Changeset 3170 for LMDZ6

Jan 31, 2018, 11:07:34 AM (7 years ago)
Laurent Fairhead

New ping file: pr* variables checked

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.15/DefLists/CMIP6_ping_atmos.xml

    r3166 r3170  
    179179   <field id="CMIP6_prcsh"         field_ref="dummy_not_provided"        /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) shallow_convective_precipitation_flux : Shallow convection precipitation flux -->
    180180   <field id="CMIP6_prhmax"        field_ref="prhmax" freq_op="1h" >   @prhmax   </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) precipitation_flux : Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate -->
    181    <field id="CMIP6_prlsns"        field_ref="snowl"                    /> <!-- P2 (kg m-2 s-1) large_scale_snowfall_flux : large-scale precipitation of all forms of water in the solid phase. -->
    182    <field id="CMIP6_prlsprof"      field_ref="plul"                     /> <!-- P2 (kg m-2 s-1) large_scale_rainfall_flux : Stratiform Rainfall Flux -->
     181   <field id="CMIP6_prlsns"        field_ref="pr_lsc_i"                  /> <!-- P2 (kg m-2 s-1) large_scale_snowfall_flux : large-scale precipitation of all forms of water in the solid phase. -->
     182   <field id="CMIP6_prlsprof"      field_ref="pr_lsc_l"                  /> <!-- P2 (kg m-2 s-1) large_scale_rainfall_flux : Stratiform Rainfall Flux -->
    183183   <field id="CMIP6_prra"          field_ref="rain_fall"                /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) rainfall_flux : Rainfall rate -->
    184    <field id="CMIP6_prrc"          field_ref="pluc"                     /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) convective_rainfall_flux : Convective Rainfall rate -->
     184   <field id="CMIP6_prrc"          field_ref="rain_con"                  /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) convective_rainfall_flux : Convective Rainfall rate -->
    185185   <field id="CMIP6_prrsn"         field_ref="dummy_not_provided"       /> <!-- P1 (1) mass_fraction_of_rainfall_onto_snow : mass_fraction_of_rainfall_onto_snow -->
    186    <field id="CMIP6_prsn"          field_ref="snow"                     /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) snowfall_flux : at surface; includes precipitation of all forms of water in the solid phase -->
     186   <field id="CMIP6_prsn"          field_ref="snow_fall"                /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) snowfall_flux : at surface; includes precipitation of all forms of water in the solid phase -->
    187187   <field id="CMIP6_prsnc"         field_ref="pr_con_i"                 /> <!-- P2 (kg m-2 s-1) convective_snowfall_flux : Convective Snowfall rate -->
    188188   <field id="CMIP6_prsnsn"        field_ref="dummy_not_provided"       /> <!-- P1 (1) mass_fraction_of_snowfall_onto_snow : mass_fraction_of_snowfall_onto_snow -->
    305305   <field id="CMIP6_tntrlcs"       field_ref="dtlw0"            /> <!-- P1 (K s-1) tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky : zonal mean; hence YZT -->
    306306   <field id="CMIP6_tntrscs"       field_ref="dtsw0"            /> <!-- P1 (K s-1) tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky : zonal mean; hence YZT -->
    307    <field id="CMIP6_tntscp"        field_ref="dummy_XYA"        /> <!-- P1 (K s-1) tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_clouds_and_precipitation : alevel site time1 -->
     307   <field id="CMIP6_tntscp"        field_ref="dtlschr"          /> <!-- P1 (K s-1) tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_clouds_and_precipitation : alevel site time1 -->
    308308   <field id="CMIP6_tntscpbl"      field_ref="tntscpbl"         /> <!-- P1 (K s-1) tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_cloud_and_precipitation_and_boundary_layer_mixing : To be specified only in  models which do not separate cloud, precipitation and boundary layer terms.  Includes all boundary layer terms including diffusive ones. -->
    309309   <field id="CMIP6_tr"            field_ref="tsol"             /> <!-- P1 (K) surface_temperature : Surface Radiative Temperature -->
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