Changeset 3852
- Timestamp:
- Feb 22, 2021, 5:28:31 PM (4 years ago)
- Location:
- LMDZ6/branches/LMDZ-tracers/libf
- Files:
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- 42 edited
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r2622 r3852 9 9 ! M.A Filiberti (04/2002) 10 10 ! 11 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, iadv,nqperes,ok_iso_verif11 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers 12 12 USE control_mod, ONLY: iapp_tracvl, day_step 13 13 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: dtvr … … 48 48 INTEGER iadvtr 49 49 INTEGER ij,l,iq,iiq 50 INTEGER, POINTER :: iadv(:) 50 51 REAL zdpmin, zdpmax 51 52 EXTERNAL minmax … … 73 74 real, save :: cflxmax(llm),cflymax(llm),cflzmax(llm) 74 75 76 iadv => tracers(:)%iadv 77 75 78 IF(iadvtr.EQ.0) THEN 76 79 pbaruc(:,:)=0 … … 219 222 !----------------------------------------------------------- 220 223 221 if (ok_iso_verif) then 222 write(*,*) 'advtrac 227' 223 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'advtrac 162') 224 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 225 226 do iq=1,nqperes 224 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'advtrac 162') 225 226 do iq=1,nqtot 227 227 ! call clock(t_initial) 228 if(iadv(iq) == 0 ) cycle228 if(iadv(iq) == 0 .OR. tracers(iq)%igen /= 1) cycle 229 229 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 230 230 ! Schema de Van Leer I MUSCL … … 394 394 end DO 395 395 396 if (ok_iso_verif) then 397 write(*,*) 'advtrac 402' 398 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'advtrac 397') 399 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 396 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'advtrac 397') 400 397 401 398 !------------------------------------------------------------------ -
r3850 r3852 1 subroutine check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,err_msg) 2 USE infotrac 3 implicit none 1 SUBROUTINE check_isotopes_seq(q, ip1jmp1, err_msg) 2 USE strings_mod, ONLY: strIdx, msg, modname, prt_level 3 USE infotrac, ONLY: isotope, isoSelect, iH2O, isoCheck, isoName, nqtot, niso, nitr, nzon, npha, iTraPha, iZonIso, tnat 4 IMPLICIT NONE 5 include "dimensions.h" 6 REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: q(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) 7 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ip1jmp1 8 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: err_msg !--- Error message to display 9 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: msg1 10 INTEGER :: ixt, ipha, k, i, iq, iiso, izon, ieau, iqeau 11 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ix(:) 12 REAL :: xtractot, xiiso, deltaD, q1, q2 13 REAL, PARAMETER :: borne = 1e19, & 14 errmax = 1e-8, & !--- Max. absolute error 15 errmaxrel = 1e-8, & !--- Max. relative error 16 qmin = 1e-11, & 17 deltaDmax = 200.0, & 18 deltaDmin =-999.9, & 19 ridicule = 1e-12 20 INTEGER, SAVE :: ixH2O, ixHDO, ixO18 21 LOGICAL, SAVE :: first=.TRUE. 4 22 5 #include "dimensions.h" 23 modname = 'check_isotopes' 24 IF(first) THEN 25 IF(isoSelect('H2O')) RETURN 26 ixH2O = strIdx(isoName,'H2[16]O') 27 ixHDO = strIdx(isoName,'H[2]HO') 28 ixO18 = strIdx(isoName,'H2[18]O') 29 first = .FALSE. 30 ELSE 31 IF(isoSelect(iH2O)) RETURN 32 END IF 33 IF(.NOT.isoCheck .OR. niso == 0) RETURN !--- No need to check or no isotopes => finished 6 34 7 ! inputs 8 integer ip1jmp1 9 real q(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) 10 character*(*) err_msg ! message d''erreur à afficher 35 !--- CHECK FOR NaNs (FOR ALL THE ISOTOPES, INCLUDING GEOGRAPHIC TAGGING TRACERS) 36 DO ixt = 1, nitr 37 DO ipha = 1, npha 38 iq = iTraPha(ixt,ipha) 39 DO k = 1, llm 40 DO i = 1, ip1jmp1 41 IF(ABS(q(i,k,iq))<=borne) CYCLE 42 WRITE(msg1,'(s,"(",i0,",",i0,",",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')isoName(ixt),i,k,iq,q(i,k,iq); CALL msg(msg1) 43 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Error in iso_verif_noNaN: '//TRIM(err_msg), 1) 44 STOP 45 END DO 46 END DO 47 END DO 48 END DO 11 49 12 ! locals 13 integer ixt,phase,k,i,iq,iiso,izone,ieau,iqeau 14 real xtractot,xiiso 15 real borne 16 real qmin 17 real errmax ! erreur maximale en absolu. 18 real errmaxrel ! erreur maximale en relatif autorisée 19 real deltaDmax,deltaDmin 20 real ridicule 21 parameter (borne=1e19) 22 parameter (errmax=1e-8) 23 parameter (errmaxrel=1e-3) 24 parameter (qmin=1e-11) 25 parameter (deltaDmax=200.0,deltaDmin=-999.9) 26 parameter (ridicule=1e-12) 27 real deltaD 50 !--- CHECK CONSERVATION (MAIN ISOTOPE AND PARENT CONCENTRATIONS MUST BE EQUAL) 51 ixt = ixH2O 52 IF(ixt /= 0) THEN 53 DO ipha = 1, npha 54 iq = iTraPha(ixt,ipha) 55 DO k = 1, llm 56 DO i = 1, ip1jmp1 57 q1 = q(i,k,ipha); q2 = q(i,k,iq) 58 IF(ABS(q1-q2) <= errmax .OR. ABS(q1-q2)/MAX(MAX(ABS(q1),ABS(q2)),1e-18) < errmaxrel) CYCLE 59 WRITE(msg1,'("ixt = ",i0)')ixt; CALL msg(msg1) 60 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,",iq=",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')i, k, iq, q2; CALL msg(msg1) 61 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,",ipha=",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')i,k,ipha,q1; CALL msg(msg1) 62 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Error in iso_verif_egalite: '//TRIM(err_msg), 1) 63 q(i,k,iq) = q(i,k,ipha) !--- Bidouille pour convergence 64 END DO 65 END DO 66 END DO 67 END IF 28 68 29 if (ok_isotopes) then 69 !--- CHECK DELTA ANOMALIES 70 ix = [ixHDO, ixO18] 71 DO iiso = 1, SIZE(ix) 72 ixt = ix(iiso) 73 IF(ixt == 0) CYCLE 74 DO ipha = 1, npha 75 iq = iTraPha(ixt,ipha) 76 DO k = 1, llm 77 DO i = 1, ip1jmp1 78 q1 = q(i,k,ipha); q2 = q(i,k,iq) 79 IF(q2 <= qmin) CYCLE 80 deltaD = (q2/q1/tnat(ixt)-1)*1000 81 IF(deltaD <= deltaDmax .AND. deltaD >= deltaDmin) CYCLE 82 WRITE(msg1,'("ixt = ",i0)')ixt; CALL msg(msg1) 83 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,",iq=",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')i, k, iq, q2; CALL msg(msg1) 84 WRITE(msg1,'("q=",ES12.4)')q(i,k,:); CALL msg(msg1) 85 WRITE(msg1,'("deltaD=",ES12.4)')deltaD; CALL msg(msg1) 86 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Error in iso_verif_aberrant: '//TRIM(err_msg), 1) 87 END DO 88 END DO 89 END DO 90 END DO 30 91 31 write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 31: err_msg=',err_msg 32 ! verifier que rien n'est NaN 33 do ixt=1,ntraciso 34 do phase=1,nqo 35 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase) 36 do k=1,llm 37 DO i = 1,ip1jmp1 38 if ((q(i,k,iq).gt.-borne).and. 39 : (q(i,k,iq).lt.borne)) then 40 else !if ((x(ixt,i,j).gt.-borne).and. 41 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_noNaN:' 42 write(*,*) err_msg 43 write(*,*) 'q,i,k,iq=',q(i,k,iq),i,k,iq 44 write(*,*) 'borne=',borne 45 stop 46 endif !if ((x(ixt,i,j).gt.-borne).and. 47 enddo !DO i = 1,ip1jmp1 48 enddo !do k=1,llm 49 enddo !do phase=1,nqo 50 enddo !do ixt=1,ntraciso 92 !--- CHECK FOR TAGGING TRACERS DELTAD ANOMALIES 93 IF(nitr == 0) RETURN 94 IF(ixH2O /= 0 .AND. ixHDO /= 0) THEN 95 DO izon = 1, nzon 96 ixt = iZonIso(izon, ixHDO) 97 ieau = iZonIso(izon, ixH2O) 98 DO ipha = 1, npha 99 iq = iTraPha(ixt, ipha) 100 iqeau = iTraPha(ieau, ipha) 101 DO k = 1, llm 102 DO i = 1, ip1jmp1 103 IF(q(i,k,iq)<=qmin) CYCLE 104 deltaD = (q(i,k,iq)/q(i,k,iqeau)/tnat(ixHDO)-1)*1000 105 IF(deltaD <= deltaDmax .AND. deltaD >= deltaDmin) CYCLE 106 WRITE(msg1,'("izon, ipha =",2i0)')izon, ipha; CALL msg(msg1) 107 WRITE(msg1,'( "ixt, ieau =",2i0)') ixt, ieau; CALL msg(msg1) 108 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,",iq=",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')i, k, iq, q(i,k,iq); CALL msg(msg1) 109 WRITE(msg1,'("deltaD=",ES12.4)')deltaD; CALL msg(msg1) 110 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Error in iso_verif_aberrant trac: '//TRIM(err_msg), 1) 111 END DO 112 END DO 113 END DO 114 END DO 115 END IF 51 116 52 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 52' 53 ! verifier que l'eau normale est OK 54 if (use_iso(1)) then 55 ixt=indnum_fn_num(1) 56 do phase=1,nqo 57 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase) 58 do k=1,llm 59 DO i = 1,ip1jmp1 60 if ((abs(q(i,k,phase)-q(i,k,iq)).gt.errmax).and. 61 : (abs((q(i,k,phase)-q(i,k,iq))/ 62 : max(max(abs(q(i,k,phase)),abs(q(i,k,iq))),1e-18)) 63 : .gt.errmaxrel)) then 64 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_egalite:' 65 write(*,*) err_msg 66 write(*,*) 'ixt,phase=',ixt,phase 67 write(*,*) 'q,iq,i,k=',q(i,k,iq),iq,i,k 68 write(*,*) 'q(i,k,phase)=',q(i,k,phase) 69 stop 70 endif !if ((abs(q(i,k,phase)-q(i,k,iq)).gt.errmax).and. 71 ! bidouille pour éviter divergence: 72 q(i,k,iq)= q(i,k,phase) 73 enddo ! DO i = 1,ip1jmp1 74 enddo !do k=1,llm 75 enddo ! do phase=1,nqo 76 endif !if (use_iso(1)) then 77 78 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 78' 79 ! verifier que HDO est raisonable 80 if (use_iso(2)) then 81 ixt=indnum_fn_num(2) 82 do phase=1,nqo 83 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase) 84 do k=1,llm 85 DO i = 1,ip1jmp1 86 if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 87 deltaD=(q(i,k,iq)/q(i,k,phase)/tnat(2)-1)*1000 88 if (( then 89 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_aberrant:' 90 write(*,*) err_msg 91 write(*,*) 'ixt,phase=',ixt,phase 92 write(*,*) 'q,iq,i,k,=',q(i,k,iq),iq,i,k 93 write(*,*) 'q=',q(i,k,:) 94 write(*,*) 'deltaD=',deltaD 95 stop 96 endif !if (( then 97 endif !if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 98 enddo !DO i = 1,ip1jmp1 99 enddo !do k=1,llm 100 enddo ! do phase=1,nqo 101 endif !if (use_iso(2)) then 117 !--- CHECK FOR TAGGING TRACERS CONSERVATION (PARENT AND TAGGING TRACERS SUM OVER ALL REGIONS MUST BE EQUAL) 118 DO iiso = 1, niso 119 DO ipha = 1, npha 120 iq = iTraPha(iiso, ipha) 121 DO k = 1, llm 122 DO i = 1, ip1jmp1 123 xiiso = q(i,k,iq) 124 xtractot = SUM(q(i, k, iTraPha(iZonIso(1:nzon,iiso), ipha))) 125 IF(ABS(xtractot-xiiso) > errmax .AND. ABS(xtractot-xiiso)/MAX(MAX(ABS(xtractot),ABS(xiiso)),1e-18) > errmaxrel) THEN 126 CALL msg('Error in iso_verif_aberrant trac: '//TRIM(err_msg)) 127 WRITE(msg1,'("iiso, ipha =",2i0)')iiso, ipha; CALL msg(msg1) 128 WRITE(msg1,'("i, k =",2i0)')i, k; CALL msg(msg1) 129 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,":) = ",ES12.4)')i,k,q(i,k,:); CALL msg(msg1) 130 STOP 131 END IF 132 IF(ABS(xtractot) <= ridicule) CYCLE 133 DO izon = 1, nzon 134 ixt = iZonIso(izon, iiso) 135 q(i,k,iq) = q(i,k,iq) / xtractot * xiiso 136 END DO 137 END DO 138 END DO 139 END DO 140 END DO 102 141 103 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 103' 104 ! verifier que O18 est raisonable 105 if (use_iso(3)) then 106 ixt=indnum_fn_num(3) 107 do phase=1,nqo 108 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase) 109 do k=1,llm 110 DO i = 1,ip1jmp1 111 if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 112 deltaD=(q(i,k,iq)/q(i,k,phase)/tnat(3)-1)*1000 113 if (( then 114 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee iso_verif_aberrant O18:' 115 write(*,*) err_msg 116 write(*,*) 'ixt,phase=',ixt,phase 117 write(*,*) 'q,iq,i,k,=',q(i,k,phase),iq,i,k 118 write(*,*) 'xt=',q(i,k,:) 119 write(*,*) 'deltaO18=',deltaD 120 stop 121 endif !if (( then 122 endif !if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 123 enddo !DO i = 1,ip1jmp1 124 enddo !do k=1,llm 125 enddo ! do phase=1,nqo 126 endif !if (use_iso(2)) then 142 END SUBROUTINE check_isotopes_seq 127 143 128 129 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 129'130 if (ok_isotrac) then131 132 if (use_iso(2).and.use_iso(1)) then133 do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone134 ixt=index_trac(izone,indnum_fn_num(2))135 ieau=index_trac(izone,indnum_fn_num(1))136 do phase=1,nqo137 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase)138 iqeau=iqiso(ieau,phase)139 do k=1,llm140 DO i = 1,ip1jmp1141 if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then142 deltaD=(q(i,k,iq)/q(i,k,iqeau)/tnat(2)-1)*1000143 if (( & ( then145 write(*,*) 'erreur dans iso_verif_aberrant trac:'146 write(*,*) err_msg147 write(*,*) 'izone,phase=',izone,phase148 write(*,*) 'ixt,ieau=',ixt,ieau149 write(*,*) 'q,iq,i,k,=',q(i,k,iq),iq,i,k150 write(*,*) 'deltaD=',deltaD151 stop152 endif !if (( endif !if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then154 enddo !DO i = 1,ip1jmp1155 enddo ! do k=1,llm156 enddo ! do phase=1,nqo157 enddo !do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone158 endif !if (use_iso(2).and.use_iso(1)) then159 160 do iiso=1,niso161 do phase=1,nqo162 iq=iqiso(iiso,phase)163 do k=1,llm164 DO i = 1,ip1jmp1165 xtractot=0.0166 xiiso=q(i,k,iq)167 do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone168 iq=iqiso(index_trac(izone,iiso),phase)169 xtractot=xtractot+ q(i,k,iq)170 enddo !do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone171 if ((abs(xtractot-xiiso).gt.errmax).and.172 : (abs(xtractot-xiiso)/173 : max(max(abs(xtractot),abs(xiiso)),1e-18)174 : .gt.errmaxrel)) then175 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_traceurs:'176 write(*,*) err_msg177 write(*,*) 'iiso,phase=',iiso,phase178 write(*,*) 'i,k,=',i,k179 write(*,*) 'q(i,k,:)=',q(i,k,:)180 stop181 endif !if ((abs(q(i,k,phase)-q(i,k,iq)).gt.errmax).and.182 183 ! bidouille pour éviter divergence:184 if (abs(xtractot).gt.ridicule) then185 do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone186 ixt=index_trac(izone,iiso)187 q(i,k,iq)=q(i,k,iq)/xtractot*xiiso188 enddo !do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone189 endif !if ((abs(xtractot).gt.ridicule) then190 enddo !DO i = 1,ip1jmp1191 enddo !do k=1,llm192 enddo !do phase=1,nqo193 enddo !do iiso=1,niso194 195 endif !if (ok_isotrac) then196 197 endif ! if (ok_isotopes)198 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 198'199 200 end201 -
r2859 r3852 6 6 ! Purpose: Initial state reading. 7 7 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 USE infotrac 8 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niso, tracers, iTraPha, tnat, alpha_ideal, tra 9 9 USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_OPEN, NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_INQ_VARID, NF90_NoErr, & 10 10 NF90_CLOSE, NF90_GET_VAR 11 USE strings_mod, ONLY: strIdx 11 12 USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type 12 13 USE assert_eq_m, ONLY: assert_eq … … 36 37 !=============================================================================== 37 38 ! Local variables: 38 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: msg, var, modname39 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: sdum, var, modname, oldH2O(3), newH2O(3) 39 40 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: length=100 40 INTEGER :: iq, fID, vID, idecal !, iml, jml, lml, nqt41 INTEGER :: iq, fID, vID, idecal, ix!, iml, jml, lml, nqt 41 42 REAL :: time, tab_cntrl(length) !--- RUN PARAMS TABLE 43 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 42 44 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 45 modname="dynetat0" 46 oldH2O=['H2Ov ','H2Ol ','H2Oi '] 47 newH2O=['H2O-g','H2O-l','H2O-s'] 44 48 45 49 !--- Initial state file opening … … 126 130 !--- Tracers 127 131 DO iq=1,nqtot 128 var=tname(iq) 132 tr => tracers(iq) 133 var = tr%name 129 134 IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID)==NF90_NoErr) THEN 130 135 CALL err(NF90_GET_VAR(fID,vID,q(:,:,:,iq)),"get",var); CYCLE 136 #ifdef INCA 137 ELSE IF(var == "O3") THEN !--- INCA and O3 missing: take OX instead 138 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Tracer O3 is missing - it is initialized to OX' 139 IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,"OX",vID) == NF90_NoErr) THEN 140 CALL err(NF90_GET_VAR(fID,vID,q(:,:,:,iq)),"get",var); CYCLE 141 END IF 142 #endif 143 ELSE !--- Old file, water: H2Ov/l/i instead of H2O-g/-l/-s 144 ix = strIdx(newH2O, var) !--- Current tracer is water (new name) ? 145 IF(ix /= 0) THEN !--- Then read the field, using the old name. 146 IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,oldH2O(ix),vID) == NF90_NoErr) THEN 147 CALL err(NF90_GET_VAR(fID,vID,q(:,:,:,iq)),"get",var); CYCLE 148 END IF 149 END IF 131 150 END IF 132 151 WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//": Tracer <"//TRIM(var)//"> is missing" 133 152 WRITE(lunout,*)" It is hence initialized to zero" 134 153 q(:,:,:,iq)=0. 135 !--- CRisi: for isotops, theoretical initialization using very simplified136 ! Rayleigh distillation las.137 IF( ok_isotopes.AND.iso_num(iq)>0) THEN138 IF( zone_num(iq)==0) q(:,:,:,iq)=q(:,:,:,iqpere(iq))*tnat(iso_num(iq))&139 & *(q(:,:,:,iqpere(iq))/30.e-3)**(alpha_ideal(iso_num(iq))-1)140 IF( zone_num(iq)==1) q(:,:,:,iq)=q(:,:,:,iqiso(iso_indnum(iq),phase_num(iq)))154 !--- CRisi: for isotops, theoretical initialization using very simplified 155 ! Rayleigh distillation las. 156 IF(niso > 0 .AND. tr%iso_num > 0) THEN 157 IF(tr%iso_zon == 0) q(:,:,:,iq) = q(:,:,:,tr%iprnt) * tnat(tr%iso_num) & 158 *(q(:,:,:,tr%iprnt)/30.e-3)**(alpha_ideal(tr%iso_num)-1) 159 IF(tr%iso_zon == 1) q(:,:,:,iq) = q(:,:,:,iTraPha(tr%iso_num,tr%iso_pha)) 141 160 END IF 142 161 END DO … … 153 172 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n1, n2 154 173 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str1, str2 155 CHARACTER(LEN= 100) :: s1, s2174 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: s1, s2 156 175 IF(n1/=n2) THEN 157 176 s1='value of '//TRIM(str1)//' =' 158 177 s2=' read in starting file differs from parametrized '//TRIM(str2)//' =' 159 WRITE( msg,'(10x,a,i4,2x,a,i4)'),TRIM(ADJUSTL(s1)),n1,TRIM(ADJUSTL(s2)),n2160 CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM( msg),1)178 WRITE(sdum,'(10x,a,i4,2x,a,i4)'),TRIM(ADJUSTL(s1)),n1,TRIM(ADJUSTL(s2)),n2 179 CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM(sdum),1) 161 180 END IF 162 181 END SUBROUTINE check_dim … … 193 212 IF(ierr==NF90_NoERR) RETURN 194 213 SELECT CASE(typ) 195 CASE('inq'); msg="Field <"//TRIM(nam)//"> is missing"196 CASE('get'); msg="Reading failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">"197 CASE('open'); msg="File opening failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">"198 CASE('close'); msg="File closing failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">"214 CASE('inq'); sdum="Field <"//TRIM(nam)//"> is missing" 215 CASE('get'); sdum="Reading failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">" 216 CASE('open'); sdum="File opening failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">" 217 CASE('close'); sdum="File closing failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">" 199 218 END SELECT 200 CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM( msg),ierr)219 CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM(sdum),ierr) 201 220 END SUBROUTINE err 202 221 -
r3851 r3852 7 7 USE IOIPSL 8 8 #endif 9 USE infotrac 9 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers 10 10 USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_CREATE, NF90_DEF_DIM, NF90_INQ_VARID, NF90_GLOBAL, & 11 11 NF90_CLOSE, NF90_PUT_ATT, NF90_UNLIMITED, NF90_CLOBBER, & … … 145 145 CALL cre_var(nid,"teta" ,"Temperature",[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID]) 146 146 DO iq=1,nqtot 147 CALL cre_var(nid,t name(iq),ttext(iq),[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID])147 CALL cre_var(nid,tracers(iq)%name,tracers(iq)%lnam,[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID]) 148 148 END DO 149 149 CALL cre_var(nid,"masse","Masse d air" ,[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID]) … … 166 166 ! Purpose: Write the NetCDF restart file (append). 167 167 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168 USE infotrac 168 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers, type_trac 169 169 USE control_mod 170 170 USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_OPEN, NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_GET_VAR, NF90_INQ_VARID, & … … 226 226 227 227 !--- Tracers in file "" (added by Anne) 228 lread_inca=.FALSE.; fil="" 229 IF(type_trac=='inca') INQUIRE(FILE=fil,EXIST=lread_inca) 228 fil="" 229 INQUIRE(FILE=fil, EXIST=lread_inca) 230 lread_inca = lread_inca .AND. type_trac == 'inca' 230 231 IF(lread_inca) CALL err(NF90_OPEN(fil,NF90_NOWRITE,nid_trac),"open") 231 232 232 233 !--- Save tracers 233 DO iq=1,nqtot; var=t name(iq); ierr=-1234 DO iq=1,nqtot; var=tracers(iq)%name; ierr=-1 234 235 IF(lread_inca) THEN !--- Possibly read from "" 235 236 fil="" … … 237 238 dum='inq'; IF(ierr==NF90_NoErr) dum='fnd' 238 239 WRITE(lunout,*)msg(dum,var) 239 240 241 240 IF(ierr==NF90_NoErr) CALL dynredem_read_u(nid_trac,var,q(:,:,:,iq),llm) 242 241 END IF -
r2622 r3852 5 5 6 6 USE filtreg_mod, ONLY: inifilr 7 USE infotrac 7 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niso, tracers, iTraPha, tnat, alpha_ideal, tra 8 8 USE control_mod, ONLY: day_step,planet_type 9 9 #ifdef CPP_IOIPSL … … 73 73 74 74 REAL zdtvr 75 75 76 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 77 76 78 character(len=*),parameter :: modname="iniacademic" 77 79 character(len=80) :: abort_message … … 96 98 time_0=0. 97 99 day_ref=1 98 annee_ref=0100 ! annee_ref=0 99 101 100 102 im = iim … … 265 267 ! CRisi: init des isotopes 266 268 ! distill de Rayleigh très simplifiée 267 if (ok_isotopes) then 268 if ((iso_num(i).gt.0).and.(zone_num(i).eq.0)) then 269 q(:,:,i)=q(:,:,iqpere(i)) & 270 & *tnat(iso_num(i)) & 271 & *(q(:,:,iqpere(i))/30.e-3) & 272 & **(alpha_ideal(iso_num(i))-1) 273 endif 274 if ((iso_num(i).gt.0).and.(zone_num(i).eq.1)) then 275 q(:,:,i)=q(:,:,iqiso(iso_indnum(i),phase_num(i))) 276 endif 277 endif !if (ok_isotopes) then 269 tr => tracers(i) 270 if (niso > 0 .AND. tr%iso_num > 0) then 271 if(tr%iso_zon == 0) q(:,:,i) = & 272 & q(:,:,tr%iprnt)*tnat(tr%iso_num) & 273 & *(q(:,:,tr%iprnt)/30.e-3) & 274 & **(alpha_ideal(tr%iso_num)-1) 275 if (tr%iso_zon == 1) q(:,:,i) = & 276 q(:,:,iTraPha(tr%iso_num,tr%iso_pha)) 277 endif !if (niso > 0 .AND. tr%iso_num > 0) 278 278 279 279 enddo … … 282 282 endif ! of if (planet_type=="earth") 283 283 284 if (ok_iso_verif) then 285 call check_isotopes_seq(q,1,ip1jmp1,'iniacademic_loc') 286 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 284 call check_isotopes_seq(q,1,ip1jmp1,'iniacademic_loc') 287 285 288 286 ! add random perturbation to temperature -
r2603 r3852 212 212 ENDDO 213 213 214 CALL check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'integrd 342') 215 214 216 CALL qminimum( q, nq, deltap ) 217 218 CALL check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'integrd 346') 215 219 216 220 c … … 235 239 ENDDO 236 240 ENDDO 241 CALL check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'integrd 409') 237 242 238 243 ! Ehouarn: forget about finvmaold -
r3416 r3852 11 11 use IOIPSL 12 12 #endif 13 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot ,ok_iso_verif13 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot 14 14 USE guide_mod, ONLY : guide_main 15 15 USE write_field, ONLY: writefield … … 237 237 jH_cur = jH_cur - int(jH_cur) 238 238 239 if (ok_iso_verif) then 240 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 321') 241 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 239 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 321') 242 240 243 241 #ifdef CPP_IOIPSL … … 271 269 ! CALL filtreg ( finvmaold ,jjp1, llm, -2,2, .TRUE., 1 ) 272 270 273 if (ok_iso_verif) then 274 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 400') 275 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 271 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 400') 276 272 277 273 2 CONTINUE ! Matsuno backward or leapfrog step begins here … … 323 319 endif 324 320 325 326 if (ok_iso_verif) then 327 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 589') 328 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 321 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 589') 329 322 330 323 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 345 338 c ------------------------------------------------------------- 346 339 347 if (ok_iso_verif) then 348 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1, 340 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1, 349 341 & 'leapfrog 686: avant caladvtrac') 350 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then351 342 352 343 IF( forward. OR . leapf ) THEN … … 376 367 c ---------------------------------- 377 368 378 if (ok_iso_verif) then 379 write(*,*) 'leapfrog 720' 380 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 756') 381 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 369 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 756') 382 370 383 371 CALL integrd ( nqtot,vcovm1,ucovm1,tetam1,psm1,massem1 , … … 385 373 ! $ finvmaold ) 386 374 387 if (ok_iso_verif) then 388 write(*,*) 'leapfrog 724' 389 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 762') 390 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 375 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 762') 391 376 392 377 c .P.Le Van (26/04/94 ajout de finvpold dans l'appel d'integrd) … … 552 537 CALL massdair(p,masse) 553 538 554 if (ok_iso_verif) then 555 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1196') 556 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 539 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1196') 557 540 558 541 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 639 622 c preparation du pas d'integration suivant ...... 640 623 641 if (ok_iso_verif) then 642 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1509') 643 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 624 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1509') 644 625 645 626 IF ( .NOT.purmats ) THEN … … 703 684 ENDIF ! of IF((MOD(itau,iperiod).EQ.0).OR.(itau.EQ.itaufin)) 704 685 705 if (ok_iso_verif) then 706 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1584') 707 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 686 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1584') 708 687 709 688 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 785 764 ELSE ! of IF (.not.purmats) 786 765 787 if (ok_iso_verif) then 788 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1664') 789 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 766 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1664') 790 767 791 768 c ........................................................ … … 812 789 ELSE ! of IF(forward) i.e. backward step 813 790 814 if (ok_iso_verif) then 815 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1698') 816 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 791 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'leapfrog 1698') 817 792 818 793 IF(MOD(itau,iperiod).EQ.0 .OR. itau.EQ.itaufin) THEN -
r2600 r3852 4 4 SUBROUTINE qminimum( q,nqtot,deltap ) 5 5 6 USE infotrac, ONLY: ok_isotopes,ntraciso,iqiso,ok_iso_verif6 USE infotrac, ONLY: niso, nitr, iTraPha 7 7 IMPLICIT none 8 8 c … … 49 49 c 50 50 51 if (ok_iso_verif) then 52 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'qminimum 52') 53 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 51 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'qminimum 52') 54 52 55 53 zx_defau_diag(:,:,:)=0.0 … … 59 57 if (seuil_liq - q(i,k,iq_liq) .gt. 0.d0 ) then 60 58 61 if (ok_isotopes) then 62 zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_liq)=AMAX1 59 if (niso > 0) zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_liq)=AMAX1 63 60 : ( seuil_liq - q(i,k,iq_liq), 0.0 ) 64 endif !if (ok_isotopes) then65 61 66 62 q(i,k,iq_vap) = q(i,k,iq_vap) + q(i,k,iq_liq) - seuil_liq … … 80 76 if ( seuil_vap - q(i,k,iq) .gt. 0.d0 ) then 81 77 82 if (ok_isotopes) then 83 zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq)=AMAX1( seuil_vap - q(i,k,iq), 0.0 ) 84 endif !if (ok_isotopes) then 78 zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq)=AMAX1( seuil_vap - q(i,k,iq), 0.0 ) 85 79 86 80 q(i,k-1,iq) = q(i,k-1,iq) - ( seuil_vap - q(i,k,iq) ) * … … 110 104 111 105 !write(*,*) 'qminimum 128' 112 if ( ok_isotopes) then106 if (niso > 0) then 113 107 ! CRisi: traiter de même les traceurs d'eau 114 108 ! Mais il faut les prendre à l'envers pour essayer de conserver la … … 130 124 if (zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap).gt.0.0) then 131 125 ! on ajoute la vapeur en k 132 do ixt=1,n traciso133 q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k,iqiso(ixt,iq_vap))126 do ixt=1,nitr 127 q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 134 128 : +zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap) 135 : *q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap)129 : *q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap) 136 130 137 131 ! et on la retranche en k-1 138 q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k-1,iqiso(ixt,iq_vap))132 q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 139 133 : -zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap) 140 134 : *deltap(i,k)/deltap(i,k-1) 141 : *q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap)135 : *q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap) 142 136 143 enddo !do ixt=1,ni so137 enddo !do ixt=1,nitr 144 138 q_follow(i,k,iq_vap)= q_follow(i,k,iq_vap) 145 139 : +zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap) … … 151 145 enddo !do k=2,llm 152 146 153 if (ok_iso_verif) then 154 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'qminimum 168') 155 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 147 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'qminimum 168') 156 148 157 149 … … 163 155 164 156 ! on ajoute eau liquide en k en k 165 do ixt=1,n traciso166 q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_liq))=q(i,k,iqiso(ixt,iq_liq))157 do ixt=1,nitr 158 q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_liq))=q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_liq)) 167 159 : +zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_liq) 168 : *q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k,iq_vap)160 : *q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k,iq_vap) 169 161 ! et on la retranche à la vapeur en k 170 q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k,iqiso(ixt,iq_vap))162 q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 171 163 : -zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_liq) 172 : *q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k,iq_vap)164 : *q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k,iq_vap) 173 165 enddo !do ixt=1,niso 174 166 q_follow(i,k,iq_liq)= q_follow(i,k,iq_liq) … … 180 172 enddo !do k=2,llm 181 173 182 if (ok_iso_verif) then 183 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'qminimum 197') 184 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 174 call check_isotopes_seq(q,ip1jmp1,'qminimum 197') 185 175 186 endif !if ( ok_isotopes) then176 endif !if (niso > 0) then 187 177 !write(*,*) 'qminimum 188' 188 178 -
