COS(lat)
    436         !--- (inverted indices in "o3_regr_lonlat" because "rlatu" is decreasing)
    437         ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat(nlon_ou, nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
    438         CALL regr_conserv(2, o3_regr_lon, xs = sinlat_in_edge,                     &
    439                         xt = [- 1., SIN(boundslat_reg(nlat_ou-1:1:-1,south)), 1.], &
    440                         vt = o3_regr_lonlat(:,nlat_ou:1:- 1,:,ib:ie,:),            &
    441                    slope = slopes(2,o3_regr_lon, sinlat_in_edge))
    442         DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lon)
    444      ENDIF
    446      !--- Duplicate previous/next record(s) if they are not available
    447      IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:, 0,:) = o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,12,:)
    448      IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:,13,:) = o3_regr_lonlat(:,:,:, 1,:)
    450      !--- Regrid in time by linear interpolation:
    451      ALLOCATE(o3_out3(nlon_ou, nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
    452      IF(     interpt) CALL regr_lint(4,o3_regr_lonlat,tmidmonth,tmidday,o3_out3)
    453      IF(.NOT.interpt) o3_out3=o3_regr_lonlat
    454      DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lonlat)
    456      nlat_ou=nbp_lat
    457      IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    458        CALL xios_send_field('o3_out',o3_out3)
    459        ndims=3
    460        ALLOCATE(o3_out3_glo(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
    461        CALL gather_mpi(o3_out3(1,:,:,:,:), o3_out3_glo)
    462      ENDIF
    464     !--- Create the output file and get the variable IDs:
    465     CALL prepare_out(fID_in,nlev_in,ntim_ou, fID_ou,levID_ou,timID_ou,vID_ou, &
    466                      ndims, cal_ou)
    468     IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
    469       !--- Write remaining coordinate variables:
    470       CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, levID_ou, lev_in); DEALLOCATE(lev_in)
    471       IF(     interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidday)
    472       IF(.NOT.interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidmonth)
    474       !--- Write to file (the order of "rlatu" is inverted in the output file):
    475         IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    477           ALLOCATE(o3_out(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
    478           DO i=1,klon_glo
    479             o3_out(ind_cell_glo_glo(i),:,:,:)=o3_out3_glo(i,:,:,:)
    480           ENDDO
    482           DO m = 1, read_climoz
    483             CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out(nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
    484           END DO
    486         ELSE
    487           DO m = 1, read_climoz
    488             CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out3(:,nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
    489           END DO
    490       ENDIF
    491       CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_ou)
    494     ENDIF
    497     !=============================================================================
    498     ELSE                                                         !=== ZONAL FIELDS
    499     !=============================================================================
    501      IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    502        nlat_ou=klon_mpi
    504        IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
    505          ALLOCATE(o3_in2bis(8,nlat_in,nlev_in,0:13,read_climoz))
    506          o3_in2bis(:,:,:,ib:ie,:)=SPREAD(o3_in2,1,8)
    507        ELSE
    508          ALLOCATE(o3_in2bis(0,0,0,0,read_climoz))
    509        ENDIF
    510        ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
    511        CALL xios_send_field("tro3_in",o3_in2bis(:,:,:,:,:))
    512        CALL xios_recv_field("tro3_out",o3_regr_lat(:,:,:,:))
    513        IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lat(:,:, 0, :) = o3_regr_lat(:,:,12,:)
    514        IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lat(:,:,13, :) = o3_regr_lat(:,:, 1,:)
    516      ELSE
    517         !--- Regrid in latitude: averaging with respect to SIN(lat) is
    518         !                        equivalent to weighting by COS(lat)
    519         !--- (inverted indices in "o3_regr_lat" because "rlatu" is decreasing)
