Changeset 3987 for LMDZ6/trunk/libf

Sep 27, 2021, 10:23:28 PM (3 years ago)

Initialisation of swaero_diag and ok_4xCO2atm needed to be revamped now that output variables are defined before the call to radlwsw.

2 edited


  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/phys_output_var_mod.F90

    r3815 r3987  
    9090  ! swaerofree_diag : flag indicates if it is necessary to do calculation for some aerosol diagnostics
    9191  ! dryaod_diag : flag indicates if it is necessary to do calculation for some aerosol diagnostics
    92   !--OB: this needs to be set to TRUE by default and changed back to FALSE after first radiation call
    93   !--    and corrected back to TRUE based on output requests
    94   LOGICAL, SAVE                                :: swaerofree_diag=.TRUE.
    95   LOGICAL, SAVE                                :: swaero_diag=.TRUE.
    96   LOGICAL, SAVE                                :: dryaod_diag=.TRUE.
     92  !--OB: this needs to be set to FALSE by default and changed back to TRUE based on output requests
     93  LOGICAL, SAVE                                :: swaerofree_diag=.FALSE.
     94  LOGICAL, SAVE                                :: swaero_diag=.FALSE.
     95  LOGICAL, SAVE                                :: dryaod_diag=.FALSE.
    9796  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(swaerofree_diag, swaero_diag, dryaod_diag)
    9898  ! ok_4xCO2atm : flag indicates if it is necessary to do a second call of
    9999  ! radiation code with a 4xCO2 or another different GES to assess SW/LW
    100100  ! in this case
    101   !--IM: as for swaero_diag or dryaod_diag this needs to be set to TRUE by default and
    102   !--    changed back to FALSE after first radiation call and corrected back to TRUE
    103   !--    based on output requests
    104   LOGICAL, SAVE                                :: ok_4xCO2atm=.TRUE.
     101  !--IM: as for swaero_diag this needs to be set to FALSE by default and
     102  !      changed back to TRUE based on output requests
     103  LOGICAL, SAVE                                :: ok_4xCO2atm=.FALSE.
    105104  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_4xCO2atm)
  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/physiq_mod.F90

    r3981 r3987  
    41994199#ifndef CPP_XIOS
    4200           !--OB 30/05/2016 modified 21/10/2016
    4201           !--here we return swaero_diag and dryaod_diag to FALSE
    4202           !--and histdef will switch it back to TRUE if necessary
    4203           !--this is necessary to get the right swaero at first step
    4204           !--but only in the case of no XIOS as XIOS is covered elsewhere
    4205           IF (debut) swaerofree_diag = .FALSE.
    4206           IF (debut) swaero_diag = .FALSE.
    4207           IF (debut) dryaod_diag = .FALSE.
    4208           !--IM 15/09/2017 here we return ok_4xCO2atm to FALSE
    4209           !--as for swaero_diag, see above
    4210           IF (debut) ok_4xCO2atm = .FALSE.
    4212           !
    42134201          !IM 2eme calcul radiatif pour le cas perturbe ou au moins un
    42144202          !IM des taux doit etre different du taux actuel
    42734261                     ZLWFT0_i, ZFLDN0, ZFLUP0, &
    42744262                     ZSWFT0_i, ZFSDN0, ZFSUP0)
    4275           endif !ok_4xCO2atm
     4263          ENDIF !ok_4xCO2atm
    42764264       ENDIF ! aerosol_couple
    42774265       itaprad = 0
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