r2603 r3852 4 4 5 5 SUBROUTINE vlsplt(q,pente_max,masse,w,pbaru,pbarv,pdt,iq) 6 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, nqdesc,iqfils6 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers, tra 7 7 c 8 8 c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget … … 54 54 SAVE temps1,temps2,temps3 55 55 INTEGER iminn,imaxx 56 INTEGER ifils,iq2 ! CRisi 56 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 57 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 57 58 58 59 REAL qmin,qmax … … 61 62 DATA temps1,temps2,temps3/0.,0.,0./ 62 63 64 tr => tracers(iq) 63 65 64 66 zzpbar = 0.5 * pdt … … 83 85 CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,masse,1,zm(1,1,iq),1) 84 86 85 if ( nqdesc(iq).gt.0) then86 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)87 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)87 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 88 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 89 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 88 90 CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,q(1,1,iq2),1,zq(1,1,iq2),1) 89 91 enddo 90 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then92 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 91 93 92 94 cprint*,'Entree vlx1' … … 122 124 ENDDO 123 125 ! CRisi: aussi pour les fils 124 if (nqdesc(iq).gt.0) then125 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)126 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)126 if(tr%ndesc > 0) then 127 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 128 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 127 129 DO l=1,llm 128 130 DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 … … 133 135 ENDDO 134 136 ENDDO 135 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)136 endif ! if ( nqdesc(iq).gt.0) then137 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 138 endif ! if (tr%ndesc > 0) 137 139 138 140 RETURN 139 141 END 140 142 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE vlx(q,pente_max,masse,u_m,iq) 141 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils! CRisi143 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra ! CRisi 142 144 143 145 c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget … … 179 181 ! CRisi 180 182 REAL masseq(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot),Ratio(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) 181 INTEGER ifils,iq2 ! CRisi 183 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 184 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 182 185 183 186 Logical extremum,first,testcpu … … 200 203 first=.false. 201 204 ENDIF 205 206 tr => tracers(iq) 202 207 203 208 c calcul de la pente a droite et a gauche de la maille … … 450 455 !write(*,*) 'vlsplt 326: iq,nqfils(iq)=',iq,nqfils(iq) 451 456 452 if ( nqdesc(iq).gt.0) then453 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)454 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)457 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 458 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 459 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 455 460 DO l=1,llm 456 461 DO ij=iip2,ip1jm … … 460 465 enddo 461 466 enddo 462 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)463 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)464 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)467 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 468 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 469 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 465 470 call vlx(Ratio,pente_max,masseq,u_mq,iq2) 466 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)467 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then471 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 472 endif !if (tr%nchld > 0) then 468 473 ! end CRisi 469 474 … … 489 494 ! On calcule q entre iip2+1,ip1jm -> on fait pareil pour ratio 490 495 ! puis on boucle en longitude 491 if ( nqdesc(iq).gt.0) then492 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)493 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)496 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 497 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 498 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 494 499 DO l=1,llm 495 500 DO ij=iip2+1,ip1jm … … 500 505 enddo ! DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije,iip1 501 506 enddo !DO l=1,llm 502 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)503 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then507 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 508 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 504 509 505 510 c CALL SCOPY((jjm-1)*llm,q(iip1+iip1,1),iip1,q(iip2,1),iip1) … … 510 515 END 511 516 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE vly(q,pente_max,masse,masse_adv_v,iq) 512 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils! CRisi517 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra ! CRisi 513 518 c 514 519 c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget … … 562 567 563 568 REAL masseq(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot),Ratio(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) ! CRisi 564 INTEGER i fils,iq2 ! CRisi565 569 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 570 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 566 571 c 567 572 c … … 590 595 ENDIF 591 596 597 tr => tracers(iq) 592 598 c 593 599 cPRINT*,'CALCUL EN LATITUDE' … … 770 776 !write(*,*) 'vly 689: iq,nqfils(iq)=',iq,nqfils(iq) 771 777 772 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then773 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)774 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)778 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 779 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 780 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 775 781 DO l=1,llm 776 782 DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 … … 781 787 enddo 782 788 enddo 783 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)784 785 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)786 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)789 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 790 791 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 792 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 787 793 call vly(Ratio,pente_max,masseq,qbyv,iq2) 788 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)789 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then794 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 795 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) 790 796 791 797 DO l=1,llm … … 855 861 856 862 ! retablir les fils en rapport de melange par rapport a l'air: 857 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then858 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)859 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)863 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 864 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 865 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 860 866 DO l=1,llm 861 867 DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 … … 863 869 enddo 864 870 enddo 865 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)866 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then871 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 872 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) 867 873 868 874 !write(*,*) 'vly 853: sortie' … … 871 877 END 872 878 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE vlz(q,pente_max,masse,w,iq) 873 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils! CRisi879 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra ! CRisi 874 880 c 875 881 c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget … … 907 913 908 914 REAL masseq(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot),Ratio(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) ! CRisi 909 INTEGER ifils,iq2 ! CRisi 915 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 916 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 910 917 911 918 LOGICAL testcpu … … 923 930 924 931 !write(*,*) 'vlz 923: entree' 932 933 tr => tracers(iq) 925 934 926 935 #ifdef BIDON … … 992 1001 ! Il faut faire ça avant d'avoir mis à jour q et masse 993 1002 !write(*,*) 'vlsplt 942: iq,nqfils(iq)=',iq,nqfils(iq) 994 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then995 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)996 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)1003 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 1004 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 1005 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 997 1006 DO l=1,llm 998 1007 DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 … … 1001 1010 enddo 1002 1011 enddo 1003 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)1012 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 1004 1013 1005 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)1006 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)1014 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 1015 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 1007 1016 call vlz(Ratio,pente_max,masseq,wq,iq2) 1008 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)1009 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then1017 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 1018 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) 1010 1019 ! end CRisi 1011 1020 … … 1020 1029 1021 1030 ! retablir les fils en rapport de melange par rapport a l'air: 1022 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then1023 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)1024 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)1031 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 1032 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 1033 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 1025 1034 DO l=1,llm 1026 1035 DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 … … 1028 1037 enddo 1029 1038 enddo 1030 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)1031 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then1039 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 1040 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) 1032 1041 !write(*,*) 'vlsplt 1032' 1033 1042 -
r2603 r3852 4 4 SUBROUTINE vlspltqs ( q,pente_max,masse,w,pbaru,pbarv,pdt, 5 5 , p,pk,teta,iq ) 6 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, nqdesc,iqfils6 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers, tra 7 7 c 8 8 c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget, F.Codron … … 45 45 c 46 46 INTEGER i,ij,l,j,ii 47 INTEGER ifils,iq2 ! CRisi 47 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 48 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 48 49 c 49 50 REAL qsat(ip1jmp1,llm) … … 84 85 rtt = 273.16 85 86 87 tr => tracers(iq) 88 86 89 c-- Calcul de Qsat en chaque point 87 90 c-- approximation: au milieu des couches play(l)=(p(l)+p(l+1))/2 … … 121 124 CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,q(1,1,iq),1,zq(1,1,iq),1) 122 125 CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,masse,1,zm(1,1,iq),1) 123 if ( nqdesc(iq).gt.0) then124 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)125 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)126 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 127 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 128 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 126 129 CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,q(1,1,iq2),1,zq(1,1,iq2),1) 127 130 enddo 128 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then131 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) 129 132 130 133 c call minmaxq(zq,qmin,qmax,'avant vlxqs ') … … 162 165 ENDDO 163 166 ! CRisi: aussi pour les fils 164 if ( nqdesc(iq).gt.0) then165 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)166 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)167 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 168 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 169 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 167 170 DO l=1,llm 168 171 DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 … … 173 176 ENDDO 174 177 ENDDO 175 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)176 endif ! if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then178 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 179 endif ! if (tr%ndesc > 0) 177 180 !write(*,*) 'vlspltqs 183: fin de la routine' 178 181 … … 180 183 END 181 184 SUBROUTINE vlxqs(q,pente_max,masse,u_m,qsat,iq) 182 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils! CRisi185 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra ! CRisi 183 186 184 187 c … … 218 221 ! CRisi 219 222 REAL masseq(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot),Ratio(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) 220 INTEGER ifils,iq2 ! CRisi 223 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 224 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 221 225 222 226 Logical first,testcpu … … 238 242 first=.false. 239 243 ENDIF 244 245 tr => tracers(iq) 240 246 241 247 c calcul de la pente a droite et a gauche de la maille … … 485 491 !write(*,*) 'vlspltqs 326: iq,nqfils(iq)=',iq,nqfils(iq) 486 492 487 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then488 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)489 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)493 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 494 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 495 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 490 496 DO l=1,llm 491 497 DO ij=iip2,ip1jm … … 495 501 enddo 496 502 enddo 497 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)498 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)499 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)503 enddo !do ichld=1,nqdesc(iq) 504 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 505 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 500 506 call vlx(Ratio,pente_max,masseq,u_mq,iq2) 501 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)502 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then507 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 508 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) 503 509 ! end CRisi 504 510 … … 523 529 ! On calcule q entre iip2+1,ip1jm -> on fait pareil pour ratio 524 530 ! puis on boucle en longitude 525 if ( nqdesc(iq).gt.0) then526 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)527 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)531 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 532 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 533 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 528 534 DO l=1,llm 529 535 DO ij=iip2+1,ip1jm … … 534 540 enddo ! DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije,iip1 535 541 enddo !DO l=1,llm 536 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)537 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then542 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 543 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) 538 544 539 545 c CALL SCOPY((jjm-1)*llm,q(iip1+iip1,1),iip1,q(iip2,1),iip1) … … 544 550 END 545 551 SUBROUTINE vlyqs(q,pente_max,masse,masse_adv_v,qsat,iq) 546 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils! CRisi552 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra ! CRisi 547 553 c 548 554 c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget … … 598 604 599 605 REAL masseq(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot),Ratio(ip1jmp1,llm,nqtot) ! CRisi 600 INTEGER ifils,iq2 ! CRisi 606 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 607 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 601 608 c 602 609 c … … 623 630 ENDIF 624 631 632 tr => tracers(iq) 625 633 c 626 634 … … 796 804 !write(*,*) 'vlyqs 689: iq,nqfils(iq)=',iq,nqfils(iq) 797 805 798 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then799 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)800 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)806 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 807 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 808 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 801 809 DO l=1,llm 802 810 DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 … … 805 813 enddo 806 814 enddo 807 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)808 809 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)810 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)815 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 816 817 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 818 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 811 819 !write(*,*) 'vlyqs 783: appel rec de vly, iq2=',iq2 812 820 call vly(Ratio,pente_max,masseq,qbyv,iq2) 813 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)814 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then821 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 822 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) 815 823 816 824 DO l=1,llm … … 868 876 869 877 ! retablir les fils en rapport de melange par rapport a l'air: 870 if ( nqdesc(iq).gt.0) then871 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)872 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)878 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 879 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 880 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 873 881 DO l=1,llm 874 882 DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 … … 876 884 enddo 877 885 enddo 878 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)879 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then886 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 887 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) 880 888 !write(*,*) 'vly 879' 881 889 -
r3851 r3852 1 ! $Id$2 !3 1 MODULE infotrac 4 2 5 ! nqtot : total number of tracers and higher order of moment, water vapor and liquid included 6 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqtot 7 !CR: on ajoute le nombre de traceurs de l eau 8 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqo 9 10 ! nbtr : number of tracers not including higher order of moment or water vapor or liquid 11 ! number of tracers used in the physics 12 INTEGER, SAVE :: nbtr 13 14 ! CRisi: nb traceurs pères= directement advectés par l'air 15 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqperes 16 17 ! Name variables 18 CHARACTER(len=20), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: tname ! tracer short name for restart and diagnostics 19 CHARACTER(len=23), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: ttext ! tracer long name for diagnostics 20 21 ! iadv : index of trasport schema for each tracer 22 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: iadv 23 24 ! niadv : vector keeping the coorspondance between all tracers(nqtot) treated in the 25 ! dynamic part of the code and the tracers (nbtr+2) used in the physics part of the code. 26 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: niadv ! equivalent dyn / physique 27 28 ! CRisi: tableaux de fils 29 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: nqfils 30 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: nqdesc ! nombres de fils + nombre de tous les petits fils sur toutes les générations 31 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqdesc_tot 32 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: iqfils 33 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: iqpere 34 REAL :: qperemin,masseqmin,ratiomin ! MVals et CRisi 35 PARAMETER (qperemin=1e-16,masseqmin=1e-16,ratiomin=1e-16) ! MVals 36 37 ! conv_flg(it)=0 : convection desactivated for tracer number it 38 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: conv_flg 39 ! pbl_flg(it)=0 : boundary layer diffusion desactivaded for tracer number it 40 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: pbl_flg 41 42 CHARACTER(len=4),SAVE :: type_trac 43 CHARACTER(len=8),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: solsym 44 45 ! CRisi: cas particulier des isotopes 46 LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_isotopes,ok_iso_verif,ok_isotrac,ok_init_iso 47 INTEGER :: niso_possibles 48 PARAMETER ( niso_possibles=5) 49 REAL, DIMENSION (niso_possibles),SAVE :: tnat,alpha_ideal 50 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(niso_possibles),SAVE :: use_iso 51 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: iqiso ! donne indice iq en fn de (ixt,phase) 52 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: iso_num ! donne numéro iso entre 1 et niso_possibles en fn de nqtot 53 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: iso_indnum ! donne numéro iso entre 1 et niso effectif en fn de nqtot 54 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: zone_num ! donne numéro de la zone de tracage en fn de nqtot 55 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: phase_num ! donne numéro de la zone de tracage en fn de nqtot 56 INTEGER, DIMENSION(niso_possibles), SAVE :: indnum_fn_num ! donne indice entre entre 1 et niso en fonction du numéro d isotope entre 1 et niso_possibles 57 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: index_trac ! numéro ixt en fn izone, indnum entre 1 et niso 58 INTEGER,SAVE :: niso,ntraceurs_zone,ntraciso 59 3 USE strings_mod, ONLY: msg, find, strIdx, strFind, strHead, dispTable, cat, get_in, & 4 fmsg, test, int2str, strParse, strTail, strReduce, strStack, modname, testFile 5 USE readTracFiles_mod, ONLY: readTracersFiles, getKey_init, nphases, delPhase, aliasTracer, & 6 tran0, readIsotopesFile, getKey, known_phases, addPhase, indexUpdate 7 USE trac_types_mod, ONLY: tra, iso, kys 8 9 IMPLICIT NONE 10 11 PRIVATE 12 13 !=== FOR TRACERS: 14 PUBLIC :: tra, tracers, type_trac !--- Derived type, full database, tracers type keyword 15 PUBLIC :: nqtot, nbtr, nqo !--- Main dimensions 16 PUBLIC :: infotrac_init, aliasTracer !--- Initialization, tracers alias creation 17 PUBLIC :: itr_indice !--- Indexes of the tracers passed to phytrac 18 PUBLIC :: niadv !--- Indexes of true tracers (<=nqtot, such that iadv(idx)>0) 19 PUBLIC :: solsym, conv_flg, pbl_flg 20 21 !=== FOR ISOTOPES: General 22 !--- General 23 PUBLIC :: iso, isotopes, nbIso !--- Derived type, full isotopes families database + nb of families 24 PUBLIC :: isoSelect , ixIso !--- Isotopes family selection tool + selected family index 25 !=== FOR ISOTOPES: Specific to H2O isotopes 26 PUBLIC :: iH2O, tnat, alpha_ideal !--- H2O isotopes index, natural abundance, fractionning coeff. 27 !=== FOR ISOTOPES: Depending on selected isotopes family 28 PUBLIC :: isotope, isoKeys !--- Selected isotopes database + associated keys (cf. getKey) 29 PUBLIC :: isoName, isoZone, isoPhas !--- Isotopes and tagging zones names, phases 30 PUBLIC :: niso, nzon, npha, nitr !--- " " numbers + isotopes & tagging tracers number 31 PUBLIC :: iZonIso, iTraPha !--- 2D index tables to get "iq" index 32 PUBLIC :: isoCheck !--- Run isotopes checking routines 33 34 !=== FOR BOTH TRACERS AND ISOTOPES 35 PUBLIC :: getKey !--- Get a key from "tracers" or "isotope" 36 37 !=== FOR STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLS 60 38 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 61 !--CK/OB for stratospheric aerosols 62 INTEGER, SAVE :: nbtr_bin 63 INTEGER, SAVE :: nbtr_sulgas 64 INTEGER, SAVE :: id_OCS_strat 65 INTEGER, SAVE :: id_SO2_strat 66 INTEGER, SAVE :: id_H2SO4_strat 67 INTEGER, SAVE :: id_BIN01_strat 68 INTEGER, SAVE :: id_TEST_strat 69 #endif 70 39 PUBLIC :: nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas, id_OCS_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_BIN01_strat, id_TEST_strat 40 #endif 41 42 INTERFACE isoSelect; MODULE PROCEDURE isoSelectByIndex, isoSelectByName; END INTERFACE isoSelect 43 44 !=== CONVENTIONS FOR TRACERS NUMBERS: 45 ! |--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------+----------------------------| 46 ! | water in different | water tagging | water isotopes | other tracers | additional tracers moments | 47 ! | phases: H2O-[gls] | isotopes | | | for higher order schemes | 48 ! |--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------+----------------------------| 49 ! | | | | | | 50 ! |<-- nqo -->|<-- nqo*niso* nzon -->|<-- nqo*niso -->|<-- nbtr -->|<-- (nmom) -->| 51 ! | | | | 52 ! | |<-- nqo*niso*(nzon+1) = nqo*nitr -->|<-- nqtottr = nbtr + nmom -->| 53 ! | = nqtot - nqo*(nitr+1) | 54 ! | | 55 ! |<-- nqtrue = nbtr + nqo*(nitr+1) -->| | 56 ! | | 57 ! |<-- nqtot = nqtrue + nmom -->| 58 ! | | 59 ! |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 60 ! NOTES FOR THIS TABLE: 61 ! * The used "niso", "nzon" and "nitr" are the H2O components of "isotopes(ip)" (isotopes(ip)%prnt == 'H2O'), 62 ! since water is so far the sole tracers family removed from the main tracers table. 63 ! * For water, "nqo" is equal to the more general field "isotopes(ip)%npha". 64 ! * "niso", "nzon", "nitr", "npha" are defined for other isotopic tracers families, if any. 65 ! 66 !=== TRACERS DESCRIPTOR: DERIVED TYPE EMBEDDING MOST OF THE USEFUL QUANTITIES (LENGTH: nqtot) 67 ! Each entry is accessible using "%" sign. 68 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------+ 69 ! | entry | Meaning | Former name | Possible values | 70 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------+ 71 ! | name | Name (short) | tname | | 72 ! | nam1 | Name of the 1st generation ancestor | / | | 73 ! | prnt | Name of the parent | / | | 74 ! | lnam | Long name (with adv. scheme suffix) for outputs | ttext | | 75 ! | type | Type (so far: tracer or tag) | / | tracer,tag | 76 ! | phas | Phases list ("g"as / "l"iquid / "s"olid) | / | [g][l][s] | 77 ! | iadv | Advection scheme number | iadv | 1-20,30 exc. 3-9,15,19 | 78 ! | igen | Generation (>=1) | / | | 79 ! | itr | Index in "tr_seri" (0: absent from physics) | cf. niadv | 1:nqtottr | 80 ! | iprnt | Index of the parent tracer | iqpere | 1:nqtot | 81 ! | idesc | Indexes of the childs (all generations) | iqfils | 1:nqtot | 82 ! | ndesc | Number of the descendants (all generations) | nqdesc | 1:nqtot | 83 ! | nchld | Number of childs (first generation only) | nqfils | 1:nqtot | 84 ! | keys | key/val pairs accessible with "getKey" routine | / | | 85 ! | iso_num | Isotope name index in iso(igr)%name(:) | iso_indnum | 1:niso | 86 ! | iso_zon | Isotope zone index in iso(igr)%zone(:) | zone_num | 1:nzon | 87 ! | iso_pha | Isotope phase index in iso(igr)%phas | phase_num | 1:npha | 88 ! +------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------+ 89 ! 90 !=== ISOTOPES DESCRIPTOR: DERIVED TYPE EMBEDDING MOST OF THE USEFUL QUANTITIES (LENGTH: NUMBER OF ISOTOPES FAMILIES USED) 91 ! Each entry is accessible using "%" sign. 92 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+-----------------------+ 93 ! | entry | Meaning | Former name | Possible values | 94 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+-----------------------+ 95 ! | prnt | Parent tracer (isotopes family name) | | | 96 ! | trac, nitr | Isotopes & tagging tracers + number of elements | | | 97 ! | zone, nzon | Geographic tagging zones + number of elements | | | 98 ! | phas, npha | Phases list + number of elements | | [g][l][s], 1:3 | 99 ! | niso | Number of isotopes, excluding tagging tracers | | | 100 ! | iTraPha | Index in "xt" = f(iname(niso+1:nitr),iphas) | iqiso | 1:niso | 101 ! | iZonIso | Index in "xt" = f(izone, iname(1:niso)) | index_trac | 1:nzon | 102 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+-----------------------+ 103 104 105 106 !=== DIMENSIONS OF THE TRACERS TABLES AND OTHER SCALAR VARIABLES 107 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqtot, & !--- Tracers nb in dynamics (incl. higher moments & water) 108 nbtr, & !--- Tracers nb in physics (excl. higher moments & water) 109 nqo, & !--- Number of water phases 110 nbIso !--- Number of available isotopes family 111 CHARACTER(LEN=256), SAVE :: type_trac !--- Keyword for tracers type 112 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqtot, nbtr, nqo, nbIso, type_trac) 113 114 !=== DERIVED TYPES EMBEDDING MOST INFORMATIONS ABOUT TRACERS AND ISOTOPES FAMILIES 115 TYPE(tra), TARGET, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: tracers(:) !=== TRACERS DESCRIPTORS VECTOR 116 TYPE(iso), TARGET, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: isotopes(:) !=== ISOTOPES PARAMETERS VECTOR 117 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tracers, isotopes) 118 119 !=== ALIASES FOR CURRENTLY SELECTED ISOTOPES FAMILY OF VARIABLES EMBEDDED IN THE VECTOR "isotopes" 120 TYPE(iso), SAVE, POINTER :: isotope !--- CURRENTLY SELECTED ISOTOPES FAMILY DESCRIPTOR 121 INTEGER, SAVE :: ixIso, iH2O !--- Index of the selected isotopes family and H2O family 122 LOGICAL, SAVE, POINTER :: isoCheck !--- Flag to trigger the checking routines 123 TYPE(kys), SAVE, POINTER :: isoKeys(:) !--- ONE SET OF KEYS FOR EACH ISOTOPE (LISTED IN isoName) 124 CHARACTER(LEN=256), SAVE, POINTER :: isoName(:), & !--- ISOTOPES NAMES FOR THE CURRENTLY SELECTED FAMILY 125 isoZone(:), & !--- TAGGING ZONES FOR THE CURRENTLY SELECTED FAMILY 126 isoPhas !--- USED PHASES FOR THE CURRENTLY SELECTED FAMILY 127 INTEGER, SAVE :: niso, nzon, npha, & !--- NUMBER OF ISOTOPES, TAGGING ZONES AND PHASES 128 nitr !--- NUMBER OF ISOTOPES + ISOTOPIC TAGGING TRACERS 129 INTEGER, SAVE, POINTER :: iZonIso(:,:) !--- INDEX IN "isoTrac" AS f(tagging zone, isotope) 130 INTEGER, SAVE, POINTER :: iTraPha(:,:) !=== INDEX IN "isoTrac" AS f(isotopic tracer, phase) 131 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(isotope, ixIso,iH2O, isoCheck, isoKeys, isoName,isoZone,isoPhas, niso,nzon,npha,nitr, iZonIso,iTraPha) 132 133 !=== VARIABLES EMBEDDED IN "tracers", BUT DUPLICATED, AS THEY ARE RATHER FREQUENTLY USED + VARIABLES FOR INCA 134 REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: tnat(:), & !--- Natural relative abundance of water isotope (niso) 135 alpha_ideal(:) !--- Ideal fractionning coefficient (for initial state) (niso) 136 INTEGER, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: conv_flg(:), & !--- Convection activation ; needed for INCA (nbtr) 137 pbl_flg(:), & !--- Boundary layer activation ; needed for INCA (nbtr) 138 itr_indice(:), & !--- Indexes of the tracers passed to phytrac (nqtottr) 139 niadv(:) 140 CHARACTER(LEN=8), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: solsym(:) !--- Names from INCA (nbtr) 141 !OMP THREADPRIVATE(tnat, alpha_ideal, conv_flg, pbl_flg, itr_indice, solsym) 142 143 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 144 !=== SPECIFIC TO STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLS (CK/OB) 145 INTEGER, SAVE :: nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas, id_OCS_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_BIN01_strat, id_TEST_strat 146 !OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas, id_OCS_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_BIN01_strat, id_TEST_strat) 147 #endif 148 71 149 CONTAINS 72 150 73 74 151 SUBROUTINE infotrac_init 152 USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type, config_inca 75 153 #ifdef REPROBUS 76 USE CHEM_REP, ONLY : Init_chem_rep_trac 77 #endif 78 IMPLICIT NONE 79 !======================================================================= 154 USE chem_rep, ONLY: Init_chem_rep_trac 155 #endif 156 !