    520         ALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou, nlev_in, 0:13, read_climoz))
    521         CALL regr_conserv(1, o3_in2, xs = sinlat_in_edge,                          &
    522                         xt = [- 1., SIN(boundslat_reg(nlat_ou-1:1:-1,south)), 1.], &
    523                         vt = o3_regr_lat(nlat_ou:1:- 1,:,ib:ie,:),                 &
    524                      slope = slopes(1,o3_in2, sinlat_in_edge))
    525         DEALLOCATE(o3_in2)
    527         !--- Duplicate previous/next record(s) if they are not available
    528         IF(.NOT.lprev) o3_regr_lat(:,:, 0,:) = o3_regr_lat(:,:,12,:)
    529         IF(.NOT.lnext) o3_regr_lat(:,:,13,:) = o3_regr_lat(:,:, 1,:)
    531      ENDIF
    533       !--- Regrid in time by linear interpolation:
    534       ALLOCATE(o3_out2(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
    535       IF(     interpt) CALL regr_lint(3,o3_regr_lat, tmidmonth, tmidday, o3_out2)
    536       IF(.NOT.interpt) o3_out2=o3_regr_lat
    537       DEALLOCATE(o3_regr_lat)
    539       nlat_ou=nbp_lat
    541       IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    542         ndims=3
    543         ALLOCATE(o3_out2_glo(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
    544         CALL gather_mpi(o3_out2, o3_out2_glo)
    545       ENDIF
    547       !--- Create the output file and get the variable IDs:
    548       CALL prepare_out(fID_in,nlev_in,ntim_ou, fID_ou,levID_ou,timID_ou,vID_ou, &
    549                          ndims, cal_ou)
    551       IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
    553         !--- Write remaining coordinate variables:
    554         CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, levID_ou, lev_in); DEALLOCATE(lev_in)
    555         IF(     interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidday)
    556         IF(.NOT.interpt) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, timID_ou, tmidmonth)
    558         IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    560           ALLOCATE(o3_out3_glo(nlat_ou, nlev_in, ntim_ou, read_climoz))
    561           DO i=1,klon_glo
    562             o3_out(ind_cell_glo_glo(i),:,:,:)=o3_out2_glo(i,:,:,:)
    563           ENDDO
    566           DO m = 1, read_climoz
    567             CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out(nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
    568           END DO
    569         ELSE
    570           !--- Write to file (the order of "rlatu" is inverted in the output file):
    571           DO m = 1, read_climoz
    572             CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vID_ou(m), o3_out2(nlat_ou:1:-1,:,:,m))
    573           END DO
    574         ENDIF
    576         CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_ou)
    578       ENDIF
    580     !=============================================================================
    581     END IF
    582     !=============================================================================
    584     IF (is_mpi_root) CALL NF95_CLOSE(fID_in)
    586   ENDIF ! is_omp_master
    588   first=.FALSE.
    589 END SUBROUTINE regr_horiz_time_climoz
     696  CONTAINS
     698    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     700    SUBROUTINE handle_err_copy_att(att_name)
     702      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     703      USE netcdf, ONLY : nf90_noerr, NF90_strerror
     704      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     705      ! Arguments:
     706      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: att_name
     707      !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     708      IF(ncerr /= nf90_noerr) &
     709              WRITE(lunout, *)TRIM(sub) // " prepare_out NF95_COPY_ATT " // TRIM(att_name) // &
     710                      " -- " // TRIM(NF90_strerror(ncerr))
     712    END SUBROUTINE handle_err_copy_att
     714    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     716  END SUBROUTINE prepare_out
     718  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     720END MODULE regr_horiz_time_climoz_m
    594 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    596 SUBROUTINE prepare_out(fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou, fID_ou, vlevID, vtimID, &
    597                        vID_ou, ndims, cal_ou)
    598 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    599 ! Purpose:  This subroutine creates the NetCDF output file, defines
    600 !     dimensions and variables, and writes some of the coordinate variables.
