Feb 26, 2021, 8:37:59 PM (4 years ago)

Additions for the interactive carbon cycle

5 edited


  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/carbon_cycle_mod.F90

    r3649 r3857  
    3939  LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: carbon_cycle_tr        ! 3D transport of CO2 in the atmosphere, parameter read in conf_phys
    4040!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(carbon_cycle_tr)
    41   LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: carbon_cycle_rad       ! CO2 interactive radiatively
     41  LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: carbon_cycle_rad       ! flag to activate CO2 interactive radiatively
    4242!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(carbon_cycle_rad)
    43   INTEGER, PUBLIC :: level_coupling_esm ! Level of coupling for the ESM - 0, 1, 2, 3
     43  INTEGER, PUBLIC :: level_coupling_esm     ! Level of coupling for the ESM - 0, 1, 2, 3
    4444!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(level_coupling_esm)
     45  LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: read_fco2_ocean_cor    ! flag to read corrective oceanic CO2 flux
     46!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(read_fco2_ocean_cor) 
     47  REAL, PUBLIC :: var_fco2_ocean_cor        ! corrective oceanic CO2 flux
     48!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(var_fco2_ocean_cor)
     49  REAL, PUBLIC :: ocean_area_tot            ! total oceanic area to convert flux
     50!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ocean_area_tot)
     51  LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: read_fco2_land_cor     ! flag to read corrective land CO2 flux
     52!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(read_fco2_land_cor) 
     53  REAL, PUBLIC :: var_fco2_land_cor         ! corrective land CO2 flux
     54!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(var_fco2_land_cor)
     55  REAL, PUBLIC :: land_area_tot             ! total land area to convert flux
     56!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(land_area_tot)
    4558  REAL, PUBLIC :: RCO2_glo
    95108  REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: fco2_ocean ! Net flux from ocean [kgCO2/m2/s]
    96109!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(fco2_ocean)
     110  REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: fco2_ocean_cor ! Net corrective flux from ocean [kgCO2/m2/s]
     111!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(fco2_ocean_cor)
     112  REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: fco2_land_cor  ! Net corrective flux from land [kgCO2/m2/s]
     113!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(fco2_land_cor)
    98115  REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dtr_add       ! Tracer concentration to be injected
    252269       IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(fco2_ocean)) ALLOCATE(fco2_ocean(klon), stat=ierr)
    253270       IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('carbon_cycle_init', 'pb in allocation fco2_ocean',1)
    254        fco2_bb(1:klon) = 0.
     271       fco2_ocean(1:klon) = 0.
     273       IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(fco2_ocean_cor)) ALLOCATE(fco2_ocean_cor(klon), stat=ierr)
     274       IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('carbon_cycle_init', 'pb in allocation fco2_ocean_cor',1)
     275       fco2_ocean_cor(1:klon) = 0.
     276       IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(fco2_land_cor)) ALLOCATE(fco2_land_cor(klon), stat=ierr)
     277       IF (ierr /= 0) CALL abort_physic('carbon_cycle_init', 'pb in allocation fco2_land_cor',1)
     278       fco2_land_cor(1:klon) = 0.
    255280    ENDIF
  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/conf_phys_m.F90

    r3815 r3857  
    2727    USE phys_cal_mod
    2828    USE carbon_cycle_mod,  ONLY: carbon_cycle_tr, carbon_cycle_cpl, carbon_cycle_rad, level_coupling_esm
     29    USE carbon_cycle_mod,  ONLY: read_fco2_ocean_cor,var_fco2_ocean_cor
     30    USE carbon_cycle_mod,  ONLY: read_fco2_land_cor,var_fco2_land_cor
    2931    USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo
    3032    USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
    237239    LOGICAL, SAVE :: carbon_cycle_rad_omp
    238240    INTEGER, SAVE :: level_coupling_esm_omp
     241    LOGICAL, SAVE :: read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp
     242    REAL, SAVE    :: var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp
     243    LOGICAL, SAVE :: read_fco2_land_cor_omp
     244    REAL, SAVE    :: var_fco2_land_cor_omp
    239245    LOGICAL, SAVE :: adjust_tropopause_omp
    240246    LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_daily_climoz_omp
    22142220    CALL getin('carbon_cycle_rad',carbon_cycle_rad_omp)
    2216     ! >> PC
     2222    read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp=.FALSE.
     2223    CALL getin('read_fco2_ocean_cor',read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp)
     2225    var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp=0. ! default value
     2226    CALL getin('var_fco2_ocean_cor',var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp)
     2228    read_fco2_land_cor_omp=.FALSE.
     2229    CALL getin('read_fco2_land_cor',read_fco2_land_cor_omp)
     2231    var_fco2_land_cor_omp=0. ! default value
     2232    CALL getin('var_fco2_land_cor',var_fco2_land_cor_omp)
    22172234    ! level_coupling_esm : level of coupling of the biogeochemical fields between LMDZ, ORCHIDEE and NEMO
    22182235    ! Definitions of level_coupling_esm in physiq.def
    22272244    level_coupling_esm_omp=0 ! default value
    22282245    CALL getin('level_coupling_esm',level_coupling_esm_omp)
    2229     ! << PC
    22312247    !$OMP END MASTER
  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90