============================================================================================================================== 80 157 ! 81 158 ! Auteur: P. Le Van /L. Fairhead/F.Hourdin 82 159 ! ------- 83 ! Modif special traceur F.Forget 05/94 84 ! Modif M-A Filiberti 02/02 lecture de traceur.def 160 ! 161 ! Modifications: 162 ! -------------- 163 ! 05/94: F.Forget Modif special traceur 164 ! 02/02: M-A Filiberti Lecture de traceur.def 165 ! 06/20: D. Cugnet Nouveaux tracer.def et tracer_*.def + encapsulation (types tr et iso) 85 166 ! 86 167 ! Objet: … … 88 169 ! GCM LMD nouvelle grille 89 170 ! 90 !======================================================================= 171 !============================================================================================================================== 91 172 ! ... modification de l'integration de q ( 26/04/94 ) .... 92 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 ! Declarations 94 95 INCLUDE "dimensions.h" 96 INCLUDE "iniprint.h" 97 173 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 174 ! Declarations: 175 ! INCLUDE "dimensions.h" 176 177 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 98 178 ! Local variables 99 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: hadv ! index of horizontal trasport schema 100 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: vadv ! index of vertical trasport schema 101 102 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: hadv_inca ! index of horizontal trasport schema 103 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: vadv_inca ! index of vertical trasport schema 104 105 CHARACTER(len=15), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: tnom_0 ! tracer short name 106 CHARACTER(len=15), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: tnom_transp ! transporting fluid short name: CRisi 107 CHARACTER(len=3), DIMENSION(30) :: descrq 108 CHARACTER(len=1), DIMENSION(3) :: txts 109 CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(9) :: txtp 110 CHARACTER(len=23) :: str1,str2 111 112 INTEGER :: nqtrue ! number of tracers read from tracer.def, without higer order of moment 113 INTEGER :: iq, new_iq, iiq, jq, ierr 114 INTEGER :: ifils,ipere,generation ! CRisi 115 LOGICAL :: continu,nouveau_traceurdef 116 INTEGER :: IOstatus ! gestion de la retrocompatibilite de traceur.def 117 CHARACTER(len=15) :: tchaine 118 119 character(len=*),parameter :: modname="infotrac_init" 120 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 179 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: hadv(:), hadv_inca(:), & !--- Horizontal/vertical transport scheme number 180 vadv(:), vadv_inca(:) !--- + specific INCA versions 181 CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: ph !--- Phase 182 CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: suff(9) !--- Suffixes for schemes of order 3 or 4 (Prather) 183 CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: descrq(30) !--- Advection scheme description 184 CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: oldH2O(3) !--- Old water names 185 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: newH2O, iname, isoPhase !--- New water and isotope names, phases list 186 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: msg1, msg2 !--- Strings for messages 187 CHARACTER(LEN=256), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: & !--- Temporary storage 188 isoName, isoZone, tra0, zon0, tag0, n, p, z, str 189 INTEGER :: fType !--- Tracers description file type ; 0: none 190 !--- 1: "traceur.def" 2: "tracer.def" 3: "tracer_*.def" 191 INTEGER :: nqtrue !--- Tracers nb from tracer.def (no higher order moments) 192 INTEGER :: iad !--- Advection scheme 193 INTEGER :: iH2O !--- Index in "isotopes(:)" of H2O family 194 INTEGER :: ic,ip,iq,jq, it,nt, im,nm, ix, iz, niso, nzone, ntiso !--- Indexes and temporary variables 195 LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lisoGen2(:), & !--- Mask for second generation isotopes 196 lisoName(:), & !--- Mask for water isotopes 197 lisoZone(:), ll(:) !--- Mask for water isotopes tagging tracers 198 LOGICAL :: lerr 199 TYPE(tra), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: ttr(:) 200 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: t1, t(:) 201 TYPE(iso), POINTER :: s 202 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 121 203 ! Initialization : 122 ! 123 txts=(/'x','y','z'/) 124 txtp=(/'x ','y ','z ','xx','xy','xz','yy','yz','zz'/) 125 126 descrq(14)='VLH' 127 descrq(10)='VL1' 128 descrq(11)='VLP' 129 descrq(12)='FH1' 130 descrq(13)='FH2' 131 descrq(16)='PPM' 132 descrq(17)='PPS' 133 descrq(18)='PPP' 134 descrq(20)='SLP' 135 descrq(30)='PRA' 136 137 138 ! Coherence test between parameter type_trac, config_inca and preprocessing keys 139 IF (type_trac=='inca') THEN 140 WRITE(lunout,*) 'You have choosen to couple with INCA chemestry model : type_trac=', & 141 type_trac,' config_inca=',config_inca 142 IF (config_inca/='aero' .AND. config_inca/='aeNP' .AND. config_inca/='chem') THEN 143 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Incoherence between type_trac and config_inca. Model stops. Modify run.def' 144 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Incoherence between type_trac and config_inca',1) 145 END IF 204 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 205 modname = 'infotrac_init' 206 type_trac='lmdz'!'lmdz,inca' 207 suff = ['x ','y ','z ','xx','xy','xz','yy','yz','zz'] 208 descrq( 1: 2) = ['LMV','BAK'] 209 descrq(10:20) = ['VL1','VLP','FH1','FH2','VLH',' ','PPM','PPS','PPP',' ','SLP'] 210 descrq(30) = 'PRA' 211 oldH2O = ['H2Ov','H2Ol','H2Oi'] 212 213 !--- MESSAGE ABOUT THE CHOSEN CONFIGURATION 214 CALL msg('type_trac='//TRIM(type_trac)) 215 IF(strParse(type_trac, ',', str, n=nt)) CALL abort_gcm(modname,'can''t parse "type_trac = '//TRIM(type_trac)//'"',1) 216 DO it = 1, nt !--- nt>1 if "type_trac" is a coma-separated keywords list 217 msg1 = 'For type_trac = "'//TRIM(str(it))//'":' 218 SELECT CASE(str(it)) 219 CASE('inca'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1)//' coupling with INCA chemistry model, config_inca='//config_inca) 220 CASE('repr'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1)//' coupling with REPROBUS chemistry model') 221 CASE('co2i'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1)//' you have chosen to run with CO2 cycle') 222 CASE('coag'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1)//' tracers are treated for COAGULATION tests') 223 CASE('lmdz'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1)//' tracers are treated in LMDZ only') 224 CASE DEFAULT 225 CALL abort_gcm(modname,'type_trac='//TRIM(str(it))//' not possible yet.',1) 226 END SELECT 227 END DO 228 229 !--- COHERENCE TEST BETWEEN "type_trac", "config_inca" AND PREPROCESSING KEYS 230 DO it=1,nt 231 SELECT CASE(type_trac) 232 CASE('inca'); IF(ALL(['aero', 'aeNP', 'chem']/=config_inca)) & 233 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Mismatch between type_trac and config_inca. Please modify "run.def"',1) 146 234 #ifndef INCA 147 WRITE(lunout,*) 'To run this option you must add cpp key INCA and compile with INCA code' 148 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','You must compile with cpp key INCA',1) 149 #endif 150 ELSE IF (type_trac=='repr') THEN 151 WRITE(lunout,*) 'You have choosen to couple with REPROBUS chemestry model : type_trac=', type_trac 235 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'You must add cpp key INCA and compile with INCA code',1) 236 #endif 237 CASE('repr') 152 238 #ifndef REPROBUS 153 WRITE(lunout,*) 'To run this option you must add cpp key REPROBUS and compile with REPRPBUS code' 154 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','You must compile with cpp key REPROBUS',1) 155 #endif 156 ELSE IF (type_trac == 'co2i') THEN 157 WRITE(lunout,*) 'You have chosen to run with CO2 cycle: type_trac=', type_trac 158 ELSE IF (type_trac == 'coag') THEN 159 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Tracers are treated for COAGULATION tests : type_trac=', type_trac 239 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'You must add cpp key REPROBUS and compile with REPROBUS code',1) 240 #endif 241 CASE('coag') 160 242 #ifndef CPP_StratAer 161 WRITE(lunout,*) 'To run this option you must add cpp key StratAer and compile with StratAer code' 162 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','You must compile with cpp key StratAer',1) 163 #endif 164 ELSE IF (type_trac == 'lmdz') THEN 165 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Tracers are treated in LMDZ only : type_trac=', type_trac 166 ELSE 167 WRITE(lunout,*) 'type_trac=',type_trac,' not possible. Model stops' 168 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','bad parameter',1) 169 END IF 170 171 ! Test if config_inca is other then none for run without INCA 172 IF (type_trac/='inca' .AND. config_inca/='none') THEN 173 WRITE(lunout,*) 'config_inca will now be changed to none as you do not couple with INCA model' 174 config_inca='none' 175 END IF 176 177 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 178 ! 179 ! 1) Get the true number of tracers + water vapor/liquid 180 ! Here true tracers (nqtrue) means declared tracers (only first order) 181 ! 182 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 183 IF (type_trac == 'lmdz' .OR. type_trac == 'repr' .OR. type_trac == 'coag' .OR. type_trac == 'co2i') THEN 184 OPEN(90,file='traceur.def',form='formatted',status='old', iostat=ierr) 185 IF(ierr.EQ.0) THEN 186 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': Open traceur.def : ok' 187 READ(90,*) nqtrue 188 write(lunout,*) 'nqtrue=',nqtrue 189 ELSE 190 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': Problem in opening traceur.def' 191 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': WARNING using defaut values' 192 IF (planet_type=='earth') THEN 193 nqtrue=4 ! Default value for Earth 194 ELSE 195 nqtrue=1 ! Default value for other planets 196 ENDIF 197 ENDIF 198 !jyg< 199 !! if ( planet_type=='earth') then 200 !! ! For Earth, water vapour & liquid tracers are not in the physics 201 !! nbtr=nqtrue-2 202 !! else 203 !! ! Other planets (for now); we have the same number of tracers 204 !! ! in the dynamics than in the physics 205 !! nbtr=nqtrue 206 !! endif 207 !>jyg 208 ELSE ! type_trac=inca 209 !jyg< 210 ! The traceur.def file is used to define the number "nqo" of water phases 211 ! present in the simulation. Default : nqo = 2. 212 OPEN(90,file='traceur.def',form='formatted',status='old', iostat=ierr) 213 IF(ierr.EQ.0) THEN 214 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': Open traceur.def : ok' 215 READ(90,*) nqo 216 ELSE 217 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': Using default value for nqo' 218 nqo=2 219 ENDIF 220 IF (nqo /= 2 .AND. nqo /= 3 ) THEN 221 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': nqo=',nqo, ' is not allowded. Only 2 or 3 water phases allowed' 222 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Bad number of water phases',1) 223 END IF 224 ! nbtr has been read from INCA by init_const_lmdz() in gcm.F 243 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'You must add cpp key StratAer and compile with StratAer code',1) 244 #endif 245 END SELECT 246 END DO 247 248 !--- Disable "config_inca" option for a run without INCA if it differs from "none" 249 IF (ALL(str(:) /= 'inca') .AND. config_inca /= 'none') THEN 250 CALL msg('setting config_inca="none" as you do not couple with INCA model') 251 config_inca = 'none' 252 END IF 253 254 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 255 ! 1) Get the numbers of: true tracers "nqtrue", water tracers "nqo" (vapor/liquid/solid) 256 ! (here, "true" tracers means declared tracers, first order only) 257 ! Deal with the advection scheme choice for water and tracers: 258 ! iadv = 1 "LMDZ-specific humidity transport" (for H2O vapour) LMV 259 ! iadv = 2 backward (for H2O liquid) BAK 260 ! iadv = 14 Van-Leer + specific humidity, modified by Francis Codron VLH 261 ! iadv = 10 Van-Leer (chosen for vapour and liquid water) VL1 262 ! iadv = 11 Van-Leer for hadv and PPM version (Monotonic) for vadv VLP 263 ! iadv = 12 Frederic Hourdin I FH1 264 ! iadv = 13 Frederic Hourdin II FH2 265 ! iadv = 16 Monotonic PPM (Collela & Woodward 1984) PPM 266 ! iadv = 17 Semi-monotonic PPM (overshoots allowed) PPS 267 ! iadv = 18 Definite positive PPM (overshoots and undershoots allowed) PPP 268 ! iadv = 20 Slopes SLP 269 ! iadv = 30 Prather PRA 270 ! 271 ! In array q(ij,l,iq) : iq = 1 for vapour water 272 ! iq = 2 for liquid water 273 ! [iq = 3 for ice water] 274 ! And optionaly: iq = 3[4],nqtot for other tracers 275 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 276 ! Get choice of advection scheme from file tracer.def or from INCA 277 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 278 279 IF(readTracersFiles(type_trac, fType, tracers)) CALL abort_gcm(modname,'problem with tracers file(s)',1) 280 CALL msg(fType == 0, 'WARNING: USING DEFAULT VALUES !') 281 282 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 283 SELECT CASE(fType) 284 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 285 CASE(0) !=== NO READABLE TRACERS CONFIG FILE => DEFAULT 286 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 287 IF(planet_type=='earth') THEN !--- Default for Earth 288 nqo = 2; nbtr = 2 289 tracers(:)%name = ['H2O-g','H2O-l','RN ','PB '] 290 tracers(:)%prnt = [tran0 ,tran0 ,tran0 ,tran0 ] 291 tracers(:)%igen = [1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ] 292 hadv = [14 ,10 ,10 ,10 ] 293 vadv = [14 ,10 ,10 ,10 ] 294 ELSE !--- Default for other planets 295 nqo = 0; nbtr = 1 296 tracers(:)%name = ['dummy'] 297 tracers(:)%prnt = ['dummy'] 298 tracers(:)%igen = [1 ] 299 hadv = [10 ] 300 vadv = [10 ] 301 END IF 302 nqtrue = nbtr + nqo 303 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 304 CASE(1) 305 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 306 IF(type_trac=='inca') THEN !=== OLD STYLE "traceur.def" FOR INCA FOUND 307 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 308 nqo = SIZE(tracers(:), DIM=1) 309 WRITE(msg1,'(a,i0)')'Only 2 or 3 water phases allowed ; found nqo=',nqo 310 IF(nqo/=2 .AND. nqo/=3) CALL abort_gcm(modname,TRIM(msg1),1) 225 311 #ifdef INCA 226 CALL Init_chem_inca_trac(nbtr) 227 #endif 228 nqtrue=nbtr+nqo 229 230 ALLOCATE(hadv_inca(nbtr), vadv_inca(nbtr)) 231 232 ENDIF ! type_trac 233 !>jyg 234 235 IF ((planet_type=="earth").and.(nqtrue < 2)) THEN 236 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': nqtrue=',nqtrue, ' is not allowded. 2 tracers is the minimum' 237 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Not enough tracers',1) 238 END IF 239 240 !jyg< 241 ! Transfert number of tracers to Reprobus 242 !! IF (type_trac == 'repr') THEN 243 !!#ifdef REPROBUS 244 !! CALL Init_chem_rep_trac(nbtr) 245 !!#endif 246 !! END IF 247 !>jyg 248 249 ! 250 ! Allocate variables depending on nqtrue 251 ! 252 ALLOCATE(tnom_0(nqtrue), hadv(nqtrue), vadv(nqtrue),tnom_transp(nqtrue)) 253 254 ! 255 !jyg< 256 !! ALLOCATE(conv_flg(nbtr), pbl_flg(nbtr), solsym(nbtr)) 257 !! conv_flg(:) = 1 ! convection activated for all tracers 258 !! pbl_flg(:) = 1 ! boundary layer activated for all tracers 259 !>jyg 260 261 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 262 ! 2) Choix des schemas d'advection pour l'eau et les traceurs 263 ! 264 ! iadv = 1 schema transport type "humidite specifique LMD" 265 ! iadv = 2 schema amont 266 ! iadv = 14 schema Van-leer + humidite specifique 267 ! Modif F.Codron 268 ! iadv = 10 schema Van-leer (retenu pour l'eau vapeur et liquide) 269 ! iadv = 11 schema Van-Leer pour hadv et version PPM (Monotone) pour vadv 270 ! iadv = 12 schema Frederic Hourdin I 271 ! iadv = 13 schema Frederic Hourdin II 272 ! iadv = 16 schema PPM Monotone(Collela & Woodward 1984) 273 ! iadv = 17 schema PPM Semi Monotone (overshoots autorisés) 274 ! iadv = 18 schema PPM Positif Defini (overshoots undershoots autorisés) 275 ! iadv = 20 schema Slopes 276 ! iadv = 30 schema Prather 277 ! 278 ! Dans le tableau q(ij,l,iq) : iq = 1 pour l'eau vapeur 279 ! iq = 2 pour l'eau liquide 280 ! Et eventuellement iq = 3,nqtot pour les autres traceurs 281 ! 282 ! iadv(1): choix pour l'eau vap. et iadv(2) : choix pour l'eau liq. 283 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ 284 ! 285 ! Get choice of advection schema from file tracer.def or from INCA 286 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- 287 IF (type_trac == 'lmdz' .OR. type_trac == 'repr' .OR. type_trac == 'coag' .OR. type_trac == 'co2i') THEN 288 IF(ierr.EQ.0) THEN 289 ! Continue to read tracer.def 290 DO iq=1,nqtrue 291 292 write(*,*) 'infotrac 237: iq=',iq 293 ! CRisi: ajout du nom du fluide transporteur 294 ! mais rester retro compatible 295 READ(90,'(I2,X,I2,X,A)',IOSTAT=IOstatus) hadv(iq),vadv(iq),tchaine 296 write(lunout,*) 'iq,hadv(iq),vadv(iq)=',iq,hadv(iq),vadv(iq) 297 write(lunout,*) 'tchaine=',trim(tchaine) 298 write(*,*) 'infotrac 238: IOstatus=',IOstatus 299 if ( then 300 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Pb dans la lecture de traceur.def',1) 301 endif 302 ! Y-a-t-il 1 ou 2 noms de traceurs? -> On regarde s'il y a un 303 ! espace ou pas au milieu de la chaine. 304 continu=.true. 305 nouveau_traceurdef=.false. 306 iiq=1 307 do while (continu) 308 if (tchaine(iiq:iiq).eq.' ') then 309 nouveau_traceurdef=.true. 310 continu=.false. 311 else if ( then 312 iiq=iiq+1 313 else 314 continu=.false. 315 endif 316 enddo 317 write(*,*) 'iiq,nouveau_traceurdef=',iiq,nouveau_traceurdef 318 if (nouveau_traceurdef) then 319 write(lunout,*) 'C''est la nouvelle version de traceur.def' 320 tnom_0(iq)=tchaine(1:iiq-1) 321 tnom_transp(iq)=tchaine(iiq+1:15) 322 else 323 write(lunout,*) 'C''est l''ancienne version de traceur.def' 324 write(lunout,*) 'On suppose que les traceurs sont tous d''air' 325 tnom_0(iq)=tchaine 326 tnom_transp(iq) = 'air' 327 endif 328 write(lunout,*) 'tnom_0(iq)=<',trim(tnom_0(iq)),'>' 329 write(lunout,*) 'tnom_transp(iq)=<',trim(tnom_transp(iq)),'>' 330 331 END DO !DO iq=1,nqtrue 332 CLOSE(90) 333 334 ELSE ! Without tracer.def, set default values 335 if (planet_type=="earth") then 336 ! for Earth, default is to have 4 tracers 337 hadv(1) = 14 338 vadv(1) = 14 339 tnom_0(1) = 'H2Ov' 340 tnom_transp(1) = 'air' 341 hadv(2) = 10 342 vadv(2) = 10 343 tnom_0(2) = 'H2Ol' 344 tnom_transp(2) = 'air' 345 hadv(3) = 10 346 vadv(3) = 10 347 tnom_0(3) = 'RN' 348 tnom_transp(3) = 'air' 349 hadv(4) = 10 350 vadv(4) = 10 351 tnom_0(4) = 'PB' 352 tnom_transp(4) = 'air' 353 else ! default for other planets 354 hadv(1) = 10 355 vadv(1) = 10 356 tnom_0(1) = 'dummy' 357 tnom_transp(1) = 'dummy' 358 endif ! of if (planet_type=="earth") 359 END IF 360 361 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': Valeur de traceur.def :' 362 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': nombre de traceurs ',nqtrue 363 DO iq=1,nqtrue 364 WRITE(lunout,*) hadv(iq),vadv(iq),tnom_0(iq),tnom_transp(iq) 365 END DO 366 367 IF ( planet_type=='earth') THEN 368 !CR: nombre de traceurs de l eau 369 IF (tnom_0(3) == 'H2Oi') THEN 370 nqo=3 371 ELSE 372 nqo=2 373 ENDIF 374 ! For Earth, water vapour & liquid tracers are not in the physics 375 nbtr=nqtrue-nqo 376 ELSE 377 ! Other planets (for now); we have the same number of tracers 378 ! in the dynamics than in the physics 379 nbtr=nqtrue 380 ENDIF 312 CALL Init_chem_inca_trac(nbtr) !--- Get nbtr from INCA 313 #endif 314 ALLOCATE(hadv_inca(nbtr), vadv_inca(nbtr), conv_flg(nbtr), pbl_flg(nbtr), solsym(nbtr)) 315 #ifdef INCA 316 !--- Activation of: Convection, Boundary layer 317 CALL init_transport(hadv_inca, vadv_inca, conv_flg, pbl_flg, solsym) 318 #endif 319 nqtrue = nbtr + nqo !--- Total number of tracers 320 ALLOCATE(ttr(nqtrue)); ttr(1:nqo) = tracers(1:nqo) 321 DO iq = nqo+1, nqtrue 322 ttr(iq)%name = solsym(iq) 323 ttr(iq)%prnt = tran0 324 ttr(iq)%igen = 1 325 hadv = hadv_inca(iq-nqo) 326 vadv = vadv_inca(iq-nqo) 327 END DO 328 CALL MOVE_ALLOC(FROM=ttr, TO=tracers) 329 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 330 ELSE !=== OLD STYLE "traceur.def" CONFIG FILE FOUND 331 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 332 nqo = 0 333 DO ip = 1, SIZE(oldH2O) 334 ix = strIdx(tracers(:)%name,oldH2O(ip)) !--- Old name of water in a specific phase (ix/=0) 335 IF(ix == 0) CYCLE 336 newH2O = 'H2O-'//known_phases(ip:ip) !--- Corresponding new name 337 nqo = nqo+1; tracers(ix)%name = newH2O !--- One more water phase ; replace old name with one 338 tracers(strFind(tracers(:)%nam1,oldH2O(ip)))%nam1 = newH2O 339 tracers(strFind(tracers(:)%prnt,oldH2O(ip)))%prnt = newH2O 340 END DO 341 nqtrue = SIZE(tracers,DIM=1) 342 nbtr = nqtrue - nqo 343 END IF 344 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 345 CASE DEFAULT !=== FOUND NEW STYLE TRACERS CONFIG FILE(S) 346 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 347 nqo = 2; IF(ANY(tracers(:)%name == 'H2O-s')) nqo=3 348 nqtrue = SIZE(tracers, DIM=1) 349 nbtr = nqtrue - nqo 350 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 351 END SELECT 352 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 353 CALL getKey_init(tracers) 354 IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(hadv)) lerr = getKey('hadv', hadv) 355 IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(vadv)) lerr = getKey('vadv', vadv) 356 IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(solsym)) ALLOCATE(solsym(nbtr)) 357 IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(conv_flg)) conv_flg = [(1, it=1, nbtr)] 358 IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED( pbl_flg)) pbl_flg = [(1, it=1, nbtr)] 381 359 382 360 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 383 IF (type_trac == 'coag') THEN 384 nbtr_bin=0 385 nbtr_sulgas=0 386 DO iq=1,nqtrue 387 IF (tnom_0(iq)(1:3)=='BIN') THEN !check if tracer name contains 'BIN' 388 nbtr_bin=nbtr_bin+1 389 ENDIF 390 IF (tnom_0(iq)(1:3)=='GAS') THEN !check if tracer name contains 'GAS' 391 nbtr_sulgas=nbtr_sulgas+1 392 ENDIF 393 ENDDO 394 print*,'nbtr_bin=',nbtr_bin 395 print*,'nbtr_sulgas=',nbtr_sulgas 396 DO iq=1,nqtrue 397 IF (tnom_0(iq)=='GASOCS') THEN 398 id_OCS_strat=iq-nqo 399 ENDIF 400 IF (tnom_0(iq)=='GASSO2') THEN 401 id_SO2_strat=iq-nqo 402 ENDIF 403 IF (tnom_0(iq)=='GASH2SO4') THEN 404 id_H2SO4_strat=iq-nqo 405 ENDIF 406 IF (tnom_0(iq)=='BIN01') THEN 407 id_BIN01_strat=iq-nqo 408 ENDIF 409 IF (tnom_0(iq)=='GASTEST') THEN 410 id_TEST_strat=iq-nqo 411 ENDIF 412 ENDDO 413 print*,'id_OCS_strat =',id_OCS_strat 414 print*,'id_SO2_strat =',id_SO2_strat 415 print*,'id_H2SO4_strat=',id_H2SO4_strat 416 print*,'id_BIN01_strat=',id_BIN01_strat 417 ENDIF 418 #endif 419 420 ENDIF ! (type_trac == 'lmdz' .OR. type_trac == 'repr' .OR. type_trac = 'coag') 421 !jyg< 422 ! 423 ! Transfert number of tracers to Reprobus 424 IF (type_trac == 'repr') THEN 361 IF (type_trac == 'coag') THEN 362 nbtr_bin=0 363 nbtr_sulgas=0 364 DO iq = 1, nqtrue 365 IF(tracers(iq)%name(1:3)=='BIN') nbtr_bin = nbtr_bin +1 366 IF(tracers(iq)%name(1:3)=='GAS') nbtr_sulgas = nbtr_sulgas+1 367 SELECT CASE(tracers(iq)%name) 368 CASE('BIN01'); id_BIN01_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_BIN01_strat=', id_BIN01_strat) 369 CASE('GASOCS'); id_OCS_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_OCS_strat =', id_OCS_strat) 370 CASE('GASSO2'); id_SO2_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_SO2_strat =', id_SO2_strat) 371 CASE('GASH2SO4'); id_H2SO4_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_H2SO4_strat=', id_H2SO4_strat) 372 CASE('GASTEST'); id_TEST_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_TEST_strat=' , id_TEST_strat) 373 END SELECT 374 END DO 375 CALL msg('nbtr_bin =',nbtr_bin) 376 CALL msg('nbtr_sulgas =',nbtr_sulgas) 377 END IF 378 #endif 379 380 !--- Transfert number of tracers to Reprobus 425 381 #ifdef REPROBUS 426 CALL Init_chem_rep_trac(nbtr,nqo,tnom_0) 427 #endif 428 END IF 429 ! 430 ! Allocate variables depending on nbtr 431 ! 432 ALLOCATE(conv_flg(nbtr), pbl_flg(nbtr), solsym(nbtr)) 433 conv_flg(:) = 1 ! convection activated for all tracers 434 pbl_flg(:) = 1 ! boundary layer activated for all tracers 435 ! 436 !! ELSE ! type_trac=inca : config_inca='aero' ou 'chem' 437 ! 438 IF (type_trac == 'inca') THEN ! config_inca='aero' ou 'chem' 439 !>jyg 440 ! le module de chimie fournit les noms des traceurs 441 ! et les schemas d'advection associes. excepte pour ceux lus 442 ! dans traceur.def 443 IF (ierr .eq. 0) then 444 DO iq=1,nqo 445 446 write(*,*) 'infotrac 237: iq=',iq 447 ! CRisi: ajout du nom du fluide transporteur 448 ! mais rester retro compatible 449 READ(90,'(I2,X,I2,X,A)',IOSTAT=IOstatus) hadv(iq),vadv(iq),tchaine 450 write(lunout,*) 'iq,hadv(iq),vadv(iq)=',iq,hadv(iq),vadv(iq) 451 write(lunout,*) 'tchaine=',trim(tchaine) 452 write(*,*) 'infotrac 238: IOstatus=',IOstatus 453 if ( then 454 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Pb dans la lecture de traceur.def',1) 455 endif 456 ! Y-a-t-il 1 ou 2 noms de traceurs? -> On regarde s'il y a un 457 ! espace ou pas au milieu de la chaine. 458 continu=.true. 459 nouveau_traceurdef=.false. 460 iiq=1 461 do while (continu) 462 if (tchaine(iiq:iiq).eq.' ') then 463 nouveau_traceurdef=.true. 464 continu=.false. 465 else if ( then 466 iiq=iiq+1 467 else 468 continu=.false. 469 endif 470 enddo 471 write(*,*) 'iiq,nouveau_traceurdef=',iiq,nouveau_traceurdef 472 if (nouveau_traceurdef) then 473 write(lunout,*) 'C''est la nouvelle version de traceur.def' 474 tnom_0(iq)=tchaine(1:iiq-1) 475 tnom_transp(iq)=tchaine(iiq+1:15) 476 else 477 write(lunout,*) 'C''est l''ancienne version de traceur.def' 478 write(lunout,*) 'On suppose que les traceurs sont tous d''air' 479 tnom_0(iq)=tchaine 480 tnom_transp(iq) = 'air' 481 endif 482 write(lunout,*) 'tnom_0(iq)=<',trim(tnom_0(iq)),'>' 483 write(lunout,*) 'tnom_transp(iq)=<',trim(tnom_transp(iq)),'>' 484 485 END DO !DO iq=1,nqtrue 486 CLOSE(90) 487 ELSE !! if traceur.def doesn't exist 488 tnom_0(1)='H2Ov' 489 tnom_transp(1) = 'air' 490 tnom_0(2)='H2Ol' 491 tnom_transp(2) = 'air' 492 hadv(1) = 10 493 hadv(2) = 10 494 vadv(1) = 10 495 vadv(2) = 10 496 ENDIF 497 498 #ifdef INCA 499 CALL init_transport( & 500 hadv_inca, & 501 vadv_inca, & 502 conv_flg, & 503 pbl_flg, & 504 solsym) 505 #endif 506 507 508 !jyg< 509 DO iq = nqo+1, nqtrue 510 hadv(iq) = hadv_inca(iq-nqo) 511 vadv(iq) = vadv_inca(iq-nqo) 512 tnom_0(iq)=solsym(iq-nqo) 513 tnom_transp(iq) = 'air' 514 END DO 515 516 END IF ! (type_trac == 'inca') 517 518 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 519 ! 520 ! 3) Verify if advection schema 20 or 30 choosen 382 IF(type_trac == 'repr') CALL Init_chem_rep_trac(nbtr,nqo,tracers(:)%name) 383 #endif 384 385 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 386 ! 2) Verify if the advection scheme 20 or 30 have been chosen. 521 387 ! Calculate total number of tracers needed: nqtot 522 388 ! Allocate variables depending on total number of tracers 523 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 524 new_iq=0 525 DO iq=1,nqtrue 526 ! Add tracers for certain advection schema 527 IF (hadv(iq)<20 .AND. vadv(iq)<20 ) THEN 528 new_iq=new_iq+1 ! no tracers added 529 ELSE IF (hadv(iq)==20 .AND. vadv(iq)==20 ) THEN 530 new_iq=new_iq+4 ! 3 tracers added 531 ELSE IF (hadv(iq)==30 .AND. vadv(iq)==30 ) THEN 532 new_iq=new_iq+10 ! 9 tracers added 533 ELSE 534 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': This choice of advection schema is not available',iq,hadv(iq),vadv(iq) 535 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Bad choice of advection schema - 1',1) 536 END IF 389 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 390 DO iq = 1, nqtrue 391 t1 => tracers(iq) 392 IF( hadv(iq)<20 .OR. (ANY(hadv(iq)==[20,30]) .AND. hadv(iq)==vadv(iq)) ) CYCLE 393 WRITE(msg1,'(2(a,i0))')' is not available: hadv=',hadv(iq),', vadv=',vadv(iq) 394 CALL msg('This choice of advection scheme for "'//TRIM(t1%name)//'"'//TRIM(msg1)) 395 CALL abort_gcm(modname,'Bad choice of advection scheme',1) 396 END DO 397 nqtot = COUNT( hadv< 20 .AND. vadv< 20 ) & !--- No additional tracer 398 + 4*COUNT( hadv==20 .AND. vadv==20 ) & !--- 3 additional tracers 399 + 10*COUNT( hadv==30 .AND. vadv==30 ) !--- 9 additional tracers 400 401 ! More tracers due to the choice of advection scheme => assign total number of tracers 402 IF( nqtot /= nqtrue ) THEN 403 CALL msg('The choice of advection scheme for one or more tracers makes it necessary to add tracers') 404 CALL msg('The number of true tracers is '//TRIM(int2str(nqtrue))) 405 CALL msg('The total number of tracers needed is '//TRIM(int2str(nqtot))) 406 END IF 407 ALLOCATE(ttr(nqtot)) 408 409 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 410 ! 3) Determine iadv, long and short name, generation number, phase and region 411 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 412 jq = 0; ttr(:)%iadv = -1 413 DO iq = 1, nqtrue 414 jq = jq + 1 415 t1 => tracers(iq) 416 417 !--- Verify choice of advection schema 418 iad = -1 419 IF(hadv(iq) == vadv(iq) ) iad = hadv(iq) 420 IF(hadv(iq)==10 .AND. vadv(iq)==16) iad = 11 421 CALL msg(iad == -1, 'This choice of advection scheme for "'//TRIM(t1%name)//'" '//'is not available: hadv = ' & 422 //TRIM(int2str(hadv(iq)))//', vadv='//TRIM(int2str(vadv(iq))) ) 423 IF(iad == -1) CALL abort_gcm(modname,'Bad choice of advection scheme - 2',1) 424 t1%lnam = t1%name; IF(iad /= 0) t1%lnam=TRIM(t1%name)//descrq(iad) 425 426 !--- Defining most fields of the tracer derived type 427 ttr(jq)%name = t1%name 428 ttr(jq)%nam1 = t1%nam1 429 ttr(jq)%prnt = t1%prnt 430 ttr(jq)%lnam = t1%lnam 431 ttr(jq)%type = t1%type 432 ttr(jq)%phas = t1%phas 433 ttr(jq)%iadv = iad 434 ttr(jq)%igen = t1%igen 435 436 IF(ALL([20,30] /= iad)) CYCLE !--- 1st order scheme: finished 437 IF(iad == 20) nm = 3 !--- 2nd order scheme 438 IF(iad == 30) nm = 9 !--- 3rd order scheme 439 ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%name = [ (TRIM(t1%name)//'-'//TRIM(suff(im)), im=1, nm) ] 440 ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%nam1 = [ (TRIM(t1%nam1)//'-'//TRIM(suff(im)), im=1, nm) ] 441 ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%lnam = [ (TRIM(t1%lnam)//'-'//TRIM(suff(im)), im=1, nm) ] 442 ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%prnt = t1%prnt 443 ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%type = t1%type 444 ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%phas = t1%phas 445 ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%iadv = -iad 446 ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%igen = t1%igen 447 jq = jq + nm 448 END DO 449 DEALLOCATE(hadv, vadv) 450 451 !--- Determine parent and childs indexes 452 CALL indexUpdate(ttr) 453 454 !=== TEST ADVECTION SCHEME 455 DO iq=1,nqtot ; t1 => ttr(iq); iad = t1%iadv 456 WRITE(msg1,'(a,i0)')'This LMDZ version has not been tested for option iadv=',iad 457 WRITE(msg2,'(a,i2,a)')'iadv=',iad,' not implemented yet for' 458 459 !--- ONLY TESTED VALUES FOR TRACERS FOR NOW: iadv = 14, 10 (and 0) 460 IF(ALL( [10,14,0] /= iad) ) CALL abort_gcm(modname, TRIM(msg1)//' ; only iadv=10 and iadv=14 are tested !', 1) 461 462 !--- ONLY TESTED VALUES FOR CHILDS FOR NOW: iadv = 10 (CHILDS: TRACERS OF GENERATION GREATER THAN 1) 463 IF(fmsg(iad/=10.AND.t1%igen>1,'WARNING ! '//TRIM(msg2)//' childs. Setting iadv=10 for "'//TRIM(t1%name)//'".')) t1%iadv=10 464 465 !