Changeset 4283 for LMDZ6/trunk/libf
- Timestamp:
- Sep 26, 2022, 2:43:00 PM (2 years ago)
- Location:
- LMDZ6/trunk/libf
- Files:
- 7 edited
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2798 r4283 3 3 !******************************************************************************* 4 4 5 USE indice_sol_mod, ONLY: is_ter, is_oce, is_oce, is_lic, epsfra5 USE indice_sol_mod, ONLY: is_ter, is_oce, is_oce, is_lic, epsfra 6 6 USE dimphy, ONLY: klon, zmasq 7 7 USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: pctsrf 8 USE geometry_mod, ONLY : longitude_deg, latitude_deg8 USE geometry_mod, ONLY : longitude_deg, latitude_deg 9 9 USE grid_atob_m, ONLY: grille_m 10 10 USE ioipsl, ONLY: flininfo, flinopen, flinget, flinclo 11 11 USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY: getin_p 12 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: im, pi 12 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: im, pi 13 USE surface_data, ONLY: landice_opt 13 14 14 15 CHARACTER(LEN=256), PARAMETER :: icefname="", icevar="landice" … … 58 59 ! Sub-surfaces initialization 59 60 !******************************************************************************* 60 !--- Read and interpolate on model T-grid soil fraction and soil ice fraction. 61 CALL flininfo(icefname, iml_lic, jml_lic, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, fid) 62 ALLOCATE(lat_lic(iml_lic,jml_lic),lon_lic(iml_lic,jml_lic)) 63 ALLOCATE(fraclic(iml_lic,jml_lic)) 64 CALL flinopen(icefname, .FALSE., iml_lic, jml_lic, llm_tmp, & 65 & lon_lic, lat_lic, lev, ttm_tmp, itaul, date, dt, fid) 66 CALL flinget(fid, icevar, iml_lic, jml_lic, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, 1,1, fraclic) 67 CALL flinclo(fid) 68 WRITE(lunout,*)'landice dimensions: iml_lic, jml_lic : ',iml_lic,jml_lic 61 IF (landice_opt .LT. 2) THEN 62 ! Continue with reading file 63 WRITE(lunout,*)"Read file to attribute is_lic fraction" 69 64 70 ALLOCATE(dlon_lic(iml_lic),dlat_lic(jml_lic)) 71 dlon_lic(:)=lon_lic(:,1); IF(MAXVAL(dlon_lic)>pi) dlon_lic=dlon_lic*pi/180. 72 dlat_lic(:)=lat_lic(1,:); IF(MAXVAL(dlat_lic)>pi) dlat_lic=dlat_lic*pi/180. 73 DEALLOCATE(lon_lic,lat_lic); ALLOCATE(flic_tmp(iip1,jjp1)) 74 CALL grille_m(dlon_lic,dlat_lic,fraclic,rlonv(1:iim),rlatu,flic_tmp(1:iim,:)) 75 flic_tmp(iip1,:)=flic_tmp(1,:) 76 77 !--- To the physical grid 78 pctsrf(:,:) = 0. 79 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1, iip1, jjp1, klon, flic_tmp, pctsrf(:,is_lic)) 80 DEALLOCATE(flic_tmp) 81 82 !--- Adequation with soil/sea mask 83 WHERE(pctsrf(:,is_lic)<EPSFRA) pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0. 84 WHERE(zmasq(:)<EPSFRA) pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0. 85 pctsrf(:,is_ter)=zmasq(:) 86 DO ji=1,klon 87 IF(zmasq(ji)>EPSFRA) THEN 88 IF(pctsrf(ji,is_lic)>=zmasq(ji)) THEN 89 pctsrf(ji,is_lic)=zmasq(ji) 90 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=0. 