    601 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    602   USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: lon_reg, lat_reg
    603   USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY: lon_reg, lat_reg
    604   USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: is_mpi_root
    605   USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo
    607 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    608 ! Arguments:
    609   INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: fID_in, nlev_in, ntim_ou
    610   INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: fID_ou, vlevID,  vtimID
    611   INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: vID_ou(:)      ! dim(1/2) 1: O3day&night 2: O3daylight
    612   INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: ndims          ! fields rank (3 or 4)
    613   CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cal_ou ! calendar
    614 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    615 ! Local variables:
    616   INTEGER :: dlonID, dlatID, dlevID, dtimID, dIDs(4)
    617   INTEGER :: vlonID, vlatID, ncerr,  is
    618   REAL,ALLOCATABLE    :: latitude_glo_(:)
    619   CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: sub
    620   INTEGER :: i
    623 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    625   IF (is_mpi_root) THEN 
    626     sub="prepare_out"
    627     WRITE(lunout,*)"CALL sequence information: "//TRIM(sub)
    628     CALL NF95_CREATE("", NF90_clobber, fID_ou)
    630   !--- Dimensions:
    631     IF(ndims==4) &
    632     CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "rlonv", nlon_ou, dlonID)
    633     CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "rlatu", nlat_ou, dlatID)
    634     CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "plev",  nlev_in, dlevID)
    635     CALL NF95_DEF_DIM(fID_ou, "time",  ntim_ou, dtimID)
    637     !--- Define coordinate variables:
    638     IF(ndims==4) &
    639     CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "rlonv", NF90_FLOAT, dlonID, vlonID)
    640     CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "rlatu", NF90_FLOAT, dlatID, vlatID)
    641     CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "plev",  NF90_FLOAT, dlevID, vlevID)
    642     CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, "time",  NF90_FLOAT, dtimID, vtimID)
    643     IF(ndims==4) &
    644     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlonID, "units", "degrees_east")
    645     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlatID, "units", "degrees_north")
    646     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "units", "millibar")
    647     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "units", "days since 2000-1-1")
    648     IF(ndims==4) &
    649     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlonID, "standard_name", "longitude")
    650     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlatID, "standard_name", "latitude")
    651     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "standard_name", "air_pressure")
    652     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "standard_name", "time")
    653     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vlevID, "long_name",     "air pressure")
    654     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vtimID, "calendar",      cal_ou)
    656   !--- Define the main variables:
    657     IF(ndims==3) dIDs(1:3) = [ dlatID, dlevID, dtimID]
    658     IF(ndims==4) dIDs=[dlonID, dlatID, dlevID, dtimID]
    659     CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, vars_in(1), NF90_FLOAT, dIDs(1:ndims), vID_ou(1))
    660     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(1), "long_name", "ozone mole fraction")
    661     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(1), "standard_name", "mole_fraction_of_ozone&
    662   _in_air")
    663     IF(SIZE(vID_ou) == 2) THEN
    664       CALL NF95_DEF_VAR(fID_ou, vars_in(2), NF90_FLOAT, dIDs(1:ndims), vID_ou(2))
    665       CALL NF95_PUT_ATT(fID_ou, vID_ou(2), "long_name","ozone mole fraction in da&
    666   ylight")
    667     END IF
    669   !--- Global attributes:
    670   ! The following commands, copying attributes, may fail. That is OK.
    671   ! It should just mean that the attribute is not defined in the input file.
    672     CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"Conventions",fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
    673     CALL handle_err_copy_att("Conventions")
    674     CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"title",      fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
    675     CALL handle_err_copy_att("title")
    676     CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"institution",fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
    677     CALL handle_err_copy_att("institution")
    678     CALL NF95_COPY_ATT(fID_in,NF90_GLOBAL,"source",     fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL, ncerr)
    679     CALL handle_err_copy_att("source")
    680     CALL NF95_PUT_ATT (fID_ou,NF90_GLOBAL,"comment", "Regridded for LMDZ")
    681     CALL NF95_ENDDEF(fID_ou)
    683     IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN
    684       ALLOCATE(latitude_glo_(klon_glo))
    685       DO i=1,klon_glo
    686         latitude_glo_(ind_cell_glo_glo(i))=latitude_glo(i)