--- ONLY TESTED VALUES FOR PARENTS FOR NOW: iadv = 14, 10 (PARENTS: TRACERS OF GENERATION 1) 466 IF(t1%igen==1 .AND. ALL([10,14]/=iad)) CALL abort_gcm(modname, TRIM(msg2)//' parents: schemes 10 or 14 only !', 1) 467 468 !--- iadv = 14 IS ONLY VALID FOR WATER VAPOUR 469 IF(fmsg(iad==14 .AND. t1%name(1:5)/='H2O-g', 'WARNING ! '//TRIM(msg1)//', found for "' & 470 //TRIM(t1%name)//'" but only valid for water vapour ! Setting iadv=10 for "'//TRIM(t1%name)//'".')) t1%iadv=10 471 END DO 472 473 !=== DISPLAY THE RESULTING LIST 474 CALL msg('Information stored in infotrac :') 475 IF(dispTable('isssiii', ['iq ','name ','long name','parent ','iadv ','ipar ','igen '], & 476 cat(ttr(:)%name, ttr(:)%lnam, ttr(:)%prnt), cat([(iq, iq=1, nqtot)], ttr(:)%iadv, ttr(:)%iprnt, ttr(:)%igen))) & 477 CALL abort_gcm(modname,"problem with the tracers table content",1) 478 479 CALL MOVE_ALLOC(FROM=ttr, TO=tracers) 480 t => tracers 481 482 !=== VARIABLES RELATED TO GENERATIONS 483 niadv = PACK( [(iq,iq=1,nqtot)], MASK=t(:)%iadv>=0) !--- Indexes of "true" tracers 484 485 p = PACK(delPhase(t%prnt),MASK=t%type=='tracer'.AND.t%igen==2)!--- Parents of 2nd generation isotopes 486 CALL strReduce(p, nbIso) 487 ALLOCATE(isotopes(nbIso)) 488 489 IF(nbIso==0) RETURN !=== NO ISOTOPES: FINISHED 490 491 CALL msg('Isotopes families required: '//strStack(p)) 492 493 !--- ISOTOPES RELATED VARIABLES ; NULL OR EMPTY IF NO ISOTOPES 494 isotopes(:)%prnt = p 495 DO ip = 1, SIZE(p) !--- Loop on isotopes categories 496 s => isotopes(ip) 497 iname = s%prnt 498 499 !=== Geographic tagging tracers descending on tracer "iname": mask, names, number 500 lisoZone = t(:)%type=='tag' .AND. delPhase(t(:)%nam1) == iname .AND. t(:)%igen == 3 501 s%zone = PACK(strTail(t(:)%name,'_'), MASK = lisoZone) !--- Tagging zones names for isotopes category "iname" 502 CALL strReduce(s%zone) 503 s%nzon = SIZE(s%zone) !--- Tagging zones number for isotopes category "iname" 504 505 !=== Isotopes childs of tracer "iname": mask, names, number (same for each phase of "iname") 506 lisoName = t(:)%type=='tracer' .AND. delPhase(t(:)%prnt) == iname .AND. t(:)%phas == 'g' 507 ALLOCATE(s%keys(COUNT(lisoName))) 508 s%keys(:)%name = PACK(delPhase(t(:)%name), MASK = lisoName) !--- Effectively found isotopes of "iname" 509 s%niso = SIZE(s%keys) !--- Number of "effectively found isotopes of "iname" 510 s%trac = [s%keys%name, ((TRIM(s%keys(it)%name)//'_'//TRIM(s%zone(iz)), it=1, s%niso), iz=1, s%nzon)] 511 s%nitr = SIZE(s%trac) !--- " + their geographic tracers [ntraciso] 512 513 !=== Phases for tracer "iname" 514 s%phas = '' 515 DO ix = 1, nphases; IF(strIdx(t%name,addPhase(iname, known_phases(ix:ix))) /= 0) s%phas = TRIM(s%phas)//ph; END DO 516 s%npha = LEN_TRIM(s%phas) !--- Equal to "nqo" for water 517 518 !=== Tables giving the index in a table of effectively found items for each dynamical tracer (1<=iq<=nqtot) 519 DO iq = 1, nqtot 520 t1 => tracers(iq) 521 IF(t1%nam1 /= iname) CYCLE !--- Only deal with tracers descending on "iname" 522 t1%iso_igr = ip !--- Index of isotopes family in list "isotopes(:)%prnt" 523 t1%iso_num = strIdx(s%trac, delPhase(strHead(t1%name,'_')))!--- Index of current isotope in effective isotopes list 524 t1%iso_zon = strIdx(s%zone, strTail(t1%name,'_') )!--- Index of current isotope zone in effective zones list 525 t1%iso_pha = INDEX(s%phas,TRIM(t1%phas)) !--- Index of current isotope phase in effective phases list 526 IF(t1%igen /= 3) t1%iso_zon = 0 !--- Skip possible generation 2 tagging tracers 537 527 END DO 538 539 IF (new_iq /= nqtrue) THEN 540 ! The choice of advection schema imposes more tracers 541 ! Assigne total number of tracers 542 nqtot = new_iq 543 544 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': The choice of advection schema for one or more tracers' 545 WRITE(lunout,*) 'makes it necessary to add tracers' 546 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname)//': ',nqtrue,' is the number of true tracers' 547 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname)//': ',nqtot, ' is the total number of tracers needed' 548 549 ELSE 550 ! The true number of tracers is also the total number 551 nqtot = nqtrue 552 END IF 553 554 ! 555 ! Allocate variables with total number of tracers, nqtot 556 ! 557 ALLOCATE(tname(nqtot), ttext(nqtot)) 558 ALLOCATE(iadv(nqtot), niadv(nqtot)) 559 560 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 561 ! 562 ! 4) Determine iadv, long and short name 563 ! 564 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 565 new_iq=0 566 DO iq=1,nqtrue 567 new_iq=new_iq+1 568 569 ! Verify choice of advection schema 570 IF (hadv(iq)==vadv(iq)) THEN 571 iadv(new_iq)=hadv(iq) 572 ELSE IF (hadv(iq)==10 .AND. vadv(iq)==16) THEN 573 iadv(new_iq)=11 574 ELSE 575 WRITE(lunout,*)trim(modname),': This choice of advection schema is not available',iq,hadv(iq),vadv(iq) 576 577 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Bad choice of advection schema - 2',1) 578 END IF 579 580 str1=tnom_0(iq) 581 tname(new_iq)= tnom_0(iq) 582 IF (iadv(new_iq)==0) THEN 583 ttext(new_iq)=trim(str1) 584 ELSE 585 ttext(new_iq)=trim(tnom_0(iq))//descrq(iadv(new_iq)) 586 END IF 587 588 ! schemas tenant compte des moments d'ordre superieur 589 str2=ttext(new_iq) 590 IF (iadv(new_iq)==20) THEN 591 DO jq=1,3 592 new_iq=new_iq+1 593 iadv(new_iq)=-20 594 ttext(new_iq)=trim(str2)//txts(jq) 595 tname(new_iq)=trim(str1)//txts(jq) 596 END DO 597 ELSE IF (iadv(new_iq)==30) THEN 598 DO jq=1,9 599 new_iq=new_iq+1 600 iadv(new_iq)=-30 601 ttext(new_iq)=trim(str2)//txtp(jq) 602 tname(new_iq)=trim(str1)//txtp(jq) 603 END DO 604 END IF 605 END DO 606 607 ! 608 ! Find vector keeping the correspodence between true and total tracers 609 ! 610 niadv(:)=0 611 iiq=0 612 DO iq=1,nqtot 613 IF(iadv(iq).GE.0) THEN 614 ! True tracer 615 iiq=iiq+1 616 niadv(iiq)=iq 617 ENDIF 618 END DO 619 620 621 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': Information stored in infotrac :' 622 WRITE(lunout,*) trim(modname),': iadv niadv tname ttext :' 623 DO iq=1,nqtot 624 WRITE(lunout,*) iadv(iq),niadv(iq),& 625 ' ',trim(tname(iq)),' ',trim(ttext(iq)) 626 END DO 627 628 ! 629 ! Test for advection schema. 630 ! This version of LMDZ only garantees iadv=10 and iadv=14 (14 only for water vapour) . 631 ! 632 DO iq=1,nqtot 633 IF (iadv(iq)/=10 .AND. iadv(iq)/=14 .AND. iadv(iq)/=0) THEN 634 WRITE(lunout,*)trim(modname),' STOP : The option iadv=',iadv(iq),' is not tested in this version of LMDZ' 635 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','In this version only iadv=10 and iadv=14 is tested!',1) 636 ELSE IF (iadv(iq)==14 .AND. iq/=1) THEN 637 WRITE(lunout,*)trim(modname),'STOP : The option iadv=',iadv(iq),' is not tested in this version of LMDZ' 638 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','In this version iadv=14 is only permitted for water vapour!',1) 639 END IF 640 END DO 641 642 643 ! CRisi: quels sont les traceurs fils et les traceurs pères. 644 ! initialiser tous les tableaux d'indices liés aux traceurs familiaux 645 ! + vérifier que tous les pères sont écrits en premières positions 646 ALLOCATE(nqfils(nqtot),nqdesc(nqtot)) 647 ALLOCATE(iqfils(nqtot,nqtot)) 648 ALLOCATE(iqpere(nqtot)) 649 nqperes=0 650 nqfils(:)=0 651 nqdesc(:)=0 652 iqfils(:,:)=0 653 iqpere(:)=0 654 nqdesc_tot=0 655 DO iq=1,nqtot 656 if (tnom_transp(iq) == 'air') then 657 ! ceci est un traceur père 658 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Le traceur',iq,', appele ',trim(tnom_0(iq)),', est un pere' 659 nqperes=nqperes+1 660 iqpere(iq)=0 661 else !if (tnom_transp(iq) == 'air') then 662 ! ceci est un fils. Qui est son père? 663 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Le traceur',iq,', appele ',trim(tnom_0(iq)),', est un fils' 664 continu=.true. 665 ipere=1 666 do while (continu) 667 if (tnom_transp(iq) == tnom_0(ipere)) then 668 ! Son père est ipere 669 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Le traceur',iq,'appele ', & 670 & trim(tnom_0(iq)),' est le fils de ',ipere,'appele ',trim(tnom_0(ipere)) 671 nqfils(ipere)=nqfils(ipere)+1 672 iqfils(nqfils(ipere),ipere)=iq 673 iqpere(iq)=ipere 674 continu=.false. 675 else !if (tnom_transp(iq) == tnom_0(ipere)) then 676 ipere=ipere+1 677 if ( then 678 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Le traceur',iq,'appele ', & 679 & trim(tnom_0(iq)),', est orphelin.' 680 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Un traceur est orphelin',1) 681 endif !if ( then 682 endif !if (tnom_transp(iq) == tnom_0(ipere)) then 683 enddo !do while (continu) 684 endif !if (tnom_transp(iq) == 'air') then 685 enddo !DO iq=1,nqtot 686 WRITE(lunout,*) 'infotrac: nqperes=',nqperes 687 WRITE(lunout,*) 'nqfils=',nqfils 688 WRITE(lunout,*) 'iqpere=',iqpere 689 WRITE(lunout,*) 'iqfils=',iqfils 690 691 ! Calculer le nombre de descendants à partir de iqfils et de nbfils 692 DO iq=1,nqtot 693 generation=0 694 continu=.true. 695 ifils=iq 696 do while (continu) 697 ipere=iqpere(ifils) 698 if ( then 699 nqdesc(ipere)=nqdesc(ipere)+1 700 nqdesc_tot=nqdesc_tot+1 701 iqfils(nqdesc(ipere),ipere)=iq 702 ifils=ipere 703 generation=generation+1 704 else !if ( then 705 continu=.false. 706 endif !if ( then 707 enddo !do while (continu) 708 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Le traceur ',iq,', appele ',trim(tnom_0(iq)),' est un traceur de generation: ',generation 709 enddo !DO iq=1,nqtot 710 WRITE(lunout,*) 'infotrac: nqdesc=',nqdesc 711 WRITE(lunout,*) 'iqfils=',iqfils 712 WRITE(lunout,*) 'nqdesc_tot=',nqdesc_tot 713 714 ! Interdire autres schémas que 10 pour les traceurs fils, et autres schémas 715 ! que 10 et 14 si des pères ont des fils 716 do iq=1,nqtot 717 if (iqpere(iq).gt.0) then 718 ! ce traceur a un père qui n'est pas l'air 719 ! Seul le schéma 10 est autorisé 720 if (iadv(iq)/=10) then 721 WRITE(lunout,*)trim(modname),' STOP : The option iadv=',iadv(iq),' is not implemented for sons' 722 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Sons should be advected by scheme 10',1) 723 endif 724 ! Le traceur père ne peut être advecté que par schéma 10 ou 14: 725 IF (iadv(iqpere(iq))/=10 .AND. iadv(iqpere(iq))/=14) THEN 726 WRITE(lunout,*)trim(modname),' STOP : The option iadv=',iadv(iq),' is not implemented for fathers' 727 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Fathers should be advected by scheme 10 ou 14',1) 728 endif !IF (iadv(iqpere(iq))/=10 .AND. iadv(iqpere(iq))/=14) THEN 729 endif !if (iqpere(iq).gt.0) the 730 enddo !do iq=1,nqtot 731 732 WRITE(lunout,*) 'infotrac init fin' 733 734 ! detecter quels sont les traceurs isotopiques parmi des traceurs 735 call infotrac_isoinit(tnom_0,nqtrue) 736 737 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 738 ! Finalize : 739 ! 740 DEALLOCATE(tnom_0, hadv, vadv,tnom_transp) 741 742 743 END SUBROUTINE infotrac_init 744 745 SUBROUTINE infotrac_isoinit(tnom_0,nqtrue) 746 747 #ifdef CPP_IOIPSL 748 use IOIPSL 749 #else 750 ! if not using IOIPSL, we still need to use (a local version of) getin 751 use ioipsl_getincom 752 #endif 753 implicit none 754 755 ! inputs 756 INTEGER nqtrue 757 CHARACTER(len=15) tnom_0(nqtrue) 758 759 ! locals 760 CHARACTER(len=3), DIMENSION(niso_possibles) :: tnom_iso 761 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:) :: nb_iso,nb_traciso 762 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: nb_isoind 763 INTEGER :: ntraceurs_zone_prec,iq,phase,ixt,iiso,izone 764 CHARACTER(len=19) :: tnom_trac 765 INCLUDE "iniprint.h" 766 767 tnom_iso=(/'eau','HDO','O18','O17','HTO'/) 768 769 ALLOCATE(nb_iso(niso_possibles,nqo)) 770 ALLOCATE(nb_isoind(nqo)) 771 ALLOCATE(nb_traciso(niso_possibles,nqo)) 772 ALLOCATE(iso_num(nqtot)) 773 ALLOCATE(iso_indnum(nqtot)) 774 ALLOCATE(zone_num(nqtot)) 775 ALLOCATE(phase_num(nqtot)) 776 777 iso_num(:)=0 778 iso_indnum(:)=0 779 zone_num(:)=0 780 phase_num(:)=0 781 indnum_fn_num(:)=0 782 use_iso(:)=.false. 783 nb_iso(:,:)=0 784 nb_isoind(:)=0 785 nb_traciso(:,:)=0 786 niso=0 787 ntraceurs_zone=0 788 ntraceurs_zone_prec=0 789 ntraciso=0 790 791 do iq=nqo+1,nqtot 792 ! write(lunout,*) 'infotrac 569: iq,tnom_0(iq)=',iq,tnom_0(iq) 793 do phase=1,nqo 794 do ixt= 1,niso_possibles 795 tnom_trac=trim(tnom_0(phase))//'_' 796 tnom_trac=trim(tnom_trac)//trim(tnom_iso(ixt)) 797 ! write(*,*) 'phase,ixt,tnom_trac=',phase,ixt,tnom_trac 798 IF (tnom_0(iq) == tnom_trac) then 799 ! write(lunout,*) 'Ce traceur est un isotope' 800 nb_iso(ixt,phase)=nb_iso(ixt,phase)+1 801 nb_isoind(phase)=nb_isoind(phase)+1 802 iso_num(iq)=ixt 803 iso_indnum(iq)=nb_isoind(phase) 804 indnum_fn_num(ixt)=iso_indnum(iq) 805 phase_num(iq)=phase 806 ! write(lunout,*) 'iso_num(iq)=',iso_num(iq) 807 ! write(lunout,*) 'iso_indnum(iq)=',iso_indnum(iq) 808 ! write(lunout,*) 'indnum_fn_num(ixt)=',indnum_fn_num(ixt) 809 ! write(lunout,*) 'phase_num(iq)=',phase_num(iq) 810 goto 20 811 else if (iqpere(iq).gt.0) then 812 if (tnom_0(iqpere(iq)) == tnom_trac) then 813 ! write(lunout,*) 'Ce traceur est le fils d''un isotope' 814 ! c'est un traceur d'isotope 815 nb_traciso(ixt,phase)=nb_traciso(ixt,phase)+1 816 iso_num(iq)=ixt 817 iso_indnum(iq)=indnum_fn_num(ixt) 818 zone_num(iq)=nb_traciso(ixt,phase) 819 phase_num(iq)=phase 820 ! write(lunout,*) 'iso_num(iq)=',iso_num(iq) 821 ! write(lunout,*) 'phase_num(iq)=',phase_num(iq) 822 ! write(lunout,*) 'zone_num(iq)=',zone_num(iq) 823 goto 20 824 endif !if (tnom_0(iqpere(iq)) == trim(tnom_0(phase))//trim(tnom_iso(ixt))) then 825 endif !IF (tnom_0(iq) == trim(tnom_0(phase))//trim(tnom_iso(ixt))) then 826 enddo !do ixt= niso_possibles 827 enddo !do phase=1,nqo 828 20 continue 829 enddo !do iq=1,nqtot 830 831 ! write(lunout,*) 'iso_num=',iso_num 832 ! write(lunout,*) 'iso_indnum=',iso_indnum 833 ! write(lunout,*) 'zone_num=',zone_num 834 ! write(lunout,*) 'phase_num=',phase_num 835 ! write(lunout,*) 'indnum_fn_num=',indnum_fn_num 836 837 do ixt= 1,niso_possibles 838 839 if (nb_iso(ixt,1).eq.1) then 840 ! on vérifie que toutes les phases ont le même nombre de 841 ! traceurs 842 do phase=2,nqo 843 if (nb_iso(ixt,phase).ne.nb_iso(ixt,1)) then 844 ! write(lunout,*) 'ixt,phase,nb_iso=',ixt,phase,nb_iso(ixt,phase) 845 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Phases must have same number of isotopes',1) 846 endif 847 enddo !do phase=2,nqo 848 849 niso=niso+1 850 use_iso(ixt)=.true. 851 ntraceurs_zone=nb_traciso(ixt,1) 852 853 ! on vérifie que toutes les phases ont le même nombre de 854 ! traceurs 855 do phase=2,nqo 856 if (nb_traciso(ixt,phase).ne.ntraceurs_zone) then 857 write(lunout,*) 'ixt,phase,nb_traciso=',ixt,phase,nb_traciso(ixt,phase) 858 write(lunout,*) 'ntraceurs_zone=',ntraceurs_zone 859 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Phases must have same number of tracers',1) 860 endif 861 enddo !do phase=2,nqo 862 ! on vérifie que tous les isotopes ont le même nombre de 863 ! traceurs 864 if ( then 865 if (ntraceurs_zone.eq.ntraceurs_zone_prec) then 866 ntraceurs_zone_prec=ntraceurs_zone 867 else !if (ntraceurs_zone.eq.ntraceurs_zone_prec) then 868 write(*,*) 'ntraceurs_zone_prec,ntraceurs_zone=',ntraceurs_zone_prec,ntraceurs_zone 869 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init', & 870 &'Isotope tracers are not well defined in traceur.def',1) 871 endif !if (ntraceurs_zone.eq.ntraceurs_zone_prec) then 872 endif !if ( then 873 874 else if (nb_iso(ixt,1).ne.0) then 875 WRITE(lunout,*) 'nqo,ixt=',nqo,ixt 876 WRITE(lunout,*) 'nb_iso(ixt,1)=',nb_iso(ixt,1) 877 CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Isotopes are not well defined in traceur.def',1) 878 endif !if (nb_iso(ixt,1).eq.1) then 879 enddo ! do ixt= niso_possibles 880 881 ! dimensions isotopique: 882 ntraciso=niso*(ntraceurs_zone+1) 883 ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'niso=',niso 884 ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'ntraceurs_zone,ntraciso=',ntraceurs_zone,ntraciso 885 886 ! flags isotopiques: 887 if ( then 888 ok_isotopes=.true. 889 else 890 ok_isotopes=.false. 891 endif 892 ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'ok_isotopes=',ok_isotopes 893 894 if (ok_isotopes) then 895 ok_iso_verif=.false. 896 call getin('ok_iso_verif',ok_iso_verif) 897 ok_init_iso=.false. 898 call getin('ok_init_iso',ok_init_iso) 899 tnat=(/1.0,155.76e-6,2005.2e-6,0.004/100.,0.0/) 900 alpha_ideal=(/1.0,1.01,1.006,1.003,1.0/) 901 endif !if (ok_isotopes) then 902 ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'ok_iso_verif=',ok_iso_verif 903 ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'ok_init_iso=',ok_init_iso 904 905 if ( then 906 ok_isotrac=.true. 907 else 908 ok_isotrac=.false. 909 endif 910 ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'ok_isotrac=',ok_isotrac 911 912 ! remplissage du tableau iqiso(ntraciso,phase) 913 ALLOCATE(iqiso(ntraciso,nqo)) 914 iqiso(:,:)=0 915 do iq=1,nqtot 916 if (iso_num(iq).gt.0) then 917 ixt=iso_indnum(iq)+zone_num(iq)*niso 918 iqiso(ixt,phase_num(iq))=iq 919 endif 920 enddo 921 ! WRITE(lunout,*) 'iqiso=',iqiso 922 923 ! replissage du tableau index_trac(ntraceurs_zone,niso) 924 ALLOCATE(index_trac(ntraceurs_zone,niso)) 925 if (ok_isotrac) then 926 do iiso=1,niso 927 do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone 928 index_trac(izone,iiso)=iiso+izone*niso 929 enddo 930 enddo 931 else !if (ok_isotrac) then 932 index_trac(:,:)=0.0 933 endif !if (ok_isotrac) then 934 ! write(lunout,*) 'index_trac=',index_trac 935 936 ! Finalize : 937 DEALLOCATE(nb_iso) 938 939 END SUBROUTINE infotrac_isoinit 528 529 !=== Table used to get iq (index in dyn array, size nqtot) from the isotope and phase indexes ; the full isotopes list 530 ! (including tagging tracers) is sorted this way: iso1, iso2, ..., iso1_zone1, iso2_zone1, ..., iso1_zoneN, iso2_zoneN 531 s%iTraPha = RESHAPE( [( (strIdx(t(:)%name, addPhase(s%trac(it),s%phas(ip:ip))), it=1, s%nitr), ip=1, s%npha)], & 532 [s%nitr, s%npha] ) 533 534 !=== Table used to get ix (index in tagging tracers isotopes list, size nitr) from the zone and isotope indexes 535 s%iZonIso = RESHAPE( [( (strIdx(s%trac(:), TRIM(s%trac(it))//'_'//TRIM(s%zone(iz))), iz=1, s%nzon), it=1, s%niso)], & 536 [s%nzon, s%niso] ) 537 END DO 538 539 !=== Indexes, in dynamical tracers list, of the tracers transmitted to phytrac (nqtottr non-vanishing elements) 540 ll = delPhase(t%name)/='H2O' .AND. t%iso_num ==0 !--- Mask of tracers passed to the physics 541 t(:)%itr = UNPACK([(iq,iq=1,COUNT(ll))], ll, [(0, iq=1, nqtot)]) 542 itr_indice = PACK(t(:)%itr, MASK = t(:)%itr/=0) !--- Might be removed (t%itr should be enough) 543 544 !=== READ PHYSICAL PARAMETERS FROM "isotopes_params.def" FILE 545 ! DONE HERE, AND NOT ONLY IN "infotrac_phy", BECAUSE SOME PHYSICAL PARAMS ARE NEEDED FOR RESTARTS (tnat AND alpha_ideal) 546 IF(readIsotopesFile('isotopes_params.def',isotopes)) CALL abort_gcm(modname,'Problem when reading isotopes parameters',1) 547 print*,'coincoin' 548 549 !=== Specific to water 550 CALL getKey_init(tracers, isotopes) 551 IF(isoSelect('H2O')) RETURN !--- Select water isotopes ; finished if no water isotopes. 552 iH2O = ixIso !--- Keep track of water family index 553 lerr = getKey('tnat' ,tnat, isoName) 554 lerr = getKey('alpha',alpha_ideal, isoName) 555 CALL msg('end') 556 557 END SUBROUTINE infotrac_init 558 559 560 !============================================================================================================================== 561 !=== THE ROUTINE isoSelect IS USED TO SWITCH FROM AN ISOTOPE FAMILY TO ANOTHER: ISOTOPES DEPENDENT PARAMETERS ARE UPDATED 562 ! Singe generic "isoSelect" routine, using the predefined parent index (fast version) or its name (first time). 563 !============================================================================================================================== 564 LOGICAL FUNCTION isoSelectByName(iName) RESULT(lerr) 565 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: iName 566 INTEGER :: iIso 567 iIso = strIdx(isotopes(:)%prnt, iName) 568 IF(test(fmsg(iIso == 0,'no isotope family named "'//TRIM(iName)//'"'),lerr)) RETURN 569 IF(isoSelectByIndex(iIso)) RETURN 570 END FUNCTION isoSelectByName 571 !============================================================================================================================== 572 LOGICAL FUNCTION isoSelectByIndex(iIso) RESULT(lerr) 573 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iIso 574 lerr = .FALSE. 575 IF(iIso == ixIso) RETURN !--- Nothing to do if the index is already OK 576 IF(test(fmsg(iIso<=0 .OR. iIso>=nbIso,'Inconsistent isotopes family index '//TRIM(int2str(iIso))),lerr)) RETURN 577 ixIso = iIso !--- Update currently selected family index 578 isotope => isotopes(ixIso) !--- Select corresponding component 579 !--- VARIOUS ALIASES 580 isoKeys => isotope%keys; niso = isotope%niso 581 isoName => isotope%trac; nitr = isotope%nitr; isoCheck => isotope%check 582 isoZone => isotope%zone; nzon = isotope%nzon; iZonIso => isotope%iZonIso 583 isoPhas => isotope%phas; npha = isotope%npha; iTraPha => isotope%iTraPha 584 END FUNCTION isoSelectByIndex 585 !============================================================================================================================== 940 586 941 587 END MODULE infotrac -
r2622 r3852 6 6 USE IOIPSL 7 7 #endif 8 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot , ttext8 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot 9 9 use com_io_dyn_mod, only : histaveid,histvaveid,histuaveid, & 10 10 dynhistave_file,dynhistvave_file,dynhistuave_file … … 158 158 159 159 ! DO iq=1,nqtot 160 ! call histdef(histaveid, ttext(iq), ttext(iq), '-', & 160 ! call histdef(histaveid, tracers(iq)%lnam, & 161 ! tracers(iq)%lnam, '-', & 161 162 ! iip1, jjp1, thoriid, llm, 1, llm, zvertiid, & 162 163 ! 32, 'ave(X)', t_ops, t_wrt) -
r2622 r3852 7 7 USE IOIPSL 8 8 #endif 9 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot , ttext9 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot 10 10 use com_io_dyn_mod, only : histid,histvid,histuid, & 11 11 & dynhist_file,dynhistv_file,dynhistu_file … … 157 157 ! 158 158 ! DO iq=1,nqtot 159 ! call histdef(histid, t text(iq), ttext(iq), '-',160 ! . iip1, jjp1, thoriid, llm, 1, llm, zvertiid,159 ! call histdef(histid, tracers(iq)lnam, tracers(iq)%lnam, 160 ! . '-', iip1, jjp1, thoriid, llm, 1, llm, zvertiid, 161 161 ! . 32, 'inst(X)', t_ops, t_wrt) 162 162 ! enddo -
r3850 r3852 1 function iso_verif_noNaN_nostop(x,err_msg) 2 implicit none 3 ! si x est NaN, on affiche message 4 ! d'erreur et return 1 si erreur 1 LOGICAL FUNCTION iso_verif_noNaN_nostop(x,err_msg) RESULT(out) 2 USE infotrac, ONLY: isoCheck 3 IMPLICIT NONE 4 !--- Display the message if x is NaN and return .TRUE. if an error occured. 5 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x 6 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: err_msg 7 include "iniprint.h" 8 REAL, PARAMETER :: borne=1e19 9 out = .FALSE. 10 IF(.NOT.isoCheck) RETURN 11 out = x<=-borne .OR. x>=borne 12 IF(.NOT.out) RETURN 13 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Error detected by iso_verif_noNaN: '//TRIM(err_msg) 14 WRITE(lunout,*) 'x=',x 15 END FUNCTION iso_verif_noNaN_nostop 5 16 6 ! input: 7 real x 8 character*(*) err_msg ! message d''erreur à afficher 17 LOGICAL FUNCTION iso_verif_egalite_nostop(a,b,err_msg) RESULT(out) 18 USE infotrac, ONLY: isoCheck 19 IMPLICIT NONE 20 !--- Display the message if a/=b and return .FALSE. if an error occured. 21 ! Equality is checked for absolute and relative error. 22 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: a,b 23 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: err_msg 24 include "iniprint.h" 25 REAL, PARAMETER :: errmax=1e-8, errmaxrel=1e-3 26 out = .FALSE. 27 IF(.NOT.isoCheck) RETURN 28 out = ABS(a-b)>errmax 29 IF(out) out = ABS((a-b)/MAX(MAX(ABS(b),ABS(a)),1e-18))>errmaxrel 30 IF(.NOT.out) RETURN 31 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Error detected by iso_verif_egalite: '//TRIM(err_msg) 32 WRITE(lunout,*) 'a=',a 33 WRITE(lunout,*) 'b=',b 34 END FUNCTION iso_verif_egalite_nostop 9 35 10 ! output 11 real borne 12 parameter (borne=1e19) 13 integer iso_verif_noNaN_nostop 36 LOGICAL FUNCTION iso_verif_aberrant_nostop(x,kiso,q,err_msg) RESULT(out) 37 USE infotrac, ONLY: isoCheck, tnat 38 IMPLICIT NONE 39 !--- Display the message if a/=b and return .FALSE. if an error occured. 40 ! Equality is checked for absolute and relative error. 41 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x, q 42 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kiso ! 2=HDO, 1=O18 43 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: err_msg 44 include "iniprint.h" 45 REAL, PARAMETER :: qmin=1e-11, deltaDmax=200.0, deltaDmin=-999.9 46 REAL :: deltaD 47 out = .FALSE. 48 IF(.NOT.isoCheck) RETURN 49 IF(q<qmin) RETURN 50 deltaD = (x/q/tnat(kiso)-1)*1000 51 out = deltaD>deltaDmax .OR. deltaD<deltaDmin 52 IF(.NOT.out) RETURN 53 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Error detected by iso_verif_aberrant: '//TRIM(err_msg) 54 WRITE(lunout,*) 'q = ',q 55 WRITE(lunout,*) 'deltaD = ',deltaD 56 WRITE(lunout,*) 'kiso = ',kiso 57 END FUNCTION iso_verif_aberrant_nostop 14 58 15 if (( then16 iso_verif_noNAN_nostop=017 else18 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_nonNaN:'19 write(*,*) err_msg20 write(*,*) 'x=',x21 iso_verif_noNaN_nostop=122 endif23 24 return25 end26 27 function iso_verif_egalite_nostop28 : (a,b,err_msg)29 implicit none30 ! compare a et b. Si pas egal, on affiche message31 ! d'erreur et stoppe32 ! pour egalite, on verifie erreur absolue et arreur relative33 34 ! input:35 real a, b36 character*(*) err_msg ! message d''erreur à afficher37 38 ! locals39 real errmax ! erreur maximale en absolu.40 real errmaxrel ! erreur maximale en relatif autorisée41 parameter (errmax=1e-8)42 parameter (errmaxrel=1e-3)43 44 ! output45 integer iso_verif_egalite_nostop46 47 iso_verif_egalite_nostop=048 49 if (abs(a-b).gt.errmax) then50 if (abs((a-b)/max(max(abs(b),abs(a)),1e-18))51 : .gt.errmaxrel) then52 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_egalite:'53 write(*,*) err_msg54 write(*,*) 'a=',a55 write(*,*) 'b=',b56 iso_verif_egalite_nostop=157 endif58 endif59 60 return61 end62 63 64 function iso_verif_aberrant_nostop65 : (x,iso,q,err_msg)66 USE infotrac67 implicit none68 69 ! input:70 real x,q71 integer iso ! 2=HDO, 1=O1872 character*(*) err_msg ! message d''erreur à afficher73 74 ! locals75 real qmin,deltaD76 real deltaDmax,deltaDmin77 parameter (qmin=1e-11)78 parameter (deltaDmax=200.0,deltaDmin=-999.9)79 80 ! output81 integer iso_verif_aberrant_nostop82 83 iso_verif_aberrant_nostop=084 85 ! verifier que HDO est raisonable86 if ( then87 deltaD=(x/q/tnat(iso)-1)*100088 if (( then89 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_aberrant:'90 write(*,*) err_msg91 write(*,*) 'q=',q92 write(*,*) 'deltaD=',deltaD93 write(*,*) 'iso=',iso94 iso_verif_aberrant_nostop=195 endif !if (( then96 endif !if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then97 98 99 return100 end101 -
r2597 r3852 21 21 DO ij=1,ip1jm-1 22 22 massebxy(ij,l)=masse(ij ,l)*alpha2(ij ) + & 23 +masse(ij+1 ,l)*alpha3(ij+1 ) + &24 +masse(ij+iip1,l)*alpha1(ij+iip1) + &25 +masse(ij+iip2,l)*alpha4(ij+iip2)23 masse(ij+1 ,l)*alpha3(ij+1 ) + & 24 masse(ij+iip1,l)*alpha1(ij+iip1) + & 25 masse(ij+iip2,l)*alpha4(ij+iip2) 26 26 END DO 27 27 DO ij=iip1,ip1jm,iip1; massebxy(ij,l)=massebxy(ij-iim,l); END DO -
r2622 r3852 6 6 USE ioipsl 7 7 #endif 8 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot , ttext8 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot 9 9 use com_io_dyn_mod, only : histaveid, histvaveid, histuaveid 10 10 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp … … 106 106 107 107 ! DO iq=1, nqtot 108 ! call histwrite(histaveid, t text(iq), itau_w, q(:, :, iq), &109 ! iip1*jjp1*llm, ndexu)108 ! call histwrite(histaveid, tracers(iq)%lnam, itau_w, & 109 ! q(:, :, iq), iip1*jjp1*llm, ndexu) 110 110 ! enddo 111 111 -
r2622 r3852 7 7 USE ioipsl 8 8 #endif 9 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot , ttext9 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot 10 10 use com_io_dyn_mod, only : histid,histvid,histuid 11 11 USE temps_mod, ONLY: itau_dyn … … 100 100 C 101 101 ! DO iq=1,nqtot 102 ! call histwrite(histid, t text(iq), itau_w, q(:,:,iq),102 ! call histwrite(histid, tracers(iq)%lnam, itau_w, q(:,:,iq), 103 103 ! . iip1*jjp1*llm, ndexu) 104 104 ! enddo -
r2622 r3852 24 24 USE Vampir 25 25 USE times 26 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, iadv, ok_iso_verif26 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers 27 27 USE control_mod, ONLY: iapp_tracvl, day_step, planet_type 28 28 USE advtrac_mod, ONLY: finmasse … … 60 60 INTEGER ij,l,iq,iiq 61 61 REAL zdpmin, zdpmax 62 INTEGER, POINTER :: iadv(:) 62 63 c---------------------------------------------------------- 63 64 c Rajouts pour PPM … … 77 78 type(Request),SAVE :: testRequest 78 79 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(testRequest) 80 81 iadv => tracers(:)%iadv 79 82 80 83 c test sur l''eventuelle creation de valeurs negatives de la masse … … 157 160 158 161 !write(*,*) 'advtrac 162: apres appel vlspltgen_loc' 159 if (ok_iso_verif) then 160 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'advtrac 162') 161 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 162 163 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'advtrac 162') 162 164 163 165 #ifdef DEBUG_IO -
