Sep 4, 2023, 10:17:16 AM (13 months ago)
Laurent Fairhead

Merged with trunk revision 4586 corresponding to june 2023 testing

2 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/LMDZ_cdrag_LSCE

  • LMDZ6/branches/LMDZ_cdrag_LSCE/libf/phylmd/conf_phys_m.F90

    r4661 r4669  
    3636    INCLUDE "conema3.h"
    37     INCLUDE "fisrtilp.h"
    3837    INCLUDE "nuage.h"
    3938    INCLUDE "YOMCST.h"
    171170    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_adj_ema_omp
    172171    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_clw_omp
    173     REAL,SAVE :: cld_lc_lsc_omp,cld_lc_con_omp,cld_tau_lsc_omp,cld_tau_con_omp
    174     REAL,SAVE :: ffallv_lsc_omp, ffallv_con_omp,coef_eva_omp,coef_eva_i_omp
    175     LOGICAL,SAVE :: reevap_ice_omp
    176     INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_pdf_omp
    177172    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_ice_thermo_omp
    178173    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_ice_sursat_omp
    179174    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_plane_h2o_omp, ok_plane_contrail_omp
    180     INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_t_glace_omp
    181     INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_cloudth_vert_omp
    182     INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_rain_incloud_vol_omp
    183     INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_vice_omp, iflag_rei_omp
     175    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_rei_omp
    184176    REAL,SAVE :: rad_froid_omp, rad_chau1_omp, rad_chau2_omp
    185     REAL,SAVE :: t_glace_min_omp, t_glace_max_omp
    186     REAL,SAVE :: exposant_glace_omp
    187     INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_gammasat_omp
    188177    REAL,SAVE :: rei_min_omp, rei_max_omp
    189178    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_sic_omp, iflag_inertie_omp
    200189    REAL, SAVE ::  fmagic_omp, pmagic_omp
    201190    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_pbl_omp,lev_histhf_omp,lev_histday_omp,lev_histmth_omp
    202     INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_pbl_split_omp
     191    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_pbl_split_omp,iflag_physiq_omp
    204193    INTEGER,SAVE :: ifl_pbltree_omp
    234223    INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_ener_conserv_omp
    235224    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_conserv_q_omp
    236     INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_fisrtilp_qsat_omp
    237     INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_bergeron_omp
    238225    LOGICAL,SAVE  :: ok_strato_omp
    239226    LOGICAL,SAVE  :: ok_hines_omp, ok_gwd_rando_omp
    259246    INTEGER,SAVE  :: nit_bulk_omp
    260247    INTEGER,SAVE  :: kz0_omp
     248    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_bs_omp, ok_rad_bs_omp
    10231011    CALL getin('ok_conserv_q',ok_conserv_q_omp)
    1025     !Config  Key  = iflag_fisrtilp_qsat
    1026     !Config  Desc = Flag de fisrtilp
    1027     !Config  Def  = 0
    1028     !Config  Help = Flag  pour la pluie grande-échelle les options suivantes existent :
    1029     !Config         >1 nb iterations pour converger dans le calcul de qsat
    1030     iflag_fisrtilp_qsat_omp = 0
    1031     CALL getin('iflag_fisrtilp_qsat',iflag_fisrtilp_qsat_omp)
    1033     !Config  Key  = iflag_bergeron
    1034     !Config  Desc = Flag de fisrtilp
    1035     !Config  Def  = 0
    1036     !Config  Help = Flag  pour la pluie grande-échelle les options suivantes existent :
    1037     !Config         0 pas d effet Bergeron
    1038     !Config         1 effet Bergeron pour T<0
    1039     iflag_bergeron_omp = 0
    1040     CALL getin('iflag_bergeron',iflag_bergeron_omp)
    10421013    !
    10431014    !
    10981069    iflag_clw_omp = 0
    10991070    CALL getin('iflag_clw',iflag_clw_omp)
    1100     !
    1101     !Config Key  = cld_lc_lsc
    1102     !Config Desc = 
    1103     !Config Def  = 2.6e-4
    1104     !Config Help =
    1105     !
    1106     cld_lc_lsc_omp = 2.6e-4
    1107     CALL getin('cld_lc_lsc',cld_lc_lsc_omp)
    1108     !