91 ELSE 92 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=zmasq(ji)-pctsrf(ji,is_lic) 93 IF(pctsrf(ji,is_ter)<EPSFRA) THEN 94 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=0. 95 pctsrf(ji,is_lic)=zmasq(ji) 96 END IF 97 END IF 98 END IF 99 END DO 100 101 102 !--- Option no_ter_antartique removes all land fractions souther than 60S. 103 !--- Land ice is set instead of the land fractions on these latitudes. 104 !--- The ocean and sea-ice fractions are not changed. 105 no_ter_antartique=.FALSE. 106 CALL getin_p('no_ter_antartique',no_ter_antartique) 107 WRITE(lunout,*)"no_ter_antartique=",no_ter_antartique 108 IF (no_ter_antartique) THEN 109 ! Remove all land fractions souther than 60S and set land-ice instead 110 WRITE(lunout,*) "Remove land fractions souther than 60deg south by increasing" 111 WRITE(lunout,*) "the continental ice fractions. No land can now be found at Antartic." 112 DO ji=1, klon 113 IF (latitude_deg(ji)<-60.0) THEN 114 pctsrf(ji,is_lic) = pctsrf(ji,is_lic) + pctsrf(ji,is_ter) 115 pctsrf(ji,is_ter) = 0 65 !--- Read and interpolate on model T-grid soil fraction and soil ice fraction. 66 CALL flininfo(icefname, iml_lic, jml_lic, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, fid) 67 ALLOCATE(lat_lic(iml_lic,jml_lic),lon_lic(iml_lic,jml_lic)) 68 ALLOCATE(fraclic(iml_lic,jml_lic)) 69 CALL flinopen(icefname, .FALSE., iml_lic, jml_lic, llm_tmp, & 70 & lon_lic, lat_lic, lev, ttm_tmp, itaul, date, dt, fid) 71 CALL flinget(fid, icevar, iml_lic, jml_lic, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, 1,1, fraclic) 72 CALL flinclo(fid) 73 WRITE(lunout,*)'landice dimensions: iml_lic, jml_lic : ',iml_lic,jml_lic 74 75 ALLOCATE(dlon_lic(iml_lic),dlat_lic(jml_lic)) 76 dlon_lic(:)=lon_lic(:,1); IF(MAXVAL(dlon_lic)>pi) dlon_lic=dlon_lic*pi/180. 77 dlat_lic(:)=lat_lic(1,:); IF(MAXVAL(dlat_lic)>pi) dlat_lic=dlat_lic*pi/180. 78 DEALLOCATE(lon_lic,lat_lic); ALLOCATE(flic_tmp(iip1,jjp1)) 79 CALL grille_m(dlon_lic,dlat_lic,fraclic,rlonv(1:iim),rlatu,flic_tmp(1:iim,:)) 80 flic_tmp(iip1,:)=flic_tmp(1,:) 81 82 !--- To the physical grid 83 pctsrf(:,:) = 0. 84 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1, iip1, jjp1, klon, flic_tmp, pctsrf(:,is_lic)) 85 DEALLOCATE(flic_tmp) 86 87 !--- Adequation with soil/sea mask 88 WHERE(pctsrf(:,is_lic)<EPSFRA) pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0. 89 WHERE(zmasq(:)<EPSFRA) pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0. 90 pctsrf(:,is_ter)=zmasq(:) 91 DO ji=1,klon 92 IF(zmasq(ji)>EPSFRA) THEN 93 IF(pctsrf(ji,is_lic)>=zmasq(ji)) THEN 94 pctsrf(ji,is_lic)=zmasq(ji) 95 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=0. 96 ELSE 97 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=zmasq(ji)-pctsrf(ji,is_lic) 98 IF(pctsrf(ji,is_ter)<EPSFRA) THEN 99 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=0. 100 pctsrf(ji,is_lic)=zmasq(ji) 101 END IF 102 END IF 116 103 END IF 117 104 END DO 105 106 107 !--- Option no_ter_antartique removes all land fractions souther than 60S. 108 !--- Land ice is set instead of the land fractions on these latitudes. 