r3850 r3852 1 subroutine check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,err_msg) 2 USE infotrac 3 USE parallel_lmdz 4 implicit none 1 SUBROUTINE check_isotopes(q, ijb, ije, err_msg) 2 USE strings_mod, ONLY: strIdx, msg 3 USE infotrac, ONLY: isotope, isoSelect, iH2O, isoCheck, isoName, nqtot, niso, nitr, nzon, npha, iTraPha, iZonIso, tnat 4 USE parallel_lmdz 5 IMPLICIT NONE 6 #include "dimensions.h" 7 REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: q(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot) 8 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ijb, ije !--- Can be local and different from ijb_u,ije_u, for example in qminimum 9 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: err_msg !--- Error message to display 10 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: msg1, modname 11 INTEGER :: ixt, ipha, k, i, iq, iiso, izon, ieau, iqeau 12 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ix(:) 13 REAL :: xtractot, xiiso, deltaD, q1, q2 14 REAL, PARAMETER :: borne = 1e19, & 15 errmax = 1e-8, & !--- Max. absolute error 16 errmaxrel = 1e-8, & !--- Max. relative error 17 qmin = 1e-11, & 18 deltaDmax = 200.0, & 19 deltaDmin =-999.9, & 20 ridicule = 1e-12 21 INTEGER, SAVE :: ixH2O, ixHDO, ixO18 22 !OMP THREADPRIVATE(ixH2O, ixHDO, ixO18) 23 LOGICAL, SAVE :: first=.TRUE. 24 !OMP THREADPRIVATE(first) 5 25 6 #include "dimensions.h" 26 modname = 'check_isotopes' 27 IF(first) THEN 28 IF(isoSelect('H2O')) RETURN 29 ixH2O = strIdx(isoName,'H2[16]O') 30 ixHDO = strIdx(isoName,'H[2]HO') 31 ixO18 = strIdx(isoName,'H2[18]O') 32 first = .FALSE. 33 ELSE 34 IF(isoSelect(iH2O)) RETURN 35 END IF 36 IF(.NOT.isoCheck .OR. niso == 0) RETURN !--- No need to check or no isotopes => finished 7 37 8 ! inputs 9 integer ijb,ije ! peut être local et différent de ijb_u,ije_u, ex: dans qminimum 10 real q(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot) 11 character*(*) err_msg ! message d''erreur à afficher 38 !--- CHECK FOR NaNs (FOR ALL THE ISOTOPES, INCLUDING GEOGRAPHIC TAGGING TRACERS) 39 DO ixt = 1, nitr 40 DO ipha = 1, npha 41 iq = iTraPha(ixt,ipha) 42 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 43 DO k = 1, llm 44 DO i = ijb, ije 45 IF(ABS(q(i,k,iq))<borne) CYCLE 46 WRITE(msg1,'(s,"(",i0,",",i0,",",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')isoName(ixt),i,k,iq,q(i,k,iq); CALL msg(msg1) 47 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Error in iso_verif_noNaN: '//TRIM(err_msg), 1) 48 STOP 49 END DO 50 END DO 51 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 52 END DO 53 END DO 12 54 13 ! locals 14 integer ixt,phase,k,i,iq,iiso,izone,ieau,iqeau 15 real xtractot,xiiso 16 real borne 17 real qmin 18 real errmax ! erreur maximale en absolu. 19 real errmaxrel ! erreur maximale en relatif autorisée 20 real deltaDmax,deltaDmin 21 real ridicule 22 parameter (borne=1e19) 23 parameter (errmax=1e-8) 24 parameter (errmaxrel=1e-3) 25 parameter (qmin=1e-11) 26 parameter (deltaDmax=200.0,deltaDmin=-999.9) 27 parameter (ridicule=1e-12) 28 real deltaD 55 !--- CHECK CONSERVATION (MAIN ISOTOPE AND PARENT CONCENTRATIONS MUST BE EQUAL) 56 ixt = iH2O 57 IF(ixt /= 0) THEN 58 DO ipha = 1, npha 59 iq = iTraPha(ixt,ipha) 60 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 61 DO k = 1, llm 62 DO i = ijb, ije 63 q1 = q(i,k,ipha); q2 = q(i,k,iq) 64 IF(ABS(q1-q2) <= errmax .OR. ABS(q1-q2)/MAX(MAX(ABS(q1),ABS(q2)),1e-18) < errmaxrel) CYCLE 65 WRITE(msg1,'("ixt = ",i0)')ixt; CALL msg(msg1) 66 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,",iq=",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')i, k, iq, q2; CALL msg(msg1) 67 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,",ipha=",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')i,k,ipha,q1; CALL msg(msg1) 68 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Error in iso_verif_egalite: '//TRIM(err_msg), 1) 69 q(i,k,iq) = q(i,k,ipha) !--- Bidouille pour convergence 70 END DO 71 END DO 72 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 73 END DO 74 END IF 29 75 30 if (ok_isotopes) then 76 !--- CHECK DELTA ANOMALIES 77 ix = [ixHDO, ixO18] 78 DO iiso = 1, SIZE(ix) 79 ixt = ix(iiso) 80 IF(ixt == 0) CYCLE 81 DO ipha = 1, npha 82 iq = iTraPha(ixt,ipha) 83 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 84 DO k = 1, llm 85 DO i = ijb, ije 86 q1 = q(i,k,ipha); q2 = q(i,k,iq) 87 IF(q2 <= qmin) CYCLE 88 deltaD = (q2/q1/tnat(ixt)-1)*1000 89 IF(deltaD <= deltaDmax .AND. deltaD >= deltaDmin) CYCLE 90 WRITE(msg1,'("ixt = ",i0)')ixt; CALL msg(msg1) 91 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,",iq=",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')i, k, iq, q2; CALL msg(msg1) 92 WRITE(msg1,'("q=",ES12.4)')q(i,k,:); CALL msg(msg1) 93 WRITE(msg1,'("deltaD=",ES12.4)')deltaD; CALL msg(msg1) 94 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Error in iso_verif_aberrant: '//TRIM(err_msg), 1) 95 END DO 96 END DO 97 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 98 END DO 99 END DO 31 100 32 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 31: err_msg=',err_msg 33 ! verifier que rien n'est NaN 34 do ixt=1,ntraciso 35 do phase=1,nqo 36 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase) 37 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 38 do k=1,llm 39 DO i = ijb,ije 40 if ((q(i,k,iq).gt.-borne).and. 41 : (q(i,k,iq).lt.borne)) then 42 else !if ((x(ixt,i,j).gt.-borne).and. 43 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_noNaN:' 44 write(*,*) err_msg 45 write(*,*) 'q,i,k,iq=',q(i,k,iq),i,k,iq 46 write(*,*) 'borne=',borne 47 stop 48 endif !if ((x(ixt,i,j).gt.-borne).and. 49 enddo !DO i = ijb,ije 50 enddo !do k=1,llm 51 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 52 enddo !do phase=1,nqo 53 enddo !do ixt=1,ntraciso 101 !--- CHECK FOR TAGGING TRACERS DELTAD ANOMALIES 102 IF(nitr == 0) RETURN 103 IF(ixH2O /= 0 .AND. ixHDO /= 0) THEN 104 DO izon = 1, nzon 105 ixt = iZonIso(izon, ixHDO) 106 ieau = iZonIso(izon, ixH2O) 107 DO ipha = 1, npha 108 iq = iTraPha(ixt, ipha) 109 iqeau = iTraPha(ieau, ipha) 110 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 111 DO k = 1, llm 112 DO i = ijb, ije 113 IF(q(i,k,iq)<=qmin) CYCLE 114 deltaD = (q(i,k,iq)/q(i,k,iqeau)/tnat(ixHDO)-1)*1000 115 IF(deltaD <= deltaDmax .AND. deltaD >= deltaDmin) CYCLE 116 WRITE(msg1,'("izon, ipha =",2i0)')izon, ipha; CALL msg(msg1) 117 WRITE(msg1,'( "ixt, ieau =",2i0)') ixt, ieau; CALL msg(msg1) 118 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,",iq=",i0,") = ",ES12.4)')i, k, iq, q(i,k,iq); CALL msg(msg1) 119 WRITE(msg1,'("deltaD=",ES12.4)')deltaD; CALL msg(msg1) 120 CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Error in iso_verif_aberrant trac: '//TRIM(err_msg), 1) 121 END DO 122 END DO 123 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 124 END DO 125 END DO 126 END IF 54 127 55 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 52' 56 ! verifier que l'eau normale est OK 57 if (use_iso(1)) then 58 ixt=indnum_fn_num(1) 59 do phase=1,nqo 60 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase) 61 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 62 do k=1,llm 63 DO i = ijb,ije 64 if ((abs(q(i,k,phase)-q(i,k,iq)).gt.errmax).and. 65 : (abs((q(i,k,phase)-q(i,k,iq))/ 66 : max(max(abs(q(i,k,phase)),abs(q(i,k,iq))),1e-18)) 67 : .gt.errmaxrel)) then 68 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_egalite:' 69 write(*,*) err_msg 70 write(*,*) 'ixt,phase,ijb=',ixt,phase,ijb 71 write(*,*) 'q,iq,i,k=',q(i,k,iq),iq,i,k 72 write(*,*) 'q(i,k,phase)=',q(i,k,phase) 73 stop 74 endif !if ((abs(q(i,k,phase)-q(i,k,iq)).gt.errmax).and. 75 ! bidouille pour éviter divergence: 76 q(i,k,iq)= q(i,k,phase) 77 enddo ! DO i = ijb,ije 78 enddo !do k=1,llm 79 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 80 enddo ! do phase=1,nqo 81 endif !if (use_iso(1)) then 82 83 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 78' 84 ! verifier que HDO est raisonable 85 if (use_iso(2)) then 86 ixt=indnum_fn_num(2) 87 do phase=1,nqo 88 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase) 89 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 90 do k=1,llm 91 DO i = ijb,ije 92 if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 93 deltaD=(q(i,k,iq)/q(i,k,phase)/tnat(2)-1)*1000 94 if (( then 95 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_aberrant:' 96 write(*,*) err_msg 97 write(*,*) 'ixt,phase=',ixt,phase 98 write(*,*) 'q,iq,i,k,=',q(i,k,iq),iq,i,k 99 write(*,*) 'q=',q(i,k,:) 100 write(*,*) 'deltaD=',deltaD 101 stop 102 endif !if (( then 103 endif !if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 104 enddo !DO i = ijb,ije 105 enddo !do k=1,llm 106 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 107 enddo ! do phase=1,nqo 108 endif !if (use_iso(2)) then 128 !--- CHECK FOR TAGGING TRACERS CONSERVATION (PARENT AND TAGGING TRACERS SUM OVER ALL REGIONS MUST BE EQUAL) 129 DO iiso = 1, niso 130 DO ipha = 1, npha 131 iq = iTraPha(iiso, ipha) 132 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 133 DO k = 1, llm 134 DO i = ijb, ije 135 xiiso = q(i,k,iq) 136 xtractot = SUM(q(i, k, iTraPha(iZonIso(1:nzon,iiso), ipha))) 137 IF(ABS(xtractot-xiiso) > errmax .AND. ABS(xtractot-xiiso)/MAX(MAX(ABS(xtractot),ABS(xiiso)),1e-18) > errmaxrel) THEN 138 CALL msg('Error in iso_verif_aberrant trac: '//TRIM(err_msg)) 139 WRITE(msg1,'("iiso, ipha =",2i0)')iiso, ipha; CALL msg(msg1) 140 WRITE(msg1,'("i, k =",2i0)')i, k; CALL msg(msg1) 141 WRITE(msg1,'("q(",i0,",",i0,":) = ",ES12.4)')i,k,q(i,k,:); CALL msg(msg1) 142 STOP 143 END IF 144 IF(ABS(xtractot) <= ridicule) CYCLE 145 DO izon = 1, nzon 146 ixt = iZonIso(izon, iiso) 147 q(i,k,iq) = q(i,k,iq) / xtractot * xiiso 148 END DO 149 END DO 150 END DO 151 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 152 END DO 153 END DO 109 154 110 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 103' 111 ! verifier que O18 est raisonable 112 if (use_iso(3)) then 113 ixt=indnum_fn_num(3) 114 do phase=1,nqo 115 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase) 116 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 117 do k=1,llm 118 DO i = ijb,ije 119 if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 120 deltaD=(q(i,k,iq)/q(i,k,phase)/tnat(3)-1)*1000 121 if (( then 122 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee iso_verif_aberrant O18:' 123 write(*,*) err_msg 124 write(*,*) 'ixt,phase=',ixt,phase 125 write(*,*) 'q,iq,i,k,=',q(i,k,phase),iq,i,k 126 write(*,*) 'xt=',q(i,k,:) 127 write(*,*) 'deltaO18=',deltaD 128 stop 129 endif !if (( then 130 endif !if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 131 enddo !DO i = ijb,ije 132 enddo !do k=1,llm 133 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 134 enddo ! do phase=1,nqo 135 endif !if (use_iso(2)) then 136 137 138 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 129' 139 if (ok_isotrac) then 140 141 if (use_iso(2).and.use_iso(1)) then 142 do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone 143 ixt=index_trac(izone,indnum_fn_num(2)) 144 ieau=index_trac(izone,indnum_fn_num(1)) 145 do phase=1,nqo 146 iq=iqiso(ixt,phase) 147 iqeau=iqiso(ieau,phase) 148 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 149 do k=1,llm 150 DO i = ijb,ije 151 if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 152 deltaD=(q(i,k,iq)/q(i,k,iqeau)/tnat(2)-1)*1000 153 if (( 154 & ( then 155 write(*,*) 'erreur dans iso_verif_aberrant trac:' 156 write(*,*) err_msg 157 write(*,*) 'izone,phase=',izone,phase 158 write(*,*) 'ixt,ieau=',ixt,ieau 159 write(*,*) 'q,iq,i,k,=',q(i,k,iq),iq,i,k 160 write(*,*) 'deltaD=',deltaD 161 stop 162 endif !if (( 163 endif !if (q(i,k,iq).gt.qmin) then 164 enddo !DO i = ijb,ije 165 enddo ! do k=1,llm 166 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 167 enddo ! do phase=1,nqo 168 enddo !do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone 169 endif !if (use_iso(2).and.use_iso(1)) then 170 171 do iiso=1,niso 172 do phase=1,nqo 173 iq=iqiso(iiso,phase) 174 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 175 do k=1,llm 176 DO i = ijb,ije 177 xtractot=0.0 178 xiiso=q(i,k,iq) 179 do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone 180 iq=iqiso(index_trac(izone,iiso),phase) 181 xtractot=xtractot+ q(i,k,iq) 182 enddo !do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone 183 if ((abs(xtractot-xiiso).gt.errmax).and. 184 : (abs(xtractot-xiiso)/ 185 : max(max(abs(xtractot),abs(xiiso)),1e-18) 186 : .gt.errmaxrel)) then 187 write(*,*) 'erreur detectee par iso_verif_traceurs:' 188 write(*,*) err_msg 189 write(*,*) 'iiso,phase=',iiso,phase 190 write(*,*) 'i,k,=',i,k 191 write(*,*) 'q(i,k,:)=',q(i,k,:) 192 stop 193 endif !if ((abs(q(i,k,phase)-q(i,k,iq)).gt.errmax).and. 194 195 ! bidouille pour éviter divergence: 196 if (abs(xtractot).gt.ridicule) then 197 do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone 198 ixt=index_trac(izone,iiso) 199 q(i,k,iq)=q(i,k,iq)/xtractot*xiiso 200 enddo !do izone=1,ntraceurs_zone 201 endif !if ((abs(xtractot).gt.ridicule) then 202 enddo !DO i = ijb,ije 203 enddo !do k=1,llm 204 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 205 enddo !do phase=1,nqo 206 enddo !do iiso=1,niso 207 208 endif !if (ok_isotrac) then 209 210 endif ! if (ok_isotopes) 211 !write(*,*) 'check_isotopes 198' 212 213 end 214 215 155 END SUBROUTINE check_isotopes -
r3043 r3852 7 7 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 8 USE parallel_lmdz 9 USE infotrac 9 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niso, tracers, iTraPha, tnat, alpha_ideal, tra 10 10 USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_OPEN, NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION, NF90_INQ_VARID, & 11 11 NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_CLOSE, NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE, NF90_GET_VAR, NF90_NoErr … … 39 39 !=============================================================================== 40 40 ! Local variables: 41 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: msg, var, modname41 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: sdum, var, modname 42 42 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: length=100 43 43 INTEGER :: iq, fID, vID, idecal, ierr … … 152 152 ALLOCATE(q_glo(ip1jmp1,llm)) 153 153 DO iq=1,nqtot 154 var=tname(iq) 154 tr => tracers(iq) 155 var = tr%name 156 IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID)==NF90_NoErr) THEN 157 CALL get_var2(var ,q_glo); q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iq)=q_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:); CYCLE 155 158 #ifdef INCA 156 IF (var .eq. "O3" ) THEN 157 IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID) == NF90_NoErr) THEN 158 CALL get_var2(var,q_glo); q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iq)=q_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:); CYCLE 159 ELSE 160 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Tracer O3 is missing - it is initialized to OX' 161 IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,"OX",vID) == NF90_NoErr) THEN 162 CALL get_var2("OX",q_glo); q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iq)=q_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:); CYCLE 163 ENDIF 164 ENDIF 165 ENDIF 159 ELSE IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,"OX",vID) == NF90_NoErr .AND. var == 'O3') THEN 160 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Tracer O3 is missing - it is initialized to OX' 161 CALL get_var2("OX",q_glo); q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iq)=q_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:); CYCLE 166 162 #endif 167 IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID)==NF90_NoErr) THEN168 CALL get_var2(var,q_glo); q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iq)=q_glo(ijb_u:ije_u,:); CYCLE169 163 END IF 170 164 WRITE(lunout,*)TRIM(modname)//": Tracer <"//TRIM(var)//"> is missing" … … 173 167 !--- CRisi: for isotops, theoretical initialization using very simplified 174 168 ! Rayleigh distillation las. 175 IF( ok_isotopes.AND.iso_num(iq)>0) THEN176 IF( zone_num(iq)==0) q(:,:,iq)=q(:,:,iqpere(iq))*tnat(iso_num(iq))&177 & *(q(:,:,iqpere(iq))/30.e-3)**(alpha_ideal(iso_num(iq))-1)178 IF( zone_num(iq)==1) q(:,:,iq)=q(:,:,iqiso(iso_indnum(iq),phase_num(iq)))169 IF(niso > 0 .AND. tr%iso_num > 0) THEN 170 IF(tr%iso_zon == 0) q(:,:,iq) = q(:,:,tr%iprnt) * tnat(tr%iso_num) & 171 * (q(:,:,tr%iprnt)/30.e-3)**(alpha_ideal(tr%iso_num)-1) 172 IF(tr%iso_zon == 1) q(:,:,iq) = q(:,:,iTraPha(tr%iso_num,tr%iso_pha)) 179 173 END IF 180 174 END DO … … 195 189 s1='value of '//TRIM(str1)//' =' 196 190 s2=' read in starting file differs from parametrized '//TRIM(str2)//' =' 197 WRITE( msg,'(10x,a,i4,2x,a,i4)'),s1,n1,s2,n2198 CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM( msg),1)191 WRITE(sdum,'(10x,a,i4,2x,a,i4)'),s1,n1,s2,n2 192 CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM(sdum),1) 199 193 END IF 200 194 END SUBROUTINE check_dim … … 246 240 IF(ierr==NF90_NoERR) RETURN 247 241 SELECT CASE(typ) 248 CASE('inq'); msg="Field <"//TRIM(nam)//"> is missing"249 CASE('get'); msg="Reading failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">"250 CASE('open'); msg="File opening failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">"251 CASE('close'); msg="File closing failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">"242 CASE('inq'); sdum="Field <"//TRIM(nam)//"> is missing" 243 CASE('get'); sdum="Reading failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">" 244 CASE('open'); sdum="File opening failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">" 245 CASE('close'); sdum="File closing failed for <"//TRIM(nam)//">" 252 246 END SELECT 253 CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM( msg),ierr)247 CALL ABORT_gcm(TRIM(modname),TRIM(sdum),ierr) 254 248 END SUBROUTINE err 255 249 -
r3851 r3852 9 9 USE parallel_lmdz 10 10 USE mod_hallo 11 USE infotrac 11 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers 12 12 USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_CREATE, NF90_DEF_DIM, NF90_INQ_VARID, NF90_GLOBAL, & 13 13 NF90_CLOSE, NF90_PUT_ATT, NF90_UNLIMITED, NF90_CLOBBER, & … … 151 151 CALL cre_var(nid,"teta" ,"Temperature",[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID]) 152 152 DO iq=1,nqtot 153 CALL cre_var(nid,t name(iq),ttext(iq),[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID])153 CALL cre_var(nid,tracers(iq)%name(iq),tracers(iq)%lnam,[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID]) 154 154 END DO 155 155 CALL cre_var(nid,"masse","Masse d air" ,[rlonvID,rlatuID,sID,timID]) … … 174 174 USE parallel_lmdz 175 175 USE mod_hallo 176 USE infotrac 177 USE control_mod 176 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers, type_trac 178 177 USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_OPEN, NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_GET_VAR, NF90_INQ_VARID, & 179 178 NF90_CLOSE, NF90_WRITE, NF90_PUT_VAR, NF90_NoErr … … 248 247 249 248 !--- Save tracers 250 DO iq=1,nqtot; var=t name(iq); ierr=-1249 DO iq=1,nqtot; var=tracers(iq)%name; ierr=-1 251 250 IF(lread_inca) THEN !--- Possibly read from "" 252 251 !$OMP MASTER -
r3435 r3852 7 7 use exner_hyb_m, only: exner_hyb 8 8 use exner_milieu_m, only: exner_milieu 9 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot,niso_possibles,ok_isotopes,iqpere,ok_iso_verif,tnat,alpha_ideal, & 10 & iqiso,phase_num,iso_indnum,iso_num,zone_num 9 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niso, tracers, iTraPha, tnat, alpha_ideal, tra 11 10 USE control_mod, ONLY: day_step,planet_type 12 11 USE parallel_lmdz, ONLY: ijb_u, ije_u, ijb_v, ije_v … … 79 78 80 79 REAL zdtvr 81 80 81 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 82 82 83 character(len=*),parameter :: modname="iniacademic" 83 84 character(len=80) :: abort_message … … 279 280 ! CRisi: init des isotopes 280 281 ! distill de Rayleigh très simplifiée 281 if (ok_isotopes) then 282 if ((iso_num(i).gt.0).and.(zone_num(i).eq.0)) then 283 q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,i)=q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iqpere(i)) & 284 & *tnat(iso_num(i)) & 285 & *(q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iqpere(i))/30.e-3) & 286 & **(alpha_ideal(iso_num(i))-1) 287 endif 288 if ((iso_num(i).gt.0).and.(zone_num(i).eq.1)) then 289 q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,i)=q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iqiso(iso_indnum(i),phase_num(i))) 290 endif 291 endif !if (ok_isotopes) then 282 tr => tracers(i) 283 IF(niso > 0 .AND. tr%iso_num > 0) THEN 284 IF(tr%iso_zon == 0) & 285 q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,i) = q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,tr%iprnt) * tnat(tr%iso_num) 286 *(q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,tr%iprnt)/30.e-3)**(alpha_ideal(tr%iso_num)-1) 287 IF(tr%iso_zon == 1) & 288 q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,i) = q(ijb_u:ije_u,:,iTraPha(tr%iso_num,tr%iso_pha)) 289 END IF 292 290 293 291 enddo … … 296 294 endif ! of if (planet_type=="earth") 297 295 298 if (ok_iso_verif) then 299 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'iniacademic_loc') 300 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 296 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'iniacademic_loc') 301 297 302 298 ! add random perturbation to temperature -
r2603 r3852 11 11 USE write_field 12 12 USE integrd_mod 13 USE infotrac, ONLY: ok_iso_verif ! ajout CRisi14 13 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: pi 15 14 USE logic_mod, ONLY: leapf … … 347 346 c$OMP BARRIER 348 347 349 if (ok_iso_verif) then 350 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'integrd 342') 351 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 348 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'integrd 342') 352 349 353 350 !write(*,*) 'integrd 341' … … 355 352 !write(*,*) 'integrd 343' 356 353 357 if (ok_iso_verif) then 358 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'integrd 346') 359 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 354 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'integrd 346') 360 355 c 361 356 c ..... Calcul de la valeur moyenne, unique aux poles pour q ..... … … 408 403 ENDIF 409 404 410 if (ok_iso_verif) then 411 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'integrd 409') 412 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 405 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'integrd 409') 413 406 414 407 ! Ehouarn: forget about finvmaold -
r3666 r3852 20 20 USE vampir 21 21 USE timer_filtre, ONLY : print_filtre_timer 22 USE infotrac 22 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot 23 23 USE guide_loc_mod, ONLY : guide_main 24 24 USE getparam … … 204 204 TYPE(distrib),SAVE :: new_dist 205 205 206 if (ok_iso_verif) then 207 call check_isotopes(q0,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog204: debut') 208 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 206 call check_isotopes(q0,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog204: debut') 209 207 210 208 c$OMP MASTER … … 226 224 itaufinp1 = itaufin +1 227 225 228 if (ok_iso_verif) then 229 call check_isotopes(q0,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 226') 230 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 226 call check_isotopes(q0,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 226') 231 227 232 228 itau = 0 … … 243 239 q=q0 244 240 245 if (ok_iso_verif) then 246 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 239') 247 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 241 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 239') 248 242 249 243 ! iday = day_ini+itau/day_step … … 324 318 endif 325 319 326 if (ok_iso_verif) then 327 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 321') 328 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 320 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 321') 329 321 330 322 #ifdef CPP_IOIPSL … … 406 398 407 399 408 if (ok_iso_verif) then 409 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 400') 410 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 400 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 400') 411 401 412 402 2 CONTINUE ! Matsuno backward or leapfrog step begins here 413 403 414 404 415 if (ok_iso_verif) then 416 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 402') 417 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 405 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 402') 418 406 419 407 c$OMP MASTER … … 497 485 498 486 499 if (ok_iso_verif) then 500 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 471') 501 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 487 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 471') 502 488 503 489 !ym PAS D'AJUSTEMENT POUR LE MOMENT … … 618 604 endif 619 605 620 621 if (ok_iso_verif) then 622 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 589') 623 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 606 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 589') 624 607 625 608 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 683 666 ! compute geopotential phi() 684 667 CALL geopot_loc ( ip1jmp1, teta , pk , pks, phis , phi ) 685 686 if (ok_iso_verif) then 687 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 651') 688 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 668 669 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 651') 689 670 690 671 call VTb(VTcaldyn) … … 725 706 c ------------------------------------------------------------- 726 707 727 if (ok_iso_verif) then 728 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u, 708 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u, 729 709 & 'leapfrog 686: avant caladvtrac') 730 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then731 710 732 711 IF( forward. OR . leapf ) THEN … … 738 717 739 718 !write(*,*) 'leapfrog 719' 740 if (ok_iso_verif) then 741 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u, 719 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u, 742 720 & 'leapfrog 698: apres caladvtrac') 743 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then744 721 745 722 ! do j=1,nqtot … … 775 752 776 753 !write(*,*) 'leapfrog 720' 777 if (ok_iso_verif) then 778 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 756') 779 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 754 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 756') 780 755 781 756 ! CRisi: pourquoi aller jusqu'à 2 et non pas jusqu'à nqtot?? … … 785 760 786 761 !write(*,*) 'leapfrog 724' 787 if (ok_iso_verif) then 788 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 762') 789 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 762 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 762') 790 763 791 764 ! CALL FTRACE_REGION_END("integrd") … … 802 775 #endif 803 776 804 if (ok_iso_verif) then 805 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 775') 806 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 777 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 775') 807 778 808 779 c do j=1,nqtot … … 1164 1135 ENDIF ! of IF( apphys ) 1165 1136 1166 if (ok_iso_verif) then 1167 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1132') 1168 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 1137 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1132') 1169 1138 !write(*,*) 'leapfrog 1134: iflag_phys=',iflag_phys 1170 1139 … … 1233 1202 1234 1203 cc$OMP END PARALLEL 1235 if (ok_iso_verif) then 1236 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1196') 1237 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 1204 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1196') 1238 1205 1239 1206 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 1470 1437 c ENDIF 1471 1438 1472 if (ok_iso_verif) then 1473 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1430') 1474 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 1439 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1430') 1475 1440 1476 1441 c ******************************************************************** … … 1555 1520 RETURN 1556 1521 ENDIF 1557 1558 if (ok_iso_verif) then 1559 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1509') 1560 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 1522 1523 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1509') 1561 1524 1562 1525 IF ( .NOT.purmats ) THEN … … 1645 1608 ENDIF 1646 1609 1647 if (ok_iso_verif) then1648 1610 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1584') 1649 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then1650 1611 1651 1612 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 1685 1646 ENDIF ! of IF (itau.EQ.itaufin) 1686 1647 1687 if (ok_iso_verif) then 1688 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1624') 1689 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 1648 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1624') 1690 1649 1691 1650 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 1724 1683 ELSE ! of IF (.not.purmats) 1725 1684 1726 1727 if (ok_iso_verif) then 1728 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1664') 1729 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 1685 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1664') 1730 1686 1731 1687 c ........................................................ … … 1771 1727 ELSE ! of IF(forward) i.e. backward step 1772 1728 1773 1774 if (ok_iso_verif) then 1775 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1698') 1776 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 1729 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1698') 1777 1730 1778 1731 IF(MOD(itau,iperiod).EQ.0 .OR. itau.EQ.itaufin) THEN … … 1834 1787 ENDIF ! of IF (forward) 1835 1788 1836 1837 if (ok_iso_verif) then 1838 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1750') 1839 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 1789 call check_isotopes(q,ijb_u,ije_u,'leapfrog 1750') 1840 1790 1841 1791 END IF ! of IF(.not.purmats) -
r2597 r3852 27 27 DO ij=ijb,ije-1 28 28 massebxy(ij,l)=masse(ij ,l)*alpha2(ij ) + & 29 +masse(ij+1 ,l)*alpha3(ij+1 ) + &30 +masse(ij+iip1,l)*alpha1(ij+iip1) + &31 +masse(ij+iip2,l)*alpha4(ij+iip2)29 masse(ij+1 ,l)*alpha3(ij+1 ) + & 30 masse(ij+iip1,l)*alpha1(ij+iip1) + & 31 masse(ij+iip2,l)*alpha4(ij+iip2) 32 32 END DO 33 33 DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije+iip1-1,iip1; massebxy(ij,l)=massebxy(ij-iim,l); END DO -