    687       ENDDO
    688       CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlatID, latitude_glo_)
    689     ELSE
    690       !--- Write one of the coordinate variables:
    691       IF(ndims==4) CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlonID, lon_reg/deg2rad)
    692       CALL NF95_PUT_VAR(fID_ou, vlatID, lat_reg(nlat_ou:1:-1)/deg2rad)
    693     !    (convert from rad to degrees and sort in ascending order)
    694     ENDIF
    695   ENDIF
    697 CONTAINS
    699 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    701 SUBROUTINE handle_err_copy_att(att_name)
    703 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    704   USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_noerr, NF90_strerror
    705 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    706 ! Arguments:
    707   CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: att_name
    708 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    709   IF(ncerr /= nf90_noerr) &
    710     WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(sub)//" prepare_out NF95_COPY_ATT "//TRIM(att_name)//  &
    711                       " -- "//TRIM(NF90_strerror(ncerr))
    713 END SUBROUTINE handle_err_copy_att
    715 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    717 END SUBROUTINE prepare_out
    719 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    721 END MODULE regr_horiz_time_climoz_m
    723 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/regr_pr_time_av_m.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    114114  USE dimphy,         ONLY: klon
    115   USE netcdf95,       ONLY: NF95_INQ_VARID, NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE, &
    116                             NF95_INQ_DIMID, NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION, nf95_get_var
     115  USE netcdf95,       ONLY: nf95_inq_varid, NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE, &
     116                            nf95_inq_dimid, nf95_inquire_dimension, nf95_get_var
    117117  USE netcdf,         ONLY: NF90_INQ_VARID, nf90_noerr
    118118  USE assert_m,       ONLY: assert
    213213      lPrTfile=lAdjTro.AND.NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,"tropopause_air_pressure",vID)==nf90_noerr
    214214      lO3Tfile=lAdjTro.AND.NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,"tro3_at_tropopause"     ,vID)==nf90_noerr
    215       CALL NF95_INQ_DIMID(fID,"time",vID)
    216       CALL NF95_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fID,vID,nclen=ntim_in)
     215      CALL nf95_inq_dimid(fID,"time",vID)
     216      CALL nf95_inquire_dimension(fID,vID,nclen=ntim_in)
    217217      linterp=PRESENT(time_in).AND.ntim_in==14
    218218      ALLOCATE(v1(nlon,nlat,nlev_in,n_var))
    480480  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)    :: var
    482   CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID, TRIM(var), vID)
     482  CALL nf95_inq_varid(fID, TRIM(var), vID)
    483483  CALL NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID, vID, ndims=n_dim)
    484484  IF(n_dim==2) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID,vID,v(1,:), start=[  1,irec])
    512512  DO i=1,SIZE(nam)
    513     CALL NF95_INQ_VARID(fID, TRIM(nam(i)), vID)
     513    CALL nf95_inq_varid(fID, TRIM(nam(i)), vID)
    514514    CALL NF95_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID, vID, ndims=n_dim)
    515515    IF(n_dim==3) call NF95_GET_VAR(fID,vID,v(1,:,:,i), start=[  1,1,irec])
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmdiso/limit_read_mod.F90

    r5099 r5100  
    352352!$OMP MASTER  ! Only master thread
    353353       IF (is_mpi_root) THEN ! Only master processus
    354           ierr = NF90_OPEN ('', NF90_NOWRITE, nid)
     354          ierr = nf90_open ('', nf90_nowrite, nid)
    355355          IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL abort_physic(modname,&
    356356               'Pb d''ouverture du fichier de conditions aux limites',1)
    359359          ierr=NF90_INQ_VARID(nid, 'TEMPS', nvarid)
    360           ierr=NF90_GET_ATT(nid, nvarid, 'calendar', calendar)
     360          ierr=nf90_get_att(nid, nvarid, 'calendar', calendar)
    361361          IF(ierr==nf90_noerr.AND.calendar/=calend.AND.prt_level>=1) THEN
    362362             WRITE(lunout,*)'BEWARE: gcm and calendars differ: '
    387387          IF(nn/=klon_glo) CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1)
    389           ierr = NF90_CLOSE(nid)
     389          ierr = nf90_close(nid)
    390390          IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL abort_physic(modname,'Pb when closing file', 1)
    391391       END IF ! is_mpi_root
    450450       IF (is_mpi_root) THEN ! Only master processus!
    452           ierr = NF90_OPEN ('', NF90_NOWRITE, nid)
     452          ierr = nf90_open ('', nf90_nowrite, nid)
    453453          IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL abort_physic(modname,&
    454454               'Pb d''ouverture du fichier de conditions aux limites',1)
    566           ierr = NF90_CLOSE(nid)
     566          ierr = nf90_close(nid)
    567567          IF (ierr /= nf90_noerr) CALL abort_physic(modname,'Pb when closing file', 1)
    568568       ENDIF ! is_mpi_root
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/tools/make_sso/make_sso_SpherePack.f90