    r3817 r3857  
    13211321  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_flx_co2_land = ctrl_out((/ 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 1/), &
    13221322    'flx_co2_land', 'CO2 flux from the land', '1', (/ ('', i=1, 10) /))
     1323  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_flx_co2_ocean_cor = ctrl_out((/ 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 1/), &
     1324    'flx_co2_ocean_cor', 'correction of the CO2 flux from the ocean', 'kg CO2 m-2 s-1', (/ ('', i=1, 10) /))
     1325  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_flx_co2_land_cor = ctrl_out((/ 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 1/), &
     1326    'flx_co2_land_cor', 'correction of the CO2 flux from the land', 'kg CO2 m-2 s-1', (/ ('', i=1, 10) /))
    13241328#ifdef CPP_StratAer
  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/phys_output_write_mod.F90

    r3817 r3857  
    202202         o_col_O3_strato, o_col_O3_tropo,                 &
    203203!--interactive CO2
    204          o_flx_co2_ocean, o_flx_co2_land, o_flx_co2_ff, o_flx_co2_bb, &
     204         o_flx_co2_ocean, o_flx_co2_ocean_cor, &
     205         o_flx_co2_land, o_flx_co2_land_cor, &
     206         o_flx_co2_ff, o_flx_co2_bb, &
    205207         o_delta_sst, o_delta_sal, o_ds_ns, o_dt_ns, o_dter, o_dser, o_tkt, &
    206208         o_tks, o_taur, o_sss
    337339    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: fco2_ff, fco2_bb, fco2_land, fco2_ocean
     340    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: fco2_ocean_cor, fco2_land_cor
    339342    USE phys_output_var_mod, ONLY: vars_defined, snow_o, zfra_o, bils_diss, &
    24272430           CALL histwrite_phy(o_flx_co2_land,  fco2_land)
    24282431           CALL histwrite_phy(o_flx_co2_ocean, fco2_ocean)
     2432           CALL histwrite_phy(o_flx_co2_ocean_cor, fco2_ocean_cor)
     2433           CALL histwrite_phy(o_flx_co2_land_cor, fco2_land_cor)
    24292434           CALL histwrite_phy(o_flx_co2_ff,    fco2_ff)
    24302435           CALL histwrite_phy(o_flx_co2_bb,    fco2_bb)
  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/tracco2i_mod.F90