r3851 r3852 4 4 SUBROUTINE qminimum_loc( q,nqtot,deltap ) 5 5 USE parallel_lmdz 6 USE infotrac, ONLY: ok_isotopes,ntraciso,iqiso,ok_iso_verif, & 7 & ratiomin,qperemin ! CRisi 23nov2020 6 USE infotrac, ONLY: nitr, iTraPha, qperemin ! CRisi 23nov2020 8 7 IMPLICIT none 9 8 c … … 55 54 56 55 !write(lunout,*) 'qminimum 52: entree' 57 if (ok_iso_verif) then 58 call check_isotopes(q,ij_begin,ij_end,'qminimum 52') 59 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 56 call check_isotopes(q,ij_begin,ij_end,'qminimum 52') 60 57 61 58 ijb=ij_begin … … 69 66 DO 1000 k = 1, llm 70 67 DO 1040 i = ijb, ije 71 if (seuil_liq - q(i,k,iq_liq) .gt. 0.d0 ) then 72 73 if (ok_isotopes) then 74 zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_liq)=AMAX1 75 : ( seuil_liq - q(i,k,iq_liq), 0.0 ) 76 endif !if (ok_isotopes) then 77 78 q(i,k,iq_vap) = q(i,k,iq_vap) + q(i,k,iq_liq) - seuil_liq 79 q(i,k,iq_liq) = seuil_liq 80 endif 68 if (seuil_liq - q(i,k,iq_liq) .gt. 0.d0 ) then 69 70 if (nitr > 0) zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_liq) = 71 & AMAX1( seuil_liq - q(i,k,iq_liq), 0.0 ) 72 73 q(i,k,iq_vap) = q(i,k,iq_vap) + q(i,k,iq_liq) - seuil_liq 74 q(i,k,iq_liq) = seuil_liq 75 endif 81 76 1040 CONTINUE 82 77 1000 CONTINUE … … 100 95 if ( seuil_vap - q(i,k,iq) .gt. 0.d0 ) then 101 96 102 if (ok_isotopes) then 103 zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq)=AMAX1( seuil_vap - q(i,k,iq), 0.0 ) 104 endif !if (ok_isotopes) then 97 if (nitr > 0) zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq) = 98 & AMAX1( seuil_vap - q(i,k,iq), 0.0 ) 105 99 106 100 q(i,k-1,iq) = q(i,k-1,iq) - ( seuil_vap - q(i,k,iq) ) * … … 141 135 142 136 !write(lunout,*) 'qminimum 128' 143 if ( ok_isotopes) then137 if (nitr > 0) then 144 138 !write(lunout,*) 'qminimum 140' 145 139 ! CRisi: traiter de même les traceurs d'eau … … 180 174 call abort_gcm("qminimum","not enough vapor",1) 181 175 endif 182 do ixt=1,n traciso176 do ixt=1,nitr 183 177 ! write(lunout,*) 'qmin 168: ixt=',ixt 184 ! write(lunout,*) 'q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap)=',185 ! : q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))178 ! write(lunout,*) 'q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)=', 179 ! : q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 186 180 ! write(lunout,*) 'zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap)=', 187 181 ! : zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap) 188 ! write(lunout,*) 'q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap)=',189 ! : q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))190 191 q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k,iqiso(ixt,iq_vap))182 ! write(lunout,*) 'q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)=', 183 ! : q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 184 185 q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 192 186 : +zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap) 193 : *q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap)187 : *q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap) 194 188 195 if (ok_iso_verif) then 196 if (iso_verif_noNaN_nostop(q(i,k,iqiso(ixt,iq_vap)), 197 : 'qminimum 155').eq.1) then 189 if (iso_verif_noNaN_nostop(q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)), 190 : 'qminimum 155')) then 198 191 write(*,*) 'i,k,ixt=',i,k,ixt 199 192 write(*,*) 'q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap)=', 200 193 : q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap) 201 write(*,*) 'q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=',202 : q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))194 write(*,*) 'q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=', 195 : q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 203 196 write(*,*) 'zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap)=', 204 197 : zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap) 205 write(*,*) 'q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=',206 : q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))198 write(*,*) 'q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=', 199 : q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 207 200 stop 208 endif 209 endif 201 endif 210 202 211 203 ! et on la retranche en k-1 212 q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k-1,iqiso(ixt,iq_vap))204 q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 213 205 : -zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap) 214 206 : *deltap(i,k)/deltap(i,k-1) 215 : *q(i,k-1,iqiso(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap) 216 217 if (ok_iso_verif) then 218 if (iso_verif_noNaN_nostop(q(i,k-1,iqiso(ixt,iq_vap)), 219 : 'qminimum 175').eq.1) then 207 : *q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap) 208 209 if (iso_verif_noNaN_nostop(q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)), 210 : 'qminimum 175')) then 220 211 write(*,*) 'k,i,ixt=',k,i,ixt 221 212 write(*,*) 'q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap)=', 222 213 : q_follow(i,k-1,iq_vap) 223 write(*,*) 'q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=',224 : q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))214 write(*,*) 'q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=', 215 : q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 225 216 write(*,*) 'zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap)=', 226 217 : zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap) 227 write(*,*) 'q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=',228 : q(i,k-1,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))218 write(*,*) 'q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=', 219 : q(i,k-1,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 229 220 stop 230 endif 231 endif 232 233 enddo !do ixt=1,niso 221 endif 222 223 enddo !do ixt=1,nitr 234 224 q_follow(i,k,iq_vap)= q_follow(i,k,iq_vap) 235 225 : +zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_vap) … … 242 232 enddo !do k=2,llm 243 233 244 if (ok_iso_verif) then 245 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'qminimum 168') 246 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 234 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'qminimum 168') 247 235 248 236 … … 255 243 256 244 ! on ajoute eau liquide en k en k 257 do ixt=1,n traciso258 q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_liq))=q(i,k,iqiso(ixt,iq_liq))245 do ixt=1,nitr 246 q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_liq))=q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_liq)) 259 247 : +zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_liq) 260 : *q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k,iq_vap)248 : *q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k,iq_vap) 261 249 ! et on la retranche à la vapeur en k 262 q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k,iqiso(ixt,iq_vap))250 q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))=q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap)) 263 251 : -zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_liq) 264 : *q(i,k,i qiso(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k,iq_vap)265 enddo !do ixt=1,ni so252 : *q(i,k,iTraPha(ixt,iq_vap))/q_follow(i,k,iq_vap) 253 enddo !do ixt=1,nitr 266 254 q_follow(i,k,iq_liq)= q_follow(i,k,iq_liq) 267 255 : +zx_defau_diag(i,k,iq_liq) … … 273 261 enddo !do k=2,llm 274 262 275 if (ok_iso_verif) then 276 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'qminimum 197') 277 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 278 279 endif !if (ok_isotopes) then 263 call check_isotopes(q,ijb,ije,'qminimum 197') 264 265 endif !if (nitr > 0) 280 266 !write(*,*) 'qminimum 188' 281 267 c -
r3851 r3852 14 14 c -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 15 USE parallel_lmdz 16 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils,! CRisi &16 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot,tracers, tra, ! CRisi & 17 17 & qperemin,masseqmin,ratiomin ! MVals et CRisi 18 18 IMPLICIT NONE … … 44 44 45 45 REAL Ratio(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot) ! CRisi 46 INTEGER ifils,iq2 ! CRisi 46 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 47 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 47 48 48 49 Logical extremum … … 54 55 55 56 INTEGER ijb,ije,ijb_x,ije_x 56 57 58 tr => tracers(iq) 59 57 60 !write(*,*) 'vlsplt 58: entree dans vlx_loc, iq,ijb_x=', 58 61 ! & iq,ijb_x … … 330 333 ! Il faut faire ça avant d'avoir mis à jour q et masse 331 334 332 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then333 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)334 !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)! modif C Risi 22nov2020335 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 336 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 337 !do ichld=1,tr%nchld ! modif C Risi 22nov2020 335 338 ! attention: comme Ratio est utilisé comme q dans l'appel 336 339 ! recursif, il doit contenir à lui seul tous les indices de tous 337 340 ! les descendants! 338 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)341 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 339 342 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 340 343 DO l=1,llm … … 352 355 enddo 353 356 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 354 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)355 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)356 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)357 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 358 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 359 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 357 360 call vlx_loc(Ratio,pente_max,masse,u_mq,ijb_x,ije_x,iq2) 358 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)359 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then361 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 362 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 360 363 ! end CRisi 361 364 … … 383 386 ! On calcule q entre ijb+1 et ije -> on fait pareil pour ratio 384 387 ! puis on boucle en longitude 385 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then386 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)387 !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)! modif C Risi 22nov2020388 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)388 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 389 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 390 !do ichld=1,tr%nchld ! modif C Risi 22nov2020 391 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 389 392 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 390 393 DO l=1,llm … … 397 400 enddo !DO l=1,llm 398 401 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 399 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)400 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then402 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 403 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 401 404 402 405 !write(*,*) 'vlsplt 399: iq,ijb_x=',iq,ijb_x … … 422 425 c -------------------------------------------------------------------- 423 426 USE parallel_lmdz 424 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils,! CRisi &427 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra, ! CRisi & 425 428 & qperemin,masseqmin,ratiomin ! MVals et CRisi 426 429 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: pi … … 468 471 469 472 REAL Ratio(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot) ! CRisi 470 INTEGER ifils,iq2 ! CRisi 473 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 474 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 471 475 c 472 476 c … … 478 482 INTEGER ijb,ije 479 483 INTEGER ijbm,ijem 484 485 tr => tracers(iq) 480 486 481 487 ijb=ij_begin-2*iip1 … … 732 738 ! CRisi: appel récursif de l'advection sur les fils. 733 739 ! Il faut faire ça avant d'avoir mis à jour q et masse 734 !write(*,*) 'vly 689: iq, nqfils(iq)=',iq,nqfils(iq)740 !write(*,*) 'vly 689: iq,tr%nchld=',iq,tr%nchld 735 741 736 742 ijb=ij_begin-2*iip1 … … 743 749 if (pole_sud) ijem=ij_end 744 750 745 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then746 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)747 !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)! modif C Risi 22nov2020748 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)751 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 752 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 753 !do ichld=1,tr%nchld ! modif C Risi 22nov2020 754 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 749 755 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 750 756 DO l=1,llm … … 767 773 enddo !DO l=1,llm 768 774 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 769 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)770 771 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)772 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)775 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 776 777 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 778 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 773 779 call vly_loc(Ratio,pente_max,masse,qbyv,iq2) 774 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)775 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then780 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 781 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 776 782 ! end CRisi 777 783 … … 862 868 ! if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end 863 869 864 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then865 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)866 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)870 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 871 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 872 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 867 873 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 868 874 DO l=1,llm … … 872 878 enddo 873 879 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 874 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)875 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then880 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 881 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 876 882 877 883 … … 895 901 USE parallel_lmdz 896 902 USE vlz_mod 897 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils,! CRisi &903 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra, ! CRisi & 898 904 & qperemin,masseqmin,ratiomin ! MVals et CRisi 899 905 … … 946 952 ! Ces varibles doivent être déclarées en pointer et en save dans 947 953 ! vlz_loc si on veut qu'elles soient vues par tous les threads. 948 INTEGER i fils,iq2 ! CRisi954 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 949 955 950 956 … … 1159 1165 ! CRisi: appel récursif de l'advection sur les fils. 1160 1166 ! Il faut faire ça avant d'avoir mis à jour q et masse 1161 !write(*,*) 'vlsplt 942: iq, nqfils(iq)=',iq,nqfils(iq)1162 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then1163 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)1164 !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)! modif C Risi 22 nov 20201165 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)1167 !write(*,*) 'vlsplt 942: iq,tr%nchld=',iq,tr%nchld 1168 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 1169 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 1170 !do ichld=1,tr%nchld ! modif C Risi 22 nov 2020 1171 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 1166 1172 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 1167 1173 DO l=1,llm … … 1179 1185 enddo 1180 1186 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 1181 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)1187 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 1182 1188 c$OMP BARRIER 1183 1189 1184 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)1185 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)1190 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 1191 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 1186 1192 call vlz_loc(Ratio,pente_max,masse,w,ijb_x,ije_x,iq2) 1187 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)1188 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then1193 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 1194 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 1189 1195 ! end CRisi 1190 1196 … … 1207 1213 1208 1214 ! retablir les fils en rapport de melange par rapport a l'air: 1209 if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then1210 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)1211 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)1215 if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 1216 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 1217 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 1212 1218 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 1213 1219 DO l=1,llm … … 1217 1223 enddo 1218 1224 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 1219 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)1220 endif !if ( nqfils(iq).gt.0) then1225 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 1226 endif !if (tr%ndesc > 0) then 1221 1227 1222 1228 RETURN -
r3850 r3852 1 SUBROUTINE vlspltgen_loc( q,iadv,pente_max,masse,w,pbaru,pbarv,pdt,p,pk,teta) 2 3 ! Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget, F.Codron 1 4 ! 2 ! $Header$ 5 ! ******************************************************************** 6 ! Shema d'advection " pseudo amont " . 7 ! + test sur humidite specifique: Q advecte< Qsat aval 8 ! (F. Codron, 10/99) 9 ! ******************************************************************** 10 ! q,pbaru,pbarv,w sont des arguments d'entree pour le s-pg .... 3 11 ! 4 SUBROUTINE vlspltgen_loc( q,iadv,pente_max,masse,w,pbaru,pbarv, 5 & pdt, p,pk,teta ) 6 7 c 8 c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget, F.Codron 9 c 10 c ******************************************************************** 11 c Shema d'advection " pseudo amont " . 12 c + test sur humidite specifique: Q advecte< Qsat aval 13 c (F. Codron, 10/99) 14 c ******************************************************************** 15 c q,pbaru,pbarv,w sont des arguments d'entree pour le s-pg .... 16 c 17 c pente_max facteur de limitation des pentes: 2 en general 18 c 0 pour un schema amont 19 c pbaru,pbarv,w flux de masse en u ,v ,w 20 c pdt pas de temps 21 c 22 c teta temperature potentielle, p pression aux interfaces, 23 c pk exner au milieu des couches necessaire pour calculer Qsat 24 c -------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 USE parallel_lmdz 26 USE mod_hallo 27 USE Write_Field_loc 28 USE VAMPIR 29 ! CRisi: on rajoute variables utiles d'infotrac 30 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot,nqperes,nqdesc,nqfils,iqfils, 31 & ok_iso_verif 32 USE vlspltgen_mod 33 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp 34 IMPLICIT NONE 35 36 c 37 include "dimensions.h" 38 include "paramet.h" 39 40 c 41 c Arguments: 42 c ---------- 43 INTEGER iadv(nqtot) 44 REAL masse(ijb_u:ije_u,llm),pente_max 45 REAL pbaru( ijb_u:ije_u,llm ),pbarv( ijb_v:ije_v,llm) 46 REAL q(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot) 47 REAL w(ijb_u:ije_u,llm),pdt 48 REAL p(ijb_u:ije_u,llmp1),teta(ijb_u:ije_u,llm) 49 REAL pk(ijb_u:ije_u,llm) 50 c 51 c Local 52 c --------- 53 c 54 INTEGER ij,l 55 c 56 REAL zzpbar, zzw 57 58 REAL qmin,qmax 59 DATA qmin,qmax/0.,1.e33/ 60 61 c--pour rapport de melange saturant-- 62 63 REAL rtt,retv,r2es,r3les,r3ies,r4les,r4ies,play 64 REAL ptarg,pdelarg,foeew,zdelta 65 REAL tempe(ijb_u:ije_u) 66 INTEGER ijb,ije,iq,iq2,ifils 67 LOGICAL, SAVE :: firstcall=.TRUE. 12 ! pente_max facteur de limitation des pentes: 2 en general 13 ! 0 pour un schema amont 14 ! pbaru,pbarv,w flux de masse en u ,v ,w 15 ! pdt pas de temps 16 ! 17 ! teta temperature potentielle, p pression aux interfaces, 18 ! pk exner au milieu des couches necessaire pour calculer Qsat 19 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 USE parallel_lmdz 21 USE mod_hallo 22 USE Write_Field_loc 23 USE VAMPIR 24 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra 25 USE vlspltgen_mod 26 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp 27 IMPLICIT NONE 28 29 include "dimensions.h" 30 include "paramet.h" 31 32 ! 33 ! Arguments: 34 !---------- 35 REAL, DIMENSION(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot), INTENT(INOUT) :: q 36 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nqtot), INTENT(IN) :: iadv 37 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pdt, pente_max 38 REAL, DIMENSION(ijb_u:ije_u,llm), INTENT(IN) :: pk, pbaru, masse, w, teta 39 REAL, DIMENSION(ijb_v:ije_v,llm), INTENT(IN) :: pbarv 40 REAL, DIMENSION(ijb_u:ije_u,llmp1), INTENT(IN) :: p 41 ! 42 ! Local 43 !--------- 44 INTEGER :: ij, l 45 REAL :: zzpbar, zzw 46 REAL, PARAMETER :: qmin = 0., qmax = 1.e33 47 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 48 49 !--pour rapport de melange saturant-- 50 REAL, PARAMETER :: & 51 r2es = 380.11733, & 52 r3les = 17.269, & 53 r3ies = 21.875, & 54 r4les = 35.86, & 55 r4ies = 7.66, & 56 retv = 0.6077667, & 57 rtt = 273.16 58 59 REAL :: play, ptarg, pdelarg, foeew, zdelta, tempe(ijb_u:ije_u) 60 INTEGER :: ijb,ije,iq,iq2,ichld 61 LOGICAL, SAVE :: firstcall=.TRUE. 68 62 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall) 69 type(request),SAVE :: MyRequest1 70 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(MyRequest1) 71 type(request),SAVE :: MyRequest2 72 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(MyRequest2) 73 c fonction psat(T) 74 75 FOEEW ( PTARG,PDELARG ) = EXP ( 76 * (R3LES*(1.-PDELARG)+R3IES*PDELARG) * (PTARG-RTT) 77 * / (PTARG-(R4LES*(1.-PDELARG)+R4IES*PDELARG)) ) 78 79 r2es = 380.11733 80 r3les = 17.269 81 r3ies = 21.875 82 r4les = 35.86 83 r4ies = 7.66 84 retv = 0.6077667 85 rtt = 273.16 86 87 c Allocate variables depending on dynamic variable nqtot 88 89 IF (firstcall) THEN 90 firstcall=.FALSE. 91 END IF 92 c-- Calcul de Qsat en chaque point 93 c-- approximation: au milieu des couches play(l)=(p(l)+p(l+1))/2 94 c pour eviter une exponentielle. 95 96 call SetTag(MyRequest1,100) 97 call SetTag(MyRequest2,101) 98 63 TYPE(request), SAVE :: MyRequest1, MyRequest2 64 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (MyRequest1, MyRequest2) 65 66 ! fonction psat(T) 67 FOEEW ( PTARG,PDELARG ) = EXP ( (R3LES*(1.-PDELARG)+R3IES*PDELARG) * (PTARG-RTT) & 68 / (PTARG-(R4LES*(1.-PDELARG)+R4IES*PDELARG)) ) 69 70 ! Allocate variables depending on dynamic variable nqtot 71 IF(firstcall) THEN 72 firstcall=.FALSE. 73 END IF 74 !-- Calcul de Qsat en chaque point 75 !-- approximation: au milieu des couches play(l)=(p(l)+p(l+1))/2 76 ! pour eviter une exponentielle. 77 78 CALL SetTag(MyRequest1,100) 79 CALL SetTag(MyRequest2,101) 80 81 ijb=ij_begin-iip1; IF(pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin 82 ije=ij_end +iip1; IF(pole_sud) ije=ij_end 83 84 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 85 DO l = 1, llm 86 DO ij = ijb, ije 87 tempe(ij) = teta(ij,l) * pk(ij,l) /cpp 88 END DO 89 DO ij = ijb, ije 90 zdelta = MAX( 0., SIGN(1., rtt - tempe(ij)) ) 91 play = 0.5*(p(ij,l)+p(ij,l+1)) 92 qsat(ij,l) = MIN(0.5, r2es* FOEEW(tempe(ij),zdelta) / play ) 93 qsat(ij,l) = qsat(ij,l) / ( 1. - retv * qsat(ij,l) ) 94 END DO 95 END DO 96 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 97 ! PRINT*,'Debut vlsplt version debug sans vlyqs' 98 99 zzpbar = 0.5 * pdt 100 zzw = pdt 101 102 ijb=ij_begin; IF(pole_nord) ijb=ijb+iip1 103 ije=ij_end; IF(pole_sud) ije=ije-iip1 104 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 105 DO l=1,llm 106 DO ij = ijb,ije 107 mu(ij,l)=pbaru(ij,l) * zzpbar 108 END DO 109 END DO 110 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 111 112 ijb=ij_begin-iip1; IF(pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin 113 ije=ij_end; IF(pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 114 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 115 DO l=1,llm 116 DO ij=ijb,ije 117 mv(ij,l)=pbarv(ij,l) * zzpbar 118 END DO 119 END DO 120 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 121 122 ijb=ij_begin 123 ije=ij_end 124 DO iq=1,nqtot 125 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 126 DO l=1,llm 127 DO ij=ijb,ije 128 mw(ij,l,iq)=w(ij,l) * zzw 129 END DO 130 END DO 131 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 132 END DO 133 134 DO iq=1,nqtot 135 !$OMP MASTER 136 DO ij=ijb,ije 137 mw(ij,llm+1,iq)=0. 138 END DO 139 !$OMP END MASTER 140 END DO 141 142 ! CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,q,1,zq,1) 143 ! CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,masse,1,zm,1) 144 145 ijb=ij_begin 146 ije=ij_end 147 DO iq=1,nqtot 148 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 149 DO l=1,llm 150 zq(ijb:ije,l,iq)=q(ijb:ije,l,iq) 151 zm(ijb:ije,l,iq)=masse(ijb:ije,l) 152 END DO 153 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 154 END DO 155 156 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 157 CALL WriteField_u('mu',mu) 158 CALL WriteField_v('mv',mv) 159 CALL WriteField_u('mw',mw) 160 CALL WriteField_u('qsat',qsat) 161 #endif 162 163 ! verif temporaire 164 ijb=ij_begin 165 ije=ij_end 166 CALL check_isotopes(zq,ijb,ije,'vlspltgen_loc 191') 167 168 !$OMP BARRIER 169 DO iq=1,nqtot 170 tr => tracers(iq) 171 ! CRisi: on ne boucle que sur les parents = ceux qui sont transportes directement par l'air 172 IF(tr%igen /= 1) CYCLE 173 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 192: iq,iadv=',iq,iadv(iq) 174 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 175 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 176 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 177 #endif 178 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 179 SELECT CASE(iadv(iq)) 180 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 181 CASE(0); CYCLE 182 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 183 CASE(10) 184 #ifdef _ADV_HALO 185 ! CRisi: on ajoute les nombres de fils et tableaux des fils 186 ! On suppose qu'on ne peut advecter les fils que par le schéma 10. 187 CALL vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,ij_begin,ij_begin+2*iip1-1,iq) 188 CALL vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,ij_end-2*iip1+1,ij_end,iq) 189 #else 190 CALL vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 191 #endif 192 !$OMP MASTER 193 CALL VTb(VTHallo) 194 !$OMP END MASTER 195 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest1) 196 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest1) 197 ! CRisi 198 DO ichld=1,tr%ndesc 199 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 200 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq2),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest1) 201 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq2),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest1) 202 END DO 203 !$OMP MASTER 204 CALL VTe(VTHallo) 205 !$OMP END MASTER 206 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 207 CASE(14) 208 #ifdef _ADV_HALO 209 CALL vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,qsat,ij_begin,ij_begin+2*iip1-1,iq) 210 CALL vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,qsat,ij_end-2*iip1+1,ij_end,iq) 211 #else 212 CALL vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,qsat,ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 213 #endif 214 !$OMP MASTER 215 CALL VTb(VTHallo) 216 !$OMP END MASTER 217 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest1) 218 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest1) 219 DO ichld=1,tr%ndesc 220 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 221 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq2),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest1) 222 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq2),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest1) 223 END DO 224 !$OMP MASTER 225 CALL VTe(VTHallo) 226 !$OMP END MASTER 227 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 228 CASE DEFAULT; STOP 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 229 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 230 END SELECT 231 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 232 END DO 233 !$OMP BARRIER 234 235 !$OMP MASTER 236 CALL VTb(VTHallo) 237 !$OMP END MASTER 238 CALL SendRequest(MyRequest1) 239 !$OMP MASTER 240 CALL VTe(VTHallo) 241 !$OMP END MASTER 242 243 !$OMP BARRIER 244 245 ! verif temporaire 246 ijb=ij_begin-2*iip1; IF(pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin 247 ije=ij_end +2*iip1; IF(pole_sud) ije=ij_end 248 CALL check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 280') 249 250 DO iq=1,nqtot 251 tr => tracers(iq) 252 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 279: iq=',iq 253 IF(tr%igen /= 1) CYCLE 254 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 SELECT CASE(iadv(iq)) 256 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 257 CASE(0); CYCLE 258 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 259 CASE(10) 260 #ifdef _ADV_HALLO 261 CALL vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,ij_begin+2*iip1,ij_end-2*iip1,iq) 262 #endif 263 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 264 CASE(14) 265 #ifdef _ADV_HALLO 266 CALL vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,qsat,ij_begin+2*iip1,ij_end-2*iip1,iq) 267 #endif 268 CASE DEFAULT; STOP 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 269 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 270 END SELECT 271 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 272 END DO 273 !$OMP BARRIER 274 275 !$OMP MASTER 276 CALL VTb(VTHallo) 277 !$OMP END MASTER 278 279 ! CALL WaitRecvRequest(MyRequest1) 280 ! CALL WaitSendRequest(MyRequest1) 281 !$OMP BARRIER 282 CALL WaitRequest(MyRequest1) 283 284 285 !$OMP MASTER 286 CALL VTe(VTHallo) 287 !$OMP END MASTER 288 !$OMP BARRIER 289 290 CALL check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 326') 291 292 ijb=ij_begin-2*iip1; IF(pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin 293 ije=ij_end +2*iip1; IF(pole_sud) ije=ij_end 294 295 CALL check_isotopes(zq,ijb,ije,'vlspltgen_loc 336') 296 297 DO iq=1,nqtot 298 tr => tracers(iq) 299 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 321: iq=',iq 300 IF(tr%igen /= 1) CYCLE 301 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 302 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 303 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 304 #endif 305 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 306 SELECT CASE(iadv(iq)) 307 CASE(0); CYCLE 308 CASE(10); CALL vly_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mv,iq) 309 CASE(14); CALL vlyqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mv,qsat,iq) 310 CASE DEFAULT; STOP 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 311 END SELECT 312 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 313 END DO 314 315 CALL check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 357') 316 317 DO iq=1,nqtot 318 tr => tracers(iq) 319 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 349: iq=',iq 320 IF(tr%igen /= 1) CYCLE 321 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 322 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 323 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 324 #endif 325 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 326 SELECT CASE(iadv(iq)) 327 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 328 CASE(0); CYCLE 329 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 330 CASE(10,14) 331 !$OMP BARRIER 332 #ifdef _ADV_HALLO 333 CALL vlz_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mw,ij_begin,ij_begin+2*iip1-1,iq) 334 CALL vlz_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mw,ij_end-2*iip1+1,ij_end,iq) 335 #else 336 CALL vlz_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mw,ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 337 #endif 338 !$OMP BARRIER 339 !$OMP MASTER 340 CALL VTb(VTHallo) 341 !$OMP END MASTER 342 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest2) 343 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest2) 344 ! CRisi 345 DO ichld=1,tr%ndesc 346 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 347 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq2),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest2) 348 CALL Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq2),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest2) 349 END DO 350 !$OMP MASTER 351 CALL VTe(VTHallo) 352 !$OMP END MASTER 353 !$OMP BARRIER 354 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 355 CASE DEFAULT; STOP 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 356 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 357 END SELECT 358 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 359 END DO 360 !$OMP BARRIER 361 362 363 !$OMP MASTER 364 CALL VTb(VTHallo) 365 !$OMP END MASTER 366 367 CALL SendRequest(MyRequest2) 368 369 !$OMP MASTER 370 CALL VTe(VTHallo) 371 !$OMP END MASTER 372 373 CALL check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 429') 374 375 !$OMP BARRIER 376 DO iq=1,nqtot 377 tr => tracers(iq) 378 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 409: iq=',iq 379 IF(tr%igen /= 1) CYCLE 380 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 381 SELECT CASE(iadv(iq)) 382 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 383 CASE(0); CYCLE 384 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 385 CASE(10,14) 386 !$OMP BARRIER 387 #ifdef _ADV_HALLO 388 CALL vlz_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mw,ij_begin+2*iip1,ij_end-2*iip1,iq) 389 #endif 390 !