    r5099 r5100  
    117117    SELECT CASE(arg)
    118118      CASE('-i');   f_in=args(k); msg='Missing file "'//TRIM(f_in)//'".'
    119                     ll=NF90_OPEN(f_in,NF90_NOWRITE,fID)/=nf90_noerr
    120                     IF(.NOT.ll) n=NF90_CLOSE(fID)
     119                    ll=nf90_open(f_in,nf90_nowrite,fID)/=nf90_noerr
     120                    IF(.NOT.ll) n=nf90_close(fID)
    121121      CASE('-res'); nlon_ou=str2int(args(k)); k=k+1
    122122                    nlat_ou=str2int(args(k))
    135135  IF(ALL(['noro','spec']/=fmsk)) THEN
    136136    msg='Missing or wrong "-m" option ; can be "noro", "spec" or a mask file'
    137     CALL err(NF90_OPEN(fmsk,NF90_NOWRITE,fID)/=nf90_noerr,msg)
     137    CALL err(nf90_open(fmsk,nf90_nowrite,fID)/=nf90_noerr,msg)
    138138    CALL nc(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,"MaskOcean",vID),"MaskOcean")    !--- MASK ID
    139139    CALL nc(NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fID,vID,dimids=dIDs))         !--- DIMS IDS
    140140    CALL nc(nf90_inquire_dimension(fID,dIDs(1),len=nlon_ou),'x')!--- NB LONG
    141141    CALL nc(nf90_inquire_dimension(fID,dIDs(2),len=nlat_ou),'y')!--- NB LAT
    142     CALL nc(NF90_CLOSE(fID))
     142    CALL nc(nf90_close(fID))
    143143  END IF
    144144  IF(nlon_ou<=0.OR.nlat_ou<=0) THEN
    148148!=== READ THE INPUT FIELD =======================================================
    149   CALL nc(NF90_OPEN(f_in,NF90_NOWRITE,fID))
     149  CALL nc(nf90_open(f_in,nf90_nowrite,fID))
    150150  WRITE(*,*)'>> Reading variable "'//TRIM(vnam)//'" from "'//TRIM(f_in)//'"...'
    163163  CALL nc(nf90_get_var  (fID,loID,lon_in)      ,lonn)
    164164  CALL nc(nf90_get_var  (fID,laID,lat_in)      ,latn)
    165   CALL nc(NF90_GET_ATT  (fID,loID,'units',lonu),lonn)
    166   CALL nc(NF90_GET_ATT  (fID,laID,'units',latu),latn)
     165  CALL nc(nf90_get_att  (fID,loID,'units',lonu),lonn)
     166  CALL nc(nf90_get_att  (fID,laID,'units',latu),latn)
    167167  CALL nc(nf90_get_var  (fID,vID,h(:,:),[1,1],[nlon_in+1,nlat_in]),vnam)
    168   CALL nc(NF90_CLOSE(fID))
     168  CALL nc(nf90_close(fID))
    368368      ALLOCATE(msko(nlon_ou,nlat_ou))
    369369      msg='Missing or wrong "-m" option ; can be "noro", "spec" or a mask file'
    370       CALL err(NF90_OPEN(fmsk,NF90_NOWRITE,fID)/=nf90_noerr,msg)
     370      CALL err(nf90_open(fmsk,nf90_nowrite,fID)/=nf90_noerr,msg)
    371371      CALL nc(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,"MaskOcean",vID),"MaskOcean")    !--- MASK ID
    372372      CALL nc(nf90_get_var(fID,vID,msko(:,:)))                    !--- MASK
    373       CALL nc(NF90_CLOSE(fID))
     373      CALL nc(nf90_close(fID))
    374374      msko(:,:)=1.0-msko(:,:)
    375375  END SELECT
    457457  f_ou='make_sso_'//TRIM(res_ou)//'_'//TRIM(f_in)
    458458  fnam=f_ou
    459   CALL nc(NF90_CREATE(f_ou,NF90_CLOBBER,fID))
    461   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_DIM(fID,'x',nlon_ou,xID))
    462   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'x',NF90_REAL,xID,loID)      ,'x')
    463   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,loID,'long_name','Longitude'),'x')
    464   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,loID,'units','degrees_east') ,'x')
    466   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_DIM(fID,'y',nlat_ou,yID))
    467   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'y',NF90_REAL,yID,laID)      ,'y')
    468   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,laID,'long_name','Latitude') ,'y')
    469   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,laID,'units','degrees_north'),'y')
    471   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'mask',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],mskID),'mask')
     459  CALL nc(nf90_create(f_ou,nf90_clobber,fID))
     461  CALL nc(nf90_def_dim(fID,'x',nlon_ou,xID))
     462  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'x',NF90_REAL,xID,loID)      ,'x')
     463  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,loID,'long_name','Longitude'),'x')
     464  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,loID,'units','degrees_east') ,'x')
     466  CALL nc(nf90_def_dim(fID,'y',nlat_ou,yID))
     467  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'y',NF90_REAL,yID,laID)      ,'y')
     468  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,laID,'long_name','Latitude') ,'y')
     469  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,laID,'units','degrees_north'),'y')
     471  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'mask',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],mskID),'mask')
    472472  IF(fmsk=='noro') &
    473   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'Zphi',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],phiID),'Zphi')
    474   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'Zmea',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],meaID),'Zmea')