109 !--- The ocean and sea-ice fractions are not changed. 110 no_ter_antartique=.FALSE. 111 CALL getin_p('no_ter_antartique',no_ter_antartique) 112 WRITE(lunout,*)"no_ter_antartique=",no_ter_antartique 113 IF (no_ter_antartique) THEN 114 ! Remove all land fractions souther than 60S and set land-ice instead 115 WRITE(lunout,*) "Remove land fractions souther than 60deg south by increasing" 116 WRITE(lunout,*) "the continental ice fractions. No land can now be found at Antartic." 117 DO ji=1, klon 118 IF (latitude_deg(ji)<-60.0) THEN 119 pctsrf(ji,is_lic) = pctsrf(ji,is_lic) + pctsrf(ji,is_ter) 120 pctsrf(ji,is_ter) = 0 121 END IF 122 END DO 123 END IF 124 125 ELSE 126 ! landice_opt=2 and higher 127 WRITE(lunout,*) 'No landice is attributed is_lic sub-surface because landice_opt=2 or higher.' 128 WRITE(lunout,*) 'This means that the land model will handel land ice as well as all other land areas.' 129 pctsrf(:,is_ter) = zmasq(:) 130 pctsrf(:,is_lic) = 0.0 118 131 END IF 119 120 132 121 133 !--- Sub-surface ocean and sea ice (sea ice set to zero for start). -
r3815 r4283 64 64 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: cpl_rriv2D, cpl_rcoa2D, cpl_rlic2D 65 65 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cpl_rriv2D,cpl_rcoa2D,cpl_rlic2D) 66 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: rlic_in_frac2D ! fraction for continental ice 67 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rlic_in_frac2D) 66 68 67 69 ! variables read from coupler : … … 225 227 sum_error = sum_error + error 226 228 ALLOCATE(cpl_rlic2D(nbp_lon,jj_nb), stat=error) 229 sum_error = sum_error + error 230 ALLOCATE(rlic_in_frac2D(nbp_lon,jj_nb), stat=error) 227 231 sum_error = sum_error + error 228 232 ALLOCATE(read_sst(nbp_lon, jj_nb), stat = error) … … 1151 1155 ! 1152 1156 1153 SUBROUTINE cpl_send_landice_fields(itime, knon, knindex, rlic_in )1157 SUBROUTINE cpl_send_landice_fields(itime, knon, knindex, rlic_in, rlic_in_frac) 1154 1158 ! This subroutine cumulates the field for melting ice for each time-step 1155 1159 ! during a coupling period. This routine will not send to coupler. Sending … … 1165 1169 INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: knindex 1166 1170 REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rlic_in 1171 REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: rlic_in_frac ! Fraction for continental ice, can be equal to 1172 ! pctsrf(:,is_lic) or not, depending on landice_opt 1173 1167 1174 1168 1175 ! Local varibales … … 1179 1186 !$OMP END MASTER 1180 1187 CALL gath2cpl(rlic_in, rlic2D, knon, knindex) 1181 1188 CALL gath2cpl(rlic_in_frac(:), rlic_in_frac2D(:,:), knon, knindex) 1182 1189 !************************************************************************************* 1183 1190 ! Reset field to zero in the beginning of a new coupling period … … 1298 1305 CALL gath2cpl(pctsrf(:,is_oce), pctsrf2D(:,:,is_oce), klon, unity) 1299 1306 CALL gath2cpl(pctsrf(:,is_sic), pctsrf2D(:,:,is_sic), klon, unity) 1300 CALL gath2cpl(pctsrf(:,is_lic), pctsrf2D(:,:,is_lic), klon, unity) 1307 1308 1309 1301 1310 1302 1311 !