$OMP BARRIER 391 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 392 CASE DEFAULT; STOP 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 393 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 394 END SELECT 395 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 396 END DO 397 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 476' 398 399 !$OMP BARRIER 400 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 477' 401 !$OMP MASTER 402 CALL VTb(VTHallo) 403 !$OMP END MASTER 404 405 ! CALL WaitRecvRequest(MyRequest2) 406 ! CALL WaitSendRequest(MyRequest2) 407 !$OMP BARRIER 408 CALL WaitRequest(MyRequest2) 409 410 !$OMP MASTER 411 CALL VTe(VTHallo) 412 !$OMP END MASTER 413 !$OMP BARRIER 414 415 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 494' 416 CALL check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 461') 417 418 DO iq=1,nqtot 419 tr => tracers(iq) 420 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 449: iq=',iq 421 IF(tr%igen /= 1) CYCLE 422 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 423 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 424 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 425 #endif 426 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 427 SELECT CASE(iadv(iq)) 428 CASE(0); CYCLE 429 CASE(10); CALL vly_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mv,iq) 430 CASE(14); CALL vlyqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mv,qsat,iq) 431 CASE DEFAULT; STOP 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 432 END SELECT 433 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 434 END DO 435 436 CALL check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 493') 437 438 DO iq=1,nqtot 439 tr => tracers(iq) 440 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 477: iq=',iq 441 IF(tr%igen /= 1) CYCLE 442 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 443 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 444 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 445 #endif 446 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 447 SELECT CASE(iadv(iq)) 448 CASE(0); CYCLE 449 CASE(10); CALL vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 450 CASE(14); CALL vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,qsat,ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 451 CASE DEFAULT; STOP 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 452 END SELECT 453 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 454 END DO 455 456 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 550: apres derniere serie de call vlx' 457 CALL check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 521') 458 459 ijb=ij_begin 460 ije=ij_end 461 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 557' 462 !$OMP BARRIER 463 464 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 559' 465 DO iq=1,nqtot 466 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 561, iq=',iq 467 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 468 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 469 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 470 #endif 471 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 472 DO l=1,llm 473 DO ij=ijb,ije 474 ! print *,'zq-->',ij,l,iq,zq(ij,l,iq) 475 ! print *,'q-->',ij,l,iq,q(ij,l,iq) 476 q(ij,l,iq)=zq(ij,l,iq) 477 END DO 478 END DO 479 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 480 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 575' 481 482 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 483 DO l=1,llm 484 DO ij=ijb,ije-iip1+1,iip1 485 q(ij+iim,l,iq)=q(ij,l,iq) 486 END DO 487 END DO 488 !$OMP END DO NOWAIT 489 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 583' 490 END DO 99 491 100 ijb=ij_begin-iip1 101 ije=ij_end+iip1 102 if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin 103 if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end 104 105 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 106 DO l = 1, llm 107 DO ij = ijb, ije 108 tempe(ij) = teta(ij,l) * pk(ij,l) /cpp 109 ENDDO 110 DO ij = ijb, ije 111 zdelta = MAX( 0., SIGN(1., rtt - tempe(ij)) ) 112 play = 0.5*(p(ij,l)+p(ij,l+1)) 113 qsat(ij,l) = MIN(0.5, r2es* FOEEW(tempe(ij),zdelta) / play ) 114 qsat(ij,l) = qsat(ij,l) / ( 1. - retv * qsat(ij,l) ) 115 ENDDO 116 ENDDO 117 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 118 c PRINT*,'Debut vlsplt version debug sans vlyqs' 119 120 zzpbar = 0.5 * pdt 121 zzw = pdt 122 123 ijb=ij_begin 124 ije=ij_end 125 if (pole_nord) ijb=ijb+iip1 126 if (pole_sud) ije=ije-iip1 127 128 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 129 DO l=1,llm 130 DO ij = ijb,ije 131 mu(ij,l)=pbaru(ij,l) * zzpbar 132 ENDDO 133 ENDDO 134 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 135 136 ijb=ij_begin-iip1 137 ije=ij_end 138 if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin 139 if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 140 141 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 142 DO l=1,llm 143 DO ij=ijb,ije 144 mv(ij,l)=pbarv(ij,l) * zzpbar 145 ENDDO 146 ENDDO 147 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 148 149 ijb=ij_begin 150 ije=ij_end 151 152 DO iq=1,nqtot 153 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 154 DO l=1,llm 155 DO ij=ijb,ije 156 mw(ij,l,iq)=w(ij,l) * zzw 157 ENDDO 158 ENDDO 159 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 160 ENDDO 161 162 DO iq=1,nqtot 163 c$OMP MASTER 164 DO ij=ijb,ije 165 mw(ij,llm+1,iq)=0. 166 ENDDO 167 c$OMP END MASTER 168 ENDDO 169 170 c CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,q,1,zq,1) 171 c CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,masse,1,zm,1) 172 173 ijb=ij_begin 174 ije=ij_end 175 176 DO iq=1,nqtot 177 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 178 DO l=1,llm 179 zq(ijb:ije,l,iq)=q(ijb:ije,l,iq) 180 zm(ijb:ije,l,iq)=masse(ijb:ije,l) 181 ENDDO 182 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 183 ENDDO 184 185 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 186 CALL WriteField_u('mu',mu) 187 CALL WriteField_v('mv',mv) 188 CALL WriteField_u('mw',mw) 189 CALL WriteField_u('qsat',qsat) 190 #endif 191 192 ! verif temporaire 193 ijb=ij_begin 194 ije=ij_end 195 if (ok_iso_verif) then 196 call check_isotopes(zq,ijb,ije,'vlspltgen_loc 191') 197 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 198 199 c$OMP BARRIER 200 ! DO iq=1,nqtot 201 DO iq=1,nqperes ! CRisi: on ne boucle que sur les pères= ceux qui sont transportés directement par l'air 202 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 192: iq,iadv=',iq,iadv(iq) 203 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 204 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 205 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 206 #endif 207 if(iadv(iq) == 0) then 208 209 cycle 210 211 else if (iadv(iq)==10) then 212 213 #ifdef _ADV_HALO 214 ! CRisi: on ajoute les nombres de fils et tableaux des fils 215 ! On suppose qu'on ne peut advecter les fils que par le schéma 10. 216 call vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 217 & ij_begin,ij_begin+2*iip1-1,iq) 218 call vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 219 & ij_end-2*iip1+1,ij_end,iq) 220 #else 221 call vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 222 & ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 223 #endif 224 225 c$OMP MASTER 226 call VTb(VTHallo) 227 c$OMP END MASTER 228 call Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest1) 229 call Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest1) 230 ! CRisi 231 do ifils=1,nqdesc(iq) 232 iq2=iqfils(ifils,iq) 233 call Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq2),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest1) 234 call Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq2),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest1) 235 enddo 236 237 c$OMP MASTER 238 call VTe(VTHallo) 239 c$OMP END MASTER 240 else if (iadv(iq)==14) then 241 242 #ifdef _ADV_HALO 243 call vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 244 & qsat,ij_begin,ij_begin+2*iip1-1,iq) 245 call vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 246 & qsat,ij_end-2*iip1+1,ij_end,iq) 247 #else 248 call vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 249 & qsat,ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 250 #endif 251 252 c$OMP MASTER 253 call VTb(VTHallo) 254 c$OMP END MASTER 255 256 call Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest1) 257 call Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest1) 258 do ifils=1,nqdesc(iq) 259 iq2=iqfils(ifils,iq) 260 call Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq2),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest1) 261 call Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq2),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest1) 262 enddo 263 264 c$OMP MASTER 265 call VTe(VTHallo) 266 c$OMP END MASTER 267 else 268 269 stop 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 270 271 endif 272 273 enddo !DO iq=1,nqperes 274 275 276 c$OMP BARRIER 277 c$OMP MASTER 278 call VTb(VTHallo) 279 c$OMP END MASTER 280 281 call SendRequest(MyRequest1) 282 283 c$OMP MASTER 284 call VTe(VTHallo) 285 c$OMP END MASTER 286 c$OMP BARRIER 287 288 ! verif temporaire 289 ijb=ij_begin-2*iip1 290 ije=ij_end+2*iip1 291 if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin 292 if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end 293 if (ok_iso_verif) then 294 call check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 280') 295 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 296 297 do iq=1,nqperes 298 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 279: iq=',iq 299 300 if(iadv(iq) == 0) then 301 302 cycle 303 304 else if (iadv(iq)==10) then 305 306 #ifdef _ADV_HALLO 307 call vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 308 & ij_begin+2*iip1,ij_end-2*iip1,iq) 309 #endif 310 else if (iadv(iq)==14) then 311 #ifdef _ADV_HALLO 312 call vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 313 & qsat,ij_begin+2*iip1,ij_end-2*iip1,iq) 314 #endif 315 else 316 317 stop 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 318 319 endif 320 321 enddo 322 c$OMP BARRIER 323 c$OMP MASTER 324 call VTb(VTHallo) 325 c$OMP END MASTER 326 327 ! call WaitRecvRequest(MyRequest1) 328 ! call WaitSendRequest(MyRequest1) 329 c$OMP BARRIER 330 call WaitRequest(MyRequest1) 331 332 333 c$OMP MASTER 334 call VTe(VTHallo) 335 c$OMP END MASTER 336 c$OMP BARRIER 337 338 339 if (ok_iso_verif) then 340 call check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 326') 341 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 342 if (ok_iso_verif) then 343 ijb=ij_begin-2*iip1 344 ije=ij_end+2*iip1 345 if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin 346 if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end 347 call check_isotopes(zq,ijb,ije,'vlspltgen_loc 336') 348 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 349 350 do iq=1,nqperes 351 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 321: iq=',iq 352 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 353 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 354 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 355 #endif 356 357 if(iadv(iq) == 0) then 358 359 cycle 360 361 else if (iadv(iq)==10) then 362 363 call vly_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mv,iq) 364 365 else if (iadv(iq)==14) then 366 367 call vlyqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mv, 368 & qsat,iq) 369 370 else 371 372 stop 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 373 374 endif 375 376 enddo 377 378 if (ok_iso_verif) then 379 call check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 357') 380 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 381 382 do iq=1,nqperes 383 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 349: iq=',iq 384 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 385 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 386 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 387 #endif 388 if(iadv(iq) == 0) then 389 390 cycle 391 392 else if (iadv(iq)==10 .or. iadv(iq)==14 ) then 393 394 c$OMP BARRIER 395 #ifdef _ADV_HALLO 396 call vlz_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mw, 397 & ij_begin,ij_begin+2*iip1-1,iq) 398 call vlz_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mw, 399 & ij_end-2*iip1+1,ij_end,iq) 400 #else 401 call vlz_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mw, 402 & ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 403 #endif 404 c$OMP BARRIER 405 406 c$OMP MASTER 407 call VTb(VTHallo) 408 c$OMP END MASTER 409 410 call Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest2) 411 call Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest2) 412 ! CRisi 413 do ifils=1,nqdesc(iq) 414 iq2=iqfils(ifils,iq) 415 call Register_Hallo_u(zq(:,:,iq2),llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest2) 416 call Register_Hallo_u(zm(:,:,iq2),llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest2) 417 enddo 418 c$OMP MASTER 419 call VTe(VTHallo) 420 c$OMP END MASTER 421 c$OMP BARRIER 422 else 423 424 stop 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 425 426 endif 427 428 enddo 429 c$OMP BARRIER 430 431 c$OMP MASTER 432 call VTb(VTHallo) 433 c$OMP END MASTER 434 435 call SendRequest(MyRequest2) 436 437 c$OMP MASTER 438 call VTe(VTHallo) 439 c$OMP END MASTER 440 441 442 if (ok_iso_verif) then 443 call check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 429') 444 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 445 446 c$OMP BARRIER 447 do iq=1,nqperes 448 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 409: iq=',iq 449 450 if(iadv(iq) == 0) then 451 452 cycle 453 454 else if (iadv(iq)==10 .or. iadv(iq)==14 ) then 455 c$OMP BARRIER 456 457 #ifdef _ADV_HALLO 458 call vlz_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mw, 459 & ij_begin+2*iip1,ij_end-2*iip1,iq) 460 #endif 461 462 c$OMP BARRIER 463 else 464 465 stop 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 466 467 endif 468 469 enddo 470 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 476' 471 472 c$OMP BARRIER 473 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 477' 474 c$OMP MASTER 475 call VTb(VTHallo) 476 c$OMP END MASTER 477 478 ! call WaitRecvRequest(MyRequest2) 492 CALL check_isotopes(q,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 557') 493 494 !$OMP BARRIER 495 496 !!$OMP MASTER 497 ! call WaitSendRequest(MyRequest1) 479 498 ! call WaitSendRequest(MyRequest2) 480 c$OMP BARRIER 481 CALL WaitRequest(MyRequest2) 482 483 c$OMP MASTER 484 call VTe(VTHallo) 485 c$OMP END MASTER 486 c$OMP BARRIER 487 488 489 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 494' 490 if (ok_iso_verif) then 491 call check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 461') 492 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 493 494 do iq=1,nqperes 495 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 449: iq=',iq 496 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 497 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 498 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 499 #endif 500 if(iadv(iq) == 0) then 501 502 cycle 503 504 else if (iadv(iq)==10) then 505 506 call vly_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mv,iq) 507 508 else if (iadv(iq)==14) then 509 510 call vlyqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mv, 511 & qsat,iq) 512 513 else 514 515 stop 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 516 517 endif 518 519 enddo !do iq=1,nqperes 520 521 if (ok_iso_verif) then 522 call check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 493') 523 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 524 525 do iq=1,nqperes 526 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 477: iq=',iq 527 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 528 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 529 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 530 #endif 531 if(iadv(iq) == 0) then 532 533 cycle 534 535 else if (iadv(iq)==10) then 536 537 call vlx_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 538 & ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 539 540 else if (iadv(iq)==14) then 541 542 call vlxqs_loc(zq,pente_max,zm,mu, 543 & qsat, ij_begin,ij_end,iq) 544 545 else 546 547 stop 'vlspltgen_p : schema non parallelise' 548 549 endif 550 551 enddo !do iq=1,nqperes 552 553 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 550: apres derniere serie de call vlx' 554 if (ok_iso_verif) then 555 call check_isotopes(zq,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 521') 556 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 557 558 ijb=ij_begin 559 ije=ij_end 560 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 557' 561 c$OMP BARRIER 562 563 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 559' 564 DO iq=1,nqtot 565 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 561, iq=',iq 566 #ifdef DEBUG_IO 567 CALL WriteField_u('zq',zq(:,:,iq)) 568 CALL WriteField_u('zm',zm(:,:,iq)) 569 #endif 570 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 571 DO l=1,llm 572 DO ij=ijb,ije 573 c print *,'zq-->',ij,l,iq,zq(ij,l,iq) 574 c print *,'q-->',ij,l,iq,q(ij,l,iq) 575 q(ij,l,iq)=zq(ij,l,iq) 576 ENDDO 577 ENDDO 578 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 579 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 575' 580 581 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 582 DO l=1,llm 583 DO ij=ijb,ije-iip1+1,iip1 584 q(ij+iim,l,iq)=q(ij,l,iq) 585 ENDDO 586 ENDDO 587 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 588 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen_loc 583' 589 ENDDO !DO iq=1,nqtot 590 591 if (ok_iso_verif) then 592 call check_isotopes(q,ij_begin,ij_end,'vlspltgen_loc 557') 593 endif !if (ok_iso_verif) then 594 595 c$OMP BARRIER 596 597 cc$OMP MASTER 598 c call WaitSendRequest(MyRequest1) 599 c call WaitSendRequest(MyRequest2) 600 cc$OMP END MASTER 601 cc$OMP BARRIER 602 603 !write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 597: sortie' 604 RETURN 605 END 499 !!$OMP END MASTER 500 !!$OMP BARRIER 501 502 ! write(*,*) 'vlspltgen 597: sortie' 503 504 END -
r3851 r3852 12 12 c -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 13 USE parallel_lmdz 14 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils,! CRisi &14 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra, ! CRisi & 15 15 & qperemin,masseqmin,ratiomin ! MVals et CRisi 16 16 IMPLICIT NONE … … 40 40 REAL u_mq(ijb_u:ije_u,llm) 41 41 REAL Ratio(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot) ! CRisi 42 INTEGER i fils,iq2 ! CRisi43 42 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 43 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 44 44 45 45 REAL SSUM … … 47 47 48 48 INTEGER ijb,ije,ijb_x,ije_x 49 49 50 tr => tracers(iq) 51 50 52 !write(*,*) 'vlspltqs 58: entree vlxqs_loc, iq,ijb_x=', 51 53 ! & iq,ijb_x … … 337 339 ! CRisi: appel récursif de l'advection sur les fils. 338 340 ! Il faut faire ça avant d'avoir mis à jour q et masse 339 !write(*,*) 'vlspltqs 336: iq,ijb_x, nqfils(iq)=',340 ! & iq,ijb_x, nqfils(iq)341 342 if (nqfils(iq).gt.0) then343 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)344 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)341 !write(*,*) 'vlspltqs 336: iq,ijb_x,tr%nchld=', 342 ! & iq,ijb_x,tr%nchld 343 344 if(tr%ndesc > 0) then 345 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 346 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 345 347 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 346 348 DO l=1,llm … … 356 358 enddo 357 359 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 358 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)359 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)360 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)360 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 361 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 362 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 361 363 !write(*,*) 'vlxqs 349: on appelle vlx pour iq2=',iq2 362 364 call vlx_loc(Ratio,pente_max,masse,u_mq,ijb_x,ije_x,iq2) 363 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)364 endif !if (nqfils(iq).gt.0) then365 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 366 endif !if(tr%ndesc > 0) 365 367 ! end CRisi 366 368 … … 389 391 390 392 ! retablir les fils en rapport de melange par rapport a l'air: 391 if (nqfils(iq).gt.0) then392 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)393 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)393 if(tr%ndesc > 0) then 394 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 395 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 394 396 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 395 397 DO l=1,llm … … 402 404 enddo 403 405 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 404 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)405 endif !if (nqfils(iq).gt.0) then406 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 407 endif !if(tr%ndesc > 0) 406 408 407 409 !write(*,*) 'vlspltqs 399: iq,ijb_x=',iq,ijb_x … … 426 428 c -------------------------------------------------------------------- 427 429 USE parallel_lmdz 428 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, nqfils,nqdesc,iqfils,! CRisi &430 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot, tracers, tra, ! CRisi & 429 431 & qperemin,masseqmin,ratiomin ! MVals et CRisi 430 432 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: pi … … 470 472 c 471 473 REAL Ratio(ijb_u:ije_u,llm,nqtot) ! CRisi 472 INTEGER ifils,iq2 ! CRisi 474 INTEGER ichld,iq2 ! CRisi 475 TYPE(tra), POINTER :: tr 473 476 474 477 REAL SSUM … … 733 736 ! CRisi: appel récursif de l'advection sur les fils. 734 737 ! Il faut faire ça avant d'avoir mis à jour q et masse 735 !write(*,*) 'vlyqs 689: iq, nqfils(iq)=',iq,nqfils(iq)738 !write(*,*) 'vlyqs 689: iq,tr%nchld=',iq,tr%nchld 736 739 737 740 ijb=ij_begin-2*iip1 … … 747 750 !write(lunout,*) 'ij_begin,ij_end=',ij_begin,ij_end 748 751 !write(lunout,*) 'pole_nord,pole_sud=',pole_nord,pole_sud 749 if (nqfils(iq).gt.0) then750 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)751 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)752 if(tr%ndesc > 0) then 753 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 754 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 752 755 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 753 756 DO l=1,llm … … 771 774 enddo !DO l=1,llm 772 775 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 773 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)774 do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)775 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)776 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 777 do ichld=1,tr%nchld 778 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 776 779 !write(lunout,*) 'vly: appel recursiv vly iq2=',iq2 777 780 call vly_loc(Ratio,pente_max,masse,qbyv,iq2) 778 enddo !do i fils=1,nqfils(iq)779 endif !if (nqfils(iq).gt.0) then781 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%nchld 782 endif !if(tr%ndesc > 0) 780 783 781 784 … … 856 859 ! if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 857 860 858 if (nqfils(iq).gt.0) then859 do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)860 iq2= iqfils(ifils,iq)861 if(tr%ndesc > 0) then 862 do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 863 iq2=tr%idesc(ichld) 861 864 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) 862 865 DO l=1,llm … … 866 869 enddo 867 870 c$OMP END DO NOWAIT 868 enddo !do i fils=1,nqdesc(iq)869 endif !if (nqfils(iq).gt.0) then871 enddo !do ichld=1,tr%ndesc 872 endif !if(tr%ndesc > 0) 870 873 871 874 -
r2281 r3852 15 15 USE allocate_field_mod 16 16 USE parallel_lmdz 17 USE infotrac 17 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers 18 18 USE dimensions_mod 19 19 IMPLICIT NONE … … 25 25 CALL allocate_u(dzqw,llm,d) 26 26 CALL allocate_u(adzqw,llm,d) 27 if ( then28 !CALL allocate_u(masseq,llm,nqtot,d)29 CALL allocate_u(Ratio,llm,nqtot,d)30 endif !if ( then27 IF(ANY(tracers(:)%ndesc > 0) THEN 28 !CALL allocate_u(masseq,llm,nqtot,d) 29 CALL allocate_u(Ratio,llm,nqtot,d) 30 END IF 31 31 32 32 END SUBROUTINE vlz_allocate -
r2622 r3852 11 11 USE parallel_lmdz 12 12 USE misc_mod 13 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot , ttext13 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot 14 14 use com_io_dyn_mod, only : histaveid,histvaveid,histuaveid 15 15 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp … … 177 177 !!$OMP MASTER 178 178 ! DO iq=1,nqtot 179 ! call histwrite(histaveid, t text(iq), itau_w, q(ijb:ije,:,iq),179 ! call histwrite(histaveid, tracers(iq)%lnam, itau_w, q(ijb:ije,:,iq), 180 180 ! . iip1*jjn*llm, ndexu) 181 181 ! enddo -
r2622 r3852 11 11 USE parallel_lmdz 12 12 USE misc_mod 13 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot , ttext13 USE infotrac, ONLY : nqtot 14 14 use com_io_dyn_mod, only : histid,histvid,histuid 15 15 USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp … … 177 177 !!$OMP MASTER 178 178 ! DO iq=1,nqtot 179 ! call histwrite(histid, t text(iq), itau_w, q(ijb:ije,:,iq),179 ! call histwrite(histid, tracers(iq)%lnam, itau_w, q(ijb:ije,:,iq), 180 180 ! . iip1*jjn*llm, ndexu) 181 181 ! enddo -
r2604 r3852 29 29 c Auteur : P. Le Van, F. Hourdin 30 30 c ......... 31 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niadv, t name31 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niadv, tracers 32 32 USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type, nsplit_phys 33 33 #ifdef CPP_PHYS … … 481 481 lafin_split=lafin.and.isplit==nsplit_phys 482 482 483 CALL call_physiq(ngridmx,llm,nqtot,t name,483 CALL call_physiq(ngridmx,llm,nqtot,tracers(:)%name, 484 484 & debut_split,lafin_split, 485 485 & jD_cur,jH_cur_split,zdt_split, -
r2604 r3852 45 45 USE Times 46 46 #endif 47 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niadv, t name47 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niadv, tracers 48 48 USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type, nsplit_phys 49 49 #ifdef CPP_PHYS … … 731 731 lafin_split=lafin.and.isplit==nsplit_phys 732 732 733 CALL call_physiq(klon,llm,nqtot,t name,733 CALL call_physiq(klon,llm,nqtot,tracers(:)%name, 734 734 & debut_split,lafin_split, 735 735 & jD_cur,jH_cur_split,zdt_split, -
r2604 r3852 42 42 USE Times 43 43 #endif 44 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niadv, t name44 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, niadv, tracers 45 45 USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type, nsplit_phys 46 46 #ifdef CPP_PHYS … … 697 697 lafin_split=lafin.and.isplit==nsplit_phys 698 698 699 CALL call_physiq(klon,llm,nqtot,t name,699 CALL call_physiq(klon,llm,nqtot,tracers(:)%name, 700 700 & debut_split,lafin_split, 701 701 & jD_cur,jH_cur_split,zdt_split, -
r3435 r3852 74 74 USE exner_hyb_m, ONLY: exner_hyb 75 75 USE exner_milieu_m, ONLY: exner_milieu 76 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, t name76 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, tracers 77 77 USE filtreg_mod 78 78 IMPLICIT NONE … … 145 145 ! Look for ozone tracer: 146 146 #ifndef INCA 147 DO i=1,nqtot; IF(ANY(["O3","o3"]==t name(i))) EXIT; END DO147 DO i=1,nqtot; IF(ANY(["O3","o3"]==tracers(i)%name)) EXIT; END DO 148 148 IF(i/=nqtot+1) THEN 149 149 CALL regr_lat_time_coefoz -
r3677 r3852 16 16 USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: klon_omp ! number of columns (on local omp grid) 17 17 USE vertical_layers_mod, ONLY : init_vertical_layers 18 USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot,nqo,nbtr,tname,ttext,type_trac,& 19 niadv,conv_flg,pbl_flg,solsym,& 20 nqfils,nqdesc,nqdesc_tot,iqfils,iqpere,& 21 ok_isotopes,ok_iso_verif,ok_isotrac,& 22 ok_init_iso,niso_possibles,tnat,& 23 alpha_ideal,use_iso,iqiso,iso_num,& 24 iso_indnum,zone_num,phase_num,& 25 indnum_fn_num,index_trac,& 26 niso,ntraceurs_zone,ntraciso 18 USE infotrac, ONLY: tracers, isotopes, type_trac, solsym, nbtr, niadv, pbl_flg, conv_flg 27 19 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 28 20 USE infotrac, ONLY: nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas, id_OCS_strat, & … … 146 138 147 139 ! Initialize tracer names, numbers, etc. for physics 148 CALL init_infotrac_phy(nqtot,nqo,nbtr,tname,ttext,type_trac,& 149 niadv,conv_flg,pbl_flg,solsym,& 150 nqfils,nqdesc,nqdesc_tot,iqfils,iqpere,& 151 ok_isotopes,ok_iso_verif,ok_isotrac,& 152 ok_init_iso,niso_possibles,tnat,& 153 alpha_ideal,use_iso,iqiso,iso_num,& 154 iso_indnum,zone_num,phase_num,& 155 indnum_fn_num,index_trac,& 156 niso,ntraceurs_zone,ntraciso& 140 CALL init_infotrac_phy(tracers, isotopes, type_trac, solsym, nbtr, niadv, pbl_flg, conv_flg & 157 141 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 158 142 ,nbtr_bin,nbtr_sulgas& … … 183 167 #endif 184 168 END IF 185 IF (type_trac == 'repr') THEN186 #ifdef REPROBUS187 call init_reprobus_para( &188 nbp_lon,nbp_lat,nbp_lev,klon_glo,mpi_size, &189 distrib_phys,communicator)190 #endif191 ENDIF192 169 193 170 !!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) COPYIN(/temps/) … … 203 180 rlonudyn,rlatudyn,rlonvdyn,rlatvdyn) 204 181 #endif 205 IF (type_trac == 'repr') THEN206 #ifdef REPROBUS207 CALL Init_chem_rep_phys(klon_omp,nbp_lev)208 #endif209 END IF210 182 END IF 211 183 -
r2320 r3852 12 12 USE IOIPSL 13 13 USE dimphy 14 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY : nbtr ,tname14 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY : nbtr 15 15 IMPLICIT NONE 16 16 !===================================================================== -
r2320 r3852 13 13 USE IOIPSL 14 14 USE dimphy 15 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY : nbtr ,tname15 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY : nbtr 16 16 IMPLICIT NONE 17 17 !===================================================================== -
r2320 r3852 13 13 USE IOIPSL 14 14 USE dimphy 15 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY : nbtr ,tname15 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY : nbtr 16 16 IMPLICIT NONE 17 17 !===================================================================== -