    475   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'mu'  ,NF90_REAL,[xID,yID], muID),'mu'  )
    476   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'Zsig',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],sigID),'Zsig')
    477   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'Zgam',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],gamID),'Zgam')
    478   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'Zthe',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],theID),'Zthe')
    479   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'Zpic',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],picID),'Zpic')
    480   CALL nc(NF90_DEF_VAR(fID,'Zval',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],valID),'Zval')
    482   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,mskID,'long_name','Fractional land mask'                      ),'mask')
     473  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'Zphi',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],phiID),'Zphi')
     474  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'Zmea',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],meaID),'Zmea')
     475  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'mu'  ,NF90_REAL,[xID,yID], muID),'mu'  )
     476  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'Zsig',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],sigID),'Zsig')
     477  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'Zgam',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],gamID),'Zgam')
     478  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'Zthe',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],theID),'Zthe')
     479  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'Zpic',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],picID),'Zpic')
     480  CALL nc(nf90_def_var(fID,'Zval',NF90_REAL,[xID,yID],valID),'Zval')
     482  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,mskID,'long_name','Fractional land mask'                      ),'mask')
    483483  IF(fmsk=='noro') &
    484   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,phiID,'long_name','Geopotential'                              ),'Zphi')
    485   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,meaID,'long_name','Mean orography'                            ),'Zmea')
    486   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID, muID,'long_name','Std deviation of sub-cell scales orography'),'mu'  )
    487   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,sigID,'long_name','Slope along principal axis'                ),'Zsig')
    488   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,gamID,'long_name','Anisotropy (aspect ratio)'                 ),'Zgam')
    489   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,theID,'long_name','Orientation (principal axis)'              ),'Zthe')
    490   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,picID,'long_name','Maximum height'                            ),'Zpic')
    491   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,valID,'long_name','Minimum height'                            ),'Zval')
    493   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,mskID,'units','none'   ),'mask')
     484  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,phiID,'long_name','Geopotential'                              ),'Zphi')
     485  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,meaID,'long_name','Mean orography'                            ),'Zmea')
     486  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID, muID,'long_name','Std deviation of sub-cell scales orography'),'mu'  )
     487  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,sigID,'long_name','Slope along principal axis'                ),'Zsig')
     488  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,gamID,'long_name','Anisotropy (aspect ratio)'                 ),'Zgam')
     489  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,theID,'long_name','Orientation (principal axis)'              ),'Zthe')
     490  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,picID,'long_name','Maximum height'                            ),'Zpic')
     491  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,valID,'long_name','Minimum height'                            ),'Zval')
     493  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,mskID,'units','none'   ),'mask')
    494494  IF(fmsk=='noro') &
    495   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,phiID,'units','m'      ),'Zphi')
    496   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,meaID,'units','m'      ),'Zmea')
    497   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID, muID,'units','m'      ),'mu'  )
    498   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,sigID,'units','m/m'    ),'Zsig')
    499   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,gamID,'units','none'   ),'Zgam')
