Changeset 4068 for LMDZ6/trunk/libf

Jan 29, 2022, 7:22:11 PM (3 years ago)

FIx for last version: function version of strReduce crashes with gfortran (but not for ifort) => back to subroutine version.

2 edited


  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/dyn3d_common/infotrac.F90

    r4067 r4068  
    33MODULE infotrac
    5    USE       strings_mod, ONLY: msg, find, strIdx,  strFind, strParse, dispTable,  int2str,  reduceExpr, &
    6                           cat, fmsg, test, strTail, strHead, strStack, strReducef, bool2str, maxlen, testFile
     5   USE       strings_mod, ONLY: msg, find, strIdx,  strFind, strParse, dispTable, int2str,  reduceExpr, &
     6                          cat, fmsg, test, strTail, strHead, strStack, strReduce, bool2str, maxlen, testFile
    77   USE readTracFiles_mod, ONLY: trac_type, readTracersFiles, addPhase,  phases_sep,  nphases, ancestor,  &
    88                                isot_type, readIsotopesFile, delPhase,   old_phases, getKey_init, tran0, &
    823823   ALLOCATE(i%keys(i%niso))
    824824   mask = t%type=='tracer' .AND. delPhase(t%gen0Name)=='H2O' .AND. t%phase == 'g' .AND. t%iGeneration==1
    825    i%keys(:)%name = strReducef(strTail(PACK(delPhase(t%name), MASK = mask), '_'))
     825   str = strTail(PACK(delPhase(t%name), MASK=mask), '_')
     826   CALL strReduce(str)
     827   i%keys(:)%name = str
    827829   !--- Full isotopes list, with isotopes tagging tracers (if any) following the previous list
    828    i%ntiso = ntiso; ALLOCATE(i%trac(i%ntiso))
     830   i%ntiso = ntiso
     831   ALLOCATE(i%trac(i%ntiso))
    829832   mask = t%type=='tag'    .AND. delPhase(t%gen0Name)=='H2O' .AND. t%phase == 'g' .AND. t%iGeneration==2
    830    i%trac(:) = [i%keys(:)%name, strReducef(PACK(delPhase(t%name), MASK = mask))]
     833   str = PACK(delPhase(t%name), MASK=mask)
     834   CALL strReduce(str)
     835   i%trac(:) = [i%keys(:)%name, str]
    832837   !--- Tagging zones names list
  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/misc/strings_mod.F90

    r4067 r4068  
    55  PRIVATE
    66  PUBLIC :: maxlen, init_printout, msg, fmsg, get_in, lunout, prt_level
    7   PUBLIC :: strLower, strHead, strStack,  strReduce,  strClean, strFind,  strIdx, find
    8   PUBLIC :: strUpper, strTail, strStackm, strReducef, strParse, strCount, strReplace, cat
     7  PUBLIC :: strLower, strHead, strStack,  strCount, strReduce,  strClean, strIdx
     8  PUBLIC :: strUpper, strTail, strStackm, strParse, strReplace, strFind, find, cat
    99  PUBLIC :: dispTable, dispOutliers, dispNameList
    1010  PUBLIC :: is_numeric, bool2str, int2str, real2str, dble2str
    347347  INTEGER,          OPTIONAL,    INTENT(OUT)   :: nb
    348348  CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: s1(:)
    349   INTEGER :: n
    350   s1 = strReducef(str, n); CALL MOVE_ALLOC(FROM=s1, TO=str)
    351   IF(PRESENT(nb)) nb = n
     349  INTEGER :: k, n, n1
     350  IF(PRESENT(nb)) nb = 0
     351  CALL MOVE_ALLOC(FROM=str, TO=s1); CALL strClean(s1)
     352  n1 = SIZE(s1, DIM=1)                                     !--- Total nb. of elements in "s1"
     353  n  = COUNT( [( ALL(s1(1:k-1)/=s1(k)), k=1, n1 )] )       !--- Nb of unique elements in "s1"
     354  ALLOCATE(str(n))
     355  IF(n==0) RETURN
     356  str(1) = s1(1)
     357  n=1; DO k=1,n1; IF(ANY(s1(1:k-1)==s1(k))) CYCLE; n=n+1; str(n)=s1(k); END DO
     358  IF(PRESENT(nb)) nb=n
    352359END SUBROUTINE strReduce_1
    370377  END IF
    371378END SUBROUTINE strReduce_2
    372 !==============================================================================================================================
    373 FUNCTION strReducef(str_in, nb) RESULT(str_ou)
    374   CHARACTER(LEN=*),           INTENT(IN)  :: str_in(:)
    375   INTEGER,          OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: nb
    376   CHARACTER(LEN=LEN(str_in)), ALLOCATABLE :: str_ou(:)
    377   CHARACTER(LEN=LEN(str_in)), ALLOCATABLE :: s1(:)
    378   INTEGER :: k, n, n1
    379   IF(PRESENT(nb)) nb = 0
    380   s1 = str_in; CALL strClean(s1)
    381   n1 = SIZE(s1, DIM=1)                                     !--- Total nb of  elements in "s1"
    382   n  = COUNT( [( ALL(s1(1:k-1)/=s1(k)), k=1, n1 )] )       !--- Nb of unique elements in "s1"
    383   ALLOCATE(str_ou(n)); IF(n==0) RETURN; str_ou(1) = s1(1)
    384   n=1; DO k=2,n1; IF(ANY(s1(1:k-1)==s1(k))) CYCLE; n=n+1; str_ou(n)=s1(k); END DO
    385   IF(PRESENT(nb)) nb = n
    386 END FUNCTION strReducef
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