************************************************************************************* … … 1311 1320 DO j = 1, jj_nb 1312 1321 tmp_calv(:,j) = DOT_PRODUCT (cpl_rlic2D(1:nbp_lon,j), & 1313 pctsrf2D(1:nbp_lon,j,is_lic)) / REAL(nbp_lon)1322 rlic_in_frac2D(1:nbp_lon,j)) / REAL(nbp_lon) 1314 1323 ENDDO 1315 1324 … … 1348 1357 calving(k)=0 1349 1358 DO j = 1, jj_nb 1350 calving(k)= calving(k)+DOT_PRODUCT(cpl_rlic2D(:,j)*area_calving(:,j,k), pctsrf2D(:,j,is_lic))1359 calving(k)= calving(k)+DOT_PRODUCT(cpl_rlic2D(:,j)*area_calving(:,j,k),rlic_in_frac2D(:,j)) 1351 1360 ENDDO 1352 1361 ENDDO -
r3900 r4283 53 53 USE phys_state_var_mod 54 54 USE indice_sol_mod 55 USE surface_data, ONLY: landice_opt 55 56 USE mod_phys_lmdz_para 56 57 USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout … … 83 84 CALL xios_recv_field("qs",qsol_mpi) 84 85 CALL xios_recv_field("mask",zmasq_mpi) 85 CALL xios_recv_field("landice",lic_mpi)86 IF (landice_opt .LT. 2) CALL xios_recv_field("landice",lic_mpi) 86 87 CALL xios_recv_field("zmea",zmea_mpi) 87 88 CALL xios_recv_field("zstd",zstd_mpi) … … 93 94 CALL scatter_omp(qsol_mpi,qsol) 94 95 CALL scatter_omp(zmasq_mpi,zmasq) 95 CALL scatter_omp(lic_mpi,lic)96 IF (landice_opt .LT. 2) CALL scatter_omp(lic_mpi,lic) 96 97 CALL scatter_omp(zmea_mpi,zmea) 97 98 CALL scatter_omp(zstd_mpi,zstd) … … 110 111 111 112 pctsrf(:,:) = 0 112 pctsrf(:,is_lic)=lic 113 WHERE(pctsrf(:,is_lic)<EPSFRA) pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0. 114 WHERE(zmasq(:)<EPSFRA) pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0. 115 116 pctsrf(:,is_ter)=zmasq(:) 117 118 !--- Adequation with soil/sea mask 119 DO ji=1,klon 120 IF(zmasq(ji)>EPSFRA) THEN 121 IF(pctsrf(ji,is_lic)>=zmasq(ji)) THEN 122 pctsrf(ji,is_lic)=zmasq(ji) 123 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=0. 124 ELSE 125 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=zmasq(ji)-pctsrf(ji,is_lic) 126 IF(pctsrf(ji,is_ter)<EPSFRA) THEN 127 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=0. 128 pctsrf(ji,is_lic)=zmasq(ji) 129 END IF 130 END IF 131 END IF 132 END DO 113 IF (landice_opt .LT. 2) THEN 114 pctsrf(:,is_lic)=lic 115 WHERE(pctsrf(:,is_lic)<EPSFRA) pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0. 116 WHERE(zmasq(:)<EPSFRA) pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0. 117 118 pctsrf(:,is_ter)=zmasq(:) 119 120 !--- Adequation with soil/sea mask 121 DO ji=1,klon 122 IF(zmasq(ji)>EPSFRA) THEN 123 IF(pctsrf(ji,is_lic)>=zmasq(ji)) THEN 124 pctsrf(ji,is_lic)=zmasq(ji) 125 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=0. 126 ELSE 127 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=zmasq(ji)-pctsrf(ji,is_lic) 128 IF(pctsrf(ji,is_ter)<EPSFRA) THEN 129 pctsrf(ji,is_ter)=0. 130 pctsrf(ji,is_lic)=zmasq(ji) 131 END IF 132 END IF 133 END IF 134 END DO 135 136 ELSE 137 ! landice_opt=>2 : no land ice 138 pctsrf(:,is_lic)=0.0 139 pctsrf(:,is_ter)=zmasq(:) 140 END IF 141 142 143 133 144 134 145 -