r3677 r3852 1 2 ! $Id: $3 4 1 MODULE infotrac_phy 5 2 6 ! Infotrac for physics; for now contains the same information as infotrac for 7 ! the dynamics (could be further cleaned) and is initialized using values 8 ! provided by the dynamics 9 10 ! nqtot : total number of tracers and higher order of moment, water vapor and liquid included 11 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqtot 12 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqtot) 13 14 !CR: on ajoute le nombre de traceurs de l eau 15 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqo 16 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqo) 17 18 ! nbtr : number of tracers not including higher order of moment or water vapor or liquid 19 ! number of tracers used in the physics 20 INTEGER, SAVE :: nbtr 21 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbtr) 22 3 USE strings_mod, ONLY: msg, fmsg, test, strIdx, int2str 4 5 USE readTracFiles_mod, ONLY: getKey_init, getKey, indexUpdate 6 7 USE trac_types_mod, ONLY: tra, iso, kys 8 9 IMPLICIT NONE 10 11 PRIVATE 12 13 !=== FOR TRACERS: 14 PUBLIC :: tra, tracers, type_trac !--- Derived type, full database, tracers type keyword 15 PUBLIC :: nqtot, nbtr, nqo !--- Main dimensions 16 PUBLIC :: init_infotrac_phy !--- Initialization 17 PUBLIC :: itr_indice !--- Indexes of the tracers passed to phytrac 18 PUBLIC :: niadv !--- Indexes of true tracers (<=nqtot, such that iadv(idx)>0) 19 PUBLIC :: pbl_flg, conv_flg, solsym 20 21 !=== FOR ISOTOPES: General 22 !--- General 23 PUBLIC :: iso, isotopes, nbIso !--- Derived type, full isotopes families database + nb of families 24 PUBLIC :: isoSelect , ixIso !--- Isotopes family selection tool + selected family index 25 !=== FOR ISOTOPES: Specific to H2O isotopes 26 PUBLIC :: iH2O, tnat, alpha_ideal !--- H2O isotopes index, natural abundance, fractionning coeff. 27 !=== FOR ISOTOPES: Depending on selected isotopes family 28 PUBLIC :: isotope, isoKeys !--- Selected isotopes database + associated keys (cf. getKey) 29 PUBLIC :: isoName, isoZone, isoPhas !--- Isotopes and tagging zones names, phases 30 PUBLIC :: niso, nzon, npha, nitr !--- " " numbers + isotopes & tagging tracers number 31 PUBLIC :: iZonIso, iTraPha !--- 2D index tables to get "iq" index 32 PUBLIC :: isoCheck !--- Run isotopes checking routines 33 34 !=== FOR BOTH TRACERS AND ISOTOPES 35 PUBLIC :: getKey !--- Get a key from "tracers" or "isotope" 36 37 !=== FOR STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLS 23 38 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 24 ! nbtr_bin: number of aerosol bins for StratAer model 25 ! nbtr_sulgas: number of sulfur gases for StratAer model 26 INTEGER, SAVE :: nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas 27 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbtr_bin,nbtr_sulgas) 28 INTEGER, SAVE :: id_OCS_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_BIN01_strat 29 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(id_OCS_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_BIN01_strat) 39 PUBLIC :: nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas, id_OCS_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_BIN01_strat, id_TEST_strat 30 40 #endif 31 41 32 ! CRisi: nb traceurs pères= directement advectés par l'air 33 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqperes 34 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqperes) 35 36 ! Name variables 37 CHARACTER(len=20), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: tname ! tracer short name for restart and diagnostics 38 CHARACTER(len=23), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: ttext ! tracer long name for diagnostics 39 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tname,ttext) 40 41 !! iadv : index of trasport schema for each tracer 42 ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: iadv 43 44 ! niadv : vector keeping the coorspondance between all tracers(nqtot) treated in the 45 ! dynamic part of the code and the tracers (nbtr+2) used in the physics part of the code. 46 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: niadv ! equivalent dyn / physique 47 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(niadv) 48 49 ! CRisi: tableaux de fils 50 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: nqfils 51 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: nqdesc ! nombres de fils + nombre de tous les petits fils sur toutes les générations 52 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqdesc_tot 53 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: iqfils 54 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: iqpere 55 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqfils,nqdesc,nqdesc_tot,iqfils,iqpere) 56 57 ! conv_flg(it)=0 : convection desactivated for tracer number it 58 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: conv_flg 59 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(conv_flg) 60 61 ! pbl_flg(it)=0 : boundary layer diffusion desactivaded for tracer number it 62 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: pbl_flg 63 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(pbl_flg) 64 65 CHARACTER(len=4),SAVE :: type_trac 66 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(type_trac) 67 CHARACTER(len=8),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: solsym 68 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(solsym) 69 70 ! CRisi: cas particulier des isotopes 71 LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_isotopes,ok_iso_verif,ok_isotrac,ok_init_iso 72 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_isotopes,ok_iso_verif,ok_isotrac,ok_init_iso) 73 INTEGER :: niso_possibles 74 PARAMETER ( niso_possibles=5) 75 real, DIMENSION (niso_possibles),SAVE :: tnat,alpha_ideal 76 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tnat,alpha_ideal) 77 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(niso_possibles),SAVE :: use_iso 78 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(use_iso) 79 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: iqiso ! donne indice iq en fn de (ixt,phase) 80 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iqiso) 81 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: iso_num ! donne numéro iso entre 1 et niso_possibles en fn de nqtot 82 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iso_num) 83 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: iso_indnum ! donne numéro iso entre 1 et niso effectif en fn de nqtot 84 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iso_indnum) 85 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: zone_num ! donne numéro de la zone de tracage en fn de nqtot 86 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zone_num) 87 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: phase_num ! donne numéro de la zone de tracage en fn de nqtot 88 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(phase_num) 89 INTEGER, DIMENSION(niso_possibles), SAVE :: indnum_fn_num ! donne indice entre entre 1 et niso en fonction du numéro d isotope entre 1 et niso_possibles 90 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(indnum_fn_num) 91 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: index_trac ! numéro ixt en fn izone, indnum entre 1 et niso 92 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(index_trac) 93 INTEGER,SAVE :: niso,ntraceurs_zone,ntraciso 94 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(niso,ntraceurs_zone,ntraciso) 95 42 INTERFACE isoSelect; MODULE PROCEDURE isoSelectByIndex, isoSelectByName; END INTERFACE isoSelect 43 44 !=== CONVENTIONS FOR TRACERS NUMBERS: 45 ! |--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------+----------------------------| 46 ! | water in different | water tagging | water isotopes | other tracers | additional tracers moments | 47 ! | phases: H2O-[gls] | isotopes | | | for higher order schemes | 48 ! |--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------+----------------------------| 49 ! | | | | | | 50 ! |<-- nqo -->|<-- nqo*niso* nzon -->|<-- nqo*niso -->|<-- nbtr -->|<-- (nmom) -->| 51 ! | | | | 52 ! | |<-- nqo*niso*(nzon+1) = nqo*nitr -->|<-- nqtottr = nbtr + nmom -->| 53 ! | = nqtot - nqo*(nitr+1) | 54 ! | | 55 ! |<-- nqtrue = nbtr + nqo*(nitr+1) -->| | 56 ! | | 57 ! |<-- nqtot = nqtrue + nmom -->| 58 ! | | 59 ! |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 60 ! NOTES FOR THIS TABLE: 61 ! * The used "niso", "nzon" and "nitr" are the H2O components of "isotopes(ip)" (isotopes(ip)%prnt == 'H2O'), 62 ! since water is so far the sole tracers family removed from the main tracers table. 63 ! * For water, "nqo" is equal to the more general field "isotopes(ip)%npha". 64 ! * "niso", "nzon", "nitr", "npha" are defined for other isotopic tracers families, if any. 65 ! 66 !=== TRACERS DESCRIPTOR: DERIVED TYPE EMBEDDING MOST OF THE USEFUL QUANTITIES (LENGTH: nqtot) 67 ! Each entry is accessible using "%" sign. 68 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------+ 69 ! | entry | Meaning | Former name | Possible values | 70 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------+ 71 ! | name | Name (short) | tname | | 72 ! | nam1 | Name of the 1st generation ancestor | / | | 73 ! | prnt | Name of the parent | / | | 74 ! | lnam | Long name (with adv. scheme suffix) for outputs | ttext | | 75 ! | type | Type (so far: tracer or tag) | / | tracer,tag | 76 ! | phas | Phases list ("g"as / "l"iquid / "s"olid) | / | [g][l][s] | 77 ! | iadv | Advection scheme number | iadv | 1-20,30 exc. 3-9,15,19 | 78 ! | igen | Generation (>=1) | / | | 79 ! | itr | Index in "tr_seri" (0: absent from physics) | cf. niadv | 1:nqtottr | 80 ! | iprnt | Index of the parent tracer | iqpere | 1:nqtot | 81 ! | idesc | Indexes of the childs (all generations) | iqfils | 1:nqtot | 82 ! | ndesc | Number of the descendants (all generations) | nqdesc | 1:nqtot | 83 ! | nchld | Number of childs (first generation only) | nqfils | 1:nqtot | 84 ! | keys | key/val pairs accessible with "getKey" routine | / | | 85 ! | iso_num | Isotope name index in iso(igr)%name(:) | iso_indnum | 1:niso | 86 ! | iso_zon | Isotope zone index in iso(igr)%zone(:) | zone_num | 1:nzon | 87 ! | iso_pha | Isotope phase index in iso(igr)%phas | phase_num | 1:npha | 88 ! +------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------+ 89 ! 90 !=== ISOTOPES DESCRIPTOR: DERIVED TYPE EMBEDDING MOST OF THE USEFUL QUANTITIES (LENGTH: NUMBER OF ISOTOPES FAMILIES USED) 91 ! Each entry is accessible using "%" sign. 92 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+-----------------------+ 93 ! | entry | Meaning | Former name | Possible values | 94 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+-----------------------+ 95 ! | prnt | Parent tracer (isotopes family name) | | | 96 ! | trac, nitr | Isotopes & tagging tracers + number of elements | | | 97 ! | zone, nzon | Geographic tagging zones + number of elements | | | 98 ! | phas, npha | Phases list + number of elements | | [g][l][s], 1:3 | 99 ! | niso | Number of isotopes, excluding tagging tracers | | | 100 ! | iTraPha | Index in "xt" = f(iname(niso+1:nitr),iphas) | iqiso | 1:niso | 101 ! | iZonIso | Index in "xt" = f(izone, iname(1:niso)) | index_trac | 1:nzon | 102 ! |------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------+-----------------------+ 103 104 !=== DIMENSIONS OF THE TRACERS TABLES AND OTHER SCALAR VARIABLES 105 INTEGER, SAVE :: nqtot, & !--- Tracers nb in dynamics (incl. higher moments & water) 106 nbtr, & !--- Tracers nb in physics (excl. higher moments & water) 107 nqo, & !--- Number of water phases 108 nbIso !--- Number of available isotopes family 109 CHARACTER(LEN=256), SAVE :: type_trac !--- Keyword for tracers type 110 111 !=== DERIVED TYPES EMBEDDING MOST INFORMATIONS ABOUT TRACERS AND ISOTOPES FAMILIES 112 TYPE(tra), TARGET, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: tracers(:) !=== TRACERS DESCRIPTORS VECTOR 113 TYPE(iso), TARGET, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: isotopes(:) !=== ISOTOPES PARAMETERS VECTOR 114 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tracers, isotopes) 115 116 !=== ALIASES FOR CURRENTLY SELECTED ISOTOPES FAMILY OF VARIABLES EMBEDDED IN THE VECTOR "isotopes" 117 TYPE(iso), SAVE, POINTER :: isotope !--- CURRENTLY SELECTED ISOTOPES FAMILY DESCRIPTOR 118 INTEGER, SAVE :: ixIso, iH2O !--- Index of the selected isotopes family and H2O family 119 LOGICAL, SAVE, POINTER :: isoCheck !--- Flag to trigger the checking routines 120 TYPE(kys), SAVE, POINTER :: isoKeys(:) !--- ONE SET OF KEYS FOR EACH ISOTOPE (LISTED IN isoName) 121 CHARACTER(LEN=256), SAVE, POINTER :: isoName(:), & !--- ISOTOPES NAMES FOR THE CURRENTLY SELECTED FAMILY 122 isoZone(:), & !--- TAGGING ZONES FOR THE CURRENTLY SELECTED FAMILY 123 isoPhas !--- USED PHASES FOR THE CURRENTLY SELECTED FAMILY 124 INTEGER, SAVE :: niso, nzon, npha, & !--- NUMBER OF ISOTOPES, TAGGING ZONES AND PHASES 125 nitr !--- NUMBER OF ISOTOPES + ISOTOPIC TAGGING TRACERS 126 INTEGER, SAVE, POINTER :: iZonIso(:,:) !--- INDEX IN "isoTrac" AS f(tagging zone, isotope) 127 INTEGER, SAVE, POINTER :: iTraPha(:,:) !=== INDEX IN "isoTrac" AS f(isotopic tracer, phase) 128 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(isotope, ixIso,iH2O, isoCheck, isoKeys, isoName,isoZone,isoPhas, niso,nzon,npha,nitr, iZonIso,iTraPha) 129 130 !=== VARIABLES EMBEDDED IN "tracers", BUT DUPLICATED, AS THEY ARE RATHER FREQUENTLY USED + VARIABLES FOR INCA 131 REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: tnat(:), & !--- Natural relative abundance of water isotope (niso) 132 alpha_ideal(:) !--- Ideal fractionning coefficient (for initial state) (niso) 133 INTEGER, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: conv_flg(:), & !--- Convection activation ; needed for INCA (nbtr) 134 pbl_flg(:) !--- Boundary layer activation ; needed for INCA (nbtr) 135 INTEGER, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: niadv(:), & 136 itr_indice(:) !--- Indexes of the tracers passed to phytrac (nqtottr) 137 CHARACTER(LEN=256), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: solsym(:) !--- Names from INCA (nbtr) 138 !OMP THREADPRIVATE(tnat, alpha_ideal, conv_flg, pbl_flg, niadv, itr_indice, solsym) 139 140 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 141 !=== SPECIFIC TO STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLS (CK/OB) 142 INTEGER, SAVE :: nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas, id_OCS_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_BIN01_strat, id_TEST_strat 143 !OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas, id_OCS_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_BIN01_strat, id_TEST_strat) 144 #endif 145 96 146 CONTAINS 97 147 98 SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy(nqtot_,nqo_,nbtr_,tname_,ttext_,type_trac_,& 99 niadv_,conv_flg_,pbl_flg_,solsym_,& 100 nqfils_,nqdesc_,nqdesc_tot_,iqfils_,iqpere_,& 101 ok_isotopes_,ok_iso_verif_,ok_isotrac_,& 102 ok_init_iso_,niso_possibles_,tnat_,& 103 alpha_ideal_,use_iso_,iqiso_,iso_num_,& 104 iso_indnum_,zone_num_,phase_num_,& 105 indnum_fn_num_,index_trac_,& 106 niso_,ntraceurs_zone_,ntraciso_& 148 SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy(tracers_, isotopes_, type_trac_, solsym_, nbtr_, niadv_, pbl_flg_, conv_flg_) 149 ! transfer information on tracers from dynamics to physics 150 USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level, lunout 151 IMPLICIT NONE 152 TYPE(tra), INTENT(IN) :: tracers_(:) 153 TYPE(iso), INTENT(IN) :: isotopes_(:) 154 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: type_trac_, solsym_(:) 155 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbtr_, niadv_(:), pbl_flg_(:), conv_flg_(:) 156 157 CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: modname="init_infotrac_phy" 158 LOGICAL :: lerr 159 160 tracers = tracers_ 161 isotopes = isotopes_ 162 type_trac = type_trac_ 163 solsym = solsym_ 164 nqtot = SIZE(tracers_) 165 nbtr = nbtr_ 166 niadv = niadv_ 167 nbIso = SIZE(isotopes_) 168 pbl_flg = pbl_flg_ 169 conv_flg = conv_flg_ 170 171 !=== Specific to water 172 CALL getKey_init(tracers, isotopes) 173 IF(.NOT.isoSelect('H2O')) THEN 174 iH2O = ixIso 175 lerr = getKey('tnat' ,tnat, isoName) 176 lerr = getKey('alpha',alpha_ideal, isoName) 177 nqo = isotope%npha 178 END IF 179 IF(prt_level > 1) WRITE(lunout,*) TRIM(modname)//": nqtot, nqo, nbtr = ",nqtot, nqo, nbtr 180 itr_indice = PACK(tracers(:)%itr, MASK = tracers(:)%itr/=0) 181 print*,'66' 182 183 !? conv_flg, pbl_flg, solsym 184 !? isoInit 185 107 186 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 108 ,nbtr_bin_,nbtr_sulgas_& 109 ,id_OCS_strat_,id_SO2_strat_,id_H2SO4_strat_,id_BIN01_strat_& 187 IF (type_trac == 'coag') THEN 188 nbtr_bin=0 189 nbtr_sulgas=0 190 DO iq = 1, nqtrue 191 IF(tracers(iq)%name(1:3)=='BIN') nbtr_bin = nbtr_bin +1 192 IF(tracers(iq)%name(1:3)=='GAS') nbtr_sulgas = nbtr_sulgas+1 193 SELECT CASE(tracers(iq)%name) 194 CASE('BIN01'); id_BIN01_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_BIN01_strat=', id_BIN01_strat) 195 CASE('GASOCS'); id_OCS_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_OCS_strat =', id_OCS_strat) 196 CASE('GASSO2'); id_SO2_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_SO2_strat =', id_SO2_strat) 197 CASE('GASH2SO4'); id_H2SO4_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_H2SO4_strat=', id_H2SO4_strat) 198 CASE('GASTEST'); id_TEST_strat = iq - nqo; CALL msg('id_TEST_strat=' , id_TEST_strat) 199 END SELECT 200 END DO 201 CALL msg('nbtr_bin =',nbtr_bin) 202 CALL msg('nbtr_sulgas =',nbtr_sulgas) 203 END IF 110 204 #endif 111 ) 112 113 ! transfer information on tracers from dynamics to physics 114 USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level, lunout 115 IMPLICIT NONE 116 117 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nqtot_ 118 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nqo_ 119 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbtr_ 120 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 121 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbtr_bin_ 122 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbtr_sulgas_ 123 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: id_OCS_strat_ 124 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: id_SO2_strat_ 125 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: id_H2SO4_strat_ 126 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: id_BIN01_strat_ 127 #endif 128 CHARACTER(len=20),INTENT(IN) :: tname_(nqtot_) ! tracer short name for restart and diagnostics 129 CHARACTER(len=23),INTENT(IN) :: ttext_(nqtot_) ! tracer long name for diagnostics 130 CHARACTER(len=4),INTENT(IN) :: type_trac_ 131 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: niadv_ (nqtot_) ! equivalent dyn / physique 132 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: conv_flg_(nbtr_) 133 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: pbl_flg_(nbtr_) 134 CHARACTER(len=8),INTENT(IN) :: solsym_(nbtr_) 135 ! Isotopes: 136 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nqfils_(nqtot_) 137 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nqdesc_(nqtot_) 138 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nqdesc_tot_ 139 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iqfils_(nqtot_,nqtot_) 140 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iqpere_(nqtot_) 141 LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: ok_isotopes_ 142 LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: ok_iso_verif_ 143 LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: ok_isotrac_ 144 LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: ok_init_iso_ 145 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: niso_possibles_ 146 REAL,INTENT(IN) :: tnat_(niso_possibles_) 147 REAL,INTENT(IN) :: alpha_ideal_(niso_possibles_) 148 LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: use_iso_(niso_possibles_) 149 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iqiso_(ntraciso_,nqo_) 150 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iso_num_(nqtot_) 151 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iso_indnum_(nqtot_) 152 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: zone_num_(nqtot_) 153 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: phase_num_(nqtot_) 154 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: indnum_fn_num_(niso_possibles_) 155 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: index_trac_(ntraceurs_zone_,niso_) 156 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: niso_ 157 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ntraceurs_zone_ 158 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ntraciso_ 159 160 CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: modname="init_infotrac_phy" 161 162 nqtot=nqtot_ 163 nqo=nqo_ 164 nbtr=nbtr_ 165 #ifdef CPP_StratAer 166 nbtr_bin=nbtr_bin_ 167 nbtr_sulgas=nbtr_sulgas_ 168 id_OCS_strat=id_OCS_strat_ 169 id_SO2_strat=id_SO2_strat_ 170 id_H2SO4_strat=id_H2SO4_strat_ 171 id_BIN01_strat=id_BIN01_strat_ 172 #endif 173 ALLOCATE(tname(nqtot)) 174 tname(:) = tname_(:) 175 ALLOCATE(ttext(nqtot)) 176 ttext(:) = ttext_(:) 177 type_trac = type_trac_ 178 ALLOCATE(niadv(nqtot)) 179 niadv(:)=niadv_(:) 180 ALLOCATE(conv_flg(nbtr)) 181 conv_flg(:)=conv_flg_(:) 182 ALLOCATE(pbl_flg(nbtr)) 183 pbl_flg(:)=pbl_flg_(:) 184 ALLOCATE(solsym(nbtr)) 185 solsym(:)=solsym_(:) 186 187 IF( THEN 188 write(lunout,*) TRIM(modname)//": nqtot,nqo,nbtr",nqtot,nqo,nbtr 189 ENDIF 190 191 ! Isotopes: 192 193 ! First check that the "niso_possibles" has the correct value 194 IF ( THEN 195 CALL abort_physic(modname,& 196 "wrong value for parameter niso_possibles in infotrac_phy",1) 197 ENDIF 198 199 ok_isotopes=ok_isotopes_ 200 ok_iso_verif=ok_iso_verif_ 201 ok_isotrac=ok_isotrac_ 202 ok_init_iso=ok_init_iso_ 203 204 niso=niso_ 205 ntraceurs_zone=ntraceurs_zone_ 206 ntraciso=ntraciso_ 207 208 IF (ok_isotopes) THEN 209 ALLOCATE(nqfils(nqtot)) 210 nqfils(:)=nqfils_(:) 211 ALLOCATE(nqdesc(nqtot)) 212 nqdesc(:)=nqdesc_(:) 213 nqdesc_tot=nqdesc_tot_ 214 ALLOCATE(iqfils(nqtot,nqtot)) 215 iqfils(:,:)=iqfils_(:,:) 216 ALLOCATE(iqpere(nqtot)) 217 iqpere(:)=iqpere_(:) 218 219 tnat(:)=tnat_(:) 220 alpha_ideal(:)=alpha_ideal_(:) 221 use_iso(:)=use_iso_(:) 222 223 ALLOCATE(iqiso(ntraciso,nqo)) 224 iqiso(:,:)=iqiso_(:,:) 225 ALLOCATE(iso_num(nqtot)) 226 iso_num(:)=iso_num_(:) 227 ALLOCATE(iso_indnum(nqtot)) 228 iso_indnum(:)=iso_indnum_(:) 229 ALLOCATE(zone_num(nqtot)) 230 zone_num(:)=zone_num_(:) 231 ALLOCATE(phase_num(nqtot)) 232 phase_num(:)=phase_num_(:) 233 234 indnum_fn_num(:)=indnum_fn_num_(:) 235 236 ALLOCATE(index_trac(ntraceurs_zone,niso)) 237 index_trac(:,:)=index_trac_(:,:) 238 ENDIF ! of IF(ok_isotopes) 239 240 END SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy 205 206 END SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy 207 208 209 !============================================================================================================================== 210 !=== THE ROUTINE isoSelect IS USED TO SWITCH FROM AN ISOTOPE FAMILY TO ANOTHER: ISOTOPES DEPENDENT PARAMETERS ARE UPDATED 211 ! Singe generic "isoSelect" routine, using the predefined parent index (fast version) or its name (first time). 212 !============================================================================================================================== 213 LOGICAL FUNCTION isoSelectByName(iName) RESULT(lerr) 214 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: iName 215 INTEGER :: iIso 216 iIso = strIdx(isotopes(:)%prnt, iName) 217 IF(test(fmsg(iIso == 0,'no isotope family named "'//TRIM(iName)//'"'),lerr)) RETURN 218 IF(isoSelectByIndex(iIso)) RETURN 219 END FUNCTION isoSelectByName 220 !============================================================================================================================== 221 LOGICAL FUNCTION isoSelectByIndex(iIso) RESULT(lerr) 222 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iIso 223 lerr = .FALSE. 224 IF(iIso == ixIso) RETURN !--- Nothing to do if the index is already OK 225 IF(test(fmsg(iIso<=0 .OR. iIso>=nbIso,'Inconsistent isotopes family index '//TRIM(int2str(iIso))),lerr)) RETURN 226 ixIso = iIso !--- Update currently selected family index 227 isotope => isotopes(ixIso) !--- Select corresponding component 228 !--- VARIOUS ALIASES 229 isoKeys => isotope%keys; niso = isotope%niso 230 isoName => isotope%trac; nitr = isotope%nitr; isoCheck => isotope%check 231 isoZone => isotope%zone; nzon = isotope%nzon; iZonIso => isotope%iZonIso 232 isoPhas => isotope%phas; npha = isotope%npha; iTraPha => isotope%iTraPha 233 END FUNCTION isoSelectByIndex 234 !============================================================================================================================== 241 235 242 236 END MODULE infotrac_phy -
r3851 r3852 23 23 USE geometry_mod, ONLY : longitude_deg, latitude_deg 24 24 USE iostart, ONLY : close_startphy, get_field, get_var, open_startphy 25 USE infotrac_phy, only: nbtr, nqo, type_trac, t name, niadv25 USE infotrac_phy, only: nbtr, nqo, type_trac, tracers, niadv 26 26 USE traclmdz_mod, ONLY : traclmdz_from_restart 27 27 USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY : carbon_cycle_tr, carbon_cycle_cpl, co2_send … … 443 443 !! iiq=niadv(it+2) ! jyg 444 444 iiq=niadv(it+nqo) ! jyg 445 found=phyetat0_get(1,trs(:,it),"trs_"//t name(iiq), &446 "Surf trac"//t name(iiq),0.)445 found=phyetat0_get(1,trs(:,it),"trs_"//tracers(iiq)%name, & 446 "Surf trac"//tracers(iiq)%name,0.) 447 447 ENDDO 448 448 CALL traclmdz_from_restart(trs) -
r3851 r3852 33 33 USE iostart, ONLY: open_restartphy, close_restartphy, enddef_restartphy, put_field, put_var 34 34 USE traclmdz_mod, ONLY : traclmdz_to_restart 35 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: type_trac, niadv, t name, nbtr, nqo35 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: type_trac, niadv, tracers, nbtr, nqo 36 36 USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY : carbon_cycle_cpl, co2_send 37 37 USE indice_sol_mod, ONLY: nbsrf, is_oce, is_sic, is_ter, is_lic, epsfra … … 311 311 !! iiq=niadv(it+2) ! jyg 312 312 iiq=niadv(it+nqo) ! jyg 313 CALL put_field(pass,"trs_"//t name(iiq), "", trs(:, it))313 CALL put_field(pass,"trs_"//tracers(iiq)%name, "", trs(:, it)) 314 314 END DO 315 315 IF (carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN -
r3851 r3852 35 35 USE iophy 36 36 USE dimphy 37 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nqtot, nqo, niadv, t name, ttext, type_trac37 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nqtot, nqo, niadv, tracers, type_trac 38 38 USE ioipsl 39 39 USE phys_cal_mod, only : hour, calend … … 143 143 REAL, DIMENSION(NSW,2) :: spbnds_sun !bounds of spectband 144 144 145 CHARACTER(LEN=256), POINTER :: tname(:), ttext(:) 146 145 147 WRITE(lunout,*) 'Debut phys_output_mod.F90' 148 tname => tracers(:)%name 149 ttext => tracers(:)%lnam 150 146 151 ! Initialisations (Valeurs par defaut 147 152 -
r3851 r3852 363 363 USE pbl_surface_mod, ONLY: snow 364 364 USE indice_sol_mod, ONLY: nbsrf 365 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nqtot, nqo, type_trac, t name, niadv365 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nqtot, nqo, type_trac, tracers, niadv 366 366 USE geometry_mod, ONLY: cell_area, latitude_deg, longitude_deg 367 367 USE surface_data, ONLY: type_ocean, version_ocean, ok_veget, landice_opt … … 449 449 REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: z, dz 450 450 REAL,DIMENSION(klon) :: zrho, zt 451 CHARACTER(LEN=256), POINTER :: tname(:) 452 453 tname => tracers(:)%name 451 454 452 455 ! On calcul le nouveau tau: -
r3581 r3852 67 67 68 68 USE dimphy 69 USE infotrac_phy 69 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nbtr 70 70 71 71 ! Input argument … … 89 89 ! Initialization of the tracers should be done here only for those not found in the restart file. 90 90 USE dimphy 91 USE infotrac_phy 91 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: tracers, nqo, nbtr, niadv, pbl_flg, conv_flg 92 92 USE regr_pr_comb_coefoz_m, ONLY: alloc_coefoz 93 93 USE press_coefoz_m, ONLY: press_coefoz … … 175 175 !! iiq=niadv(it+2) ! jyg 176 176 iiq=niadv(it+nqo) ! jyg 177 IF ( tname(iiq) == "RN" ) THEN 178 id_rn=it ! radon 179 ELSE IF ( tname(iiq) == "PB") THEN 180 id_pb=it ! plomb 177 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 178 SELECT CASE(tracers(iiq)%name) 179 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 180 CASE("RN"); id_rn=it ! radon 181 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 182 CASE("PB"); id_pb=it ! plomb 181 183 ! RomP >>> profil initial de PB210 182 184 open (ilesfil2,file='prof.pb210',status='old',iostat=irr2) … … 198 200 ENDIF 199 201 ! RomP <<< 200 ELSE IF ( tname(iiq) == "Aga" .OR. tname(iiq) == "AGA" ) THEN 201 ! Age of stratospheric air 202 id_aga=it 202 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 203 CASE("Aga","AGA"); id_aga = it ! Age of stratospheric air 203 204 radio(id_aga) = .FALSE. 204 205 aerosol(id_aga) = .FALSE. … … 213 214 lev_1p5km=klev/2 214 215 END IF 215 ELSE IF ( tname(iiq) == "BE" .OR. tname(iiq) == "Be" .OR. & 216 tname(iiq) == "BE7" .OR. tname(iiq) == "Be7" ) THEN 217 ! Recherche du Beryllium 7 218 id_be=it 216 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 217 CASE("BE","Be","BE7","Be7"); id_be = it ! Recherche du Beryllium 7 219 218 ALLOCATE( srcbe(klon,klev) ) 220 219 radio(id_be) = .TRUE. … … 243 242 ENDIF 244 243 ! RomP <<< 245 ELSE IF (tname(iiq)=="O3" .OR. tname(iiq)=="o3") THEN 246 ! Recherche de l'ozone : parametrization de la chimie par Cariolle 247 id_o3=it 248 CALL alloc_coefoz ! allocate ozone coefficients 249 CALL press_coefoz ! read input pressure levels 250 ELSE IF ( tname(iiq) == "pcsat" .OR. tname(iiq) == "Pcsat" ) THEN 251 id_pcsat=it 252 ELSE IF ( tname(iiq) == "pcocsat" .OR. tname(iiq) == "Pcocsat" ) THEN 253 id_pcocsat=it 254 ELSE IF ( tname(iiq) == "pcq" .OR. tname(iiq) == "Pcq" ) THEN 255 id_pcq=it 256 ELSE IF ( tname(iiq) == "pcs0" .OR. tname(iiq) == "Pcs0" ) THEN 257 id_pcs0=it 258 conv_flg(it)=0 ! No transport by convection for this tracer 259 ELSE IF ( tname(iiq) == "pcos0" .OR. tname(iiq) == "Pcos0" ) THEN 260 id_pcos0=it 261 conv_flg(it)=0 ! No transport by convection for this tracer 262 ELSE IF ( tname(iiq) == "pcq0" .OR. tname(iiq) == "Pcq0" ) THEN 263 id_pcq0=it 264 conv_flg(it)=0 ! No transport by convection for this tracer 265 ELSE 266 WRITE(lunout,*) 'This is an unknown tracer in LMDZ : ', trim(tname(iiq)) 267 END IF 244 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 245 CASE("O3","o3"); id_o3 = it 246 ! Recherche de l'ozone : parametrization de la chimie par Cariolle 247 CALL alloc_coefoz ! allocate ozone coefficients 248 CALL press_coefoz ! read input pressure levels 249 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 CASE("pcsat" ,"Pcsat"); id_pcsat = it 251 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 252 CASE("pcocsat","Pcocsat"); id_pcocsat = it 253 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 254 CASE("pcq" ,"Pcq"); id_pcq = it 255 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 256 CASE("pcs0" ,"Pcs0"); id_pcs0 = it 257 conv_flg(it)=0 ! No transport by convection for this tracer 258 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 259 CASE("pcos0" ,"Pcos0"); id_pcos0 = it 260 conv_flg(it)=0 ! No transport by convection for this tracer 261 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 262 CASE("pcq0" ,"Pcq0"); id_pcq0 = it 263 conv_flg(it)=0 ! No transport by convection for this tracer 264 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 265 CASE DEFAULT 266 WRITE(lunout,*) 'This is an unknown tracer in LMDZ : ', trim(tracers(iiq)%name) 267 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 268 END SELECT 269 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 268 270 END DO 269 271 … … 309 311 IF (zero) THEN 310 312 ! The tracer was not found in restart file or it was equal zero everywhere. 311 WRITE(lunout,*) "The tracer ",trim(t name(iiq))," will be initialized"313 WRITE(lunout,*) "The tracer ",trim(tracers(iiq)%name)," will be initialized" 312 314 IF (it==id_pcsat .OR. it==id_pcq .OR. & 313 315 it==id_pcs0 .OR. it==id_pcq0) THEN
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.