    1109     !Config Key  = cld_lc_con
    1110     !Config Desc = 
    1111     !Config Def  = 2.6e-4
    1112     !Config Help =
    1113     !
    1114     cld_lc_con_omp = 2.6e-4
    1115     CALL getin('cld_lc_con',cld_lc_con_omp)
    1116     !
    1117     !Config Key  = cld_tau_lsc
    1118     !Config Desc = 
    1119     !Config Def  = 3600.
    1120     !Config Help =
    1121     !
    1122     cld_tau_lsc_omp = 3600.
    1123     CALL getin('cld_tau_lsc',cld_tau_lsc_omp)
    1124     !
    1125     !Config Key  = cld_tau_con
    1126     !Config Desc = 
    1127     !Config Def  = 3600.
    1128     !Config Help =
    1129     !
    1130     cld_tau_con_omp = 3600.
    1131     CALL getin('cld_tau_con',cld_tau_con_omp)
    1132     !
    1133     !Config Key  = ffallv_lsc
    1134     !Config Desc = 
    1135     !Config Def  = 1.
    1136     !Config Help =
    1137     !
    1138     ffallv_lsc_omp = 1.
    1139     CALL getin('ffallv_lsc',ffallv_lsc_omp)
    1140     !
    1141     !Config Key  = ffallv_con
    1142     !Config Desc = 
    1143     !Config Def  = 1.
    1144     !Config Help =
    1145     !
    1146     ffallv_con_omp = 1.
    1147     CALL getin('ffallv_con',ffallv_con_omp)
    1148     !
    1149     !Config Key  = coef_eva
    1150     !Config Desc = 
    1151     !Config Def  = 2.e-5
    1152     !Config Help =
    1153     !
    1154     coef_eva_omp = 2.e-5
    1155     CALL getin('coef_eva',coef_eva_omp)
    1156     !
    1157     !Config Key  = coef_eva_i
    1158     !Config Desc = 
    1159     !Config Def  = 2.e-5
    1160     !Config Help =
    1161     !
    1162     coef_eva_i_omp = coef_eva_omp
    1163     CALL getin('coef_eva_i',coef_eva_i_omp)
    1164     !
    1165     !Config Key  = reevap_ice
    1166     !Config Desc = 
    1167     !Config Def  = .FALSE.
    1168     !Config Help =
    1169     !
    1170     reevap_ice_omp = .FALSE.
    1171     CALL getin('reevap_ice',reevap_ice_omp)
    11731073    !Config Key  = iflag_ratqs
    12861186    !
    1287     !Config Key  = iflag_pdf
    1288     !Config Desc = 
    1289     !Config Def  = 0
    1290     !Config Help =
    1291     !
    1292     iflag_pdf_omp = 0
    1293     CALL getin('iflag_pdf',iflag_pdf_omp)
    1294     !
    12951187    !Config Key  = fact_cldcon
    12961188    !Config Desc = 
    14431335    CALL getin('rad_chau2',rad_chau2_omp)
    1445     !
    1446     !Config Key  = t_glace_min
    1447     !Config Desc = 
    1448     !Config Def  = 258.
    1449     !Config Help =
    1450     !
    1451     t_glace_min_omp = 258.
    1452     CALL getin('t_glace_min',t_glace_min_omp)
    1454     !
    1455     !Config Key  = t_glace_max
    1456     !Config Desc = 
    1457     !Config Def  = 273.13
    1458     !Config Help =
    1459     !
    1460     t_glace_max_omp = 273.13
    1461     CALL getin('t_glace_max',t_glace_max_omp)
    1463     !
    1464     !Config Key  = exposant_glace
    1465     !Config Desc = 
    1466     !Config Def  = 2.
    1467     !Config Help =
    1468     !
    1469     exposant_glace_omp = 1.
    1470     CALL getin('exposant_glace',exposant_glace_omp)
    1472     !
    1473     !Config Key  = iflag_gammasat
    1474     !Config Desc = 
    1475     !Config Def  = 0
    1476     !Config Help =
    1477     !
    1478     iflag_gammasat_omp=0
    1479     CALL getin('iflag_gammasat',iflag_gammasat_omp)
    1482     !