r3956 r4283 14 14 USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY : klon_glo 15 15 USE ioipsl 16 USE surface_data, ONLY : type_ocean, ok_veget 16 USE surface_data, ONLY : type_ocean, ok_veget, landice_opt 17 17 USE surf_land_mod, ONLY : surf_land 18 18 USE surf_landice_mod, ONLY : surf_landice … … 2056 2056 CASE(is_lic) 2057 2057 ! Martin 2058 CALL surf_landice(itap, dtime, knon, ni, & 2059 rlon, rlat, debut, lafin, & 2060 yrmu0, ylwdown, yalb, zgeo1, & 2061 ysolsw, ysollw, yts, ypplay(:,1), & 2062 !!jyg ycdragh, ycdragm, yrain_f, ysnow_f, yt(:,1), yq(:,1),& 2063 ycdragh, ycdragm, yrain_f, ysnow_f, yt1, yq1,& 2064 AcoefH, AcoefQ, BcoefH, BcoefQ, & 2065 AcoefU, AcoefV, BcoefU, BcoefV, & 2066 ypsref, yu1, yv1, ygustiness, yrugoro, pctsrf, & 2067 ysnow, yqsurf, yqsol, yagesno, & 2068 ytsoil, yz0m, yz0h, SFRWL, yalb_dir_new, yalb_dif_new, yevap,yfluxsens,yfluxlat, & 2069 ytsurf_new, y_dflux_t, y_dflux_q, & 2070 yzmea, yzsig, ycldt, & 2071 ysnowhgt, yqsnow, ytoice, ysissnow, & 2072 yalb3_new, yrunoff, & 2073 y_flux_u1, y_flux_v1) 2074 2075 !jyg< 2076 !! alb3_lic(:)=0. 2077 !>jyg 2078 DO j = 1, knon 2079 i = ni(j) 2080 alb3_lic(i) = yalb3_new(j) 2081 snowhgt(i) = ysnowhgt(j) 2082 qsnow(i) = yqsnow(j) 2083 to_ice(i) = ytoice(j) 2084 sissnow(i) = ysissnow(j) 2085 runoff(i) = yrunoff(j) 2086 ENDDO 2087 ! Martin 2088 ! Special DICE MPL 05082013 puis BOMEX MPL 20150410 2089 IF (ok_prescr_ust) THEN 2090 DO j=1,knon 2091 y_flux_u1(j)=ycdragm(j)*(1.+sqrt(yu(j,1)*yu(j,1)+yv(j,1)*yv(j,1)))*yu(j,1)*ypplay(j,1)/RD/yt(j,1) 2092 y_flux_v1(j)=ycdragm(j)*(1.+sqrt(yu(j,1)*yu(j,1)+yv(j,1)*yv(j,1)))*yv(j,1)*ypplay(j,1)/RD/yt(j,1) 2093 ENDDO 2094 ENDIF 2058 2059 IF (landice_opt .LT. 2) THEN 2060 ! Land ice is treated by LMDZ and not by ORCHIDEE 2061 CALL surf_landice(itap, dtime, knon, ni, & 2062 rlon, rlat, debut, lafin, & 2063 yrmu0, ylwdown, yalb, zgeo1, & 2064 ysolsw, ysollw, yts, ypplay(:,1), & 2065 !!jyg ycdragh, ycdragm, yrain_f, ysnow_f, yt(:,1), yq(:,1),& 2066 ycdragh, ycdragm, yrain_f, ysnow_f, yt1, yq1,& 2067 AcoefH, AcoefQ, BcoefH, BcoefQ, & 2068 AcoefU, AcoefV, BcoefU, BcoefV, & 2069 ypsref, yu1, yv1, ygustiness, yrugoro, pctsrf, & 2070 ysnow, yqsurf, yqsol, yagesno, & 2071 ytsoil, yz0m, yz0h, SFRWL, yalb_dir_new, yalb_dif_new, yevap,yfluxsens,yfluxlat, & 2072 ytsurf_new, y_dflux_t, y_dflux_q, & 2073 yzmea, yzsig, ycldt, & 2074 ysnowhgt, yqsnow, ytoice, ysissnow, & 2075 yalb3_new, yrunoff, & 2076 y_flux_u1, y_flux_v1) 2077 2078 !jyg< 2079 !! alb3_lic(:)=0. 2080 !>jyg 2081 DO j = 1, knon 2082 i = ni(j) 2083 alb3_lic(i) = yalb3_new(j) 2084 snowhgt(i) = ysnowhgt(j) 2085 qsnow(i) = yqsnow(j) 2086 to_ice(i) = ytoice(j) 2087 sissnow(i) = ysissnow(j) 2088 runoff(i) = yrunoff(j) 2089 ENDDO 2090 ! Martin 2091 ! Special DICE MPL 05082013 puis BOMEX MPL 20150410 2092 IF (ok_prescr_ust) THEN 2093 DO j=1,knon 2094 y_flux_u1(j)=ycdragm(j)*(1.+sqrt(yu(j,1)*yu(j,1)+yv(j,1)*yv(j,1)))*yu(j,1)*ypplay(j,1)/RD/yt(j,1) 2095 y_flux_v1(j)=ycdragm(j)*(1.+sqrt(yu(j,1)*yu(j,1)+yv(j,1)*yv(j,1)))*yv(j,1)*ypplay(j,1)/RD/yt(j,1) 2096 ENDDO 2097 ENDIF 2098 2099 END IF 2095 2100 2096 2101 CASE(is_oce) -