    r3651 r3857  
    3434    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: id_CO2, nbcf_in, fields_in, cfname_in
    3535    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: fco2_ocn_day, fco2_ff, fco2_bb, fco2_land, fco2_ocean
     36    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: read_fco2_ocean_cor,var_fco2_ocean_cor,fco2_ocean_cor
     37    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: read_fco2_land_cor,var_fco2_land_cor,fco2_land_cor
     38    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: co2_send
    3639    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: fco2_land_nbp, fco2_land_nep, fco2_land_fLuc
    3740    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: fco2_land_fwoodharvest, fco2_land_fHarvest
    3841    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: carbon_cycle_cpl, carbon_cycle_tr, carbon_cycle_rad, RCO2_glo, RCO2_tot
     42    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: ocean_area_tot
     43    USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: land_area_tot
    3944    USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz
    4045    USE mod_phys_lmdz_mpi_data, ONLY: is_mpi_root
    4146    USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: gather, bcast, scatter
     47    USE mod_phys_lmdz_omp_data, ONLY: is_omp_root
    4248    USE phys_cal_mod
    4349    USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: pctsrf
    7581    REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo,klev) :: co2_glo   ! variable temporaire sur la grille global
    7682    REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo,klev) :: m_air_glo ! variable temporaire sur la grille global
     83    REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo,nbsrf):: pctsrf_glo      !--fractions de maille sur la grille globale
     84    REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo)      :: pctsrf_ter_glo
     85    REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo)      :: pctsrf_oce_glo
     86    REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo)      :: pctsrf_sic_glo
     87    REAL, DIMENSION(klon_glo)      :: cell_area_glo   !--aire des mailles sur la grille globale
    7889    LOGICAL, SAVE :: check_fCO2_nbp_in_cfname
    8091    INTEGER, SAVE :: day_pre=-1
    8192!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(day_pre)
     94    REAL, PARAMETER :: secinday=86400.
    8396    IF (is_mpi_root) THEN
    100113        IF (cfname_in(nb)=="fCO2_nbp") check_fCO2_nbp_in_cfname=.TRUE.
    101114      ENDDO
     116      CALL gather(pctsrf,pctsrf_glo)
     117      CALL gather(pctsrf(:,is_ter),pctsrf_ter_glo)
     118      CALL gather(pctsrf(:,is_oce),pctsrf_oce_glo)
     119      CALL gather(pctsrf(:,is_sic),pctsrf_sic_glo)
     120      CALL gather(cell_area(:),cell_area_glo)
    103122    ENDIF
    146165    ENDDO
     167    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- read_fco2_ocean_cor ',read_fco2_ocean_cor
     168    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- read_fco2_land_cor ',read_fco2_land_cor
     170IF (debutphy) THEN
     172    IF (read_fco2_ocean_cor) THEN
     173!$OMP MASTER
     174       IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN
     175          ocean_area_tot=0.
     176          PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- var_fco2_ocean_cor (PgC/yr) ',var_fco2_ocean_cor
     177          DO i=1, klon_glo
     178             ocean_area_tot = ocean_area_tot + (pctsrf_oce_glo(i)+pctsrf_sic_glo(i))*cell_area_glo(i)
     179          ENDDO
     180      ENDIF !--is_mpi_root and is_omp_root
     181!$OMP END MASTER
     182      CALL bcast(ocean_area_tot)
     183     PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- ocean_area_tot (debutphy) ',ocean_area_tot
     184    ENDIF
     186    IF (read_fco2_land_cor) THEN
     187!$OMP MASTER
     188       IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN
     189          land_area_tot=0.
     190          PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- var_fco2_land_cor (PgC/yr) ',var_fco2_land_cor
     191          DO i=1, klon_glo
     192             land_area_tot = land_area_tot + pctsrf_ter_glo(i)*cell_area_glo(i)
     193          ENDDO
     194      ENDIF !--is_mpi_root and is_omp_root
     195!$OMP END MASTER
     196      CALL bcast(land_area_tot)
     197     PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- land_area_tot (debutphy) ',land_area_tot
     200    ENDIF !-- debutphy 
     202    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- ocean_area_tot (m2) ',ocean_area_tot
     203    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- land_area_tot (m2) ',land_area_tot
     205    IF (read_fco2_ocean_cor) THEN
     206! var_fco2_ocean_cor: correction of the surface downward CO2 flux into the ocean fgco2 (PgC/yr)
     207! This is the correction of the the net air to ocean carbon flux. Positive flux is into the ocean.
     208!    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- var_fco2_ocean_cor (PgC/yr) ',var_fco2_ocean_cor