    1483     !Config Key  = iflag_t_glace
    1484     !Config Desc = 
    1485     !Config Def  = 0
    1486     !Config Help =
    1487     !
    1488     iflag_t_glace_omp = 0
    1489     CALL getin('iflag_t_glace',iflag_t_glace_omp)
    1491     !
    1492     !Config Key  = iflag_cloudth_vert
    1493     !Config Desc = 
    1494     !Config Def  = 0
    1495     !Config Help =
    1496     !
    1497     iflag_cloudth_vert_omp = 0
    1498     CALL getin('iflag_cloudth_vert',iflag_cloudth_vert_omp)
    1500     !
    1501     !Config Key  = iflag_rain_incloud_vol
    1502     !Config Desc = 
    1503     !Config Def  = 0
    1504     !Config Help =
    1505     !
    1506     iflag_rain_incloud_vol_omp = 0
    1507     CALL getin('iflag_rain_incloud_vol',iflag_rain_incloud_vol_omp)
    1509     !
    1510     !Config Key  = iflag_vice
    1511     !Config Desc = 
    1512     !Config Def  = 0
    1513     !Config Help =
    1514     !
    1515     iflag_vice_omp = 0
    1516     CALL getin('iflag_vice',iflag_vice_omp)
    15181338    !Config Key  = iflag_rei
    16951515    CALL getin('iflag_pbl',iflag_pbl_omp)
     1517    iflag_physiq_omp = 0 ! 0: std, 1: with physiqex output, 2: for physiqex
     1518    CALL getin('iflag_physiq',iflag_physiq_omp)
    16981521    !Config Key  = ifl_pbltree
    17441567    nsplit_thermals_omp = 1
    17451568    CALL getin('nsplit_thermals',nsplit_thermals_omp)
    1747     !Config Key  = alp_bl_k
    1748     !Config Desc =
    1749     !Config Def  = 0.
    1750     !Config Help =
    1751     !
     1569    !
     1570    !Config Key  = nsplit_thermals
     1571    !Config Desc =
     1572    !Config Def  = 0
     1573    !Config Help =
    17521574    alp_bl_k_omp = 1.
    17531575    CALL getin('alp_bl_k',alp_bl_k_omp)
    23902212    !Config Help = ...
     2216    ok_bs_omp = .FALSE.
     2217    CALL getin('ok_bs', ok_bs_omp)
     2218    !
     2219    !Config Key  = ok_bs_omp
     2220    !Config Desc = include blowing snow
     2221    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
     2222    !Config Help = ...
     2225    ok_rad_bs_omp = .FALSE.
     2226    CALL getin('ok_rad_bs', ok_rad_bs_omp)
     2227    !
     2228    !Config Key  = ok_rad_bs_omp
     2229    !Config Desc = include blowing snow radiative effect
     2230    !Config Def  = .FALSE.
     2231    !Config Help = ...
    23932233    ecrit_LES_omp = 1./8.
    24772317    iflag_ener_conserv = iflag_ener_conserv_omp
    24782318    ok_conserv_q = ok_conserv_q_omp
    2479     iflag_fisrtilp_qsat = iflag_fisrtilp_qsat_omp
    2480     iflag_bergeron = iflag_bergeron_omp
    24822319    epmax = epmax_omp
    24832320    coef_epmax_cape = coef_epmax_cape_omp
    24842321    ok_adj_ema = ok_adj_ema_omp
    24852322    iflag_clw = iflag_clw_omp
    2486     cld_lc_lsc = cld_lc_lsc_omp
    2487     cld_lc_con = cld_lc_con_omp
    2488     cld_tau_lsc = cld_tau_lsc_omp
    2489     cld_tau_con = cld_tau_con_omp
    2490     ffallv_lsc = ffallv_lsc_omp
    2491     ffallv_con = ffallv_con_omp
    2492     coef_eva = coef_eva_omp
    2493     coef_eva_i = coef_eva_i_omp
    2494     reevap_ice = reevap_ice_omp
    2495     iflag_pdf = iflag_pdf_omp
    24962323    solarlong0 = solarlong0_omp
    24972324    qsol0 = qsol0_omp
    25042331    inertie_lic = inertie_lic_omp
    25052332    inertie_sno = inertie_sno_omp
     2333    ok_bs = ok_bs_omp
     2334    ok_rad_bs=ok_rad_bs_omp
    25062335    rad_froid = rad_froid_omp
    25072336    rad_chau1 = rad_chau1_omp
    25082337    rad_chau2 = rad_chau2_omp
    2509     t_glace_min = t_glace_min_omp
    2510     t_glace_max = t_glace_max_omp
    2511     exposant_glace = exposant_glace_omp