r3435 r4283 24 24 USE dimphy 25 25 USE surface_data, ONLY : ok_veget 26 ! >> PC 27 USE carbon_cycle_mod 28 ! << PC 26 USE carbon_cycle_mod 27 29 28 30 29 ! See comments in each module surf_land_orchidee_xxx for compatiblity with ORCHIDEE … … 45 44 USE surf_land_orchidee_nounstruct_mod 46 45 #else 46 #if ORCHIDEE_NOLIC 47 ! Compilation with cpp key ORCHIDEE_NOLIC 48 USE surf_land_orchidee_nolic_mod 49 #else 50 ! Default version 47 51 USE surf_land_orchidee_mod 48 52 #endif … … 50 54 #endif 51 55 #endif 52 56 #endif 57 53 58 USE surf_land_bucket_mod 54 59 USE calcul_fluxs_mod 55 60 USE indice_sol_mod 56 57 ! >> PC58 61 USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout 59 ! << PC60 62 61 63 INCLUDE "dimsoil.h" -
r3551 r4283 5 5 #ifndef ORCHIDEE_NOFREIN 6 6 #ifndef ORCHIDEE_NOUNSTRUCT 7 #ifndef ORCHIDEE_NOLIC 7 8 ! 8 9 ! This module controles the interface towards the model ORCHIDEE. 9 10 ! 10 11 ! Compatibility with ORCHIDIEE : 11 ! The current version can be used with ORCHIDEE/trunk from revision 4465.12 ! The current version can be used with ORCHIDEE/trunk from revision 7757. 12 13 ! This interface is used if none of the cpp keys ORCHIDEE_NOOPENMP, 13 ! ORCHIDEE_NOZ0H or ORCHIDEE_NOFREINis set.14 ! ORCHIDEE_NOZ0H, ORCHIDEE_NOFREIN or ORCHIDEE_NOLIC is set. 14 15 ! 15 16 ! Subroutines in this module : surf_land_orchidee … … 20 21 USE dimphy 21 22 #ifdef CPP_VEGET 22 USE intersurf ! module d'ORCHIDEE23 #endif 24 USE cpl_mod, ONLY : cpl_send_land_fields 25 USE surface_data, ONLY : type_ocean 23 USE intersurf ! module in ORCHIDEE 24 #endif 25 USE cpl_mod, ONLY : cpl_send_land_fields, cpl_send_landice_fields 26 USE surface_data, ONLY : type_ocean, landice_opt 26 27 USE geometry_mod, ONLY : dx, dy, boundslon, boundslat,longitude, latitude, cell_area, ind_cell_glo 27 28 USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz … … 152 153 INTEGER :: error 153 154 REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: swdown_vrai 155 REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: run_off_lic !! run off from land ice defined in ORCHIDEE, contains calving, melting and liquid precipitation 156 REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: run_off_lic_frac !! cell fraction corresponding to run_off_lic 157 REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: blowingsnow_flux !! blowing snow flux 154 158 CHARACTER (len = 20) :: modname = 'surf_land_orchidee' 155 159 CHARACTER (len = 80) :: abort_message … … 570 574 lon_scat, lat_scat, q2m(1:knon), t2m(1:knon), z0h_new(1:knon), nvm_orch, & 571 575 grid=grid_type, bounds_latlon=bounds_lalo, cell_area=area, ind_cell_glo=ind_cell, & 572 field_out_names=cfname_out, field_in_names=cfname_in(1:nbcf_in_orc)) 576 field_out_names=cfname_out, field_in_names=cfname_in(1:nbcf_in_orc), & 