     210!var_fco2_ocean_cor: correction of the net air to ocean carbon flux (input data is a scalar in PgC/yr and must be converted in kg CO2 m-2 s-1)
     212! Factors for carbon and carbon dioxide
     213! 1 mole CO2 = 44.009 g CO2 = 12.011 g C
     214! 1 ppm by volume of atmosphere CO2 = 2.13 Gt C
     215! 1 gC = 44.009/12.011 gCO2
     217! ocean_area_tot: ocean area (m2)
     219! year_len: year length (in days)
     221! conversion: PgC/yr --> kg CO2 m-2 s-1
     222! fco2_ocean_cor  / (86400.*year_len): PgC/yr to PgC/s
     223! fco2_ocean_cor  / (86400.*year_len)*(pctsrf(i,is_oce)+pctsrf(i,is_sic))/ocean_area_tot: PgC/s to PgC/s/m2
     224! (fco2_ocean_cor / (86400.*year_len)*(pctsrf(i,is_oce)+pctsrf(i,is_sic))/ocean_area_tot) *1e12: PgC/s/m2 to kgC/s/m2
     225! (fco2_ocean_cor / (86400.*year_len)*(pctsrf(i,is_oce)+pctsrf(i,is_sic))/ocean_area_tot) * 1e12 * (RMCO2/RMC): kgC/s/m2 to kgCO2/s/m2
     227      DO i=1, klon 
     228          fco2_ocean_cor(i)=(var_fco2_ocean_cor*(RMCO2/RMC)*(pctsrf(i,is_oce)+pctsrf(i,is_sic))/ocean_area_tot/(secinday*year_len))*1.e12
     229      ENDDO
     231      PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(fco2_ocean_cor) ',MINVAL(fco2_ocean_cor)
     232      PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(fco2_ocean_cor) ',MAXVAL(fco2_ocean_cor)
     234    ELSE
     235    fco2_ocean_cor(:)=0.
     236    ENDIF
     238    IF (read_fco2_land_cor) THEN
     239! var_fco2_land_cor: correction of the carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Biospheric Production on Land  (PgC/yr)
     240! This is the correction of the net mass flux of carbon between land and atmosphere calculated as
     241! photosynthesis MINUS the sum of plant and soil respiration, carbon fluxes from
     242! fire, harvest, grazing and land use change. Positive flux is into the land.
     243!    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- var_fco2_land_cor (m2) ',var_fco2_land_cor
     245!var_fco2_land_cor: correction of the et air to land carbon flux (input data is a scalar in PgC/yr and must be converted in kg CO2 m-2 s-1)
     247! Factors for carbon and carbon dioxide
     248! 1 mole CO2 = 44.009 g CO2 = 12.011 g C
     249! 1 ppm by volume of atmosphere CO2 = 2.13 Gt C
     250! 1 gC = 44.009/12.011 gCO2
     252! land_area_tot: land area (m2)
     254! year_len: year length (in days)
     256! conversion: PgC/yr --> kg CO2 m-2 s-1
     257! fco2_land_cor  / (86400.*year_len): PgC/yr to PgC/s
     258! fco2_land_cor  / (86400.*year_len)*pctsrf(i,is_ter)/land_area_tot: PgC/s to PgC/s/m2
     259! (fco2_land_cor / (86400.*year_len)*pctsrf(i,is_ter)/land_area_tot) *1e12: PgC/s/m2 to kgC/s/m2
     260! (fco2_land_cor / (86400.*year_len)*pctsrf(i,is_ter)/land_area_tot) * 1e12 * (RMCO2/RMC): kgC/s/m2 to kgCO2/s/m2
     262      DO i=1, klon
     263         fco2_land_cor(i)=var_fco2_land_cor*RMCO2/RMC*pctsrf(i,is_ter)/land_area_tot/(secinday*year_len)*1.e12
     264      ENDDO
     266      PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(fco2_land_cor) ',MINVAL(fco2_land_cor)
     267      PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(fco2_land_cor) ',MAXVAL(fco2_land_cor)
     269    ELSE
     270      fco2_land_cor(:)=0.
     271    ENDIF
    148273!--if fCO2_nbp is transferred we use it, otherwise we use the sum of what has been passed from ORCHIDEE
    149274    IF (check_fCO2_nbp_in_cfname)  THEN
    168293!--build final source term for CO2
    169     source(:,id_CO2)=fco2_ff(:)+fco2_bb(:)+fco2_land(:)+fco2_ocean(:)
     294    source(:,id_CO2)=fco2_ff(:)+fco2_bb(:)+fco2_land(:)+fco2_ocean(:)-fco2_ocean_cor(:)-fco2_land_cor(:)
    171296!--computing global mean CO2 for radiation
    195320    ENDIF
     322    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(tr_seri(:,1,id_CO2)*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2): L1: ',MINVAL(tr_seri(:,1,id_CO2)*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2)
     323    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(tr_seri(:,1,id_CO2)*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2): L1: ',MAXVAL(tr_seri(:,1,id_CO2)*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2)
     325    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(tr_seri(:,79,id_CO2)*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2): L79: ',MINVAL(tr_seri(:,79,id_CO2)*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2)
     326    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(tr_seri(:,79,id_CO2)*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2): L79: ',MAXVAL(tr_seri(:,79,id_CO2)*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2)
     328    co2_send(:) = tr_seri(:,1,id_CO2)*1.e6*RMD/RMCO2
     330    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MINVAL(co2_send) ',MINVAL(co2_send)
     331    PRINT *, 'tracco2i_mod.F90 --- MAXVAL(co2_send) ',MAXVAL(co2_send)
    197333  END SUBROUTINE tracco2i
    252388      IF (readco2ff) THEN
    254         ! ... Open the COZff file
     390        ! ... Open the CO2ff file
    255391        CALL nf95_open("sflx_lmdz_co2_ff.nc", nf90_nowrite, ncid_in)
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