    2512     iflag_gammasat=iflag_gammasat_omp
    2513     iflag_t_glace = iflag_t_glace_omp
    2514     iflag_cloudth_vert=iflag_cloudth_vert_omp
    2515     iflag_rain_incloud_vol=iflag_rain_incloud_vol_omp
    2516     iflag_vice=iflag_vice_omp
    25172338    iflag_rei=iflag_rei_omp
    25182339    iflag_ice_thermo = iflag_ice_thermo_omp
    25332354    pmagic = pmagic_omp
    25342355    iflag_pbl = iflag_pbl_omp
     2356    iflag_physiq = iflag_physiq_omp
    25352357    iflag_pbl_split = iflag_pbl_split_omp
    29072729    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_ener_conserv=',iflag_ener_conserv
    29082730    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_conserv_q=',ok_conserv_q
    2909     WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_fisrtilp_qsat=',iflag_fisrtilp_qsat
    2910     WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_bergeron=',iflag_bergeron
    29112731    WRITE(lunout,*) ' epmax = ', epmax
    29122732    WRITE(lunout,*) ' coef_epmax_cape = ', coef_epmax_cape
    29132733    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_adj_ema = ', ok_adj_ema
    29142734    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_clw = ', iflag_clw
    2915     WRITE(lunout,*) ' cld_lc_lsc = ', cld_lc_lsc
    2916     WRITE(lunout,*) ' cld_lc_con = ', cld_lc_con
    2917     WRITE(lunout,*) ' cld_tau_lsc = ', cld_tau_lsc
    2918     WRITE(lunout,*) ' cld_tau_con = ', cld_tau_con
    2919     WRITE(lunout,*) ' ffallv_lsc = ', ffallv_lsc
    2920     WRITE(lunout,*) ' ffallv_con = ', ffallv_con
    2921     WRITE(lunout,*) ' coef_eva = ', coef_eva
    2922     WRITE(lunout,*) ' coef_eva_i = ', coef_eva_i
    2923     WRITE(lunout,*) ' reevap_ice = ', reevap_ice
    2924     WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_pdf = ', iflag_pdf
    29252735    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_cld_th = ', iflag_cld_th
    29262736    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_cld_cv = ', iflag_cld_cv
    29442754    WRITE(lunout,*) ' rad_chau1 = ',rad_chau1
    29452755    WRITE(lunout,*) ' rad_chau2 = ',rad_chau2
    2946     WRITE(lunout,*) ' t_glace_min = ',t_glace_min
    2947     WRITE(lunout,*) ' t_glace_max = ',t_glace_max
    2948     WRITE(lunout,*) ' exposant_glace = ',exposant_glace
    2949     WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_gammasat = ',iflag_gammasat
    2950     WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_t_glace = ',iflag_t_glace
    2951     WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_cloudth_vert = ',iflag_cloudth_vert
    2952     WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_rain_incloud_vol = ',iflag_rain_incloud_vol
    2953     WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_vice = ',iflag_vice
    29542756    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_rei = ',iflag_rei
    29552757    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_ice_thermo = ',iflag_ice_thermo
    29922794    WRITE(lunout,*) ' freq_calNMC = ',freq_calNMC
    29932795    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_pbl = ', iflag_pbl
     2796    WRITE(lunout,*) ' iflag_physiq = ', iflag_physiq
    29952798    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ifl_pbltree = ', ifl_pbltree
    30172820    WRITE(lunout,*) ' inertie_lic = ', inertie_lic
    30182821    WRITE(lunout,*) ' inertie_sno = ', inertie_sno
     2822    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_bs = ', ok_bs
     2823    WRITE(lunout,*) ' ok_rad_bs = ', ok_rad_bs
    30192824    WRITE(lunout,*) ' f_cdrag_ter = ',f_cdrag_ter
    30202825    WRITE(lunout,*) ' f_cdrag_oce = ',f_cdrag_oce
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