577 coszang=yrmu0(1:knon)) 573 578 #endif 574 579 ENDIF … … 603 608 fields_out=yfields_out(1:knon,1:nbcf_out), & 604 609 fields_in=yfields_in(1:knon,1:nbcf_in_orc), & 605 coszang=yrmu0(1:knon) )610 coszang=yrmu0(1:knon), run_off_lic=run_off_lic(1:knon), run_off_lic_frac=run_off_lic_frac(1:knon), blowingsnow_flux=blowingsnow_flux(1:knon)) 606 611 #endif 607 612 ENDIF … … 616 621 CALL cpl_send_land_fields(itime, knon, knindex, & 617 622 riverflow, coastalflow) 623 IF (landice_opt .GE. 2) THEN 624 CALL cpl_send_landice_fields(itime, knon, knindex, run_off_lic, run_off_lic_frac) 625 END IF 618 626 ENDIF 619 627 … … 850 858 #endif 851 859 #endif 860 #endif 852 861 END MODULE surf_land_orchidee_mod -
r4282 r4283 1 1 ! 2 MODULE surf_land_orchidee_mod 3 #ifndef ORCHIDEE_NOOPENMP 4 #ifndef ORCHIDEE_NOZ0H 5 #ifndef ORCHIDEE_NOFREIN 6 #ifndef ORCHIDEE_NOUNSTRUCT 2 MODULE surf_land_orchidee_nolic_mod 3 #ifdef ORCHIDEE_NOLIC 7 4 ! 8 5 ! This module controles the interface towards the model ORCHIDEE. 9 6 ! 10 7 ! Compatibility with ORCHIDIEE : 11 ! Th e current version can be used with ORCHIDEE/trunk from revision 4465.12 ! Th is interface is used if none of the cpp keys ORCHIDEE_NOOPENMP,13 ! ORCHIDEE_NOZ0H or ORCHIDEE_NOFREIN is set.14 ! 8 ! This module is compiled only if cpp key ORCHIDEE_NOLIC is defined. 9 ! The current version can be used with ORCHIDEE/trunk from revision 4465-7757. 10 ! (it can be used for later revisions also but it is not needed.) 11 ! 15 12 ! Subroutines in this module : surf_land_orchidee 16 13 ! Init_orchidee_index … … 847 844 ! 848 845 #endif 849 #endif 850 #endif 851 #endif 852 END MODULE surf_land_orchidee_mod 846 END MODULE surf_land_orchidee_nolic_mod -
r4245 r4283 115 115 INTEGER :: i,j,nt 116 116 REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: fqfonte,ffonte 117 REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: run_off_lic_frac 117 118 REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: emis_new !Emissivity 118 119 REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: swdown,lwdown … … 361 362 ! Send run-off on land-ice to coupler if coupled ocean. 362 363 ! run_off_lic has been calculated in fonte_neige or surf_inlandsis 363 ! 364 !**************************************************************************************** 365 IF (type_ocean=='couple') THEN 366 CALL cpl_send_landice_fields(itime, knon, knindex, run_off_lic) 364 ! If landice_opt>=2, corresponding call is done from surf_land_orchidee 365 !**************************************************************************************** 366 IF (type_ocean=='couple' .AND. landice_opt .LT. 2) THEN 367 ! Compress fraction where run_off_lic is active (here all pctsrf(is_lic)) 368 run_off_lic_frac(:)=0.0 369 DO j = 1, knon 370 i = knindex(j) 371 run_off_lic_frac(j) = pctsrf(i,is_lic) 372 ENDDO 373 374 CALL cpl_send_landice_fields(itime, knon, knindex, run_off_lic, run_off_lic_frac) 367 375 ENDIF 368 376
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