    500   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,theID,'units','degrees'),'Zthe')
    501   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,picID,'units','m'      ),'Zpic')
    502   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,valID,'units','m'      ),'Zval')
    504   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,NF90_GLOBAL,'Conventions','COARDS/CF-1.0'))
    505   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,NF90_GLOBAL,'Initial_Grid',TRIM(res_in)))
    506   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_ATT(fID,NF90_GLOBAL,'history',TRIM(call_seq)))
    507   CALL nc(NF90_ENDDEF(fID))
    509   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID, loID,lon_ou),'x' )
    510   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID, laID,lat_ou),'y' )
    511   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID,mskID,msko),'mask')
     495  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,phiID,'units','m'      ),'Zphi')
     496  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,meaID,'units','m'      ),'Zmea')
     497  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID, muID,'units','m'      ),'mu'  )
     498  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,sigID,'units','m/m'    ),'Zsig')
     499  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,gamID,'units','none'   ),'Zgam')
     500  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,theID,'units','degrees'),'Zthe')
     501  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,picID,'units','m'      ),'Zpic')
     502  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,valID,'units','m'      ),'Zval')
     504  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,nf90_global,'Conventions','COARDS/CF-1.0'))
     505  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,nf90_global,'Initial_Grid',TRIM(res_in)))
     506  CALL nc(nf90_put_att(fID,nf90_global,'history',TRIM(call_seq)))
     507  CALL nc(nf90_enddef(fID))
     509  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID, loID,lon_ou),'x' )
     510  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID, laID,lat_ou),'y' )
     511  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID,mskID,msko),'mask')
    512512  IF(fmsk=='noro') &
    513   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID,phiID,Zphi),'Zphi')
    514   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID,meaID,h0  ),'Zmea')
    515   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID, muID,mu  ),'mu'  )
    516   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID,sigID,Zsig),'Zsig')
    517   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID,gamID,Zgam),'Zgam')
    518   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID,theID,Zthe),'Zthe')
    519   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID,picID,       h0+2*mu ),'Zpic')
    520   CALL nc(NF90_PUT_VAR(fID,valID,MAX(0.,h0-2*mu)),'Zval')
    521   CALL nc(NF90_CLOSE(fID))
     513  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID,phiID,Zphi),'Zphi')
     514  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID,meaID,h0  ),'Zmea')
     515  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID, muID,mu  ),'mu'  )
     516  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID,sigID,Zsig),'Zsig')
     517  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID,gamID,Zgam),'Zgam')
     518  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID,theID,Zthe),'Zthe')
     519  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID,picID,       h0+2*mu ),'Zpic')
     520  CALL nc(nf90_put_var(fID,valID,MAX(0.,h0-2*mu)),'Zval')
     521  CALL nc(nf90_close(fID))
    522522  WRITE(*,*)'Finished.'
  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/tools/netcdf95/Datasets/nf95_create_single.f90

    r5088 r5100  
    1919    ! Shortcut to create a file containing a single primary variable.
    21     use netcdf, only: NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_FLOAT
     21    use netcdf, only: nf90_clobber, nf90_float
    2323    use nf95_create_m, only: nf95_create
    3636    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
    38     call nf95_create(name // ".nc", NF90_CLOBBER, ncid)
     38    call nf95_create(name // ".nc", nf90_clobber, ncid)
    4040    do i = 1, size(coordinates)
    4141       call nf95_def_dim(ncid, coordinates(i)%name, coordinates(i)%nclen, &
    4242            dimids(i))
    43        call nf95_def_var(ncid, coordinates(i)%name, NF90_FLOAT, dimids(i), &
     43       call nf95_def_var(ncid, coordinates(i)%name, nf90_float, dimids(i), &
    4444            varid_coord(i))
    5050    END DO
    52     call nf95_def_var(ncid, name, NF90_FLOAT, dimids, varid)
     52    call nf95_def_var(ncid, name, nf90_float, dimids, varid)
    5454  end subroutine nf95_create_single
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.